The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 27, 1915, Page 5, Image 6

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    Ri) Hm KM AIM« Price* At* Umr. Bat BRIIH VulltlM Arc
VV Jy Embracing the Season's
XQmKi/ Newest Shapes and Colors
SI.OO and $1.50 Actual Value: $1.50 Actual Values:
In Satin, Silk Faille and Rough Hemp Hats with French Edges, in
Straws, Good Shapes and QQf* large, small and medium shapes.
Colors, Mondav Price 05JC blaek and colors. Monday fJQ^»
' price vF«/V
SI.OO Actual Values: $2.00 and $2.50 Actual Values:
Hemp Hats in large assortment of Milan Hemps in the very latest
shapes and colors, Mon- shapes and colors, Monday
day price price OOv
"ZJS' 1c to ?5c Department Store
newest effects, 1
10c, 15<S 19C, 25cs ~ Where Every Day Is Bargain Day
o9c and oOc 215 Market St , Opp. Court House
The Joint Meeting of These Two Bodies
Was Attended By Burgess Wigiield
to Obtain Data to Be Presented at
Next Meeting
A joint meeting of the Stool ton fire
jatrol, the police committee of council
and Burge s»> Wigiield was hold in the
council chamber last evening to gather
data to be used in presenting the mat
tor of providing special patrolmen, in
telligently before the March mooting
of the borough council for action.
Bver since last fail Burgess Wig
field has endeavored to persuade the
borough eounrfl to provide a way for
him to till vacancies on the force when
ever one or more patrolmen are off duty
caused by sicikness or other unavoid
able circumstances and he has sent a
i.umber of communications to that body
bearing on tii is subjec t. He is now en
deavoring to obtain the right, by coun•
cilmanic action, to use the local fire
Vatrol as a nucleus from which to draw
on for special occasions.
Buch member of the patrol was ques
tioned as to his height, age. weight,
health and willingness to accept an ap-1
| -ointment as a special officer. From the
information obtained the police commit- 1
toe is expected to make its reoommen-!
da lions.
Past Grands Held Open Meeting j
Ton lodges in this district were rep
resented at last night's open meeting
of Past Grands in the rooms of Steel
ton Lodge Xo. IS 4. I. O. O. F. Ad
dresses were delivered by Assistant Pis
tr t Utorney Frank R. W ekersham
. William Shriner. 0 f Middletown.
Vocal and instrumental selections were
: ndored by H. R. Rupp and Miss Irene
Alleman. Refreshments were served.
PROPERTY iOl Bessemer St.. Steelton
consisting of corner lot 6SxIOC feet
with 1-story 3-room house thereon: ex
• Uent i:ar,ien. Inquire 4 ♦ X. Tliird
s::eet. Steelton.
AN S-rooni house with improvement";
lot tor garden, at Steelton Heights
opposite iros shop office. Applv j. jj
HHAGT. 39 S. Front street. Steelton.
FOR RENT—Houses with all inmprove
nier.ts, on S. Fourth St.. Steelton. Xo
Xo " S "* Xos - 353 and
3ss. IS. 00 per month. Apply Sis «
Fourth St.. Steelton. *"
FOR RE.NT—Nicely furnished rooms
with bay windows, having al; con
venieneea. Apply 34S North Front St.
Two Reserved Seat Tickets to the Orpheum
We don't know who will get these tickets, but someone will get 2 every day. Perhaps YOU will be one of the lucky ones.
_ 0 reserve seats ' wmch Wlll be S° od at the Orpheum on a date which will be announced with the name of the person to whom they are awarded.
The announcements will be HIDDEN among the Want, Lost, Found, For Rent, For Sale, etc., ads, but will be so plain that any one can easily find them.
IFOTRWr"' ,W ° tit ' k T t f "'"'r s "'- ° Ut " h0 KOt ,hem ' " 3 ' OU "' ere DOt ' UCky tUs time P erha P s >° ur t»™ will come next. It will be a lot of fun following up the winners
IHOt R NAME is announced don't hesitate to*call for the tickets. The Star-Independent wants you to enjoy them. ,
Special Not.ce-Tickets must be called for before 8 o'clock the evening of the next day after the announcement is made or they will be forfeited.
Mass Meeting for Men ill Reformed
Church in Afternoon and a Fine
Musical Program to Be Rendered
in Same Church To-morrow Evening
Among interesting features of wor
ship in tho borough churches to morrow
will bo a song service in tho First Re
formed in the evening, a mass meeting
for men in the same church in the after
noon, and the beginning of a series of
sermons on "Tho Divine Xecossitv in
tho Life of Christ." by the Rev. B.
Segelkeu in tho Presbyterian church to
morrow morning; the first subject bo- ,
ing "Tho Father's Business." The otho
subjects in this series aro "I Must
Preach," "I Must Work," "I Must Suf
fer and Die." "1 Must Kise Again."
Tho meeting for men in tho First Re
formed church to-morrow afternoon at
3.30 o'clock will be addressed by the
Rev. Charles A. Huyette, pastor, who
will base his remarks on the subject. ■
"The tiroat Invitation." A feature of
this meeting will bo several selections |
by a male quartet composed of G. W.
Xeff, Ellis Lawrence. S. C. Rudy and'
W . M. Harclerode. All men of the bor
' ough aro invited to attend this meeting. J
The folk*ving musical program will
. 1 rendered Sunday evening at tho First
j Reformed church, when tho Rev. Charles
A. Huyette, pastor, will preach a short 1
'sermon: Prelude, "Serenade," by Oou- ,
i nod: invocation, hymn and scripture
lesson: selection. "Lift l"p Your i
Heads," by Hopkins. Hill Crest Quar
tet: "Out of the Deep," bv Marks.
Mrs. Lawrence: sermon, by pastor.
"The Power ot Music;" offratory. "The
Answer." by Wolstonholm; solo, "O i
Love That Will Xot Let Me Go." by
Harter. Miss \\ ildtnan, of Harrisburg; ,
selection. "It Is a Good Thing to Give
rhanks." by Stair; selection by choir. :
hymn and benediction.
The following churches of the bor
; ough have announced their order of.
worship for to-morrow:
St. John's Lutheran church, the Rev. j .
George X. Lmftr, pastor. Morning '
service at 10.45 o'clock. Subject of!
sermon, "Melody in tho Heart." Even
ing service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject
of sermon, "Christ at Xazaretb." Sun '
day school at 9.30 o'clock a. m. 6.30 :
p. ir... Intermediate Christian Endeavor. | •
St. Mark's Lutheran, the Rev. \V. B.
Smith, pastor, will preach at 10.30 a. S <
m. on the subpeot. "A Lenten Sermon," j <
and at 7.30 p. m. the Rev. I)r. L. L I i
Sieber. of Gettysburg, will preach. Sun-! t
lay sc.uioK 2.00: Sr. Catechetical, 3.00; <
C. E., 6.45. Wednesday, 4.15, Jr. I ate
; chotieal: Wednesday, 7.30, praver ■
St. Peter's Lutheran ehureh. High- '
spire, the Rev. Frank Edward Mover,
pastor. Morning service at 10.45 i
o clock. Subject of sermon, "Lenten
Optimism." Evening service at 7.30
.o'clock. Subject of sermon, eighth in
series, "Prom Prison to Throne." Sun
i day school at 9.30 o'clock. Jr. C. E.
and .If. Catechetical Class, 3.00 p. m.
sr. C. K. at 6.45 p. in. Prayer service
i Wednesday, 7.45 p. m. Sr. Catechetical
j Class Friday, 7.00 p. m.
First Methodist church, the Rev. J.
11. Rover, pastor, will preach at 10.30
a m., on tho subject, "Tho Heroic
i hristian." and at 7.30 p. tu., on tho
subject, "Being Prepared." Sunday
school* -.Oil; class meeting. 9.30; Kp
worth League, ti.3o; Tuesday, Loyal
Princess; Wednesday, Probationers,
Junior League, prayer mooting.
Mt. Zion Methodist church, the Rev.
J. 11. Rover will preach at 3.30 p. m.
on tho subject, "Seeing the Invisible."
Ihursday. Probationers. Kpworth
League and prayer meeting.
Centenary I'nited Brethren church—
Prayer ami praise service, 9.45 a. ;n.
termor.. 10.30 a. m., subject, "Shining
I ight." Sunday school, ™ p. m. I", k.,
6.30 p. m. Evening service will bo an
evangelistic one; theme, "Every Man's
t hoico. The Rev, John E. Morrison,
of Lebanon Valley College, will preach
at both the morning and evening
trinity Episcopal church, the Rev.
S. H. Rainey, rector. 8 a. m.. Holy
celebration: 10 a. m., Sunday school;
II a. m.. preaching; 7.30 p. in., even
ing song and service.
First Reformed church, the Rev.
Charles A. Huyette, pastor, wift preach
a '. ou "The Power From on
High, and at 7.30 a song service with
short sermon will bo held. Sunday
school opens with morning service,
t. h., 6.45; Jr. Catechetical Mondav,
4.30; illustrated talk on Life of Abra
ham; W oil nes.l ay, ~45, special Lou ton
service, subject, "Tho Atonement."
First Presbyterian church, the Rev.
I . B. Segelkeu, pastor, will preach alt
1 1 a. m. on tho subject. "The Father's
Business." and at 7.30 p. m. on "The
Only God and His Holy Day." Sun. lav
school. 9.45; Jr. C. E., 3.00• Sr C
E., 6.30.
Grace United Evangelical church.
The only service of tho dav will be Sun
day school at 9.15 a. m.
St. James' Catholic church, the Rev.
James C. Thompson, rector. Low mass,
S a. in. High mass, 10 a. m. Sunday l
school, p. m. V ospers and benedic
tion. 7.30 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Darubaugh Hosts
to Young Folks
Detective and Mrs. I. M. Duruoaugh
entertained a number of young folks !
at their home. 175 North Front street,
last evening, in honor of the birthday j
of their daughter, Miss Liliiiin. Tii'e
decorations -ons.sted if a large varietv
of Japanese lanterns and Miss Lillian
received many prose :ts o: jewelry nad
other articles ot valie. Kefres'aments
of ieo cream and cake we.,- served to
the following persons:
Tae Misses Emily Monti. Margaret
Weaver, Margaret Yanatta, Yora Hoof.
Kdua Hose. Alma ' ouffev. Mary Pugii.
Ramoine \\oliet, Rose Morrette, Ever
ett.* Morgan. George Shatfner. Russell
Behman. Bru e Spink, Donald Phill ps. '
Harry Knoll. Charles tt'ollet. Donald
Stauffer, Percy McQovern, Clarence
IMover and Mr. Bailey.
3S Candidates Answer Captain Sellers'
Call Yesterday
Captain Sellers' call for candidate?
for the High school track and field
squad for the cooling season was an
: swered yesterday by twenty-three can
! didates and the work of training will
begin next week with several eross
-1 country runs.
The first event on the track and field
j schedule of the local school is the Uni
! versify of Pennsylvania carnival April
| 25. when a mile relay team will carry
| the colors of the High school. The can
-1 didates for this team who were at Phil
, adelphia last year are Captain Seller*
and Snipip.
Funeral Services for Mrs. Lavina
Brandt Will Be Held Tuesday
Mrs. ldivina Bran,it. widow of Aqnil
l:i Brandt, died this morning about 1
o'clock at her home. 104 North hVont
street, of pneumonia. Funeral services
will be held at her late home, Tuesday
i evening at 7.30 o'clock.
I The Rev? George X. Lauffer, pasrtor
of St. John's Lutheran church, will of
ficiate and the body will be taken to
Newville Wednesday morning, where in
; torment will be made in Prospect cetne
i tery. Mrs. Brandt was aged fiS years
land was an old resident of the bor
|; ough.
David C. Strickland Will Be Buried at
York Haven To-morrow
David C. Strickland, a mem'ber of
!St eel ton Lodge, No. IS4, I. O. I). F.,
and a former resident of the borough,
died at his home in York county yes
terday morning.
Funeral services will be held at York
Haven to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock
an,l the services at the grave will be
in charge of the local lodge. The pall
bearers will lit- William Shipp. M. K. Al
lemnn, H. H. Harlot) and Joseph D.
Defeated Cameron Grammar Quintet—
Score ;tU to I"
The Central Grammar s.-hool basket
ball team defeated tli,> ("ameron Gram
mar seluol, Harri.-burg, in Felton Hal!
yesterday afternoon at 4.H0 o'clock by
the score of S3 to IT. Miller played
brst for Central Grammar, scoring six
field goals in the lirst half while Katz
played a good j.:tme tor the visitors.
Beliween halves the Central Gram
mar second team and the Lutheran Ju
niors played :: game which was won by
the latter with the score of 20 to 10.
A mass meeting for men will be heid
; in the First Presbyterian church Sun
day, Marc i 7, at which time the Rev.
C. K. Segelken will deliver the address.
The Ladies' Mite Society of Cen
tenary United Brethren church held its
regular monthly meeting Wednesday
afternoon at the home of .Mrs. John
■ Smith, Second and Walnut streets, and
! not a farewell meeting as stated.
•\orations were suspended early yes
terday afternoon in the bridge and on
struction department of the steel works
when the sir ply of electric current to
the shop was cut off through a mishap
! in the main power plant.
A. F. Hoffsomer. in charge of the
endowment fund campaign for Leb
anon ai'ev i ollego. will appear before
the official board of Centenary United
i Brethren church at its meeting next
Thursday ni^ht.
Miss Marie Wiseman, the visiting
; nurse employed by the Steelton Civic
j 'Club, will be in her offices from 8 a. m.
to 9 a. m.. from 12.30 p. m. to l.3i>
p. m.
Philadelphia Division—ll7 crew to
go tir?; after 4 p. m.: 102, 124. 120,
104. 122. 109, 121. 123.
Engineer for 121, 124.
Firemen for 113. 130, 122, 133.
Conductors for 115, 116, 122. 124,
; io4.
Flagmen for 102, 109, 133,
Brakemeu for 102. 120. 122.
Engineers up: Kennedy, Wolfe. Lav- 1
man, Streeper. Speas, Smeltzer, Ear- j
fi JSoam&tti §
I™ Call 1991—Any Phone Founded-1871 ®r^
Spring Is Budding 4
|\ All Over |s
Q When March winds blow, and white cloudlets dart to and fro
/ under rich blue skies—Spring is nigh. tSW
Already style-buds of Spring are beginning to blossom, and w
fer almost sooner than one could say "Jack Robinson," the entire ijg(
yr store will be in full bloom with new Spring merchandise in 15*?
gj] the way of: 0
jit —Fashionable Coats, Suits and Millinery for Women and £T>
W Girls. V
—Smart Apparel for Men and Boys. |vjj
il; —Shoes for family circles. ii
—Recent Shipments of Furniture.
—Replenished stocks of Floor Coverings, Wall Papers
t> and Housefurnishings. " 4
ft/ %0~
fV The first, of March events will be the Silk Sale that hundreds
&i of women annually wait for—offering a wide variety of silks at
| very interesting low prices. r |
\sjp l '
~H | A Close attention to our daily announcements will prove bene- ~J\
0 ficiai - \ ©
%itv- Iflxi
liart, Bis«inger, Ilubler, Kveretts, Sollies,
Buck. lii Hums, Davis. Sellers, New- 1
coaner, Gibbous, Reisinger.
Firemen.up: Gilsinger. Huston. Ever- 1
j hart, Brenner, Gilberg, McsNeal,
' Rhoads, Horstick, Balsbaugh, Chronis
ter, Moffatt, BleieJi, Whiehello, Pen
well, Farmer, Bushev, Cover, Mulholen,
, Copeland, Milker, Martin, Packer,
Grove, Shaffer, Spring, Keglemian.
Conductor up: Ford.
I Brakeroen up: Hivner, Allen, Riley,
File. B&ltozer, Bojrner, Sweikert, Mi'
■ Naugluou, Collins.
Middle Division—2o crew to go first
after 2 p. m.: 23. 103. 17. 1(5, 21.
i Conductor for 17.
i Brakeman for 25.
Engineers up: Moore. Free, Muntma,
Carman, HerUler, Kuger, Kinsley, Wis-!
Firemen up: Sheeslv, Stouffer, Kar
stetter, Fletcher, Arnold, /eiders,
Kustz, Wright, Liebau.
Conductors up: Patrick, Baskins,
I Hubr. Eberle, Paul.
Flagman up: Dill.
Braikenien up: Kilgor, Biker. Pipp, I
Flcvk, Sn-hoflVtall. Bickert, Putt. Heck, I
; Spallr, St-alil. Reese, Bolan, Plaok. Bell, i
| Mv\Henry, Henderson, Frank, Mathias,'
Lauver, Troy, Kipp.
Philadelphia Division—23o crew to I
Igo first after 3.45 p. m.: 234. 203. I
215, 219, 20S, 233, 204, 202, 231,
j Engineer for 237.
Fireman for 204.
Conductor for 204.
Flagman for 237.
Brake men for 203, 229, 237.
Conductors up: Eaton, Miller, lxigan. ! |
! >hirk, Forney.
Flagmen up: Snyder, Flora. Ford.
ißrakemeu up: Jacobs, Wolfe, Fair, j ,
i l*mg, Rice. Siiinmy, Stimeling, Decker, i
j ' 'anrpbell. Myers, Vandling, Knight,
' Werts, MdPherson, Waltman, Twice, i
■ Eelker, Musser, Shuler. | {
Middle Division—los crew to go !
, first after 2.30 a. m.: 120, 115, 114, i
117. 101, 107.
Engineer for 105. 1
Pireinan for 115.
I Conductor for 105.
Yard Crews—Kngineers up: Hovler, |
Beck, Barter, Biever, Blofser, Brene
man. Kiiilv. Houser, Meals, Stahl, Swaib, i
Crist, Harvey, Snltsnuin, Keeper, Sny
der, Pelton. Shaver, Landis.
Firemen up: Hair, Kyde. Myers,
Boyle. Crow, Rovie. Ulsh. Bostdorf, i
Scheifer, Rauch, Weigle, Lackey, Cook-1
orlv, Maeyer, Sliolter, Snell, Bartolet, '
Uettv. Barkey, Slieets.
Engineers for 2260, 322. IS2O.
Firemen for 2260, 1816, 90, 1820,
2SOi6, 1365.
P.. H. and P.—After 12.15 p. m.: I
16, 8. 7, 6, 12, 10, 9, 15, 18. 3.
Eastbound—After 12.15 p. m.: 62. 1
54. 52, 64. 70, 56. 61. 53.
Conductor up: Philabauni.
Rngineers up: Barnhart, Fetrnw,
Wood, Kettner, Sweeley, Pletz, Fortnev,
l.ane. Sassman, AliddauL'h, Woland,
Rich wine, Martin. Wyre, \\ irenian, Tip
ton. Morne.
Firemen up: Olironister, Biugamau, |
1 Nve. Longenecker, Fulton. Lex.
Brakemeu up: Hoover, Mumina,
Miller. Ware. Duncan, Page. Smith, Hoi- i
■bert. Ma. hanier, Tavlor. Shader, (jrimes, !
Yoder, Miles.
Spelling Bee Held by Young Polks at
Herman's School House
Special Correspondence.
Ourtin, Feb 2 7. —'Marie Hartman.
of Berrysburg, visited at the home of (
Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Schreffler on Satur- I
day and Sunday.
The young folks enjoyed a spelling j
bee at Herman's school house on Tues
day evening.
Norman Schreffler and Warren Mat- i
ter attended tilie sale of slioats at Gratz
last Thursday.
I H. and N. A. Schreffler made a '
business trip to Elizabethville on Tues- ;
.1. D. Hartman slaughtered two pigs'
9 months old, each weighing over 300 j
James Wentzel, who lived on the !
farm owned by Daniel Forney in I'pper j
Faxton township, moved across the M»-
hantango mountain, along the road
leading to P.ixton.
Koscoe Klinger made a trip to Kliy.a
bethville or. Thursday.
Work on the Evangelistic Tabernacle
to Begin Tuesday
Special Correspondence.
Marvsville, Feb. 27. —The work on
the tabernacle will begin on Tuesday.
A number of men have volunteered to
help build the tabernacle. Dedicatory
night will be held on March 5, when tlio
Rev. Mr. Roads and the Rev. Mr.,
Higlispire, will preach.
Plans have been drawn tor the erec
tion of a grandwtaud which will seat
500 people on the athletic Hold leased
bv the Men's Association to be used by
the Murysvillo team of the Dauphin
l'orry U»ayue.
L. D. Jlornlberger left on Tueaday for
a t" ii weeks' sightseeing trip to Tam
pa, Fla.
Airs. W. M. Garvich. Mrs. W. H.
Rousili, Mrs. Clinton Kiet'er ami ilaugli
ter, Mary, and Miss Mary Varnes
spent the beginning of the week with
Mr. and Airs. \\ . H. Hurting, at New
M. C. Wolpcrt was buried at Duncan
non in the Methodist cemetery on Fri
day. Tile Rev. S. ].. Flickinger, pastor
of the Reformed church, at Marvsville,
and the Rev. J. C. Collins, pastor of *he
Methodist church at Newport, officiat
ed at the funeral services.
I have made a spe
t' rial study of L)r, Ehr
llch's great discoveries,
lalvarsan and neosal
varsan. I administer
»lther safely and prop
erly. It -wIH pay you
lo have an experienced
I specialist treat you.
Hundri (1 s of treat
ments given without
. any bad effects. Men's
I diseases and weakness,
1 Datarrli. kidney, blad
der and skin diseases.
fID CnUiUT7 Come to me and
UH. oUnAniL. ?£ hf ." lUed u ""
v M "■■■- the llimy lire Keataurant.^^^