The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 05, 1915, Image 1
THE WEATHER BAIN TO-JTIGHT AND TO-BiOBBOW DtUIM Report* P«c« • S&WSS." 0 VOL. 77—NO. 78. CITY PAYING $4,000 FOR DIRT TO COMPANY 6IVING IT FREE TO M'CORMICKS Question Is Raised as to How Good a Bar gain Was Made by the Commissioners When It Becomes Known That 40,000 Yards Are Being De livered Without Cost to M'Cormick Prop erty at Paxton Street INCLUDES HAUL AND GRADING City Contracted For 15,000 Yards at the Figure Mentioned and Mr. Taylor Has Said He Will Propose On Next Tuesday That 3,000 to 5,000 More Yards Be Con tracted For at Same Price of Twenty-six and Two-thirds Cents a Yard The question was being asked in mu nicipal circles to-day: ''PT9 the City actually get a bargain when it contracted to pay the Brown- King Construction Company $4,000 to haul ami dump 15,000 cubic yards of earth down the river bank for the 811 between Maclay and Calder streets? - ' The point was raised since it has be come known also that the same eom- pany is delivering a far greater amount of earth—something like 40,000 yards —to fill a low piece of land belonging to the Henry HcCormick estate, be tween Dock and Paxton streets. Moreover, according to a statement obtained from l'rank Martin, real es- tate agent and business representative of the McCormick estate, the Brown- King Company, which is excavating for the Pennsylvania railroad improvements along Second street, south of Mulberry, apparently is only too glad to have a place to dump this 40,000 yards of dirt, free of cost, to the McCormieks, and actually asked permission of the McCormick estate to place it on their property gratis. City Proposes to Buy More The question as to whether the City got a goou bargain was regarded as especially pertinent at this time in view of the fact that Park Commissioner M. Harvey Taylor announced yesterday that he will ask the City Commission in its meeting next Tuesday to author ize him to contract to pay the Brown- King Company for from 3,000 to 5,000 more yards of dirt, for Xorth Front street, at the same rate the 15,000 yards were paid for, or 26 2-3 cents a yard. This dirt is needed, according to Mr. Taylor, in part to replace the dirt that was washed away by the flooJ of last week and in part to complete the fill, the original amount of earth obtained for that purpose not having been suf ficient. At 26 2-3 cents, 5,000 more yards would cost the City about $1,300. It was learned this morning that the contractors, when at their -wits end to know where to dump the large amount of dirt they have been taking from the South Second street excava tions, of their own volation asked the McCormick Estate to permit the com pany to throw about 50,000 cubic yards of earth on the la<w land belong ing to the estate, and in consideration of the privilege the contractors even agreed to grade the land just as the McCormieks would have it. After that agreement was entered into between trustees of the McCor mick estate and the contractors it was found that not all of the 50,000 cubic yards of fill would be available for the McCormick land—that not much more than 35,000 or 40,000 conld be sup plied—since the city desired 15,000 yards for the Front street fill, and agreed to pay twenty-six and two thirds cents a cubic yard for it. Asked Estates Permission Frank. Martin, representative of the McCormick estate, to whom one of the CMthwtd Thlrtceath Put, ,JI • JUiJ 1 11 1 ..-t - P. ——. - ■ ■' — v 4•. . ' " -TT-* ; - T 1 r ■* W" —"" ,l /m ©jc Star- 4hMi Snkpcnknt IDENTITY OF DRUGGED YOUTH STILL A PUZZLE Friends of Both Boy Singer and Bay Senger Are Wondering If Either Can Be the "Boy Sanger, of Har risburg," Beported in Hospital Mvsterv surrounds the case of "Boy Sanger," about 21 years old, the youth who was reported in dispatches from Hagerstown yesterday as having been taken from a Western Maryland freight train Wednesday in Cumber land, Md., half starved and evidently under the influence of some kind of drug. He gave his home as Harrisburg, Pa. The man referred to ae "Sanger,'' it was asserted here to-day, may be one of two cousins, Roy Singer, son of Mrs. Lillian Sincer, of Hainlyn, or Ray Singer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Singer, of Dauphin. Both boye are near 21 years old and both are away from home. Mrs. Harry Singer, of Dauphin, last night 'phoned to the su;>erinteudent of of the hospital in Cumberland, Md., and learned that the drugged youth is on a fair way to recovery and has been discharged from the hospital. His name was recorded as "Roy Sanger, Harris burg, Pa." The superintendent ad mitted that the drug which had been given to the boy by two men who, he said had traveled in the freight train with him from Hagerstown, made his tongue rather thick and a mistake may have been made recording the name. This has complicated matters some what and caused anxiety to both the Dauphin and Hie Hainlyn family. Mrs. i Harry Singer has written the hospital asking for a discription of the patient and in this way she hopes to solve the mystery. The Dauphin man has blue eyes and sandy hair while the Hainlyn man has dark hair and dark eyes. Un til the description arrives nothing defi nite will be known. Rav Singer, of Dauphin, according to his mother, has been going under the name of "Roy'' and has been away from home for three years. He had written home regularly until six weeks ago. Mrs. Lillian Singer could not be rea.'hed this morning, but neigh bors said her son had not been around the house for a week. BLIZZARD STRIKES CHIC/IGO Snowfall of From Four to Seventeen Inches Deep in Number of Western States By Associated Press. Chicago, March s.—The blizzard that swept portions of the Middle West and Southwest last night reached Chicago early to-day. According to officials of t/he local Weather Bureau, a heavy snowfall is expected. Reports from Kansas, Missouri, Ne braska, Oklahoma and Arkansas told of a snow fail from 4 to 17 inches. Traffic throughout Kansas, Nebraska and Western Missouri was reported to be seriously affected. In Northern Ne braska and South Dakota high winds prevailed, piling the snow in huge drifts, which, in some places, stopped railroad transportation. Telephone and telegraph communication was seriously hampered out of Chicago and through the snow bound districts. The storm extended eastward during the day and prospects were, said a spe cial forecast from the Weather Bureau, would reach the Atlantic coast! At 7 a. m. the snow fall here was eight-tenths of an inch and two hours later had nearly doubled in depth. Local transportation suffered severe ly and most trains from the West were late. Washington, March s.—The Middle Western snow storm, officials at Weath er Bureau headquarters said to-day, probably will turn into rain when it reaches the East, except in Northern New England and Northern New York, where there will be snow. The storm is moving northeast and probably will go out to sea through the St, Lawrence valley. TO SELL PILGRIMS' REFUGE House That Sheltered Persons Who Came Here on the Mayflower to oCt Under Hammer Plymouth, Mass., March s.—The only remaining house in America which has sheltered persons vho came here on the ■Mayflower in 1620 is to be sold at auc tion next month by order of the court. The house was built in 1666 by a son of John Howland, the last May flower survivor, and it is assumed that the elder Howland was a caller at the son 'a home. In course of time the building fell into decay, but upon the organization of the Society of the De scendants of Pilgrim John Howland of the Ship Mayflower, the property was acquired and restored. Through the so ciety's failure to satisfy a note, judg ment against the organization was ob tained. The court order for the sale of the property followed. HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 5, 1915—16 PAGES. HIDDEN DAG POINTS TO AMURDER Believed Man Found Dead Along Tracks Was G. M. Sadler of Wiliiamsport WAS BURIED UNIDENTIFIED Supposed Victim, Whose Property la Found To-day tn Traveling Case Concealed in Field, Had Been Miss ing From Home Three Weeks A traveling bag uiiearthe«l this morning by boys playing in a field near Paxt-on street aud the tracks of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad and turned over to the Police Department was identified as the property of George M. Sadler, who. it was learned -by the Star-Independent, has been missing from his home, 338 Adams street, Wil liamsport, for the last three weeks. This discovery gave such strong grounds for belief that the unidentified man found dead near the Reading tracks at Nineteenth street, last Monday, and since buried in the Potter's field, wis murdered. The theory is that he was Sadler and the police and the Coroner's office late this afternoon were working on this phase of the mystery. The body, which was buried on Wed nesday after futile eft'orts were made to identify it, will now probably be ex humed. Bag Recently Buried The bag was found hidden in an old boiler in a fiel i and had been ,-arefully and cleverly concealed beneath moss. The bag shows signs of haviug been ■towried no imrrr thm forta fi»pr "rtfrr* and the- police immediately e mneoted the finding of thus grip with the body of the man who originally had been thought to have been killed by a Read ing railroad train at the Nineteenth street crossing. Sadlcy Missing Three Weeks Following the clue given by a let ter in the bag addressed to George M. Sadler, 338 Adams street, Williamsport, the Star-Independent investigated and found that a man by that name and that address left his home three weeks ago and has not been heard of since. He left a wife and three children. A post card photograph in the bag, on which was written a name, prob ably that of his wife, may be the means of identifying tihe man who was buried Wednesday. The descriptions given by Coroner Eckinger of the man found along the railroad cut and that of Sadler, re ceived from Williamsport, are almost identical. He is said in Williamsport to be about six feet tall, while Coroner Eckinger said he was five feet eleven. The estimated weights almost corre spond. Mystery in Finding of Bag It was evident to the police that the bag was hidden away, whether by Sad ler himseif, or by thieves who may have ro>bbed Sadler, attacked him and left him dying along the tracks after going through his clothes, is not c«tabli-hcd. The information received from Wil liamsport was turned to Captain of Police Thompson, who said he be lieved that there ha I been foul pav ami notified Coroner Eckinger who started investigating anew. The bag was turned over to Patrol man Carson by the boys who found it. It is a square one, such as commercial men carry. The contents were such as a man in moderate circumstances wool 1 pack up for a trip. Some jewelry, of little value, was also in the bag. BELIEVES Flltf INCENDIARY, Chief Kindler Turns Investigation of Shearer Building Blase Over to Stat* Department Circumstances surrounding the fire in the second floor of the Shearer building, 204-206 Market street, at 7.15 o'clock last evening were so sus picious that F"ire Chief Kindler re ferred it to the State fire marshal, who placed a deputy in charge of an in vestigation, according to Fire Chief Kindler to-day. The latter learned that papers in this room were swept into the center of the floor yesterday preparatory to removal anil when the fire was discov ered last night this paper had been pushed into a corner of the room and wan burning. Ohief Kindler is of the opinion that some one from the outside went into the building and fired it. The paper had been piled around a steam pipe in an effort to allay sus picion. An alarm was turned in from Box 112, Market square, but one hand ex tinguisher was sufficient. This is the second fire in that building in t>wo days, the first occurring Wednesday afternoon. That time it was found in the stairway and wires were believed to have start«d it. The loss from both fires will not exceed 1-26. SALE OF DRUGS CUT OFF; USERS SEEKING RELIEF One Woman Took Bottle of Laudanum a Day—Four Apply at Hospital— County Physicians Busy With Care —One Had Twenty Oases That the new federal law placing the snle of all drugs tinder the control of the internal revenue department so that the purchaser of any haibit form ing drug may be traced is causing a lot of suffering in Harriaburg, four per sons —n.inost nervous wrecks —having applied at the Harrisburg hospital for relief. Since March 1, when the law went into effect, it is impossible to get drugs except on a physician's prescription and persons addicted to the use of drugs have found it practically impossible as one prescription may not be tilled more than once. One particularly distressing case came to the attention of the Harrisburg hospital officials. A woman who did not disclose her identity telephoned to that institution. She said she had been ac customed to usinj: a bottle of laudanum each day and was almost insane. The hospital authorities could do nothing for her. Three others have applied for treatment nt tin 1 t'ree dispensary. One niau with a leg off to the knee said he was given a narcotic at the time of the accident which made the amputation of his leg necessary and had been addicted to the use of drugs since that time; another said he has been using morphine for six years. Tho fourth applicant, a well dressed man. who has also been using drugs for near ly six years, attracted the attention of the physicians. His nervous condition was pitiful and efforts were made to prescribe a harmless substitute but it was of no avail. Physicians believe he will die if lie cannot yet the drug. Scores have gone n> private phy sicians for relief. The Dauphin coun ty poor board is considering establishr ing a ward at the almshouse for the treatment of those persons who become violent. At first they are being referred to the county physicians, one physician reporting twenty cases yesterday. A regular course of treatment is pre scribed, the dose getting less each day until the desire for the drug is killed. Many of the users of habit-forming [drugs laid in a supply. Suit to Recover $.>",000 Postage By Associated Press. Washington, March ».—Suit to re cover $57,600 from Truman G. Palmer, secretary of the U. S. Beet Sugar In dustry, was filed here to-day by the government, which alleges that sum was Mie proper postage oil 320,000 cop ies of ''Sugar at a Glance" delivered in the muils under the frank of Sena j. for Lodge, Oldest Mason in State Dies Alleutowu, March s.—Josiah D. Beitel, the oldest Mason in. this State, died here to-day aged 92 years, as the result of a stroke of apoplexy. MYIKHAYI Wealthy Man's Dual Life is Exposed in Suicide of LilhanMay Cook U, S. OFFICIALS WATCHING CASE Head of New Haven Radiator Company Maintained ' Home in Brooklyn Where He Was Known by the Name of James Dudley By Associated Press. Now York l March 5, —Developments in the case of Lillian May Cook, the Brooklyn girl whose body was found near New Haven, Conn., yesterday, are being watched by the federal authori ties, according to Samuel J. Reid, As sistant United States District Attorney in Brooklyn, if it is shown that Miss Cook was taken from Brooklyn to Nfcw Haven in violation of the Mann white slave act, Mr. Keid declared that he will prosecute. "We are seeking information," Mr. Reid said, "and shall act at once if anything that comes to us justifies pros ecution." , Woman Will Suffer In Silence At the Fourth street house, Brooklyn, which is owned and maintained by Vir ginius 'Mayo, head of the Mayo Radi ator Company, of New Haven, under the name of James Dudley, the young woman occupant of the house, who is known as Mrs. Dudley, declared that she had nothing to say and no defense to make when informed of the revela tions made by Mayo of his dual life. It was in this house that Miss Cook worked as a nurse to the two Dudley children before going to New Haven to take a place as stenographer in Mayo's office. Mrs. Dudley said that "I cannot help what the world thinks of me and I will have to suffer in si lence." Miss Cook left the Dudley home two years ago and remained at home for a year when she was offered the place in New Haven by Mayo. Discover Mayo'a DupUdty Until yesterday when Frank Cook and his daughter, Laura, went to New Haven to investigate the disappearance of Miss Cook, they were not aware that Mayo and Dudley were the same per son. "I never had a suspicion that Mayo CeatlaMd o> Tkirteeath Put. CALLS UPON DONDSMEN TO DO WORK Solicitor, at Direction of L3 r nch, Makes De mand on Contractors Backers WALTER TALKS OF COMPROMISE He Has Not Begun to Mend Streets, Though Ten Days' Notice Expired Last Night—lnsists He Has Met All Contract Obligations With the expiration last night of the ten-day notice to Charles P. Walter to proceed at once, under his $15,000- a-vear contract with the city to repair the streets, and the contractor to-day not having gone on with the work, City Solicitor Seitz, at the direction of Wil liam H. Lynch, Commissioner of High ways, this afternoon forwarded a let ter to the Title Guaranty and Surety Company, of Scranton, "which is on Waiter's bond, calling upon that con cern to go on with the repairs. In the meantime Walter, conferred with Highway Commissioner Lynch, protested against the latter "proceed ing on the bond" and suggested not only the possibility that the whole matter possibly can be arbitrated, but that the city officials are "acting too hastily." To both Lynch and a repre sentative of the Star-Independent, Walter declared: "I will not say point blank that I will not do the work, but I do say that I do not think I am legally bound to do it; that my attorneys have advised me there is no work remaining that 1 am required under the contract to do and if Ido ■ go on with the work it will be under protest." Commissioner Lynch Iris morning took the stand that fu.tiiflr drfiny is dangerous, in view of the condition of the streets, and that as head of the highway department, it is up to him to see that the streets are put in good condition during the term of the Wait er contract, which he contends is in force until April 1. Nothing to Arbitrate, Says Lynch Lynch maintains that those streets that are not in repair by April 1 must be repaired by the contractor or at the latter's expense, without regard to how long it will take after, that time. Lynch added that he expects to hear from the bonding company within the next few days and intimated that he expects the street repair work to be started in the very near future. "The contractor has suggested to me that the matter be arbitrated," said Lynch, "but in so far as I can see his Continued oa Thirteenth Pace. Say He Stole Bottles of Milk Pete Patrick, interpeter and politi cal boss of the foreign district on North Cameron street, becoming tired of losing bottles of milk from his door step, Ijftid a warrant issued this morn ing for Harry Perkey and then helped Policeman Kelly serve it. Perkey has been locked up on a charge of larceny. Copelln Says It's Not Up to Him City Treasurer Copelin this morning denied t'hat the responsibility rests on him of collecting the rental aWeged to be due to the city from the Pennsylva nia Exhibition Company, owner of the Harrisburg Tri-State baseball team, for the baseball field on Island Park. WORKTSMIRCH 15 City Directs Resumption of Improve ment Operations That Will Mean Jobs for Several Hundred Men Work on new city street paving and grading and the laying of sections of water mains will be begun on or aibout March 15, according to plans of High way Commissioner William H. Lynch and Public Safety Commissioner Harry F. Bowman, announced to-day. Lynch this morning issued the usual ten day notice to the Harrisburf Rail ways Company to prepare for street paving on Derry street, between Twen ty-third and Melrose, and a similar no tice will be given to the Central Con struction Company, contractors for this work, within the next two or three days. The Railways Company will have much preliminary work bo do on the Derry street joh that may prevent the paving contractor from getting on the job until a few days later. All con tracts for water mains have been let and the next batch to be awarded will be let at the meeting of the City Com missioners next Tuesday, so Mr. Bow man announced. March IB really will mark the of ficial opening of the city improvement work, Lf weather permits, that being much earlier than had been the custom. These jobs will give employment to sev eral hundred men. Paving jobs under contract that will be completed first, include: On Market street, from Nineteenth to Twenty first, and one Nineteenth street, from Market to Chestnut. However, the Derry street job will take the lead and that alone, it is estimated, will mean at least two months' work. CERMANS INFLICT HEAVY LOSSES ON THE DRITISH WITH ARTILLERY ATYPRES Berlin, March 5, via London, 3.10 P. M.—The war office to-day gave out the following statement: "Western theatre of war: South of Ypres we inflicted "considerable losses on the British, with artillery fire. In the positions in .he Lorette hills which we took away from the French a coun ter attack was repulsed yesterday aft ernoon. "in the Champagne district yester day and last night the French con tinued attacks north of Le Mesnil. All their attacks were repulsed and our po sitions were maintained. "Attacks on our positions at Van quois, east of the Argonne, and in the forest of Conseuvoye, east of the Meuse, failed. All attempts to dispute our possession of ground captured in the last few days in the district of Badonviller failed. An attack under taken last night with considerable forces on tho heights northeast of Celles broke down with heavy losses to the French. Several night attacks also were unsuccessful ami over 1,000 dead Frenchmen are lying before our en tanglements. "Eastern theatre of war: The situ ation around Grodno (Northern Po land) is unchanged. Russian attacks to the northeast and north of Loinza failed with heavy losses to the en»my. Many prisoners of the First and Second Rus sian divisions of guards are in our hands. "Further on, as far as the Vistula, the situation is unchanged. A few ad vances by Russians east of Ploek were unsuccessful and strong night attacks executed by the enemy east of Skierniewice failed completely." 2 FREIGHTERS DESTROYED IN ATTACK BY SUBMARINES Bremen, via London, March 5, 12.40 A. M.—The destruction of two freight ers by torpedoee in the English Chan nel was witnessed by the captain of the American tank steamer Gulf Light from Galveston, February 3 for Bre men, which arrived in the Weser Thursday morning with a cargo of cot ton, according to a story printed in the "Morgen Jfost." The captain is quoted by the news paper as saying the ships were attack ed by a submarine. One o/ them i a re ported to have been loaded with rice and the other with coal. The captain says the "Morgen Post" asserted that he passed safely through the mine fields by following directions issued by the German admiralty. RUSSIAN BLACK SEA FLEET STEAMING ON TO BOSPORUS London, March 5, 3j2<B P. M.—The Russian Black Sea fleet is steaming to ward the Bosporus, says a dispatch from Home. The Bucharest correspond ent of fhe "Giornale Dltalia," of Rome, telegraphs that the Russian fleot has passed Burgas, Bulgaria. Burgas is situated on the western shore of the Black Sea near the east ern extremity of the Balkans. It is 76 miles north of Adrianople. Shoaild the Russian fleet attack the Bosporus it presumably would have to deal with the Turkish fleet, which is supposed to be in that region, and the most powerful member of which is the cruiser Sultan Selim, formerly the German cruiser Goeben.. The Bosporus is about 18 miles lonig and from one-half to one and one half miles wide. It is defended with modern fortifications which guard the approach to Constantinople at the western end. THE CARIBAND EVELYN, U.S. SHIPS, BOTB SUNK BY MINES Washingtno, March s.—Commander Gherardi's supplementary report on his investigation of the sinking of the American cotton steamers Carib and Evelyn by mines in the North see, re ceived to-day from Berlin, says: "Both boats sunk by mines; no false directions given by the British. Boats simply ran on mine fields." It has been said that the ships were off courses furnished by the German authorities and were following routes given by British officials. LATE WAR NEWS SUMMARY The British Admiralty confirmed to day reports of the sinking of two Ger man submarines, the U-8, which the French Admiralty previously announced had been destroyed by a torpedo boat, and an unidentified submersible rammed by the collier Tbordis. The captain of the American steamer Gulf Light, on arriving at Weser, Ger many, is reported by a Berlin newspa per to have said that be witnessed the destruction of two steamers by a Ger man submarine. Tbe first reports of definite effects on American trade of Great Britain's re taliatory policy against Germany come from Bremen. It is said that several American vessels which had been tak ing on cargoes of German goods, par ticularly dyestuffs, unloaded these car- Coatlaae* oa Tfclrteeath Pas*. POSTSCRIPT PRICE ONE CENT. BRITISH SINK SUBMARINES BF GERMANY The U-8 and an Un identified Vessel Are Reported Sent to the Bottom CREW OF FORMER TAKEN PRISONER U-8 Was Sunk by Destroyers in the English Channel off Dover—Un identified Boat Was Rammed by the Thordls February U8 By Associated Press, London, March 5, 1.04 P. M.—Two German submarines have been sunk in British waters, according to an official announcement given out in London to day. The text of the statement is as follows: "The Secretary of the Admiralty makes the following announcement: "The steamship Thordis has now been examined in dry dock and injuries to her keel and her propeller confirm the evidence of Captain Bell and the crew that on the 28th of February the vessel rammed and in all probability sank a German submarine which had fired a torpedo at her. "Yesterday afternoon the German submarine U-S was sunk in the channel off Dover by destroyers; tho officers and men were taken prisoners." London, March 5, 1.05 P. M.—The official news bureau to-day confirmed ti.« report that the British steam col i lier Thoris had rammed a German suit marine and sent it to the bottom. News dispatches received from Paris and London in the last twelve hours have related the sinking <ff two Ger man submarines. One has been de scribed as the U-8; the other has not been definitely identified. The French Ministry of Marine an nounced last night that a German sub marine had been sunk by French tor pedo boat destroyers and the crew taken prisoner. This submersible the French authorities called the U-8. The British steam collier Thordis, while making her way rocently from 'Blythe to Plymouth, sighted a sub marine. The undersea boat fired a tor pedo at the trawler, but the captain of the British ship succeeded in dodging the missile and then drove his vessel at the periscope showing above the sur face of the water. He claims to have struck aud sent her to the bottom. His contention was supported by MB mate and the members of his crew, and now it has been accepted as correct by the British naval authorities. The submarine U-8 was of 300 ton* displacement. She had a speed of thir teen knots above water and eight knots submerged, with p radius of operation of 1,200 miles. The vessel carried three torpedo tubes and had a complement of twelve men. The U-8 was a sister ship of the famous U-9, which in the early months of the war sank the Brit ish cruisers Hogue, Aboukir, Cressy and Hawke. U-8 Crew Landed at Dover Dover, England, March 5, Via Lon don, 3.26 P. M. —The crew of the U-8, numbering 29, was landed at Dover to day and was taken to Dover Castle un der an armed escort. The U-8 was small? er than the latest German submarines' her displacement under water being only 300 tons. Sale of Flour Is Restricted Berlin, Via London, March 5, 10.15 A. M.—The sale of wheat or rye flour on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays has been forbidden. Tho authorities have discovered that thrifty house wives who have found' it unnecessary to use during the week their entire Bupplv of bread cards have been using the surplus to lay in a reserve stock of flour. Bank of England to Issue Bonds London, March 5, 5.20 P. M.—The Bank of England to-day invited ten ders to an issue of 50,00'0,000 pounds ($■250,000,000) in exchequer bonds, payable in five years with interest at 3 per cent. WALL S7 REE T CLOS /;VO i By Associated Press. New York, March s.— Trading was more quiet in the final dealings, but prices showed no impairment. The clos ing was strong. Substantial gains were registered by to-day's stock market, the advance embracing virtually *n branches of the list.