The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 10, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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Annual March Sale of China
r! and Glassware
Begins To-morrow
Preparations for this important
china and glassware occasion have 11=1=11
been going forward since the begin- I
ning of the year, and despite chaotic —— \C"~-
{ conditions in Europe we have sue- //// \
ceeded in landing a more represents- /' / I\ \v )/
tive assortment of designs and qual- \
ities than we have ever shown here- /// Vv
tofore. Dinner ware in sets and in //ff / \
open stock patterns makes a very / f // \
considerable attraction in this annual (/j / • \
March event, the countries contrib- I I \ )) fX
uting being America, England, • \d£T*"*"
France, Germany and Austria.
Sixty-six distinct patterns of table 0\ (<Z —">\
ware go into the sale including:
38 Patterns American Porcelain
5 Patterns English Porcelain -
Also Many Patterns of /—\
German Austrian Haviland {J)
and French China
All open stock Dinner ware will be sold in the March f=p
China Sale at a Discount of 10 Per Cent.
100-Piece Decorated Dinner Sets J?
Made in the U. S. A.
There are many beautiful patterns in open stoek and in sets and in every (C
ease we are glad to say that they are the product of Amerigftn potteries. J)
These American sets are regularly sold at $6.00 to $2.6.50. and in the
March Sale the prices will be $4.75 to $21.50.
English Porcelain ,• 42 :Pjp ce decorated and gold $17.50 sets will be sold for
£> lined dinner sets, regularly sold 815 OO
Ifl $2.75. In the March Sale the A . _
in oers pr i ce w ni be $1.98 Austrian and Ger-
One hundred pieces to the set, 100-piece American porcelain inn D"
\ regularly sold at $15.45 to $22. decorated dinner sets Tregularly man lUU-.rieCe
|ln the March Sale the prices Sl', d JJS r '' h C„ tc
.■in i,c $13.00 to $10.80.®.*' e ' : , hc hp p , r,ce " ,n . be ¥ ., , sets
]OO-piecc floral spray deeo- """ *
rated and gold-lined dinner sets, $12.00 sets will be sold for s ' ot ' k <»"< l m sets, regularly sold
'regularly sold at $7.50. In the $9.69 at to $54.00. In the
March sale the price will be $15.00 sets will be sold for March Sale the prices will be
$ 6 -19 $12.75 $21.60 to $48.50.
Remnant Day To-morrow in Colored
and Black Dress Goods
Skirt and Dress Lengths Attractively Priced
( lose to two hundred remnants in colored and black dress goods will move out to-morrow at '
exceptional savings. The lengths are suitable for suits and skirts and the weaves are very desir
able for spring wear. A partial list of the savings is given:
Black Dress Goods - value ,100. 3* yards ,*r ? e. value ,3.25. Thurs
* A y Thursd o a°y onlT.. 'V.'.. s «.*i 4 * V Thu4day only ° th ValUe 4 T" n '' Va ' lu ' K
2 % onlf:. . .Viw 4 >'*s only 6' Va,Ue * 3A °- Th £ r & 3 * >•*"'» °.u?tin«/ Value K,6?
** • . Va . ,Ue .. « 5 y rh S urst^^ pi: ' ValUe 5 'WjE
! * y r h ß u^ a a n y it o e n, C r. h .'. S »* 5
3H ya dav Snfy V^e ta « eta ' value $3.50. 4 yard's °Shepherd : s ' check.'' \*?i"
•»* S "SP-fiep
6% .
5 ! 4
tar Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Three Uncommonly Good Attractive Wash Goods
Silk Specials for Spring Dresses
The popularity of crepe weaves makes these Silk and cotton tub silk and cotton, in white prounds
offerings doubly attractive. These silks are and stri P e '- Yard,
from stock and are the best grades woven at 32-inch dress ginghams in fancy i>lai<l 9 , utiles,
their regular nriees check, and plam sha.les Yard l sc
n P r 'i-tb. Imported madras shirting, in white grounds aud neat
$1.50 crepe de chine in street and evening colored stripes. Yard, ....
shades; 40 inches wide. Special, yard, $1.19 ."*!?.•!."Sg
$1.85 crepe meteor in street and evening * m ' An , (lerson pinp ha tn in a large range* of styles
uha.W J/i ;»< u.i„ q • i j art fR for wolnen s and children s dresses. Yard, .. 3,v
shades, 40 inches wide. Special, yard, $1.50 n. & j. Scotch ginghams in styles that are'lot
SI.OO messaline, 36 inches wide, 35 shades. u y ? ny , ? t !' er f m " ke t r ; the colors are war-
Special, yard, Yard absolutely fast. In many choice styles.
tar Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Front. t-r Dives,. Pomeroy & Stewait, Street Floor* °
p : '■
New York Woman Tells Milwaukee
Polk Courting Is Necessary
Milwaukee, March 10.—'Beau |«r
3ors'' is one of the things Miss Blanche
Cearv of New York Mid would add to
the present facilities of the Milwaukee
Y. W. C. A. in her talk to a gathering
of ministers, their wives and church
•■workers yesterday afternoon.
" There should be plenty of opportu
nity for courting, Mi«s deary said. Just
as Jon? as there are pretty girls to live
in associations thfere will be beaux to
entertain and there is no use to side
track the beau question
War Veteran Dies at York
York, March 10.—Samuel R Miller,
a Civil war veteran, died here yester
day. He spent nearly a year,in Ander
sonvillo prinon. He was a mem'aer of
Company E, Kighty-seventh regiment,
Pennsylvania volunteers.
Hazleton Colliers Shut Down
iHazletou, March 10.—The colleries
of the Lehigh Valley Coal Company
and the Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal
Company, in the Hazleton district, sus
pended last night for the week, making
but two days. This was also the sched
ule last week, due to slackened demand
for anthracite.
Boy Crushed Under Coal Cars
Shatnokin, March 10.—Ceorge Deit
rick, 15 years old, mef death at the
Mineral Railroad and Mining Com
pany's Cameron colliery yesterday,
when he was thrown under, the wheels
of several loaded coal cars and Was
Past Grands to Meet March 23
The regular meet.iug of the Past.
G-rands' Association of the I. O. O. F.
will be held in the hall of Peace and
Plenty Lodge No. 69, Third and Cum
berland streets, Monday evening, March
22, when the first degree will be con
ferred on three candidates by the de
gree staff of Lodge No. 69.
This evening, The De Koven Opera
Co. will present "Robin Hood"
To-morrow and Friday, with daily
matinees, German War Pictures.
Saturday, March 13, matinee and
evening, The Boston English
Opera Co. will present Verdi's
'' II Trovatore.''
Wednesday, matinee and evening,
March 17, "Under Cover."
Ever; afternoon uutl evening, lilgfc
clas« vaudeville,
Every afternoon and ovenipg, vamle
ville and pictures.
Motion Pictures.
Motion Pictures.
Motion Pictures.
' '
"Robin Hood"
The attraction at the Majeetia this
afternoon and evening will be the de
Koven Opera <'ompany in an ambitious
production of "Robin Hood." This
is the company, organized by Reginald
de Koven, the composer, for the pur
pose of restoring Die glories of English
1 light o|tera, ami giving a jaded public
more and better music than is afforded
in the modern musical comedy.
The principals were recruited from
the grand opera houses of Europe and
America, and a revival of "Robin
Hood'' "was made at the New Amster
dam theatre, in New York two seasons
ago, where it ran for six months to
capacity houses, was then transferred
to the Knickerbocker theatre for an
other run anil subsequently toured the
country to enthusiastic welcome.
It was Mr. de Koven's intention to
multe it a permanent organization con
sequently most of the original company
have been retained and are making
their third tour of the country, taking
in only the large cities.—-Adv.*
Grand Opera Successes
A short interview with some of the
leading artists of the Boston English
Opera Company, which comes to the
Majestic theatre, Saturday, March 13,
matinee autl night in the mammoth
production of Verdi's beautiful opera
"II Trxvatoro" seems to develop the
fact that there is at least one subject
on which opera stars agree and that ie,
that there is much more than a good
voice neeessarv to acquire success in
grand opera, that is why great opera
singers are so scarce aiid why they
command such huge salaries. It is said
that each generation produces only one
or two great tenors of opera. John F.
Sbecihan, one of the Best English Opera
Company's stars is without question
the one of the present generation. It is
conceded that he is one of the fore
most American tenors of the day.
Luckily, he also has great historionic
ability: in otiher words, lie acts as well
as he sings. That is what makes his
impersonations so enjoyable.—Adv.*
"Under Cover"
A thrilling detective narrative com
bined with an entrancing love story, is
the theme of "Under Cover." the new
play by Roi Cooper Megme which Sel
wyn & Company will present at the
Majestic next Wednesday, matinee and
night. T'he play is one which gtives
promise of rivaling the popularity rec
ords established by "Within the
Law," also produ/ed by Selwyn &
Company, and already "Under Cover"
has passed its 2'oo performance in
both New York end Chicago. "Under
Cover" deils with the pecret service
and an effort to discover the smuggler
of a valuable necklace. It is full of
surprising incidents and reaches u to
tally unexpected ending. According to
press and public of New York ami Chi
cago, "Under ( over" is a play whieih
will delight all classes of playgoers
and no matter what inroads moving
pictures may have made with the pa
trons of the gallery and balcony, in
reference to other plays, they will re
turn at least once to see this produc
"When Dreams Come True"
One of the greatest theatrical suc
cesses of the past year was scored by
Philip Bartholomae's musical play
"When ©reams Come True." The en
gagements of thin fascinating storv of
youth haive been confined to Philadel
phia, Boston, Chicago and Xew York,
during that period, and it will be pre
sented in this city for the first time
next Thursday, matinee and night at
tlie Majestic.—Adv.*
At the Orphcum
Not the least, interesting of the
clever players at the Orpheum this
week, is Harrisburg's favorite stock
actress, Helen Grayce, who is now suc
cessfully appearing in vaudeville and
who, with a very capable east is pre
senting a comedy playlet called "Bill
99 9.*" The storv of her vehicle is just
as interesting as it is well interpreted.
It deals with a suffrage bill that is to
be pa;f.fxl in the .Senate, Miss Grayce
essaying (iho role of the suffragette,
while tMc (Senator, who Miss Grayce
suspects of opjK)sing the bill, is detain
ed in her heme until it vs too Ifte for
him to njdflte his sperch. Just how her
scheme Works out must not be told
here. But the playlet nevertheless gives
theatregoers a new phase of women
pulling at the strings of politics and
the lines and situations are clever and
well handled.
It iniijlrt 'be interesting to note that
"Bill 999" was written by Miss Una
Clayton, who waa at the Orpheum a
few weeks aijo herself, ::nd who has
presented many very clever f'letches in
vaudeville. A« the suffragette, M : ss
Grayce is very pleasing. Donald McMil
lan, is very clever and very funny sa
the suffering husband, while Francis
Morey, is all that could be desired as
the (Senator. The host of Miss Grayce's
admil-ers in Harrhrburg, who have en
joyed her many appearances in stock
companies at tihe .Majestic, are taking
a keen interest in her*Jocal vaudeivillo
engagement. She and her company are
presenting one of the very interesting
attractions supporting Trixie Friganza,
the nota'ble headliner of the week.—
At the Colonial
Another week has rolled around end
once »#ain the popular turn "Country
Store" wiU be a feature of tonight's
0 S IP IS 70 25 Miles
va am*«C«A
ADMIRALTY DESPATCHESq oni|| ■ in|J< \ >|
jfc *W 6- &c, Cj J* „t** °**
«*IE AT p. « M
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THE OCEAN -- ft > S <PPr* r 6 ~
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6. jJ TABIA /j)
Ft HAMAziEH f£ft:x H ?, MIDIEM SUI-TAMIPW Mar. 7-
Vn. u«t^ MID,EH 3 ® THE LORD " 1 Bcxh
f OEREV J @ nelson, L J
/ ffXf the asamemnomT^
& *+ 1 f **"* 6 - onrecr fire AT © gr® T «E Dublin - 4 b'«s <>
1 > jf T«e BRITISH WARSHIPS i"""* *"""
# \J Aj*7W//» "me LORP NEITON, the rfOOO A>4ooo
jg FftENCHm TMp SAULOIS. CHARLEMAGNE, y ds «4 *tt&)
"■ \ .Silence. *ts. <3) andfo
performances at the Colonial theatre.
This 'big comedy burn will appear in
conjunction with the last engagements
of Tom Linton ami His Jungle Gjrls,
one of the breeziest and most tuneful
musical comedy features that has ap
peared at the Busy Corner. Other clever
turns of this bill includo Marshall and
Crumby, monarchs of colored comedy;
Soretti and Antoinette, novelty fun
sters, and Grace Pomeroy, dainty
songstress. The B*ig Franz Troupe, of
nutty cyclists, one of the funniest bi
cycle comedies in vaudeville, comes to
tihe Colonial for the last half of the
• i
Roberts in "The Circus Man"
America's foremost character actor,
Theod-ore Roberts, will appear at the
Regent theatre to-day and to-morrow in
"The Circus Man."
This purely American photoplay un
folds to the observer the romance of
life beneath the great white canopy.
The love and thrills vvhicih constitute
the charm of circus life are worked up
into a happy climax for the Circus
Man and the girl he loves.
Do not fail to note the hours of tho
showing of this thrilling feature in
the advertisement. Do not be disap
pointed in failing to see this high-class
film play. The management, in its ef
fort to present only the best, carefully
considers its selection of plays to be
shown its patrons, which accounts for
tho high satisfaction and pleasure all
experience in coming to the Regent—
the home of film plays of the Ihdghest
Friday a number of stars will alp
pear in a production by J. Searle Daw
ley, "A Daughter of the People."
A daily change of comedy will be
shown in addition to the feature.
At the Photoplay To-morrow
That funny guy with the little mus
tache and the great big feet, the guy
that has the world laughing, comes to
the Photoplay to-morrow in his great
est knockout,'"The Champion," a two
reel Essanay comedy. Since Chaplin
.joined the Kssanay company these two
reel features are requested daily toy
our many patrons. All will have an op
portunity to see this feature comedy
to-morrow and upon its return Saturday,
and Francis Bushman aud his new lead
ing lady, Edna Mayo, in S-act Kssanay
drama, "Stars Their Courses, Change.''
To-day "The Serpent of the Slums"
in three reels anil our regular Lubin
two-act drama "Beneath tho Sea."
In Characteristic Telegram Actress
Tells of Convalescence
Paris, March 10. —The* "Oaulois"
has received the following telegram
from Mine. Sarah Bernhardt at Bord
"I am sending this telegram from
the 'balcony, where I have been walk
ing for the last hour."
"Walking," is of course, somewhat
of an exaggeration in view of the fact
that Mme. Bernhardt'# right leg was
recently amputated, but the telegram
shows that her convalescence has com
Miner Killed By Fall of Rock
Trcvorton, Pa.. March 10.—William
Reichold, an expert miner, this place,
was killed at the North Franklin coi
iliery yesterday while drilling a hole at
the facg of the breast when a large
piece of top rock feel on him.
In this drawing Is shown what the English navy experts are doing to all the old tramp steamships and others
that are held up tn the ports during the war. This tramp ship, which heretofore had been carrying freight, Is now
mounted with cannon and ready to destroy the enemies' submarines.
Paris, March 10, 5.30 A. M.—A
fragment of a Turkish shell fell yes
terday (Tuesday) at bhe feet of Rear
Admiral Guepratte, commander of the
French division operating wim the al
lied fleet in-tlhe Dardanelles, as he was
directing tho operations of the battle
ship Suffren, which had executed a
daring maneuver by penetrating the ex
treme limit of the mine fields, a
Tenedos dispatch to tho "Petit Pari
sien." Several shells are reported to
have struck the warship, but the corre
spondent makes no mention of her hav
ing been damaged.
After yesterday's operation, the
Tenodos dispatch says, the c.rcw of the
■battleship Gaulois was warmly praised
•by VTewv.Admiral Carden, the British
commander, for .the assistance lent in
the reduction of the Dardanus redoubt.
Powerful Turkish batteries were si
lenced by the Gaulois, wlikh was her
self struck by two six-inoh shells, al
though the damage done is declared to
have been insignificant.
Operations of the French warships
have been delayed for a* (Jew hours by
the necessity of taking aboard coal
and ammunition.
Berlin, Via Amsterdam and London,
March 10, 8.45 A. M.—ln an article
in the "Vorwaerts" the former Lon
don correspondent of the newspaper, in
dealing wit/h the Dardanelles attack,
"The composition of tihe British fleet
•appears to confirm the rumor that Great
Britain has added two squadrons of
new ships to her navy since the war
-began. The sending of tihe Queen Eliz
abeth typo vessels to tjie Mediterran
ean shows how little is the anxiety
the British Admiralty feels concerning
its superiority in the North sea.
"The view is generally expressed
that the Dardanelles cannot be forced
without a heavy landing party. How
eN'fer, this difficulty should not he given
exaggerated importance. It is a great
mistake to view the operations against
the Dardanelles as a mere blurt. '
Belgian Officials Charged With Treason
Cologne, March 10.—According to
the Cologne "Gazette" the Governor
General of Bejginfi, General von His
sing, has caused tile arrest of five Bel
gian officials on an allegation that they
induced Belgian customs officers to go
through 'Holland in order to enter the
Belgian army} The men, according to
the will 'be placed on triai
for treason. They include Director Gen
eral Ganzels, of the Ministry of Fi
nance; Director of Customs Nikodeme
and Customs Inspector Pre,jot, of Liege.
Strengthen Budapest's oFod Supply
Venice, Via London, March 10, 1.15
A. M.—ln order thnt a food supply
may be available for tho people of
Budapest, no matter what conditions
may arise in future, the city council
has expended $3,750,000 "o< r r o v '-
sons, chiefly wheat, rye, barley, rice,
cattle and pigs. The municipal bakery
has arranged to supply 100,000 pounds
of bread daily.
Philadelphia, March 10.—Gifford
Pinchot, formerly chief forester of the
I'nited States and Progressive candi
date for United States Senator from
Pennsylvania, has been appointed by
the French government as special agent
to distribute food to indigent French
people in the northern part of France,
occupied by the German troops.
The news of (Mr. Pinchot's appoint
ment reached here yesterday in a cable
Mr. Pinchot's headquarters will he
at Rotterdam. He went to France in
•January to aid in organizing a base
hospital planned by his sister, Lady
Johnstone, wife of Sir Alan Johnstone,
'British Minister to Tho Hague—
Washington, March 10.—'With tihe
Russian wheat supply cut off by the
closing of the Dardanelles to merchant
ships, Greece has now turned to the
United States and is buying from this
country from 25,000 to *40,000 tons of
wheat a month, according to American
Consul General Alexander W. Wodell at
The Hellenic government has taken
this step with a view of keeping down
food prices and checking speculation
in foodstuffs.
Czar Goes to Visit Finland
Petrograd, March 10.—KmperoT
Nicholas left Petrograd yesterday for
Helsingfors, 'Finland.
Gets Three Months for Sarcasm
Gotha, via London, March 10, 10.4 5
A. M.—lHerr Geithner, a Socialist mem
ber of the Saxe-Coburg Diet and the
editor of the Gotha " Volksblntt," has
"been sentenced to three months' impris
onment for commenting sarcastically
upon Ivinperor William's statement that
he no longer knew parties but only
Germans. Tho "Volksblatt" has been
Worroleysburg to Celebrate One Hun
dredth Year in August
Wormleysburg. March 10.—The one
hundredth anniversary of the borough
will be celebrated here during the week
of August 1.
The plan for the pelobTation was de
cided upon last night at a' meeting of
the citizens in the Town Hall. Tho
appointment of a committee was prac
tically the only business transacted,
but from the manner in which tho
proposition was received it is believed
that the celobration will be an elab
orate event.
The committee consists of Fred J.
Hummel, permanent chairman; Lin
wood B. Wanbaugh, secretary; A. J.
Wrigfht, treasurer; Ralph Schrack and
R. F. Baker. This committee will meet
Saturday night to appoint sub-commit
The question of a new Town Hall
was also raised and it was decided tho
borough should have one. It is likely
$3,000 will have to be borrowed for
this purpose., A plot on Market square
has been considered for the proposed
new building