12 JITNEY TRANSPORTATION COMPANY HARRISBURG, PA. CAPITAL $25,000.00 SHARES $ 10.00 EACH A Limited Amount Of This Stock Can Be Purchased At Par By Applying To The Undersigned AUGUSTUS WILDMAN ROSS OENSLAGER OWEN M. COPELIN PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER RESUME BUILDING NEW SCHOOL HOUSEON MONDAY Board of Directors Lets New Contract For Completion of Shimmell School —lncrease Amount in New Tenth Ward Structure to SOO,OOO The Edward B. Carley Company, of New York, new contractors on the Shimmell building at Seventeenth and Catherine streets, will begin work on completing the building on Monday. The School Board last night took over the construction of the school house after the Fidelity and Deposit Com pany of Maryland released the re maining moneys to be paid .Tolin W. Emory, the Philadelphia contractor, who threw up the contract. The building will be finished under the terms of the original contract for $18,33i2, the contract price yet unex pended. The release for the bonding company and the new contract were both drawn 'by M. W. Jacobs, solicitor for the board. The now contractor has agreed to furnish a bond for his work and for that of Emory ot the comple tion of the building for two years. The contract calls for the building to be finished bv June 12. The resolution for the erection of a new building at Fifth and Mahanto u go streets, asking for a bond issue of $75,000 for building was amended last night to increase that amount to $90,- 000. Director Werner, sponsor of the original resolution, moved for the change 'after receiving a petition from 150 west onders asking for a building as good as the one now in the course of construction on the Hill. w KILLED ON RAILROAD Account of Terrible Accident in Mexico in January Told in Letter to U. S. Mission Boston, March 6. —Report of a rail road accident in Mexico, last January, in which 600 lives were lost, is con tained in a letter received to-day by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions from one of its representatives at Manzanillo on the Mexican west coast. The letter was written on February 14, according to the writer, after the entry of the soldiers into Guadalajara, •which was captured by Carranza's troops on January 18, the Governor or dered that t'noir families should be brought up from Colima on a special train. "There were more than twenty cars," the letter continued, "simply* packed with humanity, the roofs covered with men and women and many slung under the cars in a most perilous josition even for ordinary travel. At the top of the steepest grade, coming down, the engineer lost control, the cars rush ed down the long incline, throwing off' human freight on both sides and finally {dunging into an abyss. "Nine hundred people were on the train and only six were unhurt. More than 600 were killed outright. Some of the Yaqui Indians committed suicidol when they were told of the accident to : their families, anil others have sworn j vengeance. All the railroad men were lulled, so there is none to suffer." TO APPEAL THEATRE CASE Lessees of Motion Picture Houses Want Court to Pass on Taxes Whether the new lessees of a tnov ing picture theatre can be compelled to pay a whole year's municipal license tax for a part of a year's occupancy when already the full year's tax had i>een paid by the former owners, is a question the Dauphin county courts will be asked to- decide through ap peals taken last evening by Morris Heimbinder and Jack Gold, proprietors of the "Family" and "William Penn" moving picture theatres. In an amicable proceeding brought before Alderman George A. Hoverter, Heimbinder, as party defendant, was lined s•> and coats "for refusing and neglecting to pay a license tax of SSO on each theatre.'' The alderman merely decided that the tax had not been paid and imposed the fine and costs. Heimbinder then filed notice of his intention to appeal the case, contend ing that as one of the proprietors he took possession of the theatres onlv a few weeks ago and that the license tax for the year ending April 1, next, al ready had been paid by the former owners. The city contends that a transfer of theatre ownership does not auto matically transfer the license to the purchasers. No Capital The Harrisburg Hospital is open daily except Sunday, between 1 and 2 o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical tdvice and prescriptions to those unable to pay for them. " r >.■ ' W . V;; , ■ ISIfSp ' " AT? RTRBTTpG ST A "R-TNDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 6, 1915. BABY 4 WEEKS OLD WINS PITY OF REUEF WORKERS Continued rrom FirM Pace. held some visitors who were talking with Mrs. Francis Jordan Hall and Miss Mary Reily, who are in charge of toll a t committee. "Look at that woman!" whispered a visitor as she caught sight of the little visitor swaying uncertainly in the door. Several of the visitors turned and glanced quickly at her. Then Mrs. Hall, who was looking after new appli cants for work, came in. The woman stepped slowly across the room and halted beside the desk. Fnder the kindly questioning tfhe told her story. How her husband has been without work since early fall, excepting for an occasional day 4 work picked up from time to time. Her mother? Yes she had a mother, but mother has five little mouths to feed, so the married daughter could not get much aid from her, though there had been some assistance from that source before work really got so scarce for both men and women. What the Shawl Contained When the work became scarce mat ters went along well enough for a time, then their small fund ran out and thev got along as best they could. Even then matters would not have been so bad if there hadn't been the new ba'by. "Is that the baby?" questioned J Mrs. Hall, indicating the closely wrap ped bundle that didn't even move. '' Let me see it.'' The woman unwound a turn of the worn shawl and with a brave attempt to smile lowered the 'bundle until the women about her could see into its depth. What they saw made their eyes fill again, as they had when first the | mother told of her plight. A weazened pale face, with an excessively strong | growth of dark hair on the top of the head, showed against the white of the white of the inner wrappings, while two wavering, wrinkled little hands clawed at the open space with its rim of pitying faces. "She's four weeks old," volunteer ed the mother. . -None of the women who looked into that bundle said oponlv what was in her mind, but each acted quickly. Warm, new clothing, from clean, soft underwear to a warm baby blanket that would exclude winter air, was brought. A long, warm coat for the mother was quickly found and when, with eyes showing unshed tears, the mother mentioned her 4-year-old daughter, whom she admitted was al most without clothing, as were she and the baby, they provided amply for her. They gave her enough work to per mit her to make wages enough to buy food, did these wometi of the relief committee, for by that time a crowd from the supplies division had been drawn upstairs. Mrs. Mercer B. Tate and Mrs. A. Carson Stamm worked speedily with home supplies they knew of and by the time the mother and | baby reached home across the river the j future had 'brightened and the worn ] an's fears for her family had vanished. Where to Send Contributions "Underfed, both she and the balby," declared Mrs. Hall, who has a I little chap of her own at home. And J the other women agreed with her. This was just an incident in the j day's task of providing work for the needy women of the community. And there are others just as pitiful happen ing every day or two, though all of them don't have an innocent little baby and hunury mother as subjects. Clothing a" d food for the whole family of that little woman are going to be provided for a long enough time to make certain that the hollow cheeks will round out, the color come again ami baby grow big and fat like well fed babies do, and maybe a job for the unemployed father, for the'woman of the relief committee are greatly inter ested in that little family, and are bound it shall have a fighting chance to get on its feet this summer. So the work has been going on this winter, since first it was bo.'un, De cember 19.. And if you who read thirjk it is worth while, faipitalize your thoughts so that the relief measures can be continued until times brighten and work can he had. Send or bring vour contribution to headquarters or to John F. Sweeney, Mechanics' Trust Company, and—do it NOW! "DOPE" VICTIM AT HOSPITAL Woman Cannot Say in What Quantities She Took Drug Before Restrained The first person, a woman, to he ad mitted to the Harrisburg hospital suf fering from lack of narcotics on ac count of the new Federal law was ad mitted yesterday. She has been used to taking a morphine compound, but is unable to tell just how much of it. Hospital physicians endeavored to find out the quantity from a local drug gist from whom sue purchased the drug, but the druggist said he "did not know the amount of the drug in the com [HHind he was selling. STAR-INDEPENDENT WANT / ADS. BRINO RESULTS. i DIPLOMATS HAVE DECIDED | TO LEAVE MEXICAN CAPITAL Continued From Fimt Page. feared all foreigners would be at the mercy of the factions. Carranza forces controlling the rail road to Vera Cruz are refusing to per mit travel on the pretext tihat tJlie road is needed for military movements. Senator Smith for Action Senator Smith, of Arizona, called at he White House to discuss the lates. developments in the situation with President Wilson, but will not see him until Monday. "We should take charge of affairs | or abandon the Monroe doctrine," said he at the White House. "Something must be done to stop the reign of an archy and set up a government which can protect the rights of all foreign ers " Juan N. Amador, head of General Carranza's agency here, to-day de clared in a formal statement that re ; ports of the gravity of the situation . have been "grossly exaggerated." He j declared General Oliregon would do I nothing to "cause needless suffering." I'rgent representations by the Amer j ican government have been made to Gcn- I oral Carranza through American Con- I sul Silliman that he direct his command i er, General Obregon, to accept the prof ! for of aid to Mexico City's needy for | the international relief committee, com posed of foreign residents. General 1 Obregon. who had refused to accept the proffer, is reported to have declared that Mexico was in no need of such aid. Foreign diplomats here, however, are pessimistic over the situation in the Mexican capital. Population Terror-stricken The American government has ap pealed to Carranza to instruct Obregon ! to adopt measures for the protection of I lives and property of foreigners if j Mexico City is evacuated. The popu | lation is terror-stricken because of j Obregon's announc ed intention not to prevent, looting and pillaging for food or money. Officials here are none too optimistic that Carranza will heed the! representations because of his refusal I heretofore to do so Mexico City Worse Than Ever Conditions in Mexico City are de scribed in reports to officials and diplo- j mats heie as being far worse than ever before. President Wilson and his ad visers are giving the matter the closest attention. Pending the outcome, how ever, of tne representations the Amer ican government probably will take no further action. Among diplomats the opinion prevails that in >ase General Obregon continues to refuse outside aid, drastic steps may be necessary. In official circles an allied expedition simi lar to the one that relieved the lega tions at Pekin du-'ng the Boxer up rising was being talked of. CLOCK SOUNDSDEATH KNELL Woman Sets Alarm and Husband Finds Note Telling Where Lifeless Body | Could Be Found Sunbury, I'a., March 6. —Mrs. John' DeWitt, who liver near here, fearing ar-| rest yesterday after she had a squabble j with Harry Fasold, a health officer, for, sending her child afflicted with mumps j to school, wrote a note last night to her j husband and children directing them to track her footsteps through the snow to i a creek where her body would be found. I The woman placed the note on an alarm i clock, set for 4 a. m., near her hus band's bed. When the husband was | awakened by the clock he found the i note and followed the tracks to thej creek, where he found his wife's body. The woman in the note blamed the | health officer for her act. She a'sa I wrote on the backs of checks directional for the assignment of all her property to her husband and children. The au thorities are investigating the case. RAY SEIDERS ACQUITTED Jury Frees Him on Charge of Murder ing Lebanon Man (Special to the Star-Independent) Lebanon, March 6.—Ray Seiders was this afternoon acquitted of the murder of John E. Mills, who was held up and fatally shot by highwaymen last December. HEIRS MAY BE IN THIS OITY A will in which Hugh J. Ready and ■Tames F. Ready, brothers, are vitally interested cannot be settled until they can be located and believing that they are in Harrisburg a firm of attorneys in St. Johns, New Brunswick, has writ ten Chief of Police Hutchison for news of them. Their father died in St. Johns in March 1913. James F. Ready left St. Johns ten years ago while his brother left two years ago. Neither has been heard of since. MOTORCYCLES OCCUPY THE STAGE FOB ENTIRE WEEK Keystone Club Stages First Exclusive &IK>W ior Motor-Driven Two-Wheel ers in Chestnut Street Hall- Opening To-night The motorcycle lias come into its own. An exclusive show for the two wlieel motor-driven 70-mile-an-hour ma chine tinder the auspices of the Key stone Motorcycle Club will open this evening at S o'clock in the Chestnut street hall. It will continue all of next week. I Ten exhibitors with all kinds, types, J powers, speed and designs of motor cycles will strive to advance the selling | industry in Harristmrg to such au ex j tent that every well regulated home I will have a motorcycle when the spring | riding season opens up. Aside from j the motorcycle many types of bicycles I for pleasures and commercial purposes | will be shown. The Keystone Club itself will have a I booth for the exploitation of the club 1 journal. John F. Greeuawalt, the editor, will be in charge. Another booth will | be occupied by the Keystone Indies' Auxiliary. Mrs. J. llar'bolt, Miss May Gallagher and Mrs. C. J, Uhler will be in charge of that. The ladies also super vised the decorations and they are fine, I electric lights and colored streamers j hanging everywhere. The otiicers for I the first motorcycle show are: : C. 11. Uhler, president: Harry Feld -1 stern, vice president; H. L. Ross, secre- I tary-treasurer; It. 4V. Ileagy, manager; I Note Feldstern, H. C. Heagy, C. B. Smith and George F. Hewitt, directors. The exhibitors are: j Heagv Brothers, Harley-Davidson mo torcycles, Rearing Standard, Pullman j and Appolo bicycles. Sporting goods I and accessories. West End Electric and Cycle C'om ranv, Indian motorcycles, accessories, 1 Miami bicycles. ! Charles I'hler, Thor motorcycles, Mus | selman, Vim, Hardware and Liinwood bicycles. j Excelsior Cycle Company, Excelsior autocycle, Dayton, Hudson, Lenawee, I Excelsior, Juvenile, Norseman, Valiant, j Motor-Bike, Hampden and Commercial ! bicycles. I'ope motorcycles, Chester B. Smith. I Pope motorcycles, Pope bicycles and ac cessories. j Reading Standard, G. W. Gait, Marys | ville. Reading standard motorcycles, j accessories, Perfection side-seat, vul canizing department. Keystone Cycle Company. Dayton motorcycles. Havrisburg Motorcycle Exchange. Emblem motorcycles, accessories and repairs. 3 FULL ARIYIY DIVISIONS BY BULGARIA Paris, March 6.—Bulgaria has mobil- I ized secretly three full army divisions 1 in the neighborhood of Tirnova, accord ing to information contained in a Sa- I loniki dispatch to the Ilavas Agency | based upon what is said to be reliable 1 authority. The same source is respon sible for the statement that the Kosten dil division has been senf to an un known destination. An unnamed officer high in the Bulgarian army is quoted as saying: "These troops would be useful in an adfvance on Adrianople." CHORUS TO USE NEW BOOKS Will Also Have Buttons by Time of Ex cursion to Lancaster Plans for the big trip of the Har risburg Evangelistic Chorus to- i--ancas tcr on the evening of March 13 are rapidly shaping and from present indi cations, the number who will go will exceed the expected 2,000. Charles F. Clippinger, director of the big chorus, this morning announced that chorus buttons have been ordereJ and he expects to have these ready for distribution the day of the excursion. New song books will also be Used at the tabernacle. Dr. Slough has not yet announced what the subject of his sermon will be the night of the Harriaburg excursion. From the various churches which co operated in the big campaign here hun dreds have already announced their in tention of going on the trip. The fact that pass privileges will be good on the special excursion train has induced hun dreds of railroaders and their families to make preparations for-taking the trip. y Advocates New Water Main . So that the Singer Piano & Organ Company, Carlisle street, may be sup plied with water and, incidentally, have fire protection, City Commissioner Har ry F. Bowman will introduce an ordi nance at next Tuesday's meeting of tie City Commissioners providing for a water main in Carlisle street from Der ry to Holly. LA MAINE AFIRE 1,280 MILES AT SEA Continued From First Page. and Beda L. Peterson, and Thomas J. Burke, Jr., nurses. The crew numbered approximately 200. The vessel was under command of Captain Caussin, it was said, with M. Gaillard as second captain. Two wire less operators, Messrs. Sagot and Vidm ment were aboard. Ammunition Causes Anxiety Stored away in the vessel's hold was the ammunition which caused keen Ap prehension as to the vessel's fate when it became known that a fire was raging aboard. While 110 record was kept as to the tonnage of this portion of the cargo, it was estimated that the ship ment contained, at the very least, half a million rounds and possibly several times as much. Wireless stations along the Atlan tic seaboard directed vain queries through the air to the burning ship and the little fleet of rescuers reported to be around her. While the crackle of the spark from powerful stations here, it was thought could be heard by steamers in the Atlantic as far away as the Touraine, the wireless plants a'board those steamers were too weak to send back their answers. All news of the Touraine's fate, it was thought would have to come from the other side of the Atlantic. Vessel Was Heavily Loaded La Touraine was heavily loaded when she steamed out of the harbor here last Saturday. In addition to the 4,594 cases of cartridges she carried 139 rapid fire guns and a varied assort ment of supplies for the allies' com missaries, both foodstuffs and clothing. Twelve hundred tons of her cargo con sisted of uniforms, cloth for uniforms, sweaters and hosiery for soldiers in the trenches. There were 1,500 Cases of machinery aboard, as well as many hundred wagon wheels and 275 bars of silver. In addition there was a large assortment of foodstuffs. La Tourair.e, a steamer of 3,378 tons, under command of Captain Caus sin, is one of the older transatlantic liners, having been built in 1891. Since she was lunched La Touraine has played an interesting part in the history of ocean travel. She arrived in New York on October 28, 1913, with 4 2 persons which she rescued from the Uranium liner Volturno, which burned at sea with the loss of 132 lives. Cap tain Caussin was one of the first com manders of rescue steamers to get a boat over in fcht heavy sea to aid in the rescue work. The captain and crew were decorated with medals for their bravery on this occasion. It was the captain of La Touraine who warned the ill-fated Titanic of the presence of ice bergs in her course. WILL MEET IN ALTOONA Commercial Executives Conclude Con vention Here To-day Altoona was selected as the next meeting place of the Pennsylvania Com mercial Secretaries Association at the closing of the first annual convention here this morning. Eugene F. Weiser, secretary of the York Chamber of Com merce, wa-s elected president and Charles M. Ketchum, of Washington, secretory. The morning session was occupied with a discussion of agricultural en couragement and the afternoon discus sion embraced charity endorsement, city planning, municipal research, voca tional education and housing and health work. The annual dinner of the association took place at the Harrisiburg Club last night after which all the delegates at tended the Orpheum. John H. Meily The funeral of John H. Meily, aged 70 years, who dipd Thursday, was held this afternoon at- 4 o'clock from the residence of E. O. Shaffner, 107 Boas street, the Rev. Dr. John D. Fox being in charge of the services. Interment was private in the Harrisburg ceme tery. Mrs. Elizabeth Meisenhelter Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Meisenhelter, widow of George Meisen helter, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. B. Wilt, j)*l Disbrow street, yesterday, will be held Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. Interment will be private in the Harrisburg cemetery. Missouri Normal School Burned By Associated Press. Warrendbiirg, M., March 6.—The Warrenburg State Normal school here was destroyed by fire to-day. All build ings except the Dockery gymnasium were burned. The loss is estimated at half a million dollars. The school was attended by 2,000 students. Bank Reserve Shows Decrease By Associated Press. New York, March 6.—The state ment of the actual condition of Clear ing House and banks and trust com panies shows that they hold ?129,- 693,740 reserve in excess of legal re quirements. This is a decreaso of |o,- 167,960 from last week. ACQUIRES FAMILY OF 10 BY TAKING A MARRIAGE VOW Centtnurd From h'irnt I'agr, "Yea," she replied, "my husband died on January 6, 1915," and then she blushiugly added, "and 1 have nine children." "Did I understand you to say nine?" asked the clerk in some con fusion. "Yes," she repeated. Roksanic all the while remained si lent and while he appeared unable to express his feelings by word of month a smile stole over his face. When all the requirements had been complied with save the couple's taking the oath, the clerk told both to stand up to "make affidavit to their statements." Apparently they misunderstood and momentarily thought the knot was go ing tp be tied right there, for they .joined hands and dropped their .heads slightly, gazing toward the marriage license docket. Soon they were prop erly advised and the license was issued. Then the weddinig march, unaccom panied by music, began. The couple, Roksanic with the baby in his arms, was conducted to the main court room bv Alderman C E. Murray and county officials, including Deputy Prothono taries Elmer Hummel and Elmer Erb and Assistant District Attorney Robert T. Fox. Alderman Murray took a position where the court clerk usually stands and the couple stood before the press box. All the while the baby, whom Roksanic had placed on the judges' bench, cooed and seemed very well sat isfied with its mother's choice of a new head of the family. As the alderman closed the cere mony the county officials and a few lawyers spectators all picturing Roksanic as a hero, stepiped up and extended their hands to the couple. Roksanic is a laborer, employed in Steelton, and while he is not making more than the average laborer's wage, he expressed confidence in his ability to sui«port the already large family. BOYS' CONTEST ANNOUNCED Superintendent Shambaugh, of Dauphin County Schools, Names Conditions County Superintendent of Schools F. E. Shambaugh has issued an an nouncement of the Dauphin county corn ami potato contests for pupils of the public schools, in which prizes wilt be given on institute week in this ctty, November 8 to 12. Tlio conditions fol low: All boys between the ages of 10 and 20 who have attended the public ele mentary or 1IJ b i schools of the county four months or more during the last school term are entitled to take part In one of these contests. All work except plowing shall be done by the contestants. For the county contests the awards will be made on the basis of the ex hibit of ten ears for the corn and the exhibit of one-half peck of potatoes. Since all prize winners are entitled to participate in the State contest con ducted by State College, all contestants are urged to comply with the State con ditions by planting at least one-fourth acre, or forty square rods. Among the most notable of the prizes that have been offered thus far in the contests for growing corn and potatoes are: A trip to State College, all expenses paid for farmers' week at that college, by the Ilarrisburg "Tele graph;" twenty dollars in gold by the Star-Independent, and an equivalent money prize by the Ilarrisburg "Pa triot." SYSTEM ABSORBS MERCURY Stanley Dodge Is Receiving Treatment at Harrisburg Hospital Stanley Dodge, 59 years old, 2 North Cameron street, was admitted t\ tlhe Harisburg hospital last evening for treatment for mercurial poison. Ho used a solution of bichloride of mercury externally and his system ab sorbed some of the poison. His con dition is noi serious. Do You Have Pyorrhea Alveolaris? If you have and would like to learn how to £et rid of it buy the Philadelphia Sunday Press, to-morrow. Head of the new Specific for the successful treatment of Amoebic Pyorrhea. Consult a "Dentist who is prepared to treat the condition according to the teachings of the Scientists who discovered the chief cause and who worked out a successful systematic treatment. The writer has been using this treatment with success for some months. B. S. BEHNEY, D. D. S. Harrisburg, Pa. TRAINS RUNNING ON TIME DESPITE 10 INCHES OF SNOW Continued From Kirnt I'nisc. fact neither of the companies found it necessary to get out the snowplows. The Ilarrisburg Railways Company reported having but little trouble run ning its trolley cars. Officials sni.l only a few of the cars ran a few minute's late. Four sweepers were kept in serv j ice throughout the day and when of | ficials saw a possibility of a heavv | snow late last night, one-third of the cars were kept running ail night to i keep the tracks open. No serious trou ble was expected here by any of the telegraph or telephone companies. Market Crowds Small The storm caused some inconven ience to pedestrians and kept down the sizes of the crowds in the markets and in the central portion of the city. Those who were compelled to 'be out entered complaints against the slop piness under foot. Inconvenience also was experienced by teamsters ami drivers on streets where they could not dodge in or out of the street car tracks. The storm started about 7 o'clock last evening and continued last night and to-day. It was prevalent over the northeastern section of the coun try. The average temperature was 30 degrees, with a wind velocity of eight miles an hour. This was a deficiency in temperature for this date of about two degrees. No material change has taken place in the river stage during the last twen ty-four hours. It was stated at tho weather bureau thut unless a heavy rain should fall, the river will remain the same for the next forty-eight hours when it will start rising. None of tho river stations north or west of Harris burg has bud as much precipitation as Harrisbung, which received .82 of an inch in twenty-four hours. Other sta tions before noon to-day recorded from .2 to .67 of an inch. CAPITOL Governor in Philadelphia Governor Brumbaugh left for Phila delphia last night and will attend tho annual dinner of the Lafayette College Alumni Association at the Bcllevuo- Stratford hotel this evening, where he will make an address. Cyrus E. Woods, Secretary of the Commonwealth, who is a member of the alumni, will also make an address, his first since his becom ing a member of the Governor's cab inet. Board of Pardons Tie Board of Pardons this month will meet on Thursday, March 18, in stead of Wednesday, the 17th, owing to the fact that some of the members wish to attend the St. Patrick's day celebra tion in Philadelphia. The list of ap plications to bo heard by tho Board has been closed and numbers ten new cases and five old ones, none of them mur der cases. PEACE MEETING TO-NIGHT Professor Alvin S. Johnson, of Cornell University, Principal Speaker It is believed that largo crowds will bo in attendance at the peace meeting to be held under the auspices of the Pennsylvania Arbitration and Peace Society and the Society of Friends in Technical High school auditorium this evening. The principal speaker of tho evening will be Professor Alvin S. Johnson, of Cornell University. Prof. Johnson will speak on the econo: lie conditions of the European war and the military forces. He will also show what rela tion this question bears on tho financial, industrial and labor conditions in our own country. Other speakers will be 71. C. Knouse, vice president of the Pennsylvania Arbitration Society, and Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones, who will rep resent the women's interest. Prof. Johnson comes to this city from York, where he was greeted with an exceptional large attendanco last