The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 04, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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Rare Specials That Bring Substantial Savings to Friday Shoppers
No Friday Specials Black Dress Goods Women's Hose , * SI.OO to $1.95 Royal $1 Couch Covers, 89* Fancy Linen Covers Boys' Raincoats
Sent C 0 D or Mail or 750 blai'k Canton crepe. Supporters Waists, 50* sl.ooßoman striped couch 98c drawn work scarfs, Boys' rubberized raincoats,
Special Friday only, yard, Women's and children's Waists in voile, soft finish covers in red, preen. Fringed shams and covers. Special sizes 6, 8 and 10 ycars, $1.50
'Phone Orders Filled. 55* 25c and 50c hose supporters; cambric, Persian lawn, or- a " around. Special Friday only, 69* value. Specia»
85e black serge, 48 inches. slightly imperfect elastic. gandy and crepe, semi-tailor- only, »J* tr Dives Pomerov & Stewart
Special Friday only, yard, Special Friday only, 5* ed with soft collar or low a Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart street Floor Rear U Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewiirt.
. , 69* tv Dives, Pomeroy A Stewar., neck and flat turn-over col- Third Floor Three Elevators Second Floor, Rear—3 Elevators.
Men S Pajamas ana $1,215 black serge, ;>t \ Street Floor. lar. None exchanged. Rcgu- —————————» ~
Night Shirts inches. Special Friday only, ——————«——— ' ,u ' sl-00 to $1.95 values. Fri- T ._ ral _ T _ o-..,..!.
50c muslin night shirts, V- yard, 98* , tia >' onl y> $1 Lace Curtains, 69* _ f Specials Boys' Corduroy Suits
co7l»r to £'s II to Spe'l w„"' Fridl'v ™lv "•»*« « Shoes, $1.65 «'•«? N.tttogh.™ I.e. cup- toitto'l "JtSZ' emblems! Boys' Oliver Twist Cord,,.
■— Sl '::' a ! F " da> ..& .«.»p. nt; o l , sk„, B S p,,„, Fri,...10, ™4f u £ s ,'T^
h&SCSugS £2.00 block broadoloth, M SfffcaSCUttS 75c Rompers 500 - P»-X& <>">" £2* "•» fc*
and helio, frog trimmed. Spe- inch , eS ' Special Friday only. ?1.65 75(5 Rompers, 50 * «» Dive.. Pomeroy & Stewart. l sr on\y, •• •: 175
Cial Friday only $1.19 >' ard 9 1 - 69 Dive., Pomeroy & Stewart Rompers in blue and white Th.rd Floor-Three Elevator,. 50c slipper buckles. Spe- Pomeroy
f $1.50 black silk crepe, 40 Street Floor. striped seersucker, white pip- I——————————» cial Friday only 19* Second Floor, Rear—3 Elevators.
Tradesmen S Aprons inches. Special Friday only, —J ing trimmed. Regular price, 25e brilliant brnnehU «»,! •
25c heavy white aprons yard, 95* 75c. Special Friday only $2.50 Pattern Cloths, ' beauty pins. Special Friday , d>c „ . ~~
with black stripes and «r Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, > a>o ka qv, c SUC «IKQ only 15* Boys' $5 Suits, $2.95
checked gingham With Street Floor, Front. Boys $2.50 Snoes, Pomeroy & Stewart * 25c and 50c nail files but- Boys' $5 00 grej diagonal
Special Friday Only, 12V 2 * $1.25 Seecd Floor-Three Elevators. P atte ™ table cl ° th > ton hooks , baby rattles etc worsted and Scotch mixed
*1.50 white and cheeked all linen, good designs, bpe- !" xt..-*..,! o
bntchers' coats, sizes to 50 $2.00 patent colt shoes- cial Friday only 91.69 Special Friday only, ... 10* Norfolk suits, siz.s 8, 16
inches. Special Friday only, Lining Specials made 011 11H1TOW toe las,s tar Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. 50c black buckles and belt ana 11. opeciai r naa> oni>
Si.l 9 - with Goodyear welted soles. Colored DreSS Goods street Floor, Rear. P ins - Special Friday only, .
Ooc black satin sleeve- 25c black satine, 36 inches Special Friday only, $1.25 Shepherd checks 4° * s * es> romero y & Stowart.
holders with adjustable wrist. wide. Special Friday only, tar Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart im-hes wide. Special Friday *»" Dives Pomeroy ft Stewart, Second Floor, Rear—3 Elevators.
Special Friday 0n1y,... 19* yard, .........B* . Street Floor. only, yard 48* Linen Naukins. 18*
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 29c navy moire, 30 inches —————————— $1 fancy Shepherd checks, r . , , , . n, , « j
Glen's Store, Street Floor. wide. Special britiuv only, inches wide two stvles. Linen damask napkins, -l DI6II S Corduroy
yard 25* Misses' $1.75 Shoes, $1 Special Friday 'oiify, yard, m ' l^h^ S Boys'Hats, 25* Trousers
o-Dives, Pomeroy 4 Stewart $1'.75 tan calf high-cut but- B ®* dal Friday only, each" . .18* About 2 dozen odd styles Men's $2.00 and $2.50
Toilet Goods Street Floor. ton shoes—made on high toe Sac serge; 48 inches wide, • * s . w „ r . and sizes boys' winter hats b rcnv n and drab corduroy
lasts with stitched soles. Spe- all wool, m navy only.'Spe- c! E ' and caps, including a few f
ur I I trousers, sizes 32 to 4C waist I
Assorted lot of talcum cial Friday only, SI.OO cial Friday only, yard, 69* ' polos m small sizes. Special Special Friday only, 51.65
form -Vlv" UV % lV' Sheetinff and Muslin Dives, Pomerov & Stewart $1.5!) silk crepes. 40 inches 1- ridav only 25£ I'T Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
formeriylOc, lac and feneeting ana MUSIin 'g treet n - oor wide, in shades of navy, ; ; rrDives, Pomeroy & Stewart Second Floor, Rear—3 Elevators.
bpeeial rTiaay cy,•• •• • t 25c unbleached sheeting, brown, green and Oopenhag- Ribbon Specials Fourth Street Aisle. .1
40c chamoisine. Special 214 yards wide. Special Fri- en. Special Friday only, y;iL , . rt . t ... , : n „u oa __
Friday only, day only, yard 22c Children . s $1 25 Shoes yard ' 95 ° wide, assorted colors, values Stationery Specials
20e chamoisine. Special 10c unbleached muslin, 39 Uttlldren S bnoes, $1.50 silk crinkle crepe, 40 „ pt ol9e Special Friday Lacp Sneriak opeciaiS
Friday only, 10c inches. Special Friday only, 9i* inches wide, in navy only. only, yard 10* 500 P a P er or 8 with
26c Tu-80-Lax. Special yard 7C $1.25 patent colt button . Special Friday only, yard. Satin taffeta ribbons, y 4 initials, not all initials in the
Friday only, ..........15* trDives, Pomeroy & Stewart dioes—made on wide toe lasts _ 7J) ° and y 2 inches wide, in blue, ivil lot. Special Friday only, 25*
25c Laxative Cold Tables. Street Floor, Rear. with stitched soles, sizes 7to $1.25 serge, 50 or 54 inches pink and cardinal, 5-yard ' ,'' " trDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Special Friday only, .. .17<? - 11. Special Friday only, 97* wide, shade of navy. Special pieces. Special Friday only, '' street Floor, Rear.
50c Dora Face Powder. - trDives, Pomeroy & Stewart Friday only, yard 98* piece, ....7* All over shadow and onen-
Special Pri.lay only, ... 10c Sheet and PiUow Case • t.Divw, Pomeroy Stewart !w- vlea. Toedal FriSw
e„wL* D Sets Vas »"'?•. >« rJ Book Specials
10r $4.00 and $4.50 sets of em- Mnclin Oown*; *af Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Dives, Fomeroy & Stewart Lowney's Cook Book, full
20c and 25c Tooth Powder hroidered and hemstitched » V Street Floor. p m hrAM««F Qwiamolq Street Floor. page color illustrations. S^e
and Paste. Special Friday sheet and pillow cases— Muslin gowns, high neck, - rjluoroictery opeciaiS ———————— cial Friday only 19*
only, 10c 1 sheet, 81x99 inches. long sleeves, neat ruffle trims Batiste embroidery inser- Velasquez, Romney and
ur Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. , 2 iases. 45x36 inches, and . sieves. White Goods tions ' 2to 5 inches wide, in Knitted and Crocheted Reynolds, 16 full page color
Street Floor, Front. „ ■ . Vrulnv nnlv r rnlay only, AoC beautiful lace patterns, for- Mn/lola illustrations, originally pub
-1 '" <R° <)8 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 89c English longcloth, 10 merlv> 29c and 39c. Special lished at $5.00. Special Fri
mmm_^_ n ~ s Second Floor—Three Elevators. varils to a piece. Special t ri- Friday only, yard, 19* Slightly soiled sample day only,
Qr>oni-il<! in " sVreet °Floor—Rear — day only, piece, 49* Swiss embroidery ruffled pieces made of fine woolen tsDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
maay specials in 2 - (< plain white voi j ei 40 flouncing, 27 inches wide, yarns. Street Floor, Rear.
the Carpet Section Crene Gowns inches wide; fine quality for good patterns. Values to 39c. Children's 75c toques. Spe- -
on , ... c _ . , ' ', . dresses and waists. Special Special Friday only, yard, sial Friday only, 25* '
30c and 3.x; matting Spe- Notion Specials Crepe gowns, low neck, ki- Friday only, yard, ... 1214*
• eial Friday only, yard, *3s r mono sleeves, laee edge trims \n over Swiss emhroiderv nnlv OO wumen s wic».aes.
40c rubber door mats. Spe- n °° l s •* 1 -',^ a ( , " neek and sleeves. Regular 17c white pajama cheek, 36 gl inches wide former price d:i -nt 'iv ,# i Regular and Large Sizes
cial Friday only 23 r oncard. Pnday 5 „. t-fi.U.v in«h« wide goo.l quality or „ p 39c SpSS; ♦««» and M 8.50 black
39c wool and fiber rugs. ca f a ' on lv rompers, underwear ami ath- 12 i/,* on i y .' ''\ " V I ? ®f and taupe velvet dresses in
Special Friday only, ...23c , oo ar stays «. Dives . l>omeroy & stowart lot*, suits. Special Friclay • - 7oc baby caps. Special Fn- sizo 38; tailored style with
35c remnants oil cloth. Spe- °" lj ' 2 **s* Second Elevators. 011 £ V V'" I Street Floor. VV**« '' '• \ , braid
ninl Fridav only 23<* Fnglisli nainsook, 36 $4.00 jackets. Special tri- Special Friday only, ?7.50
• T an s iik shoe laces, 30 —««IZ inches wide, tine quality for day only, $2.00 $16.50 navy and black com
. ,'^_- J 0l ' 0a i°° r ' S " iciU inches. Special Friday only, . underwear. Remnant length. taf Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, bination satin and poplin
cial Friday only, pair> Royal Waists, 25* Special Friday only, yd.. 8* Basement Specials street Floor. dresses; sizes 36 to 44. Spe
20c rubber stair treads, 9x Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Royal tailor-made white 19c plain white ratine, 28 69c "No Mar" dust absorb- ——— cial Friday only, ... .$7.50
K inches. . pecial t Street Floor, Front. linen waists, medium tucks inches wide. Special Friday ing mops with detachable . Di . ve ,®; Pom ® r . oy & ■ Sto ™* rt
onl - v ; 16C trims front, laundered collar only, yard 7* handles. Special Friday only, TnrW«h TW>l« Second Floor-Three Elevators.
15c rubber stair treads, .x aI1(] , nffs Regular price 2:>r linen lawn, 36 inches 25 < -a\ ♦ 7t i-i ~
inches. Special Fru ay Purses and Pocket Friday cmly, wide, extra good quality. of brown and Towels's^da"Friday Misses' Suits
om y> v -j , Special Friday onlv, yd., 19* white mixing bowls. Special ' njl JM.ISSeS oUIIS
Dives Pomeroy & Stewart BOOKS «"Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart fer Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Friday only, 89 19c hemmed bleached Turk- $30.00 navy and black vel-
Floor—Three Elevators. Women s 2oc pocket books. Second Floor—Three Elevators. street Floor, Rear. 10c china sugar bowls. Spe- ish towels laree sizes Sne vet suits, size 16 years. Spe-
Special Friday 0n1y,,... 19* t . ia l Friday only, 5* Friday only, . 12V,* ' ial F«day only, ?7.50
Children's 50c imported 10e china cream pitchers. 25c hemmed Turkish tow- $12.50 to $20.00 navy,
Tabourets, 19* bead purses. Special Friday Cotton DreSS Goods In™™*™ Rpmnant* Special Fricfey only 5* els. Special Friday only, brown and black serge suits;
Tabourets 11 onl - v a P er y RemnantS ' 59c closet or commode 17* sizes 14, «) and 49. Special
xl 1-inch top' 17 orDive., Pomeroy & Stewart inches wkle Si ecial Fridav Remnants of 11 cto 2oe brushes. Special Friday only, 12% c red border huck tow- P "^ y - n
V inches h i <'b • Street Floor, Front. vai . i" P scrim, etamine, burlap and 33<! . els, 18x36 inches. Special Fri- $39.50 blue, serge suit;
.. . i ' —■————— l yard o t * other drapery materials. Spe- dav onlv 4 for size 34. Special t rulay only,
turned oak nil- v , , ... . ~, .. h 2oc all bristle clothes uay ouiy, t iox cio so
ish onlv one to loc Kden cloth, neat stripes tial Brida.V only, yard, . .9* , . Sneeial Fridav nnlv tar Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart r . "
1 i t S Women S $2.00 Slippers, on l y , yard H 0 Third Floor-Tlnee Elevator.. 10 * ________ Second Floor-Three Elevators.
I) J tialFuday onl\ SI.OO 5 yards floral lace shelf ————————
19* c . P on ?ce, colored oaccr. Snecial Fridav onlv. ————————— _—
"•Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart P atPn C « U « h PP erB " r ° l U ° d . B J figures. Spe- ' 2* Men's and Boys' Wear d>io RA tn <1525 00
Third Floor Thrift Fipvators with two and three instep cial Friday tonlv, vard,.. Women S Handksr- in ma r> i.* n , 0 - , , . , SIo.OU 10 SZO.w
Three Elevator,. halld turned so i eß . ."7 10c Glad Rag readv-to-use Boys 2oc blouse waists, c ats: $7.50
- slightly soiled. Special Fri- • , v . , 41flr^
onh- SI 00 ground with neat stripes for Hemstitched cross-bar day only 5* day only Women's and misses $18.50
Bleached Sheets, 25* pime'roy & sTewart men s shirts. Special Friday Swiss handkerchiefs. Special 19 folding ironing Boys' white hemstitched to $5t0.00 n-ov|lty weave a)nd
c , . , , eDnes, Pomeroy & Stewart only, yard, 12 1 -* Friday onlv 3 for s<? boards. Special Friday only, handkerchief. Special Fri- solid color coats, sizes 16 to
f n Lcn ' h.„f „ .. , "f day only, f« p . !..... 10<? 40. 5 ,.,c,.l Knclay »ly,
sneeis, i_x. incnes, onij. * and navy 011 white. Special i.„„, u:„f u V oii. M 9"i,. 98c galvanized covered ash Men s and boys 2oe scarf- J?
to a customer. Special In- Friday only, yard 10* - \ cans. Special Friday only, pins. Special Friday only, WDives Pomeroy & StewaH
dav onlv 25r -o • « • i " ' y eial Friday onlv, 15C r 47 F 1 Second Floor —Three Elevators.
flayom)l oc Brassiere Specials lSccrene: white wmmH _. _ 12 1 /-*
Pomeroy & Stewart brassieres lace ' > "eat rosebud design. Special D > v -. ome r o, ft Stewart gge 6 ft. step-ladder with 25c wide-end and knitted
Street Floor. Rear. nmhrnilrv trim, , ill ' Friday only, yard,...... 11* Street Floor. pail-shelf. Special Friday four-in-hand ties. Special ~
~cial Friday onlv, 95* stripes. Special Friday only, . '1 , ami - v leaves. •P' if Skirts Reduced
$1.25 Bed Spreads, 95* Onen front brassieres van! 12K* Lace Collars timt'V ' ■ 2oc wide lisle elastic sus- Regular $6.50 to SIO.OO
j.,,. , * , , , upen trout Drassieres, lace SI.OO hnder s safety razors penders. Special * r day only, vv and black serge and
-o s b? J cr ? spreads, or embroidery trimmed, large 0rt 1 . 2/ 2 c dress gingham, 21 to Women s lace collars, val- in leatherette boxes and ex- 18* ™ n Kn skirts • all this winter's
72x8/ inches. Special Fri- sizes. Special Friday only, 30 inches wide. Special Fn- ties to 50c. Special Friday * tra Wadeg> Special Friday Men's 10c pad garters. f ro m' regular stock.
'" y ' .....95* 25* aj only, yard 8* only 25* on ] yj Special Friday only, 5* Special Friday only, $3.95
D lv es. Pomeroy ft htewart, «<fi-Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart Pomeroy ft Stewart ta» Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart tifDivee, Pomeroy ft Stewart W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, tsr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart.
Street Floor Rear. Second Floor—Three Elevators. Street Floor. Street Floor. Rpsement. Street Floor. % Seeond Floor —Threo Elevators.
Speaker at Peace Mass Meeting Here
t Saturday Is An Expert
Dr. Alvin S. Johnson, a man who has
made a special study of the effect of
war on the prosperity of the people, will
be the principal speaker at the peace
mass meeting to be held on Saturday
evening at the Technical High school
Dr. Johnson b the author of the most
extensively-used text-book on ecouomics
in American alleges, and he has been
a frequent contributor to the technical
journals of economics and political
science. The fact that in the last two
years three articles from his pen .iave
appeared in the "Atlantic Monthly,"
will at once fix in the minds of the
public the respect which the word of
Dr. Johnson commands in the thinking'
In the field of the peace movement
three of the most significant editions of
the American Association for Interna
tional Conciliation, "The Cost of Anna
raent,'' "Commerce and War" and
"War and La'bor" are *he result of in
vestigations carried on by this noted
economist. At the present time Dr.
Johnson is in charge of a study of the
attitude of American labor towards
militarism. Although the results of this
investigation have not yet appeared in
print it is provable that Dr. Johnson
will have something specific to say
upon it on Saturday night.
Tried to Convert the Sultan
The first Englishwoman to have
speech with a sultan of Turkey was
Mary Fisher, a Quakeress, who, iu
1657, undertook to convert the com
mander of the faithful to Christianity.
She traveled by water to Smyrna and
i then tramped ty Odrianopie, about 600
miles away, where Mohammed IV. irat
encamped with his army. After many
attempts, Mary found some one bold
enough to tell the grand vizier that "a
jvoman was come who had something
to declare from the great God to the
sultan." He arranged for an audience
with his master, at which three drago
mans were in attendance as interpre
ters, and Mohammed was so impressed
with what he heard that, while unwill
ing to become a Christian, he desired
that Mary should stay in his domin
ions. When she insisted on returaing,
he offered her an eci-ort, adding, ''l
would not for anything that you should
come to the least hurt." She got bacq
safely to England and was honored
ever after among her fellow Quakers
as "she that spake to the Grand
Turk."—London Chronicle,
Russians Like "Paradise Lost."
How many English soldiers, one
wonders, have read "Parau'ise Lost?"
Mr. Maurice Baring, when in Russia,
found that nearly every soldier he met
knew it well. "When a few years ago
a schoolmaster in the Tairibor govern
ment told me that 'Paradise Lost' wis
the most popular book in the village li
brary," he writes, "I was astonished
and thought it an isolated instance.
At a fair in Moscow during passion
week * * * I noticed that there were j
five or six different editions ot transla- j
tions of Milton's poem, with illustra-1
tions, ranging in price from 12 rubles j
to 3J) kopeks, and while I was looking |
at once of them a moujik came up to:
me and advised me to buy it. ' It's j
very interesting,' he said. 'lt makes j
one laugh and cry.' * * * It is possible!
to purchase 'Paradise Lost' at almost;
every village booth."—London Grap-!
Making the Ghost Visible
Comparing the srtage conveniences of !
the present day with the makeshifts
existing a generation ago, Robert Mun- I
tell told of the inconveniences fff his
early experience as the ghost in "Ham
"One night I was playing the part of
the ghost," be says, "and as I was not
very certain of myself the stage man
ager had tihe lamps turned down un
usually low. As a matter of fact, they
were so low that while I was on the
stage they went out. Of course, they
had to be lighted again, and t.he stage
manager sent out a stage hand' to do
it. I had to remain where I was, and
the ghost's funeral lines were recited •
where a man in civilian clothes slowly
aftd painstakingly made his way across
the darkened- stage, lighting the lamoa
as he went.'