THE WEATHER FAIR TO-NIGHT AND TO-MOKBOW DcMIM Hcftrt, Put • VOL. 77—NO. 82. e9TARLI«HED DVT. 4. IS7«. SHOOTS DOWN WOMAN IN STREET AND THENTAKES HIS OWN LIFE WITH DULLET Stephenson W. Keys, Chauffeur and Lately Restaurant Owner, Sends Revolver Ball Through Jaw of Mrs. Norah Hosie, Fires Another Through, Own Brain and Dies I In Few a Minutes — Woman In Hospital But Will Recover EXCITEMENT IN MARKET CROWD Great Throng Presses About Body In Street and Police Have Trouble Pre venting Curious Per sons From Removing Covering—Teeth Gathered For Sou venirs—Man Had Been Attentive to His Victim But the Police Do Not Know What Led to Quarrel Mrs. Xorah Hosie, 1624 North ISixth street, is in the Harrisburg hos ]>ital in n serious conditron with her loiyer jaw bone shattered by a onllet, and Stephenson \Y. Keys, a chauffeur, 1117 James street, is dead, a suicide, following the latter's sensational at tempt to nmrder the womaji at Wyeth and Basin streets at 9 o'clock this morning. Crowds of people were near, going to or from the Verbeke street market, a few blocks away. No more spectacular shooting ever oceured in llarristuirg and hundreds of marketers viewed the body of the man as it lay on the sidewalk in front of 1417 Wyeth street for more than an hour before its removal was ordered by Coroner Kckinger. Morbidly euriois persons blocked the street and policemen had trouble in keeping them from removing the cov ering from the body. Two teeth, shot from the woman's were found on the street and were eagerly gathered up by spectators to be kept as mementoes of the crime. There were no spectators to the actual shooting, so far as the police have learned. A eiowd of workingmen, unpacking a case of lining in the Har risburg Leathei Products Company plant, at Basin and Wyeth streets, heard two shots fired in quick succes sion and, looking from the doorway, saw the woman reeling iu the center of the street and the man lying on the sidewalk, the revolver by his side. The man evidently had shot them both. They were bleeding profusely. He Dies ir Few Minutes The woman collapsed in a sitting po sition on tie steps of the leather com pany plant and the workmen ran to her assistance. Keys already was un conscious and was gasping his last. He lived but a few moments afterward. When the woman looked «around and Baw Keys lying in the sidewalk she uttered a shriek and tried to call his name, but her mouths-was filled with blood and she could not talk. Few persons have been found who had seen the couple together before the shooting but one person in the crowd that collected at the scene of the trag edy, said Keys had met the woman in Reily street and that they had walk ed to the corner where Keys opened fire. The police were on the scene of the crime in a few minutes and the woman was hauled to the hospital. When the crowd collected the police demanded a \ cover for the body of Keys and a piece of heavy wrapping paper was ob- Cmtlaaed om Mnth p«„,. ■o, providing for the purchase of a plot of MeOormick's Es tate ground on South Ninth street, as a site for a municipal asphalt repair plant and authorizing the construction of rhe plant. For the ground the trustees of the Henry MeCormiok Estate will be paid $6,630, less two per cent., which goes as a commission to Rabbi Samuel Friedman, who acted as their real es tate representative in the transaction. This money is to be paid oat of the $25,000 loan authorized in 1913 and consequently the balance, or so much thereof, as is necessary, will be ap plied to the cost of erecting the plant. Commissioner Lynch announced, fol lowins the meeting, that he will begin advertising next week for bids for the construction of the plant and that the proposals likely will be opened and the contract awarded duriuii the last week in March, so that the plant should be in operation possibly bv May 1. Taylor opposed the ordinance pro viding for the purchase of the McCor mick ground, he said, because he thinks the ptm'e is excessive. The Mayor said he opposed tdie measure because of the protest filed by First ward residents. He contended that they should be given the same consideration as the Cameron street merchants and manufacturers who suc cessfully opposed placing the plant in their section of the city. Gorgas voted with Lynch and Bow man, he said, because the Planning Commission recommeuded the plot as the logical site. Bowman and Lynch gaA-e that also as their reason for fa voring the ordinance and besides they; said another site where there is a sjd- I ing cannot be had except for a higher price. Action on the ordinance making an appropriation to pay the cost of repair ing the Friendship Company's steam fire engine was |>ostpohed for'one week. $2,000 BAILFOR BARGEST Driver of Auto That Figured in Fatal Crash Is Arrested and Put Under Bend Arrested this morning on a charge of involuntary manslaughter, John Hargest, Jr., the chauffeur who drove the ill-fated auto that crashed into a Valley Traction Company car at Front and Walnut streets on' the night of January 1, resulting in the death of Miss Grace Mapgans, furnished a $2,000 boud to appear at a preliminary hearing before Alderman E. J. Hilton on Friday morning at 10 o'cloak. illargpst made no effort to escape ar rest. The warrant was served by Con stable Charles Smith. Later "young Hargest was released, his father,"John Hargest, formerly Register of Wills of Dauphin c&unty, furnishing the neces sary bo,pd after Judge Kunkel fixed the amount. 11 BIDDERS ON STREET SIGN'S Proposals Received To-day for 4,000 Markers for City Thorough/ares Representatives of eleven manufac turers of street signs to-day submitted proposals to William H. Lynch, High way Commissioner, for supplying the 4,000 markers desired for use in the city. Many of the bids are qualified proposals and these must be inquired into as well as a selection made from the samples of signs submitted. Lynch will not decide foi; several days" the firm to which he will recommend award ing the contract. Steel, enamel plated, tile, wood and brass samples were submitted. The bids run from 23 cents each to $1.25. The bidders were: Standard Sign Man ufacturing Company, PittsSiurgh; George H. Lewis & (V, George M. Klineline, J. Horace McFarland Com pany, E. B. Hoffman, William S. Tunis and Thomas A. Johnston, Harrisburg; Royal Enamoling & Manufacturing Co., Chicago; Century Manufacturing Com pany, Lancaster; Crichton-Curl Enamel Company, El wood City, and Gallon Iron Works Jfc Manufacturing Co. HIDE BABY IN QUARRY Foreign Parents Dispose of Body Rather Than Bear Funeral Expenses Workingmen ip Cubler's quarry at the east end of Steelton came upon the body of a baby this morning at 9 o'clock. It was covered by a bed com fort on which stones and srticks were laid so it would not be blown away. Coroner Eckinger had the body re moved to Wilt's undertaking establish ment where it was examined by a phy sician who said that the baby was born Jead, evidently of foreign parentage, and had been hidden in the quarry to avoid burial expenses. The body was hidden sometime during the night at a spot in the quarry which is not now being worked. The county will likely bear the expense of burial." HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY EVENIN&, MARCH 10, 1915—12 PAGES. TO MAKE STREET REPAIRS WITH CASH WALTER SEEKS Lynch H« Will Spend 93,730 Claimed By Contractor and Let the Latter Sue If He Wants to, Unless Bonding Company Acts I William H. Lynch, Highway Com missioner, said this afternoon that if the bonding company backlog Charles P. Walter who has the $15,000-a-vear street rejiair contract and who has re fused to do any more work, declines to rej air the streets, then the city will proceed with the work and pay for it out of the $3,750 quarterly installment yet due on the Walter contract and to I which Walter lays claim i Lynch further stated that the $3,- i 7'50 is ample to pay the cflst of all j street repair work necessary now but added that since the city is well pro tected against any loss on this contract he is disused to give the bonding com pany ample time to consider the ques tion of completing Walter's alleged unfinished contract. A Scranton trust company, which is Walter's surety, was told of the^con tractor's refusal to go to work on Sat urday and up until noon to-day had not advised City Solicitor Seitz of its intentions. Walter yesterday took the stand that the necessary ten-day notice directing him to go to work, was not received by him until March 5, so that he has until March 15 to decide upon a course of action. Lynch contends that the time for Walter to decide long since his expired, yet he to-day said that so far as he is concerned no suit will be brought against Walter to compel him to carry out the contract. "If Walter and his bonding com pany both refuse to do the work," said Lynch, "it will be up to city to do it and pay for it out of the $3,- 750 which would be due Walter on April 1. If we do the work, then it will be up to Walter to prove his claim that his contract with the city for the street repair work has expired and that he is entitled to the money" THE SITUATIONTN MEXICO Developments Awaiting Carranra's An swer to IT. S. Note Demanding Improvement In Conditions By Associated Press. Washington, March 10.—Develop ments in the Mexican situation to-day were awaiting General Carranza's an swer to the American note demanding i an improvement of conditions in Mexi co City. There were indications that the reply would be favorable. Conflicting dispatches as to the evacuation of Mexico during the last 24 hours cauled much doubt. A dispatch from Vera Cruz yesterday at 10 a. m. indicated General was still in control. The Villa agency had dispatches from Juarez saying Ob regon's troops evacuated yesterday and were replaced by Zapata "troops. No changes were made in the naval ; onlers which are sending the battle ship Georgia and the armored cruiser Washington to Vera Cruz to reinforce the fleet of small craft there. Populace in Mexico City Starving Washington, March 10.—The Mexi can Red Cross to-day appealed to the American Red Cross through Secretary Bryan for food for the starving popu lace in Mexico City. The appeal said the famine in the Mexican capital was rapidly growing worse. Secretary Bry an saitl the State department would co operate with the Red Cross as far as possible. BALTIMORE BANKER TO SPEAK Henry F. Baker, of Garrett & Sons, to Address Chamber of Commerce Henry F. Baker, of Baltimore, a partner in the banking house of Rob ert Garrett & Sons, former president of the Merchants' and Manufacturers' Association, the leading commercial or ganization of tSat city, and one of the most prominent citizens of Baltimore, will address the members of the Har risburg Chamber of Commerce at lunch eon at noon next Friday in the Harris burg Clulb The rebuilding of Baltimore since the great fire and the great strides that city has since made as a commer cial and industrial center and seaport will be the subject of Mr Baker's ad dress. The Chamber of Commerce expects the many business men of this city who have come here from Baltimore will make the luncheon for Mr. Baker the occasion for a reunion. It is also ex pected to stimulate the cordial rela tions that already exist between Haf risburg and Baltimore. Action on Third Judge Delayed? When the Nissley House bill provid ing for an additional law judge for the Daupihin county court reached the final passage stage in the Senate to-day Senator Sproul, of Delaware, asked that it go over for the present. This was agreed to, and it will not receive public consideration until next Monday night. Beds Come Quickly for Poor The Board of Poor Directors of Dau phin county yesterday appealed throujph the news columns of the Star-Independ ent for tw*> beds to care for a destitute family. In twenty minutes this morn ing offers of five beds were made to the Directors, more than enough for immediate needs. sl.l LI PROJECTM BEFfIREIERS Commissioners Will Ask People to Ap prove Bond Issue For Improvements FOR PAVING AND A NEW BRIDGE Plan Is to Submit to the Electors a Proposal to Borrow Money, Most of Which Would Be Used For a Walnut Street Viaduct When the voters at the election next Xoveniber select their choice of can didates for City Commissioners they also will be asked to approve or dis approve a $350,000 or $400,000 Im provement loau providing for a con. erete viaduct at Walnut street and fur ther street paving work —so City Com missioners, among them William L. Gor- j gas, said to-day. Residents of Allison Hill are besieg ing the City for another outlet te the Hill. A majority of the Commissioners this morning em phatically declared that notwithstand ing the fact that the City can, by ordi nance, increase its indebtedness to the extent of possibly $600,000, they will not endorse niakipg any heavy expendi ture without first having the matter ap proved by the voters. Commissioner Gorgas said plans are now being laid to subiriit the Walnut street bridge loan question to the voters for approval, but he added that it Is. too early to aay who will be the sponsor for the ordinance carrying that loan proposal. In view; of the fact that the City now has little or no mqney to pay the cost of paving street intersections ex cept thogo on which paving already have been authorized, Mr. Gorgas add ed that no doubt the electors will be nskpri tn pass upon a »00,000 loan for that purpose. i The voters in 1910 disapproved of the plan to build a bridge over the Pennsylvania railroa. at Walnut street, defeating a proposed S3OO, loau by a vote of 3.&5S to 2,451. The pro posed $50,000 paving loan which the City Councils in 1913 sought to have approved, was defeated by 74 votes, the official count being 3,948 against and 3,87 4 for it. The City also will be obliged to pro vide money to pay damages incident to the wiping out of the " Hardscrab'ble" district, and while the sum may run up to or even exceed $60,000, the ex act amount will not be determined until after the viewers pass upon the open j ing of North Front street, between | Herr and C'alder. DRINKSBOnii OFBROME Woman Dope Fiend Endangers Life by Taking Big Dose—Ward at Almshouse Opens A woman deprived of morphine be cause of the new federal anti-narcotic law endangered her life at the ]n the seven seas, slipped into port herei early to-day, presumably eluding the firitish and French cruisers along the const, in: need of repairs, coal and provisions for j her crew and with more than 30"J pris oners, taken from prizes. > .Last night after dark the G erinan ship appeared off Capo Henry, but did not enter until after daylight, when sho passed quarantine and dropped her anchor at this port. All her officers preserved the strictest silence aud hor captain at once dispatched a message telliug of his arrival uud the condition of hi» ship to the German eml>a*sy at Washington. Guarding U. S. Neutral! t y No sooner had tho Prinz llitel an chored than the United States coast guard ship 6nondago went .-ilongsido to take up her watch to pres«rvo the neutrality of the United Stat«>s, until | officials at Washington decic'l»j what shall be done. Scarred by the red rust an <1 salt of her months at sea, the Germ iw auxil- Contlnurd on Eltvrnth I THREE MOREBIISH SHIPS VICTIMS OF SUBMARI NES IN RAIDS OFF ENGLISH COAST London, March 10. —An Admiralty announcement issued last night, shows that German submarines yesti&rday sank three British steamships. '.Phe state ment says: "The steamship Tangistan, was sunk ! by a German submarine off Scarborough 'at 12.30 o'clock, the morning of March 9. Only one man of her cj eiw of 38 men were saved. "The steamship Blackwoo*! was sunk by a submarine, without v Earning, off ;.Hastings at 6 o'clock, the morning of I March 9. Her crew of 17 was saved. "The steamship Princes i Koyal, of Glasgow, was sunk without warning by i a German submarine at 9.15 o'clock, ' the morning of March 9, o fl' Liverpool. ! Her crew .of 34 was saved. '' This brings the total number of ships sunk in the German '- 'blockade" {to 19. The loss of the Tangistan, j Blackwood and Princess Royal—tho j two former cargo boats artd the latter once a coastwise passenger steamship— ! indicates that German submarines again ! are raiding at widely sep/irated places j around the British Isles. As the boats were torpedoed in a period of less than nine hours it would seem probable that each was sunk by a different subma rine. Scarborough, off whacli port the Tangistan was sunk, i» -cai the North Sea, in Yorkshire; Hastings is on the English Channel, in Sussex, anil Liver pool is on the Mersey naar the Irish Sea. The Tangistan, the lanjcst of tho sunken vessels, was of 2,2.93 tons dis placement. She was built in 1906 and owned by the Strict. Line, of Swansea. The Blackwood was bcdlt in 1907, and belonged to the Tyn aside Line, of North Shields/ She was of 741 tons. The Princess Royal was owned by M. Langlands & Sons, erf Glasgow. She was a steamship of 559 tons displace ment and was built in IS' 12. LATE WARIEWS SUMMARY Another of the Germ i n submarines which have been seeking to enforce Germany's naval war zone decree has gone to the bottom. Tlie British ad miralty announced to-day that the U-24) built In 1013, had been J estroyed. The German auxiliary cruiser Prinz Eitel Friedrich, which lias succeeded in evading for months a large number of British warships, re; u :hed Newport News, Va., to-day, and may be intern ed there. j Bombardment of the* Dardanelles, which was again interrupted by un favorable weather conditions, is report ed unofficially, to have been resumed, and the allied fleet to liave made fur ther progress in the ruuTOws. Berlin and Constantinople, howwer, persist in statements that no serious damage has been inflicted except to the weaker fortifications at the entrance to the straits. A dispatch from (leneva gives a Vienna report that It: Jlan warships put to sea, and probably are on their way to the Dardanelles. This report lacks substantiation. Germany has taken further measures to conserve food supplies. The Bundes rath has ordered the expropriation, Continued on Ml li h Pas*. POSTSCRIPT PRICE, ONE CENT. SUBMARINE U-?0 SUNK BY BRITISH German Boat Goes to Bottom When Ram med b] r Torpedo Boat Destroyer Ariel CREW SAVED AS THEY SURRENDER Will Be Held for Trial in Connection With the Sinking of Merchant Vm> sels—U-30 Probably Sunk the Blackwood Yesterday London, March 10,2.35 P. M.—The German submarine U-20 has been sent to the bottom, according to a statement issued to-day by the British Admiralty. The submarine, according to the of ficial announcement, was rammed to day by tho British torpedo boat destroy er Ariel. It went to the bottom. The members of the submersible's crew sur rendered anil were saved. The location of the sinking of the submarine is not disclosed in the Admiralty announce ment. ' The captured crew will be deprived of all special privileges as was done in the cane of the men on board the U-8, and they will be held for trial in connection with the sinking of mer chant vessels. The U-20 probably is the submarine which yesterday sunk the British steamer Blackwood. The submarine U-20 was built in 191*!. She had a displacement of 84® tons and a speed of 17 knots on the surface and 12 knots submerged. She was equipped with four torpedo tybea, two on the bow and two in the sternv Comparatively she was one tjf the larger German submarines, the U-8 and the U-9 having a tonnage of only 300 and a submerged speed of not more than eight knots. The maximum radius of boats of the U-20 type has been given in marine circles of 2,000 miles. The loss of the U-20 makes the sev enth German submarine to 'be destroyed since the beginning of the war, aceotd ing to statements given out officially in London. OWNER OFHA, SEIZED BY FRENCH, FILES PROTEST Paris, March 10, 10.10 A. M.—E. N. Breitung, of New York, owner of the steamer Dacia, has entered a protest against the seizure of his vessel by the French maritime authorities. He haa engaged Paul Govare, president of the French Association of (Maritime Law, to defend his interests. The Dacia belonged formerly to ike 'Hamburg-American Line. She changed her registry and became an American ship after the outbreak of hostilities. Laden with cotton and destined to .Ger many she was on her way from the United States to Rotterdam when picked up at sea by a French cruiser and taken into 'Brest. Her case is to come up be fore tho French- prize court. BROOKLYN EX-MAYOR DIES Wife, 111 in Adjoining Boom, May Soon Follow Him In Death By Associated Press. New York, March 10.—Charles A. Schieren, formerly Mayor of Brooklyn, died to-day of pneumonia. 141 an ad joining room his wife lay bo ill of the same malady that it was thought she could not live the day out. Mr. Schieren was 73 years old; his wife is the same age. They had been planning to cele brate their golden wedding in Novein» ber. Mr. Schieren was elected Mayor of Brooklyn on the Republican ticket in 1893. He was one of the founders ot the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Dur ing the past year or two he had retired from the directorates of several finan cial and other institutions. Increase in U. S. Steel Tonnage New York, March 10'.— The unfilled tonnage of the United States Steel Corporation on February 28, totalled 4,345,371 tons, an increase of 96,8(10 tons over January. WALL STREET CLOSINQ By Associated Press.' New York, March 10.—Cessation of the buying movement In the caai hour provoked renewed selling and price* yielded generally. The dosing waa ir regular. Stocks moved sluggishly and with a downward tendency for the greater part of to-day's session. -