The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 05, 1915, Page 15, Image 16

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    The Star-Independent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily
The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page
Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you find out. If you t'*;'tic'cst* please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening
or they will be forfeited. (These names are drawn from the Directory by a blindfolded girl.)
To thr Holders of the Bond* of (bf I.ln
clentowß and Bine Mountain Street
Railway Company.
NOTICE is herehv given to the hold
ers of all the outstanding bonds of the
I.inglestown & Blue Mountain Street
Railway Company secured by mortgage
dated April Ist. 1905. to the Harrisburg
Trust Company as trustee, that in ac
cordance with the provisions of the
said mortgage, the said bonds have been
called for payment on or before April
let, 1915. at par. a premium of 5 per
cent., and interest to said ilate. After
the said date interest will cease upon
all bonds not presented for payment
by that time. Holders of the said bonds
may present them at the office of the
undersigned at any time after March
Ist, and receive payment therefoA in
accordance with the terms above stared.
The undersigned will sell at public
sale at 2 p. in., on the 6th day of March,
1915, in front of the Court House, Har
risburg, Pa., the following described
real estate, all situated in the City of
Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsyl
No. 1. ALL. those certain S pieces or
parcels of land bounded and described
as a ivhole as follows: Beginning at
the southwestern coiner of Sixth and
Kelker streets; thence in a south
wardly direction along Sixth street 91
ft. 11 ins.: thence in a northwesterly
direction upon the line between houses
No. 1734 and 1736 N. Sixth street, 136
ft. to a point on Wood avenue; thence
in a northerly direction along the east
ern side of Wood Ave., 71 ft. more or
less to a point the southeastern corner
of Wood Ave. and Kelker St.; thence
in a westerly direction along the south
ern line of Kelker street 148 ft., more
or less to a point the southwestern
corner of Kelker and Sixth streets, the
place of beginning.
Having thereon erected on Kelker
street, five (5) frame dwelling houses,
each fronting 12 ft. on Kelker street,
tlie lots extending a uniform width 6'.'
ft., and being numbered with the street
numbers 515. 517, 519. 521 and 52.3 Kel
ker St.. and two (2) brick houses and
one (1) frame house on N. Sixth St.,
numbered with the street numbers 1736,
173S and 174U N. Sixth St. No. 1736 N".
Sixth street being 20 ft. front on N.
Sixth St.. and running west the same
width 136 ft., piore or less, to Wood
Ave. No. 1738 N. Sixth St., being a brick
dwelling houSe fronting 16 ft. on N.
Sixth St.. extending back the same
width 70 ft. No. 1740 N. Sixth St., being
a brick dwelling house fronting 16 ft.
on N. Sixth St.. and lot extending back
tiie same width 70 ft. The southwest
ern corner of N. Sixth and Kelker
streets, running south 40 ft. by 75 ft.
by 35 ft. by 75 ft.
No. 2. Three-story brick dwelling
house. No. 2321 N. Sixth St.. fronting 15
ft. ll'i ins. on North Sixth St.. at a
point 177 ft. 7 ins. north of the north
east corner of N. Sixth and Emerald
Sts., lot running back the same width
100 ft. to a 15-ft. wide alley.
No. 3. Three-story brick dwelling
house No. 2317 N. Sixth St., situate on
the eastern side of N. Sixth St., 145 ft.
S ins., north of the northeast corner
of N. Sixth and Emerald Sts.. fronting
15 ft. 11V4" ins. on N. Sixth St., and
running bai k the same width 100 ft. to
a 15 ft. wide alley.
No. 4. Three-story brick dwelling
house. No. 2327 N. Sixth St., situate on
tiie eastern side of N. Sixth St.. 20 ft.
south of the southeast corner of Sixth
and Curtin Sts., fronting 15 ft. IH£
ins. on N. Sixth St. by 33 ft, bv 21 ins.",
l.y 67 ft., by 17 ft. BV4 ins. by 100 ft.
No. 5. Frame dwelling house, No.
is in Fulton St.. situate on the east
sidi of Fulton St.. 27 ft. south of the
southeast corner of Fulton and Muench
Sis., fronting 12 ft. on Fulton St. and
extending ba -k the same width 90 ft.
to a 10 wide private alley.
No. 7. Two-and-a-half story frame
dwelling house. No. 2021 Swatara St.,
si Liu to on the south side of Swatara
St., 10 fl. west of the western line of
C' dar alley; south 100 ft. to McCleaster
alley, by 20 ft. by 100 ft., fronting on
Sv.atara street 20 feet.
These properties are sold subject to
all liens ami encumbrances which may
!).■ against them, and will be offered for
fale tirst each individual property here
in described, including the properties of
No. 1. and then as a whole.
TERMS made known on day of sale.
T<y> Much For On« Boy.
Mother—Bobbio. I'm ashamed of yon.
Toil are the eldest and ought to be an
example to Raymond and Archie. Bob
We—Well. I'll be an example to Bay
but I won't be an example to both of
'em. Bnr'i z«t to be It for Arehie.-
Boston Trarofrlnt.
tr "■ 1 - ■■ ■ i. »■
Houses For Rent
922 Ash Ave., s. f., 6 r Sio
ISO: Boas St., 2 s. b., 6 r SIO
1929 Forster St., 2% s. b„ 6r. b„ *l2
140 Linden St., 3 s. f.. 8 r (12
1130 S. Cameron St., 2% s. f„ (13
1512 Allison St., 2V4 s. b (14
1501 Allison St, 2V4 s. b., 7 r. b., (IS
1317 Williams St., 2 s. f., 7 r. b. (15
1538 S. 13th St., 3 s. b„ 8 r (IB
1500 S. 12th St.. 214 s. b., Br. b„. (1«
654 Schuylkill St., 2% s. f.. 7 r„ (1*1.50
660 Emerald St., 3 s. b., 8 r. (IT
652 Schuylkill St (17.50
666 Schuylkill St (17.50
244 7 Reel St., 2*4 s. b„ S r (IN
400 Broad St., 3 s. b., 10 r„ (25 h
2-02 N. 15th St., 3 s. b„ 7 r. h.,..(32 '
1933 Market St., 3 s. b„ 7 r (40
209 S. Front St., 3s. b., 10 r. 2 b., (75 1
23 S. Front St.. furnished. 4 s. b. i
343 Muench St.—apartments (12 !
1007-9 N. 3d St., store room (40 |
Steelton, 911 S. Front St (10 !
Penbrook. 28th and Herr Sts. (10 !
Enola, Adams St., 2s. f„ 6r„ (12 I
Houston Mills, near Meehanlcsburg,
Penn Twp„ near Duncannon (20
North Lenioyne, 294 Market St., ..(20
North Lemoyne, 294 Market 5t.,..(1s !
Newport, Marshall property goo
Hainlyn (near Colonial Country
Club) —3 s. f., 20 r. & 4 b.,. (75
1425 Walnut St., 3 s. b„ 8 r. *25
133 N. 13th St., 3 s. b Ks
1103 N. Second St., 2V5 s. f, 6 r (2M
Derry Si. (Paxtang). g. f 7.(30
612 N. 16th St., 3 E. b & f. (30
2110 Chestnut St., 3 s. b «L-,5
20 N. 17th St., furnished (33
Miller Brothers & Co.
firm Ininrance Surety Rood* !
Lwmt and Court Street* j
I •
Real Estata
I -1
2136 N. Seventh St $13.00
2233 Atlas Ave $15.00
711 N. 18th St *22.00
2227 N. Fourth St 125.00
1718 State St *35.00
13 th and Berry hill Sts *35.00
1810 North St., *20.00, or including
green houses *35.00
A. S. MILLER & SUN, 38 N. Court St.
TOR RENT—A house with four rooms,
all improvements and furnished. Call
at 427 Herr St.
FOUR detached frame houses on
Schuylkill street. Comfortable and
all conveniences; 2 at *16.00 and 2 at
*17.00. Also one three-story brick. No.
2133 Penn street, at *17.00. WITTE
MYER LUMBER CO., Seventh and
1330 Derry, 3rd floor *35.00
1315 Market *30.00 and *35.00
239 S. 13th. ...*30.00, *32.50 and *35.00
1216 Market 122.50
229 N. Second $20.00
1915 Derry *15.00
Sixth and Kelker $12.00
1807 State $30.00
226-228 S. 19th—new $25.00
1214-1443-1447 Berryhill $22.50
1847 Derrv $20.00
2336 Ellersley $18.50
2116 Derry, *IB.OO
1835 Fulton, all improvements,... $16.50
530 S. 19',», all improvements $15.00
2015 Kensington, improvements,. .113.50
1847 Derry, 4 large rooms, imp....512.00
167 S. Summit, 3 furnished rooms, *12.00
167 S. Summit, 3 rooms *B.OO
1830 Berrvhill St.. 3 rooms SB.OO
HARVEY T. SMITH, 204 S. 13th. Bell
-1528 Catherine St $15.00
1019 S. 21 » 3 St., *IO.OO
J. E. GIPPLE. No. 1251 Market St.
FOR RENT —Three-story brick house,
front porch, all conveniences, desira
ble location, rent reasonable. 1703 K.
Second St.
FOR RENT—Two dwellings, Ross Ave.,
Bella Vista, near New Cumberland; 9
rooms, bath, electric light, water, gas,
front and back porches; line location;
rent *14.00. BARON BESTECKI. Bella
Vista. New Cumberland P. O. Bell phone.
FOR RENT—Small apartments; also
2217 Atlas Ave., 2016 N. Third St., 627
! Wiconiseo St., and several good store
j KLINE, Sixth and' Reily Sts. Both
| 142114 Regina St *12.50
2551 Sixth St. $17.00
1633 Wallace St *20.00
Camp Hill property, modern brick
house *20.00
J HELL, REALTY CO., Bergner Building.
i POR RENT —Desirable residence, 211
I Forster street; city steam heat Ap
' ply on premises. Open for inspection
' at any time.
FOR RENT—S-roomed house at Wash-
I ington Heights, lot 58x140 feet; all
Improvements; immediate possession;
rent SIB.OO. Special offer of rent for
March. Apply a 34 Camp St., City.
I STORE ROOM, 430 Market St. Three
-1 story brick dwelling, with modern Im
provements, 433 Strawberry Ave. Apply
j 10 JACOB TAUSIGS SONS, 420 Market
FOR KENT —All improve
ments —
1614 Catherine, $16.00
530 S. Seventeenth, . .$18.50
Apply Kulin & Hershey,
18 !Suutli Third street.
FOR RENT—Houses with all improve
ments, at moderate rentals. J. E.
GIPPLE. 1251 Market St
HOUSES FOR RENT and 2 Vi-story
dwelling houses tor sale. Elder Real
Estate Co.. 24th and Derry Sts.
TWO LARGE communicating rooms,
with large closets in both; one a front
room with conveniences; heat; use of
bath; line location on the hill, in a fam
ily of two. F. A. EI.I.IOTT,
FOR RiENT—Three rooms on third
floor, suitable for light housekeeping;
also rooms on Second floor; all cou
veniences. Inquire 1144 Derry St.. City.
FOR RENT—New furnished front rooms
facing Capitol Park; stationary wash
stands, hot and cold running water;
electric light In each room; also use ot
phone and large bath. Apply 410 North
FOR SALE—A pair of new brick
houses, in Paxtang, close to trolley.
All improvements, steam heat. H. G.
PBDLOW, 110 S. Thirteenth St
WHY RENT when you can buy a new
house? Look at 1551 Vernon St., the
last one of the row, and see me about
the terms. H. G. PEDLOW, 110 S.
Thirteenth St
FOR SALE—4I4 Hummel St.; 3-story
brick, eight rooms an dbath; steam
heat. The price is right. H. G. PED
LOW, 110 S. Thirteenth St.
S'OR SALE—I 732 Park St., 214-story
brick house; 131 Royal Terrace, 2-
story new brick house; 1927 and 1929
Derry St., 2 lots, 20x125 ft. J. O. MAT
TER, 1933 Derry St. Bell phone.
FOR SALE—Fine new suburban homes,
on Second and Third streets, River
side. Large porches, side yards, all con
veniences. *2BOO to $4/00. Edward
Moeslein, 424 State St.; Lewis M. Neiffer,
222 Market
FOR SALE —City and suburban homes
and home sites; first class business
propositions. KOUGH, BRIGHTBILL &
KLINE, Sixth and Reily Sts. Both
FOR SALE—I 942 Briggs St.; frame
house: plot 40x110; stable on rear.
SI7OO will buy property at No. 1947
Berryhill street. BELL REALTY CO.,
Bergner Building.
THIRD STREET business property for
sale; large brick dwelling; corner;
steam heat; modern store room. Price
only $6,500. Inspect It. BELL REALTY
CO.. Bergner Building.
$2,700 WILL BUY a frame house;
porch front, side and rear; 'electric
light, furnace, plot 75x150: fruit, clilck
enliouse: particulars at BELL REALTY
CO., Bergner
i WANTED—Men prepare as firemen,
I braketiien, motormen, colored porters.
; Pennsylvania railroads. Experience not
I necessary. *BO to *IOO month. Write
Inter Railway Dept, 101, Indianapolis,
WANTED—Seve. al first class house
painters. Apply BUSH & MEREDITH,
1315 N. Front St.
AUTO transportation school wants men
to become practical chauffeurs and
earn *75 to *IOO per month. We glvs a
thorough course In crude and practical
work for *35.00. No. 5 N. Cameron:
Bell phone 1710.
WANTED—Position as driving team;
I have had experience and can furnish
' good reference. Call or address J. L.
W.. 1636 Fifth St.
YOUNG colored man wishes work of
any kind. Address 111 Dewberry Ave.
Call Bell phone 616 J.
YOUNG MAN, graduate business col
lege, wants work in office or real
estat" business; has had experience In
lattef; can give good reference. Address
34#1, care Star-Independent.
| MIDDLE-AGED man wishes position
I on farm; has experience and can tur
-1 nish references. Apply 1059 S. Ninth
St., City.
YOUNG MAN wants position as baker;
excellent, on bread. Apply CHARLES
BREHMAN, Lewistown, Pa., care Eagles.
COLORED MAN wants work at house
cleaning or any kind of work. Call
116 V 4 Liberty St
! WANTED—Work of any kind, by a
I young man. Address MR. J. L. 1327
{ Susquehanna St., City.
WANTED—An honest, sober, reliable
colored man, married, needs and de
sires work; as Janitor of an apartment
| house or theatre; ot" driver, porter,
houseman. Good reference can be fur
| nished. Address 133 Balm St.
I YOUNG MAN, 16 years old, wishes po
sition in grocery store, driving and
delivering. A good writer and good in
arithmetic; willing to make himself
useful. Call or address G. R„ 1629 N.
Fifth St., City.
WANTED—GiII or woman for general
housework. Apply 30 N. Fifth St.
WANTED—A competent white woman
for general housework in a family of
three adults: must have reference; must home. Call after- 7 p. ni„ at
1006 N. Third St.
WANTED —For a private family; white
cook, chambermaid and waitress; also
nurse. Six dollars to cook, five dollars
ito the other two. Give reference. Em
: ployment Bureau, 517 N. Second St.
WANTED—Reliable girl to wash, fill
and label bottles in laboratory. Ad
dress Drugs, care Star-Independent.
WANTED— Girls over 16
years of age to learn cigar
making. Paid while learn
ing. Apply at Harrisburg
Cigar Company, 500 Race
WANTED Good woman
for housework. Must un
derstand cooking and gen
eral housework. Address
3495, care Star-lndepeudent.
WANTED—Work of any kind, by mid
dle-aged lady with child nine years
old; or housekeeping. Address M. 8.,
West Falrview P. O.
WANTED—Washing and ironing to do
at home. Call at No. 1824 N. Eleventh
COMPETENT GIRL desires position as
housekeeper lor widower or family
of adults. Apply No. 712 N. Sixth St.
COLORED GIRL neat and reliable,
would like general house work or sec
ond work. No washing. Can furnish
reference. Sleep home. 548 Cameron
St., Middletown, Pa.
YOUNG white lady wishes to keep
1 house for a widower; can furnish ref
erences. Apply MISS ELLA KEENER,
335 S. Second St., Steelton,
WANTED—An honest and reliable
young colored woman desires work
by the day or half day. Reference can
|be furnished. Address 133 Baini St
COLORED LADY wishes day's work of
any kind; can give references. Apply
WANTED—Mae E. Parsons, 617 PefTer
St, to whom two reserved tickets
were awarded to-day good for the even
ing performance at thu Orpheum, March
8, 1916. Call for them at Star-Inde
pendent office, before 8 p. in., March 6,
1915, or they will be forfeited.
YOUNG LADY wishes general house.-
work to do. Apply 2028 Kensington
St, City.
FIRST CLASS COOK desired position,
in or out of the city. Address or
call 669 Briggs street.
WANTED—HaIf-grown girl wants to
assißt with general housework; can
furnish references. Apply 424 S. Cam
eron street.
A GIRL would like to get work by the
day or week. Call or write No. 33«
S. Fifteenth street, City.
WANTED—Day's work or house clean
ing. Address 2013 N. Cameron St.
MIDDLE-AGED WIDOW wants a posi
tion as housekeeper or companion to
an invalid; Christian home preferred.
Can give good references. Address P.
O. Box 17, Oberlin. Pa.
terms to live men or women. Apply I
Wholesale Depot 25 North Third, top
Orchard Ave., Steelton, Pa., whlia
man with wife and four children, wants
work on farm. Has experience. I
liARRK COUNTRY HOME—Adjoining New Cumberland, and nlong
Yellow Breeches Creek. Private, yet w(thln two minutes' walk to the
trolley. Entirely remodeled, 14 rooms, hardwood floors, porte eocherc;
all improvements and large glounds. with beautiful shade troes, nfew
Borage with gtanoliUilc floor and driveway; brick house for. men serv
ants: stable, carriage house, etc.
Will be rented furnished or unfurnished.
p— ———^
PACKING—A. H. SHRENK, 1906 North
Sixth street, tirst class pucker of fur
niture, china and bricabrac. Bell phons
199 W. -
W. J. WENRICH, 339 Hamilton street-j
Furniture, china and piano packing.
Shipments looked after at boin ends.
Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phons
3227 W.
75c TO fa.oo PAID for old broken sets
of false teeth in any condition. High
est prices palu lor old gold or silver,
such as rings, pins, watches, watch
cases, etc.; also uehtai golu, crowns
and briuge work. postal, well
call. This ween only. Box 34>9, care
a tar-Independent
TO OBTAIN REST at nibht use Lung
Saver, The Uoou Cougn Syrup. Uouu
for oiu as well as young; also good lor
croup. Ask your grocer.
FOR EXCHANGE—WiII exchange my
new piayer-piuno with 40 ions of
music for used duiomuoufor furniture.
Piuuo worm fuuu. Address b. i>. b.,
3«&o, cure atar-ludepeiiueni..
MONEY TO LOAN upon real estate se
curities in any aumounts and upon
any terms to suit tue borrower. Ad
uress P. O. box 171.
divided into private tor stor
age of nousenoid goous; low insurance.
Inspection inviteu. General merchan
dise warehouse and nousenolu goods
warehouse are located on tracks of
Pcnna. it. R„ 431-440 Soutn Second St
PIANO moving by experts. WINTER
PIANO CO., 23 N. Fourth St Call
l J .u. oeu pnone.
for honest working people keeping
house. Kates less tnaii legal. Pay
ments weekly or monthly. No noti
fication of employer or friends.
201 Chestnut St.
Authorized Capital, |IUO,OOO
ANY person needing money In amounts
from ii to {6O holding a salaried po
sition, would be beneuied by calling
on us. Employes' Discount Co., 36 North
Third St
ALL kinds of hauling: large two-ton
truck; furniture, pianos, freight, la
the city and suburbs. Prices reason
able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or
evening. WM. H. DARE, 1453 Vernon
St Bell phone 3517 J.
Sale and Exchange
FOR SALE—AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and
117 South Second street, 5.000 gallons
New Era Ready Mixed Paint, Acme
quality. All the full line of the Acme
See these bargains at once if you
want to save money. Try Keystone Re
pair Service. Will save you money and
give you the quickest service In the
clay. 814 ,N. Third St. United Phone
19 W.
BIG BARGAINS In unredeemed Dia
monds, , Watches, Jewelry, Firearms,
Musical Instruments, etc. Cash paid for
old gold and sliver. Repairing a spe
cialty. CITY LOAN OFFICE. 411 Mar
ket street
FOR SALE —One piano, used five
months, on small monthly payments,
to suit purchaser. Address 3133, care
FOR SALE—High grade piano, Just
bought, for sale at a sacrifice, by
urivate party. Address 3478, care Star-
FOR SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-117 South
Second St., 5,000 sets uew Sash, Bxl*
*l2 primed and glazed, at 11.15 per
set. Also other gliea
Brand new High-grade Player
piano, 31 rolls of music, bench and
music cabinet, for 9200.00 casta.
I'arty moving into flats have no
room for it. Cost new, $550.00.
Will not sell ou payments. Address
Player Piano. 3483, care Statin
78 acres of farm land, with 8-room
house, ndw bank barn, etc.
Bound by Paxton Creek and Wild
wood Park. Within one mile of Har
Immediate possession.
213 Market Street
For Rent
Desirable offices in the
Union Trust Building.
Union Trust Co.
The undersigned will sell at Pub
lic Sale at Stein's Sab Stables,
Twenty-first and Greenwood streets,
Harrisburg, Pa., on
Tuesday, March 9,1915
40 Head of Horses & Mules
Consisting of 28 HEAD OF IL
ranging in age .from 4 to 10 years.
Among theso are good big mated
teams, blacks, bays, farm horses,
city broke. This will be a varv fine
load of horses to suit anybody in
need of a horse. They will arrive
four days before sale to be inspected.
12 Head of Home Bought
Horses and Mules
These are good all purpose horses.
Also some good single line leaders to
suit all classes of buyers.
We positively have the above stock
and you all know our motto, "Sell
for what they bring."
Sale at 1.30 sharp. A liberal
credit given.
Don't forget the date, March, », 1915
v '
Lost and Found
FOUND—A decided improvement In my
appearance since having my clothing
cleaned and pressed at Parisian Dye
Works, 1409 N. Thlri Branch, Hoffman-
Kerns, 337 Ohestnut. Bell phone. Call
ing and delivering.
FOUND—The way to end your cleaning
and dyeing worries by calling either
phone tor Eggert's Steam Dyeing and
French Cleaning Works, 124 a Market
St. We call and deliver.
WHITE and brlndle male dog. one dark
and one white eye; round spot in
center of head. Reward if returned to
1851 Swatara St.
if" ~——— —
Real Estate
WANTED—A small house, outside city
limits, near trolley line; with enough
ground to do a little gardening. Apply
C. A. SPRiENKLE. sl4 North Third St.
apartment at Walzdorf, six rooms,
tiled lyath and pantry, all very light;
city steam, facing Capitol. Also, April
'l, second floor. Inquire 400 North St.
FOR RENT—Three modern new apart
ments; 7 rooms, bath, electric lights,
steam liS&t, telephone, gas range, laun
dry trays; hard wood floors; No. 230 d.
Thirteenth St. Can be seen 10 a. m.
to 4 p. m. Apply on premises or call
Bell L2B3L.
LAND for rent on share basis to re
liable tru-cker; three acres smooth,
rich soil in Camp mil. No buildings.
Chance to make money. ELMER ZIM
MERMAN. 1435 Walnut St.. Harrisburg.
Harrisburg Hospital
The Harrisburg Hospital is open
daily except Sunday t between 1 and
2 o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical
advice and prescriptions to those unable
to pay for thom.
Will Discuss Legislative Matters in An
nual Convention Here Next Week
—Banquet on Tuosday
Pennsylvania editors, it is expected,
will be in Harri*burg in great num
bers next week, when the State Edi
torial Association will begin its forty
third annual meeting in the Board of
Trade rooms. The meetings \yill start
Tuesday and coutinuo through Wednes
On Tuesday evening at 9 o'clock the
annual banquet will be held in the
Bolton House for the members auil
their wives. The guests of honor will
be Governor Brumbaugh, Lieutenant
Governed McClain and Bishop Darling
The business sessions will be held at
10 anil 2 o'clock during the two days,
and at these sessions tihe joint associa
tions of the dailies and weeklies will
meet together. The election of officers
for the State Editorial Association, the
Associated Dailies and the Association
of Weeklies will be held on Tuesday.
Among the speakers during the con
vention will be: "The Business End
of a Weekly Newspaper," Howard
Reynolds, "Sun," Quarryville; "How
to Make Our Weekly Association a
Success," C. H. Rressler, "Times,"
Lock Haven; "Getting Together?" E.
R. Stoll, manager Publishers' As
sociation, Pittsburgh, which includes
the '"Dispatch," "Gazette-Times,"
"Press," "Leader," "Post," "Sun"
and " Ohronicle-Telegrapn; *■• "What
Ohio Has Accomplished, C. H. Spen
cer, secretary "Ohio Daily Select List,"
Newark, O.; "Tvpothetae and the;
Job Printing Clearing House," Asa
Oahoon, president Scranton Tvpotihe
tate, Scranton; "Proposed Legisla
tion." discussion by members af the
legislative committe and all others de
siring to speak.
Estimated Dead in Gas Explosion Now
Placed at Between 150
and 175
BirAssociatcd Press,
Hinton, W. Va., March s.—Five
| more bodies were taken from the mine
| of the New River and Pocahontas Coal
I Company to-dav at Layland where a
gas explosion entombed and killed
probably 175 men. The total liet of
recovered bodies is now 44. Only the
entries of the mane have been reached
<by the rescuers and when the side en
tries are penetrated it is expected
bodies will fce recovered more rapidly.
The hest estimate of the number of
dead obtainable from state mine of
ficials or from the company is between
150 and 175.
Charleston, W. Va., March 5.
i State officials eetimate that nearly
$200,000 will be paid out of the work
men's compensation fund to the fam
ilies of men who lost their lives in the
Layland mine of the New River and
Pocahontas Consolidated Coal Company
where an exiplosion occurred Tuesday.
The estimate is based on reports from ,
Layland that the fatalities will number
in the neighborhood of 150. The wid
ows will receive S2O fi>er month and
$3 per month for each child under 15
years of age.
Remraer Gives Warning Against Men
Who Sell Way Below Market Prices
R. Remmer, whose general store, at'
1220 North Cameron street, was robbed
on February 23 and again on March 2,
of goods valued by him at $135, said
to-day that ho believes tho three mou
arrested in connection with these rob
beries and the burglary committed at
the home of Joseph Barath, 1007 Cum
berland street, on March 2, are huck
sters who had trieij, previous to the
robberies, to sell goods to him.
Mr. Remmer said that he believes
the men accused of having robbed him
hal made a practice of following the
business of hucksters in tie 'lay time
during which they made mental obser
vations w:th regard to places that it
might be easy to break into aty night.
He said he believes the public ought to
bo on tho look out for hucksters who
sell produce at prices way below tho
market figures.
Mr. Remmer said the men who
robbed his store on the first occasion
broke the panel out of a door to gain
admittance and on the second occasion
broke in a window and a door. They
forced the window open despite the fact
there was a heavy bar across it in the
inside. Mr. Remmer says that goods of
his, valued at about SIOO, still are mass
She —I've just thought of an excel
lent plan for fostering better manners
at the theatre. He—What is it? She
—Put all the fat men on the end seats
and get them go interested in the per
formance that they will not leave their
seats between the acts.—Richmond
Seeking the Man
"His is a case of where the office
seeks the man." ,
"That so?"
"Yes; he's wanted by men from the
sheriff's office." —Buffalo Express.
Harrisburg Hospital
The Harrisburg Hospital is open
daily except Sunday, botween 1 and
2 o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical
advice and prescriptions to those unable
to pay for them.
Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, Bead
ing and Atchison Sold Slightly
Above Yesterday's Close—-U. S.
Steel, Pennsy, B. and O at Standstill
By Associated Press.
New York, March s.—Wall Street—.
Early prices in today's stock market -
reflected further uncertainty, gains be
ing offset by losses. In no case* of im
portance were changes more than frac
tional, Union Pacific, Southern Pacific,
Heading and Atchison selling slightly
above yesterday's close, while United
States Steel, Pennsylvania and Haiti
more and Ohio were at a standstill. In
terborough pfd. and American Car rose
a point. Missouri, Kansas and Texas
pfd. fell three points to its minimum
of 26. The new St. Paul Convertible
five per cent, bonds were the strong
feature -of the bond list.
Prices improved materially toward
midday, altliongh trailing became duller.
Anthracite issues and Canadian Pacific
rose a point or more, with advances
or as much in some of the industrials,
including American Smelting and Na
tional Lead. Selling of Missouri, Kan
sas and Texas issues, including the
bonds, was ascribed to foreign sources,
Holland being a large holder of these
securities. A further decline iu gains
called renewed attention to the situa
tion in the Dardanelles. Bonds made
further progress with the stock market,
some of the recent issues being in spe
cial demand at higher quotations.
Philadelphia Produce Market
Philadelphia, March 5. —Wheat lower;
No. T red spot, export. 139 ft 141; No 1
northern, Dulutli export, 147® 152.
Corn lower; No. 2 spot, export, 75@77
No. 2 yellow, local. to'SVfc.
Oats weak; No. 2 white, 61@62.
Bran weak; winter, per ton, $26.50<»
£9.00; spring, $25.50@26.00.
Refined sugars firm; powdered, 5.5r.;
line granulated, 5.75; Confectioners' A.
5.65. %
Butter lower; western creamery, ex
tra. 31; nearby prints, fancy, ::t.
Eggs steady; nearby lirsts, free case,
$6.15; current receipts, free case, $6.00;
western extra lirsts, free case, $6.15;
lirsts, free case, S6.UO.
L.ive poultry firmer; fowls, 11>(ft 18; old
roosters. 11 %to 12; chickens, 13fir 16; tur
keys, 15@17; ducks ,16®17; geese, li
® 16.
Dressr l poultry steady. Fowls, heavy,
ISI a; uverage, ,15£ @ 17%: small, .if
4i;15; old roostei'S, 14; broiling chickens,
nearby, 18®23: western, 14®22; roast
ing chickens, 17 fit 20; turkeys, fancv, 21;
fair to good, 18@20; ducks, 1L®18;
geese, 10® 14.
Potatoes weak: Penna., per. bushel.
530 55; Maine, 45®. 50; New/Aoi'lt, 40
@45 V
Flour lower; winter straight. 6.40f!(>
6.65; spring straight, C.50®6.75; do., pat
ent. 6.75® 7,75,
Hay weak; timothy. No. 1 large bales,
18.o0@18.50; medium bales, 17,504)) 18.00;
No. 2 do.. 15.60® 16.50; No. 3 do., 14.01it0
15.00. Clover mixed light, 17.00® 17.50;
No. 1 do., 16.00® 16.50; No. 2, do., 14.50
Chicago Live Stock Market
Chicago, March s.—Hogs—Receipts,
24,000; strong. Bulk. 6.60®6.75; light,
6.55C0/6.85; mixed, 6.55 Ca 6.85; heavy, 6.30
@6.80; rough, 6.30@6.40: pigs, 5.75(8-6.85.
Cattle—Receipts, 1,000; steady. Native
steers, 5.7509.05; western, S.lOft 7.50;
cows and heifers, 3.50®7.70; calves, 6.75
Sheep Receipts, S,000; unsettled,
Sheep, 7.00®7.80; yearlings, 7.75@8.65;
lambs, 7.65@9.75.
Shaaber Bill Provides Prison Penalty
For Those Who Violate It
If the bill introduced by Represen
tative Shaaber, of Heading, in the
House 'becomes a law, motormen, con
| ductors and drivers for horse, c.nblo
and electric railway companies will
work but ten hours a day in this State.
The Shaaber bill provides that it
shall be unlawful for the presideHt,
bokrd of directors, superintendent any
other agent of such company to permit
such employes to work more than ten
hours in the service in any one day. A
violation of the law makes the violator
guilty of a misdemeanor and on convic
tion he shall be sentenced to undergo
an imprisonment of not less tlikn
thirty days or more than six, months.
The s&'ond section of the Shaaber
act, however, is just a bit wgue. It
provides that on the trial of such of
ficer charged with a violation of tiro
law "evidence of the actual service jiy
any motorman, conductor or driver dur
ing more than twelve hours in any ono
day shall be prima facie evidence of
such permission or sufferance by tjio
person on trial."
The act repeals the act of 18$7
which limits t'he hours of such street
railwav employes to twelve and pro
vides for extra compensation for work
done beyond that number. The Shaaber
act arbitrarily fixes the hours at ten
and does not permit of extra work or
extra compensation for any overwork.
The Election Will Take Place Thurs
day, March 18
At a meeting of Lodge No. 107,
Ijoyal Order of Moose, at its home,
Third and Boaß streets, last evening
t'he following officers were nominated:
C. E. Rea, dictator; A. W. Emerick,
vice dictator; A. Fraukcnbury and P.
T. Blanklar, prelate; George P. Satch
ell, treasurer; Samuel T. Gland, inner
guajil; Joseph H. Minuich, outer
guard; Angus Cameron and B. J. 11.
Douglas, trustees; Elmer E. Stacks,
delegate to supreme lodge convention;
Alvin G. Myere, alternate delegate to
supreme lodge convention. The elec
tion will foe held Thursday, March 18,
from 2 to 6 o'clock in the afternoon,
and front 7 to J o'clock in the even
Printed at\ this office in best style, at
lowest prices and notice.