The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 04, 1915, Image 5

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Representatives ot Meat Firms Try to
Induce State Officials to Continue
Shipments From Districts Infected
With Foot and Mouth Disease
An unsuccessful attempt was made
by live stock shippers yesterday after
noon induce Dr. Marshall, head of
the Live Stock Sanitary Board, to lift
the embargo on the shipment of cattle
from the districts infected with foot
and month disease through Pennsylva
nia. J. R. Brown, representing the cat
tle shippers of Ohieugo, and W. M.
Noves, of New York, representing
Swift & Co., with Dr. Marshall, called
on the Governor and Attorney General
Brown, but the two ofliciols said that
it rested entirely with Dr. Marshall to
determine what was best to be done,
and the State Veterinarian declined to
change the order now existing.
It was represented to Dr. Marshall
that the Jews in *he Eastern States
who depended on their meat supply
through the cattle shipped from the
West could not get sufficient because of
the Pennsylvania embargo, all cattle
from the West being shipped through
Pennsylvania. They ottered to guaran
tee that all cattle shipped til) rough
Pennsylvania should be placed in sealed
water-tight cars in order to prevent all
da-nger of the spread of the disease,
but Dr. Marshall was olwlurate and an
nounced tihat the regulation would re
main in force.
Saving Fund Deposits
Bejiorts of Pennsylvania savings
fund institutio'ns made to Banking
Commissioner Smith for the period from
June 1, 1914, to January 25, 1915,
show that the assets of these institu
tions are $244,267,692, an increase of
$3,000,000 over the same period last
year. State banks and trust compa
nies which run savings fund accounts
are not included in the above figures.
Maurer Goes Free
Representative Maurer, of Berks
county, who was arrested in Allentown
last August for attempting to Hold a
meeting in Centre Square, Allentown,
despite the order of the Mayor that tihe
meeting should not be held, and who
was lined SIOO, will not, have to pay
the tine. In AH en town yesterday
Judge Cfroman decided that the public
square was tree and common and could
be used without any distinction against
anv class or user.
Gessner Fined, but Not Jailed
Captain William C. Gessner, of Al
lentown, former commander of Com
pany I>, National Guard of Pennsylva
nia, yesterday pleaded non vult to a
charge of having embezzled S6OO of
the State's money intrusted to his care
at the last encampment. _ Judge Uro
man imposed a line of $25 and a year
in jail, but suspended the prison part
of the sentence on condition that he
stay away from his aflinity.
Benjamin F. Crane
' Benjamin F. Crane, aged 50 years,
1617 1 -»2 North Third street, an en
gineer on the Philadelphia division of
the Pennsylvania railroad, died sudden
ly in his auto near his home yesterday
niornivi'l. lie is survived by his wife
and the following children: Hay,
Eugene and Helen; also the following
brothers and sisters: John < rane, Michi
gan; J. I. and C. M„ and Mrs. Manges,
Xorristown, and R. M., T. D. and A. I J.
Crane, of Harrisburg.
Lewis P. Slaughenhapt
Lewis P. Slaughenhapt, aged 29
years, an employe of the Ilarrisburg
'silk mills, died at his home in Lemoyne,
yesterday, lie is survived by his wife,
two daughters, mother and three sisters.
The funeral will fee held from the chap
el of Undertaker Hoover & Son, this
afternoon at 3 o'clock, after which the
body will be taken to North York. Pa.,
where interment will be maffe.
Ambrose McElroy Sourbeer
Word was received here yesterday
of the death of Ambrose McElroy Sour
beer, foreman of a brass foundry at
Parsons, Kan. Mr. Sourbeer was 6 9
vears of age, and had a number of
"relatives in this citiv. He is survived
bv his widow, Jennie C. Sourfoeer; one
daughter, Minnie, and two sons, .Tonas
and Frank; two Ibrothers, 11. C. Sour
beer, of Parsons, Kan., and Charles F.
Sourbeer, of this city, and one sister,
Mrs. Maude Wells, of this city.
British Tramp Steamer Aground
By Asßoci(tted Press.
Beaufort N. C., March 4.—The Brit
ish tramp steamer Overdale. 2,240
tons, from Savannah to Havre with
cotton, is aground near Cape Lookout
shoals but in no danger. Captain White
and his crew of twenty-three have de
clined to leave the ship.
Supper at Camp Hill
Camp Hill, March 4. —The ladies o>
the Trinity Lutheran church will give
a supper at the fire house to-morrow
from 4.30 to 8 o'clock. Extra dishes
will be served.
If you want to keep your hnir in
good condition, the less soap you use
the better.
Most soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali. This dries
the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and
is very harmful. Just plain mulsified
cocoanut oil (which is pure and en
tirely greasoless), is much better
than soap or anything else you can
use for shampooing, as this can't
possibly injure the hair.
Simply moisten your hair with
water and rub it in. One or two tea
spoonfuls will make an abundance of
rich, creamy lather, cleanses the
hair and scalp thoroughly. The
lather rinses out easily, and removes
every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff
and excessive oil. The hair dries
quickly and evenly, and it leaves it
fine ami silky, bright, fluffy and easy
to manage.
You can get mulsified cocoanut oil
at most any drug store. It is very
cheap, and a few ounces is enough
to last everyone in the family for
Harrishurg residents are astonished
at the QUICK results from the simple
mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine,
etc., known as Adler-i-ka. This remedy
acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel
and is so THOROUGH a bowel cleanser
that it is used successfully in appendi
citis. ONE SPOONFUL of Adler-i-ka
relieves almost ANY CASE of consti
pation, sour or gassy stomach. ONE
MINUTE after you take it, the gasses
rumble and pass out. G. A. Gorgas,
druggist, 16 North Third street and
Pennsylvania Bailroad Station.—Adv.
They Don't Like Whit* Man and Wish
Only to Ba Lat Alone.
Many people In the northern states
are unaware that there dwells in the
fastness of the Florida Everglades oue
of the most interesting and picturesque
bands of American aborigines in the
United States, known as the Seminole
Indians, who are now as separate and
distinct from the white race as when
Columbus first held mass on the shores
of Cuba. These are the remnants of
the one time mighty nation of the
Semlnoles. who defied the United
States government for more than half
n century and persistently refused col
While the numerous wars and forced
emigration have reduced their numbers
to a few hundred, their mode of living,
dispositions and customs are in uiuny
respects the same as when the haughty
De Soto sailed Into Tampa bay iu 1533. ;
The Semlnoles live to themselves,
avoiding contact with the white race
as much as possible and seldom If
ever taking whites Into their confl- ,
dence, and on account of the almost ;
Inaccessible nature of the country in
which they live little Is known of their
intimate home life. Unlike the Indians
of the west, they persistently decline
any assistance from the government
saying in response to offers for their
support, "We only wish to be let
alone."—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
fiimpla Homemade Apparatus by Which
They May Be Produced.
The ordinary person either does not
understand or is afraid of electricity
and could scarcely be persuaded to
manufacture It himself, and yet after
all a little electrical experiment at
home is both amusing and instructive.
All that you have to do is to take a
glass, expose it to the fire so that it
shall be perfectly dry and place it up
side down upon the table.
AfterwaM take a tray, also perfectly
dry, and p ce it upon the glass in
such a w.i.i that It shall preserve its
equilibrium. Finally take a sheet ot
paper slightly smaller than the tray,
heat it and rub It rapidly with a brush,
and it will become quickly electrified.
Then place It upon the tray.
An electrical machine will thus have
been constructed without any expense
V the finger be brought near the tray
a spark will appear. This spark will
be so much the brighter and the series
of sparks will be so much the longer In
proportion as the glass and tray are
If. when the sparks are being drawn
from the tray, the room in which the
experiment is performed be darkened
these sparks will appear extremely
brilliant.—Pearson's Weekly.
"It It Not Surgery, but Delayed Sur
gery, That Fails to Cure.' ;
That cancer is at first a local growth
and not a general disease of the sys
tem is now clearly established. This
fact Is of the utmost importance, since
in holds out a high hope of cure If the
malignant growth is removed before
it has time to spread to other parts of
the body. Cancer beginning in one spot
later appears elsewhere, because small
particles or cells are carried away
from the first site and start other
growths, not because there exists pre
viously some poison In the blood which
causes the disease to break out In
different parts of the body. The great
hope of cure, therefore, lies in remov
ing cancer entirely from the system be
fore It has a chanc* to spread from its
first foothold.
The reason why so mcn.v people
came to believe that career was a
blood disease is doubtless because It
was observed to come again in the
same or other parts of the body after
having been apparently cut out It
was natural to assume that when the
disease kept coming back in this man
ner there must be some cause or taint
In the blood which led to its breaking
out in different places much like cer
tain skin diseases.
The trouble which started this falla
cious reasoning was that in those
earlier days cancer was not so well
understood as it now is. Surgeons
then did the best they knew how, but
without the advantages of modern
methods they were unable successfully
to exterminate the disease. The micro
scope has now shown us the paths bv
which cancer cells start their invasion
of the body If the first and local ap
pearance is neglected. Modern sur
geons are. therefore, repeatedly suc
cessful In removing the disease once
for all. As an eminent American
doctor has well said. "It is not surgery,
but delayed surgery, that falls to cure."
"It's pretty hard to sleep on an emp
ty stomach." said the tramp wearily
to the hustling farmer's wife.
"Why. you poor fellow!" she replied
sympathetically. "Why don't you turn
over and sleep on your back for a lit
tle while? Ye hain't wore it out lyin'
on it. hev ye?"— Judge.
A Timesaver.
"Those envelopes with the glass
fronts ore great time savers, aren't
"Tou bet they are. When I get one
of them I never hnve to bother to open
It I know right away it's a bill."—
Detroit Free Press.
: a sas r I J3jOto?Ul4t% FOR MEN I
A Pot Roast iu 1991 Any Phone Founded 1871 Men's Oorduroy
With Quality Make -
► ° ur Draperies 9n „ M . Women's T hi rd [1
T ona r*iirtoiria GQji rtnir ZOC MOII6 fCIUOOHS
► ANNUAL -*}***» wide; in» Flannelette FmhrnidM-iM J
and ecru; only one pair of a good line of shades; Wgot** frlTl9*ll/) ITI J-#HIDrOMIOn©S JM
71 jf A kind. yard lit car. VJlllgildlll Embroidery Galloons,
► iVI Curtain Strips, each ' ADrOIIS yd.—regularly 10c ; fine fo*M
► OTT TS —Regularly 25c; 21/0 and 3 in 1„„„5 „♦ ♦ „ • trimming wash dresses. WM
► S//> K yards long. OK „ „ ,- . , »-o ell e Dressing Swiss Insertions, yddfl
• Battenburg Insertion, 2 25c Collars, and Col- Saques, 79c; _ re gularly 25c; 1% to ■
SALE J?* to#., tar and Cuff Sets, 15«> EftfifEf SS? SE in",
\ one Of unusual econ- Furniture Gimps 2 yds, ! t044. b0l "" i
omy. Now in progress. 4f—regularly 3c yd.; for fin- Women's Gingham Aprons, 50c; 27 inches wide; not
Investigate. ' P Men S 39c; small 50 yards in the lot. . M
- Embroidery Edges, 5* M
Furnishings ed; bib and pocket. —regularly 10c.
► ————————————————— Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
: Remarkable Offering —I
► « .. plain black ; double heels and O / 0 ± Q.ITS WOtTIGTI S
301111113, 63t]16rSj Men's Flannel Shirts, 91 — In A Friday Event, Head I
; To-morrow at $4.49 ■
$9.50 Duntley "1915 Special" sun., 1
and $7 Torrington "Model K" regularly $1.00; coat style; I '
► Regardless of the fact that certain stores have soft am ? Btarch , ed cuffs; m , ad - Q1 Q Q * ■
y sold them for less than the standard $9.50 and ras percales; in broken tf} M. C w * CJili
► $7.50 prices respectively, it is also true that they lines - ....
y have never sold at such a low price as Boys' Coat Sweaters, 1 his offering is hi a class all by itself, because
► our special Friday price. —regularly 79c; maroon only we're offering seasonable $2.50 to $4.00 shoes,
m i • x- i —shawl collar, pockets. including high cuts; also low* button and lace ■
rhey arc combination sweeper and vacuum M>ii pI( ,„_ B i WM4N . B . aU(I C olonials at $1.29 pair. - ■
; ► cleaner. H
► mi •i • i.i ii. x n ±i i i . - - I Black, tan and white; welts and turns; desir- ■
The "1915 Special is the latest Duiitley model BOVS Clothing able styles; mostly all sizes. ■
embracing all the former features, and includes J ° i_ an on I
' a metal nozzle. Boys' Balmacaans and I'or Friday only $1.29. ■
► Both have rapidly driven brushes, and come Overcoats at sl.Bs—for- "'"'i l 'o"r— boanmax S. B
► in mahogany finish. merly $2.98 to $4.45; in strip- " j
► Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. E d, grey, brown and tan; all TOVS DomfiStlCS • I
K good models; sizes 3 to 9 XVyo II
' White Goods Friday Bargains rr. Nf , ka , .
: and Linens in Women's va^"l?» 10oacb,3, 3- £Si. s ligh . " attei ' nSi good I
T i • iTT • $2.98; patch pockets and sew- alue $4.9,). J
► Longcloth piece; reg- Wearing cd on belts; new models; Building Blocks, 23<- Unbleached Canton Flan-1
, ularly 7oc; 30 inches wide; sizes 6to 15 years. value 49c. ne - yd.-regularly 10c; ■
, -hamois finish;lo- y a. lengths. Apparel Boys' Corduroy Trousers Jointed and Kid Body cut from fuU pieces; good|
Limit, 2 pieces to a customer. „ xrousers, „ Q , , / nap.
tini*n 0., I . Two Black Serge Sailor 49^— formerly /9c and 8»e; Dolls,. 29^—values oOc to wwt« Flannel
, Plisse Crepe, yard- Dresses, at ?2.98-formerly in brown and tan, *1.20. • mite Flarael, yd.-
► regularly 12,0 c; .1 inches , $i5.00 ; sizes 11. and 15 years. Boys" Chinchilla Overcoats, Walking Animals and Stuff- .Jf ' al 0,3
wide; used especially for un- Fifteen Fall Suits, at $5, S2.4s—formerly $4.45 and ed Animals, 39^—values $1 ' . 1
Jerwear - 57.50 and $4.95 ; in grey and brown.' to $1.25. Unbleached Muslin 7
White Lawn, yd.— lv $20.00 and $25.00; can Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 7 a , regularly 10c; 4<
regularly 8c; full perfect easily be remodeled for inches wide; cut from ful
► pieces. spring. ""~~^"" pieces. '
► Friday ST* JS
► for its splendid wearing qual- . al ". ?' ' ' %{ vt , ' 71/f" JT* I » . _ J
► ities; short lengths; if in full velvet and satin, crepe de MailV t Idnrielette GOT- Feather Ticking, ydj
, pieces would sell at 22c yard chuie and charmeuse dmisea. xxu#«y ' ' 1 „ -regularly 2oc; blue an<
1 Kouse Dresses, at 69<^— £7* f white and fancy stripes; 31
► Table Cover 3, formerly $1.00; ginghams, ftTCFItS dL x \JC HjGLCiI inches wide; dust and feather
y 55^ —regularly $1.00; full percales and chainbrays; proof.
size; several patterns to se- sizes up to 46. An exceptional price, considering the quality and desir- Outine- Flannel «i/,* vd
lect from; just 72 in the lot. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. ability of the garments—following: —regularly 10c;' light ami;
Huck Towels, 11^—red """""Children's 29c Flannelette Rompers, 10<*—dark grey, dark colors; good lengths. 1
border; stamped for the U. and edged in red, and blue and white, and pink and white Pillow Cases, each—
S. A.; if perfect would sell . . striped, edged in white; sizes 2 to 6 years. regularly 10c and 12'/>c—
for 25c each. Halt linen. , Children S Misses'2sc Flannelette Petticoats, 10^ —neat pink and bleached, 42x36 and 45x36'
► Face Cloths, each rcg- , TTri A o-rtrro a f white, blue and white and grey and white stripes, with inches.
► ularly sc; white with colored U UU.CJL WCdX flounce, scalloped at bottom. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
' to°mir rS ' Limit ' WlO a CUS " Underwear, at Children's 29c Flannelette Skirts, without w .
' Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. -Wl panN-" nledhnn 'and bodies others with muslin bodies; pink, blue and white; KltchenWareS
► ________ ? pants, medium ai a embroidered ruffles and neat stripes ot pink and blue. . _,. . „
heavy weight; white and Punch Polish Mop, 98£ —
Ar+TinPTKi peeler color. Second Floor BOWMAN'S. value $1.25; including quart
Children's Knit Under- ——————— ———^———— 0 f p U n C h oil; equipped with
► Round Doilies, 19c—regu- skii'ts, 17^ —regularly 25c; _ • , - p. the wonderful improvement
larly 29c; 15-inch size; lace sizes 3 to 16 years; seconds. ijOOCIS IjlaSSWaiTe in mops—"any angle" han
► trimmed, embroidered, with Women's Fibre Silk Hose, R . Leather Hand Bacrs Colonial Glass Sherberts, die.
drawn work center. 39< pr. regularly 50c; value 50c ■ fitted with 50<* doz.—regularly 65c. Aluminum Berlin Kettle,
Round Centers, 50£— re- plain black, double soles; mirror and purse. Blown Water Tumblers, 69^—value 98c; with cover,
ularly sl.( 0; 28-inch sizej j wide garter tops. Odd Lot of Leather Bags, doz.—regularly 60c; Towel Bars, 23^-regu
► scalloped edge; embroidered | Main Floor bow MAX S. in blue only frosted bands. larlv 49c; nickel-plated; 15,
I | Clearing oat Chi.- J,•£-»£;, '^iT,
► and black, chain han- Punched Bra. Pen Dirtcs, | »*-«.«. oval
► insertion UoHllCtS 3«ncl Cs<ps, 3/t dies. 60^ —regularly .)Bc. shape. f
► Battenbure-Centers 121/ Formerly SI.OO Black Velvet Bags, 19£— Brushed Brass Jardinieres, 1 Galvanized Pails, —
. regularly ?9c • 18-inch size ! to $1.50. value 50c; fitted with mirror. 89^—regularly $1.25. regularly 15c; 10-qt. size.
Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. ' ! Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Basement—BOWMAN'S. | Basement—BOWMAN'S.
A**AA A A A A *
Modesty of Bach
From the time wiheu Bach was so!
fortunat* as to receive the appoint-1 >
ment of organist at Arnstadt, with an | '
animal salary of S7O to SBO, his de- j '
sires were apparently fulfilled. lie! i
sought for no higher post, and only i
wheu a new one was offered him did lie j l
accept it thankfully as a gift of I'rov- | j
idence. In every new position it was j ]
his only asipiration to do his duty faith
fully, and, accordingly, he made his j
gifts serve his place, so that as an or- 1
ganist he composed organ pieces; as the i
Weiinar chapelmaster, psalms and sa- !
cred cantatas and chamber music, and ! ]
as the musical director of fche St. Tim- i i
otlhy school, his great polyphonic, diffi- .
cult vocal works. Kings and princes j i
not infrequently commanded him to !
play to them He did their will mod- i
estly and, fully satisfied, returned to
his simple home. He must have known
that he was the greatest organ vir
tuoso in the world, and at that time a
great master of tlhis instrument was
well rewarded. He was highly es
teemed in France, England and Hol
land, bfcti was never known to express
the wish of setting his foot on foreign
soil.—Johann Friedrich Rochiltz.
Ocean Cables
The uliameter of the Atlantic cable
varies according to the depth of the i
water, the character of the bottom on |
which it lies and the probabilities of ■
interference from anchors. It is small- i
est in midocean depths. There is lit- i
tie or no movement at the hottoiri, and
it is important that thf cable should
not have great weight. A heavy ca
ble in deep water would be difficult to ,
bring up for repairs if such were neod- i
ed. In the shallow water a heavier
type of cable is used. The types are :
known as "shore end," "intermedi
ate" and "deep sea." The diameters
of the commercial cables are: Shore
end, two and three-quarter inches; in
termediate, one and three-quarter
inches; deep sea, one inch.
He Was Acquainted
The visitor to the links at Hayseed
on-the-Mud had had the oW'ost cad.lie
in the district allotted to him as his
beast of burden.
"Well,' said the visitor, "as you
have been living in the neighborhood so
many years I suppose you know all the
ins and outs of this placet"
"Oh, yes, sir—at least. 1 am quite
familiar with the inns," replied the
caddy.—London Telegraph.
The Absentminded Beggar
Teacher —What did the handwriting]
on the wall say? Johnny—You ha,ve 1
been weighed in the balance and found h
wanting. Teacher —And what does that <
meant Johnny—That he forgot to drop
a penny in the weighing machine slot.
—Philadelphia Ledger.
One Case
"Can you give me a single instance
where the less was made to contain
the greater?''
"Oh, yes. I've seen a big woman
make herself small enough to go
through her husband's pockets.'' —Bal-
timore American.
The Informant
"I never knew until last night what
a bright fellow Mr. Fiddle wit is."
"H'm! How did you find it out
then f''
"He told me."—Judge.
Fruit of Sterility
Stranger—Do those fields over there
ever raise anythiingt Native —Yep;
they raise that same question in the
mind of everybody who sees them. —
Chicago Post.
Turning Back the Clock
Butcher—Well, ver know, mum,
meat's very dear to-day. Mrs. Gufbbina i
' —Ho! Then gimme a pound o' yester
day 'B steak, please. —Sydney Bulletin.
Most of us are afraid sometimes, and <
to be brave in spiie of our fear is to ,
show a true courage.
The 3iack
In 1730 six companies of Highland
ers were raised for the protection of
Edinburgh, nnd the following year
were consolidated into n regular regi
ment. the Highland regiment, nnd
were numbered the Forty-second. On
becoming amalgamated the colors on
their tartans were extracted, leaving
only the dnrt green ground as a tar
tan. and from this they took the title
of the "Bla?k Wntch."—New York
I count him n great man who inhab
Its n higher sphere of thought, into
which other men rise with labor ant'
k kiss In time saves trouble.—Lou
ton Standard.
• ' /
Music Lovers Will Have Opportu
to Hear Her in This City
The appearance o Miss Lucy Mj
the noted soprano in soug recital at
Technical High school auditorium
the evening of March 18, will be on
the musical treats of the season. I
Miss Ol'arsh, whose reputation
concert platform is very firmly ii
lished, has successfully resisted
lure of the operatic stage despite
number of alluring opportunities
have been held out to her to win
tinctiou in that province. No one
listens to her faultless singing can
feel that she is unquestionably bor
fulfill the higher artistic requirem
of artistic singing. Her voice is a
soprano, of unusual compass and I
volume. Vocal teachers consider it
of the loveliest voices now before
An opportunity to hear Miss Mi
is very rare indeed. Her appear!
in this city is pnder the personal
rection of Miss Mary Corbett for
benefit of Bethlehem Lutheran chn
Seat sale opened to-day at the J,
I Troup Music House, 15 South Ma
square. Ad'