The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 04, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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S2S.ONE tel
I >Mniiiiiiiiiiiißii NMi ( IM I W M
hr 4|nm«iniiiiii|Niiid v T
: jWmnax
i Fasof
M |i H0 s3s9Value
J jt ONE VALUE-$3.50.
I'm But 237 Btyles! ONE
Ik 1 liV PROFIT— the maker's.
ONE PURPOSE—to give the
Irttjißn greatest shoe value in the
world! ONE REASON —from
CH maker to wearer. TWO
lift SAVINGS —the jobber's and
Shots, dealer's profits.', RESULT—
• 1 en over two million wearers of
!i m' IwBLM The NEWARK Shoe in the
"** United States, and 137 Stores
h4 m97 citir#! your DUTY—
S2ii. to "Sa ve-a-dollar" on every pair
of shoes you buy. Do it now 1
Newark Shoe Stores Co.
315 MARKET ST., Near Dewberry St
Open Saturday evenings until 10.30 to accommodate our customers
Other Newark Stores Nearbyi York, Itrnding. Altoona, Baltimore,
" 127 Stores in 97
of Championship Scholastic Games ,
V Between Central and Tech in Chest-
nut Street Auditorium To-morrow
( Evening—Ford Back in Game
H|| The matter of a referee toeing ami- 1
settled a compromise candidate !
H in the person of Herman Early, who |
■ jreferees the games of the Harrisburg
MSndependents, being selected, plans for ;
HEhc annual basketball struggle between
Hiigh and Tech will lake place
night in the Chestnut street
Bertram H. Saul, Central's athletic
wanted Horace Geisel. physical ;
of the P. R. R. V. M. C. A.,
while Coach Grubib, at Tech,
E. C. Taggert, of Steelton, a
Harrisburg player. Neither side
occeed the *electioj( of the of-
and Early was selected.
■(All of the Central JWgh regulars will
in the gamp. Fond, the fast forward, i
tuts Seen l>a:Ted from basketball
the past three weeks 011 account ol
rule, will be (back in the
He will replace Winn at forward, ,
going back to his old place fit j
Rote will play the other for-
and Bingham and Redd will start 1
the guard positione. The Tech reg-
will be in against Central.
Elaborate plans to accommodate the
bodies of both schools are bein.'
The Tech lloor being too small :
second game in the series will be '
Pinal scrimmage practice was indulg-
in by both teams thin afternoon.
MoCord in charge of the Central
team and Orirbb running the
of the Martfon tossers.
H Brave Leader Says James Dictated His
■ Own Contract
Macon, Ga., March 4.—George Stal-
H lings, manager of the Boston Nation-
Hals, gave out this statement last night j
to the signing of Pitcher
H "James' contract was made at his
ii solicitation and ha* two years to
with the Boston club. It was made
the presence of witnesses at .lames'
Hgitn request. He dictated the terms of
contract and insisted upon the 10
clause being eliminated, and
before witnesses that if he received'
figures of his contract he would be I
for the rest of his life. There |
be no deceptive information, for.
Federal league was not mentioned j
the execution of the contract."
■ Magee Tears Tendon in Arm
Macon, Ga., March 4. —Sherwood •
of the Boston Nationals, fell
at practice here yesterday, suf-
injuries that probably .will keep |
out of the game for several weeks. |
■L tendon in his right arm was torn •
V Harrisburg Athlete Honored
■ Albert Davis, a local athlete, was
captain of the Wenonali Mili-
Academy baseball nine yesterday, j
■CHe rlso played center on the champion-
five of the academy.
■ M ruoknovnußal.SiCM.AlinrißaltoMa
West Shore Bakery
L. M. BRICKER, Prop.
v ; v
Eight Alleys Being Placed in Grand
Central Palace for Ninth Annual
Event Which Will Open March 27
—Local Entry Uncertain
New York, March 4. —The ninth an
nual tournament of the National Bowl
■ ing Association will be held in New
York at the Grand Central Palace, be
ginning March 27, 1915. Entries for
! the affair will close on March 19 at
The work of laying eight of the fine'
made bowling alleys on the fourth door
of the building has already started.
; These alleys will be equipped with the
latest model of automatic pin setters.
; insuring the bowlers an accurate and
fast set-up. All the paraphernalia nec
essary to the successful conduct of the
tourney will be of the best, as it is
; planned to make permanent bowling
academy of the place after the tourna
| ment.
An unusually large entry is antici
pated from out of town bowlers from
the fact that New York City offers so
many side attractions of interest to vis
! itors, be they bowlers or not. New
York City of course, with the tourna
ment as its very door has promised a
1 record entry from the Metropolis. The
local bowlers with no expense other
than the entrance fee always produce
; the largest entry.
). At the lowest calculation, 250
| teams, representing some 1,500 bowlers
are expected to participate in the sev
eral events. This number of entries
would mean a prize fund of some $lB,-
000 which in addition to the uine gold
medals given to the winners of first
place, and the numerous special prizes
| I'or special features will prove a big
I drawing card to all bowlers. Entries
are expected from all points within a
radius of 350 miles, and even farther
from the west.
New York City has not conducted the
National Tournament since 1909 when
i the affair w"as held in Madison Square
J Garden; some 350 odd teams taking
j part in the tournament at that time, the
' largest entry in the history of the Na
i tioual Bowling Association.
Last year the tournament was held
in Atlantic City, and the year previous,
!in Rochester, N. Y. Radical improve
ments of great advantage to the bowlers
have been inaugurater in the last few
j tournaments, the most important being
| the manner of arranging the schedule.
In the earlier tournaments a bowler was
! lucky to be able tp complete his sched
ule within six days' time which meant
! considerable expense to him. By the
I new arrangement, a bowler can com
plete all his events in a night and a day
if he desires. E. E. Dungan, of Phila
! delphia, Pa., is the president of the N.
B. A. which was organized in 1906,
| and Thomas Gamon, Jr., of Philadel
! phia, treasurer. Secretary Major H. W.
• Gage, of Brooklyn, will manage the
| tournament as heretofore.
It, is especially desired by the man
i agement that a good sized 'entry from
] teams bowling in fraternal, benevolent,
I social and commercial leagues be se
| cured for this tournament, and to that
end it is planned to offer numerous spe
jcial prizes in addition 'to the regular
! ones for which these teams, made up
j from these organizations, may complete.
I Announcements will be made of the
I character of these special prizes in the
| next few days.
The Harrisburg Bowling Association
j lias not vet decided to enter a team,
| awaiting the arrival of necessary in
; formation from the managers of the
After Losing Two Straights, the
Champs Nose Out and Drag Down
Honors—Players Win Individual
Prises and Trophy Goes to Team
Standing of the Teams
W L. Pet.
Athletics 30 15 .667
Braves 29 16 .64 4
Waips 29 16 .644
Artisans 19 23 .452
Little Peps 16 26 .281
Feds 9 36 .200
With the close margin of one game,
the Athletics of the Klkß' Howling
League last night won the league cham
pionship, when they won a game from
the Braves after dropping two. The
loss of the third game would have
made a three-cornered tie for iirst
place. This is the third time the Ath
letics nave romped home with the ba
con in Elks' Leagues.
The Dclmotte trophy goes to the win
ners and the individuals get a number
of prizes for good work during the sea
son. Labt flight's match was a very
important one and attracted much at
tention, the winners nosing out in the
last game to victory and championship
in the league. Morrison, of the
Braves, was high man. The score:
Lewis .... 163 169 169 501
Jones .... 144 141 167 452
Flickiuger . 169 161 139 469
Dare 180 126 170— 476
Weber 141 155 174 470
Totals .. 797 752 819—2368
Simonetti . 117 120 96 334
Eisenhart 190 149 174 513
Bolton 140 150 151— 441
Schmidt . . 180 163 162 505
'.Morrison .. 178 200 190— 568
Totals .. 805 782 774—2361
Cardinals win easily—
Olcwine ... 115 153 151 — 419
l'rice 161 109 138 — 408
Ness 11l 126 160— 397
Rinkenbach. 163 159 114— 436
Senior 170 153 122 — 445
Totals .. 720 700 085—2105
Achenbach. 230 161 137 528
Norris .... 210 153 130 — 493
George ... 186 167 184— 537
Wagner .. . 142 153 157 452
Leaman ... 128 160 150— 438
Totals .. 896 794 758—24 18
Big Spuds top Little Spuds in GI Hump
, series—
Carter 164 125 117— 406
Beh in 125 133 111— 399
Devine ... IS!) 148 153 490
Miller 122 125 117— 364
Schmink . . 163 104 161— 488
Totals .. 763 695 689—2147
Peters .... 146 139 138— 423
Ely 161 191 187— 539
Bennett ... IJ9 143 148— 430
Valletta ... 109 122 128— 359
Sperow ... 139 150 143 432
Totals .. 694 745 744—2183
P. R. R. Y. M. 0. A. LEAGUE
Athletics bowi wel! and win—
Mathias ... 222 219 236 677
ftluna T67 159 163 459
Gregory ... 15 1 ! 127 146 — 428
Davis .... 162 160 IJB4 — 456
Green 198 181 161— 540
Totals . . 904 846 870—2620
Ford 1.14 182 189— 565
Chard .... 146 146 132 — 421
Smith 175 147 135 457
Richmond 170 181 220 571
'Hostetter . lbl 180 186— 547
Totals . . 866 836 862—2564
Federals take Americans by surprise—
Barber ... 108 119 120— '347
Mall 109 134 !)0 — 333
Deiseroth .. 80 131 97 308
Banks 122 105 110— 337
liapp 92 84 92 26S
Totals .. 511 573 509—1593
Chnsiner .. 109 115 84— 308
I'effer 103 9 4 113 — 310
Nathan .... 77 138 12--~ 327
Yoder .... 12S 124 '81 — 333
O'Leary ... 85 114 102— 301
Totals . . 502 58." 492—1579
Makeups win easily—
Gotwalt 106 98 103 —30 7
Solimer .... 118 97 82 —297
Peiffer 98 101 97 —296
Totais ... 322 296 282—900
Losh 05 113 109—317
Fry 100 109 116—325
H.Brown .. 103 111. 100 —314
Totals ... 298 333 325—956
Job Room rollers beat up Linos—-
Zeigler .... 85 85 85—255
Stigelmnn . . 85 85 85 —255
Herman .... 91 110 92 —293
Totals ... 261 280 262 —803
Thurston 10.J 18 107—33 4
E. Brown .. 90 76 96—262
Wagner 92 91 106—289
Totals ... 291 285 309—885
| Wagner Signs for Sixteenth Time
Pittsburgh, March 4.—llonus Wag
ner, the veteran shortstop, signed his
1915 contract with the Pittsburgh Na
ional league baseball club here yes
terday. The contract, which calls for
SIO,OOO per year, was the sixteenth he
has made kith the local club. Twen
tv-flve Pirates will leave here Saturday
night for Dawson. Ky., where the spring
training will begin.
T-ick-a-Thrifts Want Games
Plans for the coming baseball season,
were discussed at the meeting of the
Hick-a-Thrift Club, held last night.
■Manager A. E. Atkinson, 1197 Chris
tian street, is busy arranging the sea-
Son's schedule.
Harry Hough to Lead Eastern Leaguers
in Local Game
The Harrisburg Independents are
working hard to be in the best possible
form foT their game Saturday night
with the Trenton Eastern Leaguers. In
the former Trenton game early in the
season the locals lost by a three-point
margin. Since then they have improved
much in their team work and passing,
as was shown last week in their game
against the Garnets.
Captain Harry Hough will bring his
regular line-u, 1 to Harrisburg, and will
try to hand the locals another defeat.
Hough in former reasons played at for
ward, but he has been playing guard all
this season, as lie can direct the team
play so much better from that position.
Although a comparatively young man,
Hough is one of the oldest basketball
players in the game to-day in point of
service, breaking into the professional
game with the champion Tainaqua
team more than ten years ago.
Wires Willard for Terms for Battle in
New Place
El Paso. Tex., March 4. —Chances of
a tight between Jack Johnson and Jess
Willard went glimmering yesterday,
even in the hopeful breast of Tom
Jones, manager of Willard, when Jack
Curley, promoter of the Juarez light,
cabled from Havana ami asked Jones
l'or his terms to come to Havana to
A message was also received from
Tex Hi hard, who promoted the John
son-.Teffries tight at Reno, asking for
Willard's terms to light in Buenos
Willard trained before a big audi
ence of Texas cattlemen yesterday.
Curley's message is taken to mean
that Johnson has absolutely refused to
come to Mexico.
Crescent Five Victorious
The Crescent basketball five defeated
the Stevens Memorial Club on Technical
High school floor last night by a score
of 4 7 to 15. The score:
Crescents. Memorial.
Flickiuger "F Byrem
Weber F Orth
Reck C McFarlaml
Wilson G Willis
Sourbior G Moore
Field goals, Weber, 4; Flickiuger, 2;
Wilson, 2; Beck, 14; Sourbier, 1: by
rem, 1; Orth, 2; McFarlaml, 3; Willis,
1. Fouls. Byrem, 1; Weber, 1.
Thespians to Meet Middletown
The Thespians will play the Middle
town Ail-Stars at Middletown to-mor
row night, the game starting at 8
o'clock. The lineup:
Middletown. Thespians.
Dupes F Steward
Beard F Krout,
Beck C Tittle
Kupp O Devine
Kane G Fisher
Bill Clymcr to Manage Toronto
Toronto, March 4.—Word was re
ceived from Buffalo, N. Y., yesterday
that President .1. J. McCaffery, of the
Toronto International Club, had signed
William J. Clymcr as manager of the
Toronto team for the coming season.
Ciymer, whose home is at Wilkes-Barre,
l'a., managed the Buffalo Internationals
last year.
Prepare for Baseball
The Albion Athletic Association met
Tuesday night and made plans for the
baseball season. Several committees
were appointed anil several new mem
bers were taken into the organization.
[7 J
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| Vr " **'*-■• JEm I
There is a rumor that "Jack" Murray, the right fielder of the Giants. Is
to be traded, along with "Eddie" Grant and a pitcher, to the Cardinals o' the
National League for "Bill" Doak, the promising young pitcher, who Is dissai.'s
fled with his berth on the Miller Hugging outfit.
Raymond Seiders Arraigned on the
Charge of Killing John E. Mills,
Held Up by Highwaymen
Lebanon, Pa., March 4.—Raymond
Seiders, the young chauffeur of Kichard
J. Bover, of this city, yesterday after
noon was arraigned before Judge Henry
on the charge of murdering John E.
Mills, of this city.
Mills was fatally s'hot on the night
of December 21 last by one of two
men who held him up for the purpose of
robbery in the western part of the
city. Before he died he declared the
fatal shot was fired only after lie had
struck the highwayman who fired it a
terrific blow on the nose, and Seider's
nose bore evidence of a recent hemor
rhage at the time of his arrest.
Adam Siegrist, of Palmyra, was the
first juror accepted. The twelfth man
was only accepted this morning. There
were many peremptory challenges by
the Cwnmonwerlth and also the de
fense. The jury panel became exhaust
ed and Sheriff II P. Siliupp and Deputy
Sheriff W. L. Brenner were compelled
to lock the main court room doors, and
three jurors wer'j chosen from the au
dience. The jurors, in charge of Con
stables 11. L. Stieff nnd Oscar Peffley,
spent, the night at the American
Mrs. Mills, widow of the murdered
man, and son, John Mills, were in court
all day.
Seiders, togged in a neat drab suit,
was in good spirits when brought to
court by Sheriff Strupp at 3.30 p. m.
The Court. House was crowded.
Plan to Make Concert Among Best
Treats of Season
The program to be given by the
Round Ladies' Orchestra and the
Musical Specialty Company, in Tech
nical High school, Wednesday night,
March 10, will 'be one of the best
musical treats of the season. The music
ale will be given by John Harris lodge,
Knights of Pythias, and will be for the
beuefit of the "quick relief." The
program follows:
March, "Napoleon's Last Charge;"
baritone solo, "Just Some One," Mr.
Rounds; trombone solo, "All Che La
Morte," Bertha Rothenberg; reading
"As the Moon Rose," Lena M. Brew
ster; duet, "After the Fray," Alma
Jensen and Mr. Rounds; cornet solo,
"True Love Polka," Eloise Jensen;
selection, "Hungarian Fantasia;" so
prano solo, "A Perfect Day," Miss
Jensen; tone picture Uncle Tom's
Cabin; reading, "Sue and Her Kim
mona," Miss Brewster; cello solo,
Gavotte Op. 24, Popper, Kathryn
Warner; descriptive, "In a Clock
Store;" violin solo, selections from
"Faust," Gounod, Kate Cobtirn; flute
solo, "Ein Waunatrom," Alma Jensen;
descriptive, "Sleigh Ride Party;"
; /fasff 4 |
J I Makers of the Highest Grade Tur&ish jt
1 2 and tgypiian Ggarrttes m thi Vbrid 9
I beg your pardon, Mr. Live Wire, for Jjt
interrupting your reading, but I could B
news and your eyes strolled into this K
m attractive niche. This block of
favorite family newspaper is Mf
owned by Moroney, the man B
who discovered Army and 4m
Navy Whiskey. Some i|f
M of our most talented
Wk mule drivers and cor- mg
poration stockhold-Jy
ers pronounce it $$
are better atif
Morouey'i Army and Navy Whiskey is on sale at all first-class bars ar J c«
selection. "Carmen;" monologue, "A
Little Nonsense," closing with "Wongs
My Mother Used to Sing," Mr. Rounds;
bell solo, "American Patrol," Flora
Sprage Rounds; postilude.
» \
This evening, "The Trail of the'
Lonesome Pine."
Saturday afternoon and evening,
"Damaged Goods."
Monday, March 8, lielkin Yiddish
Tuesday afternoon and evening,
March 9, "Twin Beds."
Wednesday, March 10, matinee and
night, "Robin Hood."
Every nl'lernoon and ovening, bigb
clans vaudeville.
Every afternoon and evening, vaudc
ville and pictures.
Motion Pictures.
Motion Pictures.
Motion Pictures
"The Trail of the Lonesome Pine"
When Eugene Walter undertook to
construct a play out of John Fox, Jr.'s
delight novel, '' The Trail of the Lone
some Pine," he put upon the shoulders
of June, that charming heroine of the
story, the burden of almost the entire
play. It is a character study of a
mountain girl in her changing phases
from the almost wild, barefooted,
ragged girls of the hills, awakened to
the realization of perhaps better things
in the world beyond her ken, by a
chance meeting with a yo ng, prospect
ing engineer, to a young woman who
after years of simple schooling, becomes
a far different being. Dixie Comptong
plays June, the si .iple child of nature
Jolin Fox, Jr., had us all love a girl
who knows nothing of the world apart
from her home near the towering pines.
The play Is at the Majestic tins even
ing. Adv."
"Damaged Goods"
Eugene Brieux's groat sociological
drama, "Damaged Goods," the play
which, according to the New York
"Times," "initiates a new epoch of
civilization," will be given at the Ma
jestic Saturday afternoon and evening.
"Damaged Goods" carries a lesson of
such tremendous power and convincing
logic, such vivid truth and inevitabil
ity that it fairly sears from the soul
all sham of hypocrisy. Hut with all
its power and its preaching, the play
does not overwhelm one with gloom as
does 1 sben's "Ghosts," for example.
Brieux is essentially an optimist, and
although he points out the evils of life,
he goes further and tells us how to
correct them. Adv.*
"Twin Bedr"
If there is such a personage as a
"jewel of a main," so often mentioned
and so seldom seen, it is certainly
Norah in Selwvn & Co.'s production of
Margaret Mayo's screaming l'aree,
"Twin Beds." Certain mistresses who
have trouble with their servants may
resent this statement, while others of
a dependent disposition will declare
that Norah is a jewel, particularly aft
er she captures the supposed burglar.
At any rate, the character of Norau is
boldly drawn, and superbly played by
that refreshing, natural comedienne,
Georgie Drew Mendum. Others in the
cast which Selwvn & Co. are sending
hero are Margaret Boland, Jane Sey
mour, Marion l<ord, Roland B. Lee,
August Araniini and J. M. Byrnes.
"Twin Beds" will play a return en
gagement at the Majestic next Tues
day, matinee and night. Adv.*
"Robin Hood"
Reginald de Koven's " Robin Hood,"
which comes to the Majestic next Wed
nesday, matinee and night, is twenty
four years old. and as full of tradition
as an egg is of meat. It would be as
great a sacrilege to tamper with any
of the lines or jokes as it would be of
one of Gilbert's librettos.
Therefore, it is surprising to find
something new in the old opera. It
came about this wise: Last season
when the big revival was made at the
New Amsterdam theatre, in New York,
an all-star cast was engaged. Ann
Swinburne, now a star in her own right,
was engaged to sing the rather minor
role of Atiabel. Miss Swinburne kick
ed for a solo and so Mr. de Koven sat
down and wrote for her " When a Maid
Weds." In the new scores recently
published, is song is incorporated and
has become a part of the opera inas
much as the words fit into the story.
At the Orpheum
A comedy gem of purest ray serene
is the offering of Harry Beresford and
company at the Orpheum this week, en-
ti tled "Twenty Odd Years." It might
hp called a comedy classic, for despite
the fact that it is designed for laughing
purposes, it is artistic in its character
acting and staging. Its setting shows
the exterior of a pretty cottage, sur
rounded by a gnrden of hollyhocks and
roses, so realistic that, they seem to
send their fragrance .across the foot
lights. In this same cottago reside a
youthful miss and her aged guardian,
comfortable but not wealthy, while up
on the hill, as the sketch goes, lives
the life long enemy of the old man, and
he has acquired considerable money.
The wealthy old man has a son, a
love-sick swain, and quite fearless in
his declarations—and his lady love Is
no less than the slip of a girl in the
little cottage. Differences betwee the
old men allow much room for comedy
and much opportunity for excellent act
ing, which is made the most of by Mr.
Beresford. Touches of pathos are
sprinkled throughout the playlet, .just
enough to offset the comedy situations.
"Twenty Odd Years" is an excellent
sketch, beautifully staged and splendid
ly enacted. It is one of the very in
teresting turns supporting "The Fash
ion Shop." the very interesting, novel
and tuneful headline! - . Adv.*
At the Colonial
"Vacation Land" is the very inter
esting title of a rollicking one-act mu
sical comedy that will make merry at
the Busy Corner during the remainder
of the week. Pretty girls, delightful
scenery, clever comedians and catchy
songs combine to make it a whirl of
bright entertainment. Also Mr. and
Mrs. Mark Murphy, the popular coinedv
characters, are at the Colonial, present
ing the big laughing hit called
"Clancy's Ghost." This act has made
good in Harris burg before and it will
likely create an upheaval of laughter at
the Colonial. Two other clever vaude
ville turns round out the week's of
fering. Adv.*
Regent Theatre
Regent theatre will present for the
approval of moving picture fans of
Harrishurg, for to-dav only, that pow
erful drama, "The Straight Road," in
wliich Gladys Hanson, the famous stage
star, plays tlje leading role. "The
Straight Road," by the immortal dram
atist, Clyde Fitch, gives Miss Hanson,
in the role of Moll O'Hara, an'oppor
tunity to display the talents which
have made her one of America's fore
most youngest leading women.
To-morrow a favorite of Harrisburg,
Lillian Kussell, will appear for one dav
only in "Wildfie." Lillian Russell
needs no introduction to tilie theatre
goers of Harrisburg. The theatre has
been packed every time she has ap
ipeared since here in person, and that
with seats selling at highest prices.
Fine Boat ""rip for Campers
Ths Harrisburg Academy students
who will attend the summer camp on
the shores of Damariscotta lake, at Jef
ferson, Maine, will have a pleasant trip.
It will include stopovers in Baltimore,
Old Point Cotrtt'ort, Fortress Monroe,
Norfolk, Boston and Bath, Me. The
trip from Baltimore will be made by
Mrs. H. H. Rich
Word was received in this city yes
terday of the deatn of Mrs. 11. H.
Rich, a former resident of Jlarris'burg,
at her home in Allison, Mass., on Wash
ington's Birthday. Mrs. Rieh was ill but
a few days and was buried in the ceme
tery at Worcester.
/ —S
Safety Razor Blades
210 Market St., KlarriHliiirH;, Pa.
V ■/
/ " - 1 ' - . ■■■>
Directory of
Leading Hotels
of Harrisburg
The Metropolitan
Strictly European
for something good to eat. Every
thing In season. Servica tha best.
Prices the lowest.
No. 115 ooutb Fourth Streot
DlreeUy <>|>|»uniic L mini stiitloa,
r«uli>i>etl nltli ull Modern Improvr.
aieut»i mini in* t\ liter In ever} room
lint" bath; perfectly anultar»| nicely
lurnikUed throughout. Kutrn moderate.
Huropeaa I'lan.
JOSEPH CM.USTI, Proprietor.
11:3-125 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa.
&t the Entrance to the P. R. R. Station
v ' Proprietor