The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 08, 1915, Image 1

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Detailed Report, Pace •
VOL. 77—NO. 80.
Company Announces
Work of Spanning 34
Tracks Will be Start
ed To-morrow
Commissioner Taylor Says This Means
the Construction of Beautiful En
trance to Wildwood Park—Steel
ton Company Gets Contract
With the announcement this after
noon by the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company of a plan to bridge its thirty
four tracks at Division street, with a
continuous ten-foot wide foot bridge
of the girder and truss type, and the
assertion that the first half of the
structure is to be completed and put
into service three weeks from to-day
and possibly in a shorter time, came
the assurance that the last of the dan
gerous grade crossings of importance
in the city is to be abolished in so far
as foot travel is concerned.
Following the announcement bv the
railroad company, M. Harvey Taylor,
City Park Commissioner, let it be
known that lie now is formulating
plans for establishing a new entrance
to the beautiful Wildwood Park at that
point and that work on this proposed
entrance will be begun u)>on his bein'?
officially informed by the railroad of
its decision to build the Division street
Work 011 the first half of the struc
ture, which will be approximately 359
feet long and will extend to the main
transfer yards, will be begun to-mor
row morning bv the Pennsylvania Steel
< ompany, to which the contract has
been awarded.
The flrst half will be a five-span
bridge, with three girder and two
truss sections, and will extend over
twenty-one of the thirty-four tracks in
cluding the company's main line and
the castbound freight transfer, or that,
part of the companies line which mmt
frequently has caused a blockading of
foot travel at Division street.
The construction of the second sec
tion of the bridge, or that portion
which will complete the footpath over
the railroad and eventually mean the
opening of tlie new Wildwood Purk en
trance, lias been authorize.! by the com
pany. The money has been approp.i
ated and, according to local officials,
the second section soon will be put un
der contract.
At the local offices of the Pennsy it
was said that the matter of getting
bi"ls and awarding a contract for the
second portion of the bridge now is in
the hands of the company's purchasing
agent. It also was said" that the tem
porary delay on the completion of the
second section of the bridge will in no
wise prevent pedestrians—noii-railroa I
employes—from using the first portion,
which is to Ik- completed before April 1.
The whole bridge, when completed,
will be approximately 600 feet long.
The proposed new* Wildwood Park
entrance will connect with the present
parkway drive at or atbout the/center
of the present baseball grounds. It
will require the building of a cinder
path, some grading and cutting of trees
an.l> shrubbery for a distance of be
tween 1,100 and 1,200 feet.
Sunday Schools and Organizations of
City Respond to Appeal
Contributions totaling more than
S9OO have been received to date from
the Sunday schools and organizations
of the city who were appealed to by
the ways and means committee of the
Home and War Belief Committee.
This brings the grand total to more
than $1 1,000. If contributions con
tinue to come in as at present, the
work of aiding the more than 350
needy families of this city will continue
until April.
Sunday schools and organizations
which have contributed more than
S9OO in a week's time are:
Keystone .Motorcycle Club, Harris
Street United Evangelical Sunday
school, Pine Street Presbyterian Sun
day school, Central Democratic Club,
Grace Methodist Episcopal Sunday
school, Captnl Street Presbyterian Sun
day school, Mount Calvary Episcopal
Sunday school, Camp Hill; Harris'burg
Republican Club, Brotherly Love Lodije
No. 986, G. U. O. O. P.; Motor Club of
Harrisburg; College Club of Harris
burg; John Harris Lodge, Knights of
Pythias; Dauphin Conclave, I. O. H.-
primary department, Market Square
Presbyterian church; Wesley A. M. E.
Zion Sum!ay school; Beilv Hose Com
pany No. 10, Silver Star Conclave
No. 130, Daughters of Liberty, and
Susquehanna Fire Company.
Wheat Remaining on Farms March 1
Washington, March 8. —'Wheat re
maining on farms Marc.h 1 amounted to
1»2,903,000 bushels, or 17.2 per cent,
of the 1914 crop, the Department of
Agriculture announced to-day.
&I)C Star- Jftflgkr Snkpcuknt
Miss Alleman Attacked on Street By
Crook Who Cuts Handbag From
Her Wrist—Four Other Cases Are
Beported From Allison Hill Section
The city has been invaded by a
band of poeketbook snatchers. At first
their operations were confined to the
Allison Hill section where lone women
were robbed in almost deserted streets,
but one case of a purse being snatched
in crowded Market street came to the
notice of the police on Saturday night.
There have beeu many cases of
pockctboo'k snatching which have not
been reported to the police but the
number of "cleaned" purses collected
by mail men on their rounds of the let
ter boxes testifies to the activities of
the light-fingered crooks.
Miss Beatrice Alleman, 2'23 South
Nineteenth street, was attacked Satur
day night on 110-lly street, between
Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets, and
her hand bag was cut from her arm.
It contained $2 and some small change.
Miss Alleman was returned from
market and alighted from a car at
Eighteenth and Derry streets. She saw
a man follow her from the car. At
Eighteenth and Holly streets, an auto
mobile approached and stopped and a
man got out.
She paid little attention to these
things until she was suddenly seized
(^ontinned on Fourth I'HCC
State Administration Goes on Becord
This Afternoon as Favoring the
Calling of a Convention
The State administration went on
record to-day as favoring a constitu
tional convention, such as was advo
cated by Justice Yon Miachiaker, of
the Supreme Court, in an interview in
Philadelphia yesterday.
Governor Brumbaugh this afternoon
was asked his opinion as to the holding
of such a convention and while not
making direct answer, referred his
questioners to Attorney General Brown,
who, he said, express the opin
ion of the administration on the sub
Attorney General Brown unhesitat
ingly declared thut a constitutional
convention ought to be held as souu as
one could be arranged. He said he
favored a convention of two delegates
from each Senatorial district and one
from each Congressional district, but
the Governor should be authorized to
appoint a certain number of delegates,
men of high standing and aibilicy who
would not care to be placed as candi
dates at an election.
The Rouey bill for the holding of a
constitutional convention was intro
duce! several weeks ago and is still in
committee. It is thought that after
this administration endorsement of the
bill will have clear sailing and will be
reported out of committee and passed.
Charles Rurocde Pleads Guilty and Is
Sentenced to Penitentiary
By Associated Press,
Neiw York, March B.—Charles Bu
roede, one of the six persons indicted
in an alleged conspiracy to defraud the
United States in obtaining false Amer
ican passports for German reservists,
pleaded guilty to-day to one of the
three indictments against him and to
the second count of another.
District Attorney Marshall, in an
address which was interpreted by some
as recommending a light sentence for
Kuroede, announced that Hans Adam
Von Weddell, who was also indicted
and fled the country, had been captured
and would be returned here. He said
Von Weddell was the chief conspirator
in the case.
Federal Judge Neterer, before whom
the cases are being tried, sentenced
Buroedc to serve three years in the
Atlanta Penitentiary. The maximum
penalty that couid be inflicted under
the indictment is 12 years.
Police Inaugurate a Policy of "Watch
ful Waiting" at Headquarters
A policy of "watchful waiting" is
occupying the attaches at police head
quarters, all except the city electrical
department head, who is alarmed that
the fire alarm system may be damaged.
It alf came about this morning when a
part of the ceiling over the test board
of the fire alarm system was loose and
in grave danger of falling on the
Not long ago a part of the ceiling
over the detective's office was repaired
and now a piece over the test board i/3
in danger of falliug. City Electrician
Clark K. l>iehl is anxious to have it
repaired before any damage is done
while the disinterested ones are await
ing its fall.
Millersburg Citizen Died Suddenly
While Conversing With Friends
Millersburg, March B.—While speak
ing to a number of friends in the Hotel
Koppenhaver latr Saturday night, Cor
nelius f'ralick, 64 years of age, a re
tired hotel man, fell to the floor and
died almost instantly.
Mr. Fralick was well known here,
having conducted a hotel, in the bor
ough twenty years ago. Since his re
tirement he had won quite a reputation
as a fisherman. He is survived by a
widow, one son and one daughter.
An Improvement of the
Conditions in Mexxo
City Is Demanded in
Diplomatists Interpret It as an Bntire
Change of Policy on the Part of the
Washington Government Toward
the Mexican Situation
By Associated Press.
Washington, March B.—New and
urgent representations amounting
practically to a warning have been
sent by the United States to General
Carranza demanding an improvement
of conditions in Mexico City.
Diplomatists familiar with the con
tents of the note which American Con
sul Silliman has been instructed to pre
sent to General Carranza interpret it
as an entire change of policy on the
part of the Washington government to
ward the Mexican situation.
The communication to Carranza
which was drafted after conferences be
tween President Wilson, Secretary Bry
an and Councillor Lansing, was guard
ed with secrecy pending some word
from Carranaa as to his attitude.
It was said by some officials that
the note contained the strongest rep
resentations that ever have been made
to Carranza and indicates that the
American government is rapidly losing
patience with his indifference to the
objectionable acts of General Obregou
at Mexico City.
Those who know the contents of the
communication said it tliil not threaten
force and was not in the nature of an
ultimatum but pointed out in explicit
language the serious consequences that
might follow if the welfare of foreign
ers continued to be disregarded.
Much Concern Over Situation
! Early in the day, Secretary Daniels
I had s'aid uo additions were contemplat-
I ed to the fleet in Mexican wators but
later it was learned that the eruiser
Tacairm had ben ordered from Port \u
Prince, Haiti, to Vera Cruz. Secretary
Daniels was in consultation later with
Secretary Bryan concerning the situa
tion. Further movements of vessels
may be decided upon.
In diplomatic quarters there were
more manifestations of concern oTer
the Mexican situation than at any
time since the American forces were
landed at Vera Cruz. The foreign dip
lomatists conferred anion.:* themselves
and communicated to one another the
latest developments as thev heard
Some of the diplomatists declared
j themselves satisfied that the course of
the American government would pro
duce results. One of the ministe s,
who had received a telegram saying tiie
Continued on Ninth V*nicr
Measure Will Be Considered on First
Beading To-night and May P.i3s
Finally by End of Week
The woman suffiage amendment to
the Constitution, providing that the
voters of the State shall pass on the
question ir November, will come up in
the Senate to-night on first reading,
will receive consideration to-morrow on
second reading and, if the Senate holds
a session on Wednesday, the measure
will be finally considered on that day.
There does not seem to be much op
position to its final passage, and it is
said that even some of the Senators
who voted to keep the bill in commit
tee will vote for its final passage. It
already has passed the House.
Following the final passage of the
measure the women advocating its
adoption by the people will begin a
campaign which promises to be one of
the most spectacular ever waged in
this State. Prominent women suffra
gists, who have been engaged in the
work in other States, will come here in
numbers and every county will bo
thoroughly canvassed.
Miss Jcanette Rankin, president of
the Montana Suffrage Association,
through whose efforts the "Treasure
State" was added to the list of full
suffrage States last fall, will arrive
here to-morrow to help the Pennsylva
nia suffragists in their campaign.
Bridge Dynamiter Rearrested As He
Finishes Jail Sentence in Maine
By Associated Press.
Machias, Me., March B.—Werner
Horn, the German who attempted to
blow up the international bridge at
Vanceboro, was taken to Bangor to
day for arraignment before a United
States commissioner on a federal in
dictment charging violation of the laws i
regulating interstate transportation of
explosives. He was arrested yesterday
on the expiration of a sentence of
thirty days in the county jail.for d&in
aging property at Vanceboro.
United States Marshal John Wilson
deemed it advisable to'handcuff Horn
to a deputy. The prisoner protested
and wept when the shackles were fast
Horn and his custodians were due to
reach Bangor at noon. Counsel for the
prisoner was prepared to request a con
tinuance of the proceedings.
One Commissioner Will
Demand a Fair Trial
Says He Will Seek to Delay Award of
Fire Apparatus Contracts to Out-of-
Town Firm, Whose Bid Is Higher,
Until Morton Machine Is Studied
One of the City Commissioners who
has expressed himself as opposed to
the reported plan to award the con
tracts for three motor-driven fire engine
tractors to ar. out-of-town concern tihat
submitted a higher bid than the Mor
ton Truck & Tractor Company, of this
city, said this morning that he is hope
ful of being able to prevent the award
of the contract by the City Commis
sion at its meeting to-morrow.
Ho hopes to be able either to induce
Fire Commissioner Taylor to withhold
the recommendation for the award of
the fire apparatus contracts for one
week or else to induce tho Commission
to lay the matter over for one week if
the recommendation is made to-morrow.
This Commissioner said that the pur
pose of this delay would be to give tho
Morton people an opportunity to demon
strate whether its tractor, which, it is
understood, will-be completed in its fac
tory this week, can inset the Fire De
partment 's needs just as well as the
tractors it has been the re[>orted iutern
tion to buy from the out-of-town firm
at the higher bid.
To Give Local Firm a Chance
He wants to give the Morton people
a fair chance to prove the efficiency
of their tractor and if it succeeds in do
iiijf this it is understood he will advo
cate the award of the contracts for two
tractors, for use on steam fire engines,
to the local firm.
He may advocate that the third
tractor, which is to he used on a hook
and ladder truck, be purchased from the
out-of-town concern.
There will probably be no opposition
to the awitrd of the contract for two
motor-driven chemical wagons to the
local firm
The motor-driven combination liose
and chemical wagon of the Friendship
Company, a product of the Morton
Motor Truck and Traetor Company, of
this city, has given perfect satisfaction
since it was placed in service early in
October, said Fire Chief John C.
Kindle- To-day, when he was asked for
his opinion of the machine.
Gives Perfect Satisfaction
"The truck has never missed a call
on account of mechanical trouble,"
said Chief Kindler. "it has given per
fect satisfaction. I, however, would
hesitate to recommend an untried trac
tor for the department."
The first one of this company's
tractors is now in the course of con
traction at the plant at Nineteenth
aud Manada streets, and, it is under
stood, will be ready for a test In a few
Abram Ge3 r er, Wealthy
Farmer, Asks Church
Folk. Not to Toll the
Widely Known Resident of London
derry Township Was 75 Years Old
and Had Long Been a Keen Suffer
Prom Heart Attacks
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Middletown, Pa., March 8. —After
writing a note in which he outlined
plans for his burial, selected the clergy
men to conduct the funeral services
and urged agaiiwt the tolling of the
church bell to announce his death,
Abram Oeyer, a wealthy Londonderry
township farmer, early yesterday
morning placed about his neck the
noose of a rope that he had attached
to a beam in his granary. Then he step
ped from a box on which lie had been
standing and hanged himself.
Half an hour after he had strangled
to death his body was round by Jacob
Oeyer, a son, who went to look for
him after becoming alarmed by his
father's absence from the house.
Mr. Geyer would have been 7-5 years
old next month. During the last sever
al years he suffered much from a weak
heart and stomach trouble. At times
be became greatly depressed and, it is
believed, temporarily deranged. Mem
bers of bis family believe it was dur
ing one of these periods of despond
ency that he took his life.
On hie way to the granary, shortly
Cutisued ob Foarth Pas*
Inventor Discovers
Flames While Work
ing in Laboratory and
Summons Firemen
Tha Building Destroyed Was One Not
Touched by the Fire Last Decem
ber Which Nearly Wiped Out the
Entire Edison Plant
By Associated Press,
West Orange, N. J., March 8. —
Tbonias Edison, at work in his labora
tory after midnight to-day, discovered
a firo in one of the buildings of his
great plant here and summoned the fire
men in time to prevent what might
have been a serious loss. The fire prac
tically destroyed a building where the
most valuable phonograph records were
stored, but most of the records, which
were in a concrete vault, were saved.
When he saw fchie flames Mr. Edison
dashed out of the laboratory in his
shirt sleeves and stood outside direct
ing the firemen for some time before his
wife and son, who arrived from the
Edison residence uearby, could persuade
him to put on an overcoat. The inven
tor was soaked to the skin by a hose
which twisted out of the hand's of the
fire fighters and fell within a few feet
of him.
The combined efforts of the fire de
partments of West Orange and Orange
were required to subdue the blaze. The
building burned was the one not
touched by t}ie conflagration which
nearly wiped out the Kdison plant last
First Time in Nearly Two Years That
Every Department Has Been
in Operation
By Associated Press,
Pittsburgh, Pa., March 8. —Every
department of the Homestead works of
the Carnegie Steel Company was in op
eration to-day for the first time in near
ly two years and officials declared that
ordors lately received for structural
materials and ship and armor plate as
sured activity at the plants for
months. The open hearth department
and the plate mills were started yes
terday and the structural mills to-day,
resulting ,iD 4,000 men being put to
Orders received for pipe for the
I southwestern oil and gas fields have re
| suited in more activity «at ttoo McKees
port plant of the National Tube Com
pany. It is said that the open hearth
plants of the Edgar Thompson Com
pany will aiso soon reopen.
Minimum Wage Per Diem Advertised
By Frank P. Walsh
By Associated Press.
Chicago, March B.—A minimum
wage of $2.50 a day for unskilled
labor was advocated by Frank P.
Waleh, of Kansas City, chairman of
the United States Commission on In
dustrial lielations in an address here
last night.
Mr. Walsh said the government
should retake all land procured by
fraud, withhold all benefits of the tar
iff from every employer who exploits
children and women aud prevents labor
from op.spanizinig for its own good.
"Every great fortune," Mr. Walsh
said, "is a fundamental wrong. He
who gives bountifully to the poor must
have first robbed them a-plenty."
Pipe Bending Works to Erect New Ma
chine Shop
With a view ot increasing their ca
pacity for turning out shrapnel abells
for the United States Government, the
Harrisburg Pipe and Pipe Bending
Works will erect a new building within
a few days. The building will be an
extension to the machine shops, in
which will be placed additional lathes,
drills and other machinery necessary
for the equipment of the department.
It was stated to-day that a number
of t>be steel mills throughout the coun
try are turning down government con
tracts in order to supply foreign coun
tries with orders, which necessitated
the local plant enlarging its capacity.
Coal Railway Rate Law Annulled
Washington, March B.—The North
Dakota Lignite Coal rate law was to
day annulled as confiscatory and uncon
stitutional by the Supreme Court when
applied to the Northern Pacific and
the Minneapolis, St. Paul and Saulte
Ste. Marie Railways.
Chief of Beading Bureau Banning Two
Offices While E. B. Demain Is 111
He Even Tells Pretzel Town When
Schuylkill Is Going on Bampage
Reading's weather is being fore
casted in Harrisburg.
Parodoxical as it seems, that is the
case. C. J. Doherty, chief of the Head
ing Weather Bureau, who vies with the
goose boners in forecasting the Pret
zeltown weather, is in Harrisburg tem
porarily in charge of the local oftiee
during the absence of E. R. »Demain,
who is confined to his home, 308 North
Second street, with pneumonia. Mr.
Demain is out of danger and will be at
his post in a short time.
Forecaster Doherty finds it easy to
make Reading forecasts in HarriMnirg
because the identical weather reports
that come to this city also go to Read
ing and the identical weather forecasts
that, emulate from tho office in this city
will also do for Reading—that is in the
general run at things, local conditions
not being taken into consideration.
He makes his map in Harrisburg
just as if he were in Reading and keeps
in touch with the Reading situation by
telephone. His assistant in Reading
can phone him the Sch/uylkill river re
ports au.dl the forecasts for Reading's
floods, too, are made in Harrisiburg.
This will work well as long as a sleert
storm does not come along and knock
the wires down—but that is a slight
matter, for then the weathor reports
from Washington are all late and fore
casrts are delayed as a consequence.
Nineteen years ago Mr. Doiherty was in
charge of the local office, being re
lieved by Mr. Demain. After many
years in the south, in twenty-five sta
tions. Mr. Doherty came north again to
establish the Reading bureau two aud
one-half years ago.
Five Others Also Being Tried for Coif
splracy in Former's Escape
From Matteawan Asylum
By Associated Press.
New York, March B.—Harry K.
Thaw, slayer of Stanford White, smil
ingly tamo into the Supremo Court to
day to stand trial for conspiracy to es
cape from the State Hospital for the
Criminal Insane at Matteawan. Five
men, charged with assisting in the con
spiracy, were placed on trial with him.
Mrs. Mary Copley Thaw, the chief
defendant's mother, .accompanied by
Mrs. George Carnegie, Thaw's sister,
appeared in court early.
The contentions of the State were
partly outlined by Assistant District
Attorney O'Malley in questioning the
first talesman, S. D. Fitcih, a public ac
countant. These questions indicated
that the prosecution would request the
Court to instruct the jury that, not
withstanding Thaw's insanity, lie might
have a capacity to conspire.
Five of the 12 jurors who will de
cide the case of Harry K. Thaw were
selected within less Mian three hours
to-day. When court recessed this after
noon for luncheon indications were that
the jury box might be tilled by night.
Dispatches from Greece report the
situation there as grave as a result of
the political deadlock over the question
whether the country shall intervene in
the war on the side of the allies. M.
Zaimis, Governor of the National Bank
of Greece, has not yet shown any in
dication of being able to get together
a new Cabinet to succeed that of Pre
mier Venizelos, which resigned on Sat
urday because King Constantino did
not approve the premier's aggressive
policy for participation in the war.
King Constantino is understood to de
sire the maintenance of neutrality, but
Athens dispatches say popular feeling
is with M. Venizelos, who has declared
that he and his party will not support
any new government which may be
formed with a policy of neutrality.
The bombardment of the Darda
nelles by the allies, which Is primarily
responsible for the present situation in
Greece, has had its effect also on other
Continued on Ninth Pace.
$100,000,000 IN AMERICA
New York, March B.—Captain
Dmitri Vaesilieff, acting naval attache
of the Russian embassy at Washing
ton, who died hero yesterday was sta
tioned in this city to direct the pur
chase of war supplies for Russia in
this country. Before illness prevented
him from continuing hie work it was
said he had spent nearly $100,000,000
in America.
Captain Vassilieff was a personal
friend of Em.peror Nicholas of Russia,
and for several years was the emper
or's aid on board the royal yacht.
Was Retired Presbyterian Minister and
Editor of Church Papers
Carlisle, March 8. —The Rev. Dr.
Geong« Norcross, retired minister of
the Presbyterian church, who had been
editor of a number of church papers
and well known in this part of the
State, died thin morniuig at his home
here of a complication of diseases, lie
was 76 years of age. Formerly he had
been pastor of the Second Presbyterian
The following daughters remain:
Mrs. Carl Foster, Bridgeport, Conn.;
Mrs. Francois Rucas, Carlisle; Mrs. 11.
M. Esterry, Portland, Ore., and Mary
Norcroas, of Carlisle.
Call for National Bank Statements
By Associated Press.
Washington, March 8. —I'he Comp
troller of the Currency to-day issued a
call for the condition of all national
banks at the close of business Thurs
day, March 4. t
Great Activity Again
Apparent on Eastern
Front, Say Advices
From Petrograd
Kaiser's Army Headquarters Claim Cap.
ture of 3,400 Russians at Rawa,
Near Warsaw—May Be Part of
Great Battle Now Under Way
By Associated Press,
London, March 8, 1.15 P. M.—The
center of interest on the eastern front
again has shifted with the announce
ment from Petrograd that a great bat
tle is developing on the left bank of
the river Vistula at a point to tho west,
and also to the southwest of Warsaw.
It is not yet clear, judging from
messages reaching Loi.don, which side
has taken the offensive, but inspired
sources both in Berlin and Petrograd
have been hinting lately that vital oper
ations might well be expected in this
region. Messages from the Russian cap
ital have declared that the old field
of action in direction of Posen and
Silesia alone could serve as the decisive
battle ground, while Berlin has been
practicing another brilliant action in
tho direction of Warsaw by Field Mar
shal Von Hindenbcrg.
3,400 Russians Captured
No great activity has been reported
elsewhero on the eastern front except
at Rawa, to the southwest of Warsaw,
where German army headquarters claim
the capture of 3,400 Russians. It is
possible that this action may be a part
of the great battle which Petrograd
says is now under way.
Attacks and counter attacks from
the text of both tho Paris and Berlin
official communications ent»
on tho western battle front, but there is
no i dication of a decisive gain by
either side.
Attempts of tho allied fleet to force
passage of the Dardanelles has caused
a ferment in the near East, which pre
cipitated a cabinet crisis in Greece. No
new cabinet yet has been announced
and King Constantino may have great
difficulty forming a government with
tho popular former Premier, M. Ven
Await News of Dardanelles
There is no late news of the situa
tion at the Dardanelles and the British
public is awaiting with keen interest
tho next step in the business-like oper
ations marking the work of the storm
ing fleet.
The release of the American cotton
! ship Pacific after several days' deten
| tion at Deal, indicates that Premie*
Asquith's blockade po'icy has not ye 1 ;
been ratified by an order in council.
One of the unexpected results of the
submarine war operations has been the
announcement of a reduction in trans
atlantic rates. This may even precipi
tate a rate war, unless passengerr are
willing to pay higher prices.
Rome, Via Paris, March 8, 7.45 A.
M.—Special dispatches to Italian news
papers from Athens describe the situ
ation in Greece as grave. Some of the
correspondents express the belief that
the present deadlock between King
Constantino and many of his adviser*
regarding tho country's intervention in
the war is the result of antagonism
which had arisen between the ruler and
Bleutherios Venizelos, premier in the
Cabinet, which resigned Saturday after
its declaration in favor of joining the
allies was frowned upon by the king.
Other correspondents are of the
opinion that the intervention of Greece
on the side of the allies already has
been agreed upon and that the crisis
which npw is apparent, is artificial,
having been arranged to make it easier
for King Constantine to decide against
Germany to which he has felt under
some obligations for family and po
litical reasons. The influence of Ger
many is supposed to have been respon
sible in a considerable measure for
Greece obtaining possession of Kavala
and Saloniki on the Aegean sea at the
end of the Balkan war.
Can't Requisition Neutral Cargoes
London, March 8, 4.15 P. M.—No
belligerent government has a right to
requisition a cargo belonging to a neu
tral government according to a decree
given out by the prize court to-day.
New York March B.—Moderate
profit-taking kept the list within nar
row limits In the later dealings. The
closing was strong. Numerous Indica
tions of domestic trade betterment con
tributed to the strength and breadth of
to-day's stock market.