2 •' M this country ever produced. th& Pilot . " of PICNIC TWIST." C a In every convenient twist of PICNIC you'll find the true tobacco uplift without the letdown that comes from dark, heavy, rank tobacco. PICNIC TWIST is a light colored, soft twist of the mild, «|||m mellow parts of the leaf. Men accustomed to "strong" tobacco will be surprised how much they can chew of this mellow twist with its sweet, lasting taste. RCNKTWISM CHEWING TOBACCO |!|pH^ " The Thinkers of the Country Are the Tobacco Chewers? It comes, also, in economical, freshness-preserving ED OF Ml BDER CHARGE John J. Monohan Acquitted, but Held Again on Manslaughter Charge Norristown, Pa., March 11.—At'ter beiug freed of the charge of second ,ie gree murder iu court yesterday. John J. Monoiian, of Lamotte, was asked to furnish SI,OOO bail by Judge Swartz, who also directed the District Attorney to prepare a charge of involuntary manslaughter. Bail was furnished aud Monohan was released. The testimony offered by the pr.me cution showed that Monohan ani James Beatty, a friend, got into an alterca tion about whether or not a white man should tip his hat to a negress. Mono hun strn' k Beatty on the jaw. Beatty fell ou his head, frarturing his skull. He died in the Jewish Hospital, Phila delphia, the same night. Monohan's defense was that Beatty tripped over a enrtstone and that he was not respon sible for the fall. 9117,(MM) THEFT CHABOED Indictment Alleges Embezzlement By Chicago Claim Agent Chicigo. March 11.—An indictment changing embezzlement of $117,000 returned here yesterday against Sidney Ossoki, formerly geinwal claim agent of the Chicago Railways Coin pany. TTie charge was based on alleged false death and accident claims made agpinet the company. 9UCH! UIMBAGO! RUB PAINS FROM SORUAMEBACK Rub Backache Awaj 7- With Small Trial Bot-» tie of Old "St. Jacob's Oil" Ba a week for maintenance from her husband, l>r. Edwin A. Payne, a den tist. They are separated but occupy the same house on Bridge street, Phoenix ville. Mrs. Payne testified that her hus band did not contribute to her support and that for some weeks she had been going to a restaurant for her meals and havinig them charged Her husband oft en remained away for days and some times for wtfeks without notifying her where he went, she said. On the street in Philadelphia she saw him, she testi fied, and had him arrested on a war rant she carried. \ She testified that she had struck him with a dog whip, had taken possession 1 »f his books and had collected some j bills, uriinjf the proceeds. She had been | married nine years. She said her hus.- ! band drank. She denied that she inter ! fered with his business. Dr. Payne testified that he was earn ' ing about $3,0000 per year, and that | lie and his wife had 'been living up to i the income. He said he was not able to I continue his practice if his wife re i raained in the house and he had gone ! to Philadelphia for rest. I The court held that they should live I apart. Mrs. Payne declined' to leave her i home, so the court refused to make an [ order for alimony. GIRL ACCUSES MINISTER I Clergyman on Trial for Misbehavior in Blair Oounty Court ■ Hollidaysburg, March 11.—The Rev. | H. A. McKelvey, past-or of a United Brethren church at Bellwood, was placed on trial in the Blair county court yesterday charged with misbe havior with Miss Bessie Smith, a 14- year-oW igirl member of his congrega tion. The clergyman denies the charges, and declares that the prosecution is a scheme to extort money from him. Fifty members of the congregation testified for or against the pastor. The jury was out at adjournment. ROOSEVELT FIRM SUED Twelve Men. Injured in Strike Riots Ask $120,000 Damages ! New Brunswick, N. J., Mareh 11.— , Twelve suits for damages aggregating $1i20,000 growing out of the shooting of strikers at Roosevelt, N. J., by chemieal plant guards on January 19 | last, were filed in the Supreme Court here yesterday against the American Agricultural <"hemical Company, of Roosevelt. The plaintiffs are twelve men who were injured in the diaturb ance on that date. . A number of guards alleged to have participated in the assault are now in jail under indictment for the murder of two men who were killed durin* the firing. Mother of 16 at Ago of .17 Martin's Ferry, W. Va., March 11,' —Mrs. Charles Mills, aged 37 years, j jrestenfav gave birth to her sixteenth child, all of whom are alive and well. A HARRISBFRG THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 11, 1915. PRESIDENT FREES CONVICT Federal Prisoner Liberated When Wife Begins Suits for Divorce Washington, March Id.—Presideut Wilson yesterday commuted the sen tence of Charles T. ltetzel, of Connells vilie, Pa., imprisoned at Fort Leaven worth, so that the prisoner may return to hie home in Western Pennsylvania and endeavor to prevail upon his wife to withdraw a suit to divorce him. Het zel was convicted in the United States court for the Southern District of Ohio of fraudulent use of the mails and sen tenced April 7, 1913 to two and a half years at Port Leavenworth. His term, allowing for good behavior, would have expired about April 15. Meantime, however, his wife filch a suit for divorce and the suit has been set for trial on March 17. Hetzel ap pealed to the President for a commuta tion, declaring that he was jiotsitive he could prevail u]k>u his wife to dismiss the case if given his liberty. On recom mendation of the Department of Jus tice officials who investigated the ease, the President granted t!ie request. 1 24 Infected Prize Steers Killed Lancaster, March 11. —The federal authorities in charge of the fi>ht aginst the foot and mouth disease yesterday destroyed an infected heard of twenty four prize steers on the farm of John Moore, in M mlieim township. They were appraised at $3,000. A herd on B. F. MeOaskey's farm near Strasburg, twenty cows was found to be inl'ected and wius ordered destroyed. jx An Old, Family Cough | | Remedy, Home-Made | j | Ea»Hjr Prepared Coa<» Very $ f Little, b«t Is Prompt, Bare I aad Effective I By making this pint of old-time cough svrup at home you not only save about ! «?• a* compared with the ready-made kind, but you wilt also have a much nioj*e prompt and positive, remedy in every way. It overcomes the usual coughs, throat arid chest eolds in 24 hours—relieves even whooping cough quickly—and is excellent, too, for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, hoarseness and spasmodic croup. Get from any drug store 2H ounces of Pinex (oO cents worth), pour it into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. Fall directions with Pinex. Keeps perfectly and tastes good. can feel this take hold of a cough or cold m a way that means business. It quickly loosens the dry, hoarse or pain ful cough and heals the inflamed mem branes. It also has a remarkable effect in overcoming the persistent loose cough bv stopping the formation of phlegm in thr<»t and bronchial tubes. The effect of Pine on the membranes Is known bv almost every one. Pinex is a jnost valuable concentrated compound of Norway Pine extract combined with giiAlacol and other natural healia*r pine elements. , • T^ re ,* rr m,Ln ? worthless imitations of this famous mixture. To avoid dis appointment. ask vonr dragirist for "2% ounces of Pinex," and do not accept any thing else. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with Wavn P e r ?n R d ratiOC - Ft C. E; CONCERTTO-MORROW Twenty Churches and Sixty-Bight Voice* to Participate la Sixth Abm&l Musical Event Music-loving folks will attend « the si*th annual convert to be held in the Technical High School Auditorium to morrow evening under the auspices at the Harrisburg Christian Endeavor Choral Union. Many sustaining societies have e#n trßbuted toward the support of the concert. They are as follows: Sustaining Members Mrs. Walter Attic ks, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bailey, Miss filoine Bergner, Charles W. Black, Mrs. J. H. Boher, Mrs. John Y. Boyd, H. F. Bowman, I. P. Bowman, Forest N. Burns, O. M. Copclia, M. B. Cowden, Frank Dapp, A. C. Dean, Professor and Mrs. E. J. Deceree, Miss Fanny M. Eby, George E. Ktter, John Finley, 8. W. Floraing, C. M. Forney, Henderson Gilbert, W. U Gorges, Dr. George A. Gorgas, E. Z. Gross, Stephen Hulbertis, J. Miley Jones, Mrs. William Bingham Kay, Miss Caroline Keefer, Hcnrv Kelker, Edwin Keister, Mrs. John C. Kunketl, Miss AKeo Lewis, Cliarles E. Low, Daniel H. Lowe, William 11. Lyuch, Mrs. B. F. Africa. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. MeAlister, Judge S. J, M. McCarrcll, Heury B. McCor m:ck, Heury McCormick, Jr., James Mc- Cormick, Jr., John McCullough, R. B. Mateer, Charles S. Meek, Mrs. W. H. Miller, Misses Katharine and Anna Mil ler, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Palmer, Miss Mary Pearson, Mrs. W. S Kut'herford, J. H. Santo, E. S. Schilling, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Schwartz, Miss Marcia Seiler, Frank E. Sites, J. Henry Spicer, Paul Striekler, StielT Piano Co., M. Har vey Taylor, Raymond Wagner, Miss Anna C* Weir. Mr. ami Mrs. John Fox Weiss. Benjamin Whitman. Mrs. C. E. Williams, Mrs. Howard Williams, H. C. Wells. Societies Augsburg Lutheran, Bethlehem Lu theran. Bethany Presbyterian, Christ Lutheran, Fourth Reformed, Fourth Street Church of God, Immanuel Pres byterian, Market Square Presbyterian, Olivet Presbyterian, Park Streot Evan gelical, Pine Street Presbyterian, Pen tbrook Church of God, Pleasant View Churvh of God, State Street U. 8., Sixth Street U. 8., St. John's Re formed, St. John'j Lutheran, Steelton; Westminster Presbyterian, Second Re formed, IVerry Street U. B. Ushers John E McCullough ,rhainnan; Jo seph Monigomeiv, 2d, Harry Phel'ps, Lawrence \V. Mover, Ross Oerick, John Paul Striekler, William Nau gle, Charles E.' Low, Earl Cocklin, John Kurtz, Boyd Cocklin, Ralph Man ley, Daniel Roberts, Stewart Blair, John Clarke, Donald Moyer, George S. Spangler, Cliarles Ulrich, Ijewis Kray foill, John Simons, Harry Boyer, Mr. Albright. CAN PLACE THIS CONSCIENCE Its Operation Restored Overpayment 10 Years After York, Pa., March 11.—Sixteen years ago a Vork county farmer sold to John A. Morrison, a York produce dealer, a load of potatoes, and in (>aying for them Morrison gave the man $lO too much money. He discovered the error and wrote several times, asking that tiic money be refunded, but received uo reply. Yesterduv Morrison received a letter without signature, but the handwriting of which he says he recognized. It said: "Inclosed find $lO which you over paid me years ago. - ' BESIEGED MURDERER KILLS SELF Two Boys, Who Drag Away Wounded Patrolman, Gives Alarm Richmond. Ind., March 11. —Nathan Hilling shot and killed his wife here last night, wounded a policeman who attempted to capture him and, after a revolver battle with 20 officers, killed himself. Patrolman John Cully, arfter •being wouudcJ, was dragged out of range by two boys who accompanied him. Twenty patrolman responded to the boys' calls for help. Automobile search lights were throwu on a barn to which Hilling had fled and the officers opened tire. A few minutes later they charged on the building and found Hilling deakl from his own revolver. Jealousy is said to have been the motive for the murder. MILES FOR PEACE TEMPLE Famous Filter Would Aid Sentiment Against War Concord, N. H., March 11. —General Nelson A. Mile?. U. 8. A., retired, ad vocated before the Legislature yester day the proposal to erect a» "Temple of Peace at Put-in-Bay, 0., to com memorate 100 years at peace between Great Britain and the United States. Sue h a monument, he said, would have a strong tendency to crystklize and strengthen the sentiment for pence. Its cost is estimatel at $300,000, of which the State legislatures are asked to appropriate a part. GIRL WINS LARGE FORTUNE Breaks Grandfather's Will, Which Pro vided Small Annuity Denver, Col., March 11.—Charlotte A. Barth, 19 years otd, granddaughter of the late William Barth, yesterday won her suit to break the will of her grandfather. Under the decision Miss Barth will receive the entire fortune, estimated at several millions of dollars, with the exception of aggre gating $142,000. The will provided that the girl #hould receive a $5,000 annuity if she broke off all relations with her step mother. Combing Won't Rid Hair of Dandruff j The only sure way to get rid of dan druff is to dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. ' Do this to-night, and by morning most, if aot all, of your dandruff will be , gone, and three or four more applica tion will completely dissolve and en tirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dan druff you may have. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop at once, and your liair will be fluffy, lus trous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon.at any drug store. It is inexpensive and never fails to do the work.— Adv. .V. ' Suffer From Piles no matter how long or how bad—go to your druggist to-day and get a 50- cent box of Pyramid Pile Remedy. It will give quick relief, and a single box often cures. A trial package mailed free in plain wrapper if you send u» coupon below. FBEE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY, 518 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich, j Kindly send me a Free sample of Pyramid Pile Remedy, in plain wrapper. Name Street" City State Adv. ' 3 NEW ADMIRALS ARE NAMED Fletcher, Howard and Cowles Ap pointed by President Wilson as Heads of U. S. Navy Washington, March 11. —President Wilson yesterday designated the three now admirals of the United States navy provided for in the naval appropriation bill. They are: Frank Friday Fletcher, commander in-chief of the Atlantic battleship fleet now in Cuben waters. Thomas B. Howaireams Come True." OKPHEUM Every afternoon and evening, high tlai* vaudeville. * COLONIAL I''.very afternoon and evening, vaudo villo and pictures. VICTORIA Motion Pictures. PHOTOPLAY Motion Pictures. REGENT Motion Pictures. * _ "II Trovatore" When the Boston English Opera Com pany comes to the Majestic on (Satur day afternoon and evenimg, the music lovers of thin city have an opportunity of hearing the great Sheehan and what he lias done for opera in this country. Sheehan had and still has the physique of a prize athlete. Jlis vocal cords must be made of steel, if steel could vibrate so sensitively and so sweetly. All the other tenors have made hot house plants of their voices. That of Joe has grown and flourished in the open. The only other tenor I know about who tried to live the natural life was Campanini, and he suffered from t because he ltadn't the requisite native sturdiness. Campanini used to go about like an average man wearing the usual amount of clothes and taking just the ordinary iprecautious, but -his voice oouklu't stand the custom, and it wore out long before it should, just when Campanini was in the prime of life. Had -Mr. Sheehan gone over to the operatic enemy he could have been a very wealthy man; lie could have been one of the historic singers of his time, for his voice is of the loveliest char acter imaginable and Caruso has ever approached him in the fineness and surety of his ear. 1 believe it is physically im(>oßsible for him to sing off the key.—Adv.* * German War Pictures There isn't much novelty about an exhibition of motion pictures of scenes and incidents in the European struggle, but there is decided novelty about an exhibition that is taken entirely from the German side of the battle line. In fact, the Majestic theatre is presenting the only authentic pictures of the Ger man side of the conflict now extant. The fact that the pictures were taken under the supervision of the Kaiser's general staff, and that they are now being presented under the auspices of the New York Staats-Zeitung attests to their verity. There will be two com plete performances at the Majestic theatre this evening, two to-morrow afternoon nnd two to-morrow night. The pictures are graphic, thrilling, vivid and real. Frightful struggles have been visualized and actual scenes are shown. The kaiser is seen directing his various armies as well as realistic camp and trench scenes at the front. The pictures giving the German side of the gigantic struggle, are said to show the plain truth and to depict the struggle as' it really is. The films have been shown in many cities and were received there as the most remarkable ever exhibited.—Adv.* "Under Cover" "Under Cover," the exciting new play which has already passed its two hundredth performance in both New York and Chicago, will be the attrac tion at the Majestic, Wednesday after noon ami evening. When Selwyn & Co., who won fame and fortune by spon soring "Within the Laiw" presented "Under Cover," in Boston on Christ mas L>ay, 1913, the piece was unheard of, yet achieved such instantaneous success that it established a record for that citv by playing for thirty-one weeks. The play is in four acts and was written by Hoi Cooper Megrue. The story is of a custom fraud carried through by persons notable in the so cial and financial world of New York and progresses from one excitimg inci dent to another until a most unexpect ed culmination is reached. This is a play to which the ending cannot be tola, for half the enjoyment arises from the cra*p of surprise which is evoked when the truth is revealed. Sol wyn & Company will send with "Un der Cover'' an excellent cast of play ers. The play itself is the thing in this instance and enjoyment of the piece docs not depend on the performance of any one player or set of players.— Adv.* "When Dreams Come True" "Whe Dreams Come True," the first musical comedy written by Philip Bar tholoniae, author of "Little Miss Brown," and "Over Night," will be produced at the Majestic next Thurs day, afternoon and. evening. Silvio Hein who composed the music will be remembered as the composer of the scores of Marie Cahill's most pronounc ed successes and of othor well known works. The three acta of "When HARRIS6URG DRUGGIST PLEASES CUSTOMERS G. A. Gorgas, druggist, 16 North Third street and Pennsylvania Railroad Station, reports customers pleased with the QUICK action of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler i-ka. This simple remedy drains the old foul matter from the bowels so THOROUGH that ONE SPOONFUL re lieves almost ANY CASE of constipa tion, sour or gassy stomach. It is so powerful that it is used successfully in appendicitis. Adler-i-ka never gripes and the INSTANT action is surprising. —Adv. Dreams Coine True," are entirely dif ferent in outline, the first carrying some dramatic touches, as well as a number of comic situations; the secoiffl beiug farcical, and the third having musical hiul dancing feature*. The play contains no fewer than seveutecu dan cing numbers, most of them invented and directed by Frederic, Santley, the leading member of the cast. In the company in addition to Mr. Santlev, will be found Connie Mack, Mab'ol Withee, Jack Mundy, Anna Little, An drew Glassford and othor well known musical comedy artists. A chorus of twenty-four exceptionally shapely and handsome young women," will act as a background for the principals and wear some of the most stunning and elabo rate costumes ever seen in musical comedy.—Adv.* At the Orpheum Sidesplitting is the adjective to use when trying to describo the exceeding ly funny black face comedy that Com fort and King are presenting at the Or pheum this week and which is entitled "Coon Town DiVorcons." In brief, their act is a "legal satire'' composed of a routine of particularly bright gags which are sprinkled with vocal inter polations that are far above the aver age. The comedian of the duo enters the lawyer's office complaining about his wife and at the same time makes application for a divorce. The rich comedy is handed out by him when he tells how she treats him and also when he gets the big words of the law mixed up. Tli# comedian later appears on the scene in exaggerated style, including a green wig and plays the part of the wife, la both roles he is exceedingly funny and lie gets his audiences laugh ing at everything he says or does. Comfort and King, who are present ing this'big comedy hit at the Orpheum are recognized as being anion ,' the most clever in their line. Both artist* have had wide experience in many of the leading minstrel organizations and they are indeed funny. One of them possesses an excellent singing voice. "Virginia Lee" is one of his best num bers. Comfort and King are offering the distinct comedy hit of a bill that is headed by Trix'ie Friganza, the delight ful musical comedy star, who should he seen by every theatregoer in Harris burg.—Adv.* At the Colonial Vaudeville's celebrated bicycle fun stem, known as the Sig Franz troupe, or perhaps even better known as the dippy cyclists, will hold the coverted position as headliner at the Colonial during the last half of the week. These daring comedians ride all sorts of ve hicles on wheels and all sorts of wheels in fact most anything that goes around, anil meanwhile inject no cud of good comedy surprises. Auother attraction of merit will be the appearance of How ard and Chase, character singing, talk ing and musical comedians. Chevalier and Marshall, in a comedy playlet, and Wilson and Lanore, variety entertain ers, will round out the roster. Interest ing moving picture features will com plete the entertainment.—Adv.* At the Photoplay To-day Chaplain, the greatest comedian in motion pictures, arrives to-day at the Photoplay in his third big feature pro duction since joining the Essanay' com pany. "The Champion," a two-reel comedy, proves to be Chaplin's great est knockout and you will have all a chance to see this picture to-day or Saturday upon its return. Francis Bushman, most i>op-ular motion picture star of the day, with his netw leading lady, Edna M«yo, is featured in a three-act drama, "Stars Their Courses Change," and "The Life of Abraham Lincoln," a two-reel Edison complete to-day's splendid bill.—Adv.* Romance of Circus Life at Regent To day "The Circus Man," a Jesse L. Las ky production, with Theodore Roberts in the leading role, will be shown at. the Regent te-day. This purely Amer ican photoplay," taken from' George Barr McCutcheon's famous novel, "The Rose in the Ring," will appeal to all movie fans in