10 ■ HOUSEHOLD TALKS Henrietta D. Grauel Winter Salad Plants Well informed housewives realize that every ilay should see some fresh salad on the bill of fare, but it is not easy to secure greens in winter. There are a few, though, that we can always have. Cabbage salad is one and it may be arranged in so many ways that it will remain appetizing a wonderfully long time. There is red pepper and cabbage salad, or, if you prefer, cabbage and pimentos. Another combination is to buy the tiny white German onions, chop a few of them fine and add them to the chopped cabbage. Over this pour the vinegar from the onions and then dress the mixture with salad oil. If you have, no love for the Irish gem you surely like celery, cauliflower, chives and cress or beets and lettuce. The chives will grow in your kitchen window in a very small pot and just a few of the spikes will give flavor to a salad. Cauliflower is costly just now, but a fair sized head will make a salad one day and enough will remain for a vegetable dish another day. Cook the whole head and keep what you do not need the first day in a cool place. Tomato in aspic salad is made with canned tomatoes and gelatin or veal jelly. Tt is beautiful when carefully molded and turned out on a bed of cress or lettuce. There are few days in winter when cress is not. found on city markets. The hardy Rtrong plants send up new molds readily and needs only to be r~ \ /Aj- P 12 Doses 10c Trial Will Convince U 30 Doses 2."> c At All Druggists For Headaches, Neuralgia Quick —Safe—Sure How We Weigh Coal \ You may rest assured when you get a load of coal from us that the weight is correct. We are just as particular about weighing our coal as your grocer is when he weighs sugar. Each load is carefully weighed before it leaves our yard. We have a large box at the side of our scales tilled with the different kinds of coal. If the driver does not have enough on his wagon he takes the necessary amount out of the box lo make the scales balance. Jf he has too much coal on the wagon he takes some off. Every order is exactly right—there is no guess work, Onr scales are balanced several times each day and they are inspected at intervals by the Harrisburg Scale Inspector. Furthermore, we are just as careful about the quality of the coal as we are about the weight. * United Ice & Coal Co. Forster and Third and Boas Fifteenth and Chestnut Hummel and Mulberry Also Steelton, Pa. THE ALE AND BEER produced by the Master Brewer at the DOEHNE Brewery cannot be surpassed for purity, health, tonic and food qualities. DOEHNE Order It-Phones i CASH FOR YOU Find a purchaser for the article you pos sess and want tb sell. If it has value —an advertisement in the Classified columns of THE STAR-INDEPENDENT will get you effective results. ACT WITHOUT DELAY Bell Phone 3280 Independent 245 or 246 •,. f> -v. . ov* « £■;> • . V - ; : ' v xs ~T < *#V- - ' "•• •••.'■ v. i - 7 - . " • ■•s: ■ ■*' i •' -' -: *■•'.* 4 \ : " ''V ' '™' . ... : . . . • • :•' >• • "'• ' " - • ' •.' 5 '', • ; \ • _ 'v-':"' 'V "'I '■•" ■'•''■ v';-' .' - " '• ' '• : * ? s*:}. HARRISBITRG STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 6, 1915. shoots constantly and many a country boy and girl break the ice or brush away the snow from creeks' banks and atlicr it for some.enterprising "huck ster" to ship to the city. Southern spinach is here now and the dishes it makes are very welcome. It dressed with mayonnaise to make a handsome salad. Canned small string beans are pre pared and sold especially for winter salads and so are asparagus tips, so that, after all, one hns a big variety to choose from. Perhaps you think it is not economy :o purchase lettuce, endive and other market-grown salad plants this month, •iit if they keep you well and hearty they are a better investment than a physician's call. QUESTION'S AND ANSWERS "I have a sweet grass basket that is badly faded. Can I dye it?" Reply.—These baskets may be made like new by dipping them into hot dye just as you dye willow and rntlia. This also renews the sweet odor that makes them so delightful. • * * "Please tell me if it is too late to plant any bulbs for Kaster blooming in the house!" Reply.—Hyacinths, narcissus and daffodils can be grown and forced into bloom in five weeks. They need only water, heat and sunshine. Plant crocus bulbs by putting them on a layer of absorbent cotton placed on a dinner plate. Cover with another layer of cot ton and kee.p under layer wet. Set in a light place and the plants will push through the upper cotton, grow rapidly and bloom very soon. Put a few bits of charcoal among the bulbs. * * * "Can white lace yoke in white dress be cleaned without removing it?" Reply.—Clean the lace with gasoline containing a little chloroform. Rub the lace gently with a soft brush dipped in the mixture, and remembor the fluids are explosive. Retired Farmer Dies on Birthday Wrightsville, March 6.—lsaac Hin kle, 81 years old, a retired farmer, died ves'terdav on his birthday from the ef fects of a stroke. He was a member of the Lutheran ijhurch. Six children and a number of grandchildren survive. PARROT&CD. HAIOD Auflior rf Hie Carpe t The Place etc. CCPY/l/GflT CY Tfi£ BOBAJiWWiL CQW3VIY W CONTINUED "Wherever 1 go. Looks silly, doesn't it, for a man of my size to tote around a parrot cage? But I don't care what people think. Life is too short. It's what you think of yourself that really counts." "That Is one of the rules 1 have laid down for myself. If only we all might go through life with that Idea! There wouldn't be any gossip or scan dal, then." "Some day I am going to tell you why I have lived over here all these years." "I shouldn't, not If It hurts you." "On the contrary, there's a kind of happiness in unburdening one's con science. I called that day In Rangoon for the express purpose of telling you everything, but 1 couldn't In the pres ence of a third person." "But always remember that I haven't asked you." "Are you afraid to hear it?" "No. What I am trying to convince you with is that I trust you, and that I give you my friendship without reser vations." He laid his hand on hers, strongly. "God bless you for that!" She liked him because there was lacking In his words and tones that element of flattery so distasteful to her. "Would you like to sit next to me at the table?" "May I?" eagerly. "I'll have Martha change her chair for yours. Do you speak Italian?" "Enough for ordinary conversation. It is a long time since I have spoken that tongue." "Then, let lis talk It as much as possible at the table, if only to annoy those around us." Craig had been eyeing the two, evil ly. Set the wind in tlat direction? j An idea found soli In his mind, and ! grew. Hfe would put a kink, as he vulgarly expressed it, into that affair. He himself wasn't good enough for i her. The little cat should see. War-! rington's ultimatum of the night be fore burned and rankled, and a man of Craig's caliber never accepted the in evitable without meditating revenge, revenge of a roundabout character, such as would insure his physical safe ty. There was nothing loyal or gen erous or worthy in the man. There is something admirable in a great ras cal; but a sordid one is a pitiful thing. Craig entered the smokeroom and or dered a peg. At luncheon he saw them sitting together, and he smoth ered a grin. Couldn't play cards, or engineer a pool, eh? All right. There were other amusements. That afternoon Martha chanced to sit down in a vacant chair, just out of the range of the cricketers. She lolled back and idly watched the batsmen. And then she heard voices. "She Is Elsa Chetwood. I remember seeing her pictures. She is a society girl, very wealthy,, but something of a snob." Martha's ears tingled. A snob, in deed, because she minded principally her own affairs! "They think because they belong to the exclusive sets they can break as many laws of convention as they please. Well, they can't. There's al ways some scandal in the papers about She Stopped at the Rail. them. There was some rumor of her ■ being engaged to the duke of What's his-name, but it fell through because ! she wouldn't settle a fortune on him. Only sensible thing she ever did, prob ably." "And did you notice who sat next i to her at luncheon?" "A gentleman with a p&st, Mr. Craig : tells me." "I dare say Miss Chetwood has a past, too, if one but knew. To travel alone like this!" Busybodies! Martha rose indignant ly and returned to the other side of the deck. She had lived too long with Elsa not to have learned self-repres sion, and that the victory Is always with those who stoop not to answer. Nevertheless, she was alarmed. Elsa must be warned. All Elsa said was: "My dear Martha, in a few days they and their tittle-tat tle will pass out of my existence, ad mitting that they have ever entered It. I repeat, my life is all my own, and that I am concerned only with those whom I wish to retain as my friendß. Gossip Is the shibboleth of the mediocre, aud, thank heaven, I am not mediocre." While dressing for dinner Elsa dta | covered a note on the floor of her cabin. The writing was unfamiliar. She opened it and sought first the signature/ Slowly* her cheeks red dened. and her lips twisted in disdain. She did nc* read the note, but the I »>a.turul keenness of her eye caught the name ot Warrington. She tore the letter Into scraps which she tossed out of the port-hole. What a vile thing Lie man was! He had had the ef frontery to sign his name. He must be punished. It was as late as ten o'clock when she and Warrington went up to the bow and gazed down the cut-water. Never had see seen anything so weirdly beautiful as the ribbons of phosphorescence which fell away on each side, luminously blue and flaked with dancing starlike particles, through which, ever and anon, flying flsh, dripping with the flre, spun out ward like tongues of flame. "Often, when I was stoking, during an hour or so of relief, I used to steal up here and look down at the mystery, for it will ever be a mystery to me. And I found comfort." "Are you religious, too?" "In one thing, that God demands that every man shall have faith in himself.' How deep his voice was as com pared to Arthur. Arthur. Elsa frowned at the rippling magic. Why was she invariably comparing the two men? What significance did it have upon the future, since, at the present moment, it was not understandable? "There is a man on board by the name of Craig," she said. "I advise you io bev.are of him." "Who introduced him to you?" The anger in his voice was very agree able to lier ears. "Who dared to?" "No one. He introduced himself on the way up to Mandalay. In Rangoon : I closed the acquaintance, such as it was, with the aid of a hat pin." "A hat pin! What did he say to i you?" roughly. | "Nothing that I care to repeat. . i . . Stop! lam perfectly able to take care of myself. I do not need any valiant champion." "He has spoken to you about me?" "A letter. I saw only his name and yours. I tore It up and threw It over board. Let us go back. Somehow, everything seems spoiled. I am sorry I spoke." "I shall see that he does not bother you again," ominously. They returned to the promenade deck in silence. When Warrington found Craig the man was helplessly Intoxicated. He lay sprnwled upon his mattress, and the kick administered did not stir him. Warrington looked down at the sodden wretch moodily. Craig's intoxication was fortunate for him, otherwise he would have been roughly handled; for there was black murder in the heart of the broken man standing above him. Warrington relaxed his clenched hands. This evil breathing thing at his feet was the primal cause of it all, he and a man's damnable weakness. Of what use his new-found fortune? Better for him had he stayed in the jungle, better have died there, hugging his poor de lusion. Oh, abysmal fool that he had been! ' CHAPTER X. The Cut Direct. • It was after five in the morning when the deckhands tried to get Craig to go down to his room. With the dull obstinacy of a drunken man, he j refused to stir; he was perfectly sat isfied to stay where he was. The three brown men stood irresolutely and help lessly around the man. Everyone had gone below. The hose was ready to flush the deck. It did not matter; he, j Craig, would not budge. "Leave me alone, you black beg gars!" "But, sahib." began one of the Las cars, who spoke English. "Don't talk to me. I tell you, get out!" striking at their feet with his i swollen hands. Warrington, who had not lain down at all, but who had wandered about j the free decks like some lost soul from the Flying Dutchman, Warrington, hearing voiceß, came out of the smoke room. A glance was sufficient. A : devil's humor took possession of him. | He walked over. I "Get up," he said quietly. I Craig blinked up at him from out of puffed eyes. "Go to the devil! Fine ; specimen to order me about." "Will you get up peacefully? These ; men have work to do." j Craig was blind to his danger, j "What's that to me? Go away, all of ! you, to the devil, for all I care. I'll j get up when I get damn good and I ready. Not before." Warrington picked up the hose. "Sahib!" cried the Lascar In pro test. "Be still!" ordered Warrington. "Craig, for the last time, will you get up? "No!" Warrington turned the key, and a deluge of cold water .truck Craig full in the cheat. He tried to .it up, but was knocked flat. Then he rolled over on the deck, choking and sput tering. He crpwled on hi. hand, and knee, until he reached the chair-rail, which he clutched desperately, draw ing himself up. The pitiless stream never swerved. It smacked against the flat of his back like the impact of a hand. "For God's sake .top It!" cried Craig, half strangled. TO BE CONTINUED jC. AUGHINBAUGH I THE UP-TO-DATE PRINTING PLANT I | J. L. L. KUHN, Secretary-Treasurer j PRINTING AND BINDING I M Now Located in Our New Modern Building - I 46 and 48 N. Cameron Straet, Nsar Market Street 1 | . A BELL TELEPHONE 2013 \\ !S Commerical Printing Book Binding || We are prepared with the necessary equipment Our bindery can and does handle large edition m to take care of aay work you may want—cards, work. Job Boek Binding of all kinds receives ji stationery, bill heads, letter heads, programs, © ur careful attention. SPECIAL INDEXING) mUL ,nd PUNCHING ON SHORT NOTICE. We £t LINOTYPE COMPOSITION FOB THE TRADE. make BLANK BOOH* THAT LAY FLAT AJTD W STAY FLAT WHEN OPEN, MS Book Printing B K With our equipment of live linotypes, working PreSS Work L|j •VJ day and night, we are In splendid shape to take _ „ . ... , . . care of book printing—either BINGLE VOL- J «,u Vl* ?*?'<1.1?? r UMES or EDITION WORK. complete in this section of the state, in addition L ) ppj * to the automatic feed presses, we have two v r \) hM folders which give us tho advantage of getting 10 Paper Books a Specialty toe werk out 1,1 *w««iiagijr i uick <*«•• kU ky No matter how small or how large, the same will _ , _ ,fefi vC] *>« produced en short notice. TO tile PUDIIC j.; j . When In the market for Printing or Binding of i^'4 ro Ruling soy description, see us before placing your order, pi ff Is one of our specialties. Thlo department ha. We bclieve it will be to our MUTUAL benefit. M ky been equipped with the latert designed ma- No trouble to give estimates or amwer question.. [H \}J chinery. No blank is too intricate. Our work % , J ,"! In this line is unexcelled, clean an 4 dUtinc' lines, Rarnpmhpr no blots or bad line.—that is the kind of ruling '"' that business men of to-day demand. Buling for We give you what you want, the way you want the tiade. It, when you want it. 1 > j IC. E. AUGHINBAUGH I I 46 and 48 N. Cameron Street | dp Near Market Street HARRISBURG, PA. g A Bell Telephone call will bring one of our solicitors. % BREAKS NECK ON STAGE Young Gymnast Paralyzed by Fall of Only Two Feet Mt. Vernon, N. Y., March 6.—Karl Konig, 18 years old, a gymnast, is in the Mt. Vernon Hospital with a broken neck as the result of a two-foot fall on the stage at Proctor's Theatre Thurs day night. He had just made a dbufole somersault and was sliding down the back of another acroibat when he slipped and fell, with his head twisted beneath his body. Dr. Erdmann, of Manhattan, per formed an operation yesterday, reliev ing pressure of brcken bones on the spinal cont. Koniig's entire body, from the neck down, is paralyzed, but he is conscious and says ho suffers no pain. It is douibtful-if he will recover. 050 LICENSES GRANTED Lackawanna Court Refuses but One Old Applicant Scranton, Pa., March 6. —Court yes terday granted licenses to 950 saloons in which is included al lthe old places except one. All ne