The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 03, 1915, Page 12, Image 13

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The Best Ginghams Made
u.y D. and J. Anderson Ginghams have been noted these many
w .i>-^years for their superior quality. They were the finest dress
ginghams when our grandparents wore school frocks, and to-day
HTV) P» I\l Vl Q r>/=kC 1-n All \C Ir\r\ C /""\f thcse hoUest fabrii;s are still foremost in beauty and service.
A Alt/ 1 it/ W OlldiJUu XII fill OI We nro P u>a!,e<l <0 announce a beautiful Spring line direct from the
' 1 'h^d° MS BtCCla w' w ' Sl ' ot ' an >l. Many fancy plaids, stripes and soH.l
, CI\X7"C A I nrn r*i rt
vJll dW o X~\ V/lil L/Ivl/ OIJI lily 0110 W Illy " l * la^ ow r AU styles in fancy plaids, stripes, checks
Hundreds „„d hundreds „f h„, in t „ q „es. „„kes, „il„ re . mrbans, military rtT«u
ami the tiny shapes are attracting a great deal ot attention among women who didn't know that >'»r«l ..%....... 25c
such a large display of millinery was in evidence so early in the season. Dress Ginghams in many styles at ... 12Hc and 15c
These early Spring hats offer a welcome change from the "Winter hat. and with such a large Bates Gin ß ha,l,s — l » hort lengths of 12He grade at !.. 9** c
variety of shapes and shades to select from it becomes an easy matter to pick a new hat and ts " Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor,
determine how you want it trimmed.
A special table of shiny straw braid hats at \ M ,1 n C
75c 85c $1.23 N T ° h Proof Garn ; en, l Ba S s
, . , j j .. ~ , These bags are used in many homes all through the vear to
m the latest brimmed turbans, dented crowns, medium sailors and numerous other shapes. protect your finest garments from the dust. They are made in
Barnyard straws—as light as a feather—fine Milans. hemps and novelty straws in black, two sizes —- til{ -' inches and 26Vfex55 inches. Plain or cedar
tan. green, blue, brown, sand, grev and other Spring shades, $1.95, $2.95, $3 95 $4 95 $5 95 $6 50 otlor ,w S uar d against liioths. Prices, each 25<>
$6.95 and $7.50. ' . I
— —— J 42c straw and willow shopping baskets at 25c j
Spring Braids, Ribbons, Flowers Ready, Too tv Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement.
*• Dives, Pomeroy t Stewart. Millinery. Second Floor, Front —Three Elevators. T~\ . * r i-* < "\ \ T *
boys New Blouse Waists
A Sale of Enameled Ware at 25c
A special purchase of high-grade enameled cooking utensils goes on sale to-morrow with these . c . , .
savings at -your service: A hue lot of Hoys Blouse \\ aists with patent re-inforced
- _ „ . open cuffs. Light striped percale and woven striped madras,
SBc 8-onart T« Kelt e* «on ' in 1""! *'*}■ Co JT, d Bucketß WOc khnki - dark cheviot and light and dark chambrav, sizes sto 15.
II 1 U „ ' . 89 <sc 1 © quart Berlin Kettles 49c Snceial
$ 1.1S« 9-qnart Tea Kettle* SOc 90c 12-quart Berlin Kettles, 39c
%l% 9-'S Vofloe Holler, !!!!!!!;:!:::::: '",lc Special Items in the Basement ** Dives ' Po,neroy 4 stewnrt - street Floor
- i' Colander. tnc 10c Scrubbing Brushes, 5c
:>oc 10-quart Dish 1 ans Hoc 9Sc heavy galvanized Wash Tubs 63c \ • T p, •
"SSSSS ::::::::::::::::: 2 £ American Laces—Special
SOc 4-quart o\al Co\ered Buckets 53c 35c Brooms, sewed four times, 2Jlc
t'T Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. clean-up of 3,600 yards from a well-known American
— lace mill. Lengths from 3 to 12 yards, in edges and insertions.
"* W *T"VI White and ecru.
More 1 han 200 Pieces in Thursday's 2£ S
I 1 . O 1 f f > 4 4 41 Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, Street Floor.
Kemnant bale of Colored and
Black Dress Goods 10c Whl,e Lawn Special
These weekly clearances of cut pieces of dress fabrics have given many shoppers excellent
values 111 stynsh goods, both in black and colors, and another good assortment will be found on the
counters to-morrow. A sheer white dress fabric with neat figures. Width is 27
Lengths vary from IK. to 7 yards. inches and regular 10c quality at 5<
rt n i n . 0 j I 25e plain white Crepe Voile, 44 inches wide. Special, yard 15c
9 Black Dress (roods lTc white Pajama Checks, 39 inches wide. Special, yard, ......10c
pieef ,ari> " UU ' % J lO ! I '' ll, Na ' lo 53.00. thurs<lay only, j 4% yards black Panama, value $2.59. Thursday i" 10 white Nainsook, ;»6 inches, short lengths. Special, yard, ....10c
•i :> .. 1 ••••••••••• •• • • .... .51.9.» onl\, piece $1.30 19c white Ratine, 27 inches. Special, yard, ....". lOc
pi eoe " ui.s. a\ ""'2' i yards black granite cloth, value $4.38. Thurs- 39c white Oruandie, 38 inches. Soecial, vard 'l9c
r 5 dav onlv piece «•> ~u *
a vards «crse value <1 7". Tlmr !i,- ' , ~ , Ix>npcloth, 10 yards to piece, 32 inches. Special, piece 59c
I ? ,rSda - sii.«7 onlt/pTet aCk . W !°. C T:. VBIMe ,5 -°°- Th « Longcloth, 10 yards to piece, 36 inches. Special, p'iece,' «9c
piece* "? ari> . "°°' CT . Pe ' , Va . lUe . ThnrSda - V^. n i» d I vard . s black silk poplin, value $8.13. Thurs- tT Dives - Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
piece.* .. . ! nt . ,lla '. . % . ahU . T . hU . r r!'!^itslio I■» yards black worsted, value $5.00. Thursday only, * * 1 1 1-| * 1 T*
J sfk jH'plia, value $6.25. Thursday only, | I yards biack silk crepe, value $5.25. Thtiredav Moderately iflCed I WO"
1 . ' " 81.(19 »nly, niece «■»
ClasoKid Gloves forWompn
pier- 4 *alue Thursday only, yards blaek serge, value $2.50. Thursdav onlv V/ld&P ivlli VrlU VCo IUI VV Ullldl
« sl2.7*S plpce, * jfii di
pie^e' Var iS " lk Po| ' lin ' Val "° Thursda - V | ! 2&s yards black Panama,' value $1.55." ' Thurs.'lav Two-clasp kid gloves ill tan 85£
..IV'vrt sl,VpV " ;<l " ,v ' k ' ;v "' u "" <V&biw'.Vrg,; v.iuV«v.«; I"*** ™ 8l ° VC8 ™ b !* ck ; whi ' eand ?1 - 50
i' x-oli ' V a ■■■■■■■■ • ■■■ S-.43
only.'piece, ... L 7 S? ' s °' Thursda - V onl - v . ?1.75 to $2.25
5 yards Panama, value $2.95. Thursday only, P iece_, 5 yards black' sant'oy,' Value $V.50." Washable chamoisette gloves, 16-button length, white, natural
5i.75 piecp ; " $4.95 aml pongee, to $1.50
* Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor ' ~ p T „
' oor - Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Funeral of Harold Beckey, Who Died
From Eating Poisoned Roots
Special ' orr spondence.
Middletowa, March 3. —The funeral
of the late Harold Beckey. who din 1
from eating jioisoned roots la~t Satur
day, was held from the home of hi?
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Becky, at Royal too yesterday afternoon
at 2 o clock. The Kev. H. A. Smith.
Lillian Russell in "Wildfire"
Regent Theatre. Friday, March .Ith. —Adv. |
i „■
pastor of the Royalton l\ B. church,
officiated. The pallbearers were four
cousins, James Heioinger. John Gott
shall. David Kipple ond Edvvard Beck
ey. Interment was in the ijiddletown
cemetery. t
George Uhrich spent Tuesday at
Lebanon as the guest of relatives.
Mis< Fern Marie Dasher, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Dash«r, East
Water street, and Charles M. , Oberlv
son of Mr. and Mrs. James Objerlv, of
Wilmington, Del., were united in "mar-
riage at the home of the bride's par
r ents vesterdav morning at 10.30 in the
presence oi' the immed ate families by
- the Rev. Filler Bergstrc«ser. pastor of
i St. Peter s Lutheran church. The
ouple lett on the 3.0T train in Ihe aft-
I ernoon for a wedding trip, and on their
return will reside at Wilmington, Del.,
" where the groom is engaged in the
: brick business.
; _ Mrs. George Seymour and daughter,
ot Harrisburg. spent vesterdav in town
as the guests of the former's mother,
l Mrs. Myra Shultz, Susquehanna street,
•vho is on the sick list.
»John C. Hue, aged filj, who suffered
from a stroi:e on Sunday, died at his
home in Royalton last evening about
■' o'clock. He it survived by the fol
lowing childrei:: Marv, at home; Mrs.
Harrv Leggore, of Royalton; Mrs. Fern
Hawthorne, Philadelphia: Mrs. David
Metzlar. Harrisburg; Oliver. Elizabeth
\town, and Eugene, ilarrisburg. Fuuer
f \ \V
I iiave arranged with C. A. Stouffer, of Broad
I streot, to have on sale dailv at mv store a full line of
-Fresh and Smoked Meats, Smoked Fish,
|Poultry, Delicatessen and Home Baking
Thjursday, Friday and Saturday, March 4, 5, 6
\ou (are invited to call and inspect our entire line.
I Fine and Staple Groceries
1 -X— 1
■ ] al announcements will be published la
! i ter.
;! Ellsworth Mover, who spent the past
week in town as the guest of his fa
' ; ther, Charles Mover, left on Monday
■ for Pittsburgh.
Helen, the 4-year-old daughter of
' Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Light, Hwatara
! 1 street, is ill with pneumonia.
\V. V. Lutz, the barber, has an
• , nonneed himselt as a candidate for con
i stable in the Second ward.
. | Charles Gent liner resigned his posi
• I tion as foreman in the moulding depart
| ment of the Wincroft stove works.
I T. .1. Antrim spent part of the day
s at Harrisburg.
Oliver llenry is painting the large
show windows for Banks Bros.' store.
Mrs. Foster Witman and Miss Cora
i ; Gingrich are visiting relatives and
I I friends at Lebanon for several days.
! John Lutz, Sr.. is a'ole to be out
J again after being confined to his home I
• on Ann street on account of illness for
the past two weeks.
James Hippie will open an ice cream
manufacturing plant in the room now
occupied by Valentine Baumbach on
South Union street, who will move into
i H. P. Young's room near Ann street.
Edward Miller is visiting friends in
town for several djvs.
The l>ody of the late John Clark
will be brought to Middletown from
Harrisburg on Thursday afternoon.
Interment will be in the Middletown
Jacob Reininger, Nissley street, is
The Gorgons
The Gorgons were creatures of Greek
mythology, mentioned by Homer and
Euripides as being of peculiarly abhor
rent aspect. Their hair was composed
' of serpents, their bodies covered with
j scales and girdled with reptiles with
I heads erect, vibrating ttheir tongues
I threateningly, while the hands of the
Gorgons, adorned with sharp talons,
were of brass The gaze of the mon
sters was deadly, all upon whom they
J fixed their eyes being turned to stone.
One of the three terrible sisters was
! conquered and beheaded by Perseus,
and as he took flight in the air en
i route for Ethiopia, holding the severed
head in his hands, the drops of blood
j Which fell from it became serpents,
which ever after infested the sands of
; Lybia.
Notes About Birds
A peculiar characteristic albout birds
is that the young of those that build
j nests in trees are blind when hatched,
are naked, unable to walk and are fed
.by the parent bird. Among the wad
! ing birds the young can walk, swim
and pick up food immediately upon
leaving the egg. With birds, as with
higher animals, the females seem to
i fancy bright colors and music; hence
Mother Nature usually ornaments the
head, neck and tails of the males that
I they may find mates more readily. The
male birds usually excel in musi<T also.
Ancient Silk
A book published in Japan 1,000
years ago notes that at that time good
j silk was already produced in twenty
five provinces of that country.
Sailors on Battleships Involved in
Scheme to Oast Governor ot
Rio Janeiro State
By Auociattxl Press.
Rio Janeiro, March B.—Discovery of
a plot which is said to have had as its
object the ousting of Nilo Pecanha as
Ooverhor of the State or Kio Janeiro,
has resulted in several arrests. Among
those involved are sailors 011 battle
ships 'Minas tieraes and Sao Paulo. A
rigid inquiry is being conducted and it
is believed the movement is similar to
the naval mutiny of 1* 0. Official an
nouncement has been made that no of
ficers nre involved in the conspiracy,
which is considered ''a complete fail
ure. ''
Richard Kirk, a Brazilian aviator li
censed by the French Aero Club, was
killed when his machine*overturned at
a great height while he was reconnoit
ering over a rebel camp in the State ot
Serious disorders attributed to eco
nomic and political causes were reported
in Brazil in 1913 and early in 1814,
bu* -omparatively quiet was believed
to have been restored in March of the
latter year. The naming of a new cab
inet caused rioting in Rio Janeiro in
November of last year, but nothing lias
been heard of serious difficulties since
that time. There has been no recent
mention of disturbances in the State
of Parana. Most of the trouble last
year was in Rio Janeiro and in the
State of Ceara.
Sailors on the battleships Minas
Geraes and Soa Paulo mutinied on No
vember 22, 1914, murdered four of their
officers and bombarded Rio Janeiro. The
mutineers sent the government a strong
l'rleea, 25e, .-.Or, 75c. «1.00 SEATS NOW SELLING
ahead of Greaiest Magician 11 ( I /ii (i«ni of .lolin Fox Jr.'N MMKiietlc I
Story or I lie Virginia lllll«,
O* THURSTON Trail of ihe
yJEF See Him And Wonder Lonesome Pifie
THEM AI,I, EflTeeta
I'lllCES—Milt., 2.-.0. 50e, 75ei Eve.,
100 NEW MYSTERIES TO SOLVE 23e to *1.50.
L 1 ££
Saturday, Z, March 6th 2E
taST. ; Prices T«k!
Decade scat5 cat Sale To-morrow Generation
THAN THE J ft I ft ■ fet\ ** ° NE ° F
■ ' J
The Fashion Shop CHAPMAN'S
With \ew Muhlc nnd Gooil Fun und
Double at |lie
Harry Bresford & Co. ~KTTr, r; .sr~
BIG BILL BESIDES Matinee, sc, lOe Evening. IKe, 20e
T I II ■ I f\ I I Houra, 12 Noon lo II P. M.
Tech ffi chMl s "tesfiSKr
Benefit Bethlehem Luth. Church A wm, ,l ( ;V. P "o , "s 'hakron Fltoh
in the Lending; Hole
SEATS ON SALE Showing nt 12.4N), 1.15, 2.4Ti, 4.15,
5.45, 7.15, 8.45, 10.15.
Thursday, March 4th Alllo olir lllKh rinKK Come(lleN!
"Language of the Duin/* "Joey und
<lt tll6 II Im Tromhone."
J, H. Troup Music House "a"~»
15 S. Market Sq. A Sliuhe'rl IVati'ir.-'"Yth an all
. - Star Snpport, In 5 Heel*
nCeS sl-50 Ailnilaalon, 10c Children, 5e
Should a Woman Divorce?
A Powerful Realistic Drama—ln 5 parts.
Direct from Weber's Theatre, New York
YICTOm* To-day Only
B , . . . , Very Engaging
PnotiMisiif Tn-nav Aunt Anna — v ° ur ■* a perfect
■ iiwiupsoy ■ M nay doari Willian) . Hp hns surh engaging
» I ways. Mr. StivMig—Uiuiit you are,
1(11 Afl A J 5J aunt; sho has engaged fully two dozen
HPT IVl3n\/rnnm I different cooks in the last nix months
IIUI 1,1 HI IyiUUIII t0 my certain knowledge.—Florida
■» Times-Union.
3 Reel Lubla Druma Featuring I
Arthur .lohniMin an,l Lottie Hrlxeoe Retreating in Disorder
Hear«t-SelI K Weekly of C urrent j < < Who was that toufch looking chap I
r " " j saw vou with to day, liicks f"
"The Quality of Mercy" itwi^X^ Parker - Thnt was ,ny
Vltatcraph, featnrinic Antonio 1 "By Jove, old chap, forgive me! I
Moreno and Edith Storey j really oughi to have known."—Kansas
r City Tiums.
J ; 6 ' ' -- , ' . ,j' . -
Special Half Price Brings Many Patrons
to H. 0. Kennedy's
The people of Ilarrisburg and Vicin
ity appreciate the great advantage H. O.
Kennedy obtained for them, in getting
the Or. Howard Co. to allow the regu
lar 50-cent size of Dr. Howard's spe
cific, for the cure of constipation and
dyspepsia, to be sold at half price, 25
cents, and have bought hundreds of
I" ii I ike ordinary medicines for consti
pation and dyspepsia, the dose of Dr.
Howard's speci fie is reduced after a few
days' use, and the cure is soon complete
and lasting.
If you have not already taken advan
tage of this chance to get a month's
medical treatment for 25 cents, be sure
to call at 11. C. Kennedy's to-day, for
he lias only n small amount of the
specific on hand.—Adv.
lv worded ultimatum demanding an in
crease in pay, the abolition of corporal
punishment ami several other unpopular
naval regulations. The movement was
believed not to have political signifi
cance. Three days after the mutiny
began both chambers of Parliament
passed resolutions granting amnesty to
the sailors involved in the revolt and
tlie mutineers surrendered on November
Crawford—l hear it was a bad fail
ure. Crabshaw—Very. Kveu the re
ceivers didn't make anything out of it.
Printed at this office in best style, at
lowest prices and on short notice.