12 **: ■ —— ■ —T- «■ '• . ' -'V 11 j;C ; ■ - •'V ; : ; «Ck s . / • These Attractions for Friday Show Big Savings in Seasonable Merchandise No Friday Specials Boys' Corduroy Suits, Royal Waists Ta mArmu; Tn fi.., Children's Sweaters Furniture Bargains Sent C. 0. D., or Mail or $1.69 Royal waists, linen, semi- 1 U-morrow in 1110 WUICI SIOO sweaters, in middy $5.50 all cotton mattresses. , Grey, blue and brown cor- tailored, medium tucks trims . 1 O j. ' style with sailor collar; sizes Special Friday only, $3.69 'Phone Orders Filled. dnroy Oliver Twiat auita, 53E ISSaißtavST Apparel bed ion . *to 10. Special Friday only, *2.50 white enamel bed». broken sizes, _ 2M> to 8 years, ' alue " Special 1-nday IT r Special Friday only, $1.95 ~ dav'onlv 50 Sp ' l ' Pomeroy & Stewart SeCOnd FloOr Misses' and Women's $18.70 leather slip seat Corset Specials * Second Floor—Three Elevators. • QwAofAVo goldeil oak dining chairs 5 oorsei Dpeciais Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. L \\T CL 11 Fvhihit « fnrvirilotA Sweaters , side and one arm. Special Broken sitfes Nemo Corsets Second Floor, Hear —3 Elevators. T V w/ilclii LjAllllJll a Misses $1.50 white sweat- Friday only, $16.95 in medium and low busts —" ShoWlflCf of SnriflfJ Sllit Second Floor Three Elevators. V-' A C*r**.,J" |t, r i . Men's SI.OO flannelette ————————— Batiste Corsets r SteWlUt ——— *OU Are Cordially Invited to nightshirts. Special, ..75< Medium bust batiste cor- L_l VieW These NeW Creations jamlT "Ipedaf annelett Women's Ribbed SidaToniy ™ Infants' Rompers Dive s, Pomeroy & stewart ' Underwear t®'Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Tinnpnrv Vpil Rettr " Street Floor, Hear. Fancy Linens PninT-eH hvpcq PnnriQ •., kerchiefs, one corner em- OOlOrea liress IrOOaS n - wihcon broidered in color and color ————————— 15c round damask linen o- « i vir iif vert,ble collar, sizes 34, 36 doilies. 10 inches, sc.alloned 30 . c nred ehal ie; half and 37, formerly $15.00. Spe- peua ' edsre Snecial Fridnv nnlv s wool; 28 inches wide ; navy Women's Union Suit*? cial Friday only, ....$5.00 0 •' ' (>r Boys' Button and Lace Linen Toweling foi" pink. Special Friday WDives, Pomeroy & Stewart »Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart • SnOeS a • f r f r only, yard, .... V 15? 75c white cotton fleece lin- C J m Street Floor. 8c imitation linen toweling, $3.00 Battenburg rovers, ;i4 - n . , ~ ed union suits Snecial Fri- Floor, He.ir 3 Elevators. *BO patent eolt button 16 inches wide, whit, and col- inehesronnd. Special Fri- °S e8 d.v 3° . T sdi and lace shoes narrow toe ored borders. Special Friday day only, $1.89 Special Friday only, jard woives, Pomeroy & Stewart Men's Suits, $7.50 Embroidery Specials soles. Special „ nl e s„«.t Floor. • .J3« Shephert ~ ~ ... i- u ■ " Street Floor, Rear. . 1 Brown diagonal suits, throe ' ambric corset cover em- Li'"Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart only, yard, ooc button sack, sizes 34 to 37, broidery, 17 inches wide, 20c streot Floor, Hear. —— ser g ej 4$ inches wide; PVi*i/l- ' TT formerly $15.00. Special Fri- value. Special Friday only, ———————i^—— Drapery Specials in navy. Special Friday only Wlllaren S Hosiery dayonly ' s 7 * so yard 15< Bedspreads $2.50 ecru net curtains, yard ' Fi f Hbbed lisle hose; wide, Women's Button Shoes ne. Special Friday only, yd #l.» patent colt and gun Friday'onlj Wdi/ «V. P»if, ° cial Friday only, yard,. .«* «al Friday only, __4St

hnttlp Hvmottu'e'i'i 1 brellas with Congo handles, , TnppCiVinPQ omen s3< a c >lack lisle cream and ecru grounds; 25c green. Special tnday only, cjnality. Special Friday only, n T, U 50c value. Special Fridaj? Girls Lace Shoes out size hose; tashioned feet Vahje Special Friday only, ya»l shampoo soap, with spunkier nly -J.OO bla.-k kid skin lace Special Friday only, v . 1 ' ut- Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, „ n . D . ak top Special Friday 7.! s., t „ F1,.,. einl Friday only, .... .SI.OO St™. Floor. jOc pto wlm, cur 11 ecu ill lUI caipets ZBT Dives. Pome ov & Stewart. on the floor. Special Friday Street Floor-Rear. ruffled edge; 2'/ 4 yards long. , - ——— Speetal Friday only, p,.r Black Dress Goods Cloth Dresses Imported face powder, T*r » -m- i Dress (roods viom uresses white or flesh tint, with extra Women S Neckwear vsr Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, $1.25 granite cloth, 54 sl2 50 two-piece blue Peter nickel-plated powder box and Odd styles mussed neck- Children's Button Shoes 39c to 50c plain oyster Third Floor—Three Elevators. inches wide; all wool. Spe- Thompson dresses, white puff and mirror. Special Fri- wear > formerly 25c and 50c. white linen for dresses and cial Friday only, yard, lmii( , triminiil „ sizes ](i aiul dayonly Special Friday only, J I " ,() 'tanea. ring!lieu t but- fancy work, 36 inches wide. 85c ser}?ej all woo) . 48 18 Special Friday only, Eight-inch combs in white Lamb's wool scarfs with 1 ! l ,Sl ' HS '. ," sl ' 1(1 Special I 1 riday only, yard. _ inches wiile. Special Friday $3.75 pink and light blue. Special fril »g. eil $1.25 value. , " bl)eLlal u,tay Basement Bargains only, yard, _ Friday only, 9f> Special Friday 0n1y,... 75< Dives Pomerov & stow,r» ' 25e P laiu w,,ite ehiffon sl-20 colonial glass turn- $1.35 serge, all wool, 54 $18.50 Dresses, $5.00 ur Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. »Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Z r m 7 voile, 40 inches wide. Spe- b lers. Special Friday only, inches wide. Special Friday $18.50 taupe velvet dresses, Street Floor. Front. Street Floor. Street Huor. Roar. eiaJ £ riday only> yd>; 12 dozen only> yard( white satin collar and cuffs; ""—————— —— $1.49 Kayo nickel plated dll . ~ ~ - t ■ . braid trimming. Size 38. Spe oOc embroidered erene 27 i ~, ■ , , sl.oo broadcloth, o4 inches ■ , -■ - . , , u , . , ■ \ lamps, with 10-inch shade. w , . ial Fridav only, $5.00 ~ inches wide. Special Friday «niv «1 Aft Wl " e - Special Friday only, Notion Specials ■ T?ihhon «4nPf.ial« Down Comfortables only, yard pe tl „ T >' ard - $1.19 $18.50 navy and black satin "P„„„1" ~ KIDDOn specials >r . J ' * ' r 10c rolls Japanese toilet and serge combination dress fn t ° r ' onomore. Satin taffeta ribbon Ito cV'r "i « e ? n , £ 12 x /!>c to 19c plain white paper. Special Friday only, . SL°O coating, all wool, o4 >s; tailored or braided effects die-ss fasteners. Special tri- . ta nn on, Ito ables, bxO leet. Special tri- nimie tiAinwnnlr smd ratinp 3 rolls and one holder inches wide. Special Friday „• c ... 1s! , IS , 0 . dayoonlyv y gross - A:i '', ill 1 ■ Sill. „ ir r , r d airi M-ccal Fr.day only. ¥ 5.00 Friday only, '„ D 1„„ Pom „ I; , 8t „„f «. atriped white ercpe, tnmbler traya. Special FrU Children's Coats Children's hose BUDDorters Street Floor. Pomeroy & Stewart three patterns. Special Fri- Hay only 'V * 4 - 95 to ! t i7 - 50 children's in three sizes. Special Fri- Street Floor. Rear. day only, yard 12y 2 ? 3 dozen brass wash boards. coats; chinchilla, mixtures dav onlv nair ~ n r, i , ~, n Special Friday only, .. .25< Lininff Snecials a "d corduroy coats; sizes 2, L •'! sl.oo English longcloth, 10 a Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart A , ~P Women s sew-on hose sup- -rj,., A ___________ yards to piece, 3(i inches Basement. 2ac black satine, 36 inches . ne porters, extra strong sus- UungalOW Aprons wide. Special Friday only, —————————————J wide. Special Friday only, ™ pender web. Special Friday Bungalow aprons, gingham Cotton DreSS Goods piece, .9sV| I only, set, 17£ or percale, light or dark col- 0 - , .... , „. , . 0 _ . , ———————————————— union silk; 36 inches -A is-i,* wo ; w j,t Handbags. Special Fridav ors, 50c value. Special Fri- 2oe madras shirting, white 19c Rice cloth .7 inches Basement Bargains wide; black and white. Spe- 'L ' M f . onlv •£<+ dav onlv ground with neat colored wide. Special Friday only, 6 eial Fridav r>nlv v»rd suits; all colors; short jack- 6 _ lg and u SuietZo?' Fronf tCWart Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, yard,.... , 12V.5 ' . _ with pail shelf. Special Fri- Dives Pomeroy & Stewart. Special Friday only, $4.95 ' oor > Iront. Second Floor —Three Elevators ' M Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, , , , eqa Street Floor. — ' 7c apron gingham. Special Street Floor, Rear. o£L ' W ,hl to $20.#0 brown, liViHow nniv \rqi uj. 2oc galvanized foot tubs. black and navy cloth suits; Jewelry Specials Naininnlr Draworo qkji 35c pongee, neat figures. 26c liquid veneer furniture Men's and "Rnv<*' -ial Friday only, $4.95 59c German silver coin WainSoolc Drawers, Special Friday only, yard. _ . TnrW«h P olish - Special Friday only, B ° yS _. + „ / purses. Special Friday only, Nainsook drawers, lace or 9 1 /# Huck and Turkish Furnishings Winter Coats 25< embroidery trimmed. Regu- 20c y acation cloth neftt Towels 50c liquid veneer furniture Blue chambray shirts, with $20.00 and $25.00 mixed 15c gold and silver hat ouc. special rulay colored .tripes. Special Fri- 10c red border huck towels, P olish " Special Friday only, collar attached; sizes 14 to and plain navy winter coats; pins. Special Friday only, J'. '* p i'il f onl y. y* rd > large size, slight imperfed 42 < 17 " b P eelal Bnda y 25 < s ! z f 18 > 34 , and 38 - P air 10<* J"', ° e " y V « , • tion. Special Friday only, SI.OO Comet safety razors. Boys' and men's 18c and ml Friday only $4.00 25c gold filled cuff links. Second Floor—Three Elevator.. 8c seersucker ginghams, ' 'S* Special Friday only, .. 39< 25c silk and knit four-in-1 I $15.00 white and rose golf I ! Special Friday only, ... 15£ stripes on mue grey ground. 39c safety razor stroppers. hands. Special Friday only, corduroy coats; fancy lining ; 98c. Sterling silver deposit only ' plaTn wwffaKJdS 3 for 30fS each nV sizes 16 and 18. Special Fri- I I ware in cream and sugar sets. Crene Gowns 20c plisse crepe. Special borders. Special Friday only, $1.50 folding go-carts with 25 c leather palm canvas dayonly, $5.00 Special Imday only, set, ** °> Friday only, yard, rubber tires. Special Friday gloves. Special Friday only, $15.00 to $18.50 colored I!" S P SI h f": Men, » heavy ££ SSS M?! day only, yard, * Frly only . *ll* »eb PoHcc B ™p,nd,r s . Sp, «. Special Friday only,^ . Dl „ v f e8 ' F 0 ™ ro r& Stewart. Pomeroy & Stewart Dives Pomeroy & Stewart. »Dive., Pomeroy & Stewart or Dives. Pomeroy k Stewart, «" Dives, Pomero'/& Stewart Pomeroy & Stewart i Street lloor, Iront. Second Floor—Three Elevators. Street Floor. Street Floor, Rear. ' Basement. ' Men's Btore. Second Floor—Three Elevators. * . . , i ' ' l '' ' . . -'V ' .1 ... . . '•< •