The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 04, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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Better Than Calomel,
Oil or Salt for Liver,
Bowels and Stomach
Mother, daddy and the children can
always keep feeling fine by taking this
delicious fruit laxative as occasion de
mands. Nothing else cleanses the
atomach, liver and bowels so thoroughly
without griping.
You take a little at night and in the
morning all the foul, constipated waste,
aour bile and fermenting food, delayed
in the bowels gently moves out of the
Henrietta D. Grauel
Handy Ways About the House
Victor Hugo wrote: "He who every
morning plans the transactions of the
day and follows out that plan, carries
a thread that will guide him through
the labyrinth of the most busy life.
"The orderly arrangement of his
time is like a ray of light darting
through all his duties. Where no plan
is made chaos will soon reign."
Oaring for highly polished furniture
5s no light task. The so-called polishes
that are sold often leave a clouded sur
face behind them that no amount of at
tention will remove. A silk duster or
it square of soft, old velvet will prove
the best dust-cloth and an oiled
chamois will give enough polish. These
chamois arc to be had from dealers
and they last a year or longer.
Scratches and bruises on piano or other
highly polished furniture cannot be re
moved but if you put a little vaseline
or any pure oil on the marred place it
■will disappear then the oil may be
To remove paint from glass or from
metal rub with hot vinegar. When
■washing brushes with ebony or jwlished
l>aeks, rub the wood with oil or vase
line. This prevents it becoming dull.
A teaspoonful of glycerine added to
the soapy water you wash cut glass in
will give a marvelous luster.
Alcohol cleans piano keys and it also
removes white spots from dining tables.
Do not let it remain oil the varnish or
it will remove that, too.
Auseful mending hint is found in
to-day's mail; the writer says she pro
longs the life of linen centerpieces in
which the drawn work is worn out by
Ptitching insertion over the worn rows.
She says, too, that she finds that old
■wool yarn that seems lifeless and flat
can be made fluffy and new-like In
being placed in a steamer, with a cloth
under wind steamed hard for ten
Shake well and hang up to
'dry and then knit with it as usual. If ■
this is practical it is a good suggestion !
that we will all appreciate.
"Please inform me if there is any!
* -N
|J|-|p 12 Doses 10c
Convince U
36 Doses 25c
Hi I MsLuoci J
Ll I 808 I
At All Druggists
For Headaches, Neuralgia
produced by the Master Brewer at the DOEHNE
Brewery cannot be surpassed for purity, health,
tonic and food qualities.
Order It-Phonos} i^p-uis
'Find a purchaser for tHe article you pos
sess and want to sell.
If it has value —an advertisement in the
Classified columns of
will get you effective results.
Bell Phone 3280 Independent 245 or 246
system. When you awaken all head
ache, indigestion, sourness, foul taste,
bad breath, fever and dizziness is gone;
your stomaoh is sweet, liver and bowelß
clean, and you feel grand.
"California Syrup of Figs" is a fam
ily laxative. Everyone from grandpa to
baby can- safely take it and 110 one is
ever disappointed in its pleasant action.
Millions of mothers know that it is the
ideal laxative to give cross, sick, fever
ish children. But get the genuine. Ask
your druggist for a SO'cent bottle of
"California Syrup of Figs," which has
directions for babies, children of all
ages and for grown-ups on each bottle.
Refuse with contempt the cheaper Fig
Svrups and counterfeits. See that it
bears "the name —"California fig Syrup
" I way to prevent onions from leaving an
» odor 011 the hands?"
s Reply.—Wear rubber gloves. "They
1 may be bought at any druggist's.
l l* » »
"Kindly tell me how to make lemon
i cream pie, so the filling will not curdle
, when the lemon is addetti
| ; Reply.—Make the filling with milk
and cornstarch and do not add the lem
, on until the custard is cooked, then stir
; it in and it will not curdle. Bake the
. | pastry shells anil turn the filling into
. I them.
I* * *
, j "When making suet puddings do you
[ jmelt the suet?"
, ; Reply.—Do not met the suet but
, I keep in cold and chop it in a wooden
bowl, removing the fibres as they sep
. arate. It can be chopped as fine as
' common! and should be fine for all
* * *
, 1 "Please tell me where to secure fruit
juices for salads and sauces. I did not
can anything last year and miss these
| good flavors?"
Reply.—These syrups may be had
j from soda fountains or from confection
j ersi They are very rich and not so very
I expensive.
* * *
"Please suggest a menu for a birth-
Iday luncheon to be served at one
I o'clock. No elaborate dishes, please?"
Reply.—Have pink and white dec
orations, tancy favors and heart-shaped
cakes and ices. Velvet cream soup, cel
ery, gherkins, olives, timbales of salmon
! with white sauce, Parisienne potatoes,
i peas, baked sweetbreads, printaniere
salad, wafers, Charlotte Russe, fancy
cakes, fancy ices, assorted bon-bons,
| fruit punch.
Underwriters Elect Officers
At the monthly meeting of tihe Ceu
jtral Pennsylvania Association of Life
j Underwriters, comprising about fifty
1 members from Harrisburg and vicinity,
j held at the Pennsylvania Engineers' So
. ciety, Front and Chestnut streets, yes-
I terdav, the following officers were
I elected: V. W. Kenney, president; T.
] J. Harnisn, vice president, and A. A.
| W ert, secretary and treasurer. Fol
j lowing the election a banquet was
Bellevue A. C. Organize
The Bellevue A. C. has organized a
baseball team for the following season,
and would like to arran;jjp for games
with teams whose members average 17
to 20 years of age. In arranging ad
dress Manager Paul Giger, 1825 Rudy
; street, Harrisburg.
When People Ask Us
what is good for nerves aDd lost weight
we always recommend
containing H upophotphtiit
a food tonic and tissue builder.
George A. Gorgas
The Carpet
The Place °f Honeymoons, eic.
CONTIVTTTin , or tho r,r, n „
I He loved her. He could lean against
■ the rail, his shoulder lightly touching
i hers, and calmly say to himself that
!he loved her. He could calmly per-,;
I mit her to pass out of his life as a
| cloud passes down the sea-rlm. He
1 hadn't enough, but this evil must be
-1 fall him. Love! He spread out his
I hands unconsciously.
I "What does that mean?" she asked,
j smiling now. "An invocation?"
"It's a sign to ward oft evil," he re
"Are you expecting evil?"
"I am always preparing myself to i
meet it. There is one thing that will
always puzzle me. Why should you
Elsa Stared at the Vacant Doorway.
have asked the purser to pick out such
a tramp as I was? For I was a tramp."
"I thought I explained that."
"Not clearly."
"Well, then, I shall make myself !
clear. The sight of yoik upon th-t \
bank, the lights in your face, struck \
me as the strangest mystery that
could possibly confront me. I thought
you were a ghost."
"A ghost?"
"Yes. So I asked the purser to In- \
troduce you to prove to my satisfac- j
tion that you weren't a ghost. Line |
for line, height for height, color for !
color, you are the exact counterpart
of the man I am going home to marry."
She saw the shiver that ran ovpr
him; she saw his eyes widen; she saw
his hands knot in pressure over the
"The man you are going to iaariy!"
he whispered.
Abruptly, without explanation, ho
walked away, his shoulders settled, his
head bent. It was her turn to be
amazed. What could this attitude
mean ?
"Mr. Warrington!" she called.
But he disappeared down tue com
panionway. , •
A Woman's Reason.
Elsa stared at the vacant doorway.
She recognized only a sense of bewil
derment. This was not one of those
childish flashes of rudeness that had
amused, annoyed and mystified her.
She had hurt him. And how? They
had been together three days on the
boat, and once he had taken tea with
her in Rangoon. She could find noth
ing save-that she had been kind to hiin
when he most needed kindness, and
that she had not been stupidly curious,
only sympathetically so. He interested
her and held that interest because he
was a type unlike anything she had
met outside the covers of a book. He
was so big and strong, and yet so boy
ish. He had given her visions of the
character which had carried his man
hood through all these years of strife
and bitterness and temptation. And
because of this she had shown him
that she had taken it for granted that
whatever he had done in the past had
not put' him beyond the pale of her
friendship. There had been no de
grading entanglements, and women ;
forgive or condone all other trans
And what had* she just said or done
to put that look of dumb agony In hia 1
face? She swung Impatiently from
the rail and began to promenade the
deck, still cluttered with luggage over
which the Lascar stewards were moll- |
Ing. Many a glance followed the sup
ple pleasing figure of the girl as she
passed round and round the deck.
Other promenaders stepped aside or
permitted her to pass between. The '
resolute uplift of the chin, and the ,
staring dark eyes which saw but inner
visions, impressed them with the fact
that It would be wiser to step aside
voluntarily. There were some, how
ever, who considered that they had as
much right to the deck as she. Before
them she would stop shortly, and as a
current breaks and passes each side of
an immovable object, they, too, gave
The colonel fussed and fumed, and ,
his three spinster charges drew their
pale Hps Into thinner paler lips.
"These Americans are impossible!"
"And It is scandalous the way the j
young women travel alone. One can .
never tell what they are." I
"Humph! Brag and assertivenesa. (
And there'a that ruffian who came (
down the river. What'a he doing on
the- same boat? What?"
Blsa became aware of their presence ,
I at tne nun turn, sne noaaea aDsentiy.
Being immersed In the sea of conjec
ture regarding Warrington's behavior,
th 6 colonel's glare did not rouse in her
the sense of impending disaster.
The first gong for dinner boomed.
The echoing wail spoke in the voice
of the East, of its dalliance, its con
tent to drift in a sargasso sea of en
: tangling habits and desires, of its far
talism and Inertia. It did not hearten
one or excite hunger. Elsa' would
rather have lain down in her Canton
lounging-chair. The dining-saloon held
i two long tables, only one of which was
in commission, the starboard. The
saloon was unattractive. A punka
stretched from one end of the table to
the other, and swung indolently to and
fro, whlnlijg mysteriously, sometimes
subsiding altogether and then flapping
hysterically and setting the women's
hair awry.
Elsa and Martha were seated some
where between the head and the foot
of the table. The personally-conduct
ed surrounded them, and gabbed in
cessantly during the meal of what they
had seen, of what they were going to
see, and of what they had missed by
not going with the other agency's
party. Elsa's sympathy went out to
the tired and faded conductor.
There was but one vacant chair;
and as she saw Warrington nowhere,
Elsa assumed that this must be his
reservation. She was rather glad that
he would be beyond conversational
radius. She liked to talk to the
! strange and lonely man, but she pre
ferred to be alone with him when she
did so.
She began as of old to study care
lessly the faces of the diners and to
! speculate as to their characters and
; occupations. Her negligent observa
tion roved from the pompous captain
down to the dark picturesque face of
the man Craig. Upon him her glance,
a mixture of contempt and curiosity,
rested. If he behaved himself and
made no attempt to speak to her, she
I was willing to declare a truce. In Ran-
I goon the man had been drunk, but on
! the Irrawaddy boat he had been sober
' enough. Craig kept his eyes directed
upon his food and did not offer her
even a furtive glance.
He was not in a hapny state of
: mind. He had taken passage the last
; moment to avoid meeting again the
one man he feared For ten years this
: man had been reckoned among the
lost. Many believed him dead, and
Craig had wished it raJier than be
lieved And then, to meet him face to
face in that sordid boarding house had
shaken the cool nerve of the gambler.
He was worried and bewildered. He'
hari pracftcsl'.y sent thi3 man to ruin would be the reprisal? He
reached for a and ate the
while jjjlpy contents, but without the
ciisl- e ,- 7 r--''.-h. The phrase kept
running through his head: What
would be the reprisal? For men of hia
ilk never struck without expecting to
be struck back Something must be
done. Should he seek him and boldly
ask whet he Intended to dn? Certainly
he could not do much on board here,
excepi o denounce him to the officers
as a professional gambler. And Paul
would scarcely do that since he, Craig,
had a bet ter shot in his gun. He could
tell who Paul was and what he had
done. Bodily harm was what he really
He hnd seen Elsa, but he had worked
out that problem easily. She V-as sure
to say nothing so long as he let her
be; and with the episode of the hat
pin still fresh in his memory, he as
suredly would keep his distance. He
had made a mistake, and was not like
ly to repeat it.
But Paul! He finished his dessert j
and went off to the stuffy little smoke- i
room, and struggled with a Burma j
cheroot. Paul was a smoker, and i
sooner or later he would drop in. He
waited in vain for his man that night, j
And so did Elsa. She felt indignant j
at one moment and hurt at a»other. |
The man's attitude wa3 inexplicable; !
there was neither rhyme nor reason in j
it. The very fact that she could not
understand made her wonder march
beside her even in her dreams that
night. She began to feel genuinely
sorry that he had appeared above her
horizon. Just before she retired she
leaned over the rail, watching the re
flection of the stars twist and shiver
on the smooth water. Suddenly she
listened. She might have imagined it,
for at night thj ears deceive. "Jah,
Jah!" Somewhere from below came
the muffled plaint of Rajah.
Next day, at luncheon, the chair was
still vacant. Elsa became alarmed, j
Perhaps he was ill. She made in
quiries, regardless of the possible mis
interpretation her concern might he
given -by others. Mr. Warrington had
had bis meals served in his cabin, but
the steward declared that the gentle
man was not ill, only tired and irrita
ble, and that he amused himself with a
trained parrakeet.
All day long the sea lay waveless
and unrippled, a sea of brass and lapis
lazuli; brass where the sun struck and
lapis-lazuli in the shadow of the lazy
swells. Schools of flying-fish broke
fan-wise in flashes of silver, and por
poise sported alongside And warmer
and warmer grew the air.
Starboard was rigged up for cricket,
and the ship's officers and some of the
passengers played the game until the J
first gong. Elsa grumbled to Martha, i
There was little enough space to walk
in as it was without the men taking
over the whole side of the ship and
cheating her out of a glorious sunset.
Martha grew troubled and perplexed.
If there was one phase of character
unknown to her in Elsa It was irrknhii.
ity; and here she was, finding fault
like any ordinary tourist.
"Where is Mr. Warrington?"
"I don't know. I haven't seen him
since yesterday." Elsa dropped her
book petulantly. "I am weary of these
namby-pamby stories."
Martha's eyes had a hopeless look
In them as she asked: "Elsa, what is
the matter?"
"I don't know, Martha. I believe I
should like to lose my temper utterly.
I'm Irritable because I do not know my
own mind. I hate the stuffy stateroom-,
the food, the captain. Nothing seems
to disturb his conceit. Tonight we
sleep on deck, the starboard side. At
five o'clock we have to get up and go
inside again so they can holy-stone
the deck. And I am always soundest
asleep at that time. Doubtless, I shall
be Irritable all day tomorrow."
"Sleep up here on deck? But the
men?" horrified.
"They sleep on the port Bide." Elsa
laughed maliciously. "Don't worry.
Nobody minds."
"I hate the East," declared Martha
vindictively. "Everything is so slack.
It just brings out the shiftlesßne6B in
"Perhaps that U what alls me; I am
growing shiftless. When I came on
board I decided to marry Arthur, and
have done with the pother. Now I am
at the same place as when 1 left home.
I don't want to marry anybody. HaVe
you noticed that fellow Craig?"
"What will you do if he speaks?"
"I have half a dozen good hatpins
left," dryly.
"I hate to hear you talk like that."
"It's the East. . . . There goes
that hateful gong again. Soup, chick
en, curry, rice and piccalilli. I am go
ing to live on plantains and mango
steens. I'm glad we had sense enough
to order that distilled water. Come;
we'll go down as we are to dinner, and
watch the ridiculous captain and his
fan-bearer. The punka will at least
give us a breath of fresh air. There
doesn't seem to be lany on deck. One
regrets Darjeeling."
Martha followed her young mistress
Into the dinlng-saloon; she was anx
ious and upset. Where would this
mood end? With a glance of relief she
found Warrington's chair still vacant
Lancaster's Favorite Brew
JNO. G. WALL, Agt.
Harrisburg, Pa. Frank. J. Rieker, Mgr.
—W——i ———
J. L. L. KUHN, Secretary-Treasurer
Now Located in Our New Modern Building
I <6 and 48 N. Cameron Street, Nsar Market Street
| ====================
ICommerical Printing Book Binding
JEM* wIU L? e neceßsary equipment Our bindery can and does handle large edition
V i.m Y? u ™* y want card*, work. Job Bo«k Binding of all kinds receives
stationery, bill head®, letter heads, programs, pur cale f u j attention. SPECIAL INDEXING
Book Printing
With onr equipment of Ave linotypes, working PrOSS Work \
day and night, we are In splendid shape to take _ _
care of book printing—either SINGLE VOI*- press room Is one of the largest and most \
UMES or EDITION WORK. completo In this section of the state, in addition t
to the automatic feed presses, we have two r
folders which give as the advantage of getting
Paper Books a Specialty 1116 M,erk out 1,1 exceedingly quick ti^*.
No matter how smal' or how large, the same will _ |
be produced on short notic* TO the Public
_ When In the market for Printing or Binding of f
Ruling any description, see us before placing your order. f
Is one of onr specialties. Thin department has We balteve it will be to our MUTUAL benefit,
been equipped with the latest designed ma- trouble to give estimates or answer questions,
chinery. No blank is too Intricate. Our work
In this line is unexcelled, clean an 4 distinct lines, PomamW
no blots or bad lines—that is the kind of ruling rveiiiciiiuer
that business men of to-day demand. Ruling for We give you what you want, the way you want !'
the twte. It, when you want it.
46 and 48 N. Cameron Street
Near Market Street HARRISBURG, PA. J
A Bell Telephone call will bring one of our solicitors. \
E. A. Kirkpatriek, star sprinter for i
the Central High school in 1909 anil ■
1910, holder of the 100-yard record i
for State High schools iu the Island
Park grounds, was yesterday elected
coach of the Central High school track
team. He will immediately begin train
ing the team for the Penu relays and I
the Pennsylvania scholastic meet on i
Island Park.
During the spring Central High will
also engage in dual meets with Con
way Hall and Tech and the High school
meet at State College.
Bury Man Hit by Train
The burial of the unidentified man
who was killed when struck by a train
on the Philadelphia and Heading rail
rond near Nineteenth street Monda.V
took pla<'e yesterday afternoon in the
potter's field. The body was ordered
interred yesterday after Coroner Eck
inger made every possible effort to
identify tho man and locate his rela
H. M. P. WORDEN, Proprietor.
; Slag, Slate and Tile Roofs, !
Damp and Water Proof
ing, Paints and Roofers'
1 Genuine Pen Argyl Inlaid
Slate for Flat Roofs.
V ,
Golf, Tennis, Boating, Hatlilng,
iili(l Cycling i
j Tourn Inc. Hotels, Shore Excursions.
I Lowest Rntea.
Twin N w «. p?M|;niiN" 10.518 Tons
Screw 0. LE tINLUIAfI displacement.
Paatrat, neneat nnil only atcnuier In ml.
Inn |iH»»enncr» at tin- dock in Bermuda
without trnnafer by tender.
S. S. Guiana and other Steamers
every fortnight for St. Thomas, St.
Croix, St. Kitts, Antiqua, Guadeloupe, '
Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, Bar- I
bados, and Demerara.
For full Information apply to A. K I
OtIIKHHIIX.K .V CO.. Aeenta tiuchce I
S. S. Co.. Ltd., 211 Ilromluay, ,\t» York. I
or any Ticket Agent. '
FiL Empty Bins
yes, the furnace has to be kept
going for some time to come, re
gardless of how whimsical March
weather may be. Don't let your
bins get empty. Fill them without
delay with
and be prepared for any emer
Kelley's Hard Stove at $6.70
is a favorite furnace size. Try it
for more heat.
1 N. Third Street
Tenth and State Streets
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Effect May 24. ISI4.
Trnlna Leave HarriaburH—
For Winchester jnd Martlnsburz. at
5.08, *7.50 a. m., *3.40 p m.
For liagerstown. Chambersburg and
intermediate stations, at *5.03, *7.60,
> .3 a. m.. *3.40. 5.33. »7.40, 11.0#
p. m.
Additional trains for Carlisla and
Mechanlcsburg at #.48 a. m.. 3.18, 3.27
3u. 9.3U p. m.
For Dillsburg at 5.03, *7.50 and *11.51
a. m.. 2.18, *3.40, 5.32, C.30 p. m.
•Dally All other trains dally excap#
Sunday. J H. TONQB.
H A. Rinnt.B OP* Sa Dt .
Begin Preparation Now
Day and Night Sessions
15 S. Market Sq., Harrisburg, Pa.
> 1
:{•.!)> Market Street
I Fall Terra September First