OUR ANNUAL MARCH SILK SALE — (Now In Progress) ; I 8 's JSjoumuzaZ \ Call 1991—Any Phone Founded 1871 SeCUre Netl) Stlks for Call 1991—Any Phone Founded 1871 Spring at Exceptional Savings Only manufacturers of high standing have sent silks for this great event, which means that quality comes first. No less important are the fascinating designs that will be popular, and all the new desirable weaves are shown. Read Every Item Carefully and Note the Unusual Savings | PK?CES B ON T FURS To-morrow Begins a smdv Three Dag Sale of "1847" This is your last opportunity to secure high grade furs at the A OJDeC/Gf 1 UrCl\aSe of following low prices. You will profit by looking forward to <7> n I~> > ~ _ . ' ' f) ,f °t,zrM„ leS et,. t? 30.00, w .oo. $ 2 Feather Pii lows,sl.4srioger Skunk Opossum set, at $30.00, from $60.00. Containing ti pounds of sanitary feathers, and covered "•* * som ! wi,h fanc - v ""t: 1 r: y n , r t rr t Thursda^Friday and saturday wiu be an I [M mmm time t0 add t0 your sets at lowered prices ' from new wilile t'he.riasrat 50^ Coney ' Squirre1 ' Marmot and Opossum, Here A.TQ D&illtV 'Kerchiefs f I and u P" to( * ate P atterns °f genuine "Roger Bros'. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. • TTT A. J 04. 1 ' 1847," including Old Colony, Cromwell and plain pat- Sheets & Pillow Good liA Wanted otyles terns ' that are part of our regular price-quality guar -Cases Are '4 News About WinJßmF ant e« « SCt ol ICO ( l'Ccllll S"»c, at ...OJlc 1,7 . -- , | Wo J nen ' s .^ ine | 1 Handkerchiefs—%-inch hem; with pink, blue and 56.29 fl()7 Kfllflfl S2 QS ' Forks, $2.48 Sheets, 81x108 inches- value Women s Kid Menders— lavender embroidered corners; at J2%c ' aoZ ' E>HlaCl J 1 Ol KS, . . . . x . ; sl.lO, at ...75c | Iti-button length, in white Plain Linen Handkerchiefs—%-inch hem; extra fine quality; $1.50 BeiTV SpOOII, $1.29 $2.50 Set of Six Orange S(?t Ol SIX OrlCll, ITUS - inC S I 98^ an ' not aH BiZeß; Pair , ' Women's Plain Linen Half' Center" %-in^'hJm! $1.15 Jelly Spoon, ... 98* Spoons $1.79 dium size hoUow handle Pinow c r , 45x36 in,he, | & chamois * a V!:!!! $1.25 Gravy Ladle, . Pillow Oases, 50x36 • inched ni /" Cimmo sette Women's Swiss Lawn Handkerchief!—with plain white or pink, blue gl 00 Cold Meat Fork CI V) , iwwi , value 22c, at .v Gloves-—2-clasp; in black and «»'! lavender embroi.lere.l corners; % Inch hem; at .. .• .-,c fl-W tOKI Mtat 10l Iv, SB.OO Sot of six DcSSOl't ' Pillowcases. 54x36 inches; chamoise; regularly 50c; &t Women's AU Linen Mourning Hatdkorchiefs—% -inch black hem, 89C $3.25 set of Butter Spread- KniveS aild Forks Mahi'^Floor— FIoor—BOWMAN'S Wo -n', MourtUng «'• $2.75 Soup Ladle, $1.98 CPS $2.89 # ' ' '56.79 " M « n floor—BOW MAN 8. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. FEATS OF DIVERS Remarkable Endurance of the Pearl! Fishers of Torres The greatest depth recorded of work I done by a diver in a suit is 182 feet. I This depth was relied by the Spanish' diver. Angel firostarbe, wiho recovered $4.1,000 111 silver ingots from the wreck of th" steamship Skyro off Cape Finisterre. Tlie sponge divers of the Mediterranean work at a maximum of 150 feet and the Australian pearlers at 120 feet. ' HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 3, 1915. The greatest depths reached by div-| ers without apparatus are used by the) pearl Ushers of Torres, most/ly Malay ans from the smaller islands. They go' down with the aid of a stone and a] loop in the rope thereto . attached, which they clutch with their toes, these! | organs being far more prehensile than I in races normally shod. They seldom j venture to descend below fifty feet, a ' depth ».t which they cun remain for .1 two minutes. The stone enables them , to remain at the bottom while they are II sweeping the pearl oysters in#o a bas- ket attached to the stone. When the ' diver feels that he must come up to I breathe he releases his toes from the i becket in the rope and at once floats i to the surface. i Young and healthy Malayan divers i working ovster beds below six fathoms make four descents an hour during four hours in the morning and the same dur ing four hours in the afternoon follow-1 ing a four-hour rest. A civilized man | at a depth of forty-two feet finds such! a dive intolerable after a single minute. —New York Sun. I j "I can give you a cold bite," sai the woman. "Why not warm it up?" asked tl tramp. "There ain't any wood sawed." I "Ho,' Well, give it to me cold. "- I New York Sun. 5