The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 05, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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: And Bowman's Is Fairly Bubbling Over With New Spring Merchandise (Jail 1991—Any Phone Founded 1871 1
► : . <
Initial Showing of rfgh RnWM ,., i
! : Spring Suits for BOWMAN :
f While men as a mle won't Stands Supreme ITX O °J <
admit it openly, we know that JJ * \Q° j *
curiosity about style when a •>ur p WVIA T llfP Because we're first to advance the new models, and \° 0 ° y 4
new season steps in. XIICII »* 111/ never lack a full assortment. We can do this because \° o<f
J* «„»«« High-Crown Hats our advises from leading designers are always author- \°o Q \ 1
It yOU doubt thlS 9 I ... . itative and expert—and we act quickly. I^^
, _ i_ Can rest assured that they 11 be 1 ' *
just watch them worn again this Spring. y )«« in, . rr f f ... # Ti/T'll' A
read this little a number of new models can now loull rind Here the Last Word in Millinery--At <
I t a ti ClJlo MILLIC be seen, featuring high crowns, mush
sfyte chat. " r,,,s " ,ark </»e Right-Moderate-Price
To grasp the real inspiration of suit Priced at $1.50 and $2.00.
styles would take you back to India, Thsrd Styles have never been so wonderful. To varify the showing, we've selected hats that ] |
Aew lork terms uninatehal)le, and along with om* own creations, well, we repeat the J
' ~ IU TTlfftfi Saturday heading Bowman's Millinery stands supreme in Harrisburg. <j
II Briefly, .his h. s . far reaching to. (Vff-J. „ e T_ A cilk ' ! ittle shape at 950-m exclusive model »t $20.00. This wide ]
, V/liermgb AH range gives but a faint idea of tlic nuequaled varietv you'll find here to select from. <
fluence upon eommg styles. The idea 0
is to insure greater comfort, and "ab- j Men's Wear Ihe untrimmed hats and trimming can only he appreciated after you have seen them, Ijj
breviated" vests are the first steps. ! Men . g 50c Dress Shirtg 39<t j 1111(1 "gain, this assortment has no rivals ill our city. They're moderately priced. <
All there is to them is just enough to percales, in good patterns; coat style; ; We proudly invite you to visit this department to-lIIOITOW. '<
make folks think you have a vest on. starched cuffs. __ ——— 4
. Men's 50c Night Shirts, 39<S— ————— ___—_______
t oat» art hng is l, with large dis- ; good quality muslin, with or without _ ___
tinct lapels. J collar. EveryHomeMayOwn Saturday Sale of Women's New «
The initial showing features new Mens 50c Underwear, 39f—me- « VaCUUHI CleaHer Hail* SwitfllPQ fITIH <
dium and heavyweight cotton; rib- a VICcUiGI Xlaii OWIXCIieS alia _ .
striking patterns, at popular bed; shirts and drawers. at $4.98 Transformations SpHllg PtUIlpS <
prices. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. _ |
Until recently the standard price of Every article is made of fine quality Al«n
Third Floor—BOW MAN'S. Dnntlev "1915 Special" Cleaners has been hair—soft, lustrous aud with perma- ' ' ml. and stlap oxfords 4
1 ► . _ Sorinc White Fabrics $9 - r ' o> and Of Towington "Mode! K" niammt wave®. —smart styles m patent colt and „
► ® ' Cleaners. $7.00, and never have you beeu The shade assortment is complete. gun metal; some With colored
► / n foo / nn t fl Iconic ' Palm Beach Suiting 36 inches wide— able to purchase them for less than $5.98. „ t fine " ax y switches, Saturday suede quarters; special price, pair,
1 11/ CC lmpuriurll i,«t the material for the new circular Our special price is U qc I $1.40 %2,.27>. i
skirts. Yard 25c ( $3.90 fine wavy switches, Saturday <
7V> IVfnrmil 1 Longcloth—;;e inches wide; 10 yard All the former features of these highly $4i95 'fine 'wavy' sWitches,' SatJfdav Children's New Spring Weight ,
j X \J~ LWM. \J! # \JUJ lengths; our leader at SI.OO. Piece, ftOc efficient combination vacuum and sweeper at $2.81) Button Shoes with plump oak 4
► _ „ _ Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 1 cleaners have been retained, and the metal ! $2.95 fine wavy transformations, soles- ffiin metal nn<l n«tni>t <.«lf
—Demonstration of Wear-Ever Aluminum—showing how to bake nozzle is an improvement. Ask for a at 91.05 , .
cakes on aluminum griddles, and making fudg«. w- „ v _ nmnlß . . " , M.W to. skm uppers; dull k,d top,.
... .. „ , . llucK towels Are : 1 !!.« s Siz «etos.» t ?i.i9.
—A he sale of famous Rogers Bros. Silverware, offering • f\ | at $1.65 o- a
i * new patterns from our regular stock, at pleasing reductions. $2.98 Dozen, Instead opting IjlOVes at * 7 : 4 : >vy transformations, ».lzos 8,0 to 11, at
► t-6- ▼ 1 A O «t . ••; $5.63 Sizes 111/0 to 2, at $1.69. *
y The Final Clearing out of all Purs prices are halved in some Of $3.48 fOt* cd,'at proportionate reductions." 01 Good wear guaranteed.
- | Fifty dozen-that tell, the story of the CIUIIIXUC Second Floor BOWMAN'S. I Third Floor-BOWMAN'S./ j
I | tow j, r i oe _ Made of heavy absorbent linen. XT 0«1 C A *</\ 1J 4 /«I<t
' Y T I fy A Note size, 20x37. Uw AiC Xvlvil j
• He "t e,s ° n C r ets , A f c ° mpans inHewFeatures New Spring Coats Are ;
lhe tirst Breath of Spring UrUl g Cases upon cases have been hurry- j Q -4 jk *
Year after year, Henderson Corsets have continually brought out new Demonstration mgjn the past week, and aU were j OllaPPy ftS Mtly IVlOril
[ features that women welcomed, because they were practical and eomfort Wear-Ever lipped sauce nans— 1, m ° l , p " ng> r,lls 'arge, ■ _ _ L
insuring. and 2% quarts; regularly $1.60; spe- elected assortment will be on I • L ,
It goes without saying, that Spring Henderson models are examples cial at 7»c *to-moirow. o be sure, you 11 i
of authoritative style and serene comfort. 4 f|t - xv car-Kver Windsor cooking ; want lo see them.
I They're on display now-in the Corset Department—second floor. spe'ciTat 6 a " d e ° m: Odette 2-clasp Lambskin Gloves, in ! - And just as pretty and fashionable
Priced at 81.00 to $3.00. •' Basement—BOWM VVfi"" , shades and sizes; pa»r $1.23 . . <
' Fowi'es Eeai Kid Olovee—2-clasp, in .. «»the morning air , 8 bracing.
P lain niul contrasting embroidered; all jK Balniacaans are good again; flared A
Easter Is Only Four Weeks Off; ;
; And Every Woman Who Desires Silks for Easter Apparel Will w """""" ""PS ]
Know That n. Uto.'to^i'r t I
► A J 71 yf f f finger, with heavy contrasting embroidery; *-A /( / ' nV-X\ and short sport models. AVe've never <
: Uur Annual March bilk bale f/h *•—*»«.-m.:
comes at the opportune moment for purchasing desired weaves in order to give you ample an '' with bla<,k d " are S ° prapt,, ' al,
time to have the garments made up. Others, too, will want to take advantage of the excep- 23 and $ 1,50 j Jvlk&r- —Have you noticed the increasing «
tional savings on black and fancy silks for use now or later. , D ° eskin Ql ° v "- 12 1Gb »"on X\ ® number of spring coats on the street, '
► /!Yl_ i-m • lengths; guaranteed to wash, or a new pair I /'/ ' \ ' 4
* The Following Tells of Onlv Fpw * ivm ' $ 2-50 s so ° / /'/' 11 \ sinue our first B ho w i»g? why not <
k ~ i Lambskin and French Kid Gloves— 12 11 , J \\ be among the»first ? *
► uenume russy Willow Shenherd Ch#»plr a 1 "1 16blltton length; plain and co«trast- Y// 7 11 \\ 4
► Taffeta—value $2.50; —K) I Suitings value ifel °5- i ing embroidery, pair $2.30 to $4.75 jj ij || All the above are established styles.
inches wide; navy _onlv; ITJg r= 36 inches wide: vd
Col ie in coverts, t weeds, bannock- S
yd SI.BB ' - Paine Velva Sillf | i". PWn and contrasting embroidery; // II V . .. , .
Silk Crepe de Chines- valiu *1 M --fs Sl 7 ~" r 50c O - burns, poplins, gabardines, home
► value $1.25; —10 inches 1 • V 1 Ji l i ■ S Chamoisette Gloves—l6-button length; spuns, mannish serges, chinchillas,
. wide- ill Riieawn wiatana 1 \ \ : PIUK, battleship plain and black embroidered; pair,
' ■ illd wlOte- vd Arizona silver, soc and and a host of white fabrics.
► Merrv Widow Taffeta bite, navy, Rocky Moun- The new sand shade chamoisette oioves, Prices are $7.50, SIO.OO, i
. An -|\ ,/v i " i°r Vbw tHIH wistaria Hlld With the wrist strap, pair, SI.OO ft 5 cr— _ _
: ~S L .08 * ]h&y, $12.50, $15.00 aud up to
vd .SI.BB fl l Q 5c 7 1 S- F ? U ' st.oO and $«. 3 3 $50.00. .
Silk Faille Suiting-,,; B**' M
inches wide; in Russian. f Taffoto H
' put'tv-'v.V leshlp *"*188 •. —value $1.25;—36 inches ElldiCOtt, JohnSOll & . , '
: : striped Mesaaiine^t 8 Co. Men's and Boys' You'll Enjoy the Comfort Of j
, mgs —value *1.25; —32 Satin Foulards value V( i ' i VTiAtx QVS«-+e in Ct\fi«irv CnUe
inches wide; pin stripes in $1.00;—36 inches wide; set ' Satin Foulards valuf Shoes at Wholesale WIQC OiQltS 111 Opnilg OUItS ,
► <l( ' ««a Hollies in blaek, liayx, 50c; —l9 inches wide; This is without question the greatest change in coming season styles. *
y Silk Poplins—value 00,- -
Kussian green and \\-is- plain colors; yd., ....25 I irllCeS
j They bring back recollections of former day fashions, especially those jl
: -24 in. Wide; streetJmd 'WaiatandShirtingSilka Alei's, sizes 6t09 at ®5 j worn ' lac ' l ' n ie thirties, but of course they're different —so different. if
evening shades; vd., —value $1.25; —32 inches "+ 7°' Hoys', sizes 2y 3 to si/o, at .. 81.40 ' Here is a striking assemblage of pretty suits at H ;
: j'r!?«?*r"r ,vide:Ro,nanstripe; sl toti^rss,^ »«*«.•«....«« s2oands2s • i
► *'" lU Ti.w. Indies *»Bs Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Little Gents', sizes 10 to 13, at $1.15 Ot ler models aud exclusive styles, at !1500 to $50.00. 1
► . Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S.