The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 08, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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UPy 1 The Newest Ideas In
IvIILR , Spring Wear Are Here
New spic and span gar- _JBsa>
ments, fresh from the work
rooms of some of America's
best tailors garments that
possess the individuality you
seek garments that embody jfsEw ■'
the quality, workmanship and
style that will win the favor of mi
every connoiseur of clothing W/l/
Serges, worsteds, cassimeres, M ffjl
tweeds, etc., in plain shades and m^\f" aL
attractive patterns, made up in 9lt j
a variety of models, ranging V '
from the snappy to the conserva- [j fjfjj \l||
•r5-*2O-*25 If
Ask (o See "THE LONDON" || |
It's a smart new model made lip in I U HI
the stylish Glenn Overplaids in browns, JSjI IMJ
bines, tons, grays, and other fabrics.
| 14 N. Third Street—Next Door to Gorgas' Drug Store
Assisted by Miss Ruth Swope Conkling
and Newell Albright Well Known
Artists Will Render Splendid Pro
gram Thursday Evening
M r-. Roy Galbraith Cox will rend'er
a program ot' sixteen numbers Thursday
evening, in Fxiiuestock Hall, when as
sisted by Miss Sara l/cmer, violinist,
'she " ill appear in concert, given by the
Red Cross Department of the Home and
War Relief Society. The vocal num
bers are divided into four groups, each
of four songs, the first and last groups
are composed of classic and modern
English songs and the second and third
represent German and French com
Miss Lemer will play three numbers, j
the first the well known Meditation :
from Thais, and her last selection will
1)p Kreisler's Leibesfreud. Newell Al
bright will accompany Miss l«einer and
Miss Kuth Swope Conkling will accom
pany Mrs. Cox. The program will be
as follows:
1. Mrs. Co\; »,a> "0 Sleep, Why
Dost Thou Leave Me}" Handel; (b) |
'"A Pastoral."' Carey: (c) "Lovely
Celia," Monro; (d) "Cherry Ripe,"
2. Miss Lemer; (a) "Meditation
il'rom Thais," Massenet; (b) "St.iu- 1
tellata." D'Ambriosio.
3. Mrs. Cox; (a) "Gie'b mir dein
Hertze," Hermann; (b) "Gesaug
Weyla's." Wolf; (e) " Waldeinsam-'
kcit." liager; (d) "Die Mainact,'' j
Brail ms.
4. Miss Lemer; "Ave Maria.":
5. Mrs. Cox; (a) "11 neige,"
Bemberg; (b) "L'Heire Exquise.''
Hahn; (c) "J'ai Figure en reve,"
lltie; (d) "Chore Nuit," Bachelet.
ti. Miss Lemer; (a) "Valse Triste,"
Sibelius: (b) "Orlentale," Coaser Cui;i
(«•) " Liebesfreud." Kreisler.
7. Mrs. Cox; (a) "Marriage of the;
Nile." Greene; "Little Gray!
Hove," Saar; (c) "Twas April," Xe-j
vin; (d) "Love Is the Wind," Mae-
Prominent Suffragist to Assist
M i-> Jennette Rankin, president of i
the Montana Suffrage Association, will!
come to the headquarters of the I'enn
What wc say it is, it is
llr Spoons
A Much Better Quality Than Those
/f£r*Jm Given Away as Premiums —and You
Pay Less for Them.
|j|j 13c each, 2 for 25c
•Mf] You can secure Silver Plated State
\MS Spoons—of Pennsylvania and many
other states —at Diener's immediately.
Nn| lliese spoons are excellent qualitv
which you will be proud to own or give
as souvenirs to your friends. The base
j •' is 18 per cent. Nickel Silver plated with
IM a heavv l ,late of Pure Silver. 999-1000
||| tine—Sterling fineness. A written guar
§sM antec is given with each spoon. The die
SHI work is far superior to the light work
®g|L on premium spoons to get which, one at
a time, you save coupons and pay a
larger price than Diener asks for tliese
superior quality, fully guaranteed State
HK T) /J# Diener deals in only reliable quality.
lifiSß, i /O Your money always goes farther at this
strictly one-price store guaranteeing
> satisfaction with every purchase.
m# Diener, S eler
408 Market Street
| sylvania Woman Suffrage Association
' to-morrow to assist the Pennsylvania
1 1 women in their campaign for the vote.
Miss Rankin played a big part in
| placing her state among the suffrage
commonwealth of the country, ami Mrs.
. 1 Frank M. Roessing, president of the
1 1 Pennsylvania Association, said that the
i' suffragists here not only appreciated
this voluntary co-operation of the west
ern leader, but were confident that her
presence would help to win thousands
; of votes.
Continuing Mrs. R>essing said "Of
all the States where women campaigned
for the ballot, last year, none con
taiued more discouraging obstacles than i
Montana, and when at the most critical'
period of the campaign, the State Sav
ings Bank iu Butte, where the cam ,
paign funds were deposited, closed its |
toors. virtually every one except Miss
Rankin gave up hope, but she gathered j
her forces together, secured new funds
and carried the Montana Suffrage Cam I
paign to a triumphant finish on elec
tion day.'
Training Class to Meet
The Volunteer Training Class for re-
I ligious and social service will hold its
second session Wednesdav afternoon at
3 o'clock at the Y.. W'. 0. A. "The
Association and Its Relation to the
; Community" will be the subject for t\e
afternoon and Miss Klla St'itt. general
| secretary of the Y. W. C. A., will be
the principal speaker.
Mrs. W. G. Drane Hostess
Mrs. Walter Gordon Dnue enter
tained at tea at her home. Locust Villa,
IVnbrook, Saturdav afternoon. The
guests included Miss Helen Miller. Miss
Mabel Wolbert, Miss Gertrude George,
Miss Bess Dohonev, Miss Esther
I Gramm and Miss Helen Riukenbach.
Will Leave for Canton, China
Mr. and Mrs. Abram 1.. Groff, of Old
! Orchard, will leave the city shortly for
Canton, China, where the former has ac
cepted a position as manager of the
book store and mission headquarters of I
the China Baptist publication there.
Suffrage Talk at Lebanon Valley College
Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones will leave
to-morrow for Annville and on Wednes
day morning she will give a talk on
suffrage before the students at Leb
anon Valley College.
Week-End in Philadelphia
Jessie M. White and Wilmer O.
I Stoner, of this city, spent the week-end
j in Philadelphia visiting friends.
News of Those Who Come and Oo
Mrs. John Monyer, 26 North Third
street, has returned from a several
days' visit with her mother, XTrs. Pet
row, of York.
Mr. anil Mrs. S. Bapshaw and Miss
Addie Brown, 37 North Eighteenth
street, have returned from a short visit
to Atglen.
Ijeo Hooker, South Plains, X. Y.,
is spending several weeks as the guest
of his sister, Mrs. Harry Allen, 1422
Green street.
* N Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Henry and
'laughter, 38 North Eighteenth street,
have returned from Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Sauter, 128
Looust street, are spending several days
with the latter's parents, in Lam-aster.
Mr. and Mrs. 1. Henry Farnham and
sou, Charles Henry t arnham, of York,
are guests of Mrs. Farnham's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Smith, 1315
North Second street.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffinan, of
Columbia, have returned after a visit
with Mr. . nd Mrs. Hiram Shenk, 271
Hamilton street.
Miss Julyann Wierman, 2033 Penn
street, spent her seventh birthday an
niversary with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. J M. Wiermau, of Gardner.
Mrs. Mary Belle Croinie, 236 Wood
bine street, is home from an extended
visit to Kansas City and other western
Mr. and Mrs. William V. Linn, 1423
North Sixth street, spent yesterday in
Mrs. Alex Moore, of Lancaster, has
returned home after a visit with her
father, Francis C. Tomlinsou, 1728
tulton street.
Miss May Stoner and Miss An*a
Stoner, 1726 Pulton street, spent yes
terday in Lancaster.
Mrs. Jerome Longnecker, of Phila
delphia, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
J. T. Mnlsley, 1611 North Secoud
John Bickley, of the University of
Pennsylvania, spent the week-end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Bick
ley, lt>29 North Third street.
Arthur Reeves, of Carlisle, was a
week-end visitor with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Reeves, 15:11 Green
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stober and chil
dren, 905 North Fifteenth street, are
visiting in Philadelphia.
Paul Rogers, of Carlisle, spent a
few days with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. David Rogers, i'o9 South Front
Miss Mildred Kramer, a student at
Dickinson College, Carlisle, spent the
week-end with her parents, Mr. and
Airs. Charles F. Kramer, Third and Vcr
beke streets.
Mrs. Albert Chetiev. 212 North Third
street, left to-day for a visit in Phila
Mr. and Mrs. C. Parker have re
turned to Wilmington, Del., after a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kuhn,
1348 Vernon street.
Mrs. Anna Foreman has returned
to Altoona after a visit with Mrs. S.
IBruce Mingle, 19 South Third street.
Miss Lottie Rouch, 1211 Chestnut
street, has returned from a visit with
her sister. Mrs. Lynn Hambeeker, of
Miss Mary Pearson and Miss Caro
line Pearson, 503 North Front street,
will leave this week for a stay of one
or two weeks in Atlantic City.
Mrs. A. J. Herr, Miss Eleanor Boyd
who have been visiting Miss Elizabeth
Pailey and Jackson Boyd, left Saturday
for Southern Pines, South Carolina.
Earl Stewart has returned to his home
in Philadelphia after visiting his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stewart
1604 State street.
Mrs. Ross A. Hickok and son. Hast
ings Hickok, 119 State street, left to
day for Atlantic City.
'Mrs. Francis Jordan Hall. Front and
Harris streets, left for Atlantic City
to-day with ner son. Spencer Hall.
Frank Fornwalt, 1932 Green street,
has returned from Philadelphia.
Miss Katherine Brown Given Pleasant
Surprise By Members of Her
Sunday School Class
Miss Katherine Brown was given a
surprise handkerchief shower at her
home in Steelton. Saturday by mem
bers of Mrs. John A .Finton's'Sunday
school class.
"Supper was served to the following
guests: Mrs. .1. W. Finton, Mrs. Frank
Gamperling, Mns. George Heed, Mrs.
Bert LightDer, Mrs. William Chaudler.
Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. William Vo
eum, Mrs. William .Miderson, Mrs.
John Page, Mrs. James Pennell, Mrs.
Frank Lehman, Mrs. Hurry K reps,
James Maeklin, Mrs. Geoiye Tippery,
j Mrs. Fannie Coover, Mrs. John Hol
j bert. Mrs. Klmer Sterringer, Mis.
| Michael Mc-CuKough, Mrs. Joseph
Dintaman, the Misses Mary Bowers,
Catherine Smith, Catherine Brown,
Catherine Maeklin and Helen Chandler
ami William Chandler, John Holibert.
James MaekJin, Joseph Micklin, Yes
terday Lehman.
Entertained at Music and Oames at
Their Home Saturday Evening
Mr. and Mrs. Marry Kinzer enter
taine, at their home, 2137 Xort'u Sec
ond street, Saturday evening. Music
ami games were enjoyed and refresh
ments served to the following guests:
Mr. and Mrs. Bechley, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Hurley, Mr. and Mrs. George
Welch, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Smith, Airs.
Roy Walborn, the Misses Alberta Kin
zer, Hazel Hurley, Bessie Hurley ana
Lila M. Boweran and O. C. Fbrti.
Engagement Announced Yesterday
Marietta, March 8. —Cards have
been issued announcing the engage
ment of Miss Frances H. Lenz and
Linneue L. Reist, of Portland, Oregon.
Mr. Reist is a graduate of Framklin
and Marshall College, and a native- of
Lancaster county. He is now a mem
ber of the bar of Portland,
Williams-Kichardson Wedding
Conestoga Centre, March 8. —Miss
Daisy Richardson, of this place, and
Clarence L. Williams, of Carlisle, were
married yesterday at the home of the
Rev. Mr. Moser. They were unattended.
On Western Business Trip
Joseph P. Yungel, of the Oevine
Shoe Manufacturing vompany, has left
on an extended business trip through
out the west and western States.
■Mrs. Charlea Preaton, 1811 North
Sixth street, haa returned from Phila
Miss Myra Ivey, of Pen Argyle, who
has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Pomp, 130 Locust street, left for
her home Saturday.
Mrs. Frank Strasser, of Newark, N.
J., returned on Saturday after a ten
day's visit with her mother, Mrs. Mary
Elder, 1631 North Third street.
Miss (Catherine Smith, of Luther
ville, Maryland, is the guest of her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, 1514
North Sixth street.
Mrs. Joseph Davis, 404 North street,
has returned from a visit to Altoona.
Mrs. \V. E. Graffius, of Tyrone, en
route to Philadelphia, spent the week
end with Mrs. C. M. Ewing, 1500
North Sixth street.
Miss Clarissa Bratten, SOS North
street, js\yißitjng in Lewisberry.
Mr, aud Mfs. 11. Guy Kinch and
Mrs. Clara Kinch. 66 4 Emerald street,
have returned from Philadelphia and
Mrs. A. P. Seeger, 1110 Penn street,
has returned from a visit to Philadel
phia and Ham'burg.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Faust, 520 Peffer
street, have returned from Philadelphia.
J. Randall Kiernan, 432 Hummel
street, is the guest of relatives in Phil
Carl Rupp and Miss Neva Rupp, 309
Crescent street, have returned from
New York.
Miss Cecilia Wolf, of Washington,
D. C., lias returned home after a visit
with Miss Mary Cooper, 600 North
Miss Roinaine Boyer, 26i> Boas street,
has returned from Philadelphia.
Mrs. Lrevrick has returned to her
home in Halifax after a visit with her
sister, Mrs. Jesse Rouch, 1211 Chest
nut street.
Mrs. Felix M. Davis, 1202 Chestnut
! street, has returned from a visit in
j Shenandoah.
Mrs. .1. Hynerd, of Hanover, is the
j guest of her niece. Miss Jennie Mum
ma, 1526 Derry street.
Joshua Swartz has returned to Get
| tvsburg College, after a visit with his
: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua W.
! Swartz. 1511 North Second street.
Mr?. Clayton Forney, 71 North Sev
! enteenth street, is the guest of her
, daughter, Mrs. Stoddard, in Lynchburg,
i a "
Miss Frances O'Donnell, of Balti
j more, has returned to her home in Bal
! timore, after spending a fortnight with
; Mrs. Robert Gorman, 24 North Nine
j teeiith street.
Mrs. David Kagen has returned to
| York from a visit with her parents,
| Mr. and Mrs. Simon Cooper, 600 North
i street.
Mrs. Charles Rupp, 309 Crescent
; street, is spending several weeks in
New York.
| Mrs. Koss Hoverter, of Philadel
phia. has returned home after visit
> ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anywill,
in Camp Hiil.
Mrs. John F. Sweeney and daugh
ter, Elizabeth Sweeney, 33 North Sev
enteenth street, have returned from a
1 visit with relatives in Phila !'eiphia.
i Albert Drake, of Altoona, has re
turned alter a short visit with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Drake,
1422 State street.
Miss Virginia L.utz and Miss L*>uise
liUtz, of Detroit, Mich., are guests of
their grandmother, Mrs. R. H. Lutz,
1345 Howard street.
Miss Marian Strouse, of Irving
College, has returned after spending
the week-end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Benjamin Strouse, 1632 North
Second street.
Arthur Berger, / 1257 Mulberry
street, has returned from a visit with
relatives in Reading.
John Schillinger, of Philadelphia,
has gone home after visiting Mr. an t-
Mrs. Harry Thompson, 119 South Four
teenth' street.
Many Physicians From Neighboring
Towns Will Attend Entertainment
To Be Given Hera
The seat sale for the coneert of the
Rounds Specialty Company to be given
Wednesday evening under the direction
ot John Karris Lodge, Knights of
Pythias, in the Technical High school
auditorium, was opened this morning
and from present indications every seat
will be sold by Wednesday
John Harris Udge, which is giving
the concert tor the benefit of its "quick
rehet fund," has learned that scores of
1 ythians 1 ram neighboring towns will
be present, and the concert will assume
much the nature of a Pythian "get-to
gether > meeting. Delegations are ex
pected from Carlisle. Middletown, Hum.
"Pape's Cold Com
pound" Ends Severe
Colds or Grippe in
Few Hours
Relief comes instantly.
A dose taken every two hours until
three doses are taken will end grippe
misery and break up a severe cold
either iu the head, chest, body or
It promptly opens clogged-up nos
trils and air passages in the head, stops
nasty discharge or nose running, re
lieves sick tieadache, dullness, feverish
ncss, sore throat, sneezing, soreness and
Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing
and snuffling! Rase your throbbing
head! Nothing else in the world gives
sueh prompt relief as "Pape's Cold
Compound," which costs only 25 cents
at any drug store. It acts without
assistance, tastes nice, causes no in
convenience. Be sure you get the
( - ~~ —" *
A Charter
Member of the
i told us that lier Regent
1 uiun sweeper has proven to be
I even more than we claimed v *~y
for it.
I | Now she wouldn't bo without it at any cost. (She has
| 1 tried several different makes of sweepers.)
' • %t This Famous Club Plan j
i : carpet where a . , , X 3 ,
K Enables us to put a Regent I
T1 |l' 1 1 1 r | (a vacuum sweeper aud I
rVH/VJ Ju/1 1 X cleaner) in your home on a j
is used. The suction is equal WAPL-'C Fraa Trial
jj to that in a S3O to S6O elec- . "CCIS 1166 11131
trie cleaner— and Regents If vou are not satisfied we {
only cost vou $7 on the Club « ~ e ~
! Plan. This low price is only ««" call for the .
rendered possible by "doing machine. 11 you keep it, you
A away" with any may pay SI.OO a month until
commission and disposing of the price, $7.00 is paid.
'LI# "lw the large quantity we bought t r
* J qnicklv to those becoming 'Join our hasner House- jj
f m.ii,Htm members of the Easier work Club" To-day—to- m
JO.' .JL OYJ- Housework Club. morrow may be too late.
! gQ " The Easier Housework Club " Care of
28-30-32 S. Second St.
i. i ■
melstowjp. Pen'brook and |
Gave an Informal Party at Her River-!
side Home Friday Night
Miss Anna Rhoads entertained at her !
home in Riverside Friday night the fol
lowing guests:
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cummings, Mrs. i
Edgar Lerew, Mrs. Albert Fletcher, j
Mrs. A. L. Keifer, Mrs. J. W. Hols
berg, Miss Gertrude Hoover. Miss Anna |
C. Nislev, Miss Anna Black. Miss Edna j
Frank, Miss l>eorui Gardner, Miss An- '
uie Rhoads, Miss Mary Neeter, Miss
Helen Neeter, Miss Mary Lerew, .T. W.
Rhoads, Norman Rhoads, Russell Rhoads
and John Rhoads.
Kopeuhaver-Frank Wedding
M'iss Nora Frank, 1915 Wallace]
street, and Samuel L.Kopeuhaver, 2445 I
.lefferson street, were quietly married on j
Saturday afternoon at the parsonage of j
the Sixth Street U. B. church by the I
pastor, the Rev. P. Hummel Balsliaugh. |
They were unattended and immediately j
after the ceremony went to their new- !
ly-furnished home! 429 Broad street, j
Former Bedford School Teacher Dies
Marietta, March S.—James H. Steck-1
man, SI years old, of Lancaster, died
yesterday from the infirmities ot' j
He wax well known over the State, and |
was a teacher in the Bedford schools j
for a number of years. He was identi
fied with the sale and exchange busi
ness many years. His widow and sev
eral children survive.
of Grand Opera Stars vyMfii
appearing in De KOVEN OPERACO&\ jl
Ml 10®
Baritone Baritone |*i Basso [
"Robin Hood," which will bp pro
duced at the Majestic Wednesday after
noon and evening, is acknowledged to
b$ the greatest masterpiece of comic
opera ever written by Americans. The
charm of Reginald de Koven's music is
as fresh to-day as when it was first
enjoyed 23 years ago, and the dialogue
of Harry B. Smith is as sparkling now
as it was then. Like a fine old wine,
"Robin Hood' seems to improve with
age. It has stood the acid test of time
because it is a real work of art, and
the genius which inspired it should grat
ify the pride of every American.
Experts From Department of Agricul
ture Will Give Demonstrations in
Tliis and Nearby Counties
Free orchard demonstrations, under
| the direction of the State Agricultural
1 Department, will be continued during
j the week beginning next Monday,
I -March l.>. Experts connected with the
I zoological division will continue to il-
I lust rate modern methods of caring for
truit trees. Among the counties in
which demonstrations will be held are j
the following:
Dauphin—S. W. Kerr, demonstrator,
Monday, March 15, H. L. Lark, Mil
Franklin—K. C. Bowers, demonstra
tor, Wednesday, March 17, Irwin C.
I Elder, Fayetteville; Friday, March 19,
jW. H. Horn, Chawbersburg R. No. 10.
j Columbia—l. C. Cherringtou, demon
strator, Monday, March 15, E. H. Sloan,
! Orangeville; Wednesday, March 1.7. A.
1 0. Everett, Unityvilie; Friday, Marcih
! 19, W. C. Miller, Catawissa K. No. 1.
York—E. F. I'ienjo, demonstrator,
! Monday, March 15, Albert Shorb, Han
over R. No. 2.
J I Huntingdon— -J. S. Hochlander, dem
onstrator, Friday, March 19, Bufus E.
j Miller, Dublin Mills.
Lancaster—E. CI. Bowers, demonstra
| tor, Monday, March 15, Masonic Home,
Elizabeth town.
Lycoming, J. C. Wilson, demonstra
tor, Monday, March 15, G. G/Bigger,
Unityville; Wednesday, March 17, Edw.
Heading the cast is dainty Ivy Scott,
who made her debut at the Grand
, Opera in Australia where she made an
instantaneous success.
In the supporting organization is F.
•T. McCarthy, who will be seen in the
role of Friar Tuck.
Other popular members of last sea
son's company are Cora Tracy, who
sings Alan-a Dale and Hnrold Blake
who continues in the title role. James
Stevens, of the Chicago Opera, sings
Little John, Lorena Carmen sings Ana
bel, and the part of Will Scarlet goes
to George Shield, a noted concert
E. Frontz, Hughesvilm; Friday, March
19. W. H. BanZ'haf, Muncy.
Schuylkill—B. s. Moore, demonstra-
J lor. Monday. March 15, Edwin P.
! Berkheiser, Summit Station: Wednes
day, Marcih 17, Irwin E. Teter, New
I Ringgold; Friday, March 19, Adolph
Berner, Tamaqua 1!. No. 1.
Snyder—.l S. Hochlander, demon
strator, Wednesday, March 17, 11. 11.
La lib, Jr., Beaver Springs.
Easy Victory for Methodist Club
The Methodist Club won from
Hummelstown High school live in
Cathedral hall Saturday afternoon by
the score of 13 to 19. Fliekinger and
Brinser played splendid games. The line*
i "P =
Hummelstown H. S. Methodist.
Brinser, Capt F Winn, Capt-
Bordner F Fliekinger
Fox C Yoder
'Baer 0 udy
Smith G Bei."
Substitutions: Krepps for Rudy;
Rudy for Fliekinger; Fliekinger for
Yoder. Field goals—'Bordner, J; Fox,
4; Baer, Winn, 4; Fliekinger, 0; Yoder.
5; Rudy, 4; Bell, Krepps. Foul
Brinser, 1; Bordner, 4; Winn, 1,,
committed—Hummelstown, 7; Meth
odist Club, 7. Referee—The Rev. j\ B,
Johnson, Hassett Club. Scorer—Winn,
Methodist Club. Timer—Swope, Hum
melstown. Time of halves—2o minutes.
Miss MacAlarney on Suffrage
Miss Emma Leuore MacAlarney, of
Columbia University, formerly a teach
er in Central High school, will give an
interesting suffrage talk this evening
al the home of Attorney W. Justin and
Mrs. Carter, 5'27 Maclay street. i
The eomedy roles are admirably eared
for by Phil Branson as The Lord High
Sheriff, Tillie Salinger as the buxum
Dame Durden, and Sol Solomon as th«
wily Sir Guy of Gisborne.
The thirty girls in the chorus are not
only pretty, but can sing and they are
accompanied by handsome, manly men,
also with voices.
The de Koven Opera Company is a
superior organization, with its personal
carefully picked bv the composer him
self and Adolph Mayer, who can always
ba depended upon to ,send us something
first class.—Adv.*