The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 08, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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    f ■< ■ I ' ■ I I I ' S '
The Star lndependent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily
The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page
Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you fiui o it. If yoi qfet ths tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening |
or they will be ioritited. (These names are drawn from the Directory by a blindfolded girl.)
' 1 * '
Sixth street. flrsl class packer o£ fur
niture. china and bricabrac. Bell phone
W. J. WENRICH. 339 Hamiltou street—
Furniture, ihma aad piauu packing.
Shipaieuts .ook««i aiter at both eaddu
Also ail kind* of haulm*. Bvll phoue
»u:w. |
Tic TO li.oo PAID for old broken sets
of false teeth tit any condition. High- j
est pries paid for oki gold or silver,
such as ring*. pins. wau ltes, watch j*. e;c.. also dental solo, crowns
and bridge work. Urop postal. we'll :
«.aIL This week only. Box ilt>, care.
Star-Independent. _ ;
TO OBTAIN REST at :..£h; use Lung
Saver, The Good Cough Syrup. Gooa
tor olu as well as young. also good ior
v. viu Aik your H.over.
iv to -v prospective buyers !or motor
tycles right now. who want secoud-hsnd I
machines. If you ...ue .1 motorcycle fori
taie ;tl a bargain price, sev us a: once.
It we cannot ; uy > cur machine wc will'
sell for you a: a viry reasonable com- ,
mission. J*c>. us for molorvyle barga.ns .
tayton Motorcycle Utstriautors tor J
four counties
KEYSTUXK fliU <-V.. Ml N. Third
.-u._l. iiiten pjione l»\V.
UONET TO LOAN upon real estate se- '
cunties in any atitnounts and upon'
a..> ter.ns to suit the ovrrower. Ad
t,re?s i'. O. box lit- ,
uivided into private rooms :oc stor-'
age of household goods; low ins-riHice.
Inspection invited. General tnerchar.-
ci:t warehouse and household goods
warehouse are located on [racks of
I'enaa. K- R-. South Second Su
PIANO moving by experts. WINTER
PIANO CXX, i 3 X. fourth SL Call
lit. tU.I yhone.
for honest working people keeping
liouse. Kates less than legal. Pay
ments weekly or monthly. Xo noti- j
ligation of or friends.
204 Chestnut St.
Authorized Capital. SIOO,OOO
ANT person needing money in amounts
from ii to SSO holding a salaried po
sition. would be bene.-iied by calling
on us. Employes' Discount Co. 36 North
Third St.
ALL kinds of hauling: large two-ton
track: furniture, pianos, freight, la
ths city and suburbs. Prices reason
able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or
evening. WM. H. DARE. liSi Vernon
St. Bell phone 3517 J.
Bssiatss Opperiuaitits
FOR SAEE—CoId Storage and Ice Mak- |
ing Plan:, with retail ice and coal
business if desired. Good location with 1
unsurpassed shipping facilities. Low 1
Price for Quick Sale. Address W. U .
Perkins. New York. ,
Real Estate
IX>R RENT—First-class apartments. ]
Apply between 7 and 8 p. m.. Derry
Block Apartments. Fourteenth and'
Derry streets. Rooms - and 3.
FOR RENT—Three modern new apart
ments; 7 rooms, bath, electric lights, !
steam heat, telephone, gas range, laun- I
dry trays: hard wood floors: No. 233 S.
Thirteenth St. Can be seen 10 a. m.!
to 4 p. m. Apply on premises or call'
Bell j
TOR RENT—Three third floor com
municating private rooms, two facing
ireen street, one facing Kelker street.
Ml pleasant. I'se of bath. Gas in all
three rooms. Rent reasonable, for people
with no children. A L. KKI EG, ISOO
Green St.
FOR RENT—Rooms, completely fur
nished for light housekeeping: hot
and cold water and bath, good location.
Apply Xo. 20 North Seventeenth St.
TWO LARGE communicating rooms.
with large closets in boih. one a front
room w:th conveniences, heat: use of
bath: fine location on the hill, in a fam-
Spring Edition
Facts and Figures
Now Ready
A napMr l»*t of iKprnrrd city
property. Bsdsna prupo«tiloaa. City
aad Salmrfcaa lota, sabarfcaa prop,
erty, farau aad eoaatry plaee.
Fir* Insurance Surety Bonds
Locust and Court Streets
• » » ■ ————. t — n| _ | ____y
Real Estate
- - :
\"0. 151? WALNUT STRBKT for sale:
brick construction: suitable location \
or business. SI9OO will buy a frame |
louse on Woodbine St.: steam heat.
J SELL. REALTY CO.. IWrgner Building, j
| I14(MI WILL Bl'Y a frame house on Rer
ryiiill SL: 7 rooms: lot 30x110. Other '
•heap property for sale in various sec- i
j ions of city. HELL REALTY CO.. Berg
j ier Building. j
XJRXKR PROHBRTY: steam heat: gas: j
electric light: porch front: enclosed
•oncrete rear porch; lot 20x120; brick |
v»us>e; onlv $3,20»V Inspect it. BELL p
REALTY CCV. Bergner Building. !
FOR SALE—.V pair of new brick j
house*, in Paxtang. close to trolley. 1
AT. improvements, steam heat. 11. G.
PR PLOW 110 S. Thirteenth St. .
WHY RENT when you can buy a new ;
house? Look at 1551 Vernon St.. the •
. last one of ihe row. and sec me about '■
the terms. >L G. PEDLOW, 110 S.
Thirteenth St. j
FOR SALE—4I4 Hummel St.: 3-story 1
brick, eight rooms an db&Uk: steam I
heat. The price \M right. H. G. PED- :
Unv, 110 S. Thirteenth St
i IX»R SALE—Fine new suburban homes. \
; on Second and Third streets. River
side- Large porches, side yarda, all con
veniences. J.'SOO to |4TOO. Edward!
Uoesli-in. 41{ State 3:.: Lewis M. XeiHer.
• JSS Market.
FOR SALE—City and suburban homes
and home sites: : ! rst class business
, propositions. ROUGH. BRIGHTBILL ,v
1 KLINE. Sixth and Reily St& Both
j phones. .
j XO. S3S PEFKER. ? rooms, bath, all '
i Improvements: rent $?•>: Calder
I St. .'ij-story. « rooms, bath, -finished
ittic. improvements except furnace. sli. ,
1 Apply I*3.' X. Third St. !
'IJSO IVrrv. 3rd tloor 135.00
1 »1 r. Market $30.40 and $35.00 j
s. :.*?!»• . . .)$«.««. J33.50 and $35.-0 ,
IJl* Market $11.50 1
2.9 X. Second $30.00
1915 Derr.% ".$15.00 ,
?ix;h and Kelker $13.00
IS>7 State. $30.00
S. t>th—new $15.00 !
1314-1443-1447 Berryhill s3*so
; 184? Derry $30.00
Ellerslev $18.50
.:il« Derry SIB.OO
1835 Fulton, all improvements!... -jlfi. 50 :
530 S. 18S. all improvements... 515.00
3#15 Kensington, improvements.. .»13.5M
IS4T Derry, * larire rooms, imp... .$ i 1.00
lf7 S Summit. 3 furnished rooms. $15.00
IS7 Summit. 3 rooms. SB.OO
; IS3O Berryhill St., 3 rooms. SB.OO
HARVEY T. SMITH. ?04 & 13th. Bell
3IBM. ,
I FOR RiEXT—Residence. 113 S. Front'
Su; ctty steam: electricity and gas:
also two rooms, 114 S. River avenue;
suitable for business purposes. J. W. I
PARK. 33 X. Second St.
FOR RE XT—House and garage: thor
oughly equipped and modern: all
steam heated: 9 rooms, front and back
porches and lawns; grape arbor. Rent
reasonable. Apply 1515 Berryhill. or
Bell 378, :
1135 WALNUT STEET Three-story
brick house, eight rooms, bath audi
» furnace; front porch; rental $35. MIL
LER BROTHERS A: CO.. Opp. Postoflice.
Bell phone 1595.
! Several very desirable seven and eighl
j room brick houses with furnace, bath.
! front porch and lawn. sl4, sls and sl6.
: STORE ROOM. 31x4->—loo7 and 1009
North Third Street. SIiLLER BROS.
* CO.. Opp. Post office. Bell phone 1595.
<O. 13$ N. THIRTEENTH ST.—3-story
brick house, bath: gas; furnace:
iiorcli; side entrance. Inspe.-t this prop
erty. Price and particulars a: BELL
! REALTY CO.. Berpier Building.
J FOR RENT—Two reserved tickets were
i awarded to-day to Helen M. Rauda
' baugh. 553 Showers Ave., good for the
evening performance at the Orpheum.
1 March 10. 1915. Call for tickets at
Star-Independent Office before S p. m..
i March 9. 1915, or they will be forfeited.
; 313® X Seventh St sl3.0 1
1:333 Atlas Ave $15.00
711 X. 18th St„ $23.00
3337 X. Fourth St., . $35.t0
1718 State St $3.".f10
13th and Berryhill Sts. $35.00
ISIO Briggs SL. $30.00. or including
green houses. $35.09
A. S. MILLER jfe SOX. 35 X. Court St.
I FOR REXT—A three-story brick house,
j all conveniences, hard wood :loor, :»»
j bath rooms and a lavator; instantan
• eous water heater: steam heat, electric
, itv and gas. desirable location. 1703 X.
' Second St. E; L. CAUM, 1703 X. Second
FOR REXT—A house with four rooms,
all improvements and furnished. Call
at 137 Herr St. .
j FOUR detached frame houses on 1
' Schuylkill street. Comfortable and j
j all conveniences; 3 at 3K.00 and 3 at
I $17.00. Also one three-story brick, Xo. ]
I 3133 Penn street, at $17.00. WITTE
MYER LUMBER CO- Seventh and
Schuylkill '
-1538 Catherine St $15.00
1019 S. 3Hi St slu.oo
J. E. GIPPLE. Xo. 1351 Market Si.
FOR REXT —Two dwellings. Ross Ave..
Bella Vista, near Xew Cumberland; 9
rooms, bath, electric light, water, gas, :
front and back porches; fine location: i
rent $14.00. BAROX KESTECKI, Bella j
Vista. Xew Cumberland P. O. Bell phone. :
FOR KENT—AII improve- j
ments —
1614 Catherine, $16.00!
530 S. Seventeenth, . .$18.50 1
Apply Kulin & Hershey,!
18 South Third street. !
: FOR RENT —Houses with all Improve- J
i ments. at moderate rentals. J. E. i
GIPPLE. 1351 Market SL
HOUSES FOR RENT and 2 %-story |
dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real I
FOR RENT—Xew furnished front rooms j
facing Capitol Park; stationary wash
stands hot and cold running water;
electric light in room; also use of
phone and large bath. Apply 41* North
, # *-' ■■ •. r •* \-
i ABLR-BODIED MVrN; good eyesight: ;
j for firemen and brakemen. Gootl
wuges. Experience unnecessary. Surely |
i state age. Railway, caro Star-Inde
| i>endent.
j OLD. substantial manufacturers of prod- ;
' uc!s in universal demand want men
and Women of honesty, ambition and
; energy to become dealers and establish
their own business by marketing to
| consumers and stores. Spare or full
: time. Immediate Income and assured
J future. Large returns. Credit given,
j Exclusive rights. Experience unneces
-1 sary. Address Sales Manager. Dept. 3<57.
I Suite 3117, 111 Broadway. New York.
] WANTED—Men prepare as firemen,
brakemen. inotormen. colored porters.
Pennsylvania railroads. Experience not
necessary. SBO to SIOO month. Write
.< Inter Railway Dept. 101, ludianapolis,
; Ind.
AUTO transportation school wants men
to becoma practical chatt£curs and
earn $75 to SIOO per month. \Ve give a
thorough course In crude an 1 practical
work for $35.00. No. 5 N. Cameron;
Bell phone 1710.
YOUNG MAN, IS years old. would like
to have work on farm, a good, hon
est trucker: can do any kind of work
on farm. Please call 1912 Derry St.
WAXTBO-—Position as driving team;
have had experience and can furnish
good reference. Call or address J. L.
; XV " I,W Kifth gt -
I YOUNG colored man wishes work of
i any kind. Address 111 Dewberry Ave,
jCall Bell phone 81SJ.
YOUNG MAX, graduate business col- i
lege, wants work in office or real
estate business; has had experience in
, latter; can give good reference. Address
13491. care Star-Independent.
MIDDLE-AGED man wishes position
on farm; has experience and can iur
ivish references. Apply 1059 S. Ninth
| St.. City.
CHEMICAL manufacturer wants live
wire representative. Only a man with
first class references need reply. B.
SchiU efc Co.. 70 Fifth Ave.. Xew York.
BECOME a Bibl? Agent. Greatest work
on earth. We want a live man or
woman in every community. Previous
experience unnecessary. Able workers
suake from S3 to $6 a day. can
not give full time get particulars of
spare time work. Keystone Book and
Bible House. 35 North Third St., top
I floor.
1 terms to live men or women. Apply
Wholesale Depot. 35 North Third, to?
: door.
FOR SALE—A lot of brood sows, regis
tered stock. Call or write to T. COOK, j
314 Liberty St., Harrisburg, Pa. Sales
• man wanted.
! WANTED—Salesmen to sell our guar
anteed oils and paints: experience un
| necessary; extremely profitable offer to
right party. The Glen Ue;!ning Com- |
pany. Cleveland. Ohio.
MAN AND WIFE would like positions
as butler and cook, in or out of city,
i Call or address 669 Briggs St.
WANTED—A colored woman would like
position by w»rU or day's work. Ad
dress or call 1109 X. Fourl . St.
i WAXTED—Millinery apprentices. Applv
' j and Broad Sts.
: j WANTED—GirI or woman ft?r general
I housework. Apply 30 N. Fifth St.
WAXTED (Jirls over 16
veal's of age to learn cigar
making. Paid while learn
ing. Apply at Harrisburg!
Cigar Company, 500 Race
WANTED Good woman
for housework. Must un
derstand cooking and gen
end housework. Address
3495, care Star-Independent.
j HALF-GROWN colored girl desires
' work between school hours. Address
I or call 1409 N. Fourth St.
j day's work or cooking. Call 38 Lin
-1 dent street.
IN honest and reliable young colored I
woman desires general housework. '
>y the week. Good city reference can !
>e furnished. Call or address 133 Balm
j itreet.
A NO. 1 STENOGRAPHER, with seven I
i years' experience and best of refer-;
lence. desires position. Call or address
Cameron Apartments. 1209 N. Third St.
. A YOUNO girl wishes position to as
i sist with housework. Address M. F.,
j Etters. Pa., R. F. D. No. 1.
'WANTED—Work o<t any kind, by mid
-1 die-aged lady with child nine years
i old: or housekeeping. Address M. B„
West Fairview P. O.
WANTED—Washing and ironing to do '
at home. Call at No. 1834 N. Eleventh
COMPETENT GIRL desires position as
housekeeper for widower or family
of adults. Apply Xo. 712 X. Sixth St. j
COLORED GIRL neat and reliable,
would like general house work or sec
{ ond work. No washing. Can furnish
' reference. Sleep home. 548 Carieron
,' St., Middletown, Pa.
i YOUNG LADY wishes general house
i work to do. Apply 2038 Kensington
| SC. City.
i MIDDLE-AGED WIDOW wants a posi
tion aa housekeeper or companion to
Lan Invalid; Christian home preferred.
[Can give good references. Address P
'O. Box 17. Oberlin. Pa.
I.ARIiK COINTHY MOMK— Adjoining New Cumberland, ami along
Yellow Breeches Creek. Private, yel within two minutes' walk lo the
trolley. Entirely remodeled, 14 rooms, hardwood floor*, porie eochere;
all Improvements snd large grounds, with beautiful shade trecV, new
garage with granolithic lloor and driveway; brick house for men serv
ants; stable, carriage house, etc.
Will be rented furnished or unfurnished.
Waits |
_ I
Milton's Jungle <}lrl established vau- j
•deville fSrl act; experienced girls pre-'
ferred. but will consider willing. eap«-
hle amateurs Call stage door. Colonial.
theatre, after ten a. m.. Friday and 1
Saturday. TOM UNTON, i
WANTED —Young men. between the'
i age of 31 and :!*. and ladies between
1> and ?5. for amateur theatrical work. '
Apply J. B. H&S& 52* Sluench St.
like wtldrlre. We need more men
and women to help distribute. Full
time or spare time. Wholesale Supply
House. 2.". North Third St.. floor.
t N
lVnn*ylvt*ota H. A I*. tuMflation
The Stockholders of the Pennsylvania
B. and K Association will meet Mon
da\ evening:. March 15. at 7.30 «> clock. I
at the ofH-e of IJie Treasurer (County
«"ontroller'« Offi-eY Nominations of of-I
fleers and directors. The election of!
same at the annual meet'ng. April l - !
when t':ie auditors will render their re- j
port. Stock for t'.ie forty-first series
can be secured April 2S.
To the Holder* of the Huads of the I.ln
rle.loxn and Hl»r Mountain street
Hallnar (orapanv.
NOTICE is hereby given to the hold
ers of all the outstanding bonds of the
Unglestown & Blue Mountain Street •
RtilMv Company secure*! by mortgage
dated April Ist. 1905. to the Harrisburg
Trust Company as trustee, that In ac
cordance w«h", the pro<-isii»us of the
sai'l mortgagee. the said bonds have been
called for payment on or before April i
Ist. 1915. at par. a premium of 5 per .
cent., and interest to said date. After |
the said csie interest will cease upon
.ill uor.ds not presented for payment
ay that time. Holders of the said bonds
may present th«ttt at the o!Hce of the
undersigned at any time after March
Ist. and receive payment therefor in
accordance with the terms above stated.
Trustee. t
Court Proclamation
I WHEREAS, the Hon. George Kunkel.
Resident Judge, and Hon. Samuet J.
: M. McCarrell. Additional Law Judge, of
Ov»r and Terminer and Quarter Ses
sions of the Peace of the Twelfth Ju
dicial District, composed of the County
1 of Dauphin, having issued their precept,
bearing date tiie 10th day ot February,
A. D. 1915. to me directed for holding a
Court ol Oyer and Terminer and Gen- i
eral Jail Delivery and Wuarter Ses
! aions of the Peace of Harrisburg for :
i the County of Dauphin, and to com
mence the third Monday of March, 1915, I
being the 15th day of March, l»li, and
to continue two weeks.
Notice is thcretore hereby given to ,
1 the Coroner, Justices of the Peace. Al- !
dernien and Constables of eaid County
of Dauphin t.iat they may be tnen and
there in their proper persons at 1»
o'clock in tiie lorenoon of said day
with their records, inquisitions, exami
nations and their own remembrances,
'to do those things which to their of
fice appertain to be done, and those
who are bound in recognizances to
prosecute against the prisoners that
( are be In the jail of Dauphin
County '.>e then and there to prose
> cute against them as siiall be just.
: Given my hand at Harrlsbur&
the 10th day of February. A. D. 191 a,
being the one hundred and thirty
ninth year of Independence of the
United States.
. Sheriff's Office. Harrisburg. Pa.,
; February 13th, 1915.
Last and Found
' FOUND—A decided improvement In my :
appearance since having iny clothing
cleaned and pressed at Parisian Dye j
Works 1409 N. Third. Branch, Hoffman- j
Kerns. 337 Chestnut. Bell phone. Calk- 1
ing and delivering.
FOUND—The way to end your cleaning
j and dyeing worries by calling either
fhone for Eggert's Steam Dyeing and
'rench Cleaning Works. litis Market
! St. We rail and deliver j
| I
DOST—A black leather pocket-book
| containing a pair of gold eye glasses
anil some small change. Reward if re- j
I turned to No. 12 S. Sixteenth St.
i DOST—Saturday, about 4 o'clock, be
tween 120 S. Second St., and Dives I
1 store, mosaic pin. the size of a silver
i dollar. Reward of five dollars If re
turned to 110 W. Second St.
Death and OUtaary
GROFF —Mrs. Theresa J. Groff died this
morning at her late residence, 245
Hummel street.
Funeral arrangements will be an
nounced later. Kindly omit flowers.
Mrs. Wiflfelm J. Mehrlng and son de
sire to thank their neighbors and
friends for their kindness and sympathy
shown during their recent bereavement,
the death of husband and father. Wil
helm J. Mehring.
I ■>
Sail andExchangi
i L'XXI SAIJR —Cigar store and pool room.
I doing good business; good location. '
large stock: reason for selling, ill
health. Bargain for quick buyer. Ad- j
<lr<ss ::4<iv care Star-Independent.
I TOR SAl.K—One Bush & Gerta piano. ;
as good as new; will sacrifice very )
j cheap. Call at 346 Hamilton St.
> BIG BARGAINS in unredeemed Pla- I
I monds. Watches. Jewelry, firearms, j
Musical Instruments, etc. Cash paid for
old gold and silver. Repairing a spe
cialty. CITY LOAN OFFICII. 411 Mar-1
| ket street. j
I FOR SAhK-AT OABI.K'S, 113, 11.1 and
117 South Second street. .'\ooo gallons
New Kra Ready Mixed Paint, Acme
i quality. All the full line of the Acme
j make. |
| BICYCUSS— BICYCIiHS. ?ti. }S. *lO, *l2. |
; See those bargains at once If you
I want to s«ive money. Try Keystone Re- '
I pair Service. Will save you money and I
! give you the quickest service in the
clav. SI4 N. Third St. United Phone j
; n'w. i
; TOR SAL.K—One piano. used Ave I
months, on small monthly payments,
to suit purchaser. Address CISo. carol
Star-Independent. j
i FOR SALE—At GABLE'S. 111-117 South'
{ Second St.. 5,000 sets new Sash. Bxlo '
I 1 .ii: L., primed and glased, at 11.15 per i
set. Also other alies
f \
and hold a salaried posi
tion, we can supply in
> amounts from
$5 to SSO
Will take your plain
note. All transactions
36 N. Third St.
Licensed Room *2 Bonded
v j
t y
For Rent
Desirable offices in the
i Union Trust Building, j
j Apply
Union Trust Go.
I , /,
Tlie undersigned will sell at Pub- |
lie Sale at Stein's Sal- Stables, j
"Pwenty-first nnd Greenwood streets,
Harrisburg, Pa., on
Tuesday, March 9, 1915
j 40 Head of Horses & Males
Consisting of 28 HE AX) OF IL
! ranging in' age from 4 to 10 years,
j Among these are good big mated
teani9, blacks, bays, farm horses, j
city broke. This will be a very fine \
load of horses to suit anybody in j
; need of a horse. They will arrive j
i four days before sale to be inspected. '
j Also
12 Head of Home Bought
Horses and Mules
j These are good all purpose horses,
j Also some good single line leaders to i
' suit all classes of buyers.
! We positively have the above stock
I and you all know our motto, "Sell
| for what they bring."
Sale at 1.30 sharp. A liberal
I credit given.
Don't forget the date, March, 0,1015
;> *
1,000 French Civilian Prisoners
Geneva, via Paris, March 8, 10.50
Ai M. —One thousand French civilians
who have been prisoners in the por
tions of France oc<?Hpiii by the Ger
mans arrived here yesterday. Most of
them came from Lille and Maubeuge.
15.000 Tons of Food Sequestered
Rome, via Paris. March 8, 6.55 JK.
M. —A dispatch from Genoa states
that 15,000 tons of rice, oats and
beans, shipped from Seville, Spain, and
consigned to Germauv have been se
questered at Onoglia. "a seaport on the
Gulf of Genoa. , -
Reports From Various Industrial Cen
ters Show Increased Activity in the
Steel Trade—Market Moves to
Higher Levels Before Midday
Xow York. March B.—Wall Street
—Stoeke manifested a stronger tone j
in today's early dealiugs despite the ,
lack of encouragement from London, j
where the international list again
registered substantial declines. Leaders I
in the local market made fractional j
gains, while New Haven. 1 nterborougli, !
pfd., and Maxwell Motors rose over a I
jHiint, the advance in New Huven re- j
■ suiting from its improved showing for '
; .I.uiuarv. Keports from various indus- !
: trial centers contained increased ac
tivity in the steel trade. American To
| Itacco and California Petroleum, pfd.,
were among the heavy issues.
Under the lead of Union Pacific,
j Re.uling and IT.l T . S. Steel, the market
! moved* to higher levets "before midday.
1 Trading in the leaders was extensive
and the buying was of a confident
j character. .New Haven made a ina.xi
| mum gain of 2 1-2 and Canadian
j Pacific, New York and South
' em group participated to a substantial
, degree. Missouri Pacific and Rock IB
land were strongest of the minor rail
ways. Gains of 1 to 3 points were
I made by numerous industrials and spe
j cialties. Bonds were active with lu
j creased selling for foreign account.
Philadelphia Produce Market
I Philadelphia. March S.—Wheat higli
| er; No. 2 red spot, export, 151; Xo,
1 northern. Duluth export, 154(Jf 159.
<"orti higher; No. spot export. Tii'i
! intl; No. yellow, local, 77 4<Si ?SH.
I Oats lirm: Xo. 2 white.
I Bran weak; winter, per ton. J26.JOW
29.00. spring. s'2s.ootj 25.50.
Relined sugars tirm; powdered, 5.83;
tine gmnulaled, 5.75; Confectioners' A,
Butter steady; western creamery, ex
tra, 31; nearby prints, fancy, ;H.
Kggs lower; nearby tirsts, free case,
| 5.85; current receipts, free case, 5.T0;
j western extra, firsts, 5.85; firsts, free
I case, 5.70.
I Live poultry firmer; fowls. lOSPlS; old
roosters. 11 ViSi 1 12; chickens, HtilT; tur
keys. 15Si 17; ducks, 15# Hi; geese, 12
# ll>.
Dressed poultry steady. Fowls, heavy,
'!Ssl9: average. unattract
ive, t4#i 15; old roosters, 14; broiling
chickens, nearby. lSft-iS: western. 14®
22; rousting chickens, 17Si 20; turkeys,
j fancy, 21; fair to good, 18tf;0: ducks.
12W1S; geese. 10Q>14.
Potatoes weak; I'enna., per bushel,
■ 53C55: Maine. 45®50; New York, 40
Flour steady; winter straight. 6.40®
j 6.65; spring straight, 6.501& 6.75; do., pat
Hay weak; timothy. No. 1 large bales,
1S.00; No. 1 medium bales, 17.50J1 1S.00;
No. 2 do., 15.50® 16.50; No. 3 do., 14.00®
15.00. nover mixed light, 17.00® 17.50;
Xo. 1 do.. 16.00® 16.50; No. 2, do., 14.50
U 15.50.
Chicago, March llogs—liccelpts,
■ .'6.000; slow. Bulk. 6.SO'« 6.!i5; light. 6.70
® 7.00; mixed. 6.70'n 7.00; heavy, 6.40(<f
17.00; rough, 6.40®6.55; pigs. 5.75®6.7.">.
Cattle- —Receipts, 16,000; lirm. Native
steers. 5,55®9.15; western.
1 :'ows and heifers, 3.50® 7.75; calves, 6.50
; ® 10.00.
Sheep—Receipts, 15,000; weak. Sheep,
7.00® 7.90; yearlings, 7.80®8.75; lambs,
| 7.60® 9.65.
i Philadelphia. March B.—Receipts for
| the week ending Saturday evening.
\ March 6;
Cattle—W. Philadelphia yards, 1,671;
i Gray's Ferry Union yards, 641; total for
I week, 2,318; previous week, 2.026.
Sheep and Lambs—W. Philadelphia
| yards, 7.513; Gray's Ferry ITnion yards,
i 459; total for week, 7,702; previous
J week, 6,455.
! Hogs—W. Philadelphia yards. 3,247;
Gray's Ferry Union yards, 1.463; total
for week, 4,710; previous week. 3,363.
Calves—W. Philadelphia yards, 1,108;
.Gray's Ferry Union yards, 197; total
! for week, 1,805; previous week. 1,105.
! North Philadelphia yards quaran
\ lined.
Beef Cattle—The market was in an
Indifferent condition, trade being rather
| slow, with moderate offerings of Ohio
'I and near-by cattle arriving for prompt
•; slaughtering. There was no material
I change in values. Cows and calves of
I the better sorts realized fairly steady
| rates. Quotations:
Steers —Kxtras higher; average best,
t SB.6O(Si 8.70; choice, $8,40® 8j50; good,
118.10® 8.20; medium, J7.75®8.00; coni
: mon. $7.25®7.50; bulls. 15.50®'7.25; fat
j cows, $4.75®6.40; thin cows, $3,25®
: 4.50; milch cows, common to choice. S4»
i®7s; extra, SBS; veal calves, excep
tional lots, $11.50® 12.00; good to choice,
: $10,50® 11.00; medium, $5,00®9.00; com
mon, $6.0v®7.0U; southerns and barn
yards. $5.00® 7.00.
Sheep and I<ambs—Sheep were h«ld a
| trifle stronger, mostly owing to the light
I shipments, and lambs brought former
j prices. Hot house -4#mbs are Just be
■ ginning to come In. but as yet only, few
I In number and not enough to base>. re
j liable prices on. All desirable stork
was under fair disposal, though any
I marked increase in shipments would
I lower prices. Quotations:
I Sheep—
| Wethers, extra I 7.50&8.00
Choice '. :... $7.00©7.50
I Medium s6.oofu 6.50
Common $4.50® 5.00
I Ewes, heavy fal $6.00®7.00
I Lambs—
i Extra $9.50® 10.00
I Good to choice $9.00® 9.35
I Medium $8.50f0'9.00
Common, $6.50® 7.00
Hogs—This market continues very
unsettled on account of the rigid In
spection regulations enforced here, and
reliable rates are omitted. Quotations
nominal. v
City Dressed Stock—All varieties of
I strictly choice and prime meats were
i steadily held, but under Lenten observ
ances were of a limited character. Quo
Steers, 10® 13; heifers, 10® 12 I*; cows,
8® 11; veal calves, 15® 16; extra calves,
17; southerns and barnyards. 10® 12;
country dressed, 13® 14; extra, 16; sheep,
10® 11; extra wethers, 12; lanibs, 15®
16; extra lambs, 17; hogs. 10K®10ft.
Second Class Steamship Kate Seduced
London, Marcii 8, 10.35 A. M. Offi
cial announcement was madp to-day bv
the Cunard Line that second class pass
age across the Atlantic has been re
duced to 10 pounds (SSO) on all ves
sels of that line, including the Lusi
tania. It is believed here that tthe
lower rate is the result of the diver
sion of traffic from British steamers to
vessels flying the American flag.
CHllaacd From First Pagd
nations. London dispatches say the Bul
garian premier has promised a state
ment concerning his government's peti
tion. Public opinion In Italy also to
aroused, although there are no Indica
tions that this nation will chance Us
policy of armed neutrality at thto tine.
: A Paris newspaper, in a description
of the recent battle at Notre Dame De
lorette, says that the Geraans leet a,.
11 00 men. Although they succeeded to
capturing the three lines of French
trenches they are said to have been ex
pelled from them In a furious nlgftt
! battle.
The fighting in the Carpathlaaa,
which for prolonged and desperate m
; counters rivals any phase of the war,
! continues without a decisive victory fer
I either side. The Austrian forces an
still on the offensive, an official state
ment from Petrograd says, but appar
ently neither s{de has given ground. In
Northern Poland the Russians are stfil
pressing forward In an effort to expel
the Invaders, but apparently the re
sistance of the Germ ana has stiffened,
following their defeat at Przasnysa, and
they are holding their positions firmly.
Today's official statemeuts indicate
that there was no fighting of great Im
portance yesterday. The French claim
slight gains, in Champagne and Lor
raine. The German statement asserts
French attacks In Champagne were re
In the eastern campaign the Russians
apparently are maintaining the offen
sive in North Poland. The German
statement tells of Russian attacks at
several points, but asserts that all were
Cratlaunl From Klrat Pag*.
diplomatic corps in Mexico City had
decided to leave, cabled his legation
there, saving that after learning what
steps the American government had
taken, he advised the corps to remain
in the capital and await developments.
Strong Measure May Be Necessary
' j .lust what move now is contemplat
'• j ed, is known only to President Wilson
and a few of his closest advisers, but it
; , was apparent from the attitude of of
: (icials that it was realized tlvat a new
| crisis was at hand which might have
1 i to be met with strong measures.
r | The general impression in official
; quarters was that even though the use
• of force had not been threatened in the
note to Carranza, the American govern-
I ment was prepared to meet eventuali
' ties and would hereafter pursue in in
, sistent course to compel protection for
. foreigners and their interests.
Secretary Bryan, himself would say
. only that there was no change in condi
j.tions at Mexico City from tho serious
; state of affairs of the last few duys. He
I said no word had eonie directly from
I Car ran/.a in the last two or three days.
| When asked whether Carranza and
; j Obregon were at odds and whether the
1 j former could control his Mexico City
_ : commander. Secretary Bryan replied
" ! that the State Department had evi
i , dence that Obregon recognized Carr&n
--j za as his superior officer, but could not
• I say definitely whether any friction had
' ] developed.
Embargo on War Materials
j Secretary Bryan stated that the plse
i ing of an embargo on all shipments of
r munitions of war to Mexico had not
• | been considered in the present situ
ation. Such a move would be of little
r practical effect, it is said, by ofticials,
because most of the arms and amniuni
-1 tion available in the United States has
been contracted for at high prices by
t>he European belligerents.
1 March 8. —American
; government, officials pin their hopes for
1 an early improvement of couditions In
Mexico City on General Carranza.
There were indications, it was said to
i day, that he might instruct General
H Obregon, in command at the capital, to
, accept aid proffered by an international
1 relief committee there, which has made
f up a relief fund and asked for trans
' portation facilities necessary to bring
supplies into the city.
Two communications sent by the
j Washington government to General
? Carranza at Vera Cruz have pointed out
> in strong terms the serious conse
• tptences tiiiat might follow if foreigners
i in the capital are unable to get food
. and supplies. —Conditions in the city
are described in State Department dts-
J patches as desperate, the people there
r fearing the effects of the famine and
- the threatened rioting in the event
' General Obregon "s farces evacuate.
c Conditions In City Desperate
r Administration officials make no ef
-1 fort to minimize the gravity of the sit
uation, although they do not regard it
0 as altogether hnpelcss. Talk of some
® form of allied intervention continued in
diplomatic cireles to-day.
J New York Claims Expense Should Bi
y Borne by Uncle Sam
Bi/ Associated Prctit.
■ Xew York, March B.—The city of
l New York is expending $ 1,000,000 a
e year in paying for the care of deport
- able aliens, the cost of which ought
rightlv to ibe met by the United Stater,
i, says John W. Kingsbury, commissioner
of charities, iu a statement made pub*
• lie to-day. Air. Kingsbury declared that
jl he had taken the matter up through
official channels without effect and as
urged the people of this city to call at
-1 tention of the federal government to
- the matteV in an emphatic way and to
v recover the money the c-ity had expend
- ed for this purpose.
i- "Cities," he added, "are supposed
• now to depend on appropriations from
- Congress to reimburse them for caring
B for deportable aliens, but Congress re
- fused to make appropriations and so
D we were left with the aliens on sor