ASTRICH'S SPECIAL FOR MONDAY (^1) Fresh From the Factory \ ■■ * . Shirred Satin Sailors, Valned at $2.00. All the New Colors, Only One Sale on These Goods Another Lot of Highest C ass Hemp and Satin Sailors, Turbans, tic., A Values up to $3.00; an unusual fine va M l> \ ™*y. V- * ** \ J BLACK HATSCQn \ I 1 Large. small and medium—-« different styles mohid- II 0 nig Sailors and Mushrooms; values SI.OO and 91..V1, . . LSale Starts 9 O'clock SOCIAL AND PERSONAL NEWS MISS PRISCILLA DUNCAN !! 10 WED BOYD HARRINGTON Mr and Mrs. P. F. Duncan Announced Betrothal of Young People at a Luncheon at Their Home in Dun cannon Mr. and Mrs. P. P. '"hir. an. of Dun ,arnon. announce the engagement o< 1 :heir daughter, Mis* Priscills May Duncan, to B. Boyd Harrington, of Harr'.sburg The occasion was x noon uncheon. followed bv an informal tea. fo'.or scheme was yellow and white. ;t • tao.e uvoratioi.s of oarc>sus and ;on-:.t..5. The luncheon guests ineluded: -\i s. E. F'e.sher. Newport; Mrs. W. W. Jennings. Mrs. ii. B. Wilson. Mrs. J. K. \\ :>on. Mrs. X. H. Trout. \lr>. il. D Rentter. Mrs. M J. Fahnestock. Mrs. Ljilc S. Hart, Mrs. C. A. Walter, Mr< \V. J. Stewart, Mrs. Parlev Gan i» ". Mrs P. H Hoasel. Mrs' B. S. Duncan. Mrs. G. B. Pennell. Mrs. N. M., Pre v. M "OS Jenkyn. Miss Anna Hen-| dc: s M »s Kllen Pomeroy. M s. Sue' Stewart. M:ss K'.-abeth Dorwart, M:-.- cue K.tfk. Miss A una Wilis. Miss Asi:i a Katheriae Hart, Ms* Jean Stew : :: Puncar.. Miss Clara Stewart. Mrs. W:I. .mi W,lls. Mrs. K. Harrington. M:s. Wil ...,n Henderson. Mrs Samuel Wjuenmever and Mrs. E. L. Ricken bach. Suirsge Anniversary Board The Central Penasvlvania Woman s S-age Association as elected the fo.ic-w ng as members ■( its advisory . . i for the ensuing y, ar: hatuv.a:.. Mrs. Harry B. Montgom try: Mrs. William Elder B.iley. Mrs. James f. Chamberlin. M-s Helen Car's. Mrs. James Henry Darlington,' Mrs Rudolph Du s. Miss Laura M. Ga-.isc. Mrs.* U O. Hickok. HI. Mr*. or; Hatfield Iror.s. Mrs. Walter Ma- Mrs. George W. Roily. Jr.. Mrs. « harles Rebuck. Mr*. Harvey P. SoiiU, Mrs. Silas C. Swallow. Mis* Cora • - yder. Mrs. Augustus Wildmaa. Willi;,n» Eider Bailey, the Rt. Rev. .1. '.is Hecrv Dariington. Bishop Ru .h l>uc Charles Francis Etter. the li'". Stewart Winfiel-l Hernias. G ;lil;*rt, I\-a:: Hoffman, Robert Hat field Irons. Vaaee C. McCorwick, Har- B. Montgomery. James A. strana-' han. Dr. Silas C. Swallow. Augustus' Wildman. The association now numbers some lo> , -: e;i >er>. The bus.ness of the s iety s in the han is of the es < . tive committee, comprises • the chairman of toe advisory boarl. Mrs. Harry B. Montgomery, and the President. Mrs. Mabel Crouise Jones: 1 onorary ;r. - dent. Miss Mira Lloyd iVe's. Fayetteville, Pa.; first vice presi dent. Mrs. Wilbur F. Harris: se-ond \e president. Mrs Philip T. Mere iith: secretary, Mrs. Meier G. Hilpert; "-easurer. Mrs. Charle* Praneis Etter: historian. May Fox. B E. Bosweil Entertained Class R.ii,-h E Boswell entertained the members of hi* Sunday school class of Stevens Sunday :.ol at his •ext. 30 North Seventeenth street, last night. A short busines- session was held, after which a social hour wa» enjoyed. Several vocal' and instrumental selections were given . bv Miss Olive Sweigert an.i Miss Helen Miekle and dainty refreshments were served. Those present were Misses Gertrude McAllister. Alice Schwab. Grace Bergs trcsser. Luoiie Smueker. Margaret Tern . ler. Lottie Shearer. Helen Miekle, Margaret CoranC.-gs. Alice Brackbill, I.ula Orner. Ruth Spangler. Anna Wag ner, Irene White. Ruth Brink. Rut:. Fickes. Naomi Barnoar:. Merle Cris •vell. Olive Sweigert. Naom Spane'er and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Bosweil. M:ss Charlotte Adams Hostess Mi-* Charlotte Adams entertained at fi\e h-iudred and bridge at her home. 217 Forsier street this afternoon com plimentary to Mrs. Rexford Mason Glas ; ey. ;» recent bride, fo-merly Miss Mary Graber. of this city. Fragrant spring blossoms of pink aud white decorated the card rooms and the supj«er table, where supper was served foHowing the ca-ds. Those present were Mrs. Rexford Ma son Glaspey, Mrs John Ford Adams. Mrs. William Coulter Wanbaugh. Mrs. Ross Simonetti. Mrs. Willis Sniit>h. Miss Mildred Astrieh. Miss Gertrude George.! Miss Helen Miller. Miss Helen Adams. Miss Esther A lams. Miss Marjorie Ad ams. Miss Elizabeth Dohonev. Mi»> Caroline Reil«v, Miss Helen Rinken baeh. Miss Constance Beidleman and Mi ? s Charlotte Adams. PARTY FOR DONALD KcACY! Parents Arrange Birthday Surprise In 1 Celebration of Their Son's Anniversary A birthday surprise |ent a merry evening with nms.c aud games after wh; h a i birthdav luncheon was served. The tabic was prettily decorated iu a color < s,'henie ot red and white, with a birth- i day cake, lighted w,ih eighteen red ■ andles as a center: iece. Those present were: i 1 M ssos Esther Fisher. Gretna er. Margaret Goodhart. Helen Wharton, Kathenne Hoffman. Elsie Pier.'e. Anna ; Lupton. >a-a Wonders. Marguerite Rey vol .-. Margaret St.iuffer. Margaret lis ' linger, Don aid HeagV, Paul Reynolds. Charles IV.Kv s. Gaien S Glace Bivser. Mark Phiiiips. Koivikt Heagy. Ltither Heagy, Luther Miller, Charles' Sny or an i Andrew Stouffer. Mrs. Heigy was assisted by Mrs. Laura Stouffer. ENJOYEDIp GAMES | Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gumpher Spent, Pleasant Evening at Their Home Last Evening Mr. and Mrs. I. Gumpher. of Pen brook. delightfully entertained at their home last evening. Games and music were the features of rhe evening. Among the played were "No. "" sad "No. 4 4." both of which arc popular gaaies in Sw tzerland. These games were introduced last night oy two of the guests from Switzerland. Refreshments were served to the fol lowing: M.sses t. ark Sn:rk. Ruth Gar ret:. E,i Kellar. Mabel Ma garet Sheriff. May Currev, Sherman Garrett. Roger Koons. William Yohe. George Arnold and Ira Schaefer, of I' Switzeriand. and Mr. and Mrs. I. Gump her. liIFTS FOR RECENT BRII»F Mrs. Paul L. Leese Given Miscel laneous Shower Last Evening Miss Adelaide P. Lusk gave a mis alS&neous sdiower at her home, 1706 North Sixth street, last night in com pliment to Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. L?ese. who are spending several days of t- e the birth of a son, Harry Ber-j thel Peters. " ' •»* ■ ' , *' v ' r.- "\ • J /■ HARRTPBFRO STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING. FEBRITARY 27, 1915. HcATON IN_RECITAI Well-Kuown Artist Will Render Pro gram in Bethlehem Lutheran Church Monday Evening Tue second of the series of organ re cita'.s and mnsicals of the Bethlehem Lutheran church will be given Monday evening by Walter Heaton. of Reading, a former pupil of Sir John Stainer. Sir Arthur Sullivan, in composition, and Kmil Behnkeand Henry Uiles. in voice aud piano. Called to the Church of the Holly j Cross, in Reading, in 1596. Mr. Heaton has remained there as organist and choirmaster despite the fact that he uas had many calls to larger cities and churches. Mr. Heaton has given more :han two h. ndred recitals in the I'nited >tate< and is a member of notable mu sical societies in this country and abroad, a follow of the Royal College of Organist and a Fellow of the American vitri.i of Organi.-:s. The program will include the following numbers: i'onee*:o in G Major. J. s. Bach; Allegro. A.iagio. Allegro Molto; Sonata di Camera (No. o A. L Peace: Can tilena. Allegro Molto Vivace: Fanta-da in A Minor, Lctm;:ens: intermission. * Silver offering*: Mei o- lie i '' The Two Angels'") Blutnentoal-Whiting: R >ndo. Westerhout: 'Meditation. S:urges; it i moresqne. Tsc.ia.kowskv: Oriental sketch. Bird: A "Rustic Wedding." .1. A. West; Imrroinpta ''Marziale") H. Hiles. INFORM VI, SONti UFVITAI. Frances W. E. Harney Renders Pro gram of Pleasing Numbers Frances W. K. Harney, dramatic con tralto. who a:':er a two years" concert toar. is spending several months in this city, js\e an informal song recital at lulS Williams street, last evening, rendering the following numbers: a> "Annie Laurie." Scott: (b) "Evening Star." Wagner-, (c) "Ro sary. Nevins; . v d"i aria from " Rego letto. Verdi; "The Ijist Chord." Sullivan. NO SBNAfE KXTKA SESSION" President Wilson Dei ides Not to Re convene Upper Branch B i«Bo**aid that whiie the question still was under consideration there were little prospects of a special session be ing -filed. The Senate to-day accepted the con ference report on the seamen's bili. a - rea adopted by the House, thus end ing a two years' tight in Congress. Th> bill no v goes to the President. The measure laises the standards ef labor for seamen and provides for increa-ed safety equipment on lake aad ocean steamers. ADDITIONAL _CfIPITAL HILL New Bridges The State Water Suj ply Commission, before adiourning last evening, gave permission for the construction of five railroad bridges over streams in various parts of the State. Treasury Money The receipts of money at the State Treasure yesterday aggregated $282.- 230 an i the payments were $505,54y. Two new items of receipts not heard from for nM>s, SOU North Third street. Mrs. Fred Raekraever. of Middle- j town, hai-> returned to her home, alter >pea .ing several .lays with Mrs. L. Orr. 20 \T Forster street. M-ss Martha Fox. UIK Swatars , street, is visitiug relatives iu Philadel i phia. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford loones, of . Philadelphia, who have been the guests lof Mr and Mrs. Ne. i«t, 2518 North jSixth street, for several days left to 'day on a visit to relatives at Williams i uort. en route to Krie. where thev will 'he guests of th,< lather's parents, Mr. j and Mrs. Wilson, formerly of this city.! Miss Margaret Carr left to-day for her home in Pittsburgh, after spending J 'several months as the guest of her aunt. Mrs. Edward Pry, !>!* \orth Sev enteenth street. Mrs. K. Kivman, ltilo Hunter' streot. has returned to her home after a week's visit in Philadelphia. Joseph K. M '.rr>«. of Carlisle, is vis iting in Philadelphia. Mrs. W. K. Harwell. j>42 Forrest ; street, is home from a several davs'j stay in Washington. P. C. Miss Florence Brown. t!3S Roily street, has returned from a visit with; her sister, M : ss Stella Brown, at F.l uiira. New York. Mrs. F;i/.abeth Bealor. of P.ixtang, • I has returned from Washington. D. C. Mrs. John McAllister, lIMN State street. is spending a week at Mt. Holly. Miss Blanche Scnsenian, of Krie, has returned after a several months' visit' with Mr. and Mrs. M. Hess. 1314 How j ard street. Mrs. .lack Mel linger, 1403 Berryhill j street, is visiting in Pitt-burgh. Mis< t>:i'l Metzger. 331 II ininel street, is spending the week-end at { Lancaster. W. U. HENSEL DIES IN HIS 64TH YEAR reHiinnri{ t'nun hi rut Page. iu recent years not oeing identified with any particular newspaper. He was a legislative correspondent in ISS3. aud quit daily newspaper work, in ISST, when he formed a law part nership with J. Hay Brown, at present | Ohie:' Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. All his life he was active in poli-1 tics, being considered one of the~Deino- ; cratic leaders for years. He was a ielegate to the Democratic national . inventions of l SSO. ISS4. ISBB and I>?2. being ch«"ip.«n of the Pennsyl vania delegation at the latter conven-I tion. In IS!>2 he was chairman of the Democratic State Committee and eon ducted the campaign that resulted in the election ot Robert K. Pattison as liovernor. He repeatedly refused nomi nations for office on his party State ticket, and the only State oflice he ever held wa" Attorney General under . Governor Pattison during the latter"s second term IsOl to IS9o. Member of Historical Commission Mr. Heusel was president of the Pennsylvania State l-Mitor al Associa tion and president of the State Bar Association aud vice president of the American Bar Association. When the Pf nnsylvan:a Historic. I Commission was created several yea s ago Governor Tener apjiointe I Mr. Heusel a member. • and he took a great interest in its af fairs irn to the time of his death. When Justice Brown was elevated to the Supreme Bench Mr. Heusel came to the front as the leader of the Lancaster ' bar. He was attorney for many eor ' ;orations. As a p'eadcr ae was recog i nized as among the foremost in the s-.ate. E-. eciai.v ,i she renowned as I an orator, both at the bar and on the t *>litica) stump. Mr. Hensel was one of the most gen ial and companionable of gentlemen. He had a delightful home in Lancaster and a beautiful summer residence just outside of that city, the former home of James Buchanan, former President of the United States. Mr. Hensel was known and admired by many Harris i«urg citizens and was a frequent guest in this city. He was a member of the Hamilton Club, of Lancaster; the Knickerbocker Club, in New York, and one of the active members of the Penn sylvania Society of New York City. t TRADE PRUSPECTS ARE ENCOURAGING Improvement in business since depres ' sion reached low tide several months ■ ago has been gradual. Confidence has oeen restored and unless all signs fail, .' the country Is scheduled for a boom ■ almost unparalleled. In order to overcome the depression - that attacks a person in poor health , it is necessary that particular attention " be paid to the Stomach. L.Sver and Bow els. These organs are the controlling i power in all matters pertaining to health and tiiere is nothing will make you tee! "so blue" and discouraged as to be without appetite—to be subject to spells of headache, indigestion, dyapep » sia and biliousness —or to have constl . pated bowels. .• Nature never intended anyone to be . ' in such a condition and the only way I to improve matters is to give necessary aid promptly. This suggests a trial of II Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, because It has an established reputation as a tonic 1 and appetizer, and will be found very helpful in any Stomach. I.iver or Bowel i 1 ailment. 9 It is well known as a real "first aid," and for over 60 years !M»S held a per -1 manent place in thousands of homes, i You will make no mistake in purchas- F . Ing a bottle to-day. but be careful to >«:« that tne Private Stamp over the ! neck is unbroken. This is your protec tion againsi imitations. —Adv. BEAUTIFUL STRUCTURE FOR USE OF WOMEN, PANAMA Just iuside the main entrance of the 1 Panama Pacific Exposition is a build ing erected for the use and comfort of the thousands of women who will visit San Francisco during the exposition. Two years ago the National Board of the Young Women's Christian Associa tions were invited by the officials of the exposition to erect and equip a suitable structure. The result is a beautiful building iu the south gardens, facing the Towel of Jewels. It is directly to the left of the Scott street gateway where it w ill he convenient for \ isitors entering or leaving the grounds. An Information Bureau There is an information bureau in I the center of the main lobby where it can be seen the moment one enters the i building. A staff of trained women is |in attendance. The visitor who wants ; to know about train schedules or car j service, or the woman who is anxious to find a good place to board near the , exposition, will be given the desired in formation. Facts about the city and : bay region will be furnished here. Di i rectories of the exposition officials and ! employes, of churches and social service i agencies will be available for all who , apply. An emergency service and a j trained nurse are part of the equip ! liieut of this department. On this same tloor is a large quick service lunch room, where both men and women can obtain well cooked food at I moderate prices. Five hundred people j can be seated here at one time. A ; mezzanine balcony extends around the j room, and from the tables laid here j one can overlook the south gardens and the lagoon. The Towel of Jewels is only a short distance away and the I central features of the wonderful il | lamination scheme are within a stone's ; throw. The view from these windows will make the balcony tables most de- i • sirahle. Aside from the regular lunch J and supper there is an afternoon tea I service. This lunch room is [lartieularly I convenient for the people attending I programs in Festival Hall. Reading aud Writing Rooms There are comfortable reading and writing rooms .just off the main lobby where strangers in the city may read ; the news from their own home paper, or j write a letter to their friends. : On the second floor is an assembly room which seats two hundred and fifty ■ people. Motion picture apparatus has been installed. This hall is available I without charge for suitable organ iza- I tions desiring to use it for conferences and meetings. Many organizations , whose work is educational in character or along lines of social service will hold j sessions in this building. It has been | estimated that an average of three or | four conventions a day will meet in San Francisco during the exposition year. Many of these will be of especial j interest to women. CHECK AUSTRIAN ADVANCE. I RUSSIANS ME 2 TOWNS I*>ndon, Feb. 27, 3.18 P. M.—The Austrian advance in Eastern Galieia has lieen checked ani the Russians, driving back their opponents, have re captured Sianislau and Kolomea, ,-avs the '• Evening News" in a telegram from Hertza. Rumania. Heavy fighting preceded the recap- | ture of these two towns. The Russians occupied Stanislau yesterday. Ad vancing from that ;>oint they attacked j the Austrian position at Kolomea. Tae Austrians offered determined reli ance, but. the "Evening News" says, finally were forced to give way. Although it has been reported un officially that the Austrians had cap tured Stanislau, as is indicated by the : foregoing, no such admission had been 1 made by the Russian War Office. Siau islau. situated 75 miles southeast of Ijemberg, is a pivotal point iu the cam paign of the Austrians to recapture the 1 province of Galieia. Recent reports in- 1 dicated that they had made consider able progress. FRKNCH PAPERS SAY BRITAIN < AYf ACCEPT I. S. PROPOSALS Paris,-Feb. 27, 5.40 A. M.—The French press is unanimous in declaring that Great Britain cannot accept the informal proposals, said to have been made by the United States that the embargo on foodstuffs for Germany be raised provided Germany abandons her intention of destroying merchuntships. The papers, however, express apprecia tion of the spirit in which the proposals were made. The "Matin" declares such a step would be carrying altruism altogether too far because "every loaf which a civilian was able to spare was a loaf the more for a soldier: in other words, the allies are asked to continue the war and sacrifice the lives of their soldiers in order to save German civilians from want." Kaiser Honors Von Hindenburg Berlin, Feb. 27, By Wireless to ixm-, don, 9.35 A. M.—Emperor William has i conferred the devoration of the Pour i Lie Merits Order upon Field Marshal Von Hindenburg, the Genua* command-] er on the eastern front. Pentagonal Trunks to Stay By inocialrdii'reii, | Washington, Feb. 27. —Proposals by railroads to exclude from regular bag gage service pentagonal trunks were ' pronounced unreasonable to-day by the l j Interetate Commerce Commission. Y. W. C. A. Planning Program The Young Women's Christian As sociation is planning a strong program 1 of speakers drawn from its own ranks i and also from prominent men ami worn-1 en whose work is related to the broader 1 lines of association activities. Problems in home economics, hygiene, physical training and recreation, questions of thrift and efficiency and kindred sub- \ jeets are to be listed for discussion. Films picturing actual association work are to be thrown on the screen !daily. In ad>litiou to the motion picture and stereoptieon exhibit, the halls of j the building both upstairs and down! will display the winning models—the j results of a nation wide contest. All over the eouutrv the girls of the city 1 associations have been working to com- | pete for national prizes. Awards will jbe made for the best business girl's costume. The decision will be based , upon suitability, economy and work manship In the department of thrift and efficient'/, budgets will be shown giving a distribution of salary calcu lated to conserve health of body and miiul, to provide tor moderate recrea tion and to save up for the future, i There will be awards for atories, songs, i short articles, photographs and original drawings. Big Help to Girl Employes The building on the exposition ; grounds is more than a center of in formation and exhibit of work done elsewhere. It is a real Young Women's IChristian Association at work. A trained worker will give full time to the girls and women employed at the big fair. There will be between two and three thousand of these girls. They juiust be aided iu securing trustworthy living accommodations. The exposition officials have asked ithe association to look after any girls jwho arc discharged from the various concessions. They have said that if some probation scheme is arranged whereby the difficulty with the girl can be remedied, there will be the possibil itv of reinstating her. If she should be permitted to drift out into 'lie city alone and discouraged, she would be open to every sort of temptation. It is the intention of the Young Women's christian Association to offer friend ship and practical help through its sec retaries and members. Wholesome rec reation and relaxation is to be provided. There are to be evening classes in salesineuship, bookkeeping, typing, and stenography conducted in the associa tion building. They will be open to employes of the exposition at a nom inal cost. A club room offers au oppor tunity for social gatherings, and a series of taiks on hygiene, dress and comfort will be open to the girls who wish to attend. As the only strictly woman's build ing on the grounds, it is expected that it will be in constant use and dn. a igenuiue and much-needed service. GREEK SETBACK TO OHIO j Man Who Prayed for Bread on Third Street Is Returned to His Home From the Jail After wandering for five months in the mountains of Pennsylvania, sleep ing in the smnv on nights when he I eoald tiuit no convenient barn, John i Sissis, a Creek from Canton, 0., .iis heveled and hat less, fell down before a j woman 011 Thiird street near Walnut last Saturday morning and prayed in his 1 language for a crust of bread. His a - 5 tions were those of a crazed person and i the woman called a policeman and the! man was locked up. He was thought to be a Turk as the j word "Allah" was frequently use! in his ambling talk. It was discovered in jail that he was almost starved to death. After several days a Greek in terpreter spoke to him and his story came out. He was sent to his brot'.ier in-law in Canton, 0., yesterday by local! Greeks who interested themseives in his I case. Missis had left home bound for his j native Greece, having SISO and a ilia- 1 mond ring to pav his expenses. He became confused in Pittsburgh owing to j the transfer of the trains and believ-1 iug that he was on the wrong train he I jumped oft' afid began his five months'] wandering orer the wilts of the State \ finally ending in the Dauphin county j jail. He slept in barns and ate s an ely | anything but apples when he could find j them and crusts of bread. He begge I j from the farmers when winter set in. | He can understand no KnglisJi and his j lot was a hard one. His hands and 1 feet froze during his wanderings. When he got to Harrisburg he was crazed from hunger and prayed for a j crust of bread. Nobody could under stan 1 him and he was committed t) jail. After,a day he ate ravenously and when Warden Caldwell saw his ra tional mind returning he made efforts' to locate the man's home and finally the Greek interpreter secured the informs-1 tion. CARTOONIST'S FATHER KILLED Gustave Steinke Frightfully Mangled at Allentown Grade Crossing By Ansoi iatcd Press. Allentown, Feb. 27.—Struck by Le high Valley passenger train No. 22, eistbound, Qastave Steinke, aged 57,! was instantly killed on the Union street e>rossim» this morning. His body was frightfully mangled, nearly every bone in his body being broken. He was" the father of William Steinke, the well known cartoonist of [ Scranton. He leaves a widow and six . I children. j The Magnetic Girl How She Compels Others To Obey Her Will IQO.OttO CoplfN of Itrmarknhle Hook evelopmont of the Inner Force*,'' The hook lays ■ ■ bare many as tounding* facts the practice* of the "® Ktiatern Yoftls, simple though cltoctlve system 0 f oontrolling , the thoughts am! # acts of others; how one may gain the love friendship w:io ■ might otherwise remain hulitter ho o quickly ami ac- - v^s^9M curatolv judge HHH the char a 1e r .'•>«» and disposition individual; the Hf <1 i .•• ea s«• s and habits without dnigra or medicines; even the complex subject of projecting thoughts (telepathy) Is explained. Miss Josephine Davis, the popular stage fa vorite. whose portrait appears above', declares that Prof. Knowles* book opens the door to success, health and happi ness to every mortal, no matter what bis or h»»r position in life. She believes that Prof. Knowles lias discovered" principles which, if universally adopt* d. will revolutionize the mental status of toe human race. The book, which Is being distributed broadcast free of chaise. is full of pho tographic reproductions showing hrt w these unseen forces are being used all over ibe world, ami bow thousands upon thousands have developed powers which thex little dreamed they pos sessed. Tne free distribution of ! a 100.000 copies is being conducted by a large London institution, and a copy will be sent post free to anyone inter ested. No money need be sent, but those who wish to do so may enclose .> | cents (:• ia:n;»s of your own country) to cover postage, etc. All requests for the tree book