The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 05, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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Just received a new lot of Boys' Gun Metal Shoes, button
Ladies' Grey Top Lace Shoes in ail( i blucher. Special 01
gun metal and patent, long and at *
short vamp. Special dt 1 AO ———.
quick-selling pTice, . . I *2'O Men's Vici Kid and Gun Metal
Blucher Goodyear welts, wido
» foot-fitting shape; A Af 00
Indies' Gun Metal Shoes in * 3 valuc at * *
broad or narrow toes, Goodyear 1
welts, a genuine $3 A* QO Misses' sizes in Dress Shoes,
value for VM wO patent and gun metal, A | AQ
__ a 12 value at V* rW*f
Men's fine Dress Shoos, hand * A line of Shoes at 88c for
sewed soles, all styles and Hoys and Girls that you will not
leathers, values up £ * QQ be able to duplicate elsewhere for
to J3.50, at s£»%rO less than $1.25 to $1.60.
Ask to See Kinney's Special Work Shoe
19 and 21 North Fourth Stmt
The Rev. Raymond Mixler Appointed
United Evangelical Pastor
Pp.- oI a 1 Correspondence.
Williamstown, March 5. —-The Rev.
E. R. Hart, pastor of the United Evan
gelical church for the past few years,
has been appointed to a charge at
Palmerton and will be succeeded by the
Rev. Raymond Mixler. The Rev. J.
Willet Boyer, pastor of the Seybert's
Evangelical church, has been reap
Miss Alma Bverly entertained a
number of friends at *her home on
Spruce street Tuesday evening. A de
licious luncheon was served to the fol
lowing guests: Misses Mary Budd,
Grayce Thompson, Amy Mover, Nellie
Perkins, Messrs. Bryant Ralph, George
Bond, Charles Straub, Max Byerly,
Thomas Bond, Jr., and Weldon Wat
Miss Marie Kennedy is confined to
the Harrisburg hospital suffering from
The Lyric quartet will be the at
traction at the Academy of Music Tues
day evening, which is the first number
of a series of attractions which are to
be held under the auspices of the hose
Mrs/Harrison Watkins and daugh
ter, Augusta, are visiting relatives at
Philadelphia and Atlantic City.
Misses Thelnia Kline and Ada Kauf
man, ef Tower City, were callers here
Monday evening.
Miss Margaret Duenger is ill at her
home on Vine street.
The Parent-Teachers' Association of
the borough schools will hold the mouth
lv meeting in the High school audi
torium Tuesday evening when an in
teresting program will be rendered. Par
ents are extended a special invitation to
attend these meetings.
Leo Kelly had an arm fractured by
a fall at the Adams skating rink Wed
nesday evening.
David Felty and Family Move From
Their Farm to Town
Special Correspondence.
Linglestown, M>arch 5. —Mrs. Samuel
G rubb and sou, of Penbrook, on Wed
nesday were the guests of the, former's
parents, Mr. and Mirs. Reuben Koons.
Mrs. Galtager, of Harrisburg, spent
Wednesday the guest of Mrs. John
Mrs. Anna Mader and Miss Anua
Hummelbaugh, of Harrisburg, were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington
Miss Elizabeth Arva and Miss Anna
Hammelbaugh on Wednesday visited
the schools of town.
Word was received here yesterday
of the death of Mrs. A. D. Bower. The
funeral arrangements will be announced
David Felty, witlh his family, moved
Tuesday from his farm to the home he
recently purchased in this place.
tyrs. Austin Sehane-r spent Wednes
day with friends at Hajristourg.
Mrs. Gertude Nis'iev entertained tihe
Km'broidery Club at the home of Miss
Tlessie Lenker on Tuesday evening.
Mrs. David Ilazzarine and daughter,
.Margaret, spent Wednesday with
friends at lHarrisburg.
Miss Mabel Shellenhameir spent Wed
nesday with friends at Harrisburg.
(Miss Kate Mcllhenny, of Harrisburg,
spent Thursday with friends here.
The Rev. and Mrs. Lewis Reiter, of
Hninton, on Thursday visited friemds
Mrs. Charles Look and Mrs. Ezra
Care spent Thursday with friends at
C. D. Lingle, of Harrisburg, was a
visitor in town on Thursday.
High School Literary Society Holds De
bate This Afternoon
Special Correspondence.
Blain, March s.—The W. C. T. U.
held its regular monthly meeting at the
home of Airs. Samuel Been.
Mrs. I. L. Smit'h is visiting in Har
The bake held by the Ladies' Aid
Society of the Methodist church was a
Charles Kline, of Chicago, is visiting
his mother, Mrs. E. Kline, and brother,
John E. Rickard, of PitWbungh,
spent the week-end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Rickard.
Mm. Emmanuel Trostle and daugh
ter, Carrie, are visiting the former's
daughter, Mrs. Garth Snyder, at Slii
loh, O.
The Literary Society of the High
school will meat this afternoon. The
question debated was "Resolved, That
was causes more sorrow than intemper
ance." The society has elected the fol
lowing officers: President, Paul Shref
ller; secretary, Mies Ethel Pheniioie;
rhaplaiu, Garman Cox; chorister, Miss
• L»ce Smith.
Miss Annie Harkins returned home
on Tuesday from visiting her brother,
J. F. Harkins, at Susquehanna Univer
sifcy, Selinsgrove, and friends in Harris
Literary Society Composed of Many
Prominent People, Organized
Special Correspondence.
Xew Bloomfield, March, 5. —The New
Bloonifield Literary Society, composed
of the bankers, merchants, lawyers,
physicians, ministers and prominent
men of the county, as well as the prin
cipals and teachers of the public schools
and of the New Bloonifield Academy,
has been organized.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the
Methodist church -will held a social at
the home of Mrs. Ella Dunbar on Sat
urday, March 6. Ice cream, caike, candy,
etc., will be on sale.
Dr. E. E. St a after, representing the
Anti-Saloon Leaigue, will speak in t'he
Presibvterian church on Sunday at
10.30 a. m.
Next Sunday at 7.30 p. m. the Luth
eran pastor will give the third and
last sermon 'lecture on the Prodigal
Son or "Homeward Bound."
Mrs. Harry Marshall, of Aspiniwall,
is visiting Mrs. George Eckard.
Mr. and Mrs* Henry E. Shearer, of
Harri«iburg, are visiting the former's
pa.rential home in this place.
Miss Margaret Millingtou, of Phila
delphia, is home on a s'hort vacation.
Erecting of the Hillis Tabernacle Will
Be Started To-morrow
Special Correspondence.
Marysville, March s.—The P. O. S.
of A. auxiliary to the P. O. S. of A.,
will celebrate itis first anniversary oil
i Friday. The Marysivil'le orchestra will
j help to celebrate the event.
Yesterday half a dozen teams were
j busy haulimg the lumber, tar paper,
j sawdust, etc., to the location where the
Hillis tabernacle will be erected. The
work will 'be begun to-morrow.
An organ was placed in the fifth
grade of the pufolic schools on Wednes
The junior booster chorus is rehear
sing diligently for the Hi'llis campaign.
] On Thursday there wae a large attend
j ance of tfhe juniors in the Methodist
Miss Jane Jackson, of Glenvale,
j spent Thursday with her uncle, W. H.
i Robinson, in this place.
Evangelical Cottage Prayer Meeting
Held Last Evening
Special Correspondence.
Dauphin, March s.—Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Young, of Atlantic City, an
nounce tfhe birtfh of a sou, Harry A.,
March 1.
The cottage prayer meeting of the
United Evangelical" church was held at
the home of Sir. and Mrs. P. L. Meyers
last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Glass and
icihildren, James and Grant, and D. W.
Glass, of Harrisburg, were the guests
of lMr. and Mrs. Samuel Maurev on
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaffer spent
the week-end at Philadelphia.
Mrs. Curtis Bickel and sister. Miss
Elma Lyter, of Harrisburg, spent Sun
day with their mother, Mrs. Sarah Ly
ter, at Zionville.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. G. Kinter and chil
dren, Gilbert and Evelyn, have re
turned from a visit to Montgomery.
Mr. aawl Mrs. O. W. Deibler and
children, Ruth and Wellington, spent
Sunday at Millersburg.
Funeral of John Dietz, Aged 63, Held
Monday Afternoon
Special Correspondence.
Shiremanstown, March s.—The fu
neral service of John Dietz, who died at
his home near this place after four
weeks' illness of pleuro-pneumonia,
were held Monday afternoon at 1
o'clock. Interment was made in Slate
Hill cemetery. He was 63 years old
and is survived by one sister, Mary, at
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shearer and
IMrs. Grey, of Blain, v.'ere entertained
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. A.
Bower, recently.
(Miss 'Lou Noell visited her sister,
Mrs. Mary Dean, in Harrisburg, for
several days.
Mrs. Howard Kraber, of Harrisburg,
has returned to her home after visiting
friends here for several days.
The 'Misses Claire and Beatrice Mer
ringer and Mrs. David Stover, of
Wellsboro, 'Tioga county, visited rela
tives here Sunday.
Miss Davsie J. Russell was the week
end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Prickett,
near Gettysburg.
Vernon S. Myers, of Johnstown, vis
ited friends here Sunday.
Mrs. Samuel Murphy, of 'Marysville,
visited relatives in this place on Mon
Miss Mary Houry, of Lancaster,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Netf members will be united in
Church fellowship in the U. B. church
Sunday morning and evening. The Rev.
(Mr. Emenbeiser, pastor, will officiate.
Mrs. James' L. Young, of Mechan
ies'burg, visited at the home of Mrs.
IH. IM. Rupp recently.
O. F. Morning and son, William, of
Gamp Hill, visited in this place on
'Miss Irene Heck left for Washing
ton, D. C., oil Wednesday, where she
will visit relatives for several weeks.
Home Talent Flay for Benefit of High
School Piano Fund
Special Correspondence.
Halifax, March s.—Calvin P. Schol'l,
of near Fishery ille, was in ttyrn on
business on Wednesday.
"Oupid at College," is the title of a
home talent play to be given in the
Royal theatre on Friday evening,
March 12, under the direction of Miss
E. June Breimeier, of Selinsgrowe. The
play will be given for the benefit of
the High school piano fund.
Henry R. Shoop, a prominent Demo
crat, of this place, is an aspirant for
the position of postmaster of this place
and his petition is 'being signed by a
ljrge number of Democratic voters.
The term of the present postmaster.
Harry S. Noblet, does not expire until
May, 1916. v
The literary program of the Halifax
Grange for Saturday evening will be as
follows: Song, Grange; recitation, Her
bert Sheets; reading, Mrs. J. W. Clem
son; song, Grange; cornet solo Melvin
Sheetz; poem H. R. Brubaker; song,
Funeral of Miss Lydia Watt Held From
Home Thursday
Special Correspondence
New Germantown, Pa., March 5. —
Miss Alma S. J. Morrison and Frank E.
Johnson were united in marriage Feb
ruary 11 by the Rev. Mr. Reichard,
pastor of the Lutheran church, at
Miss Lydia Watt, aged 21 years,
died at iier home here February 21,
after n short illness. The funeral was
held Thursday, February 25, at her
home, the services being in charge of
the Rev. T. Gibson, pastor of the Meth
odist Episcopal church, of which Miss
Watt was a member. Those who at
tended the funeral from out-of-town
were her brothers: E-.llward Watt, Car
lisle; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watt. Mt.
Joy; Mr. and Mrs. Luther Watt, Marys
vifle, and Mr. and Mrs. Keemer, Bast
Waterford; Mr. and Mrs. Ira Collins,
Blnin; D. H. Zeigler, Kerville, Cumber
land county.
Washington's birthday was celebrat
ed by the erection of a new flag on the
school house by members of the Patri
otic Sons of America." Addresses were
made by the Revs. Reiehard and Gibon,
and a number of recitations were de
livered by the pupils wf the primary
Mrs. Sylvanus Smith, a resident here,
will move Monday to Harristourg, and
John Udell, also ii resident, will move
in the house vacated by Mrs. Smith.
Miss M. E. Morrison visited her nep
hew, Walter E. Morrison, of New
Bloannfield, last week. She was ac
companied by Miss Caroline She.bley
who visited her niece, Mrs. A. R. John
Miss Mary Robinson, Miss Nellie R.
Morrows anil James O'Donnell left this
week for points in lowa, where they
will spend the summer.
Mrs. John Odtoll and son spent Tues
day in Neiw Bloomfield on business.
Mrs. William Temple and son, of Al
toona, are visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Oliver Beistline. They will re
main here for some time.
Mrs. S. B. Donache Entertained Friends
at Dinner Sunday
Special Correspondence.
Enola, March s.—John M. Boyd, of
South Enola, has moved bis family into
the Elerinan property on State Road.
Mrs. S. B. Donache entertained the
following at a family dinner on Sun
day: Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Young, Mr.
anil Mrs. Frank M. Young, Mr. and Mrs.
Ross W. Young, Mr. anil Mrs. S. Nye,
Mrs. J. M. Jones, Miss Anne M. Neuer,
Miss Miriam Neuer, L-na Young,
Miss Laura Baumi'Uer, Ralph W. Young
and Mrs. S. B. Donache.
L. W. Fisher, Jr., and son, of Har
risburg, visited the former's parents on
Wyoming avenue.
J. E. Benner has moved his family to
Enola Terrace.
J. Kelso Green, County Superinten
dent of the Public Schools, visited the
Enola schools Wednesday.
The Ijadies' Aid! Society of the
F.nola M. E. church will hold a sauer
kraut dinner and supper in the Enola
P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. on Thursday,
March 11.
Raymond Iloover is visiting in Phila
Cottage prayer meeting will be held
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Fisher. Wyoming avenue, on Saturday
evening. Plans for enlarging the build
ing were discussed.
A special meeting of the Enola Fire
Company No. 1 was held ih the fire
house on Altoona avenue on Thursday
Harry Seitz has moved his family to
his new property on Altoona avenue.
J. L. Jurkey, of Detroit, to Speak In
Central Theatre Sunday
fori esnonnfni'p
Herahiey, March s.—Mrs. Ezra F.
Hershey is spending several days with
her sister at Pittsburgh.
Mrs. E. M. Casaady and son, Lswis,
Amolox, the new scientific prescrip
tion, will positively cure eczema, acne,
pimples and all skin eruptions. It stops
all itch and burning instantly. Simply
apply or wash the diseased skin with
this penetrating, mild, soothing solution
and all agonizing itch will stop, and
restless, sleepless nights will be a thing
of the past. Sufferers from eczema ana
other disfiguring skin diseases, go to
day and get a bottle of Amolox. Re
member, Geo. A. Gergas and H. C. Ken
nedy and dealers everywhere will re
fund your money if Amolox doesn't do
all we claim for it. Trial size 50 cents.
Chronic cases that have suffered for
years should use both ointment and
A Sale That's Worth While In £}
Spring Suits for Men & Women jSL
We Are the Original JLead= O A A That Other Stores Sell I
ers of Selling Suits for $ I U For 515.09 and SIB.OO jFti|H|||\
• r jfff 4# Just Arrived 200 Sample Suits
\ T* ?——' These Suits Are Beautifully <E jm lyj
w\ \ Designed and Many Different M m /jkX
1 X MAM ff JK A Shades of Blues and Tans. I I I W W
' ml YOUR CHQICE AT .... ■ "
J «il Mil ' Vi"! Coats SUITS FOR MEN
M JIHM Era y In Fancy Twills and Mix-£P>
wIIBBk 19 v tures ' Sizes. 4*5 AMD YOUNG MEN
fiy ■. } 1 CHOICE AT W ,
rtww \ ' Suits for This Sale, in Blue and Black
"Wmm l# . o L « adieS ' p Spl i , ' ng DfeSSeS F-cy MTx". T5 i
if S?P 'iw Sil'k M S e e Se POPImS and ffi k , H ICI W
JfiCHOICE AT 0 Choicest
TSf c ™« '4 CAS Hor CREDIT I "IMPS* ?B
Pretty S/y/es. PK/CE' T IF Y OU HAVE IT IF YOU WANT IT l/a/oe JS.SO. PR!CE *1
are spending a few weeks with rela
tives in Philadelphia.
Miss Anna M. Gingrich visited
friends at Reading.
C. L. Bender spent a few days with
friends at Mt. Holly Springs and Oar
The Rev. I. If. Albright, o<f Middle
town, was the guest of H. M. Keenev
and family.
S. D. Clark transacted business at
Mrs. P. S. Wilson is visiting her par
ents at Hagerstown, Md.
Miss BiHsie Witmer visited at her
home near Middletown.
Mrs. Lizzie I. Letterman returned
from Manheim, where she spent several
weeks with relatives.
Mr. aijd Mrs. Joseph Lowrv visited
his parents at Bismarck. »
James W. Brunner, employed for a
nnm'beiw of years in the office of the
Hershey Chocolate Company, and Miss
Elizabeth Fasnnciit, of Union l>e|>oßLt,
were married last week at Philadelphia.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. Charles S. Suavely, pastor of the
Mt. PisgnJi U. U. chrur;*li.
J. Lorenzo Zwickey, of Detroit,
Mich., will deliver an illustrated lec
ture in the Hershey Central Theatre on
Sunday aifternoon at 3 o'clock. His
suibiect will be "Art as a Factor of
Columbian Commandery, Knights of
Malta, Install Officers
Spertal Correspondency.
Middletown, March 5. — Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Palnier and two chilU'ren will
leave Saturday I'o/- York, where they
will attend the funeral of Mrs. Palmer's
sister, Mrs. John A. Sauppce.
Mrs. Waiter Genthner is spending
several days at Philadelphia.
The Rev. T. C. McOarrell, pastor of
the Presbyterian chiurch, preached to a
large congregation in t'.e Mission last
Mr. and Mrs. David Dubendorf and
two children left Thursday evening for
Kelso, Washington, where they will
make their future home.
Moss and Duke, who conid'ucted a
restaurant in the Harrisiburg Trust
Company rooms, opposite Fuhrman's
barber shop, on South Union street,
have dissolved partnership, the former
taking possession.
The Rev. f. H. Albright spent yester
day at Philadelphia.
The newly- elected officers of Co
lumbian Commandery, No. 132, Knights
of Malta, were installed last evening
by Deputy Commander C. W. Spangler,
Take a Glass of Salts to Flush Kidneys
If Bladder Bothers You—Drink
Lots of Water
Eating meat regularly eventually pro
duces kidney trouble in some form or
other, says a well-known authority, be
cause the uric acid in meat excites the
kidneys, they become overworked; get
sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of
distress, particularly backache and mis
ery in the kidney region; rheumatic
twinges, severe headaches, acid stom
ach, constipation, torpid liver, sleep
lessness, bladder and urinary irritation.
The moment your back hurts or kid
neys aren't acting right, or if bladder
bothers you, get about four ounces of
Jad Salts from auv good pharmacy;
take a tablespoonful in a glass of water
before breakfast for a few days and
your kidneys will then act fine. This
famous salts is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon juice, combined with
lithia, and has been used for generations
to flush 'dogged kidneys anil stimulate
them to normal activity; also to neu
tralize the acids in the urine so it no
longer irritates, thus ending bladder
Jail Salts cannot injure anyone;
makes a delightful effervescent lithia
water drink which millions of men and
women take now and then to keep the
kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus
avoiding serious kidney dyieases.—Adv.
of Star of America Commandery No.
113, of Harrisburg.
The Union Hose Company drill team
will give a parade next Tuesday even
ing in honor of winning the silver cup
by the Union basketball team and who
in return will present the same to the
Union Hose Company. The Liberty
bawl, Rescue band and the Indian Run
ners have been invited to take part.
Mrs. Sherman Hawthorne, of Harris
b"urg, spent yesterday in town.
The class taught by A. S. Quick el in
St. Peter's Lutheran Sunday school held
its regular monthly meeting last even
ing at the home of Mrs. Atkinson on
Pine street. After a program had been
rendered refreshments were served.
The Thespian basketball team, of
Harrisiburg, will play the M. A. C.
team in the latter's room in the Rewalt
block this evening.
Lewis Carver is ill at his home on
Catherine street with pneumonia.
J. P. Rogers, manager of the Realty
Theatre, is transacting business at
John Boyer and George Core will
spend Saturday and Sunday at Philailel
phia, where they will attend the Billy
(Sunday meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Miley Sehaeffer will
spend several days at Philadelphia.
Charles Aulthouse will move his
household goods to Lancaster, where he
lias secured a position.
The Rev. H. F. Hoover, who has been
quite ill, is somewhat improved.
Martin Metzgar has ret time I home
from a several days' trip to Philadel
Funeral of the Late John G. Davis Held
Yesterday Afternoon
Special Correspondence.
New Cumberland, March s.—The fu
neral of the late John G. D.ivis was
held from Trinity United Brethren
church yesterday afternoon and was
largely attended. The Rev. A. R.
Ayrcs officiated, assisted by the Rev.
J. R. Hutchison. The choir, assisted by
Mrs. N. S. Balr, a soloist of the Church
of God, sang several beautiful selec
tions. The closing service was con-1
ducted by the order of Independent
Americans and was very impressive.
The ')«allbcarcrs were representatives of
the following orders, of which the de
ceased was a member: Sherman Megon
nel and George Shaffer, of the I. O.
of A.; John Sdpe and Edward Prowell,
of P. 0. 8. of A.; ,T. A. Witmyer and
C. H. Fisher, of John W. Geary Camp,
Sons of Veterans. Exquisite floral
tributes were given by the following
friends and organizations: Blanket,
men's Biible class of Trinity U. B.
church, of wlhich ho was president; 33
w*hite roses froan his wife and chil
dren; spray of carnations and nar
cissus, Thomas Davis; narcissus and
primroses, Lee Miller's and Maurice
Freebairn's families; ealla lilies, Mrs. E.
Wharton; white Mr. and
Mrs. Byers; pink carnations, Mirs.
Sbiers; sweet, peas. Miss Ida Kreiger
and Mr. and Mrs. Harper Cook; white
carnations, Buttorff & Kline; narcissus
and sweet peas, Church of God class No.
3, Pen/brook; white carnations, GeoTge
Shaffer and family; a double spray of
pink carnations, I. O. of A.; spray of
white carnations, P. O. S. of A.; spray
of pink carnations and white narcissus,
JdJhn W. Geary Camp, Sons of Vet
A humorous entertainment will be
given by the pupils of the New Cum
berland Grammar school, W. H. Speck,
teadher, in the Fa,mily theatre building
Thursday and Friday evenings, March
11 and 12, "Old Home Day in Plunk
et." ' The Kansas Immigrants, the
Pull backj the Rummage Sale, the Edi
son diamond talking machine, the
Plunket Concert Company, Bob the
Artful Dodger, will be the interesting
features of the entertainment. All who
have attended tihe entertainments got
ten op by this school in the past two
years will know there is a good laugh
in store for them.
,The Queen Esther Circle of the M.
E. church will meet at the home of
Mrs. Parker Minter on Monday even
ing, March 8.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Smith and sons,
Merl and Clyde, of Harrisburg, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Atland
on Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Antonia Dieberto,
Eighth street, announce the birth of
twin sons-
To-morrow, Malta and Night rnaTß P lc -V
Co-Workers In ; _
1 no-|Hirt \itnirraph drama icHMtrln*
Dorothy Kclley anil Jlaimie Mor-
~Hr Resnilar Friday llnllrnnil St»r;
PRICES: Mat., 23c, 30c, 73c, *1.00; "DHosicHo nii.i.v \\n thu vim-
I I.AVI'I'V' PrnturluK Anderaon nr.
Evening, 2Gc to *l.."»0 llromlio Rill?.
ii* i '
1M tk IIT CPir' Return Engagement—Same
i'-l •» I-' 11V Cast Seen Here January 9th
Tuesday, Matinee and Night, March 9th
5 J
This isT/je Life!]
MalliUf, Mr. Mf, TSr, SI.OO. lOvenliiK, <(.*><• to *1.50. Srita To-morrow
» /
The Fashion Shop VACATION DAYS
TDIVIC FR IP AM 7 A Including
> J
""Stall p° m. JL Themselres
By George Broadhurat an<l Geo. V. Hobort. A shuhrrt Kralurr nllh an all
■tar Nupport In Ave reel*. Showlnpr at IS.Ao, 2.3}), 4 30, MO, S.l'i, 10.00. With
our uaual dally rhannr. "Cabman Kate" (comedy), VltaKraplii "(irttlu
Father'* Goat" teouiedy), Kaleni. Tn-morron Mlm Florence Nanh In "Spring
time," a romance of the Mouth before the war.
r—— —Considerate^
QiQVCTDII I "The most considerate wife I ever
DMOIVIm I DULL hoard of," said the
TO-MORROW NIGHT * WOman Who USeil t0 date all her ,et
■L| | ■ i. • husband time to post them.''
Hbg. Independents
m _ Harrisburg Horpital
' The Harrisburj; Hospital is open
I renfon CSSlfirn LlSflll daily except Sunday, between 1 and
® 2 o'clock p. ni. for dispensing medical
advice and prescriptions to thoae unable
Special Dance Between Halvca to pay for them.