The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 04, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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m 'X
r oong Girls Attend Sunday Evangelis
tic Services in Philadelphia
fecial Correspondence.
Hershey, March 4. —P. N. Kasson is
raasacting business at Cleveland, 0.,
nd in New York State.
M. S. Hershey returned from Atlau
1c City.
The Rev. O. G. Rombi, of Tower
Sty, is spending several days with his
auiily at this place.
Mrs. Violet Freed, of Lebanon Val
rg College, -sjient a few days with her
•rents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Nisslev.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. R. Warrie spent
everal days in New York City.
S. D. Clark, manager of the Hershey
tore, delivered an address in the Pnit
d Brethren church, at Pnion Deposit.
F. B. Snavely transacted business at
Mrs. J. E. Snyder is spending a week
rith friends iu Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. W.- R. Lithicer, of
leading. spent several days with their
wo sons, J. B. and W. B. Lithicer, at
bis pla^e.
J. M. Braudau and Simon S. Kitter
ng attended the State Y. M. C. A. cou
entioai at Johnstown.
Misses Alice Elder.
Idna Adams and Mabel Hurley attend
d the Billy Sunday meetings at Phil
Jaek Machen, a student at I Lebanon
alley College, and former member of
he Hershey baseball nine, visited
riends at this place.
Irs. B. F. Duncan Gave Linen Party
Friday Evening
>peciat Correspondence.
Duncannon. March 4. —Mrs. Nelson
leigler, of Harrisburg, is spending
ome time with her parents, Mr. and
Irs. William Page.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Harper spent
londay with friends in Harrisbniiy. i
Mrs. William Owen entertained the
'rescent Bible class of the M. E. Sun
ay school on Monday evening.
William Hart, of Harrisburg, is
pendiug some time with friends here.
Mrs. B. Style* Duncan gave a linen
hower at. her home oil Front street.
,-,.,,,,1 \i;*c
Leader in Fine Tailoring „
22 South Fourth Street
Easter ;
;u v is April fourth 5 :
# f ~ 1'
Why not place your ortier for SPRING •
' CLOTHES NOW and have them tailored v
• | to order in ADVANCE of that festal day?
s 2 °.° o to $50.00. X y' *' '
More Time We Have
j - i . . v
Miriam Jenkyn, whose engagement to
: Richard G. Miller, of Chicago, was re
| centlv announced.
The funeral of D. Harry Garner, who
| died after a lingering illness of one
vear, was held on Saturday afternoojv
I in the M. E. church, the Rev. W. W.
! Sholl, officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Depugh. of
! Bloomfteld, Su mi ay with their
| son, Allen. High street.
' Funeral of James B. Leiby Held Yes-)
terday Morning
i Special Correspondence. '
Newport, March 4.—The funeral |
1 services of James B. Leiby, who died'
on Sunday evening from tuberculosis of
the luugs, were held yesterday morning
: at 10.30 o'clock at the house. The Rev.'
I .1. M. Runkle conducted the services. .
'The interment was made in the New-;
: port cemetery.
The town council at its regular meet |
' ing cancelled 12,200 wdrth of sewer J
| bonds. v
W. 11. Smith spent the beginning of!
I the week in Harrijtvurg.
J. C. Baker, of Donallv Mills, is vis-i
! iting hie sou, Jolin Baker.
Miss Stella Kling. of near Elliotts-1
| burg, sijH'ut last week with her sister, j
Mrs. J. A. Jackson.
Miss Nell Kough is vftiting friends j
I I in Berwick.
Miss Ada Hnrtzell, of Harrisfourg,!
! spent last with A. W. Kongh and I
family in this place.
. j Mrs. Frank Lehman and son. Rob-j
' ert, of Bristol, are visiting the former's
' I mother, Mrs. Gibson Fickes.
Congressman-elect B. K. Focht, of j
i the 'Seventeenth district, has resigned ;
i as a member of the State Water Sup-;
| plv Commission, as his term as t on- 1
i gressman begins to-day.
Amos Yountr, a Former Resident, Dies
at Harrisburg
Social Oorr«snoni'enc«
i West Fairview. March 4.—Amos;
Youutz died at his home in Ibirrisburg, I
227 North street, of hardening of the i
arteries and kidney trouble, aged about I
l>s years. He formerly resided here and I
moved from West Fairview to Harris i
burg three years ago. Funeral services <
will be conducted at his late home in!
Harrisburg by the Rev. A. G. W<)ff, I
of this place, this evening, and the 're- i
mains taken to Columbia for interment 1
to-morrow morning. I
Edward Stiles is slowly improving
from an attack of the grip.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Sterner announce
the birth of a great-grandson. Ralph ,
L>ester Harvey, and a grandson, John
Turner Sleirthter.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Miller nnd son, !
Kermit, of New Cumberland, and Amos
Stiles, of llarriaburg, were guefcts of
Daniel Stiles.
Mrs. Howard McAfee visited Mr. aud
Mrs. Harry Armstrong, at Lancaster. 1
An interesting jtrayer meeting was
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben- '
ner. Third street, Monday evening, at- '
tended by thirty persons. I
Mrs. H. 8. Swartr. and Mrs. Edward «
Kut/. were guests of the Rev. D. M. '
Oyer, at Enola. i
Mrs. Harry tiamber. of Buncanuon, j
\ Gamber on Wednes- ! i
! day. \ I <
Mrs. Solomon Eckert. Mrs. Harry j
Shaull. Theodore Eslinger and Mrs. Dan- j I
iel Stiles attended the Mineral services '
; of Christian Bender, at Enola, Tuesday.! :
Mrs. Harry Bender visited her fa- j
ther. William Rice, at Mechaniesburg i
on Wednesday. |<
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eichelberger '
and daughter, of HarHsburg, visited!
his father, Edward Eichelberger, Sr.,!
i Tuesday. j '
I Mrs. Earl Wert?, visited her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Curry, at Ponbrook.!
Robert MeCombs moved his house- '
; hold goods and tracerv store to the t
house owned by John Witmer on North
j Third street, yesterday.
Revival in Methodist Church Claims
Many Conversions
j Sppclnl Correspondence.
Dauphin, March 4. — Mrs. George ;
Taylor entertained at her home on Erie ! 1
| street at dinner on Sunday. Dinner j
! was served to Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Me-
I Kissick and daughter, Viola; Mr. and j
' Mrs. George Taylor, Miss June Bickel,
and Randall Bickel.
An interesting revival is in progress!;
in the Methodist Episcopal church, the
. pastor, the Rev. F. J. S. Morrow, is in ;
charge. Several conversions have taken j
place A >fiiartet from the Coxestown
Methodist Episcopal church will render
j special music to-uiorrow evening.
The Mite Society of the Pre shy :
| terian church met at the home of Mrs. | i
George (iilday on Tuesday evening. Aft-: <
ef the regular business was transacted
refreshments were served.
Daniel Rissinger moved to CMark's
Ferry on Monday. Mr. Rissinger has!.
been promoted to assistant section fore
man of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Westminster Presbyterian Men'* Asso
ciation Hold Annual Banquet
Special Coiyespondence.
Miffliutown, March 4.—.Mr. andjMrs.
Leonard spent Sunday at Beninffnam.
Misses Alma Seiber and Hazel Anker
spent the week-end in Laneater.
TJie Meu's Association of the West
minster Presbyterian ahurch held its
annual banquet in the diuiug room of
the church last (Monday evening. Dr.
James B. Sly. president of the Lemon
Hill Men's Association, Philadelphia,
gave a very interesting address.
Miss Alice Orubb is visiting friends
in Harrisliurg, Sclinsgrove and Phila :
delphia. .
Mrs. Wilbur Crumbier has returned
to her home in Steelton after a week's
visit with her, parents, Mr. and 'Mrs.
Stewart Gilts.
Mrs. .Mary Jacobs, of Philadelphia,
is visiting her daughter. Miss Rebecca
Jacobs, who is a teacher in the Mif
-1 dintown High school.
Misses Jane and Tillie Louden, of
Miffliutown. and Mrs. May lloodfellow,
of Hollidaysbuig, have returned home
from a two months' visit with relatives
in Cleveland, Ohio, accompanied by
their cousin. Miss Edith Vansweriiiger.
Miss Mary Pannebaker, of Phillips
burg, on her way to Philadelphia,
stopped for a week's visit with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Misses Evelyn Schwoyer and Eliza
bath North spent Saturday in Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. A. Allison and Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Robison who have
made their home in Philadelphia during
the winter, have returned to town for
the summer.
The Rev. John 0. Ely, who attended
a class reunion at Princeton the past
week, stopped in Philadelphia and at
tended the Billy Sunday meetings.
Scott Mcl.auglilan, of Port Royal,
spent Friday with his daughter, Mrs.
Charles Pinnefrock.
Mrs. Charles Stahl, of Lcwistown,
made a visit to her father, Dr. I. T.
Andrews. Third street.
Mrs. Charles Mayer is visiting this
week in Philadelphia.
D. L. Snyder attended the fnueral
of his uncle. Dr. Jacob Snndoe, at Cin
cinnati. Ohio.
The Royal Arcanum held its banquet
Tuesday evening. The principal speaker
was the Rev. Mr. lUingworth. grand
chaplain of the organization. The Revs.
( 28, 30 and 32 North Third Street
Will Place on Sale for Friday
25 Ladies' and Misses' Suits $22.50
New Spring styles—authentic in both the coat and the skirt —styles that
can be depended upon—in black, navy and new Spring shades of elegant pure
serge, gabardine and poplin; these suits are actual $27.50 and $29.75 values.
Special at $22.50
' i
Corset Sale T °- morrow Blouses $2.95
SB.OO and SIO.OO values, . <£2 95 Fully 100 different styles in plain
$5.00 and s(>.oo values, .. QBJ crepes and stripes—actual values
$2.00 and $3.00 values, .. 95 c H°o and $5.00. Always special at
$1.50 values, 69c Schleisner's, $2.95
Messrs. Morgan nml Ely also made
short addresses. J. Howard Neely pre
sided at the table. The Ladies' Aid So
eiety furnished the banquet, which was
tine. . r-
' Derry Council No. 10, Jr. O. U. A. M.,
to Attend Churclf Services
Special Correspondence
Huranielstown, March 4.—The Rev.
Scott R. Wagner, pastor of the Second i
Reformed church. Heading, con duct o !
the Lenten services in the He forme I I
church last evening. The services !
were weH'attended and n verv interest-j
ing sermon was delivered by Mr. Wag
ner. The .Re* Robert A. liausch, pas-1
tor of the local church, conducted the!
services in the Second Reformed !
"church, Reading, iast evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Oorrander and
children, of Clark's Summit, are guests \
of Mrs. C6rrai:der's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Shearer.
Joseph 10aHoy has returned front a
trip to Florida, where he spent the past
six weeks at various coast resorts.
The members of Deny Council No.
40, Jr. O. U. A M., will attend the
services in the First United Brethren 1
church on Sunday evening, March 21.
The members will meet at Jr. O. V. A.
M. hall at 7.15 o'clock and proceed in
a body to the church.
Mrs. Elias Earnest spent yesterday
with her daughter, Mrs. Oscar 80-bbs,
at Harrisburg.
Mrs. Clayton Swope visited her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, at
Swatarn Station yesterday.
J. E. Kipp Entertained Relatives From
Philadelphia .Recently
SprKn I Car.-esponde.acK_
Millersitown, March 4.—Mr. and
Mrs. Hill Slatrttertjaeh, of
speut Sunday with relatives in this |
W. I. Stakes, of Biain, visited :
Janics Roonslev on '''ucjdav,
Gilbert Riekrha/'gli h?s returned ,
W^7 h l <,e fr i 0 !! °' aDd thr of John D. Rockefeller. Andrew Cametfe,
Cornelius \*nderb« aj>d othera of New York city's prominent dm® was frustrated when detectlvea foiled an attempt
KZ? up ta T* ar «- «* —«•-«* nm N ow V " SS
."f* «■»*»»■ rf P«» h. tte'CMMX wta. .be wltl fine aputterins. waa cart
toto tbe Jngt to frrgrt of the altar. A iMflodraraaJi- [iase i» tl* airost of ib,- plotter* was the dasuise mi
an eHkuity nsuflc-
home from a three weeks' trip to east
' ern cities.
Miiss Salome Rhoads is visiting her.
brother, L. K. Rhoads, at Knousetown,
| Juniata county.
! Mr. ami Mrs. Clarence Kipp> Phil
adelphia', were entertained at the home
of J*. O. K rpp, on Sunday. I
Raymond Howe and wife, have
moved from J. (J. Brandt's house to .1.
K. Kverhart's house in the East End.
Miss Ada Myers, of Thompson town,
spent Sunday with the Rev. C. V.
1 Himes and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Bair Give Party in
Daughter's Honor
Special Correspondence.
New Cumberland, March 4.—Mr.
and Mrs. F. -B. Bair, Third street, gave
a party on Tuesday evening in honor
of their little daughter, Delia's 71h
birthday anniversary. After enjoyable
games and music refreshments were
served to the following little guests:
Sara Gray, Helen Atland, Catherine
I'ptegraph, Mary. Seaman, Beatrice Con
ley, Lillian Kit/miller, Cora Kit/miller,
Florence I'rowell, Mary Prowell, DoN
otliy litfkley, Mildred Baker, Anuie
Westhaver, Fairy Bair, Julia Kohler,
Florence Breeee, Naomi Uptegraph,
Delia Bair. Those who assisted in en- !
tertaining were Mrs. N . P. Bair, Miss |
Bessie Dugan, Mrs. John Frank, Ross
Funk, Clarence Prowell, Misses Ethel i
Kilhetfer, Kstlier Bowers, Almeda Verna
Bair. Clarke Bair, \lr. and Mrs. F. B. i
The Sunday school class of Mrs. Ed
ward Westenhaver. "Followers of
Ruth," was entertained by Miss Lena j 1
Lant:'., one of the members, at her home
at Hillside Tuesday evening. They ivero
Mrs. Westenhaver. Florence Garver, J
Florence Kaufman, Gertrude Watts,;
Mary Wright. Margery Oren, Miriam
Lenhart, Elizabeth Tritt, Myra Shees- 1 '
ley. Jeanette Hoft'man and Lena Lantz. i
Miss Bertlia U'hye, Miss Knnna Wal
ton and John Whye, of Middletown, i j
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer |
Sunday on Sunday.
Mrs. W. W. Zimmerman, of this |
place, and Mrs. J. H. Curry, of liar-j
risburg, spent yesterday with friends in
Mrs. J. Bitterinan, of Harrisburg,
was the guest of Miss Phemio Mover
Mr. and Mrs. William Hutchison, of
Baltimore, are guests of the Rev. and
'lMrs. J. R. Hutchison, Reno street.
Mrs. Given, of Harrisburg, visited
her aunt, Mrs. Catherine ■Cook, yester
Miss Janet ReitV. a student of Dickin
son College, is spending a few days at
her home on Third street.
Mrs. F. C. Willis, of Harrisburg,
spent Wednesday with Mrs. 11. W. Line
Mrs. Hykes, of York county, visited
her sisters, Mrs. Ira Schell and Mrs,
Kate Snyder, this week.
Ten Years' Misery Ended
J. T. Chambers, merchant, Jonesboro,
Ark., writes: "Foley Kidney Pill?
cured uie of a ten-year standing case of
rheumatism. I suite red miserably. A
friend told me of being cured; so I
used them, and they cured me, too."
Most middle-aged men and women are
glad to learn that Foley Kidney Pills
afford a way to escape sleop disturbing
bladder weakness, backache, rheuma
tism, pulliness under eyes, stiff and
swollen joints, and other ills attributed
to kidney troubles. Geo. A. Gorgas,
16 North Tlnrd street. —Adv.
Lenten Organ Recital
The third in the series ot' Tauten
organ recitals at St. Stephen's church
will be given by Alfred C. Kuschwu
next Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock.
Mrs. E. J. Decevee will sing/'Jerusa
lem, Thou That Fillest the Prophets,''
by Mendelssohn.
"Hear My Prayer" to Be Sung
At the 4.30 o'clock Vesper service
nex.t Sunday the choir of St. Stephen's
church will sing Mendelssohn's Motet,
"Hear My Prayer," and it is in this
number that the well known "O for tho
Wings of a Dove" appears. Master
Harry Etter will be the soloist.
Printed at thin office in best style, at
lowest prices and on short n^Lce.