HE WEATHER [OK TO-NIGHT |TI> TO-XOBBOW MUt< lUf«t PW • T SFWS?" VOL. 77—SO. 74. am in nipi Becomes Much Discussing Alleged Habits of Neighbor HRIRT TRIES TO CALM KIM Alleged Habitual Drunkards That They Bought Drinks the St. Lawrence Hotel, in Ber- Dauphin County witnesses, including alleged drunkards and at least one went on the stand in court be- : Judges Kunkel and McCarrell this and declared that they ob- liquor in the St. Lawrence hotel, ®3errysburg, a hostelr- >se license ap oat ion lias not vet ueen passed upon, ving been held up because of charges ■ violation of the law have been pre- j against the proprietor, William j WH. Bowman. A score or more of witnesses also testified, some opposing and some fa voring the relicensing of the hotel. Bowman himself denied that he ever violated the liquor laws and added that he always instructed his bar clerks to t sell intoxicants only to eligibles. Fred. Koclier, and Upper End farmer, ! . who recently professed religion at the evangelistic services held in Berrvs- j Ijrg. became so excited when he went | the stand to tell of the alleged ■vnfall of a friend that he cried alo«£ L yelled at the top of his voice, ■her in his fit of screaming, said: ■'What a pity it is for that man. '">h kgoodnes* I pity that man. I „ft,»ii ■ ■•led with him to let drink alone, I■ 11-! ■will not do it. 11l- is a splendid K- he is my neighbor and friend r ■ I pity him ao. 1 am just I; some hy he will till a drunkard'si ye.' Htdgc McCarrell told the ivitmas 1 We was no rcas n for his be -inning, J piled but Ko»-her continued yelling i jl "I can't help it, I pity liiiu so." Ai 'Bute later he was quieted and after! J ••♦way til,, tetws he <*: I: ' .< Xow 1 am ready." "Twenty Years Old Till June" 1 Kodier later said that he often saw "j I alleged " habituate" under the in n.o of liquor ami ad-tad that he at e- saw them obtain beer anil whit - at the St. Lawrence hotel. 'leou Ki>|ipcnhaver. When questioned i lit his age, said: 'I will lie twenty years old 'till' le then related :i story covering sev visits to the Herryaburg hotel, say that he onee became so intoxicated Continued on Second I'ngr. CALEB SAYS FULL CREW ! HASN'T ADDED SAFETY erintendent of Philadelphia Divj sion Gives Out Statement in Whica He Declares the Act Has Resulted in 1j137,00(> Useless Expenditure t. B. McCaleb, superintendent of thu adelphia division of cue I'onnsyi a railroad and a well-known resi i of Harrisbjrg, gave out a state- . t this morning 011 the full crew ' in which he I The so-called f-ill crew law has . 1 in operation on the division under i jurisdiction between Uarrisburg Philadelphia and Knola and West I ris\ ille aiul I can say positively | it has not increased safety in rail- j operations, but rather responsitnl- | has been uivided by forcing extra into train .Tews. Phis works 11st rather than for safety and elli ey in railroad operations. In the opeiation of the Philadel- j division we .'iiovj, on an average, 2 -passenger trains, 3,527 Blow' Cht trains and 90U fast freight trains per month, and it is obvious°as j a plain business proposition that we \ could not afford to permit these trains ; 6 move improperly manned. Accidents i id wrecks are costly and it is the ! instant aim and study upon the part \ , myself and assistants to avoid the me. '' During the year 1914 it was nec sary to have a second brakeman on ch of the fast trains, which only had average of 35 cars eastbound and Continued on seventh Pace lAYLOR ACTS AS FIRE CHIEF rects Smoke-eaters at Race Street Blaze During Absence of Kindler , When fire broke out at 3 o'clock 1 1 is afternoon in a stable at the r*ar siß san of Fire Commissioner M. llarvey aylor who hurried to the scene in the j fcsence l';' fr • ■ • €lje Star- Jti kpewkttt MOVEMENT OF HUGE COAL PILES BEGINS UP COUNTY Release of Immense Surplus Stocks of Anthracite for Spring Shipment Causes Much Activity at McClellan and Halifax (Special to the Star-Independent.) Millersburg, March I.—Workmen began digiging into the huge mountains Oil anthracite coal piled up along the railroad at McClellan and Halifax, lust night, aud long lines of freight cars were in waiting to be loaded fo>r the eastern market. This is the usual movement of coal bqgan every spring to stock up dealers in Xew Jersey, New York and the New England .States, and it toi a great extent depletes the black mountans that when seen from the car windows excite the wonder and admiration of travelers, in a short time the big mounds wih I have yielded thousands of tons stored iup to meet the demands in cases of emergencies. Spring shipments are classed among the emergencies, the supply of coal in the East being held down to the lowest point until almost exhausted when spring arrives. The coal will be sent to New Jersey ports and there loaded on vessels and taken to its ultimate destination. The coal movement does not mean much of an increase in the matter of freight shipments as a whole, and rail road men say that freight business at | present is away below normal. The I shipment of anthracite will make I tilings a let tie better, but not much. The anthracite shipments will cease in a short time and the shipment of bituminous will become active onlv as restrictions arc removed at South Ain boy, where the soft coal is sent to be ! loaded on vessels. The removal of the restrictions on shipments are irregular and only come when the supply is low. Then the companies are notified to ship quickly and activity is resumed. MAJORBARTON D7EVANS DIED INJISJIST YEAR Civil War Veteran and Former State Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding, a Victim of Rheuma tism After Long Illness I Major Barton D. Evans, former sol er, editor and State official, died sterday afternoon at his home in the gler apartments, Second street near aiiiut. aftei a long illness from rheu itism and neuritis. He was 70 years The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock from St. Steph en's Epiwpal cthuich, of which Major lityans was a member for years. The I set-vices will be in charge of the rector, I th? Rev. Rollin A. Sawyer. Interment | will be made in the Harrisburg ceine : e -y. Major Evans for the past twenty-five ye »rs was a resident of Harrisburg in co 1 I nee tion with carious positions held i\ v him under several State aduiinistra ns. He was born in West Chester, '■ile son of Henry S. Evans, founder,: Vblisher and editor of the West Ohes- j 1 * "'Village Record," for years one <♦* the most prominent and influential ced persone and also against the fas.te ling of horses to trees. Th > forester added that he expect* to vote his early efforts to taking a census of city trees, studying local contli' ions and determining the wants. He would not discuss the questions of how linanv assistants he will have or w*ha; equipment he will need, prefer- I ring, he said, to get familiar first with the city's nee.ls. He did intimate, how aver, that he personally will treat the trees and expects to supervise all trim Where conditions will permit it 1 e will ismie jiermits to property own srs to trim trees, he said, but never- I thel ;s6 he wants to keep in touch with that work too. > ;ueller will select varieties of trees tor frhe streeits; decide which should be rem >ved and replaced by others ami den ri/iine those, if any. that should be transplanted. Actual work along this iine, virill not be begun, however, for 1 neural weeks, or until the start of the j pi ai ting season. The- forester is a former Harrisburg- i er, sad he will move his family here 1 froi i Beliefonte on April 1. FIRE AT SHOEM.AKERSVILLE leading, Pa., March I.—Fire at this county, this morn ing destroyed the Mansion House Hotel taejirtpre room occupied by J. R. Keim' a wfarfchoose and lodge hall in the same boil l.tag and caused a loss of 125,000. i * hflrej is some insurance on the prop -Brt- j The cause is unknown. , n. Ttf ot the hote ' got out of I the. uuilmng as quickly as they could. Not £ few of them escaped with noth- ] I HJ *f ut their "'git clothes. , HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 1, 1915—10 PAGES. : nW 1 / Lynch, Whom 'Patriot' Criticised, Will Put » In an Ordinance Pro • viding for Purchase ! OPTION HAS i BEEN OBTAINED i Plot Is Located 6n South Ninth Street I and It Is Offered by the Estate 1 for —Commissioner Says It . Is Well Suited for Purpose Proposed 1 t ■ Under an option obtained lato Satur ' | day from the trustees of the Henry Me ' | formic k Estate, the City has a than, e : j to buy a three-quarter ai re plot of | ground on South Nint'h striet, just 1 i above Shynois. as a site for the pro l |K*-oil municipal asphalt repair plant. ■! Highway Commissioner William 11. t I Lynch, at the meeting of the City Com '' missiouers to-morrow at" terno n. will in -5 troduce an ordinance, he said to-day, ; carrying an appropriation of $6,630 to s ; buy the ground. One half of the plot years ago was ) j utilized by the Rider Coal Com any. ; The groumi skirts the tracks of the < ! Philadelphia & Reading Railroad an 1 > ,is said by Lynch to be well adapted • 1 for an asphalt plant site, ex eeially b»- . I cause of its having a raiiro ut tre.-tie i| on the western side. Pockets are ; ro | vided beneath the trestle and much I money can be saved through this ni.'ti iod of unloading cars, in the Commis sioner's opinion. Commissioner I.vnch said to- lay t ie | option is signet! by Vance C. McCor- I mick and Henry B. McCormick, Jr., as trustees of the McCormick Estate. Tne option will remain in force on v until II March 15 and if accepted the site must -1 be paid for nn or before April 1. next, ;bv which time the deed will b; 1 trans ■ j f erred. Lynch to-day suit! that unless objec j tion is raised to his ordinance it can ; be passed finally on March 9 and that ! immediately thereafter he will adver i tise for bills for the construction of tho I plant. He now is in communica.ion i with several concerns which make a 1 specialty of such work. I The contract for street repairs, wiiich , now is in th-> hands of Charie* P. Wai ters, will not expire until April 1. and I the need for a municipal repair p ant | will not be great until the middle of 1 ; May or June 1, said Lynch, by which | tinie it is hoped to have the proposed | plant in operation. The cost of the I plant and the site will be paid for out jof the $25,000 improvement .oan au i thorized bv the voters for th .:t purp>se in the fall cf 1913. Commissioner Lynch recently wan criticized by the "Patriot,"' the Mc- J Corniick newspaper, for having private ly purchased a plot of groumi at Mfl | clay street which the "Patriot" thought should have been bought by the city for the asphalt rejiair plant. STAR-INDEPENDENT FILLS MUM FOR mm Great Crush at Box Office by Holders of Coupons Clipped From This News paper Means Big Audience To-night at Reduced Rates Large crowds which late Saturday afternoon and early this morning Hooi- I ed the Majestic box office with cjupons | clipped from Saturday's issue of th_' | Star-Independent entitling holders to a big reduction in the-price of seats for the Thurston exhibition of magic to be given in that theatre this evening, gave ! striking testimony that a good tff.-r! ! need* only to be made in a widely read ! newspaper au-l the public will not be, | slow in taking advantage of it. As soon as copies of the Star-Ind'-' pendent were on the street Saturday afternoon, hundreds of persons seized them and hurried with the coupons to the Majestic box office, where one of the greatest rushes in the theatre's his-' t-orv was experienced. When the doors were opened this morning another throng, which had been waiting out&'le and was each minute increasing in size, presented the Star-Independent coupons and received tickets at the reduced rate. j "1 think there is a good deal ofi I credit coming to the Star-Indepen jdent," said C. Floyd Hopkins, nnn ager, of the Majestic this morning, j "The crowds hurrying here to the the atre for tickets argue well for the mer its of the paper as an advertising medi 1 um. By running a coupon in its ad , vertising columns, and giving publicity | to offer of reduced rates, the Star- Independent brought on the rush here •Saturday and to-day, and demonstrated how widely read the paper is." There has been a total of approxi mateiy 1,400 coupons presented at tha ' Majestic box office for tickets for to i night's performance. The ho!ders of | the coupons were entitled to their ! choice of any seats in the house while j the choice .larted, at the rate of twen i tv-five cents each. The regularly list ed dollar seats, of course, went first, and ha«l all been taken before the box office closed on Saturday. Thurston, the successor to Kellar, hai arrived in the city with his twenty-six assistants and two carloads of equip ment, and thanks to the Star-Indepen dent coupons, will perform before a packed house to-night, even before the city starts to talk about th e hundred mysteries he has in store for his audi ences. Thurtrton will give Qiatinee an I evening performances to-morrow a ud Wednesday but the coupons entitle the holders to reduced rates for to-night only. ENTRANCE TO DARDANELLES ! According to the latest cable despatches, all the forts at th« entrance of the Dardanelles have been reduced and the greatest fleet of war ships ever seen In action Is attempting to pouud a way through to Constantinople and the Bosphorus After reducing the fortifications at the entrance to tbe strait the allied Franco-British force cleared the waters of mines and worked its way fourteen miles toward the Ottomun capital, and the forts at tbe narrow portion of tbe strait—the strongest of Constantinople's protective chain—probably are by now under a terrific bombardment. SUNDAY SCHOOLS i RELIEF MK Funds Raised Yester day 1< or Sufferers at Home and Across the Sea 200 WOMEN ARE AWAITING HELP Division Operating in City Has Funds to Give 330 Applicants Work This Week and May Continue During Month i Sunday schools of the eitv showed ! their nppreciation of the splendid work I the Horn* ant 1 . Wtr |{e I; Otrnmw t is , doing for the needy families of the city yesterday, when many of them voted ] money for the work, or arranged tor 1 special collections. Action by others will be taken during the week, or next I Sunday. Classes of Grace Methodist church btreet Church of God contributed their entire collection, sl7; Stevens Me morial school planned a special con tribution for next Sunday; the Fourth Reformed school is planning heavy con tributions; Messiah Lutheran will take special collection and the Derry Street I'nited Brethren school will attend to . the matter of contributing Wednesday ; night after prayer meeting. Others of the city's churches have not been heard from, but in all of them the appeal was i read. I The Home Division has enough money ou hand to continue furnishing work for more than 350 women for at least another week, and from indica tions there will be sufficient money con tributed to keep the work going until April 1. Friday there was paid out more than $l6B, while to-day's requests I t'or work will payment of more than s2llO. There are more than 200 women on the waiting list and if the contributions warrant it they will all be put to work this week. One Woman's Industry One of the visitors to the headquar ! ters, 7 South Front street, who has done exceptional work has made eleven : visits between February 1-and 24. In that time she spent $5.40 for materials , and has transformed those materials into 24 baby saiques, 14 baby caps, one baby blanket, a child's petticoat and nine hospital socks. Her work is unusually good. The entire general committee welcomes such visitors, or those desiring to inspect the place. Garments, ban luges and medical supplies sufficient to fill 74 boxes have! been made up by needy women of I this city, working for pay, and by vol- j unteers. Shipment on Saturday of two boxes by the Red Cross division round ed out the list, which contains more than 60,000 pieces. 39 KiLLEDINEXPLOSION Barrel of "Rice" Explodes on Mexican Gunboat at Progreso—Five Women Among Victims By Aaaunatcd Pre Ha. Galveston, Tex., March I.—Dis patches received ait tihe Mexican con sulate here of an explosion on board the main gun'boat Progresj which re sulted in the death of 30 persons in cluding five women. The explosion, ac cording to the first report, occurred yes terday morning while the gunboat was at Progreso. it is said that wthut pur ported bo be a barrel of rice sent on board was, in reality, a bomb, pre, a: ed by persons opposed to the Carranza regime. The Mexican consul here has cabled for further information as he is in clined to doitbt the report. Car Inspector's Face Injured John Ream, 229 South Twenty-ninth street, Penbrook, a car inspector for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, wag struck in the face by a s'eam pipe Saturday night, receiving bad lacera tion® of the face and right eye. tie was treated at the Harrisburg hospital. COPS TAKE SIDES IN BASHL ROW Whole Department Di vided on Question of Who Shall Manage Bluecoats' Team AN ELECTION IS PROPOSED i Assurance Is Given That the Balloting Will Not Be on Political Lines and That No a-to-2 Vote Will Be Tol erated The police force is divided on the all-important question of who is to be j cf t-fce copptjrv' ba,;l ,t,tnuii this year. Sergeant Drabenstadt was manager lasit season, and a pretty good manager was he, but some of the coipipers incline to the theory that he is not the only Connie Mack the department is capaible of producing and they want to give someone else a shew at the honor. At any rate they want to have an election and the members of one faction have trotted out Sergeant Eisenbcrger as a candidate for managerial honors, —in fact they have fixed up a new slate for all the baseball club offices. The friends of Drabenstadt are just as determined to keeip their man in the managerial post and have frame) up a ticket including the name of Lieu tenant Warden for treasurer, —Warden served in that capacity last year,—and there is going to be a baseball war in the police department that will make | the bombardment of tihe Dardenejles j look like a minor attraction. Will Petition the Mayor So much importance is attached bv the copjiers to the contest for baseball officers that a petition is being pre pared to be wi'binitted to Mayor Royal and Chief Hutchison to Idt the blue coats hold a regular election. It is denied that the controversy is based in any way on j>olitical lines. I'erish the thought that any-t/hiug like politics should get into police depart ment baseball! It is going to be a real out-and-out election and nothing like a three-to-two vote will be toler ated. The opponents af the Drabenstadt- Warden ticket have framed up a slate as follows: President, Captain Thomp son; manager, Sergeant Eisenberger; secretary and treasurer, Clarence o! Backenatoss Backenstoss Has Held this job before, hut Thompson and Eisen berger are new in police baseball busi ness. The petition will ask that the cop pers be permitted to hold a baseball meeting on the morning of March 15, when the entire membership of the de partment congregates for tho quarterly march to criminal court to make re turns. Then it is proposed to hold the election wihich will decide w?ncn fac tion will get control of tho police af fairs on the diamond. The policemen's bnseball team does a lot for the department. Its annual games put money in the police quick charity fund, oue of the institutions that "the department cannot well afford to be without. When the police details changed at noon to-day tnere was much discussion, t'ho result being that there are two well defined factions . Being on the police team means a trip to Altoona to play against the Altoona coppers, and an entertainment for the Altoona coppers when they come to Harrisburg. The games are as much a fixed custom in the police department as the switching to summer uniforms on Memorial Day. OLD HOTEL LOSES LICENSE Judge Gillan Declines to Grant Renewal to the Indian Queen, Chambersburg .-".ar-liijfepniUdit.) Chambersburg, March I.—-Judge Gil lan tljis morning refused to grant the renewal of the liquor license of the In dian Queen hotel, in thi« place. W. H. Stover yas the applicant. A license was granted to the Miller hotel whoee application had been held over. The Indian Queen is one of the old est hotels in this city and one to which much historic interest attaches. NEWSUTH PASSPORT FRAUD Stegler's Wife Under j Arrest Following Scene in New Hotel Early To-day IS CHARGED WITH ATTACK ON SCRIBE Said to Have Thrown Seltzer Bottle and Beat Reporter Over Head With \ Cane—Mysterious Suitcases and Another Ccuple Figure in Case 11 y Associated Press. New York, March young worn- I an who, according to the police, gave ' her uanie as Mrs. Annette Stegler, and? is described by them as tho wife of ! Richard I*. Stegler, a prisoner in the i Tombs in connection with the alleged j passport frauds, was arrested early to ! day on a charge of felonious assault i made by Arthur Mateiket. The arrest was made in the Hotel j Grenoble. Mateiket, w«ho is said by the police to be a reporter on a German newspaper, charged that the woman at- I tacked him with a seltzer water bottle j and also beat him with a cane. Mrs. Annette Stegler lias appeared j prominently in the passport fraud | charges in the defense of her husband, Richard P. Stegler. It was through j her influence, she said, that Stegler gave up tbe idea of being a German spy and caused him to make a confes sion, in which he alleged that Boy-Ed, the German naval attache, was behind j his activity fr r tho German cause. At the Grenoble hotel it was learned ! that the woman, who described herself : as Mrs. Stegler ; and Mateiket came to i the hotel about 9 o'clock last night. | They arrived : n an auomobile and were : accompanied by another young man and 1 woman. Both men carried suit cases, I which, according to the hotel people, | they guarded carefully, even refusing to allow bellboys to carry them to ad- | joining rooms which were assigned to I the two couples after they hail regis- j tered at tie hotel desk. About 1 o'clock this morning a caJl for the police came from the room to which Mateiket bed been assigned and when Detective Burgess arrivd he was Coutinued on Se«oxid I'ase. LATE WIUIJjP SUMMARY A new attwnpeHo force back the German line in France apparently Is underway in the Champagne region and although no definite results have been achieved a battle of considerable im portance is developing. Attacks of the allies along this section of the front have been proceeding tentatively for several days but the communication from the German war ofllse to-day in dicates that an asftanlt in force has now been launched. It is 1 said that at least two army corps of French were engaged and that they were repulsed after fierce fighting at close quarters. In the Argonne, Berlin report*, the Continued uu Second Page. CHANGE IX THREE RECTORIES Succession in Harrisburg Diocese Caused by Death of C. J. Galligan Several changed were made in the Harrisburg Diocese of the Catholic church to-day, caused by fehe death of Father C. J. Galligau, rector at Locust Gap. The vacancy caused by. his death will be filled by Father J. F. McDon uell, rector of' St. Mary's Catholic church, who left for Locust Gap this morning. St. Mary's church will be filled by Father William V. Dailey, rec tpr of Sacred Heart church. The change left Sacred Heart church without a rector, but the charge was filled this morning by Father Rice, of the Mont Alto Catholic church. His Motorcycle Stolen Benjamin F. Trout, 524 Camp street, notified the police at 2 o'clock yester day morning that his motorcycle was stolen from Jefferson and Schuylkill streets the night before. ' POSTSCRIPT a PRICE, ONE CENT. ALLIES FLY FLAGS OVER TURKFORTS Formers' Fleet Reaches Chanak. 15 Miles From Mediterranean Entrance to Straits BROUSSA NEXT SULTAN CAPITAL Operations of British and French War ships Creating Tremendous Stir in Near East—British Press Warning on Fall of Constantinople London, March 1, 12 noon.—The flags of Great Britain and France are now flying at the entrance'to the Dar danelles over the Turkish forts re duced by the sea power of the allies. While it would appear to be a fact that ho allied fleet has readied Cha nak, fifteen miles from the -Mediter ranean entrance to tho straits, the Brit ish press warns the public not to ex pect the immediate fall of Constanti nople. Nevertheless, tho operations of tho British and French warships against the sea defense of Constantinople are creating a tremendous stir in tho near east. Broussa, in Asiatic. Turkey, is be ing selected by the Turks as their new capital in case it becomes necessary to evacuate Constantinople. The Ger mans in Turkey, it is declared, wanted the Turks to move to Ad'ianople, ■ n Kuropean Turkey, but the Turks would have none of this and started shipping their archives to Broussa. Russians in Desperate Struggle Interest in the lighting along the eastern battle front has been deflected for the moment from the Carpathians to the north of Poland, where the Prus sians appear to be making a desperate effort to regain tie ground field Mar shal Von Hindoiiburg won when ha threw tlfein back from East Prussia- Consequently a stubborn struggle con tinues on the line from the Bohr to the Narew where tirand Duke Nicholas has yet to establish his ascendancy; Vienna reports a violent engagement in Bukowina without saying anything . about the outcome, while Petrograd claims to have checked the Austro-Cor mau advance in this region. Counter Claims on Western Front In the west interest is centering on the fighting in the Champagne re gion. where fierce attack and counter attack have marked operations of the last week. Berlin claims to have re pulsed French advances in this region, while Paris asserts the French troops have been successful in making prog ress and repulsing the German counter attacks. Paris claims also the capture of 2,000 yards of trenches to the north west and fiorth of Beausejour. Practically all discussion of the diplo matic situation has been suspended in the expectation of the statement Pre mier Asquith is to make in parliament this afternoon on the stejMi which the allies probably will take to meet the menace of the German submarine block ade. In the meantime no progress has been made in the case of tho American steamship Wilhelmina, which will be come a mere formality if a general blockade of Germany is proclaimed. FRANCEAND GREAT BRITAIN SERVE NOTICE ON U. S. TO STOP SHIPPING TO GERMANY Washington, March I.—France anhe submarine warfare ou merchant vj ships conducted by (Jermany was tie- •'i livcred to Secretary Bryan bv tlie ' , French and British ambassadors, here, who nulled personally at the State De partment together for that purpose. Secretary Bryan promptly appraised President Wilson of the new move but declined to make any statement. \ Slump in February Marriages Another slump !n the marriage li cense department occurred in Febru ary, when but 94 couples got permits to wed. This is more than a score be low the average, which in 1914 was 11S. Licenses obtained to-day in cluded these: Charles M. Oberly", Wil- 1 uiington, and Fern Dasher, Mid dletown: Frank. Inliono and Emilia Donato, cityUeorge H. Kiehl and Queen I. May, city. WALL STREET CLOSING By Associated Press. * • A New York, March I.—Trading be came more stagnant in the late deal ings, following the announcement of the British government's more string ent policy against Germany. The clos ing was steady. TStocks rose and fell ] within narrow limits to-day, the under tone, however, reflecting n ran ess. Deal ings were light and professional. 1 f I