2 I (jr. THIS TRADE MARK I 7X is tour guarantee I vimfejfr There Is no genuine I BAKER'S COCOA I f MJ| RAKER'S CHOCOLATE I ml y \ unless it has this trade-' 8 ylf fj jjfc made on the package. I WALTER BAKER & CO. LTD I ESTABLISHED ITOO DORCHESTER, MASS || n. MDCE ID START SEEIEES V SERINS TD-10RR8W Ell Services at Pine Street Church Will Be Pre ceded By Organ Re citals DR. CAMPBELL AT REDEEMER . . tin. Jobs R. Heary. Newly-Elected Organist at Market Square Prestjy teeian. Will Enter Upon Duties at Morning Service At the Pine Street Presbyterian 1 ehurch the pastor, 'the Rev. Dr. Mudge. Will begin to-morrow evening at 7.30 e<'etock a series of Sunday evening ser- MU that will center around the gen eral theme of "God," with the text, "And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, j and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast eenfe" The topi«s of the sermon at this service will be "The Permanent God," Psalm 90:2, "From everlasting to everlasting Thou art God." These sermons will be continued through March and April on the following topics: "The tfbesenpahle God." "The Com forting God." "The Pardoning God," "The Ever-Present God," "The Pro viding God," "The Strengthening Cod,' "The Incarnate God." Each serv ice will be preveded by an organ re cital which begins at 7.15 o'clock. To morrow evening the following numbers %11, be\>layed at this recital: , "Grand Chorus in P" "Le Cygne" (Saint Saens-Guilmantl; "Toccata, Suite Gothique," (Boell man). The numbers by the choir on Sanday are: 'Morning—.VuLhem. "There Shall Be Ko More Night,'' (Wood)-, anthem, "I Uktn the Good Shepherd.'' (Chaffin). I Evening—Quartet. "The Mellow Eve ' Is GliiUng," (Holden): anthem, "Sav iour," When Night Involves the Skies " (Bhelleyl; solo by Mrs, Cox. "Be Mer eiful Unto 'Me," i Berwal i): The Sunday school meets for the j Study of the word of God in the after- j noon, the elementary departments at j 1.30 o'clock and the advanced depart-1 ■sents an<) adult Bible classes at 1.40 , e'eloek. The midweek service for pray-' er is held on Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. ' The topic for discussion will be "The 1 Earnest Life," (s: Cottage service at ll»07 Green street Thursday at S p. in.; mid-week at the church at 8 p. m. Bethleibeitt—The Rev. Dr. J. Brad ley Markward, pastor. 10.30, "Temp tation From the Mountain To^»." 7.36. "Let Us Alone." Sunday school at 1.45. C. E. prayer meeting at 6.30. Memorial, Fifteenth and Shoop Streets- —Tho Rev. L. C. Manges, D. !>.. pastor. 10.30, "The Real Enemy in His Passion." 7.50, "The Appeal of His Sympathy.'' Sunday school at 2. Men's prayer meeting at 10. Junior Luther League at 5.30. Souior Luther League at 6.30; topic. "Keeping the Fait . ; v" _—. .' ' « v HARRISBURO STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 6, 1915. service. Seraoii on " Lessons From Our Limitations.'' 7.30, evening service. First sermon in current series on Psalru 90:2, "The Permanent God." 1.30, school, elementary depart ments. Internationa graded lessons. 1.40, Sunday school. advanced depart ments. A (to It Bible classes. 6.45, Senior i". E. Society. Wednesday, March 10, 7.30 p. in., mid-week service. Topic, "The Earnest Lit'e." Olivet, Derrv and Kittatinny Streets—The Rev. William B. Yates, pastor. Morning service at 10.30. The Rev. E. E. Oalverv wiH preach. Even ing service at 7.T0. Subject. "Syste matic Giving." Sunday school at 2. C. K. at 6.30. Mid-week prayer service Wednesday evening at 7.4-5. St. Paul'# Baptist, State and Cam eron Streets—The Kev. E. Luther Cun- iastor. Moruiug service at 10.30 o'clock. Covenant meeting at 3.30. Ordinance of believers' bap tism; sermon by the Rev. C. J. Heti >lerson. Evening"service at 7.30 o'»-. "A Devotional Crisis, followed by Lord's Supper. Sunday school at 11.30 a. m. Christian Endeavor 'at 6.»0. At 7.30, "Jesus, the Redeemer. Prayer meeting Wed nesday at 7.45 p. iu. First, Second and Pine Streets—The Rev. W. S. Booth, pastor. At 10.30, "One Man Soweth and Another Reap eth." Sunday school at 11.30. Chris tion Endeavor at 6.30. At 7.30, "The Twentieth Century Man's Idea of Fu ture Punishment.'' METHODIST Epw>>rth, Twentv-first and Derrv Streets—'Hie Rev. J. K. \V. Deavor, pastor. 11, -'The Christ Method of Doing Good.'* 7.30, "Sin No More, Lest—" Sunday school at 10. Class meeting at 9. Ep worth League service at 6.30. tirace—The Rev. J. D. Pox, D. D., pastor. 9.20, class meeting. 10.30, "The Tabernacle in the Wilderness." 1.45, Sunday school and men's Bible class. 6.45, Epworth League. 7.50, bunday school, missionary anniversary, sermon by pastor. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7.30. St. Paul's,-Vine Street Neat Front —The Rev. Robert W. Runyan, pastor. 10.30, "The Untroubled 8oul." 7.30, ' • Our Defense in Time of Trouble.'' Sunday school at 1.45. EpwortS) League at 6.30. Ourtin Heights. Sixtfo Street Canvp—The Rev. A. 8. Williams, pas tor. 9.30, class meeting. 9.45, Jun ior League. 2, Sunday school, (j.30-, Epworth League. "The Dis ciple's Sacrifice." 7.30, "The Best in a Man." Stevens Memorial, Thirteenth and Vernon Streets—Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker, pastor. Class meeting at 9.30. 10.30. "A Paying Investment." Sunday school at 2. Epworth League at 6.30. Sunday evening closing serv ice at 7.30. A. T. Morgan, of Pitts burgh, will address the Men's Club. James W. Barker will {.reside. Music by the diureh choir and file sweet singing male cborns. The best seat in the house is yours if you reaeh it Srst. A half-hour of social fellowship and conversation will follow the You are invited to attend all services. Riilge Avenue, Sixth and Herr Streets —The Bev. John H. Dauguertv, pastor. 10.30, "The Christian's Se cret of a Happy Life." 7.30, "The ■Wrong of the Liquor Traffic—What Have Good Men to Do With It I' 1 - 9, class meeting. 2, Sunday school. 6.50, Epworth League. Fifth Btreet—The Rev. B. H. Hart, pastor. Praise meeting at 9.30. 10.30, "The Sectet of Power." Sunday school, Trith missionary offerings, at 2. Junior League devotional meeting at 6.30. 7.30, "The Second Coining of Christ." UKITEP BB3STHBEN State Street, Eighteenth and State Btreets—The Rev. E. A. G. Bossier, pastor. Morning service at 10.45 o'clock. Communiua service. Evening service at 7.3-0 o'clock. Preaching and Communion, subject, "Lessons o? the Transfiguration. Sunday school at 9.30 o'ctoek. Jr. C. E. at 6 p. m. Sr. Y. P. 8. C. E. at 6.30 p. m. Bible reading on the second coming of Christ Wednes day at 7.30 p. m. First, Boas Street—The Rev. J. T. Spangler, pastor. Morning service at 10.30 o'cloek. Subject of sermon, ["The Claims of the Church." Evening service at 1.30 o'clock. of aer moD, "8o«pe Sigailicaat sm" Sun rtlil e. S. *1 ||4 —IH Rev. P. Bwmml toft Pralae wwiM %t I.U a. * ww •hip it 19.3 ft m. T.M r* a Sua 4u mW»I *1 1.4* a tt Ji. Oi & it s!«s. Sr. i>g ttttu* mvit meeting at the home of Mr. Berkheimer, fttT Maltha vttiw. Deny Stseet, Fitteeath aai Dwi; Street#—The Rev. J. A. D. D., pastor. iMtning aervtee at 1ft.30 o'clock. Svesing service at 7.30 p. m. Sunday school at * o'clock. Y. r. S. C. K. at 6.W. OtonbeiA. Fourth aad Reily Streets —The Rev. S. Edwin Rupp, pastor, will preach at 10.30 a. m,, subject, '%hria» and the Father," ami at 7.80 p. subject, "Chriat ia the Heme." Sun day school at 2 p. in. C. E. at 6.30. CHURCH OF GOO (Fourth Street—The Rev. William N, Yates, pastor. Morning service at 10.30 I o'clock. Subject of sermon, "Messages for Members No. 1." Evening serv ice at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of ser mon. "The Howl of the Rich." Sunday day sdhool at 1.40 o'clock. Junior C. . E. at 3 p. in. Senior and Intermediate E. at 6.30. Men only at 1.40 p. w. i"How to Choose a Man." New mem ' bers will be received at the evening 'aerviee. Greeu Street—The Rev. C. H. Grove, pastor. 10.30 a. m., preaching by the pastor, subject, "Solomon's Interces sion." 2 p. m., Sunday school. 3 p. m., Junior Christian Endeavor. 6.3(f •p. m., Senior Christian Endeavor. 7.30 p. in., preaching by the pastor, subject, "Being a Christian Under Difficulties." Pri»e« meeting mid Bible study every Wednesday evening at T. 30. Pleasant Vinr—Tfce Rev. George W. (Harper, pastor. Sunday school at ».4i« 10.45. "The Last Supper." Junior C. K. at 2. Senior C. K. at 6.45. 7.30, "The Ordinance of Feet washing and Communion.'' Men 'a meeting at 3; speaker the Rev. J. C. Forncrook; special music. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7.30. Second, Verbske and Green Streets —The Rev. Harry Nelson Bassler, pas tor. Morning service at 10.30. Evening service at 7.30. S«in. C. E. at 6.4<5. St. Andrew's, I'enbrook—The Rev. W. R. Hartzell, pastor. Evening serv ice at 7.30. Sunday school at 9.30. BPISCOPAL St. Augustine's, Thirteenth and Herr Streets—Archdeacon E. L Hendersou, rector. Hohk Communion at 7 a. in. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock, Sunday school at 12.30 p. m. Evening prayer and sermon at 7.30 0 'dock. Mount Calcarv, Cacnp Hill—The Rev. O. H. Bridgman. pastor. service and Holy Communion at 10,30. Suiidav school at 2.30. EVANGELICAL Harris Street—Men 'b prayer meeting at 9.30 a. m. Sermon, "The Third Time." at 10.30 a. m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. K. L. ('. E. at 6,40 p. m. Song service and sermon at 7.30 p. m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist, Board of Trade Hall—Sunday, 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. iu- Testimonial meeting. Wednesday. 8 p. m. Free reading rooms, Kunkel building, 12.30 to 4.30 p. m. daily, also Monday and Satur day evenings. Adv. MISCELLANEOUS • Associated Bible Students—The reg ular Sunday services will be held at Cameron's Hall, 105 North Second street, at 3 p. m. Berean study at 2 p. tn. Any interested in Bible study in vited. The Christian and Missionary Al liance, Thirteenth and Market Streets, Srwab Building. Second Floor —The Rev. W. H. Worrall, pastor. Sunday school at 9.30 a. m. /Preaching at i 0.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Services on Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock- Fourth Street Church of Christ— The Rev. F. G. Smith, pastor. Evening service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Wednesday evening prayer meet ing. A. M. E. Wesley Union —"Reverence for God's House" at 10.4 aa. m. "The New Covenant" at 7.30 p. m. Sunday school at 12.30 p. m. Junior Christian Endeavor at 5.30 p. m. Senior Chris tian Endeavor at 6.30 p. in. Com munion both morning and ovening. The Rev. W. A. Ray. pastor. Asbury, Herr Street — The Rev. Irv ing H. Carpenter, pastor. Morning serv ice at 11 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "The Lord and His People." Evening service at $ o'clock. Siibjeet of ser mon, "A Fixed Love." Sunday school ait 2 p. m. The U. G. Leeper, speaker, at 3 p. m. services. Bethel, Briggs and Ash Streets —The Rev. U. G. beeper, pastor. Morning sen- ice at 10.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, ' * Experimental Religion.'' Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Sub ject of sermon. of God." Sun day school at 1 p. m. Christian En deavor at 8.30 p. re. Communion mfern ing and evening. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist, Beard of Trfde HaH. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Testimonial meeting, Wednesday. $ p. m. Free reading rooms, Kunkel building, 1.30 to 6 p. m., daily, also Monday and Saturday evenings. adv. 1 Loan Official Goes to Jail Shamokin, Pa., March 6.—C. E. Richardson, charged by the Keystone and Building and Loan Association with embezzling $6,000 of its funds, and who was arrested at Washington last Tuesday, waived a hearing before a local justice yesterday and was iw prisonod in the Northumberland county jail at Sunbory. He was secretary of I the company with headquarters here. AMUSEMENTS J" I' ■ aUMOB This evening, "Damaged Qoode." Tuesday afternoon and evening, March &, '' Twin Beds." Wednesday after noon and: evening, March 10, The de Kevea Opera , Company in "Hood." Saturday, matinee and eveniug, March 13, Boston English Opera Company. oirno« •sery afternoon aad eveuing, high •Imp va«de*iU*. OOLOmAb Bvory afternoon and evening, »aude ville uud pictures. VICTORIA Motion Pictures. ______ -4 . PHOTOPLAY Motion Pictures. BEOENT Motion Pictures. "Tltmngwl Goods" The history of t'he flrst production of Eugene Brieux's great sociological drama, '"Damaged Goods," which is at the Majestic this afternoon and evening has no counterpart in the an nals of the American stauv. After itn initial production in Paris ten years ago, tho (French masterpiece had lain practically neglected until a Pennsyl vania legislator. Senator Flyun, of Pittsburgh, found a copy of it in a book store and upon reading it, was impelled to introduce a bill in the leg islature providing for a health certifi cate with a marriage license in his State. While the bill was pending, Senator Flyun met Richard Bennett, tho actor, and urged him to road " Damaged Uoods." This was two years ago and since that time Mr. Beu . not t has devoted most of his waking hours and all of his dreams to the pro duction of this drame.—Adv.* "Robin Hood" "Robin Uood," the celebrated comic opera by Messrs. de Kon eu and Smith, will be the offering at the Ma jestic next Wednesday afternoon aud evening. This opera will be presented by the de Koven Opera Company an organization composed of grand opera singers. In thin notable cast of vocal artists first mention should 'be given to Ivy Scott, i.he charming young Austra lian prima donna, who made such a success at the Century Grand Opera in New Yo«rk. Mien Scott possesses a re markable 'lyric soqirano voice of dra matic quality, and sings the role of Maid Marian with an artistic beauty of the highest praise. Tho title role will be sung by Harold Blake, whose tine tenor voice is admirably suited to the part. F. J. McCarthy, who originat ed the part of the crying general in ''The Merry Widow," will play the part of Friar Tuck. Mr. McCarthy's performance of the lovnble old monk iis said to be a classis. —Adv.* "H Trovatore" The Boston English Opera Compauy will coine to the Majestic theatre, Sat urday, matinee and night, March 13, in a beautiful production of Verdi's immortal masterpiece "11 Trovatore" the world's most tuneful, picturesque opera. So much has been said of the great artists that comprise tho Boston Eng lish Opera Company and so well known is the opera of "II Trovatore," that it seems almost useless to go into details. However, as there are many people who have a mistaken idea in regard to grand opera, it may not be amies to say a few words on the subject. Of all the world's operas "II Tro vatore" is t'he most popular and cer tainly the most tuneful, Many of the best airs in the leading comic operas are taken from its tuneful melodies. Almost every street organ deipPnds up on "II Trovatore" for its existence. The anvil chorus is one of the most beautiful numbers ever put on any stage. This setting represents a gypsy camp, located in an old ruin in the mountains. In the clearing are numer ous anvils, used in making the armor for the soldiere beforo going to the wars.—Adv.* At the Orpheum A 'big advance sale for the last per formance of the Orpheum's current of fering are reported at the box office. The splendid show with the delightful "Fashion Shop" as a headliner proved to be just the sort of a vaudeville bill that Harrisburg cares for most and ac cordingly the audiences were of un usual size. A bill calling in many vaudeville treats is being announced by the management for next week. Tho festivities are interesting in many re spects and all is greatly enhance'd by Miss Trixie Friganza, tfhe celebrated musical comedy star, who stands in tho lead of them all. Miss Friganza ranks with the most important bright liights that have been exploited at the Or pheum. She comes in a class with Kitty Gordon, Valeska Suratt, Irene Franiklin and several others we have seen. However, this will be Miss Frigan za's first vaudeville engagement in Harrisfcurg. She eomes here direct from tremendous successes she is win ning this week at Hammerstein's the atre in New York City. Miss Frigan za 's offering consists of a routine of clever song hits, calling in special scenery and a gown for every song. Another interesting player on next week's bill will be the first local ap pearance of Helen Grayce in va/ode ville. Miss Grayce has a big following here as a stock actress, and she will undoubtedly receive a big welcome from her admirers at the Orpheum next week when tfhe and her capable com-' pany present a sparkling comedy call ed "Bill 999," yvhich by the way, was written by Miss Una Clayton. A num ber of other interesting Keith hits are slated for next week.—Adv.* At the Colonial The splendid juvenile act called "Vacation Land," that is one of the best school comedies local vaudeville audiences have seen, will appear at the Busy Corner for its last engage ments to-day. Pretty girls, clever comedians, loads of hilarious school pranks and tuneful songs, make this a vary attractive playlet. Also Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murphy, the local comedy favorites, will appear for the last time at the Busy Corner in their great laugh ringing sketch called "Clancy's Ghost." Two other clever attractions oowiiiae to make this one of the very 'tx*! vuudeviiie shown that patrons oif Ut* Colonial have seen.—-Adv." Special Saturday at the B«. It Is so still, for our Lortl Jesus counts all treatment of His messengers as dona to Himself (Matt. x, 24. 25, 40). The I.ord told Samuel to heed their request, but to protest rfnd show them what manuet* of man the king would be. This ho did In the six times "He will take" of chapter vlll, 10-18. Not withstanding the warning the people insisted that they must have a king. Samuel told the Lord their decision, and He told Samuel to make them n king (chapter vilL 19-22). Whether it be in answer to our right or our wrong requests, it is often His way to do beyond our desires, and so Fie selected for them the finest looking man in all Israel—a choice young man, none goodlier and head and shoulders taller tbun any other (chapter ix, 1, 2; x, 23). Samuel did not need to look for him nor to have any anxiety as to finding the right man. for the Lord toW him In his ear one day, "Tomorrow alxuit this time 1 will send thee a mun out of the land of Benjamin" (chapter ix, 15, 16). I like that expression "told him In his ear." for it Is a great thing to have an our for God, an anointed ear to hear Ills voice. Ills only. The commonplace events which the Lord used to bring the unsuspecting man to Samuel are fully told in chapter ix, 3-14, and. if He thus wrought for an unbelieving man and a rebellions peo ple, how much more will He work on behalf of His own, who truly desire to please Him! (Rom. Till, 32; lsa. xlviii, 17.) The 'special lesson portion assigned us today begins with Saul approaching Samuel by the direction of the young maidens whom he met going out to draw water. How many Bible inci dents there are associated with women drawing water, nnd how these maidens must have rejoiced a few days or weeks later that they had been used to direct the king to Samuel! There Is a lot of comfort in the assurance that God worketh all things after the coun sel of His own will and a whole lot more when wo are willing to have Him work In and through us the good works He has prepared for us (Kph. i, 11; II; 10*. As Saul drew near to Samuel again the anointed ear hoard the Lord's whisper: "Behold the man whom I spake to thee of! This same shall reigu over ray people" (verse 17). The words "Behold the man!" make us think of Zecb. vl, 12, and John xix, 5, 24, the God-man. the King who shall yet rule over n* Israel and over all na tions forever. As the maidens were used to direct Saul to Samuel, so may we all be used to direct many "who soevers" to Him who Is ready to save them and share His kingdom with them. Now we find Saul In the kind haniH of Samuel at a surprise party, where he hears wonderful things which he never expected to bear and which s'.l came to pass. He is the most honored guest. Samuel, knowing that God would do as He had said, had made every preparation and had Invited these thir ty people to meet him. After the feast Samuel communed with Saul, then cared for him overnight, in the morn ing again communed with him alone. The servant, having passed on, showed him the word of God, kissed him and anointed him captain over the Lord's Inheritance. Saul's humility (verse 21) reminds us of that of Gideon (Judg. vl, 15), and well would It have beeu for him If he had continued thus humble. N from the Latin verb moveo, moverp, movl, motus, meaning to move. \Ve are unable to say who first suggested the name for self propelled vehicles.