12 f « ■ s Annual March Sale of China r! and Glassware Begins To-morrow Preparations for this important china and glassware occasion have 11=1=11 been going forward since the begin- I ning of the year, and despite chaotic —— \C"~- { conditions in Europe we have sue- //// \ ceeded in landing a more represents- /' / I\ \v )/ tive assortment of designs and qual- \ ities than we have ever shown here- /// Vv tofore. Dinner ware in sets and in //ff / \ open stock patterns makes a very / f // \ considerable attraction in this annual (/j / • \ March event, the countries contrib- I I \ )) fX uting being America, England, • \d£T*"*" France, Germany and Austria. Sixty-six distinct patterns of table 0\ (\ ware go into the sale including: 38 Patterns American Porcelain 5 Patterns English Porcelain - Also Many Patterns of /—\ German Austrian Haviland {J) and French China All open stock Dinner ware will be sold in the March f=p China Sale at a Discount of 10 Per Cent. 100-Piece Decorated Dinner Sets J? Made in the U. S. A. There are many beautiful patterns in open stoek and in sets and in every (C ease we are glad to say that they are the product of Amerigftn potteries. J) These American sets are regularly sold at $6.00 to $2.6.50. and in the March Sale the prices will be $4.75 to $21.50. English Porcelain ,• 42 :Pjp ce decorated and gold $17.50 sets will be sold for £> lined dinner sets, regularly sold 815 OO Ifl $2.75. In the March Sale the A . _ in oers pr i ce w ni be $1.98 Austrian and Ger- One hundred pieces to the set, 100-piece American porcelain inn D" \ regularly sold at $15.45 to $22. decorated dinner sets Tregularly man lUU-.rieCe |ln the March Sale the prices Sl', d JJS r '' h C„ tc .■in i,c $13.00 to $10.80.®.*' e ' : , hc hp p , r,ce " ,n . be ¥ ., , sets ]OO-piecc floral spray deeo- """ * rated and gold-lined dinner sets, $12.00 sets will be sold for s ' ot ' k <»"< l m sets, regularly sold 'regularly sold at $7.50. In the $9.69 at to $54.00. In the March sale the price will be $15.00 sets will be sold for March Sale the prices will be $ 6 -19 $12.75 $21.60 to $48.50. Remnant Day To-morrow in Colored and Black Dress Goods Skirt and Dress Lengths Attractively Priced ( lose to two hundred remnants in colored and black dress goods will move out to-morrow at ' exceptional savings. The lengths are suitable for suits and skirts and the weaves are very desir able for spring wear. A partial list of the savings is given: Black Dress Goods - value ,100. 3* yards ,*r ? e. value ,3.25. Thurs * A y Thursd o a°y onlT.. 'V.'.. s «.*i 4 * V Thu4day only ° th ValUe 4 T" n '' Va ' lu ' K 2 % onlf:. . .Viw 4 >'*s only 6' Va,Ue * 3A °- Th £ r & 3 * >•*"'» °.u?tin«/ Value K,6? ** • . Va . ,Ue .. « 5 y rh S urst^^ pi: ' ValUe 5 'WjE ! * y r h ß u^ a a n y it o e n, C r. h .'. S »* 5 3H ya dav Snfy V^e ta « eta ' value $3.50. 4 yard's °Shepherd : s ' check.'' \*?i" •»* S "SP-fiep 6% . 5 ! 4 tar Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Three Uncommonly Good Attractive Wash Goods Silk Specials for Spring Dresses The popularity of crepe weaves makes these Silk and cotton tub silk and cotton, in white prounds offerings doubly attractive. These silks are and stri P e '- Yard, from stock and are the best grades woven at 32-inch dress ginghams in fancy i>lai| jfc *W 6- &c, Cj J* „t** °** «*IE AT p. « M TH^uffm\ J * 9 n. WARSHIPS REPORTED * * jf* M'T (AH damage Slight) THE OCEAN -- ft > S 1 > jf T«e BRITISH WARSHIPS i"""* *""" Jfj MAJESTIC PRINCE SEORGE 7>tE ARK ROYAL Q v I.TXE FRENCH WARSHIP SUFFREN CSatplane # \J Aj*7W//» "me LORP NEITON, the rfOOO A>4ooo jg FftENCHm TMp SAULOIS. CHARLEMAGNE, y ds «4 *tt&) % <,y. POUVET t' SIIFFRFN "■ \ .Silence. *ts. <3) andfo performances at the Colonial theatre. This 'big comedy burn will appear in conjunction with the last engagements of Tom Linton ami His Jungle Gjrls, one of the breeziest and most tuneful musical comedy features that has ap peared at the Busy Corner. Other clever turns of this bill includo Marshall and Crumby, monarchs of colored comedy; Soretti and Antoinette, novelty fun sters, and Grace Pomeroy, dainty songstress. The B*ig Franz Troupe, of nutty cyclists, one of the funniest bi cycle comedies in vaudeville, comes to tihe Colonial for the last half of the week.—Adv.* • i Roberts in "The Circus Man" America's foremost character actor, Theod-ore Roberts, will appear at the Regent theatre to-day and to-morrow in "The Circus Man." This purely American photoplay un folds to the observer the romance of life beneath the great white canopy. The love and thrills vvhicih constitute the charm of circus life are worked up into a happy climax for the Circus Man and the girl he loves. Do not fail to note the hours of tho showing of this thrilling feature in the advertisement. Do not be disap pointed in failing to see this high-class film play. The management, in its ef fort to present only the best, carefully considers its selection of plays to be shown its patrons, which accounts for tho high satisfaction and pleasure all experience in coming to the Regent— the home of film plays of the Ihdghest class. Friday a number of stars will alp pear in a production by J. Searle Daw ley, "A Daughter of the People." A daily change of comedy will be shown in addition to the feature. Adv.* At the Photoplay To-morrow That funny guy with the little mus tache and the great big feet, the guy that has the world laughing, comes to the Photoplay to-morrow in his great est knockout,'"The Champion," a two reel Essanay comedy. Since Chaplin .joined the Kssanay company these two reel features are requested daily toy our many patrons. All will have an op portunity to see this feature comedy to-morrow and upon its return Saturday, and Francis Bushman aud his new lead ing lady, Edna Mayo, in S-act Kssanay drama, "Stars Their Courses, Change.'' To-day "The Serpent of the Slums" in three reels anil our regular Lubin two-act drama "Beneath tho Sea." Adv.* BERNHARDT TAKES A "WALK" In Characteristic Telegram Actress Tells of Convalescence Paris, March 10. —The* "Oaulois" has received the following telegram from Mine. Sarah Bernhardt at Bord eaux: "I am sending this telegram from the 'balcony, where I have been walk ing for the last hour." "Walking," is of course, somewhat of an exaggeration in view of the fact that Mme. Bernhardt'# right leg was recently amputated, but the telegram shows that her convalescence has com menced. Miner Killed By Fall of Rock Trcvorton, Pa.. March 10.—William Reichold, an expert miner, this place, was killed at the North Franklin coi iliery yesterday while drilling a hole at the facg of the breast when a large piece of top rock feel on him. BRITISH STEAMER MADE INTO SUBMARINE DESTROYER - . BRITISH • SUBMARINE DESTROYED "CONVERTED FROM TRAMP STEAMSHIP