The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 10, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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:m mm \
• I A Vp-JtosrtaK, Hch Meal if Yen'll
Take a Stuart's Dyspepsia
i»- Tablet After It
H •
v BOttt Take Our Word Fw It. Let Us
Bend Ton a Free Simple to Prove It
1 1 All you stomach sufferers whom
food hae cowed and who walk to yoer
meals as though you were about to j
'■ enter the arena of Xero, here is a (
Bteseage that will make you glad.
Indigestion Good Digestion
Take a little eandy-like Stuart's Dys- '
pepsia Tablet after caeh meal, and i
one at bed time, anil no matter what |
you eat or when you eat it, good old- i
jtashioned-houest-fried-baked - or - boijed I
food will not injure you.
Many physicians prescribe Stuart's ,
Dyspejiia' tablets in their cases of j
etomach troubles and digestive dis- j
orders. Thev are sold at every drug;
store everywhere, price 50 cents a box. !
'. 3f you want proof before you purchase, ■
fill out cou)>ou below.
Free Trial Coupon
F. A. Stuart Co.. l.~>o Stuart Bldg.,
Marshall, Mich., send me at once !
bv return mail, a free trial pack- j
age of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
; Xame j
Street I
City.l. state I
M' A ' lV —
Cincinnati Refuses Street Privileges by
Cincinnati. March 10. —An ordinance;
fruutiug the South Covington \ Cin
cinnati Street Railway Company a -s - 1
year franchise for certain streets in
Cincinnati was defeated by the voters
in a referendum election here yester- ;
dac by 5.543 votes.
The company on _ oerta n j
streets iu this Vitv and in the Kentucky .
fiti» acros> the Ohio river iroA« Cin- j
einnati. It* contract with Cincinnati j
•wiH-e.vpire in a si'ort time, but its cars
probaldy will continue in operation uu-i
til some orher step regarding a l'rau
chise is de<'ided upon.
Workman Who Lost an Eye by Acci
dent. Awarded Damages
Philadelphia, March 10.— Blinded
in the left eve by the exp'or»iou of a
Jbottle of grape juice. Earl F. Yocum
\»ao> awurded $1,500 damages agaias:
l»is former t .nrj»ioyer, Chester A. Asher,
• fcj- a jurv in Judge Audenried's Oourt
fUie odd accident occurre i on March i
V, 'l9ll. At that time Yocum was
■wording in the defendant's coulee lion
ery store on Ger!i;anto«u avenue, and
while 'ootties tt grape juice,
front a emte t«\o large tank
one ot the battles, tbv
contents of which had fermented, ex
ploded. ;ui.| the cap struck Yeuuni in
the left eje. Later ho under went an
operation, having the eve removed.
%P \lHilHHlß—
staps ttit hair tria faffing ut
worgu M- VjiorgM.
i S Minutes from PENHSYLVANIA 1
| 200JBeaufi/ul (Qut-1
JBoomj zoitfc 1
S Mctfti andjVetrrng |
I Jce Zdate& r 1
I anci/ up". |
I Popular Cafe,Gril 1 |
8 and Restaurartt y |
1 C .WALSH. TiandAgr I
Stations, ptrtnts of interest
I" the Center of Ererything
Re-modeled Re-decorated —Re- j
furnished. European plan. Ever; j
»■■■!. «HkMt kat« II.M S
ItaMM. «4tk tatk UOO S
Hot and cold running
S water in all room?.
Wt are especially equipped for j
s „ OonventlsnfL Write for foil details. j
fM Uho. > II K
Carlisle Conference Oomee to » Cloee
After Stationing Committee Hakes
Its Beport and Bishop U. F. Sweu
- gel Beads the List
CarHele, Pa.. Mareh 10.—The sU
tinning couhukittee of the Central Penn
sylvania Conference of the United
Evangelical Church, which closed here
: last evening. Bishop U. F. SwVugel
presiding, announced tRe following ap
pointments for the eoming vear:
York District'
J. F. Dunlap, Presiding Elder.
Afterton—J. 0. Biggs.
I Baltimore—Bethany, H. Minsker;
j Christ. A. D. Uramlev: Grace, C. W.
I Fnkbinder; Memorial, H. A. Benfer;
Olive Branch, W. C. Hoch.
I Brooklyn—-J. H. Furner.
Bryansville—l. C. Bailey.
Pallastown—J. R. Seehrist.
Dorsey—j. F. Morris.
East Prospect—6. 8. Albright:
Keltou—A. M. Jenkins.
Glen Rock—J. H. Kvder.
UetDbville—G. L. Maioe.
I Hartford —E. G. Woolery.
, lA>ganvillo—l. K. Baker.
JJew Freedom —D. A. Art man.
Ked Lion—J. T. Pettit.
York —Christ. L. E. Crumbling;
I Grace, J. D. Shortess; St. Paul's. S. 13.
j Koontx; Princess Street, A. H. Irvine
and Ellis Bayne: Trinity, J. W. Thorop
■ son; Zion. H. W. Ikirk.
Voe and Krevsville —W. X. Wallis.
Members of Quarterly Conference —
iH. B. Hummer, D. D., York (Trinity)j
,1. L. Craul. H. H. Trum^fheller. A. W.
; Shc»berger and C. F. Garrett, York (St,
I Paul's); H. W. Buck and W. E. Bril
: art, York (Christ); J. Hartxler and H.
iA. Stoke, York (Grace); IH. X. Gren
-1 uinyer, Hebbville; W. M. Shanner, Bal-
I tiniore (Memorial).
Carlisle District
,L A. Holleubaugh, Presidiug Elder.
Bloserville —<1. \V. Frey.
Carlisle— M. A. Kennellv.
Cralevville —W. H. Warburton.
Cumberland —C. D. Pewterbaugh
! and supply.
Knolji—B. L. Moore
'Hagerstonvn—E. C. Basom.
Hiagerstown Circuit —H. A. Snook.
Hanover —>1. W. Messenger,
j Hanover Mission —J. E. Newcomer.
Ilellam —F. L. Teter.
I.feville —F. E. Brickley.
Kerstvne —F. D. Sherman.
luMoyne—H. T. Searie.
Lewisberry—M. E. Bartholomew.
Leesburgj—Frank H. Sanders.
Maryaville—F. L. Fuhrnmn.
Metjianicsburg—L. M. Dice.
Morgan —C. H. Lover.
-Mount Holly—l. X. Bair.
Mvurnt Rock —Roy H. Dick.
Perry—W. E. Smith.
Welti ville —»L. A. Miller.
NVrightsville —E. L>. Keen.
YorW-—Betmany, G. C. Gabriel.
Yorkttna—l\ C. Weidenteyer.
Member of Quarterly Conference —
B. K. Mowrer, Hanover.
Centre District
C. L. Sones, Presiding Elder.
Altoopa—D. F. Young.
Bellewoocl—l. E. D. Stover.
Belletkmte —E. Fuleomer.
•Buruhant —-C. D. iMoore.
Outre Hall —F 11. Koss.
Centrtville —F. F. 'Mayer,
Howard —J. F. Bingmnn.
Juniata —S. P. Reiner.
Lewistown —'First. W. E. Petfley;
Trinity, i'hester B. Shank.
Liverpool—E. P. Marker.
Milheint—W. H. Brown.
Mjllraont—Ralph Smith.
MidtUeburg—S. A. Snyder.
M,a lure—C. S. Messner.
; Miftlit —W. H. Lilly.
Newport—M. W. Stahl.
Xittany—D. X Ertel.
Port Treverton —B. F. Keller.
Ki jor.-burg—J. 'M. Gray.
Winficld and Hummel's Wharf—R.
S. Starr.
Quarterly <"onferenee —
Bis.iop U. F. Swengel and George
Joseph, members of Lewistown First;
E. L. Kessler. Milheim; J. D. Leister
and J. M. Price. Mexico; A. L. Burkett,
Lewisburg District
M. F. i\)sselman. Presiding EUder.
Berwick —Memorial. E. Bailey;
Xorth. J. C. Reeser; St. Paul's, H. R.
! Wilkes. •
■Bloomsburg—W. J. Dice,
i (Buffalo Cireiiit —M. J. Snyder.
Columbia Circuit —G. L Reeser.
Danville—W. E. Detwiler.
Dushore —W. K. Shultz.
Espy—J. Womeldorf.
•Lewisbueg— -E. Crumbling.
l,o;.-ez —* lyde E. Jewel.
Milton —I. E. Spangler.
IMilton Circuit—A. C. Paulhainus.
'Mifflinburg—X. Young.
Xew Berlin—J. H. Ricker.
Xeurenvhurg—H. C. Gnthrie.
Xeaetxpeck"—\Y. J.
Xorthumkerland —I. C. Shearer.
Ransom—J. B. MoiLaughlin.
S^rantos—J. P. Hower.
Sonestown —J. R. Schechtetly.
Sugar Valley—H. C. Kleffei.
Vnitvville—Ward <"amcbell.
\Vapi»waltopen—lib Dice.
West Ninticoke—J. P. Rohrbaugh.
Members of Quarterly Conference —
W. H. Wtover, Berwick (Bower Me
morial); 'Dr. A. E, Gobtole, New Berlin;
J. Faults and w. I. Mil
ton: J. I>. Stover, Sugar Valtev; IS.
Smith, Miffiinburg; I. M. Pines. W. P.
Thomas "ant': A. S. Baumgardner. Lewis
bnrg; U". C. Bierlev, Ht. Paul's, 'Ber
wick; J. H. Hertz. Sonestown; !M. T.
Crouch, Wappwallopen.
Williamaport District
M. I. Jamison, Presiding Elder.
Williarasport—'First, C. I. Raffens
berger; tit. Paul's, A. Stapleton; St.
John's, E. B. Dunn; Grace, G. W.
V. iiliamspart circuit—C. J. Dick.
Warrensville—J. B. iMays.
Wayland—J. W. Waltz.
] Make This Pleasant Cough
| and CoM Bwnedy Yourself,
Here's the recipe:
Into a pitcher put a tablespoonful of
butter, one-quarter cup light brown su
gar. an ounce of fresh, whole allspice
and a pint of Duffy's pure malt whis
key. Let it stand for half an hour;
then add one-half pint boiling water.
Let it stand again for a short while,
and before »ffving stir well and add
the juice of one orange and one lemon.
This is to be served in- a wine glass.
It is very wholesome, appetizing and
strengthening, especially for fever and
chills in stormy and blustering weather.
Prompt action on such occasions will
ward off many a serious and oft-times
fjtal attack of bronchitis and pneu
monia, as veil as irritating coughs and
colds.— Adv.
.- v "
■MM OK t -
Spread. Itching Terrible. Had Hair
Cut Close. Used Cuticura Soap
and Ointment. In Two Weeks
Trouble Disappeared.
m W. 133 rd Sk, New York City.— "Vhd
trouble my children had befui with several
large, round, whitish patches on the crown
and bark of the head which 1 thought were
dandruff but oa examination I dis
covered that thegr were ringworms. Ai
time elapced they bi|iu to spread and the
itching was terrible. The scalp was of a
whitiah color resembling a patch of dan
druff and when the comb was applied It
would Meed. The Itching was terrible and
it was the scratchtnit that caused the trouble
to spread. I had the hair cut cloae.
"After three months' use of different
remedies without any success I was told
of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and decided
to give thaiu a trial. I had the scalp well
wallied with the Cuticura Soap and tlioa
dried the bead after which I rubbed on the
Cuticura Ointment. Within a week"! saw
marked signs of improvement and in two ,
weeks the trouble had completely disap
peared on all three children." (Signed)
T. Klsoo Shoy. August 5. 1914.
Sample Each Free by Mail
With 32-y. Sldn Book on requwt. Ad
dress post-card "Cutlcurs, Dept. T, Bos
ton." Sold throughout the world.
Whitedeer—C .0. Manor.
South Way land —W. L. Kauible.
«?alladasburg—C. W. 'Hippie.
Pennsdale—'Elmer S. Hill.
Lycoming—o. B. Snyder.
Look Haven—-V. J\ Weaver.
lx>ck Haven Mission—'R. S. Dan
Liberty—J. A. Shultz.
Jersey Shore—W. B. Cox.
Hughesvilie—£>. L. Kepncr.
Orover—lH. D. Hill.
East Point —J. H. Vvleh.
Avis —J. H. Fleckensteiu.
Member of Warrenville Quarterly
Conference—C. W. Guinter, Africa.
Whenever you feel a cold coming on,
think of the full name, kAXATtVK
BROMO QUTNIN'K. Look for signature
E. W. GROVE on box. 25c»
Parents Hear Superintendent Downes
Talk on New Flans
Upwards of one hundred parents of
the West End. members of the Parent-
Teacher* ' Association of the O&nterou
school "building, heard Dr. Fred E.
Dowues, .Superintendent of Public
ix'hools, tell of the scmi-annuai grad
ing system porposed for the schools
of Harrisburg, beginning next Septem
ber. The ninth grade will be eliminat
ed ami the school year will he divided
into two semesters, promotion to be
S made at the middle and close of each
year. A card svsteui will be used to
keep a record of e&oh child from the
primary department till the close T>f j
the school year.
A plan for establishing a summer
garden for boys was introduced by
Supervisor J. J. Bream «na ravorably
received. A committee was appointed
to secure & suitable location.
Father. Daughter. Infant aad Friend's
Fate Closely Allied
Pottsville, Pa., March 10.—Just aft
er the funeral of B. W. Satterlee, as
sistant trainmaster of the Reading
railway at Cressoua. Monday after- j
noou, his daughter. Harriet, wife of the ;
Rev. R. E. Vellines, died. This was
followed by the death of an infant
daughter of Mrs. Vellines yesterday.
George Sprenger, an engineer on tlfe
Reading railway, and a close friend
of Mr. Satterlee. died while making
preparations to attend the funeral of
the latter.
Mrs. Vellines was 27 years of age,
and was a soprano singer of wide repu
tation. She was ill before her father
fell dead, and was never told of her
loss. Sprenger died of heart trouble,
undoubtedly accelerated by grief over
the loss of his friend.
Lock Haven Officials Face a Serious
Lock Haven. Pa., March 10.—This
city is .-onfronted with a serious prob
lem as the result of th> Federal anti
dote law. When Virgie MeDerinott,
a dope fiend, who Monday attempted
suicUie by throwing herself into the
icy waters ot' the Susquehanna, was
fished from the river, a physician stated
that the unfortunate woman would not
be admitted to the Lock Haven Hos
pital, as that institution woukl not ac
cept such cases.
She was removed to jail: but the hos
pital may reconsider and treat su. h
cases, as the city physician is attend
ing nearly a dozen victims of the drug
habit. These people may do harm to
themselves or others, as they are under
no restraint.
Jeremiah Minnich
The funeral of Jeremiah Minnioh,
aged 79 years, who di'ed yesterday
morning at the Harrisburg hospital,
will be held from the home of his
■ laughter, Mrs. Thomas Lingle, 1643
Pulton street, to-icjrrow afternoon at
2 o'clock. The services will be in
charge of the Rev. Harry Nelson Bass
ler, pastor of the Second Reformed
ith-urch. Interment will be in Prospect
iHill cemetery.
Mr. Minnich is survived by his
wife, two sons, John and Charles; one
daughter, Mrs. Thomas Lingle, ajid
1 three grandchildren.
Mrs. Theresa J. Groff
The funeral of Mrs. Theresa J.
j Groff. who died at the home of her
son, Qharles H. Hoffman, 245 Huminel
street, Monday, will be held from the
home of her son to-morrow afternoon
at 2.30 o'clock. The "Rev. Dr. Clayton
Albert Smucke'r, pastor of Btevens Me
morial Methodist Episcopal church,
will be in charge of the services. In
terment will be in the Harrisburg ceme
Mrs. Jennie S. Gamble
Mrs. Jennie 8- Gamble, widow of
Hugh A. Gamble, dje<l at her home, 607
Peffer street, yesterday morning. The
funeral will be held from her home
Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev.
(Harvey Klaer, pastor of Covenant
Presbyterian church, officiating. In
terment will 'be in the (H*rri4burg ceme
Blodrtc Barrio* Mio>t 9 Oanta MI
- New York, March 10.—The Now
York Ediaon Company wu yerterday
afternoon directed "by (ho Public Serv
ice Commiasion to make % reduction in
the cost per kilowatt hour ot elec
tricity, from 10 eenta to 8 cents. This
will affect two-thirdg ot the small con
sumers in the greater city and will,
it is roughly estimated, cost the Edison
Company $2,500,000. This is a bigger
cut than the reduction for the prieu of
fas, which was from $1 to 80 cents
y graduated cuts of Ave cents a yeaj.
" Yesterday 'a goes into effect
immediately. Although yesterday's or
der is specifically directed against the
Edison Company, it is understood that
other companies in the several boroughs
will make similar reductions. If they
do not, the order speedily will be ap
plied to them.
Pasaes Both Houses, But Disappears in
Closing Hours of Congress
'Washington, D. C., 'March 10.— In
the rush of legislatiou through Con
gress in the closing hourd* of the ses
sion last week a bill which had passed
hoth houses providing for reorganiza
tion of the Patent Office mysteriously
disappeared. The measure, of consider
able importance to the l'atent Office,
was lost after it had passed the Senate
and uever went through final stages of
enrollment. ,
Senate officials say the bill probably
was turned qver to a page to tak« to
the Secretary 'a office and was lost in
transit. It had been pending in the
■Senate since last September, when it
passed the House, ami provided for an
increased staff of examiners and other
changes in the'offiee.
Baggage Smashers Want Only Those
They Can Pile Easily
Chicago, iMaroh 10.— The ghosts of
1011,000 murdered trunks hovered over
the national convention of "baggage
smashers,"' otherwise the Association
of General Baggage Agents, during
their deliberations yesterday.
''We want square trunks,"' said one
agent, "so we can pile them on top of
each other. We don't want round
trunks or slanting trunks or pointed
trunks. Square trunks are all we will
J handle. A round trunk is handled best
by catching it by the ear and propelling
I it upward and outward to the platform.
Hliet go at the proper time 4ml not fol-
I low the trunk."
Luserne Court Acts on Applications
That Were Not Disputed
Wilkes J l>arre,
I Judges of 'Luserne county yesterday re
licensed all old honses and old appli
cants against which there were no re
monstrances, ' paying no heed to the
'blanket-{.etition of 2.000 men and wom
en to make the city of Wilkes-Barre
I dry. There were 1,196 old houses re-
I licensed.
j There are still 364 applications un
! der consideration and rcjuonstrauces
, have" been lodged against many of
these. Included in the list are many
new applications.
California Oil Man Leaped From Roof
After Taking SIO,OOO Insurance
IJOS Angeles, March 10. —Letters
left by John \\ . Reid, ex-general man
ager of a British oil company, who
jumped ISO feet to his death Monday
from the roof of a hotel 'here, show
that he chose that means to assure his
; wife a competence through a SIO,OOO
i life insurance policy. .For the second
1 time war had wrecked Reid financially
i—first the Mexican and then the Euro
| pean conflict.
Reid telephoned his pastor, saying,
| "Good-toy, I'm going on a long jour
| ney."He also selected a coffin and a
| burial plot.
Rival Undertakers' Friends Tussle Till
Police Act
Shamokin. Pa., March 10.—Follow
ing the death here yesterday of Walter
Ourskie. .formerly of Hazletfon, John
Bobkow4ty, a local funeral director,
{prepared the body for burial. Then
j I'ndertnkcr M. J. Grankoski. of Hazle
ton. arrived to remove the body to that
j place, but would not pay Bobkowsv
| enough for his services,
i Friends orf the two crowded about
the house of death, and a general fight
! ensued. The pol'ce arrested a number
| of the after which Bcbkciw-
I sky shtppc' l the bodv> to Hazleton.
One of the Young Culprits Confesses
and Lair Is Found
: Shenandoah, Pa., March 10.—The
I large wholesale warehouse of the
i Hooven Mercantile Oonvpnnv here has
■ been systematically roWoeil for some
time. Monday night the polix*e arrpsj
jed Bryan Manonojki, 14 years old, w*io
I confessed, implicating five other boys
'of foreign parents, and who were ar
A search disclosed a secret cave in
I the yard of one of the boys' parents,
j where over SIOO worth of loot was re
ccvered. The youthful prisoners will all
be sent to the House of Correction.
Claims on Railway Builder
Lanca3ter\ Pa., March 10. —The
American Surety Company has issuedl
an execution for $20,000
; Vamlegrift Construction Company, of
| Lebanon. This company recently com
| pleted the construction of the (Cphrata
I & Lebanon Street Railway.
are too often
with drag*
when their blood it
really starved. They need that
blood-strength which comes
from medicinal nourishment
No drags can make blood.
concentrated blood-food sad erery
drop yields return* in strengthening
both body and brain. a.
If yoa are frail, lupdi |m
delicate or itrtosi, tab Vflf
Scott'* Em—hi— after awli II If
I for om awtt. No Alcohol. J^JjL
NORMAN 2* iaebe.
U.. Uc.
Do World's Work Between Agee of 60
and 70, Says Western Profeeaor
Eugene, Ore., March 10.—"Investi
gation by 'keen men has shown that
man's best work has been done be
tween the ages of 60 and 70 years,"
said E. R. Bryan, of Colgate
University, in an address before the
Western, Division of the Oregon Teach
ers' '
x "Six hundred of the most import
ant scientists, statesmen and old world
famous men were selected," he said,
"and it was found that only 5 per
eeut. of them accomplished their
world 'a work before the age of 40, 10
per cent, between 40 and 50, 20 per
cent, between ot> and 60, 35 per ceut.
'between 60 and 70, 21 per ceut. after
they had reached the ntge of 80."
BhimersvlUe Visited by $120,000
Bias*—l3s Lose Jobs
South Bethlehem, March 10.—Shim
ersville, part of which has just been
purchased by Charles M. Schwab, in
order to obtain land to extend his Beth
lehem Steel Company plant, was visited
by a disastrous tire yesterday which
practicfflly destroyed the William
Shinier Sons & Company iron toy foun
dry. The value of the building burued
is $120,000.
Foreman Harry Miikseh and Harry
Fuliner were seriously burned wjjen
combustion blew open doors of the jap
anning ovens and flames enveloped
them. The departments burned wore the
molding, ja[>anning, packing, assemb
ling and otlices. The concrete ware
house, pattern and barn were saved by
the combined efforts of the plant's
tire department and Freeman Aurg,
South Bethlehem and Lehigh Coke
Company departments. The foundry,
which was engaged in manufacturing
•Christmas toys, employed 126 hands at
preseut, which is a dull season, most
of whom reside at Freemanjburg. It is
.likely that the plant will be rebuilt.
Demands in Colorado That She Be
Given Gentleman's Treatment
Denver, March 10.—A passage at
arms between Seaator Barele and Sen
ator Helen Ring Robinson, Colorado's
only woman Sftpator, yesterday reach
ed the point of personalities which
called for an appeal from the latter for
the protection of the chair.
"The Senator from the First," de
clared Barele, referring to Senator Hel
en Ring Robinson "constantly takes
advantage of her wearing skirts to do
things here n man would not do. She
confesses she lias moved an amendment
to this bill which was foolish. The
women in my county do not do these
foolish things. She should not be al
lowed to take advantage of her skirts."
The woman Senator demanded recog
nition, and said; "I demand that I be
treated as a gentleman," her voice
quivering with aager. Senator Barele
moderated his manner of speech.
! Two Victims, Mistreated by "Possum
Hunters" File Damage Suits
Rockport, J£y-> March 10.—Feeling
is running high in Butler county as the
resujt of a damage suit filed here Mon
day by Louella and Katherine Web
ster, members of a well-known Ken
tucky family, who allege they were at
tacked in their homos by a band of
" 'possum hunters,"'blindfolded, drag
ged into the cold and disrobed by the
"regulators" who then applied the
lash to their bare backs. The suits arQ
for |IO,OOO each, and are against 36
wealthy Butler county men. The total
j asked in the suits is $720,000.
Persons in the little court were stir-
I red 'by the pita'ble sight of the t>wo
! women when the suits were filed. Be
tween sobs they told how they had been
mistreated after the beating, which
took place at midnight. They said they
were taken back to their homes and
shoved across the threshold where they
fell unconscious, in which state they re
mained until found by relatives.
Paralytic Stroke Fatal to Aged Man
New Holland, March 10. —Theo. M.
Storb, 80 years ol>i', died yesterday
1 from a paralytic stroke, after an hour's
| illness. He was one at the leading
business men of this section, being a
director in several companies, and con
ducted a marble and granite works
many years. He taught school for a
number of y«ars in various sections of
Lancaster county. Two sons and a
daughter survive. He was a member
of the Lutheran church.
Aged Woman Hangs Herself
Stony Creek, March 10. —'Mrs. Mary
Palmer, 73 years old', committed suicide
yesterday at her home by hanging her
self in a barn. The body was discov
ered by a grandson when he went to
feed the stock iu the evening. She had
made a number of threats to do the act
and was closely matched, but she toJd
the occupants of the house she was go
ing to visit a neighbor and tnen com
mitted the deed. She lea.ves a nuni
i ber of children.
Deatb of Marietta Woman
Marietta, March 10. —Mrs. Aaron
tjharp, 40 years old, died yesterday
from tuberculosis. She was a member
l ok the Reformed church. Her husband,
| sH eral children, a number of brothers
land sisters and her parents, Mr. and
j Mrs. James Hoover, survive.
Aged Woman Dies in Hospital
j Marietta, March 10.—-Miss Fannie
' Elliott, 88 years old, the last of her
family and a native of Pequea, died
last night at the county hospital from
the infirmities of age. She was a life
long member of the Church of Ood aril
taught in the Sunday school years ago.
Death of a Retired Farmer
Baat Peterbfcurg, March 10.—Adam
L. Hersihey, 71 years old, died yester
day of a complication of diseases. He
was a retired farmer. A widow, three
children and ten grandchildren survive.
United Statw Department of Agricul
ture Beporta Increase of 2H.4 Per
Cent Over Corresponding Period
Two Team Ago
Washington, D. C., March 10.—Ac
cording to investigations conducted 'by
the office of markets, United Wtates De
partment of Agriculture, there was an
increase in the movement of cold stor
age . pples during January as Compared
with December, it is impossible to give
the total quantities of uoxos und oar
i rels in storage on February 1 because
many firms withhold information as to
their holdings. However, it is thought
that a sufficient number are co-operat
ing with the office of markets to- war
rant conclusions as to the total move
ment throughout the country.
Basing estimates upon the returns
from a large number of commercial ap
ple cold storuges and granting the con
ditions for this number are representa
tive of the whole, it appears (I) that
holding on Febhiary 1, 1915, were
2 8.4 pit* cent, greater than on the same
date twfl years ago; (2) That 25.2
per cent, of the total holdings have
been moved since Decein'ber Ist, the
decrease of barreled stock being 25.4
per c<y»t. and boxes 17 per cent.; (3)
That during January 17 per cent, of
'barreled apples and 10-*» per ccut. of
boxed apples were takeu out of cold
storage, the total decrease on the basis
of holdings, Decein'ber 1, beiug 10.6
per cent. ,
It was not thought that the demand
for cold storage apples in January
would bo very much greater than in
'December, owing to the fact, as pointed
out in a previous report, that the large
supply of common storage stock, to
gethei with Christmas purchases, would
restrict the movement of apples- from
cold storage during last month. The
attention of those interested is called
again to the fact that practically all
common storage applus, as a rule, pass
into consumption bv the Ist of Feb
ruary. If this condition has been true
of the preseut season, it is thought that
the movement of cold storage apples
will be very large during .February and
IMarch. The supply certainly is bounti
ful and, as the result of low prices and
a large demaud, it is thought the con
sumption during the next few months
will be sufficient to exhaust the sup
The advisability of moving the
stocks aro rapidly as possible is urged
upon growers and dealers so that the
unusually large holdings may diminish
sufficiently to prevent disaster in April
or May.
Excess of Exports Over Imports More
Than S'-iS.OitO.OOO
Washington, D. C., IMarch 10.'—'Ex
cess of exports over imports passing
through the thirteen principal customs
districts of the United States rolled up
a favorable trade balance of $2'5,511,-
521 for the week ending March 6, ac
cording to figures given out yesterday
by the Department of Commerce. Kx
ports for the week totaled $5-5,204,-
576,. against imports of $29,393,055.
The department made public also
estimated figures for the month of Feb
ruary complete, showing imports, $130,-
000,000; exports, $265,000,000; ex
cess of exports, $135,000,000. Similar
figures for Januarv were, imports,
$ 122,372,317; exports, $267,879,313;
excess of exports, $14'5,506,996.
Will Open Branch Office Here
Announcement was made yesterday
that the United States Fidelity and
Guaranty Company of Baltimore, a
$9,000,000 surety and 1 casualty com
pany, •will o'pen a branoh office in Har
rislburg, to be in charge of George
Fnger, formerly of Philadelphia. Simi
lar offices are now being started in
other cities by H. O. Dodge, sipeeial
ngent, who supervises the agencies of
Eastern I'ennsylvania and >iew Jersey.
Induced Dr. Howard Co. to Make
Special Prices
After a great deal of effort and cor
respondence, H. C. Kennedy,.the popu
lar druggist, has succeeded in getting
the Dr.-Howard Co. to make a special
half-price introductory offer on the
regular fifty-cent size of their cele
brated specific for the cure of con
stipation Hnd dyspepsia.
Dr. Howard's specific has been so re
markably successful in curing, constipa
tion, dyspepsia all liver troubles
that 11. C. Kennedy is willing to return
the price paid in every case where it
does not give relief.
Headaches, coated tongue, dizziness,
gas on stomach, specks before the ftyes,
constipation and all forms of liver and
stomach trouble are soon cured by this
scientific medicine.
So great is the demand for this spe
cific that H. C. Keunedy has been able
to secure only a limited su|ff4y t and
everyone who is troubled with dyspep
sia, constipation or liver trouble should
call upon him at once, or send 25 cents
ami get sixty doses of the best medi
cine ever made, on this special half
price offer with his personal guarantee
to refund the money it* it does not
Cooks Prefer
Kelley's Coal
A range fire to give satisfaction
must respond to the needa of the
cook —netjds which vary as the
foodstuffs vary from meal to
mew. Cooks (and there are hun
dreds of them) who have burned
Kelley's Coal prefer it fer the
range. Because it gives that
steady, even heat so necessary for
good eoolring and baking.
Coal for your range mixed any
way you order it.
1 N. Third Street
Tenth and State Streets
and Catarrh
Put a teaspoonful of Omepa Oil in a
cup of boiling water, then inhale the
itcam which goes through the passages
of the ipse and throat. This simple
treatment usually gives quick relief.
| The Daily Fashion Hint.
Pouyanne model, aavlng the new
cockade ornament. The hat Is of black
straw und satin and Is adorned with
military braid and a cockade tluned
with metallic sequins.
Texas Woodmen Parade in Snfw
Fort Worth, Tex., March 10.—In the
most severe snow storm in years, sex -
eral thousand Woodmen of the World
pitta iled yesterday. A 20-year record
was broken in Bollinger, where six
inches fell. No damage was done to
fruit,.as the snow is melting rapidly.
Harrisburgers to Go t.o San Diego
When the Loyal Order of Moose
hold their celebration at San Diego,
Cal., next July, Harrisburg will be rep
resented. James ,1. David, supreme or
ganizer, of Pittsburgh, is sjyMiding sev
eral days here arranging for the par
ticipation of the local lodge. Among
the delegates from this city will be
W. L. Loeser.
December Term, 1910. No. 4799.
SAMUEL REA. Trustee.
Pnreußnt to decree of the Court of Common
Pleas No. C, for Philadelphia County, male in
the above entitled caw November 1."., 1913. aa
amended October 10, 1014. Saiuti* 1 Keu. Substlmt
ed "lrustee uuder the tuortgage given and execut
ed July 1, 1870. by I'ennsyjtaria Canal Company
to Herman Lomhacrt as original trueie>. to
i secure the payment of its coupon bonds to the
amount of SB.'HM),OOO, of the denomination of sl.-
000. due July 1. 1910. of which bonds to the
; amount of fI.iHS.OOO arc outstanding due and
; unpaid. ui»n which default wua made when they
I fell due on said nrst day of July. 1910. will sell
:at l*ubllc Auction, at 12 o'clock noun, *t l."»iil
Cle stjiut street. Phi! xlcldlilh. Pa . on \V«*<!i:t •.
i April 7. 1915. the properties. rights* and prlvi
j leges herein ifter briefly de»-i liied, reference beinn
i Bade to said decree for a'full description, on iha
conditions and terms of sale hereinafter act f.-rth.
(s.> That portion, being about 671 100 miles lit
length, of the Wyoming Division of the Canal et-
t ending from Northampton t*uc«t. 111 the City <»f
Wilkes-Harro, to the ea«ti-rn boundary of thai por
tion of the Canal which wan conveyed by ihe Canal
Co. to Harry E. I-'auser by deed dated February
24. 1900; subject S8 tu part tlx? roof, jo tho right*
and »'ahement for railroad purpoaca gr.uite l by tho
Waral Co. to the North and West Branch ltallwav
Co. by deed dated Amount 13. INB3. and r< corned
iu Luzerne County in I« ed Book 230, p.;ge'32tl;
and subject to the grant of coal and other min
erals, etc., underlying the name part thereof nude
by the Caunl Co. to Charlro I'arrlsh by (bed dated
December Ul, recorded in Luzerne County in
Deed Bock No. 24i» page 3D.
(b.) Su"h right as the Canal Co. may hate to
reconstruct and maintain the dam across tho
AVest Branch of the Smnucbanna It!vor Hear
Montgomery, in the Couuty of Lycom'ng. Mid
known a* the- Muney Dmui, and the portion of the
West Branch Division of the canal, about <»u •
mile in length, contiguous to the site of the said
dam. extending from a point 400 feet Mastwardlv
measured along the South property line of a id
Canal from the intersection of said property lino
with a line in prolongation Southwardly
the canal) of the breast of said Money Dam. to
a point in a line in prolongation Southwardly
across the canal, of the Westerly Hue of tho
Lock House lot at I/wk No. 19. in the Townnhlo
of Muncy Creek, County of Lycoming,
tog-ether with the rigrht to flood.certain
lands above said datn.
(c.l That part of the portion of the West
Branch Division of the Canal .n Snyder County
extending from SeUnsgrovr railroad bridge to tha
former site of Penu's Creek Aqueduct. a dls
tan«-e of about 3 .1-10 miles, which was reserved
to the Canal Company in its deed to the Northers
Central Connecting Railroad Conn-any. dated Oc
tober 24. 190.'? and recorded In Snyder Co.. Is
Miscellaneous Book No. 6. page 3785.
<d.) That portion having a length of about «">n
feet of the Juniata Division of tin* Canal at
Juniata Junction. Dauphin County, extending from
the Eastward boundary of the Canal as conveyed
by the Canal Co. to the. I\ R. K. Co. by deed
dated October 18. 1899. to the Western boundary
of the Eastern Division of said Canal.
<e> That portion of the Eastern Division of the
Oansl, at said Juniata Junction, extending South
wardly from the Southern boundary of the Canal
as conveyed by the Canal Co. to the Northern
Centrfe! Connecting R. It. Co. by "deed dated Octo
ber J24. 1903, to and Including the lock to the pool
at '"dark's Ferry dam. Together with
the four frame dwelling houses thereon.
If.) The bridge across the Susquehanna River
• t Clarks Perry In the Township of Reed. County
of Dauphin, known as Clarks Ferry River bridge,
having a length of twenty hundred and eighty
eight (20S8> feet more or less, subject to condem
nation proceedings heretofore Instituted by tha
County of Dauphin to acquire the bridge, together
with the right to the damages awarded therefor.
(g.) That portion of the Wiconlsco Division &t
the Canal ln% Dauphin County extending frois a
point ISO feet alwve the head of the outlet l#ex
known as "No. 1" at Clarks Perry. WlßtWhaliy
s distance of 400 feet, more or l.ja. to a point «f
the Intake alio from the Susquehanna River a»v.T
dsm across said River at Clarks Ferry, t«*ethsa
with the 'nunc dwelling thereon, having an esti
mated area of about one acre.
Also, all the personal property of the Canal Co.
and all the estate, right, title and Interiflt of tha
Canal Co. of, in and to all real estate, r-al prop
erty ri«ht3 and privileges of every kind t-oever
forming part «f. connected with or belonging or in
any way appertaining to the works and property
now or heretofore known as the Pennsylvania
Canal lexcepting the parts and portions heretofore
sold and conveyed by the Canal Co.) and all nn.l
singular the corporate rights and .franchises of the
Canal Co. and generally all property whatever and
whereaoevor. real, personal and mixed, thereto be? i
longing and In any way appertain^.
1. The several above described premises will
be first offered f«>r sale separately, and thes all
of the said premises as a whole, to the highest
■nd beat bidders, subject to conflrmstlon by th«
2. Twenty-five per cent, of the amount of any
accepted bid shall be paid at the time of sale. In
cash, snd the balance of the purchase money shall
be paid upon confirmation of the sale by the
Court, without any inability of the purchaser te
see to the application of the purchase money.
"The condemnation proceedings here
tofore Instituted to acquire Clark*
Kerry River Bridge (see "f supra) havs
been dismissed by the Court since this
Advertisement first appeared, and there
fore the sale of said bridge will not
be subject thereto."