NEWS OF RICHER LICENSE FEES ARE URCEDBY LQCALMERCHANTS Borough Fathers Will Be Requested To-night to Increase Cost to Out side lenders Sufficiently to Protect Steelton Business Men The second effort in ten years will be made this evening to have the li cense fees ot hucksters, veuders ana peddler* increased to s sufficient amount to protect the resideut mer chants of the borough from unfair com petition. when a petition, numerously signed by borough business men, will be presented to council in the effort to gam the higher license fees. The borough vendiug license at present is 50 ceuts a day or $5 a year, while the license at Harrisburg is SIOO a year. The matter is in charge of the local Merchants' Association which con trtnls that the higher fees in Harris burg prevents Steeltou merchants from iwlicitiug business in that city, while the low cost of doing business by Har risbnrg individuals and firms in the borough is a discrimination against its members. The question of how high the fee should be will be left to the discretion of the borough fathers. PERSONAL Miss Mary Clements. Williamsport, I spent the week-end with lier uncle and j aunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Huff. Eliza beth street. Highspire. Miss Clara Houser, Middletown, was ! entertained yesterday by her sister, i Mrs. Claude Cross, Secoud street, High- j epire. Mrs. A. B. Spink. Main street, was j notified yesterday by telegram of the ( death of her niece. Mrs. Florence War- ! ner. wife of Dr. A. S. Warner, Balti- ; more. Md.. who was well known to residents of the West Side. Mr. and Mrs. John Weiser, Marys- | ville, are spending several days with ' Mr. and Mrs. J.' D. Fitting. Enhaut. Sam Kellev, 19 South Second street, i is confined to his home by illness. Hugh M -Govern, 1" South Second street, is ill. Robert Thompson, 3 49 Popiar street, i was taken to the Harrisburg hospital Saturday for the second operation, ne cessitated through an injure to his left collar bone, sustained in a foot- ! ball game at Hummcletown la*t Fall. j Thompson was a member of the High i school second team. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER It Was Largely Attended at Oberlin Home Friday Evening Mr. and Mrs. William Bowers who "ere recently married were tendered a miscellaneous shower Friday evening at the home of 'Mrs. Bowers' "parents, Oberlin. A social time was enjoyed 'bv the guests, which was interspersed with games and music, after which refresh nienest were served to the following persons: s *- M:ss Bertha Rife. Miss Florence Kkuholt.'. M-s. Mary Hartman. of Har risburg; Miss Esther McXear. Mrs. Sam nol Wilson. Mrs. Paul Stozeskivio, Mrs. Hilton Bennett and daughter, Sarah, of Bressler; Miss Catherine Hess, Antia W'aurl, Catherine .Stall, Mary (Metasyc, Mrs. Anna Sciiroll, Mrs. William Schrotl, Mrs. ,ietarted in pursuit of the fugitive, but failed to locate him or recover the property. Mrs. Frantz claimed to have had a little more than $lO in the satchel when it was stolen, but only Jive ceuts of it was recovered. She was unarble to give a good description of the man, or to say whether he was white or colored. STEELTON NOTES A quarterly conference of Centen srv United Brethren church «ili be hel,l to-morrow eveuinc at 7.30 o'clo.-k to elect a delegate ana an alternate to attend the next session of the East Pennsylvania conference of the United Brethren church. The Clover Club, a new social or ganization. announces a dance to be held in Benton hall, Friday evening, March li. at S p. ui. The following is the committee of arrangements: J. A. Partheniore. H.n of the freight train, showing j that the brakes applied on the entire j train almost immediately. The next .demonstration was the instantaneous ac | tion of the brakes when applied at emergency by the engineman. showing I that all brakes on a long freight train | were applied almost instantly. | "A demonstration was given show ing the result of a train parting, acci - dent to any cars in the train or de . railment of the locomotive, showing that in the event of any of these oe | eurrences that brakes wo'uld be applied automatically on all portions of the ■ train immediately. The demonstration | with the passenger equipment showed I practically the same results, and proved j that when the brakes were applied at ; emergency on the passenger train thev would be applied on each car in less than ten seconds. "'The results of these demonstrations showed conclusively that a train is at all times under the absolute control of the engineman and the automatic brake equipment. TO HAVE PALEFACE GUESTS Warrior Eagle Tribe, No. 340. Im -1 proved Order bf Red Men, on Wednes day evening. March 10, will hold an "opening meeting" when members of the tribe will have as special guests one or two palesface friends. , The regular business of the tribe will be omitted on this occasion. The grand chiefs and prominent members of the organization will make "long talks'—speeches—of general interest Music and refreshments will be features of the evening. Warrior Eagle Tribe is now 22 years old and has a membership of more'than 1,000 including many 0 f the most prominent men in the city. .f*~ cu p cupping DAY/^ CUp ¥■ 25c value • j \J /( , w,t„ u„, c„pp, ny . Oorduroy and I 50c value Plush V I 1 11 Princess Slips Baby Caps Blue and With this Clipping. 1 * ————— I 11 >f\ I I<| «% With this Clipping U P "• vllp Flannelette Skirts, ' \\ Dressing 12'/*c n . V With this Clipping. I 14 4% t m » Id / C V/JLi. U lyllTj With thla flipping. 30c value A P . \r —i>i* value Prices for To-morrow I Lace trimmed and 2 You must brin K the clipping to enjoy the prices advertised. Perhaps the best way would be to bring hemst'tchod, with thu immune this entire advertisement and examine the articles on sale. 1 x'/2C —————————————————————————— Wlth ,hl " Clipping. 25c value 25c value G'/ic value 50c value 10c value loc value 2f>c value 50c value Children s All Linen Ramie 36-inch Unbleach- Men's Dress/ Lot of Cut Stamped Stamped Stamped Drawers, Aprons Suiting ed Muslin Shirts, Glass, Huck Towels. Hand Bags, with floss 9c 15c 4'/4C 25C 5C each 9c 5c • 25c With this Clipping. With this Clipping. With this Clipping. With this Clipping. With this Clipping. With this Clipping. With tills Clipping. 19c value "• loc value 22c value 50c value 75c & SI.OO value 25c value 10c value 10c value LadieS' Fancy White 9-4 Unbleached Men's Black Venise All Over Stamped Shirt Fancy Bon Bon Bar Aprons Goods Sheeting AVork Shirts, Lace 1 Waists, Dishes, Pins 9c 8c 15c 25c 25c 5c 6c 5c tins Clipping. With this Clipping. With .his Clipping, With this Clipping. With this Clipping. With this Clipping. With this Clipping. with Clipping. 25c value 25c value 17c value 25c value 25c value 25c value 50c value x de value R°aW T I"T T i M 'ni* ™°° l Shadow Stamped Filet and Linen W .; neh Drawn Aprons Ratine, Turkish Towels, Gloves, Flouncing Cushions. Scarfs, Work Squares 3 for 2sc withM * e ' 10c With this Clipping., W.ih .his .Mipping. . With .his Clipping. With thl, Clipping. with this'clipping. wuh this Taping. 25C With thl, CHppln*. ... ————— With this Clipping. ———— -oc value l_, 2 c value loc value 25c value 25c value 5c value , ;)9c value Children s 1- ancy Colored Curtain Scrims Canvas Lace Toilet n Stamped Dresses Crepe, large assortment, Leggings, Banding, Paper, Corset Cover Pillow Cases 9c 'sc 9c 10c 5c 3c P acka « e X 25cP air ' W_uh this • lipping. " '' h v XNith thls Clipping. with this Clipping. With thin Cliimlnir. With this Cllrinlnir. IUC With thl* Oiinnlno " _ ——— ————.. With thin Clipping. 25c \alue w«>c \a iu value value -5c value vv, value y^lue Box Stationery Corset Covers: ™ %a ' ue oc value • and Correspond- Lace and embnrid- Novelty \Yash Children's Ladies Ladies' Odd lot Plates Butter Knives, ence Cards <>rv trimmed, Goods, large Muslin Drawers, Flannelette Flannelette Saucers and' Berry Spoons and Odd Lettew, Assortment Sizes 2 to 12 Skirts Gowns, Bowls Sugar Spoons, thi> capping, 1 With thi,- ■, With this Clipping. wuh P ' *" Fmhrnfwl <»V4c value 2oc value 5c value 25c value ' 50c value 50e value Children's Stamp- Corner Han.lker- Pi T" Cloissonne Beauty Pins Imitation Ladies' Hand Ribbons, in ed Crepe L-f v Ciing am, bets, o on a t . av j Leather Bags with Moire, Satin and Kimonos V 5c 9c I c card Shoppy P»rs« Etc. F.nck; JQc ... ... . 1 Or ~ /Sr IMr Wlth thlß cupping. With this Clipping. With this Clipping. « ith t.iis Llipping. With this Clipping. '*■£.. . t 1 • ———————— With this clipping. With this Clipping. With this Clipping. ~„i. »ii n , ... ————— _________ ————— l-ju.e & loc value H . . All Rcninants ,k- value loc value \ 25c value 12i/>c value 2>e value Muslin covered 10-inch of Dress Goods, Hat Pins Ladies' Corsets, Fancy Dress Collar PinCushions rlouncmg Wash Goods, Etc., 2 on a card Sizes 27 to 29, Garters, Shields and Cuff Sets, (soiled) 9c Half Price 10c 12'/2C 10c P air 5c 12fec 5c With tills clipping. With this Clipping, With this Clipping. With this Clipping. With this Clipping. With this Clipping. lc to 25c Department Store WHERE EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY • ' 215 MARKET STREET OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE i PLAN THE MOTOR CLUB RUN Backers Are Receiving Reports Indi cating Cordial Receptions Are Be ing Arranged in South Jersey Although the 1915 publicity ruu of the Motor C'lu'o of Harrisburg was' planned only a week ago and is two ; months off, the plans lor the contest , are rapidly materializing. Ten entries have been filed at the Motor Club offices and many requests for information are j being received. From the cities along the proposed i route the greatest encouragement is be ing received for the effort to advertise Harrisburg by taking lour to five hun dred Harrisburg people through Penn svlvania, Southern New Jersey and Del aware. Southern Xew Jersey resorts es | peeially are preparing to welcome the j motorists. It means something to these ; places to. impress Harrisburg snore-goer* and Harrisburg business men with their ' [ attractiveness. Stops wifi have to be made in almost every city of i | passed through and many of the smaller resorts will be visited and inspected. George Proud, who is doing the pre- i j liminarv organization work, is in New i ! Jersey now and is meeting with Board : of Trade bodies and business men and I arranging for the presentation of ; trophies. The contest committee of the , club will arrange for a survey trip J : over the'route in April when all the. i details of the trip will be arranged. Prom Atlantic City eomes word ot . the presentation of a handsome trophy j by the Hotel Rudolph and there will be j another from the States garage, while ! several others are promised. At a meet- j ing of the Board of Trade of Ocean' City, on Friday, that bod}, with the Progressive League, offered five hand some trophies. ; At Sea Isle City the Young Men's; Business Association last Tuesday ar-1 ranged for the presentation of a hand- j some trophy at the City Hall when the ' tourists pass through that place. Wild-1 wood will ( resent a handsome trophy j through Harry Ottens. who is interested in Xorth Wild wood. Meetings of com- j mercial bodies in Wildwood, (Stone liar- ! bor, Avolon and Millville have been' called to act with regard to the Harris burg run. Arrangements have been made to have euough ferry boats at Pennsgrove to transport the contestants to Wilming ton on the second day of the run. The management hopes to surpass th» fa-- mous run of 1910 when seventy-six cars 1 were entered from Harrisburg and vi cinity. All members of the Motor Club of Harrisburg are eligible and an early enrollment is being made as the cart, will leave Harrisburg and the various checking points in the order of entry. Artistic Printing at Star-Independent BANDIT DEVELOPS A FEVER With Bullet in His Leg Man Who Slew Wilmington Policeman Has New Complication By Atsociated Press. Wilmington, Del., March 8. —Peter ; Krakas, alias I'eter Melba, the des perado who kilieci Policeman Tierney and seriously wounded two other police men in attempting to evade arrest Sat urday afternoon an>r who was wounded . in the lug by a bullet tired by the po j lice who captured him, has developed a fever, lie is now confined at the workhouse and if in condition will be arraigned in court 011 Thursday. At the request of Attorney General Wol ! cott, a special session of Oyer and I Terminer Court has been called for his trial anil that of his accomplice, Ber nar i Moutvid, alias C harles Moras. The condition of Policemen Horace McDaunell and Willard Sharpless, who were seriously wounded by Krakas. is still critical but at the hospital to-day it was said they were better with ; some hope of recovery. A search of the effects of the two prisoners showed that for several weeks ! Krakas and Montvid had been operat j ing in New England towns and cities | between Boston ami Xew York. They I traveled on the railroad?, stopping a fe>w days at a time at numerous places. Penrose Goes South Secretary Baker of the Senate re- I ceived a letter from Senaitor Penrose to ; day stating that he will leave at once i for the South to be gone for several i weeks. He will occupy the famous ! Quay bungalow at San Lucie, and in j vited Secretary Baker to accompany I him, but a press of business in the : Senate prevented. TEETH Do Your Teeth Need Attention ? We will be glad to have you visit our office and our honest advice will save you money and save your teeth. No charge for examination. We make teeth that must (it and look natural and give satisfaction. Painless extraction included when 1 plates are ordered. Your old plates made over or repaired. Gold or por celain crowns, bridge work and all kinds of fillings. Large, comfortable offlcel. sanitary throughout. Lady attendant. S«ll Painless Dentists II Xartfc Market Mqurr, Harrlnburg Hours: 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sunday*: 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. MANY AT MOTORCYCLE SHOW First Annual Event Is Proving Bigger and Better Than the Promot ers Anticipated The first annual motorcycle Show in Chestnut street hall is proving a bigger success than the backers, the Harris burg Motorcycle Dealers' Association, first anticipated. More persons than it was hoped are anxious to learn about the control of the two-wheeled mercury and the show, with its ten exhibitors, does not lack the necessary person to give detailed accounts of one simplicity of the modern motorcycle. Two hours after the show opened Saturday night the first saie was re corded. That is doing pretty well and proves to the association back of the show that it was worth while. On top of this E. R. Dunkee, special agent of the Harley-Davidson Company at Milwaukee, Wis., here for tine show, says it compares favorably with other shews he has attended. His stamp of approval is gratifying to the local pro moters. Doors open each day at 2 o'clock and remain open until late in the evening. Wednesday will be ladies' night, when the fair sex will be admitted free of charge. Thursday will be society night. Special events each nigflit are being planned by the promoters. Nearly 500 enthusiasts attended the opening night, despite the heavy snow and sloppy sidewalks. A feature of the show is the booth run by the La dies' Auxiliary, where refreshments are being served for a small fee. PROGRAM AT REDEEMER j Entertainment Will Be Given Thurs day for Benefit of Girls' Class An entertainment will be given on Thursday night at 8 o'clock at the Redeemer Lutheran church. Nineteenth and Kensington streets, under the auspices of the girls' claw No. 8. Vocal and instrumental nunic and readings will make up the prlgram. The offer ing will go toward the Easter contri bution of the class. Among those who will participate in the program are Ruth K. Wells. Gladys Bolan, Marian Matter, Esther Parthemore, Mrs. Violet Hollar Bolan, Lillian XJrove, Hattie Elder, Lillian Miller, Margaret Cover, Flora Eshen ower, Ernest Poepke, Earl Bates, and a quartet consistiim/ of Warren Lyme, Harry Beyer, Samuel Eackler and Wil son Hbersole. Harrisburg Hospital The Harrisburg Hospital is open daily except Sunday, between 1 and 2 o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical advice and prescriptions to those unable to pay for them. I RAILROADS CREWJOARD HARRISBURG SIDE Philadelphia Division—l 22 crew to jgo first after 3.30 .p. m.: 108, 128, M 6, 101, 118, 105, 125, 119, 127, I 132, 129, 110. Engineer for 101. i Firemen for 10S, 132. Conductors for 122, 126, 118. Flagman for 125. Brakeman for 127. Engineers up: Smith, Dennison, , Welsh, Soiber, Geesev, Crisswell, Hinde' i man, Stateler, Downs, Kennely, Seitz, ! First, Grass, Brunner, Hennceke, Al | bright, Young, Foster, Snow, Dong. Firemen up: Kreider, Moffatt, Col j lier, Robinson, Brenner, MeOurdv, Ma | denl'ord, Copeland, McNeal, Gilfoerg, | Dunlcvj', Bushey, Everhart, Rhoads. Flagman up: Clark. Brakemen up: Stehman, Baltozer, Riley, Wiland, Knupp, Bogner, Jackson, Coleman. Middle Division—223 crew to go first after 1.30 p. m.: Preference: 2, 3, 9, 7, 5, 6, 8, 4, 1, 10. Engineer for 2. Conductors for 2, 5, 1. Flagman for 3. Engineers up: Bennett, Moore, Sim onton, Smith, Mumma. Firemen up: Cox, Sheeslv, Seagrist, Fletcher, Karstetter, Zeiders, Stouffer, Liiebau. Conductors up: Eberle, Bogner, Keys, Huber. Flagmen up: Fettcrlioff, Miller, Smith, Mumma, Frank, i Brakemen up: Strouser, Kipp. Bell, Myers, Troy, Lauver, Stahl, Roller, Kane, Mariin, Rissinger. HARRISBURG SIDE Philadelphia Division—226 crew to ge first after 3.15 p. m.: 227, 228, 206, 201, 223, 224, 221, 211, 216, 234. 217, 213, 208, 230, 242, 222, 219. ' Engineers for 211, 221, 228, 230 242. Firemen for 228, 216. Conductors for 216, 228, 239. Flagmen for 207, 230. 239. Brakemen for 201, 206, 208, 213, 221, 224, 229, 234, 239. Conductors up: Forney, Eaton. Flagman up: Snyder. Brakemen up: Walton, Twigg, Wertl!, Shaffner, Khuier, Lutz, Gouay, K'mes, Jacobs, Musser. Middle Division—T! 4 7 crew to go first after 1.30 p 451. Yard Crews—rEngineers up: Meals, •Stahl, Swab, Harvey, Kuhn, Snyder, 7 Pelton, Shaver, Icndis, Hoyler, Beck, Barter, Biever, B.^sser. Firemen up: Shiple, Crow, Revie, Ulsh, Bostdorf, Schiefer, Ranch, Weigle, Cookerly, Maeyer, Sholter, Snell, Bar tolet, Getty, Barkey, Sheets, Bair, Eyde, Boyle. Engineer for 1869. Firemen for 1816, 1831, 1270, 90, 1820, 1368. THE READING P., H. P.—After 4.15 p. m.: 4, 6, 7, 5, 12, 16, 21, 23. Eastbound—After 2.15 p. m.: 64, 68. 69, 67, 54, 59. Engineers up: Bweeley, Pletz, Fet row, Wood, Kettner, Fortney, Martin, I.ape, Woland, Morne, Wireman, Bona witz, Massimore, Crawford. Firemen up: Beecher, Anders, Ans pac. Zukoswiski, Fulton, Nye, necker, Dobbins. Snader, Sullivan, Brown, Chronister. Brakemen up: Ware, Bpley, Miles, Duncan, Grimes, Page, Taylor, Sfoader, Carlin, Painter, Stephens, aZwaski, Ely, Kapp. \ PEACE BRANCH GETS START Organisation in This City to Result From Mass Meeting Following the Peace mass meeting at Technical High school auditorium on Saturday night, at which Professor Alvin S. Johnson, of Cornell University, Mrs. T. M. Jones, Augustus Cadwallader and Henry C. Liles of York, were the speakers, it was decided to organize a branch in this city of the Pennsylva nia Arbitration and Peace Society. A meeting will be held shortly at the call of Dr. John J. Mullowney. Dr Johnson sairl in his address that the European war came as a great surprise to those in touch with diplo matic relations, because all differences between England and France and Ger many had apparently been adjusted. A clash between the United States and Japan, especially over the Philip pines, he considered out of the question. He said that Japan w&M not only the poorest nation in the world • now be cause of the heavy war tax on its peo ple, but that it was too far sighted to fight for territory that had already proven a burden to the United States. !> Gold Crowns & Sets £ !| Bridge Work Teeth | ]| $3, $4, $5 fss I J! We alnaya make teeth that St. J if Come In the morning:, get your 5 teeth same day. Plates repaired S i > on short notice. 2 ji Mack's Painltss Dentists i SIO Market St. J 11 Opea Evealaga. *