The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 05, 1915, Page 13, Image 14

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Sherrard Ewing, of Reading, President
of State Association, Says Com
munity Service Is Keynote of Pres
ent Day Activities
Sherrard Ewing, secretary of the
Reading Chamber of Commerce, and
president of the Pennsylvania Commer
cial Secretaries Association, spoke On
the work of commercial secretaries in
a general way at the opening of the
first annual convention of the State As
sociation in the offices of the Harris
burg Chamber of Commerce in the
Kunkel building this morning. Sessions
will last this afternoon and to-morrow.
Plans have been made to take the
visitors over the city in automobiles.
Other activities include a dinner at the
llarrisburg club this evening. Mr.
Ewing said:
"A broad community service is the
present day keynote of Pennsylvania
Chambers of Commerce and Bjards of
Trade. We are getting awav from that
worst of all impression that an organi
zation of this type has the same aims
as a trade organization, to the new vis
ion that our organization must serve
the interests of the entire community
whether member or non-member.
"In Pennsylvania we find the secre
tary who is tired by a conviction that
his organization is performing a real
function of usefulness to his com
munity. It is only through organizations
and their secretaries working with a
deep-seated desire to serve that munici
palities, 'America's Greatest Problem'
—can attain to that high ideal of be
ing 'a good place in which to live.' '
George H. Moseer, manager of the.
Altoona Chamber of Commerce, deliv
ered an a tii IT ass on the " Buy-at-Home"
campaigns conducted with much success
in that city. A. M. Howes, of Erie,
spoke on "Credit Rating Bureaus."
Kingslev Moses, editor of "Town De
velopment Magazine," of New York,
spoke of organization and city publicity
work and H. R. Knapp, of PottsviHe,
spoke on district merchants' conven
Among tho«e in attendance are the
following: George L Dobie, Bradford;
Sherrard Ewing, Reading; R. W. Fer
rel, Wilkes-Barre; B. K. Greenland,
Beilwood: E. K. Hibschman. Harris
burg: A. M. Howes, Erie; H. R. Knapp.
Pottsville; H. 1. Koch, Allentown;
Charles M. Ketehum. Washington;
Moses Kiugsley, New York; E. L Mc-
Coglin, Harrisburg; W. S. Milliner,
Williamsport; George H. Mitsser, Al
toona: Charles Newboht, Lancaster: K.
G. Potter, Waynesboro;' Wilfred H.
Schoft. Philadelphia; I. L. Smith, New
cattle; W. Trnxall. Somerset; R. C.
Wciler, Erie: Saniuel Wilson, Johns
town ; A-lfred A. Woods. Butler; Li
cius E. Wilson. New York; Richard B.
Watrous. Washington, D. C.; Eugene F.
AVciser, York.
report, of Splendid Work in Locaiei
Open Air School Sent to
Board of Directors
Remarkable work in building up tiic
-little boys and girls attending school in
tiie Lochiel building is shown in the
report of that school which will be sent
to the Harrisburg School Board this
evening by .Miss Marv M. Snyder, the
Trie report goes into detail the gain
in weight by- each pupil, showing tne
average gain for girls in the period
irom September to February to be five
and one-half pounds and for boys five
and one-third pounds. One girl in the
school has gained thirty pounds in three
years an.l another lias gained' ten in
half a year. The result of the work
<ti' the school, according to School Board
officials. .justifies it.
Miss Snyder has been very success
ful at the school and reports excellent
mental as well as physical gains in the
j upils. A play room !:as been opened in
the building and the pupils are taught
calisthenics to the tune of a Vietrola
which was added to the equipment of
tiie school at Christmas time. The days
have been divided into play periods anil
study periods and two meals are served
to the pupils each day.
The menus are repeated only every
four wee its so that the children do not
;:row tired oi' the same thing day after
day. The average cost of food per day
per pu 11—two meals a day—is live
and one-half cents. The lowest tempera
ture in the room during the winter was
thirty degrees, the average temperature
being forty-one degrees. There are
thirty-five pupils in the room.
Continued From Plrat Page.
MeCormicks referred a reporter, when
questioned this morning not only said
that the MeCormicks are getting about
40,000 eubie yards of clean earth fill
for the Paxton-Doek street plot free
of cost, but also that the contractors
are hauling it and have agred to grade
the till "just as we wanted it," with
out a cent of expense to the estate.
"We were give*! to understand that
the contractors had no place to throw
the dirt," said Mr. Martin, "and when
they came to us and asked for permis
Mon to on our ground, down
there at Dock street, we, of course, con
sented, with the understanding that
they grade it as we would have it.
"No, we will not pay anything for
it," he continued. "Itls a short haul
from the place where the contractors
are grading and they were glad to put
it there free of cost.
"Originally we were given to under
stand that there would be something
like 50.000 cubic yards available, but
you know the City obtained some of
the earth for Front street and it will
not amount to quite that much now.
The ground originally was low and we
naturally would not refuse to aocept
the dirt as a present."
/■ 1 \
J. Harry Stroup
Insurance Agent
1617 North Second St.
London, March 5, 13.35 P. M. —Even
if no decisive battle develops from the
present Russian offensive on the eastern
front, the allies to-day are advancing
the claim that the Austro-German plans
for their spring campaign in the east
have been measurably interfered with.
A few weeks ago Field Marshal Van
Hindenburg was sweeping victoriously
through Northern Poland, while in the
south the Austrians were pressing for
ward both in balicia and in the crown
land of Bukowina. To-day these roles
appear to be reversed. Russian troops
were attacking along the German line
from the Niemen to the Vistula, and al
though the Germans are clinging tenaci
ously to their positions before Ossowetz
and at other points north of the Vistula
their thrust toward Warsaw has been
brought to a standstill and they are be
ing slowly forced back to their own
Great Bravery of Austrians
Other news dispatches reaching Lou
don set forth that in the south the Aus
trians and the Hungarians continue to
fling themselves with great bravery and
even greater loss against the Russian
lines. These onslaughts have not yet
abated; the Russian general statf de
clares they have brought no gains. The
German contingent in the Carpathians
has been reduced to three army corps,
according to report in London, which
leaves the A astro-Hungarians to N bear
the brunt of the fighting.
In the meantime the allied fleets are
slowly battering their way up the Dar
danelles without so far as is known a
single serious loss among the ships. The
Sultan of Turkey, according to a report
from Athens, already has fled from Con
stant:nople. This, however, has not
been confirmed, and reports from Turk
ish sources, notably an interview with
Enve- Pasha, deprecate the seriousness
of the bombardment of the L'urdanelles
and insist that the real defenses of the
straits have not been affected.
Situation Favors the Allies
It can be said, that from the British
point of view the situation to-day, wher
ever fighting is going on, i 4 taken as
favorable to the allies. The South
African rebellion has been crushed; the
Turkish invasion of Egypt seemingly
has been abandoned; the reports from
eastern battle front are favorable,
no news regarding the oifferations
against tho Dardanelles yet has been
received and the blockade on foodstuffs
into Germany is about to be enforced.
In the western arena of the war the
Germans, .judging from dispatches
reaching here, are fighting hard to re
cover the ground lost during the last
fortnight. Near Arras they have
forged ahead somewhat, but the allies
report progress both in the Champagne
and the Argonne districts.
Continued From First Pace.
oontrn'-t plainly says that he shall keep
the streets in repair until April 1,
1915, so that there is nothing to arbi
trate, fit viijw of that fact there is
nothing left for me to do but call upon
his bonding company to make good that
part of the contract that has not been
carried out."
Meantime the last installment of $3,-
750 of th contract price is being with
held from Walter.
Walter this afternoon reiterated his
statement of yesterday which was In
effect that he iias not been officially in
formed to go on with the work, but he
said he had made arrangements to get
a copy of the notice late this after
"But, as I said before," added the
contractor, "I do not hold that point
out as a reason for uot going to work.
My legal advisers inform me that my
contract wi"\ the City automatically
ceased with the closing of the work
last fall and that I am no longer re
sponsible for the City street repair
work. They also tell me that my bonds
men also are automatically released
from obligation.
May Go Before Commissioners
"There is a possibility that I will
appear before the Commissioners at
their meeting next Tuesday and take
this matter up with them at that time.
I do not think it wise for me to say
now that I will or will not go on with
the street repair work, because I have
not decided about that.
"It strikes m that Lynch acted
hastily when he hurriedly notified my
bonding company, and I do not like
that a bit. My credit with bonding
houses always has been good and I do
not care to have any reflection cast
upon it. I am not going to say poiut
blank that 1 will not do this work, but
if 1 do it, 1 assure you it will be uuder
Walter went on to say. that the last
quarterly inntallment oil his $15,000
annual contract— *3 ,750 —will be due
him on April 1, and that he will take
the proper steps at that time to collect
it. Under the Lynch notice to Walter,
"to go ahead with the street repair
work," which Lynch says wy sent out
on February 20 and s>hould have been
received by the contractor not later
than Feibruarv 22, the street nepair
work already should have been started,
; in the view of the Highway Commis
The contractor argued that for years
it had been customary not to start the
reipair work before the month of May.
There is little likelihood of the street
repair work being started before next
Tuesday, at least, even if Walter
yields in his attitude.
In his letter lo the bonding com
pany, Lynch said, that concern was
informed of Walter's refusal to go to
work and was called upon to "finish"
the contract.
Cleaning and Dyeing Works
The Twentieth Century Cleaning and
Dyeing Works, recently opened at 225
Market street, second floor, is well
equipped to give satisfactory service.
Suits are pressed while you "wait, and
special attention is given to cleaning,
dyeing and pressing and repairing la
dies and gentlemen's clothing. The
new establishment is under the able
management of Sam Addlestein, who
was formerly connected with the Chem
ical Cleaning and Dyeing Works. He
was alteo manager for the American
Watch and Diamond Co. and has been
connected with other well-known busi
ness firms in this city. He is well
known and has a host of friends, who
predict that his new enterprise will be
a success.
'Now BcltoveA That Thirty Man Lost
Their Lives When Mexican Gun
boat Was Blown Up Off a Port in
By Atnociated Pren.
Vera Cruz, Mex., March 5. —Tues-
day, March 2, by ntay of N(rw Orleans,
March 5. —The Ward Line steamer
Morro Castle came into Vera Cruz to
day having on board the survivors of
the Mexican gunboat Progreso which
was blown up February 28 Off the part
of Progreso, Yucatan. The survivors
number between 120 and ISO and it is
•believed that about 30 men lost tliieir
The Ward Line tug Auxiliar arrived
at Progreso the day before the Morro
Castle came into port aftd «hc immedi
ately was seized by the gUnboat. A
Mexican crew was placed on board her;
The explosion on the Progreso took
place on Sunday. It seems that the ex
plosive was brought on board concenled
in a barrel of rice. The Auxiliar was
made use of to bring the wounded from
the Progreso to the beach, after which
she was abandoned. There evidently
was an uprising in the port of Pro
greso, for the Auxiliar was seize. 1 by
a body of Yucatans. As the Morro
Castle draw into Progreso harbor the
Auxiliar, freighted with wounded from
the Progreso, went, out and the trans
fer of the wounded men was made.
The Morro Castle ttaui started 011
her voyage to Vera Cruz. No soouer
had she left the than the Auxiliar
signalled her to stop. This the Mono
Castle declined to do. She had on
board 3,000,000 rounds of ammunition
for the government of General Carran
za. The Auxiliar started to pursue her
but the superior speed of the Morro
Castle soon put her out of reach. Noth
ing is known as to what became of the
crew of the Auxiliar.
Caatlnued From First Pace
was the man Dudley I had known in
Brooklyn," Cook explained. "The In
stant Laura and I saw him we recog
nized him as Dudley, the Brooklyn man
at whose home Lillian had worked."
That he feared his daughter had end
ed her life was explained by Cook who
said her letters home had been melan
choly. She was worrying about a busi
ness school examination, he said, at
least that was the reason she gave in
her letters.
"The finding of Lillian's body has
relieved us of a tremendous strain,"
Mr. Cook said. "My wife learned that
our little daughter is dead and is com
pletely prostrated. I must suspend judg
ment until the finding of the autopsy."
Mr. Cook returned to New Haven
last night to claim the body of his
Corc'ner Declares Woman a Suicide
New Haven, Conn., March s.—The
autopsy upon the body of Lillian May
Cook, the 18-year-old Brooklyn Stenog
rapher, whose dead body was found in
West Rock Park here yesterday, was
to be performed to-day. The coroner
has "jclared thdt Miss Cook, for whom
the police of three States had searched
for a week, committed suicide. The
autopsy was ordered for the purpose
of determining her physical condition
at the time she went to the lonely
mountainous park and sent a bullet into
her heart.
Miss Cook's employer, Virginius J.
Mayo, who as head of the Mayo Radi
ator Company, resided here with his
wife, supported in f house in Brook
lyn a woman who formerly occupied
the position held by Miss took at the
time of her death, announced to-day
that lie was "through with the case."
He said that in offering a reward for
information concerning the whereabouts
of Miss Cook he had been prompted
by a desire to aid her family.
Coroner Mix said to-day that as the
result of a report made to him by his
physicians he believed there "were
"sufficient indications to warrant pro
longing the examination 'beyond the
mere tracing of the course of the b-ul
let and establishing the cause of
The Coroner said that he expected
to receive a complete report from tho
physicians Who performed an autopsy
upon the body of the young woman
later in the day.
I Centlmird From Flrat I'sgr
goes and will return to the United j
Stater in ballast.
Although the assault of the allied
fleet on the Dardanelles is continuing
' there is such confusion of reports that!
i it i 6 impossible to gain a clear idea of!
. what has been accomplished. The Turk-:
I ish authorities admit that some damage
| has been done to the outer forts but
state that the defenses on which main
j reliance is placed are still intact. From
: British sources it is reported that the
I allied fleet has penetrated well into the
| straits and that the inneT fortifications
have been damaged badly.
On land important battles are in
1 progress in the Champagne region of j
France, in Northern Poland and in Ga
licia. No significant changes in these
i encounters, however, are announced.
While tile Anglo-French fleet is strik
-1 ing at the Dardanelles, the Bussian
Black Sea fleet will attack the ap
proaches to Constantinople from the
east according to uhofficial advices
from Bucharest. The Bussian fleet is
said to be off the Bulgarian coast
steaming toward the Bosporus.
The official German report of to-day
says that the French left more than
1,000 dead before the German entangle
ment as a result of one of several at
tacks made yesterday along the west
ern front. In the eastern campaign
Bussian offensive continues without
definite result.
Brest, Via Paris, March 5, 1 A. M.—
A formal Teport on the seizure of the
United States steamer Dacia, drawn up
by Chief Naval Commissioner Lemoine,
has been forwarded to tho prize tribunal
at Paris. The ship remains here un
der the temporary command of Ensign
DuPontavice Tno crew was to have
left last night for Havre, but its de
parture was ]K>stponed because instruc
tions had uot been received from tho
Urited States enubassy.
Chance of a LifeUme SAVE
To Get This Famous 5 / ffA
HoosierKitchen Cabinet
Beginning Monday, for one week only, The bargain. 800,000 Hoosier Cabinets have been
Hoosier Manufacturing Company permits us to
sell the "WHITE BEAUTY" at $2.50 less than lu ir this one cabinet
J . , , . -.r quickly, the Hoosier Company authorizes tins
the low cash price established by the Hoosier sale in 1000 pieked towns fhis is truly the
Company. Regular Hoosier prices are remark- chance of a lifetime for a few women only. Our
ably low. This reduction means an unheard-of allotment is strictly limited.
'"White Beauty"
Delivered for $ 1.00 1
Then $1 weekly soon pays the balance. Your money back . •'j pjf | —
if you're not delighted with it. No extra fees. No interest. —*— \
Saves Miles of Steps for Your Tired Feet H "1 Sw
You now must carry things from your cupboard and pantrv i WT f >■/ 1 lU'lt*jL
to your table and back again at every meal. This means jm l'
miles of steps. The Hoosier saves all these because it com- ' Y
bines everything at your fingers' ends. You can sit down in "^^^MTnrT
front of the Hoosier and do nearly all your work. You save Bp?
energy by saving steps. You have more leisure.
Has 40 Labor-Saving Features—l 7 New L o J |Hp
This *'WHITE BEAUTY" gives you a real scientific iff tL' — ■ i ®
* kitchen. You can put 400 articles in this new Hoosier, every r \jm
The cabinet includes the patented shaker flour sifter— J P
only sifter made that shakes flour through instead of grind- !
ing it. It also has a complete accounting system; a cook- 1 'Jjjy \'f -- -• '' t''; Sll
book holder that keeps your book always open in front of I ' [Bri
your eye; MTR. Christine Frederick's Food Guide that an- I _ —-
swers the question "What Shall I have for dinner?" The r»» . >"|K
new all-metal bread and cake box has double capacity, due JL
to improved arrangement, and the work table is of pure 'White Beauty ' Vv
aluminum. ***** ~ • --.-/J •• -
Take Five Minutes to Decide Now
Come in Monday early—examine these new lloosiers care- Remember—that the new Hoosier Club may be en
fully-then decide whether you want to buy now while you Hrelv fille(] the first or seeond d of this sale Come
can save $2.00, or later when you cannot buy below the regu- . , ..
lar set prices; decide whether you can afford to waste the at once and enroll y° ur nanu \
energy you now spend in \valking in your kitchen, when a ' r y ( bc Hoosier in your kitchen. Then, if you
single dollar will bring you the Hoosier Monday. will part with it, we will gladly refund your dollar.
Remember—that after this sale the "WHITE BEAUTY" Come early. Other women too are making up their
goes back to the regular price. j minds now.
TO THE PUBLIC: We authorize this sale, limited
to "White Beauty" HoOsier cabinets, at $2.50 less
than the fixed oash price of these cabinets, this rcT
week only. THE HOOSIER MFG. CO., New castle, Ind.
Policeman Testifies Youth Accused in
Lebanon Murder Was Talking With
Him When Shot Was Fired
Lebanon, Pa., March 5. —An alibi
was advanced yesterday by Raymond
Seiders, tihe young local chauffeur who
is on trial on a charge af having shot
and killed John E. Mills, of this city,
in an attempted holdup here on De
cember 21, !ast. The defense is that
Seiders could not have shot Mills, in
asmuch as he was conversing with a
policeman at City Hall at the exact
moment tihe fatal shot was fired. A
desire for notoriety is given as the ex
planation for Seiders' claim of having
helped lift Mills into the ambulance
after the shooting, the Commonwealth
having shown that, this statement was
The Commonwealth closed its case
yesterday afternoon after five wit
nesses, including Mills' widow and son,
had testified to his dying declaration
that Seiders, whom he identified posi
tively, had fired the shot which subse
quently caused death. Notice was
giveij by the defense that it would
attack Mills' declaration, and would
contend that he was influenced by sug
gestion while under the influence of
powerful hypodermics administered to
relieve his agony.
Policeman Charles Moudv testified
that he was talking with Seiders at
10.02 o'clock on the evening of the
shooting, outside of City Hall, which is
fully half a mile ffom the scene of
tihe holdup, which the defense claims
occurred at that time. The question
of time is an imi>ortant factor, the
Commonwealth fixing it at 10.08
o'clock, Seiders in his own behalf
flatly denied having participated in the
holdup or shooting Mills and admitted
he had sought notoriety in claiming to
have been near the scene of the shoot
ing and helping place Mills in the
Mrs. Bertha Herring Henry Compelled
to Speak at Central High
Mrs. Bertha Herring Henry, wife of
a prominent physician in Everett,'Pa.,
who tvas formerly teacher of elocution
at the Central High school, tried to
visit the school again this morning and
conceal the fact by sitting in the rear
of the assembly hall. But oue lusty
lunged Senior saw her and after devo
tional exercises started a cheer and
in the end Mrs. Henry was comipelled
to talk to the students.
She 6pokc for a few minutes, telling
a few stories. Mrs. Henry left school
three years ago and none "but the pres
ent Senior class was in school when
she wa* a member of the faculty. Miss
Helen Sloat rendered two solos and
most of the first period was taken up
hi chaipel exercises but relief from
! work for that length of time did not
make the pupils sad. Mrs. Henry stop
ped off in Harrisiburg between trains
on her way to Philadelphia.
Program of Music and Recitations Ren
dered in Maclay Building
At a meeting of the I'arent-Teach
ers' Association of the Maclay street
school, Fourth and Peffer streets, last
night the following program was ren
Piano solo. Miss Catherine Lehman;
vocal solo, "A Lullaby," Miss Hoover;
piano solo, Miss Culp; address, "The
Home," the Rev. Harvey Klaer, pastor
of Covenant Presbyterian church; Vocal
duet, Misses Kathleen and Charlotte
Clouser; recitation, "A Japanese
Christmas Story,'' Miss Seglebaum; pi
ano solo, Miss Alithlen Fries; address,
"Value of School Work," Professor G.'
H. Goetz; recitation, "The Peach
Pie," Miss Rut<h Himes; address,
"Reward of Application," Professor
J. J. Brehm.
Following the rendition of the pro
gram refreshments were served to the
seventy parents Who attended. I
Sl* MSTKO-GERMAN -f // p If "p V
fO* / GOLD FROM ottoman BAnk
Fifty-two British and French war ships are reported engaged in forcing the passage of the Dardanelles and
opening the way to Constantinople. British and French battle ship? have advanced to the narrowest part of the strait
mid destroyed the forts at Kllld Balir and Kaleh Kalessi. while auother fleet on the Gulf of Saros side, firing across
the Gallipoll Peninsula, Is attacking Fort Bokall- Detachments of troops have landed on both sides of the strait and
are driving before them the remnants of the Turkish garrisons.
Conference May Change Boundaries of
Church Districts
Carlisle, March 5. —Changes in pre
siding elderships were made late yes
terday afternoon at the Evangelical
Conference here. The new elders are:
York district, J. F. Dunlaip, Myers
town; Centre, C. L. Sones, York; Car
lisle, J. A. Hollenbaugih, Carlisle; Lew
isburg, M. S. Bosserman, York.
Routine business was this morning
disposed of and plans were filiis after
noon presented for the changing of
boundaries of various church districts.
Juvenile Goes to Glens Mills
Rov Miskimin, a juvenile, who was
brought I>ack to Harrisiburg from Read
ing by Policeman Fetrow, was taken
to Glens Mills this morning by Chief
of Police Hutchison. The boy was
charged with being an incorrigible
and refusing to go baok to hie family,
he was sent to Glens Mills by Associate
Law Judge MeCarrell. He was kept
at police headquarters since Monday,
there being no place to commit juve
Senior Class of Milton High School
Take Annual Trip
Sixty members of the Senior class
of the 'Milton High school arrived in
Harrisburg at 11 o'clock this morning
on their annual trip to this city. Dur
ing the afternoon the party enjoyed
themselves by going through the Cap
itol building, while in the evening they
will visit different parts of the city.
A dinner was served at 5 o'clock at
the Columbus hotel, with C. Esboch
acting as toast-master. Speeches were
made by Samuel Sasso and Miss Cilora
The party will return to Milton at
11.25 o'clock to-night.
Advise Course for U. S. Shipmasters
Washington, March s.—American
shipmasters sailing for Bremen, Ger
many, are advised to take the northerly
course in information to the State Dc
ipartnient from Ambassador Gerard at
Berlin, although lie says that the Ger
man Admiralty declines to take respon
sibility regarding courses steered out
side of German waters.