:'. ~ '\ v ' ' : .. ' V " ,•/ ' ■ / HARRISBURG STAB-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 5, 1915. 16 | f^l'sSciS'sLer! 0 "! 15c or 2 for 25c SKiY^^mtrcvxV^AmMuA or Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, Street Floor, Main Aisle. Many New Arrivals in Spring Hats AShowingofClothSuitsforSpring Will Be Shown To-morrow for Women, Misses and Girls Every day nearer the formal Spring Opening finds the Millinery Section more interesting with _ # Jj new styles. Ready for to-morrow are the latest ideas in smart dress hats at $4.95, $5.95 and Tlicit FmKnrllPC tVIP Hifflipct T\rrvD yT f/\\ // I $6.50. These are our three popular lines that have become famous for their style and quality at * llgllCol I j JJtJ vJI moderate prices. Art 1 rrL f] th.o FlIlOSt Showing The woman whose inclinations run toward tailored effects in the suits f( it •Mil \ : J! .) \' U A idio iui L/ll lie tTC in which the average American woman is more charming than in tailleur \o y Wk3pCJ ' Have Ever Had . f „ Q . „ / , 1 SlMu f W Hats for small girls include dainty Small yellow heap hats trimmed with . for the Spring Season IS HOW Well Under Way, and SCOI'CS / \ /l\ 't 1 U styles in hemp in white, light blue. vel- browu satin ribbon and wreath of flowers, °t new amvals are Coming to US every two 01* tlll'ee days. | ( \ \ 1/ **\M •? a. KMC ' ow ani ' old rose, trimmed with band ami !* 1.1)7. vtr 1.-11 _*j -i. ~ . ' . !\ \ / bow of satin ribbon 91.49 Girls" hemp trieome hats in blaek and . ® shall consider it an esteemed pleasure to show you the new suits, even if you are I M > \ / Mushroom hat, of hemp with octagon ;•••••••.••> ••• • • ♦« •«* not lnterested ln raakin « * purchase. \ / v iTiTS "owns; pink With white edge, lipht blue * r and v.'low «705 You are bound to see in the Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart outergnrment section the most / 1 fw .ttnrrtv, «,if to be to»nd in ll.rri.burg, Prioe, W»i» .t »&50. '" J# \ Small blick hemp hat. rolled oJ'l'St "Girls' split milan 'sailors with b ,!/ k? i? nd B<>l \ d Bla ° k &n(! wMte Shp r hcrd * heck Bui,a a silk bengaline collar and etiff trimming X / %S side and fSUmi'Zl! narrow band" 12 »».nd. ....... b ••! *. . .fIVS toi#b#d with '"*• b " ek,e Bnd <»r the eoat is belted with self-material an*d /' YK < / I " v j*;nall bows of blue ribbon, $1.05 i "IP % ? in £1 ®}* mushroom black collar and cuffs; the akirt i« circu* th® skirt is of the circular \ariety, $18.50 #\V / < I nv. . _v. ? nd f° ,le . d bnm ! t >' ,ea . in colorß ' rib- Box plaited styles in Junior suits, with lar . a verv ftt t ra ot»v« .tvi. »♦ ftonmt ? t . r,l,^ h ? h ne suits of poplin, in navy. II * I j J Small Tij>perarv turbans in black, blue bon bands or velvet bunds, distinctive trimming of round bone but- , * ' ... * * * Belgian blue and sand; with trim mine of \ 7 lit m and wUite Sl - 75 *1.50, 81.73 to tons $18.30 , A ® t - vle ,hnt W1 " *l'pe»l to the woman bengaline silk collar $20.00 DiVM ' P ° mero - V * SteWßrt> SeCO » d Fl °° r - Fr ° nt - Tbre ° E,CVB, °"- ' , Navy and sand poplin suit, in a jaunty J' 18.5o7or'her flT, thi'^Srir^llS/S^ i short style with trimming of braid, $22.00 ity poplin in Belgian blue and navy, with of workmanship $23 00 Colored Dress Fabrics in Lovely Designs i " D """' 1 **""* viJr 5; v«S' 1 '!".". M ' u ° 8 . 1 !'. " yl ™,T'."u£ ; Lovely Styles of Crepe de Chine Waists: $2.25 to $5.50 Ramie linen;' 45 inches wide; navy, cadet and Alice. Yard, 8»c 3 6-inch Percales in neat stripes on white grounds. Yard, ~}«c I „_„v. -e _:n . . , , , Imitation French linen; 42 inches wide: brown, pink, helio. i Dress ginghams in checks, stripes and fancy plaids. Yard. 13c ' most comprenensne snowing ot silk waists that you have had the pleasure of seeing in one store ill Harris navy, cadet and light blue. Yard aoc Hates' ginghams in short lengths. Yard. . 9t»c [ hurg awaits your early inspection in the Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart department of silk waist on the second floor Lace cloth; 36 inches wide; with floral effects. Yard »3c tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. p It is a showing that is amazingly complete. The values are linniatcliable at $2.25 to $5.50. ' Finest Qualities of Fashion- Waists of Persian Lawn and Voile Fi ve Values of Interest From able Silks Attractively Priced in Unmatchable Styles for SI.OO jo< „„ M 29c at ™™ h ou, l^ of ik *" l,as be,n TOrk " d SS' % 70 ' 59c offers savings that are uncommonly good because the styles and _ . , -.u - a »« u ui" i IJn V". i,'' Vn qualities are the best to be had Persian lawn waists with flat collar and embroidery j All-over embroidery voile waists, with lace medal- - Jc heavy bleached lurkisli Bath Towels; red, white 1 rt., 1 " insertion and edge SI.OO | lions trimming and long sleeves trimmed with voile and blue borders. Special IVC $1.50 Crepe de Chine in navy. Rocky Mountain blue. Oregon green. Voile waists with white pin stripes; three-quarter cuff $1.30 T iinnhunn VnnlrinJ „f i"i*_i ", '•"' ' 'in XX' a „ taupe, old rose, wistaria, brown, flag pole red, Nile, light blue, J ] A sleeves aud imitation Irish crochet lace edge trim- Dotted Swiss waists with Swiss revers and pleated , ' ' ' mien, 14X14 inciU'B; !)i_.UU w- sbnnoe in .lull L-H 01 le books that has been had in Aineri- Trefousse 2-clasp finest quality real kid gloves, Light weight sand mocha gloves, in one clasp ine laiesi opnng st.wes oeen recenea ana include stvlish new shapes iu dull kid, fiction in manv a lomr lonir ,lnv in black with white ®«»»«>Wery and white sewing— with P. K. stitching. Pair $1.73 gun metal calf, patent kidskin and patent colt. Goodyear welted and hand-turned soles n -. -pi v. w •!+•£ t> 'a • a glove that every well-dressed woman will wear m , ... , . ,11 with high Cuban and Louis heels. T1 ? Worth Reading J Pai y kid gloves white, colors and black. The Turmoil bv Booth rarkiugtou, $1.35 1 6 with black and self-embroidery. Pair, The new pumps with grey suede quarters | ' The new Broadway pumps with two nearl J! ecl Fl^e J a 1 - Comfort $1.23 Trefousse 2-clasp suede gloves, in grey with $1.30 and $2.00 ...... ' r r Ur. hyn bv Kussell Thorndyke $1.25 p k stitchinir Pair 8° 23 and jet trimmings. ornaments. Tlle Vnllcv of Pear by A. Conan Doyle. A new „ . Two-clasp tan kid gloves, specially priced, pair, The new small slide Colonial pumps. The new soft dull kid pumps and oxfords. *» T '£' by'StaSS . The new strap and button pumps. Prices, $3.50 to $5.00. JJ" "Jjl" tr Di\es, Pomeroy 4 Stewart, Street Floor. pjves. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. **' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. A Man's Chance To Go After An E«nal Anofher Sflle of Ba(h Room F ,Xt U r eS at 39c K. & E. BIoUSeS for BoyS Are mA wue OI Biuro IfliMlfniin m Each piece ia heavily nickeled on highly pol- ... __ .- / . T t£"»»<*"■■ rf J Sturdily Made and Moder . Lines 69t glass shelves, IS inches 3»c Lpa— rrm)"* . I r-v • « The stvles are mushroom 59 .° <£ ass towel bars - with ba " bracket, %*IS fltPl V I Sr«d'«hrt p,a l-ff h negli " fejtM 83 c 08 k t« b seats .. 3 oc Tf . . J / ( t gee and Short Stiff bosom, 1 ' ' BfflflM 9Sc tub head rests 39c If your boy is not wearing K. &E. Blouses you arc not giving i% COm f 1 ft NafS ■ him the advantages you owe to him in the after school hours, Our sole object in offer. I / "v fi^VT't fcH) 59c to 98c tumbler and for K. &E. Blouses are made for boys who play hard. J ing these exceptional val- ■".! DrßcKet > tooth brush hold- The new Spring line includes a blouse with a military point ues at this time is to make mc es S9c f ers 39c collar, of fast color percale and woven stripe madras; sizes to Kff »l C 50 P lnd re- 69c to 98c tub soap dishes 39c 59c to 9Sc wall soap dishes l '' and f 1.00 v\ \,A maining in our Winter j stock. The patterns are of Other News of Interest From the B&sement Boys Reversible and flowing four-in-hand ties, in new spring onlyTn'shfrts'of the b°t'ter Hammered brass jardinieres with ball feet, 8-inch r $4.75 Perfection oil heaters $3.25 patterns, 25£ grade, and are reduced for to-morrow to 95c °'s"i*2o 6nt niiiminiim nr»«<.rvin n V»ifi».. ! k S< "L° f half d ® zen n, i* in g bowls for kitchen u»c, if Boys' new Windsor ties, in solid colors and plaids, . 25t tr Dives. Pomerov & Stewart Afpn'a Stnr» b qt. aluminum preserMng kettle bought separately would cost 90e. Special, set, 39c J I > V | 98c 10-qt. aluminum skillets 69c | t£~ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. Tv Diver, Pomeroy & Stewart, Boys' Store. Swift &Co.'s Little Picnics Offered To- A Special Lot of Men's sls and $lB Suits From 250 of These cZ"sLd.,s, s ibs. E,oh. Regular Stock Reduced to $lO for Saturday Marked at a Verv Out they go to-morrow! Will you. get one of them? This is our final clean-up of all broken sizes of Winter j P r lice clothing. The fact; that the suit is in our stock is assurance of its worthiness. You can get weeks of wear out Owing to the low price and limited quantity of this special, we cannot accept telephone mail or y° ur Purchase before putting it away for next season. C. O. D. orders for these shoulders. ' With each SI.OO purchase, not including specials in ham or soap, we will sell to-morrow 10 lbs Included ill this lot are - |fij& granulated sugar, 58<. Pl 1861110mmorroww > w lbs - Dark grey pin check worsteds and cassimeres. "FS" Fancj .rape fruit, each, oc, 6£or Sugar cured bacon, sliced, lb., 28c Striped grey WOTStedS aild CaSSimefOS. skiS and" sweet, "Flag" rosebud beets; tSK 3 E Fancy new lemons dozen, ... 10c small, sweet beets; packed in large Delicious augar 'wafers' fresh from Grey SCOtCh miXtUTeS. /A J \ \ Waldorf pork and beans, 3 cans, small sweet kerne's, ••stork" table peas the marfow * l,7 ® coffee, lib. bags,!.. ,23c There are both English and the more conservative cut sacks with regular L f a Ay, fat variety, ean, i2c;'d o zen, «i.33 Countrv cured dried beef, V 4 lb. F 3 . 4 PP^ Ro.val Blue hand packed tomatoes, 10c our f ftvor it e 'tea lb 43 a . /nil i ' / 1 1 \VJ Also a Final Clearance of Men's $22.50 ||ur tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. ' b " s °" j and $25.00 Suits at $14.75 A | St3.to Souvenir SnonriQ In this lot are the best suits made in America. A size of this and a size of 'J \ Souvenir snoon coiieetinc is a i>ohh a owever » cause one to forget cost and all that when a changing season H / I w°r;'b.T:.S ™" "" demands a prompt clearance. ! L We have just received a shipment of these popular spoons which you can buy h>r i3c or 2 for 23c. The Men's heavy and medium weight suits in the season's finest patterns—all w si H U asaor men incudes 12 states. The spoons are from Wm. A. Rogers and are guaranteed as to quality. high-grade garments beautifully tailored. «• Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Center Aisle. tr Dives, Pomeroy 4 Stewart. Men's Clothing. Second Floor-Three Elevators. I®