The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 04, 1915, Page 11, Image 11
FINDS SAMPLES OF CREAM ARE BELOW THE STANDARD City Health Department S*y* That Some of the Local Dealers Are Lia ble to Prosecution on Charge of Violation of Law • Eleven of the thirty dairymen dis tributing milk and cream in Harrisburg are liable to prosecution on charges of violating the healfh laws, says a report of the City Health Bureau to-day, based on tests by the City Bacteriolo gist of cream samples obtained from the dealers indicating the samples were be low the standard. The City and State Health Bureaus fcave laid down a rule that cream must contain at least eighteen per cent, but ter fat, and one ;est made in Lebanon indicated, the report shows, that one sample of cream contained but five per cent. No fewer than twenty-seven samples were found to be below the standard. Many of those, however, failed to come within the requirements only by a small margin. Dr. John M J. Raunick, the City Health Officer, said he is not prepared to announce when he will proceed against the dairymen, if legal action is decided upon. The city milk stundard requires all nilk to contain at least 3.2S per cent, of butter fat, specific gravity at least 1.028, not to contain more than 500,- 000 tweteria per cubic centimeter and no colon bacilli or other disease-pro ducing bacteria. The standard for pasteurized miik is that such milk con tain at least 3.25 per cent, of butter fat, specific gravity 1.028. not more than 250,000 brcteria per cubic centi meter and no colon bacilli. Following is a detailed report on the various samples of milk and cream sub mitted to the City Bacteriologist, as given out by the Health Offirer: Cream tteport Percent. Specific of fat. gravity Bain hart. C. H 14.00 1.015 lionnvmeadfs Karma IS.OO 1.010 Bonnymeads Farms 20.00 1.021 Hunny meads Farms 18.50 1.016 .'olien. Lewis 21.50 1.016 1 ' 'ook, H. H 18.00 1.012 I Cook. 1). H 16.00 1.015 Cook, H. H 16.00 1.010 t'ooper. C. E IS.OO 1.014 ! 1 Jbersole. E. B 18.00 1.016 Kbersolc. E. B 21.00 1.012 Elder. I'. B IS.OO 1.016 1 JCrford, C. H :!2.00 1.010 | El-ford. I". H 31.00 1.016 ! Fought, .1. H„ 14.50 1.017 i Gill. 0. .1 18.50 1.019 Gill. C. .1 18.00 1.012 | Ha: mall, J. G 16.00 1.017 Hassler. C. C 19.50 1.016 ! 11 oak. C. A 12.01) 1.043 lloak. C. A 13.00 1.043 | lfoak, A 12.00 1.037 I loak. A 12.00 1.045 Hoak. O. A. 1,1,00 1.043 ! lloak, ('. A 13.00 1.042 , lloak. C, A 5.00 1.039 lloak. C. A 13.50 1.042 Hoak. O. A 13.50 1.044 \ Monk. C. A .11.00 1.042 1 Huak. A 1i.50 1.043 lloak. ('. A 11.00 1.045 ; Hoak. C. A 14.00 1.041 Hoak. C. A 1 1.50 1.039 Holler, Roy 11.00 1.014! Koch, E. U 20.00 I.OIS I Kramer, J. S 26.00 1.002; Myers. TV. H 12.50 1.016 Alyers. W. H 16.00 1.018 | Ott. C. 14.00 1.018 I'enn. Milk Product Co 18.00 1.010 Penn. Milk Product C 0.,...20.00 1.015 Penn. Milk Product Co..— .21.00 1.012 l'enn. Milk Product Co 18.00 1.019 HafTensperger, A. T 20.00 1.016 Kaffensperger. A. T 20.50 1.015 Cyder, A. M 18.00 1.015 Ityder. A. AI 21.00 1.014 Sctinabel, A. K 19.50 1.016 | Shceeley, ('. 11 14.50 l.ois I Siders. J. H.. 13.00 1.019 I Skiers, J. H .'...15.00 1.020 Smeltzer, Samuel 25.00 1.007 I Smeltzer, J. P 15.50 1.013 Stobcr, Lewis 13.00 1,030 Taylor, B. H„ - 22.00 1.020 Walborn, E. M 1.1.00 1.015' Wolf, J. C 18.50 1.017! Milk Report Bacteria Vendor. Age. Per CC. Fat Certified Milk 4.000 4.90 | Certified Milk 5.000 5.10! Hiissler. C. C. 11 9.000 3.20 Hoak. A 22P 6.500 3.60 ! Hoak. C. A 10.000 Hoak, C. A 22P 432.500* 3.90 Hoak. C. A IS 40,000 3.40 Holler, li. L) 6 3,500 3.90 .foiu-s. W. H 6 34,000 3.40 I Kramer. J. S 6 21.000 3.80 j Maiming. H. C 12 4,000 5.10 1 Miller. .1. H 85,000 3.30 : <>tt. C 24 72.500 3.10! ott. C 6 57.500 3.70 Penn. Milk Pro. C0....22P 3,000 410 ' Ptnn. Milk Pro. C 0.,. .22P 5,000 3.60 | Penn. Milk Pro. C 0....18 2,000 3.60 I Packer, J. C 6 1 if,,000 3.10 | Hitter, H. A 15 550,000 4.30 Stain*. John 22P 125.000 3.10 | Stober, Lewis 6 150,000 4.n0 j Siourt'er, .1. W 12 7,500 3.60 Wolf. J. C 12 50,000 3.20 j Test indicated this lone sample con- | tained 500 colon bacteria. RE-ELECT TRACTION' OFFICERS Harrisburg Railways Directors Postpone 1 Discussing Improvements The Board of Directors of the Har-i risburg Railways Company, which op erates the trolley system in and near! this city, organized for the year this! morning at a meeting in the offices of! the company in Market Square. Several of the directors were out of the city and no business except the re-election of officers was transacted. The annual discussion of extensions an I improvements to the system 'will bo taken up at some future meeting of the board. The officers, all of whom were re-elected, are as follow: F. B. Musser, president; B. F. Mov ers, vice president; Edward Baile'v, chairman, board o>f directors; John O'Connell, secretary and treasurer; Miss Alice Spiekler, assistant secretary and treasurer; C. L. Bailey, Jr., gener al counsel; F. M. Davis, superintendent transportation; C. L. Brinser, claim agent. HIGH PRICE OF BREAD PRORE Costs Two Cents and Fraction to Bake Loaf, Says Baker By Associated Press. Xew York, March 4.—Fifty retail bakers were under summons to-day to appear at the State Attorney General's ] inquiry into the causes of the high 1 price of bread and testify as to how : much profit they made in spite of the 1 hi#;h cost otf flour. t The first to testify, Henry Tidman, ' said that although flour cost more than i $7 a barrel it cost him only 2 cents and < a fraction to bake a loaf of bre&li, that i he sold the loaf wholesale at 3 1-2 1 cepts to one grocer who sold it, retail, 1 at four cents. Funeral Can Be Held, Certificate Given ! Because the physician who attended I Mrs. Jane Marshall, 73 years old, who < died Tuesday afternoon at the Dauphin 1 county almshousj, was out of the city, no death certificate could be given and plans for the funeral were delayed, as nothing could be done until the cer- 1 tificate was granted. The physician re- 1 turned yesterday and the certificate 1 was made out immediately. . STAR INDEPENDENT WANT ADB. BRING RESULTS. < HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 4, 3915. POSTAL AND INDIAN 1 DILLS NOT PASSED Cwtlaml Kna First Pace. servation measures had been abandoned ■ and, while the President worked, both . houses marked time for the hands of the clock to touch 12 noon. In the House the last hour was de voted to tributes to Speaker Clark, Representative Underwood and Repub lican Leader Mann Representative Palmer announced the presentation of a portrait of Mr. • "Underwood to be hung in the hall of , the Ways and Means Committee. In doing so Mr. Palmer said: < "There is 1.0 doubt Mr. Underwood soon will be the leader in the Senate. He is one of the greatest Americans 1 in his time.'' Mann Eulogises the Speaker The tribute to Speaker Clark was led by Republican leader Mann, who eu -1 logized the "able and loved Speaker" and presented a resolution thanking him for services. It was passed as 1 the House rose to its feet with a tumult of applause and cheering. When it 1 subsided the Speaker said: "The multiplicity of honors and kindnesses that this House has heaped 011 me goes straight to my heart."* Mr. Clark paid a tribute to Republi -1 can Leader Maun, Progressive 1 -cader Murdock and Representative Under wood, and said in conclusion, "I hope every member of the House will enjoy this long vacation —if in the Provi dence of God it turns out to be a long one. And 1 hope that the blessings of God may rest upon each and every one, those who are to come back as well as those who retire to private life. And may God bless us, every' one." Retiring Senators Make Farewells In the Senate, some of the Senators who nre retiring from public life, made farewell addresses. Careful consideration of the public interest in conservation legislation and the development of a larger spirit of comity between the United States and foreign nations, particularly those of Central and South America, was urged by Senator Burton, who was ending 22 years' service in Congress. Instead of I giviug so much attention to questions! ; of state rights and national control lie | urged Senators hereafter to consider! ] first the public interests. While the speaking was going ou in I both Nouses President Wilson worked ! steadily in his room consulting members iof his Cabinet and Senators briefly about each bill and signed many meas- 1 ; ures iu quick succession. Among the j most important was the neutrality reso-| •ittion passed early this morning, a reso-! | lution giving medals to the "A. B. C." •Mediators for their work at tbe Niagara! conference and the regular appropri-' j ation measures. A Billion Dollar Session The total Appropriations for the ses- j sion were approximately $1,120,484,- ! 324, several millions under the record of previous congresses. In the closing hours, President Wil son signed the Seamen's bill, the neu trality resolution empowering him to prevent ships leaving American ports : with supplies for belligerent warships, j promoted Colonel Gc'thals to be a major general for his services as builder of the Panama canal and gave promo tions to other officers associated with the work. >. The administration ship bill, the Philippine bill, the conservation bills, | j the rural credits provision of the agri-1 cultural bill and ratification of the I I treaties with Colombia and Nicaragua! —all hard pressed administration meas-1 j ures—fell by the wayside. Senators Back to Private Life In the Senate, several members long j ' prominent national figures—among i ■ them Senators Root and Burton, stepiied I j back into private life as the curtain | fell. In the House, Democratic Leader I Underwood said good-bye, to sit in the | ; next Senate, and three score or more j j members retired. For many minutes before adjourn j ment there was a lull in the Senate, j Absolutely no business was transacted. ! Senator Simmons paid a tribute to Sen ! ator Perkins, of California, who retired at noon. Senator Perkins sat for a mo j ment in the tribute. Then he slowly half rose from his seat, 1 feebly waved his hand toward the North j Carolina Senator and his colleagues in ! a gesture of farewell, and then took his | seat again, too overcome with emotion j to speak. Senator Gallinger offered a resolution ! of thanks to Vice President Marshall for his services as presiding officer of the Senate. k CONGRESS' WORK PRAISED DY WILSON IN STATEMENT Washington, March 4. —After his re- i j turn to the White House President Wil- I son dictated the following statement 1 about Congress and its work: " A great Congress has closed its sessions. Jts work will prove the pur pose and quality of its statesmanship more and more, the longer it is tested. Business has now a time of calm and thoughtful adjustment before it, dis turbed only by the European war. The circumstances created by the war put I the nation to a special test, a test of its true character and of its self-control. "The constant thought of every patriotic man should now be for the country, its place, its order, its just and tempered judgment in the face of per plexing difficulties. Its dignity and its strength alike will appear not only in the revival of its business, despite aibnormal condition®, but also in its power to thinik, to purpose and to act with patience, with disinterested fair ness and without excitement in a sprti of friendliness and enlightenment i which will firmly establish its influence throughout the world." Photoplay To-day Dainty Ruth Stonehouse, the Essanay lea-ding lady, appears to-day in a two- 1 reel drama, "An Amateur Prodigal." In this production Miss Stonhouse ap pears to great advantage and is ably assisted by an all-sta.r Esaanay cast. "Her Husband's Son," Edison "drama, in two parts, with Gertrude McCoy, tihe Gibson girl, and Robert Conness in the leading role, also is on to-day's pro gram. "A Mad 'h.p Adventure," Vita graph comedy, with Madcap Dorothy Kelly as Tommy, a venturesome girl, is 1 . rescued and protected from a terrible adventure by Jimmy Morrison. Doro thy Kelly, as a boy and dressed in an evening suit, is a sight you should 1 not miss. Adv.* — 1 Brumbaugh Discusses Local Option ] Governor Brumbaugh had among his visitors to-day a number of legislators, 1 who had called by request, and he im pressed them with his great desire to 1 have the local option bill passed. Dur- i iog the day lie received a number of 1 telegrams endorsing his stand for local 1 option. \ JJ. S. TO ENFORCE l NEUTRALITY LAWS Cu(lH«d From Klr*t Pace. L toy the government in fahe recent Grand i Jury inquiry in New York of alleged ' shipment of supplies "to belligerents at sea. The resolution becomes effective upon , signed by the President and will continue during the existence of the European war. Heavy Penalty for Violation The resolution empowers the Presi ' dent to diiect customs collectors to i withhold clearance from any vessel of American or foreign register or license [ which the President believes to bo , "about to carry fuel, amis, ammuni i tion, men or supplies to any warship, or tender or supply ship of a belligerent nation in violation of the obligations 1 of the United States as a neutral na ■ tibn." If such a vessel sailed or at tempted to sail without clearance a flno ; of from $2,000 to SIO,OOO. imprison i ment of two years, or both, and for ; feiture of the vessel would be imposed. ■ The President- is empowered to use tho military forces of the country to en -1 force the law. STANDARD OIL II STEADIER PLATUBIA AGAIN DETAINED London, March 2, 2.15 P. M.—(De : layed in Transmission) —The Standard Oil Company steamer Platuria bound I for Malmo, Sweden, has been detained at Kirkwall. Scotland, by order of Ad miralty officials, pending an investiga tion. The Platuria, a steamer of 2,204 tons, under command of Captain Car penter. sailed from Philadelphia ou Feb ruary 3 bound for Malmo an 1 Helsing borg. The Platuria was formerly the I German steamer Diamant but she now sails under American register, having changed her flag last October. This is the second time the Platuria has been detained by the marine au- I thorities on Great Britain. The latter | part of October, *1914, she was seize 1 iby British ' warships off the coa-st or | Scotland and tak?n into Stornoway, At ! this time she was on her way from New j York to Asrhuus with a cargo utf illu minating oil. The United States form | ally protested against ~r detention, I and she was released in November. New York, March 4.—The Standard | Oil Company of New Jersey announced j to-day that it had received a cablegram saying its tank steamer Platuria, j detained at Kirkwall, Scotland, by the J British admiralty, had oeen released ! and was now on its way to its destina tion. LATE WAR NEWS SUMMARY Continued From First Pun*. era Poland, by the Russians, but assert tile Russians suffered so severely during the attack that they were unable to de sist further the orderly retreat of the Germans. This account is at variance with Russian reports of a few days ago which stated that the German re treat was the most disorderly and pre cipitated of any in that area of mili tary activities. The German statement I says, however, that large numbers of ! wounded were left behind in neighbor ing villages. The French War Office has given ; a more definite idea of the oxtent of i the battle now in progress in Cham pagne. The attacking front is about four miles in length, and it is asserted j that the allies now hold German posi tions to the depth of about two-thirds I of a mile. The official German statement of to day says that the French attacks in this region were repulsed easily. The ' French statement asserts that violent : assaults by the Germans were defeated. North of Arras, near the Belgian border, the Germans captured positions of the allies, which they say were near- I ly a mile in extent. Russian attacks near the Prussian border are said by the Germans to have failed. The Ger- i man efforts to capture Ossowetz have ! resulted in a violent battle, with no de- 1 dsion yet in sight. STATE OF SIEGE PROCLAIMED TO QUELL CYRENAICA REBELS Rome, March 4.—A state of siege | has been proclaimed in the greater por- I I ion of Cyrenaica in an effort to put down a rebellion. Cyrenaica is one of the independent j j administrative and military districts ofj | Tripoli which now is under Italian con j | trol. A dispatch from Home on Feb-j j ruary 10 says information has been re-1 j reived from Tripoli to the effect tint | reinforcements had reached Captain 1 Vollino whose native troops ha.l almost | entirely deserted him as the result of a | rebellion in Libya. It was said that; the rebellion had been encouraged by! the withdrawal of Italian troops from, ; the interior to the coast and that the | movement gradually was encircling Tripoli itself where fortifications were j being erected. Want Cablegrams in Plain Language New York, March 4.—The Commercial Cable Company announced to-day that I the Dutch government had renewed itsj notice that cablegrams to the Dutch East Indies must be in plain language, i English or French. CABINET CRISIS IN BOLIVIA j Thrr: Ministers Already Have Resigned —Floods Destroy Railroad "bridge By Associated Press, Lima, Peru, March 4.—A cabinet crisis in Bolivia seems imminent. The ministers of foreign affairs, public works and home affairs have already re signed and it is expected that the re mainder of the government will give up their portfolios. 1 Floods have destroyed the bridge of the Bolivian Railways Companv ana traffic between Arica and LaPaz'is in terrupted. THREE CHARGED WITH THEFT Peddling Part of Kaufman's Sign When Taken by Police As they were attempting to dispose of some junk late yesterday afternoon Edwin Kaiser, David Lowe and Peter Chickley were arrested on a charge of larceny by Policemen Schelhas and Dickey. The jnnk, it is alleged, was stolen. It was part of the sign that once stood over tho Kaufman Underselling stores in Market square and journal metal which has never been used. The stuff was taken to police headquarters to await identification. COURT HOUSE VOLUMINOUS RECORD 111 DEFUUCT TRUST CO. CASE Many Thousand Pages of Testimony Must Be Considered by Court Which Is to Hear Appeals of Creditors When the Superior Court, which meets here next week, considers appeals takcu by creditors in the case of the Tradesmen's' Trust Company, a defunot | concern, whose affairs are being wound j up by a receiver, that court will have i beifore it a batch of books, papers and petitions, that with one or two excep tions possibly in larger than any other' case tried in I lie Dauphin county courts. The case goes Into the Superior Court on appeals of creditors from the decis ions of Eugene Snyder and Henry S. Bornemnn, auditors who examined the accounts of Percy M. Chandler, receiv er, and who are about to distribute un expended balances amounting to more than a million dollars. The records in the case all have been on tile in the of fice of the local Prothonotarv, and take up more than a score of the regular til ing cases. This morning these recoiMs, which in clude many thousands of pages of tes timony and other data, were packed into a box, preparatory to being sent to William Pearson, of this city, Prothono t'ary of the Superior Court. The pack ing case is 30 indies high; 15 inches wide and 13 inches thick, it was taxed to its capacity by the records. To Transfer Incenses Applications for the transfer of two liquor licenses, one a wholesale and the other retail, will Iks presented to the court on Monday, March 15, according to notices filed to-day with Prothono tary Holler, by Attorney L. C. Carl. Jacob S. Kodar wants to take over the wholesale business in "Mechanis Hall," now being conducted by John M. Stad nar and l'eter J. Adamiak seeks the li cense held by John Andulis for the Palace Restaurant. Began Work on Sewer Williafti 11. Opperman to-day begun work on the construction of a sewer in Twentieth street, from Hiidrup to Mar ket. Marriage Licenses John T. Rich ami Klsie V. Beegle, j A i too n a. l'aul W. Caldwell, Tyrone, and Mar garet B. Spencer, Spruce Creek. Abram T. Zimmerman, Camp Hill, and Minnie I. Oline, New Cumberland. MANY GOING STOUCH I Two Thousand Harrisburgers Expected to Take Trip to Lancaster March 10 Plans for the big excursion of Har risburg persons to Lancaster on tues | day evening, March 16, to hear Dr. j Stougii, the evangelist, were announced i this morning by Charles F. Clippinger, ; director of the Harrisburg evangelistic j chorus, under whose direction the trip 1 is to be made. At least 2,000 people | from Harrisburg and nearby towns are 1 expected to go on the trip. 'fhe local evangelistic chorus, which i' ; numbers 1,100, will sing in the Lan- j ' , caster tabernacle on the night of the j | trip and Dr. Stough will preach the ! j sermon. During the big campaign in j I this city the locaT chorus was declared , ! one of the best ever organized for evan-, , ' gelistic purposes, and it is the desire of 'the Lancaster cam, aign supporters to . j | hear the local singers. Members of the Stough Ampaign ' j committee, in this city, will bf among , ' | the number to go on the excursion. Pass ( I privileges will be- recognized on the I I steel train special which will carry the I j 'Harrisburg guests to the City of Lan- ' , caster. A special rate has been obtained for the excursion party of $1.50 round trip for adults and 75 cents for chil-i dren. The special train will steani out of : the Pennsy station at 6 o'clock sharp . on the evening of the 16th, arriving at Lancaster at 6.50; returning the special j train will leave Lancaster at 10.30, ar-: | riving in Harrisburg at 11.20. The big! . orchestra which played at the local tab-), ernac le during the Stough campaign 1 , will accompany the chorus ami will play ! j the song accompaniments. Identification checks which will be!' accepted in lieu of tickets on the ex- ( cursiou special can be purchased at the I Central Book Store, Cotterell's book, store: SchelFs seed store. Thirteenth j ( and iMarket streets; the grocery store j ( of <>. E. Hankie, State and Lvnn streets; I . G. K. Harris, 1927 North Sixth street;) 8. T. Kinsinger, Fourth anil Woodbine | streets, ami the MoCurdv drug store, ; Steelton. i MOOSE TO NOMINATE TO-NIGHT > Officers Will Be Elected at Meeting to 1 Be Held March 18 Oflicers wiH be noniiiuated at a meet ing of Lodge No. 107, Loyal Order of Mooi-ia, to be held this evening at 8 o'clock. The election will be held on March 18. Following the meeting to night a luncheon will be served. Preparations are now being made for 1 the -anmual St. Patrick's Day celebra tion, which will be held both afternoon and evening, March 17. A vaudeville show will 'be held in the evening, when appropriate souvenirs will be given all who attend. Among the numbers on the s program is "Pete" Pendegast, a local j contortionist. STORM IN WEST AND SOUTH ? I - s Snow, Rain and Sleet Hamper Wire and 1 ' Rail Communication By Associated Press. Kansas City, Mo., March 4.—Snow, rain and sleet fell last night and to i day over most of Missouri, Kansas, t Nebraska and Oklahoma, and parts of 2 Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana, accord- j ing to the local United States Weather e Bureau. The snow, centering in the 0 northern States, ranged in depth from a two inches in Kansas City to nine n inches in Central Kansas and eleven t inches in North Platte, Neb. ,f A driving wind from the northeast accompanied the storm in most direc- n tions causing snow to drift and tearing li down the telegraph and telephone poles, k greatly hampering wire and rail com- c uiunication. n FRENCH WRITERS PLEASED WimWAYU.S. RECEIVED FRANCO-BRITISH PROPOSAL Paris, March 4, 5.05 A. M. —The quiet and dignified manner in which the s American press and public received the declaration of proposed naval reprisals agaiust Germany has made a strong impression in i ranee. Writers in the leading point out that a nation so devoted to busiuess interests as the United States scarcely could be expected to remain unmoved at the proposal of closing the sea routes ! to a country with which it does an'an- I nual business of $500,000,000. I "We can prevent loss to neutrals," I says tne "IM : atinf" by purchasing inter cepted cargoes of which we desire to deprive Germany. We should perhaps . lose on these purchases which we neith er could use nor resell until later but the loss would be a mere drop in the ocean of enormous war expense ami very little in comparison to the extra blood it would have been necessary to shed for having neglected this neces sary means to hasten the enemy's capitulation by economic strangula tion." Professor Charles Riehet, writing in the '"Figaro," ifedares that while the Germans contend the allies' blockade is barbarous and contrary to international law, a blockade carried out bv a French fleet prevented British admirals from revietualing General Cornwallis, thus forcing him to capitulate > at York town in the American revolutionary war. Prof. Riehet says no historian has ever pretended this was a disloyal act and "we should be greatly surprised if tile Americans 1915 condemned a pro ceeding which 'permitted General Wash ington in 1781 to win American inde pendence." GERMAN NOTE TO 11. S. MADE PUBLIC Continued From I Ir»i Page. of the German government would be willing to agree as suggested not to use floating mined and to have anchored mines constructed as indi cated. Moreover, they agree to put the stamp of the government on all mines to be planted. On the other hand, it does not appear to them to be for the belligerents wholly to forego the use of anchored mines for offensive purposes. "Second—The German government would undertake not to use their sub marines to attack mercantile ships of any flag except when necessary to en force, the right of visit and search. Should the enemy nationality of fhe vessel or the presence of contraband be ascertained, submarines would pro ceed in accordance with the general rules of international law. Use of the Neutral Flag "Third—As provided in the Amer ican note this restriction of the use of the submarines is contingent on the fact that enemy mercantile ships ab stain from the use of the neutral flag and other neutral distinctive marks. It would appear to be a matter of course that such mercantile vessels also ab stain from arming themselves and from all resistance by force since such pro cedure contrary to international law would render impossible any action of the submarines in accordance Yith in j ternational law. "Fourth—The regulation of legiti ! mate importations of food into Ger . many suggested by the American gov i eminent appears to be in general ae j ceptable. Such regulations would, of course, be confined to importations by ! sea, but that would on th e otheT hand ! include indirect importations by way |of neutral ports. The German govern j meut would therefore, be willing to : make the declarations of the nature pro- I vides in the American note so that t.h-e | use of thq imported fco l an, I and food ' stuffs solely by the 110III'oiub'i till! papu | lation would be guaranteed. The im perial government must, however, in ad dition, emphasize having' the importa j tion of other raw materials used by the | economic system of nonconibatants, in cluding forage, permitted. To that i end the enemy governments would have to permit the free entry into Germany of the raw material mentioned in the ; free list of the Declaration of London and to treat materials included in the list of conditional contraband accord ing to the fame principles as food and ; foodstuffs. Hope Agreement May Be Reached "The Merman government venture j to hope that the agreement for which j the American government havo paved j the way may be reached after due con sideration ot the remarks made above, and that in this way peaceable neutral j shipping and trade will not have to suffer any more than is absolutelv nec , essary from the unavoidable effects of i maritime war. These effects could be still further reduced if, as was pointed j out in the German note of the six -1 tenth instant, some way could 4>e found to exclude the shipping of munitions of ! war from neutral countries to belliger ents on ships of any nationality. "The German government must, of course, reserve a definite statement of their position until such time as thev may receive further information from the American government enabling them to see what obligations the British government, arc on their part willing to assume." 10SEL0DCEFEEDS MANY Sauerkraut, Pork and Mashed Potatoes Given Fifty Families on Recommen dation of Associated Charities Fifty families of destitute circum stances, ranging from four to fifteen members in a family, received their din ner to-day at the Loyal Order of Moose i Home, Third and Boas streets. The' families were reeommended by the As- j sociated Charities, and came from every section of the city, with bucket) holding from two quarts to two gal lons, which were filled with sauerkraut, mashed potatoes and pork. This was one of the many treats giv ing annually by the Moose* lodge. On this occasion, 35 gallons of sauerkraut, 2 L 2 bushel of |>otatoes, 50 pounds of pork and 200 loaves of bread were giv en away. Each person, in the majority of cases children, were given an amount proportionally to the number of members of the family. From one to three loaves of bread were also given a family. A similar event to be held in the near future is now being planned by the lodge, at which time soups of various kinds will be served. Persons to re ceive the food at this time will be rec ommended by tlie Associated Charities. WALTER REFUSES TO MEND STREETS Caatlaued From Flrat Face. not set that up as a reason for not go ing ahead with the work. "I have carried out my contract. There is nothing for nie to do anil I will*do nothing. "Wheu asked what 'disposition he will make of the equiplnent he used, Walter said he may sell it, " but, real ly, I have not made up my mi ml about j that." Lynch's View of Situation Lynch too* an entirely different view of th« situation. He declared that | Walter is bound by his contract to keep the streets in re[mir up until April 1, 1915, and that the uotk'c sent eut di recting him to begin work within ten days, makes it mandatory for him to proceed at once. Lynch went further and said that if all city streets are not in repair by April 1, the coutraptor will be held li able to* reipair those sections that arc in bad condition at that time. The Highway Commissioner went on to say that the city will not be the loser as a result of the controversy, no matter what course the contractor may pursue, atul he said something about the 'likelihood of Walter changing his mind before all is over. "If Walter holds out and refuses to start work will you at once proceed on his bond?" Lynch was asked. <?\Ve certainly will," said Lynch, i "He will not get the remaining $3,730 ! unless he does the work." City Have Eepair Plant Repairs to the city streets for years have been inqde by contractors. Wal ler was awarded the job early in 1910, his contract to run for a term of five years and he to receive $15,000 an nually. At that time the city's liscal year ran from April to April. Since the commission form of government law has been in effect, the fiscal year be gins in January and closes in Decem ber. The contract with Walter expires on April 1, and it was not renewed be cause in November, 1913, the voters approved the plan to float $25,000 worth of improvement bonds with which to construct a city asphalt repair plant. An ordinance providing for the purchase of a site for this plant now is pending before the City Commission j ers. Thtre is hope, city officials say, I iyf having the plant in operation by May 1. ... CERMANNATIONAL BAMES UNDER Continued From Flrat Pa«. j decided to close because of generally I unsatisfactory conditions aiwl "certain ! paper which the bank held, paper which ordinarily would be all right." He ex pressed the hope that depositors would be paid in full, but mid lie could make ,no promise. The German National had a Pittsburgh municipal deposit of $40,- 000. Capital and Surplus Wiped Out Washington, March 4.—Comptroller Williams in a statement to-day declar ed bad management was the cause of tohe failure of the German National bank of Pittsburgh. He announced that the capital and surplus of the bank have been wiped out, but that it is too j early to forecast how much will Tie paid I depositors. Mr. Williams' statement I says: "The failure of the German Na j tional bauk of Pittsburgh, has no sig nificance as bearing on the general business situation but again illustrates the truth of the saying that ' the way of the transgressor is hard.' Result of Bad Management | "This department has been earnest j lv endeavoring to rectify and amelio rate the bad conditions which were found to exist in this bank at the be ginning of this administration. The i troubles of the 'bank hail, however, : progressed too far and depositors and shareholders are paying the price of j bad management. The failure was' not ! caused by a run but by a persistent dis j regard of the elementary principles of | .sound banking. "After consultation with the nation j a«l bank examiner and the local clearing j house officials, its directors last night passed a resolution to close the bank. ■ National Bank Examiner Cooper is now in charge of the bank as temporary rc- I ceiver. "The examiner's investigation now indicates that the capital anil surplus have been wiped out but it is too early as yet to exipress an opinion as to whether the amount which will eventu ally be paid depositors will be nearer to a hundred cents than fifty cents on | the dollar." Charged With Looting Stores Leroy Gilbert, Charles Bnckey and \ [John Senders, charged with three rab-j beries of Cameron street stores of goods valued at SBO. were held under S3OO | bail for ctuirt by Mayor Koval this aft ernoon. All but a few dollars worth of the stolen goods was recovered by the police at Gilbert's home at 1244 South Cameron street. Concert Association to MeeJ; The Municipal Band. Concert Associ ation will meet this evening in the I headquarters on the third floor of 225 Market street for the purpose of or ganization. The plan of the association to give concerts in Harris<burg has been submitted to the llarrisburg Chamber of Commerce and the reply will be dis cussed. Mountain Fire at Lykens Lykens, Pa., March 4.—There is some apprehension that a fire raging in the mountains a mile east from the town will reach the Catholic cemetery, but diminishing winds have allayed that fear to a great extent. The town is in no danger. Much damage has been done to young timber. 11 EVANGELICAL CONFERENCE OPENS SESSIONS TO-DAY J- C. Beeser blected Secretary and Organization Effected—Dr. C. New ton Dubs Speaker at Missionary Service OwTifde 'V ht \, Star " lndependent -> •business Jessfon f th « sylvan in ,w f the Antral Penn ' f HarriSburg. , va . s u» have pre sided, but is prevented by illness fL present' A | > °" t | 2 °° dR,e £ ates 1 resent, 130 clerical and 70 lav. -»t a missionary tervice last ni<rh» ~At J 1 Eh*bs. of Hajrisburir The ," r f iT """nference follows: Rev K R ft T S,,M r »Uy, the . b. B. Duu, eJiairmau. *Ti(lay Evening—K. L C F mil,. Rev K I V ' c' H A J izener Presiding. Tfie • ,' Hunt, recently elected fts dav h i°' i of evan K e| ical and Sun speaker. °° hterature > . *i« be the ■Saturday Evening l —At 7.30, mission ary anniversary. The Rev. B. H. Nie ('orresponding secretary of the Church Extension Society, will addre*s Ut 1,16 <fonclußio n of the Sunday 930 a. m., Sunday school, w. Horace Cornman, superintendent; urn ;r a " r< lination sermon bv th.i servit K fi P: ° ni " or| l'nation Hji Ihp i'f i CL E. service, Halbert Jacobs, presiding; 7 r, m preaching. 1 1 Evening 7.30, the Educa tional Anl Society canvasses, the Rev. TAYLOR TOASKFOR MORE MONEY FOR RIVER FILL Coatlnurd Frum Flrat Pa«t yards of additional filling material. He has not yet estimated the exmet amount that will be necessary, but ho did <av that it will not exceed 5,000 cubic yards. That amount would cost a littla more than $1,300. The Park Commissioner said to-day that much of the dirt that had beoii washed by the llood from the top of the bank was deqiosited at the base, cover ing unslightly rocks. He added that It would have been necessary to enmtoy men to drag down the dirt to cover these rocks, but the flood has done that work and he says that the damages through actual loss of dirt is offset to some extent by deposits at the foot of the slope. Both Taylor and his engineers who have examined the river bank where the fresh (ill was made immediately be fore the flood came, estimated the amount of dirt carried away by the high water to be from 500 to 1000 cubic yards. lay lor said that the City Commis sioners, when they awarded the con tract for the present fill to tihe Brown- King Company, virtually divided that additional material would be necessary beyond the 15,00'0 yards originally provided for. The river bank, between Calder street and Maclay street will be ej teuded between nix and eight feet and j in some places as much as twelve foot. FINANCE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGB QUOTATIONS Furnished by H. W. Snavely, Broker. Arcade Building, Walnut and Court Streets New York, March 4. Open. Close Alaska Gold Mines .. . 29% 29% Amal Copper 54i/„ 03% j Amer Beet Sugar .... 3 9 39 j American Can 27% 27%. jAm Oair and Foundry Co 41 % 411., Am Ice Securities "... 26% 27 Amer Loco 197/ g j Amer Smelting 64 62% | American Sugar 102 101% ; Anaconda 25% 25% Atchison 95% 95 Baltimore and Ohio ... 66% 66% Bethlehem Steel 54% 54% Brooklyn K T 87% 87% Californa Petroleum .. 17% 17% Canadian Pacific 156'/., 156% Central Leather 34" 33% Chesapeake and Ohio 41 41 <'hi, Mil and St. Paul.. 86 86% ! Chino Con Copper 35% 3b% Consol Gas 11714 1'17% <'orn Products 9% 91,* Distilling Securities ... 8% 8 Erie 21% 21% Erie, Ist pfd 3514 34% General Electric Co ... 139 139'/* Goodrich BE 32 31'/, • ireat Nor pfd 115 115% Great Nor Ore subs ... 32 32 Illinois Central 103% 103% Interboro Met 56% 5.6% Lehigh Valley 134 Vi 134 Mex Petroleum 65% 65% Missouri Pacific 12% 12 National Lead 53% 5'3% Nev Consol Copper ... 12% 12% New York Central .... 83 S3y a N Y, W H and H 49 1 4»y~ Norfolk and Western .. 10114 101% Northern Pacific 103 101% Pacific Mail 20% 20% Penna R R 104% 105% Pittsburgh Coal ...... 21) 20 Press Steel Car 27 27 Ray Con. Copper 17 17 % Reading 114% 143% Kepub. I. and S. pfd .. 75% 75% Southern Pacific 83'/ 4 83' Southern Ry 15% 15% do pfd 4 81/3 47 Va Tennessee Copper ...... 27% 26% Union Pacific 118'/ 4 118 U. S. Rubber 56 55% U. S. Steel 43% 43% do pfd 105 104% Utah Copper 52% 51% Vir.-Carolina Chern. # 2O 20 Western Maryland 20 20 W. L*. Telegraph 63% 63% Westinghouse Mfg .... 69 66% Chicago Board of Trade Closing Bji Atnociateil Prettt, Chicago, March 4.—Close: Wheat —May 139 5-8; July 112 7-8 Corn —Mav"72 l-2;,July 74 1-2. Oats—May 55 1-2; July 51 1-2. Pork—May 17.2 7; July 17.65. I^ard—May 10.32;, July 10.60. Ribs —May 9.87; July 10.17. Wilson War Policy Endorsement Tabled Des Moines, la., March 4.—An en dorsement of President Wilson's Euro pean war policy was tahled in the lowa Senate to-day by a vote of 28 to 9.