The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 06, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    Sister: Read My. Free Offer!
# If yon. Mr slater. an unhappy bacatu* of ffl-nMhh,
if yon feel unfit for hooiehokl duties, social plaaaoraa, or
dally employment, write and tell ma just how you softer,
and ask for iny fm tea day*' trial of a he—a treatment
suited to your need*. Maa naaant aadeeetaaJ womro'i
sufferings. What w« woman know from experience, w*
know better than any man. I want to tell you how to
cure yourself at home at a cost of about 12 cents a Week.
If yon suffer from women's peculiar ailments caus
ing pain ia the head, back, or be web, feeSaa of Wei(ht
and dracgiMT down seneatioa. falHac or displacement of
pelvic ortafcs, canting kidney aad bladder waaktaaee or
conOipetioa and piles, peiafal or vrafilar periods,
catarrhal conditions and discharges, aitraas strreei
•ess. dopresaed apirits, aaelaaeholy. desk* to cry, fear ef
something evil about to happen, creeping fee line along
the apiae,palpitation, hot Raahes, wearineee, sallow cess*
plexioa with dark circles uader the eyee,pein In the left
breast or a reeeral feeling that life is net worth brine,
and learn how these ailments can be easily and sorely conquered at home without the dancers and
expense of an operation. Wbea yon are cored, and able to enjoy life acain, yon can pass the good
word along to some other sufferer. My home treatment is for young or old. To Mothers of Deucb*
tera, I will explain how to overcome green sickness (chlorosis), irrfcularities, headaches, and lassi
tude in young women and restore them to plumpness and health. Tell ma if you are worried about
your daughter. Remember it coats jron nothing to give my homo treatment a ten days'trial, and
does not interfere with daily work. If health is worth aalring for, then accept my generous offer end
write fer the free treatment, including my illustrated booklet. Wesson's Own Medical Adviser.
1 will send all in plain wrappers postpaid. To ssve time, you can cut out this offer, mark your feel*
infts. and return to me. Send toiday, as you may not see this offer again. Address,
County Superintendent Will Take Part
in Discussion .at Teachers' Meeting
Tuesday Evening—Local Sup't to
Report on Cincinnati Meeting
The last of the general teachers' i
meeting for ths present school term will
lie held in the mam room of the local
High school Tucrdny evening nt 7.H0
o'clock and will have several features!
of great interest to those ho attend, j
K. E. Shambaugh, county superintend-1
ent, will be present and take ]>art in
the discussion of 'How to Secure in
Pupils the Practice of Doing Their Best [
Intelligently ' The program will close j
with a report on the meeting of the j
Ppa: tmeat of Superintendence at Cin-1
< innati. The complete program fol- I
Music; "The Dynamic Aspect of the j
Teaching of Modern Languages,'' S.
Kirn McOinnes, High school; general j
discussion; "How to Secure in Pupils
llie Practice of Doing Their Best In-j
tclligentlv," "In the Observation of j
Mature," Joseph H. Hurst, High
school; "In the Preparation of a Cic- ,
cm-try Ix-sson," L. B. Nye .lligii
school; "In Written Tests and Re-!
views." C. S. Davis, principal High j
til . ol; "In the Employment of the!
Golden Kule in All School Relations,":
P. K. Shambaugh, county superintend- j
ent; general discussion; queries, "One i
of the trage.lies of life is the waste 1
oj' honest effort. How do people in
general and teachers and pupils in par- )
ticular waste their energies?" Paul R.
Faust, principal Major Bent school; j
" Every teacher aiut every pupil should
mix in some play with his work every
day of his life. If this proposition is
true, should these diversions be mental
or principally muscular? Whyi" A. G. j
Hottenstciii, High school; gencrnl dis
cussion; chapters 15-19;
of O'Shea's "Dynamii Factors in Edu- j
cation;'' report on the meeting of the >
Department of Superintendence at Cin- i
Organist and Director Bach Choir Will
Be Here Soon
A program of exee, tional merit is l
announced in connection with the organ .
recital in the First Methodist Epis- j
copal church Thursday evening, March
11. by Prof. Wollc, organist and di- |
rector of the Bach choir of Bethlehem, '
Pa., to be held under the auspices of j
the church choir. Program;
Prelude in G; chorale: "My Herat
Is Deeply Longing," Bach; the little!
Post-dlorn air; Aria in A Minor; over )
ture, " Tannhauser," Wagner; Gavotte
from Miguon, Thomas; Air and chorus >
from the opera, "Helen and Paris,"l
Gluck; Fanfare. Lemmens; prayer and,
< radio Song, Guilmant; Torchlight ]
A musical program will be rendered '
under the auspices of class 23 of Cen- I
tei.ary United Brethren Sunday school !
to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock,'
wl'idli will be featured »vith a vocal solo ,
by Luke Butt and a voVal duet by Mr. I
and Mrs. George Richards.
'Phe executive committee of the i
Civic Club will meet Monday afternoon j
at 2.30 o'clock in the home of Mrs. j
John M. Heagy, South Front street. Ar-!
rnngements will be made for the regular
meeting of the club the following Mon
The Ministerial Association of Steel
ton and vicinity will meet in Trinity
parish house, Pine street, Monday
morning at 10 o'clock. The Rev. C. B. i
Segelken, of the First Presbyterian!;
church, will read a paper on "Gold and]
tilie Gospel."
Class No. 9 of St. Mark's Lutheran!
Sunday school will serve dinner and
supper in the North Front street mar- ]
ket house on the afternoon and even- j
ing of March 11, Baked beans and',
noodle soup will be the principal num
bers on the bill of fare. ! ,
Motorists on Run to Collins
The "Smoke Shop Comedy C 0.," of j •
Front and Mohn streets, on Thursday '
evening motored to Collins hotel at Col- j ]
lins, Pa., where they were served with i
a chicken and waffle supper. The com
pany is composed of the following: 1
Fourth Shupp, Edgar Books, Albert \
Stains. Ray . Brough, Howard Hoeh,
George Emery, Joseph Pierce. Edward ]
Newbaum, Frank Burns, James Leo. j
Ralph Leone; Frank Marsico, Philip i i
Newkins, Jean Vance, Joseph Suydam, j ]
Anthony Suydam, Gabriel Megaro, j
James Nero and James Vance. 'i
Miss Marie Wiseman, the visiting i
nurse employed by tho Steelton Civie J
Club, will be in he'r offices from 8 a. ui. i
to 9 a. m., from 12.30 p. m. to 1.30
FOR HENT—Houses with all inmprove- 1
nients, on S. Fourth St.. Steelton. No S
JlB. *12.00; No. 322, S11.00; Noa. 353 and ,
100. 19.00 per month. Apply 316 S. J
Fourth St. Steelton.
. *- - ♦ . ~ - -- x
; "Go to Church Sunday" Is Expected
to Develope Largest Gatherings in
Local Houses of Worship To-inor
row Than on Any Other Occasion
Two mass meetings for men only
are announced as features of public
worship in the borough churches to
morrow. The Uev, C. B. Segelken, pas
j tor of the First Presbyterian church,
! will address a meeting in that church
| to-morrow afternoon at 3.30 o'clock
! on the subject "From a Throue to a
| Stonepile and the Way to Escape."
This will be the fourth of a series of
J meetings for men to be held in as
many consecutive Sundays. Antiounee
i ment has also been made that the Rev.
! R. W. Rsinyan, of St. Paul 's Metho
! dist church, will address a
! meeting for men at the First Metho
dist church, Fourth and Pine streets,
on the subject, "Self Culture and
■Self Sacrifice." This meeting will also
start at 3.30 o'clock.
"Go to Church Sunday" will be ob
| served by all the borough churches as
well as those of Enhaut, Oberli.ii and
Hitjhsipire, with special services ap
. propriate to the day. The relation of
(lie church to our daily life will be dis
! cussed in various houses of worship to- I
'morrow under the heading of "Why j
,Go to Church," "Blensings of the
j Church," and "Why We Need the
| Church.''
The following borough churches have
announced the order of their services
for to-morrow:
Centenary P. B.—The Rev. A. K.
1 Wier, pastor. 9.30 a. in., Men's prayer
| meeting, room 10. 10 a. m„ morning ;
| worship as follows: Infants and adults !
will bo •baptized at this service. A class
will be received into church. * The I
"l.ord s Supper" will be administer- j
ed. 2 p. m., Sunday school. "Spring
Kallv Day" will be observed. 6.30 p. i
m., C. E. Society will observe its
' ' Kallv Day." ".So p. in., worship as
follows: reception of members, con
tinuation of the Supper."
First Methodist Episcopal. Fourth
! and Pine Streets—The Rev. John H.
! Rover, pastor 10.30. "The Lily of
the A alley.'' 7.30, "Blessings of the
I dhurch." Sunday school at 2, with
j special missionary exercise, when Miss!
' Ellen McGinnis will speak. Class meet-1
ing at 9.30. Ejnvorth League at 6.30. j
Special services for Go-to-church Sun-1
day all day. Monday, class for Eng
lish. Tuesday, Loyal Princes. Wed-1
nesday, probationers' class, Junior Ep-1
worth League at 7 and prayer meeting. J
Mt. Zion Methodist Episcopal, Cum- '
bier's Heights—The Rev. J. H. Rover,
pastor. 3.30, "The Unfading Leaf."'
St. John's Lutheran—The Rev. G. N. j
Lauffer, pastor. 10.45, "A Gracious
Invitation." 7.30, "The Prodigal
Son." Sunady school at 9.30. Inter
mediate C. E. at 6.30,
St. Mark's Lutheran, Second and
Lincoln Streets—The Rev. William B.
Smith, pastor. 10.30, "The World
wide Mission of the Church." 7.30,
"Why Go to Church?" Sunday school
at 2. 3. senior cate«hetical class.
6.45, Ohristian Endeavor Society.!
4.15 Wednesday, junior catechetical
class. 7.30 Wednesday, prayer meet
ir.g. '
St. Peter's Lutheran, Highspire—
The Rev. Frank Edward Mover, pas
tor. 10.45, "An Enviable Title."
7.30, first in series, "The Origin of
Man." Sunday school at 9 30. Junior
C. E. and junior catechetical class Sun
day at 3. Senior C. E at 6.45. Pray
er meeting Wednesduv at 7.45. Senior
class Friday at 7.
First Reformed —The Rev. Charles
A. Huvette, pastor. Morning service at
10^ o'clock. Subject of sermon. "Why
We Need the Church." Evening serv
ice at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon,
"The Sacrifice of God." Sun.dav school |
at 10 a. m., opening with the j
service. Lenten services Wednesday!
at 7.45 p. m. Junior Catechetical class
Monday at 4.30 p. in. Lantern slides
illustrating the latter part of Abra- 1
ham's life will be used.
First Presbyterian, Second and Elm
Street® —The Rev. Cf Benjamin Segel
ken, pastor. Morning service at 11
o'clock. Subject of sermon, "I Must
Preach to Good Tidings of the King
dom." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock.
.Subject of sermon, "My Mother an.l
My Father." Sunday school at 9.4 a
a. m. Junior Christian Endeaxjbr at 2.30
p. m. Senior Christian Endeavor at 6.30
p. m. The fourth in the series of union
meetings for men at 3.30 p. m. The
Rev. C. B. Segelken will speak on:
"From a Throne to a Stone Pile and
the way of Escape.''
Church of God, Main Street —The
Rev. G. W. Getz, pastor. Morning serv
ice at 11.30 o'clock. Subject of ser
mon, "Bread Enough and to Spare."
Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Sub
ject of sermon, '' Too Proud to Be
Saved." Sunday school at 2 p. m. Ju
nior Christian Endeavor at 6 p. ni.
Senior Christian Endeavor at 6.30 p.
m. Everybody-at-Cburch day observed.
Evangelistic services each Sunday even
Trinity Episcopal—The Rev. S. H.
Rainey, rector. Holy Communion at 8
a. m. Sunday schooi at 10 a. m. Holy
Communion and sermon at 11 a. m.
Evensong aud sermon nt 7.30 p. m.
Vespers Tuesday at 4.15 p. in. Litany
a nd sermon by the Rev. Rollin Saw
yer Thursday at 7.45 p. m.
St. James' Catholic—The Rev.
James C. Thompson, rector, bow mass
at 8 a. m. High mass at 10 a. an, Sun
day school at 2 p. m. Vespers and bone
diction at 7.30 p. m.
T. E. Vernon, Jr., Announces Those
to Be Employed *<n the "American"
Tho Steelton "Ameican," a new
| weekly newspaper, will™ make its first
| appearance on Saturday, 'March 20,
with T. R. Vernon, Jr., as owner and
! publisher. That date will mark the
sixty-fifth anniversary of the. founding
1 of tdie "Delaware County American"
ibv Mr. Vernon's grandfather. The
Delaware county paper also was pub
■ litlhed for mally years by T. K. V«r
--! non, father of I*. R. Vernon, Jr.
The following local persons will be
' employed in getting out the paper:
John Weisent'ord foreman-pressman;
Fred Koenig, Roy Burtnett, Miss Ella
Sharoskv, re|torter, and Miss Helen Ver
non, bookkeeper.
T. R. Vernon, Jr., was employed two
' years in tiie. capacity of compositor on
| the New York "World" and prior to
' coming to Steelton operated the Vernon
! priutery in Lemoyne.
Constable James W. Haines has re
turned from a business trip to Austin,
Pa. •
Albert Reiseh, who was seriously in
jured by being thrown from a motor
cycle, was reported to be improving
slowly to-day.
Deputy Recorder C. N. Mnmma, who
has been ill for several weeks with nn
attack of pneumonia, has now sufficient
!y recovered to leave his home.
Cantinunl from Klr»l r*sh
and it was decided that, because of the
danger of the contagion being spread
in Pennsylvania by shipment of west
ern cattle through the State, all rail
road companies engaged in such ship
ment should be ordered, under the Penn
sylvania law, to eense such shipments,
anil the companies engaged in such ship
ping were notified.
The authorities say the Pennsylvania
and Baltimore and Ohio railroad eom-j,
panics at once complied with the or
der and have ceased to ship any west
ern cattle east through this State. It
is charged, however, the other compa
nies, mentioned above, ignored the or
der and have been shipping cattle in ;
defiance of the Pennsylvania law.
Cattle men in Chicago and other;
western points have -node vigorous pro- i
test against tlir order of the Pennsyl- i
vania Live Stock Board, but have been |
informed that the order will be rigor- i
ouslv enforced, and the railroad com- j
| panic's will have to obey the law.
The cattlemen, however, have been j
I notified that if they segregate the cat- |
tie from the infected districts and ship
them in such a manner in cars that
there may he no dinger of leakage and
j all dangeT of contamination while pass
j ing through tho State is eliminated,
I they may ship, but this the cuttle men
; say will not be "convenient," meaning
; that it will cost too mticih in time,
I money and trouble to ship in that man-1
i ner and tr separate the cattle.
Disease Has Cost State $523,000
| The foot and mouth disease mi Penn
| sylvania has already cost the State l
\ $523,000 in meeting the expense of |
I stamping it out. Some of the finest j
herds of cattle in tho State have been j
killed to prevent further spread.
The last bulletin issued by the Live I
Stock Board says that the disease is •
almost stamped out in this State, but
three counties being quarantined as a i
whole, and isolated townships in other \
counties, but a recent outbreak in the !
I Lancaster stockyards was traced to cat- \
tie from the West, at.d the quarantine
i on shipping of western cattle was de- j
| eided upon a» the only way to prevent!
I further spread.
Attorney General Brown Das notified j
1 Dr. Marshall, State Veterinarian, that
he will use all of the machinery of his j
department to back him in his latest !
step for preventing the shipment of;
western cattle through Pennsylvania. 1
The Ilarrisbtirg Hospital is open
daily except Sunday, between 1 and !
2 o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical
advice and prescriptions to those unable j
to pay tor them.
Headache usually comes from a slug-j,
gish liver and bowels. If you feel bil- "
ious, dizzy or tongue is coated and j
stomach sour, just get a 10-eent box of;
Cascarets to start vour liver and bowels !
and your headaches will end.—Adv.
What We Say It Is, It Is !
Don't Apologize
For Not Having
A Watch
And don't carry a watch you
have to apologize for.
There is nothing you can say j
which will justify either sit
You can buy an Elgin in a
handsome gold filled case— j
guaranteed for 20 years—for j
as little as $7.50 at Diener's.
That being a fact—a watch
being a necessity for the man
or woman who values time—
and everybody expecting you
to own a good watch—why
not step into Diener's to-day
• and buy a watch you'll be
proud of in any company?
It will be a money-making
investment for you.
You'll find beauties to select
from, at prices representing
the utmost in watch value.
408 Market Street
and Lumbago
Soak a towel in boiling water, wring
dry and place it over the achingpart for
a moment to help open the pores. Then
rub in plenty of Omega Oil. You willbe
surprised a: the quick relief this simple
treatment gives. 10c. & 25c. a bottle.
Philadelphia Division —127 crew to
go £rst after 11.10 o'clock: 129, 110,
109, 130, 132, 112, 111, 103, 134,
Engineers wanted for 131, 134, 205,
215, 216, 221, 230, 234, 242.
Firemen for 112, 129, 130, 204,
205, 2*5, 221, 234.
Conductor for 110.
Flagmen for 12 7, 129.
Brakemen for 12 1, 129 i.dg 1.
Engineers up: Wanbaugh, Supplee,
■McCauley, Kautz, Streeper, Long,
Smtdisser, Wolf, Spear, Bru
baker, Earhart, 11 übier, Buck, Gillums,
Tennaut, Rcssinger, Gibbons, Mauley,
Newcomer, Davis, Sellers.
Firemen up: Copcland, Bleish, Hor
stick, C'hronister, Balsbaugh, Whichello,
Pen well. Farmer, Cover, Bushey, Mul
holm, Kegelman, Miller, Grove, Shaffer,
Lent/., Spring, Watson, Sliive, Arns
berger, Yentzer, Duvall, Libhart, Man
ning, Dodd, Huston, Gelsinger, Myers,
Kearney, Heliinan, Wagner, Sees.
Conductors up: Mehaftie, Fesler, D.
G. Miller.
Flagman up: Harvey.
Brakemen up: Koohenour, Biley,
Bogner, Collins, Knupp, Mumma, Swei
gard, Annent, MeKaughton, Moore,
Couse, Ferguson, Dengler, File, Mal
seed, Wiland.
Middle Division —23 crew to go
first after 1.50 p. m.: 20, IS, 26, 24.
Engineer for IS.
! Conductor for IS.
Engineers up: Mumma, Free, Kitgler,
Hertzler, Hartzler, Knisley, Garman,
J Webster, Wissler.
Firemen up: Fletcher" Arnold,
■ Kuntz, Stouffer, Potteiger, Wright,
Gross, Lieban.
Conductors up: Hu'ber, Buyrnes,
| Patrick.
Flagmen up: Jacobs, Dill, Fetter
lioff, .Miller, Smith.
lirakemcn up: Spahr, Stahl, Wenrlck,
McHonry, Reese, Bolan, Frank, Hen
derson. Strouser, Kipp, Bell. Myers,
Troy, Lauver.
Philadelphia Division —230 crew to
I go first after '2.45: 242, 20S, 229,
j 22.2. 217, 219, 234, 215, 233. 234.
Engineers for 215, 217, 230, 234.
Conductors for 216, 230, 542.
Brakemen for 216, 229, 233, 234.
Conductors up: Walton, Forney,
, Eaton. Steinhour.
Flagmen up: Snyder, Reitzel.
Brakemen tip: Kinies, I.utz, Taylor,
Jacobs, Wolfe, Long, Fair, Wright,
j Sunnily.
Middle Division—lo4 crew to go
after 1.40 p. m.: 10S, 119, 111, 106,
j 105.
Engineers for 104, 105..
Conductor for 111.
Brakemen for 108, 105.
Yard Crows—Engineers up: Beck,
Harter, Biever, Blosser, Meals, Stahl,
Harvey, Saltsman. Kulin, Snyder, Pel
| ton. Shaver, Landis, Hoyler.
| Firemen up: Snell, Bartolet, Getty,
Barkey, Sheets, Bair, Bvde, Boyle,
: Shipley, Ulsh, Bostdorf, Schieffer,
Raueh, Weigle, Lackey, Cookerly,
M'aever, Sholter.
Engineers for 130, 1856.
Firemen for 1816, 130, 90, SSS,
1 820, 1368, 1 556.
T.. H. and P.—After 4 p. m.: o, 12,
7, 24, 16, 23, 21, S.
Eastbound—After 3.15 p. 111.: 54,
64. 58, 69, 57, 70, 53, 6S, 65, 67.
Conductors up: Alleman, Orris, Phil
aba.'.un, Gingher.
Engineers u.p: Woland, Lape, Wire
man, Middaugn, Morne. Tipton, Mor
rison. Bcnawitz, Wvre, Rich wine,
Crawford, Missimore, Barnhart, Sivee
lev. Glass, Plc-tz, Fetrow, Wood, Kett
Firemen up: Sullivan, Anspach, Nye,
Fulton, Chronister, Brown, Kelly,
Lonijenniker, Lex, Dobbins, Rum
baugh, Snader, Boyer, Mil
ler, Carl.
Brakemen up: Stephens, Carlin,
Miles, Ely, Painter, Heckman, Kapp,
Keffer, Machmer, Miller.
Democrats to Apportion Plums
Former Congressman A. Mitchell
Palmer, Democratic National commit
teeman from this State, will hold a
conference with Democratic State
Chairman Morris and other Democratic
leaders in Philadelphia on Monday to
discuss the future of the "Reorgan
ization" movement. At the samolimt
the redistribution to Democrats of of
fices now held by Republicans will be
discussed and some action taken re
girding the appointment of assistant
treasurer of the United States in Phil
adelphia, for which there are a number
of applicants, including John B. Evans,
of Pottstown; former Congressman
Lee, of Schuylkill, and former Con
gressmen Donohoe and Loijue, of Phil
Shearer Company Seeks Charter
Application was made to-day to the
Governor for a charter to the* Shearer
Company, of Harrisburg, for the manu
facture and sale of clothing, shirts, un
derwear, knit goods and other wearing
apparel. The capital is $5,000, and the
incorporators are Joseph L. Shearer,
Joseph L. Shearer, Jr., and Elizaibeth
Kniselv Shearer, all of Harrisburg.
A. P. War Correspondent Sails
New York, 6.—Charles H.
Grasty, former controlling owner of the
Baltimore "Sun" and until recently
vice president of the Associated Press,
sailed to-day on the steamer New York
for London, where he will join the As
sociated Proas staff as a war correspond
ent ]
« ran in
After Four Days' Bur
ial They Are Able to
Walk. From Prison
When Rescued \
Seventy-eight Dead Bodies Have Thus
Far Been Found on Scene of Tues
day's Catastrophe—Rescuers Hast
en to Beach Unexplored Entries
By Associated Press,
Bin ton, W. Va., March 6.—Forty
seven miners were found alive to-day
in the Layland mine of the New River
and Pocahontas Coal Co., where they
had been entombed since last Tuesday,
when a gas explosion wrecked one mine
and seriously damaged two others.
About 170 men, as far as could be
checked up, were thought to have lost
their lives and thus far 78 dead bodies
have been taken out.
This morning rescuers in oxygen hel
mets came upon an entry of No. 3
mine, which had been bratticed off.
Close to the brattice work five men
were encountered alive but in a weak
ened conitition. These were able to
walk from the mine and they re|>orted
that pine others were alive not far
from where they were found.
The rescuers hastened their efforts
and soon came upon more of the living
miners, who were able to leave the
mine unassisted in cases. When
the entry had been explored a total
of forty-seven men had been checked
up, all apparently little the worse for
their four days' entombment, beyond a
somewhat weakened condition.
All haste is being made to reach the
remainder of the unexplored entries in
the hope that many others will be
found still living.
Continued From Klrai Page.
of the Dardanelles might bring to a
decision the attitude of the Balkan
States concerning the war. The possi
bility of the capture of Constantinople
which would result in changes of vital
interest to the Balkan nations, has al
ready assumed a noticeable influence on
these nations. Bulgaria is said to have
' mobilized secretly three divisions or
about 8(1,000 men, and one of these
divisions is reported to have been sent
to an unknown destination. In Rumania
the Chamber of Deputies is considering
: the granting of a credit of $40,000,000
|to the government for military pur
' poses, and the calling to the colors of
8,195 recruits. Greece is awaiting eag
erly the decision of the crown council
concerning intervention in the war and
an Athens dispatch states that popular
, feeling is in favor 01 such a step.
The attack on the Dardanelles forts
is proceeding steadily, although it is
still a question what it has accomplish
ed. A Paris newspaper states that one
j third of the straits has been cleared of
I mines.
Russia is prosecuting one of the most
| vigorous offensive movements of the
I war in the east, extending over tho
I whole front. A Berlin dispatch yester
i day admitted the capture by the Rus
j sians of Myszyniec, near the Prussian
j frontier, but in general it is asserted
! that Russian attacks arc being repulsed,
while Petrograd reports steady prog
! ress.
In the west likewise fighting is be
coming more general. The battle in
' Champagne continues with unabated
ferocity, and there arc signs of increas
; ing military activity in Belgium. All
along the eastern end of tie lines to
1 which Germany is reported to be send
ing reserves, there is steady and spir
ited fighting.
Chicago Beard of Trade Closing
Chicago, March 6.—Close:
Wheat—May, 141%; July, 115.
Corn —May, 73»/ g ; July, 75%.
Oats —May, 56; July, 51%.
Pork —May, 17.62; July, 17.97.
Lard —May, 10.50; July, 10.75.
Hibs —May, 10.05; July, 10.37.
Pimples Are Impurities Seeking An
Outlet Through Skin
Pimples, sores and boils usually re
sult from toxins, poisons and impurities
which are generated in the bowels and
then absorbed into the blood through
the very ducts which should absorb
only nourishment to sustain the body.
It is the function of the kidneys to
fi'ter impurities from the blood and
cast them out in the form of urine, but
in many instances the bowels create
more toxins and impurities than the
kidneys can eliminate, then the blood
uses the skin pores as the next best
means of getting rid of these impurities
which often break out all over the skin
in the form of pimples.
The surest way to clear the skin of
these eruptions, says a noted authority,
is to get from any pharmacy about
four ounces of Jad Salts and take a
tablespoon ful in a glass of hot water
each morning before breakfast for one
week. This will prevent the formation
of toxins in the bowels. It also stimu
lates the kidneys to normal activity,
thus coaxing them to filter the blood of
impurities and clearing the skin of
Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless
and is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lithia.
Here you have a pleasant, effervescent
drink which usually makes pimples dis
appear; cleanses the blood and is ex
cellent for the kidneys as well.—Adv.
It is possible to do a big
week's washing in a couple
follow the easy directions, and
see how easy it makes work
when you don't have to boil
or hard-rub your clothes.
t >
Try the new-born sister of
Fels-Naptha Soap
FeSs-Soap Powder.
Communication With Middle West and
Other Points Interrupted—Ten
dency Downward, Prices of Lead-
Issues Indicating Profit Takiug
By Associated Prtas.
New York, March G. —Trading in
stocks to-day was curtailed by the
storm which interrupted communica
tion with the Middle West anfi other
points. The tendency wan downward,
prices of leading issues indicating prof
it taking. Gains were almost entirely
confined to specialties, including the
tobacco group, Republic Steel, pfd.,
California Petroleum, pfd., and local
tractions. Harvester Corporation rose
14 points, the preferred, however, de
clining 4 1-2. American Locomotive,
The Union Trust Company
Receives accounts subject to check, time de
posits and savings accounts.
Furnishes grafts, letters of credit and trav
elers' checks.
Acts through its Trust Department as ad
ministrator, executor, trustee or agent, with
all the powers that are given to individuals. f\ ,
Union Trust Company of Pennsylvania,
Union Trust Building
rm II
JMP -. ■ <r * ' ' f ' f *
\iuch interest has already been manifested by local theatre-goers in the
engagement of Trixie Friganza, the musical comedy' star, who will be tbe inter
esting-headliner at the Orpheum next week.
Miss Friganza ranks with the foremost, artists in musical comedy and vaude
ville, and her appearanee at the Orpheum, where popular prices prevail, is
indeed noteworthy.
Miss Friganza comes to Ilarrisburg direct from Now York City, where this
week she is creating a small sensation as the headline attraction of the vaudeville
bill at Hamincrstein's Victoria Theatre.
Miss Friganza will offer her glittering array of songs, humor and gowns at
the Orphenm beginning on Monday.—Adv.*
pfd., foil 3 points to its new mini-'iuiu
of 75 and Pressed Stool Car comn on
mid pfd., aliso dropped to now estab
lished prioos. The closing was liea'y.
Bonds were steady.
Philadelphia Closing Quotations
Philadelphia, March o;—Stocks closed
Cambria Stool 42 H
General Asphalt, asked 26
do., preferred, asked, 60 !&
Lake Superior, asked 7
L»ehigh Navigation 7t
Lehigh Valley 67
Pennsylvania U. Ft hi'A
Philadelphia Electric 24' i
Philadelphia Company, asked,.. "0
do. preferred .'lO
Philadelphia Kapid Transit 11?;
Heading 72 7-It;
Storage Battery 42Va
Union Traction 35 *i
IT. G. 1 81
U. S. Steel -Hty
Chicago Live Stock Market
Chicago, March 6.» Hogs—Receipts,s—Receipts,
10,000; strong. Bulk, 6.70@6.90; light,
R.65(TP6.95; mixed, G.65>®)6.95; heavy, 6.35
(if C.92\4; rough, 6.356.50; pigs, 5.75®
Cattle—Receipts, 400; steady. Native
steers, 5.75@9.05; western, 5.10 7.50;
cows and heifers, 3.50017.70; calves, 6.75
Sheep—Receipts, 2,000; weak. Sheep,
7.004J7.90; yearlings, 7.75©8.65; lambs,
7.65® 9.75.