6 . ( Estahluhed in 1878) Published b tHE STAR PRINTING COMPANY, ' Star-Ind*pa-iden t Building, 1 IUO-I2 South Third Strait. Harrlabor*. Pa, ***** Enoapt Sunday T Otfictr* i Dir*ct«r» i ■■•"T _ JEWN U U KCHN. t President. Vtco President. W " * ■JH. HITIKS, Secretary and Treasnrer. Wii. W. WALLOWI*. WARNER, ' V. Hummil BCBOHAUS, JR., Business Manager. Editor, communications should be addressed to STAR iNDiriNDCin, Editorial, Job Printing or Circulation Department to the subject matter. at the Post Office in Harrlsburg as second class matter. A Ksntnor Company, New fork and Chicago Representative*. H*¥«rk OSee, Brunswick Building. 225 Fifth Avenue. Office, People's; Gas Building, Michigan Avenue. by carriers at 6 centa a week, Mailed to subscriber* Dollars a /ear in advance. THE STAR INDEPENDENT paper with the largest Horn-. Circulation in Harrisbnrg ano Hiowus Circulation Examined by ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN ADVERTISERS. TELEPHONES SELL " Bxohansa. No. 3280 CUMBERLAND VALLEY E«ohan from the rarik and file of his colleagues, many whom apparently are not only refraining from Governor Brumbaugh in working out leg- to reduce the fixed expenses of the State, are even introducing measures calling for ap- benefiting their local constituencies are out of all proportion to the amount of available. In brief they are leaving it up Appropriations Committees or to Governor himself to cut the aggregate amount for to a figure within the amount of money ■ State will have available to spend. should be more bills—like the Swartz bill— to cut down expenses, and fewer designed KHE LAW AGAINST "DOPE" IN EFFECT coming from many directions during the H day or two are beginning to show what are ■ consequences of the B'ederaKanti-narcotie 1 HARRISBTJRG STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING. MAttOW 4. 1915. \ law which went into operation the first of the month. The two classes of persons principally af fected by the provisions of the law are, oddly enough, "dope" fiends and doctors. The former, crazed with desire for the drugs which have gained mastery over them but which are now denied them, are being taken under police protection, and given medical attention, sometimes at their own request and often without it. The doctors, forced to comply with numerous conditions before they can give habit-forming patients for medicinal pur poses, are complaining that the provisions of the law are not considerate of the actual necessities of the practice of medicine. The ijevv law, however, must as a whole be con sidered a force for good. It, of course, hinders free medicinal use of narcotics, but it also restricts the abuse of them. Even if the unforunate fiends are made to suffer miseries, perhaps to commit crimes, yet the spread of the awful drug habit will be arrested, and that accomplishment will be compen sation enough for any inconveniences which the law may bring with it for the annoyance of law abiding physicians? and their patients. It is certainly necessary that in a county whiph in recent years lias been using ten times as large a supply of narcotics as absolutely required for me dicinal purposes, a law should be put into operation which places the sale t>f the drugs directly under the control of the government. The strict enforce ment of the law will leave little opportunity for the sale in the future of '"dope" to persons who by becoming fiends become criminals. That the "coke" peddlers fear the Federal gov ernment's detectives and are abandoning their traf fic despite the immense profits which accompany the sale of heroin, cocaine and opium, is indicated by the declaration made yesterday to the Philadelphia police by a victim of the drug habit, that lie has been unable since March 1 to buy narcotics at any of his old haunts, since all the dealers have disap peared as if by magic. No law limiting legislators' labors to eight hours a day is needed in Pennsylvania. Arresting bomb throwers before they throw them is the most effective kind of detective work that we know of. While paying bounties on noxious animals, why not place a price on the heads of some of Dauphin county's escaped murderers? Marriage licenses are to remain at the old price of $1 each, thanks to a majority of sympathetic Benedicts the Legislature. Wilson's term as President is half over to-day, and it may be remarked that the nation is safe for at least two more years. TOLD IN LIGHTER VEIN CORRECT! "What are the two sexes, Alecf" asked the teacher. "Masculine and feline," answered Alec.—Woman's Home Companion. SOME NOISE THEN "I think your husband dresses so nicely and quietly." "Really? You should hear him when he loses a collar button!"— Judge. WOMAN'S SKILL A man lilies to boast about his mechanical ability, but it takes a woman to sharpen a lead pencil with a pair of scissors.—Cincinnati Enquirer. SYMPATHY NEEDED "Jiggs' wife speaks ten languages." "I move we adopt resolutions of sympathy and send them to Jiggs."—Buffalo Express. PESSIMISTIC VIEWS "This is a mighty poor world, anyhow." "Isn't it? Everything we want hangs just beyond our reach, and everything we don't want falls and hits us on the head." —Richmond Times-Dispatch. ' NATURE WAS GENEROUS Patience—"Nature has provided for her lavishly." Patrice—"How so?" "She has two chins."—Yonkers Statesman. WIRES WERE CROSSED "Auntie, did you ever get a proposal?" "Once, dear. A gentleman asked me to inarrv him over the telephone, but he had the wrong number."—Louisville Courier-Journal. HE NEEDED ENCOURAGEMENT Mr. Slowboy (calling on girl)—-"Vou seem—cr —rather distant this evening." The Girl—"Well, your chair isn't nailed down, is it?" —Brooklyn Eagle. A GOOD ACTOR Mr. Bacon —"Well, I try to act like a gentleman, any hoy." Mrs. Bacon—"Oh, yes, you'*; a Very good actor."— Yonkers Statesman. HE WILL NEED IT Cholly—"Before I met yon I thought of nothing but making money." Ethel—"Well, keep right on! Pop ain't so rich as folks think."—Dallas News. PLAN THAT DIDN'T WORK Mother—"Why don't you yawn when he stays too long? He'll take the hint and go." Daughter—"l did, and he told me what beautiful teeth I had." —Philadelphia Ledger. DONE IN POLITICS, TOO "Forgive your enemies," said the earnest man. "That's good religion." "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum, "and sometimes it's good politics, too."—Washington Star. AT A SAFE DISTANCE Cop —"Come along now! I arrest you for being full." Lushman —"Well, arresht th' moon; that's full, too." Cop—"Maybe it is, but it isn't staggerin' along an' bumpin into everybody."—Boston Transcript. HH COLLECTED "How did the robber act?" asked the curious one of the hold-up victim. "Oh, he was calm and collected*" retorted the victim, mindful of his empty pockets.—Buffalo Express. OLD-TIE REMEDY MAKES PURE BLOOD Purify your blood oy taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine, has been and still is the people's medicine be cause of its reliable character and its wonderful success in the treatment of the common diseases awl ailments — scrofula, catarrh, rheumatism, dyspep sia, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, general debility. Hood's Sarsaparilla has been tested forty years. Get it to-day. Adv. I Tongue-End Top ics | On Seeing Pennsylvania "See Pennsylvania First" is becom ing a slogan in the Keystone State, and thousands more ami more each year are awakening to the beauties of the ter ritory that first welcomed William Penn. It being considered the tilling to traverse the State's highways and by ways in search of the wonders within its boundaries, the uutomo>l>ile furnish es means of travel denied by tfie rail. Where one party took a pleasure trip the State then years ago, a hundred now sot out to enjoy the mani fold beauties of its wealth of scenery. The Historic Spots But, in the seeing Pennsylvania first those wlu) go forth should become ac quainted\vith the historic sipots so abundant and precious to the true Pennsylvanian. The Historical Commis sion of Pennsylvania, has just issued a report and all through the pages the work of Thomas Lynch Montgomery, State Librarian, curator of the commis sion, is apparent. This commission was created in July, 1913, by legislative act and its first members were Senator William C. Sproul, of Chester; George P. Donehoo, of Coudersport, an author ity on State Indian matters; William 11. Stevenson,'"of Philadelphia; the late William I', llensel, of Lancaster, and former Attorney General Hampton L. Carson, of Philadelphia, with Thomas Lynch Montgomery as curator. The commission is charged with the duty of marking and preserving the antiquities and historical landmarks of Pennsylva nia. * <. * Hard to Make Selections In The pursuit of its work the com mission has found an embarrassment of riches. Hardly a county in Pennsylva nia from the Delaware to Lake Erie or from the southern to the northern boundary but contains some historiea l ! spot which in time 'should be marked, and the commission has barely gotten started in its work, after much patient research. It has, however, visited a nunnber of historic spots and it lias succeeded in interesting the people in its work, and this is bound to bear good fruit in the future. The plan and scope of the great undertaking has been decided upon and it win not be many years before the most important places in the history of the State will be suit ably marked so that all may know of their value to Pennsylvania. Site of Fort MeCord Marked Thus far the commission has assisted in the marking of one historic .spot, the site of Fort licCord, situated seven miles west of C'hambersburg, the site of the massacre by Indians on April 1, 1756, of tvvcuty-saven pioneer settlers —men, jvoinen and children. A monu ment of granite in the form of a Celtic cross, with bronze tablet at the base, marks the spot. However, steps have been taken for the marking of the fol lowing historic sites as soon as the nec essary arrangements can be made: Fort Hunter, near Harrisburg; Fort Ligon ier, at Ligonier; Fort Necessity, at Mount Washington, on the National Pike; the house of Governor Priiitz, on Tinicum Island, where the first govern ment by white men was established in Pennsylvania, and the Sandelands house, at Chester, where was held the first law-making Assembly of the Com monwealth. That the matter of marking the State's historical spo;s lias excited general interest is evidenced from the fact that during the year the commis sion has received and answered many letters from societies and individuals concerning the work and the location of historic sites. > * * * Pennsylvania and the Nation An excerpt from the report that will attract general attention and interest, is as follows: "In order rightly to study the in fluences which have been at work in the making of the American nation as it exists in fact, instead of in romantic historical poems of New Englaud au thors, one must go back to the early periods in the history of the State, with its many complex problems. The Quak er, the Scot-ch-Irish and the Pennsyl vania German influences have been as dominant forces in the moulding of American institutions as either the Puritan of New England or the Cava lier of Virginia. The influence of the Puritan waned with the century which gave him his name, and the Cavalier of Virginia was always more of a myth than a reality. The Scotch-Irish and Pennsylvania German influences, whidh spread out from the rugged mountains of Pennsylvania to Virginia, Ohio, Ken tucky and the Great West, aro still dominant in American affairs. The trails of the red men to the Ohio and to the western wilderness were trodden by the feet of the Scotch-Irish and the German pioneers from the mountains of Pennsylvania, and not by the feet of the Puritan from Now England. Even a large of the "First Fam ilies of Virginia,' and many of the best THE GLOBE THE GLOBE A Few "Left Overs" Of Late Season Winter Suits and Overcoats, Worth to S2O, at SIO.OO i Are Included in These Attractive Specials For Friday and Saturday Only Blr THE OVERCOATS are of Melton, Vicuna and Chinchilla 1 Bjv cloths in dark Oxford Gray and Black. \ VI THE SUITS are of elegant Worsteds, Serges, Cheviots and \ Velour-finish Cassimeres. The lots are broken but the general \m I assortment is good. They're real bargains. We Will Supply Your Boys' Needs at Almost Half Price Boys Suit? Boys' Overcoats Boys' Knee Pants Boys' Wash Suits Choice Blue Serges A variety of excellent Plain m i xe d col- Of chambray and per and Mixtures all fabrics -j— sizes to 10 ors rcularly values fa ' p Russian blouse sizes values to $6.50 years—values to $5.00 to 75c, at anrl styles—regu at at ' lariy 75c, at $3.50 $2.00 39c 39c ***"•"" ■" "■'■■■* 1 ■ ■ .»■■■■ „ . i,,. ...» Underwear and Winter' Furnishings At Economy Prices Mans' Shaker $1.50 Rockwood's Natural Wool Under- Rnvc* Zmaiinrc Worsted Sweaters wear, \ $1.29 sweaters Extra heavy all SI.OO Junewa.V Health Wool Underwear, Heavy Shaker-knit— styles navy, maroon, -A , white and Oxford gray, # # with shawl collars—rcg regular $5 and $6.50 SI.OO PeerleSS Union Suits, ular price $2.50, va,UM at 50c Ribbed Underwear 35£ $3.95 Regular and stout sizes. ! $1.75 Silk Striped Men's $2 and $3 Hats Neckwear Crepe Shirts Caps Odds and ends ail Good variety to se- With either soft or Regular SI.OO values sizes including every lect from values to stiff cuffs —ail sizes— a t shade, 50c, $1.50 values at . SI.OO 79c $1.65 ' 25c THE GLOBE "The Friendly Store" / « of them, were Scotch-Irish from the Cumberland Valley of Pennsylvania. To read the names of the men who have 'won the West' confirms this statement. The Puritan of New England has play ed a most important part in the poetry of history, but the Scotch-Irish and Pennsylvania German made a far greater part of the actual history of the Nation" which now exists. * * * Pennsylvania Too Modest "Pennsylvania soil was the scene of Washington's first conflict, at Fort Necessity; of Braddock's fearful de feat, near Pittsburgh; of the most Woody conflicts with the Indians by the frontiersmen; of the expedition of General Forbes, to Fort Duquesne; of the Declaration of Independence; of the hard fought battles of Brandywine and Gerinantown; of the soul-racking win ter at Valley Forge; of the Framing of the Constitution; of tire first National Capital; of the expedition of General Sullivan aigainst the Seneca; of the Whiskey Insurrection; of the blood-de luged hills of Gettysburg, and of many other events of nation-wide ini]>ortance. Cut out of American history what these events stand for, and the part played in them by Pennsylvania, and one loses the real p'lot of the entire drama of American history. Pennsylvania histor ians have been too modest, or too much fascinated by the mere glitter of the wonderful industrial development of the State, to give just credit to the tremendous moral force which the Stato and its people have exercised in the de velopment of the American nation. We must caill attention to the facts in our history. We must make known these facts by the monuments and markers, as well as by books and essays." New England and Virginia are now to be heard from. . THOM&S >l. JONES. ' \ All Kinds , of Lumber Lumber for floors, ceilings or roofs. Lumber' for fences, porches, board walks, cellar doors. Lumber for screen doors and windows, lumber for flower boxes, etc., etc. You can get lumber for any purpose you can think of and at reasonable prices. Tell us what you want to use it-for and we can easily supply you. United Ice & Coal Co. Fonster and Cowden Street* / LAWYERS' PAPEB BOOKS - Printed at this office in best style, at lowest prices and on short notice. CLASSIC WA Selected by J. Howard Wert \ No. IS. THE CONSECRATION OF PULASKI'S BANNER BY HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW Poland is*4iow so much in the public eye that this number will present one of Longfellow's earliest poems written in commemoration of one of the noblest of the Polish nation-—Count Casimer Pulaski, who fell in the American attack on Savannah during our Revolutionary war, after he had shown his- heroism in behalf ot' the struggling colonies 011 many fields of battle. The banner borne at the head of the troops he commanded was of crimsm silk embroidered by the Moravian nuns of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. When the dying flame of day Guard it,—God will prosper thee. Through the channel shot its ray, (iliur l!it - — 00,1 will I'rospur thee, ri ~ ,■ • . , , In the dark and trying hour, l'ar the glimmering tapers shed , ~ . , . »ji, •», ' e j in the breaking forth of power, 1 Bint light on the cowled head; Jll the rush of steeds and men, And the censer burning swung, His right band will shield thee then. Where, before the altar, hung That proud banner, that with prayer "Take thy banner! But when night Had been consecrated there. Closes round tho ghastly fight. And the nuns' sweet hymn was heard If the vanquish'd warrior bow, the while, Spare him! By our holy vow, Sun;' low in the dim, mysterious aisle:— By our prayers and many tears, Hv the mercy that endears, "Take thy banner! May it wave Spare him! he our love hath shared: Proudly o'er the good and brave, Spare him! as thou wouldst be spared. When the battle's distant wail Breaks the sabbath of our vale; "Take thy banner! and if e'er When the clarion's music thrills Thou shouldst press tho bier, To the heart of these lone hills; And the muffled drum should beat When the spear in conflict shakes, To the tread of mournful feet, And the strong lance shivering breaks. Then this crimson flag shall be Martial cloak nnd shroud for thee." "Take thy banner! And, beneath And the warrior took that banner proud, _ The war-cloud's encircling wreath, And it was his martial cloak and shroud. —C Ml ■ ■ ! ! gJ —U. ... Why Take Any There is no good reason why you should run the risk of losing your important papers or valuables by fire, theft or other misfortune. For the small annual charge of $1.50 you can rent a Safe Deposit Box in our fire and burglar proof vault find obtain absolute protection for your valuables. Call at our offices and inspect our Safe De posit equipment. . . ■! ' : r^nysnrTOWSEJ : iMrfffl''l itfmili Read the Star-Independent