The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 27, 1915, Page 13, Image 15

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The Starlndependent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily
The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page
Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you find out. If you ths tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening
or they will be forfeited. (These names are drawn from the Directory by a blindfolded girl.)
Rial Estate
FOR RENT —3-story (9-rooirO brick
house, 1912 Park street, nicest and
healthiest part of the city, near Reser
voir park. Steam heat. Rent $22.00.
Inquire at 19H Park St.
STORK ROOM. 430 Market St. Three
storv brick dwelling, with modern im
prove-inents, 433 Strawberry Ave. Apply
FOR RENT—JHodern Houses, 2113 Dern.'
street. 2131 Derry street. Inquire P.
VANDBRIJOO, 2119 Derry St., or Third
and State. Masonic temple.
FOR RENT—IB 27-1841 Penn street; 2-
story brick factory building, 75x39
feet; in first class condition; equipped
with elevator, steam heat, electric light,
gas and toilets on both floors. This
building is particularly suited for light
manufacturing; purposes. Apply to M.
11. PLANK, 312 Forster St.. Harrlsburs,
FOR RENT—A new five-room house for
rent; six dollars If attend to stock.
In a suburban town, near HarrUburg.
Address E. M. KAPP, West Purview,
FOR RENT—A three-story brick house,
three rooms and bath, on second and
third floors, lavatory on first floor, in
stantaneous water heater, steam heat,
hard wood tloor. Possession April first.
Inquire 1703 N. Second street.
NO. 1524 Catherine St $15.00
No. 1526 Catherine St $15.00
No. 1019 S. 21 % St SIO.OO
No. 1251 Market St.
FOR KENT—AII improve
ments —
1614 Catherine, $16.00
530 S. Seventeenth, . .$18.50
Apply Kuhn & Hershey,
18 South Third street.
FOR RENT—I 3 S. ISth, improvements.
steam heat, porch, gas, gas range.
$22.50; 225 Boas, 10 rooms. $25.00; 2019
N. Cameron, S rooms, bath. $12.00. Ap
ply 815 Green, or Harrisburg Trust Co.
FOR RENT —Store room and dwelling
house: S rooms and bath, with im
provements; possession at once. Apply
MRS. D. B. MARKS. 2414 N. Second St.
Or. Bell phone 665 R.
3315 Market—apts S3O and $35.00
3330 Derry-—apts. $35.00
3 216 Market—apts $22.50
3 214-1 147 Berryhill—houses, $22.50
1*47 Derry $20.00
2336 Ellersly-—house, new $15.50
413 Hummel—house $18.50
1116 Derry—house SIB.OO
1835 Fulton St $16.50
1617 A Compass—house $ll.OO
1322 N. Front, for colored $7.00
HARVEY 1. SMITH. 204 & 13th St.
FOR RENT—Houses with all improve
ments. at moderate rentals. J. E.
GIPPLE. 1251 Market St.
FOR RENT—Three modern new apart
ments; 7 rooms, bath, electric lights,
steam iieat, telephone, gas range, laun
dry trays, hard wood floors; No. 239 S.
Thirteenth St. Can be seen 10 a. m.
to 4 p. m. Apply on premises or call
Bell 2253 L.
FOR RENT^—Apartments at southeast
corner Fourth and Pefter streets. All
conveniences at reasonable rent Out
side porch. Apply B. F. UMBERGEK.
108 N- Second St.. or 427 Pefter St.
FOR RENT—New furnished front rooms
facing Capitol Park; stationary wash
stands, hot and cold running water;
electric light In each room; also use of
phone and large bath. Apply 410 North
BUILT especially for light housekeep
ing, with or without kitchenettes:
rooms strictly private; stoves furnished
free; laundry, phone and bath room
privileges; private lockers for surplus
furniture. Inquire office (or see jani
tor, same building). 429 Broad street.
{Sunday inspection invited.)
WANTED—Limited number of summer
boarders; fine mountain air; first
class table; everything restful and
homelike. Rates SI.OO per day and up.
Special rates for families amd by the
month. For further information write
at once. Dauphin, Pa. gox 24.
WANTED—By gentleman, nicely fur
nished room, in refined home, with
bath or use of one, near center of city.
References exchanged. Give full par
ticulars with price. Address 3480, care
WANTED —Acreage, farm, city or town
property, suitable for subdivision Into
■mall farms or lots, Land brings more
when cut up and handled by our up-to
date methods. We are fully equipped
to subdivide and sell real estate at
auction on commission in all parts of
the United States. We turn real es
tate. residence lots or farms into cash
tiuickly. Write us. Our representa
tive will inspect your property. We
also exchange Washington City invest
ment property for residence, farm or
timber land. National Real Estate and
Auction Company, 1024 Woodward Bldg.,
Washington, D. C.
46 Acre Farm
•I Miles East of Middletown
On the Harrisburg Pike
This is one of the best proposi
tions we know of—B room brick
house—frame barn and usual out
Housing for 1500 chickens.
This farm Is divided into two
tracts, both along the Pike.
Pee UK promptly If you think you
■tight be interested.
Fire Insurance Surety Bonds
Locust and Ceurt Streets
1 —<
Real Estate
|V. . i 4
i (38) ACRES (38)
t Handy to Sunbury (Danville) Milton
■ only (mile) to railroad. schools.
• churches, stores, hotel and postofflce.
Fine (7) room painted white home,
• large windows, (2) porches, ou.fkltchen,
- bunk barn, poultry, hog, corn houses,
running spring water, apples, cherries,
? plums, quinces, pears, grapes, peaches;
' also (10 i acres winter grain, oats, corn,
hay. straw, (3) horses age (3 to 12) and
(2) fresh cows, young bull 16) liogs
f (50) chickens, farming Implements.
• Dandy (Poultry) Farm alone ($1900)
' with everything else mentioned ($2400).
Have farms for salt. Advertise In
(7o i papers. Make t4 to 6) trip? dally
" using (2) automobiles. Reason for liar
' cralns at low prices (guarantee) sales
I from (30 to 100) days. Time is money.
• 1 Telephone (Oslrander) Danville, Pa.
? ! ACRES (-20) ACRIES
! Ton (Iron) and (steel) mills. (12) silk,
• hose, pants and novelty works. Dan
• ville pays monthlv to business ($200,-
000), Two trolley lines, (3) railroads
(80) trains daily. Only (10) minute
r wulk to trolley and (15) to edge Busy
• City (15,000) business population. No
; tlce only (S2O) an acre for (220) acres.
• With (3i fine horses (4 1 fresh cows (10)
. hogs (100) poultry only ($5200). Fin
est location in Pennsylvania for poul
try, berries, fruit, early vegetables and
Stock Business. (140) acres nearly
level Southern Exposure. Mostly new
■ ! (painted) buildings. Running spring
• water through stone milk house. Wood
. land (and) fruit proposition (money
maker). Reason for sale (quick money).
\ Blue Print Plan. (Photos). Time is
J valuable. Telephone (7 to 8) Evening's
. at Danville.
Danville Telephones Sunbury
Mornings (7 to S) Evenings
- FOR SALE —The Keller Homestead, at
west end of People's-Bridge. Dot 275 x
250 ft. Large mansion house, stable
. and garage, etc. Also lot between Wal
) nut and Market streets bridges on west
> shore. 450x150 ft, coal and sand land
) ir.g; also building lots on north side
pike at Lemoyne; also six acres in
Marysville, bounded on east by river;
south by approach to Rockville bridge,
west by trolley and public road. Suit
able for cottage sites. S. S. RUPP.
Trustee, room 306, Bergner Building.
I l.arse brick house, all improvements,
! steam heat: lot 24x130; stable or rear,
i By all means Inspect it. BELL REALTY
I CO., Bergner Building.
! FOR SALE —650 Boyd avenue; 3-story
j brick house, S rooms, bath, gas, fur
! nace, porch, lot 14x100. Price only
$1950. BELL REALTY CO., Bergner
J Ruilding.
| FOR SALE—No. 10 S. Eighteenth St..
and No. 21 S. Seventeenth St.: both
corner properties; all improvements;
price reduced for quick sale. BELL
I REALTY CO., Bergner Building.
! FOR SALE—Two hotel properties, on
Market street, Harrisburg. Pa., with
license. A good investment, paying
good Interest. Address 3477, care Star
! Independent, Harrisburg, Pa.
, FOR SALE—Homes at Riverside, at
i prices $2250, $2500 and S2BOO. Electric
I lights, steam heat and all improve
ments; also building lots at Penbrook,
I Paxtang and Riverside for sale. For
i terms apply to S. HALDEMAN & CO..
i Carpenters and Builders, 3222 N. Sixth
: St. Carpenter repair work promptly at
| tended to. Estimates cheerfully fur
' nlshed by calling Bell phone_3622.l3_.__
HOUSES FOR RENT and 2%-story
dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real
Estate Co.. 24th and Perry Sts.
' \
. Sale and Exchange
, | HATCHING EGGS, from large and
i healthy S. C. Rhode Island Red hens;
price $1.50 per setting of 15 eggs; fer
• tility guaranteed. N. I. SHOOP, cure
; Fritchey Farm, Llnglestown.
i FOR SALE—High grade piano, Just
i bought, for sale at a sacrifice, by
■ private party. Address 3478, care Star
. Independent
C. W. H. I.ANGLETZ, Lumber—We are
overstocked with all kinds and
grades of lumber and we can offer you
| big bargains. It will pay you to see
. us. Office Cameron and Mulberry Sts.
i FOR SALE—One cornet and case, music
rack; auto top wagon and one open
. wagon, Jenny Lind, one horse and har
• ness. Cheap, and must be sold. MR.
R. HARPER. 2021 Swatara St.
FOR SALE—S. C. Brown Leghorn chix,
_IOO, $10.00; 50. $5.50; 25. $3.00; eggs,
15, $1.00; fine cockerel. $2.00; Barred
Rock eggs, 13, 75c. A. S. FINGER. 2529
i S. Third, Steelton, Pa.
FOR SALE—Four or five single and
double wagons; also two one-ton au
tomobile trucks; reason for selling,
need larger ones. NATIONAL BREW
ING CO.. Steolton, Pa.
FOR SALE—At GABLE'S. 111-117 South
Second St; Red Tip. Ring Point, Bllz
-1 sard, Rowe Junior. Can't Slip, Giant
| Grip and Always Sharp Calks.
FOR SALE—At GABLE'sT 111-117 South
Second St., 5,000 sets new Sash, Bxlo
; xl 2 L, primed and glazed, at $1.15 per
set Also other sizes.
Death and Obituary
i HOPPLE—Mrs. Annie Parfet Hopple,
wife of Henry Hopple, died at her
home, 52 N. Eighteenth street. Thurs
day morning, suddenly.
The funeral services will be held from
| her late home on Tuesday afternoon at
2 o'clock. Interment in Shoop's Church
I cemetery. Friends and relatives In
; vited to attend without further notice.
PRITCHARD—On February 26, 1915,
William T. Pritchard, aged 71 years.
i .Services Monday at 2 o'clock, from
I his late residence. No. 15 S. Seventeenth
I street. Interment private at the, East
| j Harrisburg cemetery.
|! VADAKIN—AsaeI S. Vadakin, Thursday
| evening. February 25th, 1913.
i Funeral services Sunday evening,
I! February 28th. at 6.30 o'clock, at No.
823 North Second street. Interment pri
| vate at Montgomery cemetery. Norrls
tuwn, Pa., on Monday, March Ist, 1913.
i | EXPERIENCED Inside paper salesman.
State age, salary expected. Address
. I Salesman, care P. O. Box 713, llarrls
, ! burg. Pa.
WANTED—Men and women get names
, ! and addresses for mail order houses.
; I Particulars for stamp. Direct Appeal
, i Co.. Plymouth. Ind.
h EVERYWHERE—Men willing to dls
i, | tribute circulars, samples, tack signs.
» j collect names, etc. No canvassing.
. Continental Register. Chicago.
,• | NEW COMPANY wants men who believe
they can sell goods; staple product;
s regular income. Territories being »1-
. lotted. 405 Hoffman Hldg., 11* E. Lex
j ington St, Baltimore. Md. ___
, ; BALL PLAYERS desiring to play pro
fessional baseball, address. with
- stamp. National Base Ball Registration
s Bureau. Desk M 47, Indianapolis, Ind.
, $2,500 ANNUALLY. Co-operate with me
. , evenings at home. Everything fur
. i nished. Don't worry about capital.
> i Boyd 11. Brown. Omaha, Nebr.
_ SSO MONTHLY and expenses to travel,
1 ; distribute samples and take orders or
appoint nuents; permanent. .Isp-Amsr
| ican Co., 2144 Ogden avenue, Chicago.
' I WANTED—Traveler for 1915; age 27
. j to 50; experience unnecessary. Sal
jary, commission and expense allowance
'| to right man. J. E. Mcßrady, Chicago.
s j WANTED—At once; young men for au
tomobile business. Big pay. We make
. ; you expert in ten weeks by mail. Pay
' ius after we secure you position. Cen
j tury Automobile Institute. Los Angeles.
' LEARN automobile business: $25 week-
I ly; teach you at home. Free booklet.
'! National Auto School, Central Bldg'.,
_ ; Rochester, N. Y.
: RAILWAY Mail clerks, carriers wanted
! —Life positions: examination May Ist.
• Pay for instructions after you receive
• ' position plan. Apply Liberty Institute,
" | Rochester, N. Y.
I WANTED: Ablebodled unmarried
| men between age of 18 and 35; citizens
• of United States, cf good character and
: ; temperate habits, who can speak, read
and write the English language. For
Information apply to Recruiting Officer,
Bergner Building, 3d & Market sts,
' Hairlsburg. 4S N. Queen St., Lancaster,
" $53 Pine St. Williamsport. 37 W. Mar
' ket St. York, or 113 Independence St.
r shamokin. Pa.
YOUNG MAN to assist in canvassing;
permanent position if ability and ref
i | erence is right; $S per week to start
"• , Give age and previous work. Address
J 3174. care Star-Independent
AUTO transportation school wanta men
l to become practical chauffeurs and
l earn $75 to slou per month. We give a
r thorough course in crude and practical
. work for S3XOO. No. 5 N. Cameron.
Bell phone 1710.
•_ WANTED—Lady wanted for general of
r fice work: steady position; state In
• own handwriting age, experience and
1 reference. Also salary expected. Ap
plications without the above informa
tion will not be considered. Address
, X, 3481, care Stnr-lndependent.
LADIES sew at home: good pay. Send
stamp. Work sent prepaid. King
■ Mfg. Co.. 1431 Broadway, New Yorx
j j City.
LADIKS —To address envelopes; $2.00
per 300; no* canvassing; light, agree
able work; a permanent business; can
commence work immediately. Instruc
tions and copy material, 12c. Money
refunded if not satisfied. The Western
Copying Co.. Box 818, Chicago.
JLADIKS WANTED— -Bam money show
ing tine Queen Fabric Dress Goods
. samples; all or spare time; no capital
lor experience required. Mrs. Grace
learns SU'OO yearly. Write to-day. Queen
I Fabric Mfg. Co., Dept. -40, byracuse,
, I N. Y.
| AT ONCE —Ladies or gentlemen who
! j can devote at least two hours daily
»i to write and copy letters (ink or type-
I writer) and earn $lO to weekly. Ap
ply with stamped addressed envelope
t I for quick answer. .\dvance Copy Co.,
- | Box 652, Chicago.
. lOARN j;»o to $l5O monthly at home
spare time, writing photoplays. Ex
' perience or cori espondence course un
, necessary; details tree. Elyod Pu-b. Co.,
( 926, Washington, L». C.
WANTED—A girl for general house
work; no washing or ironing. Apply
at No Ho Keily St.
iDO you want another $2 dally? No
I experience; constant spare lime work
j knitting hosiery; machines furnished
on contract; we take product. Gleason
- Wheeler Co. (Inc.), 337 Madison, Chi
| cagt).
I *
> ! LADIES—Make shields at home; SIO.OO
• per 100. No canvassing required.
! Send envelope for
I full particulars. Eureka Co., Dept.
112 D, Kalamazoo. Mich.
! WANTED-—Woman for day work. Apply
4il Walnut street, side entrance.
, WANTED—A white girl wanted for
general housework. Apply 621 Reily
. street.
WANTED—Anne Lewis, 217 Woodbine
{ St., to whom two reserved tickets
I were awarded to-day, good for the
i evening performance at the Orpheum
March 2, 1915. Call for them at Star-
Independent office, before 8 p. in., March
, 1, 1915, or they will be forfeited.
WANTED Girls over 16
years of age to learn cigar
i making. Paid while learn
ing. Apply at Harrisburg
Cigar Company, 500 Race
WANTED Experienced help.
Apply Silk Mill, eoruer Second
and North streets.
W ANTED Good woman
for housework. Must un
derstand cooking and gen
eral housework. f Address
3495, care Star-Independent.
WANTED—At once, two assistant dis
tributing managers for city, readies
preferred. Good wages. Steady work.
Cali at once. Manager, ?07 S. Fifteenth
St., City.
necessary, easy work, big pay. Writ#
for larße list of openings offering op
portunities to earn |IUO to SSOO a month
while you leal u. Address nearest office.
Dept. 245. National Salesmen's Training
Association, Chicago. New York. Kan
sas City, San Francisco.
WANTED—Salesman to sell our well
known line of Red Cross Cider and
Temperance Drinks in small country
towns only. Commission 25 per cent,
and weekly drawing account of $35.00,
Rod Cross Company. Dept. A, St. Louis,
AGlONTS—Snappiest household line on
earth; red hot sellers, steady repeat
ers: goods guaranteed; over ion per
cent, profit. Write quick—hurry. K.
M. Feltman, Sales Mgr., 1646 Third St.,
Cincinnati. O.
NICE INCOME easily earned with quick
sure sellers. Permanent position. Free
samples. Will Sales Co., Syracuse, N. Y.
AGENTS—Wonderful opportunity. Act
quirk. Sell concentrated liquor ex
tracts for making whiskies, liquors and
cordials ait home. A few minutes does
the work, makes the genuine article,
saves over .">0 per cent. Perfectly legit
imate. can be sold anywhere, no license
required. If SSO a week looks good to
you. get busy. The newest thing out.
immense demand sells fast, coins you
money. Small, compact, carry week's
supply in your pocket. Territory going
fast. Just send postal to-day. We'll
show you how to make money quick.
Universal Import Co.. Dept. 2H3, Cincin
nati, O.
dollars starts you. Be our agent.
New, patented household article. Cheap,
necesstiry. Suitable for wholesale or
retail distribution. Salable with 100
per cent, prolit by canvassing. Particu
lars on request. Brunow, l!i East 59t1l
St.. New York.
WANTED—Representatives with small
capital; make increasing regular in
come handling staple product of fast
growing demand. Manufacturers'
agents especially wanted. Address 405
Hoffman Bldg., Baltimore, Md.
AGENTS—If I had your name I could
show you how to earn $25 to, SSO
weekly. Greatest seller in years. Over
700,000 sold in last six months. Every
housewife will buy on sight. Postal
brings liberal proposition and free sam
ple. Address Manufacturer, 1 Union
Square, New York.
WANTED—By half-million dollar cor
poration, representative for Harris
burg and surrounding territory, to sell
high grade advertising novelties and
signs. Appropriate for every business.
Live man can easily make $1,500 to
$2,000 a year. Exclusive territory. To
proper man personal interview will be
granted. Bastian Bros. Co., Rochester,
terms to live men or women. Apply
Wholesale Depot, 25 North Third, top
CASHIER (27) desires position; eight
years experience; can furnish bonds
to any amount, either day or night
work. Address Cashier, No. 304 Chest
nut St.
A STRONG BOY, 17 years old, would
like to have work of any sort. Apply
1201 Wallace St., City.
MIDDLE-AGED man wishes position
in grocery store; have experience and
can furnish good references. Apply
| 3470. care Star-Independent.
YOUNG married man wishes position as
stationary engineer; can operate any
I ice machine; would consider a Job firing
! In boiler room; can furnish good refer
j ences. Address 142 North street.
WANTED—Young man would like to
have position as clerk in cigar store
,or pool room. Ctui give good refer
ences. Address R. P. S„ P. O. Box 172,
I New Cumberland, Pa.
| EMPLOYMENT WANTED, either city
or country, by good strong young
I man, 21 years. Apply 607 Walnut St.
WANTED—MiddIe-aged married man
; wishes position on farm; has experi
ence and can furnish reference. Apply
470 Main St., Steelton.
I WANTED—SingIe man wishes position
on farm; has experience an.l can give
reference. Apply 470 Main St., Steelton.
, YOUNG MAN, 18 years of age, not
I afraid- of work, desires work with a
, chance of advancement. Apply to P. S.
I R., 429 Broad St., City. Box 34.
RELIABLE, energetic young man. 18
years of age, desires position of any
kind; experienced in grocery business.
Address A. W. P.. 1521 Vernon St., City.
YOUNG LADY wishes washing or day
work or any kind. Call or address
MRS. BROWN. 1 tts Fulton St., City.
WANTED—-Day's work or dining room
girl, by young woman. Address or
call E. H„ 212 Conestoga St., Steelton,
| P ±
[ W r ANTEl)—Colored woman wants days'
work and washing and ironing. Call
or address 506 Filbert street.
YOUNG LADY wants position in office
or clerk in store; has good education
and can furnish references. Apply 142
North street.
WANTED—A lady would do cooking or
day's work. Call 28 Linden St.
WANTED—A young lady wants work
of any kind, to usslst at housework
or as child's nurse. Address HURSH,
22 Aberdeen St., Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED—A white woman wishes po
sition as waitress or general house
work. Call or address, 1527 Fulton SL
WANTED—MiddIe-aged woman wishes
housework by the week or cleaning
by the day; can give best of reference.
Address 803 East St.
A GERMAN girl desires employment at
general housework. Apply 541 South
Front St., Steelton.
WANTED—White girl desires position
to do general housework. Apply 1022
Market street. Koom 2.
WANTED—Young girl wishes carpel
rags to sew. Call Bell phone 4 73J.
PLAIN SEWING wanted, to do at home.
Apply m 3& N. Sixth St.. City.
GERMAN woman wants general house
work. Apply 483 Mohn street, or P.
O. box 146, Steelton. Pa.
' H
PACKING—A. H. SHRENK. 1906 North
Sixth street, first class packer of fur
niture. china and bricabrac. Bell phone
W. J. WENRICH. 339 Hamilton street—
furniture, china and piano packing.
Shipments looked after at both ends.
Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone
amw. ■■■■■■ . —.
OLD COINS WANTED—JSO paid for 1853
half dollar, no arrows; i» for 1878
half. S mint; flOu for 1894 Dime, S
mint. Many valuable coins circulating.
Send now Jc. tiet our Coin Circular.
May mean large profits to >ou. Numis
matic Bank, Dept. 52, Kt. Worth, Tex.
NOTICE is hereby given that all over
due pledges will be forfeited and sold,
unless renewed or redeemed within the
next tlve days. JACOB TAUSIG'S SONS,
Ixian Office. 420 Market Sit.
750 TO $r.,00 PAIL* for old brtiken sets
of false teeth in any condition, Hlgh
! est prices paid for old gold or silver,
sit. h as rings. pins, vv .i. i 's, watch
leases, etc.; also dental gold, crowns
i and ui luge work. Drop postal, we'll
call. Thi* week only. Box 3479, caro
ATTEST ION—We will pay JI.OOO re
ward if our home butter merger fails
tQ merge one pint of mlllc into one
pound of butter in two minutes, sweeter
j than creamery butter. Demonstrators
: and general agents wanted. Salary or
commission. Write for illustrated cir
culars and addresses of 1,000 users.
Wonderful invention. Family Butter
; Merger Co.. Washington, D. C.
WANTED—Office furniture for one or
two rooms. Answer at ouce. P. O.
74. Harrisburg, Pa.
TO OBTAIN REST at niglit use Lung
Saver, The Good Cough Syrup. Good
for old as well as young; also good for
croup. Ask your grocer.
; STORAGE in 3-story brick building,
1 rear 408 Market St. Household goods
iln clean, private rooms. Reasonable
rates. Apply to P. G. DIENER, Jeweler,
1 tuß Market St.
new eight-story brick warehouses,
one absolutely tireproof, divided into
Oreproof private rooms of various
tixes (or the storage of household
> goods; the other warenouse of the most
I type of tire retardant con
struction for general merchandise. Tiiey
are equipped with two lar&e electric
treight elevators and spiral cnute for
the quick and safe handling of house
hold goods and all Kinds of merchan
dise. Lo* Storage rale*. South Second
street, near Paxton, on the tracks of
Penna. K. R.
PIANO moving by experts. WINTER
PIANO CO., 23 N. Fourth St. Call
1 < to. Bell phone.
Watches, Jewelry, Firearms, Musical
Instruments. Highest cash prices for
old gold and silver. Repairing a spe
cialty. CITY LOAN OFFICE, 411 Mar
ket street.
ANY person needing money in amounts
from 95 to SSO holding a salaried po
j sition. would be benefited by calling
on us. Employes' Discount Co., 36 North
I * h ' rd at -
I LOANS—SS to $-00 for honest working
I people without bank credit at les*
than legal rates; payable in irisUll-
I menu to suit borrowers' convenience.
| Loan and Investment Co.,
204 Chestnut St.
I ■———■»
: ALL kinds of hauling; large two-ton
truck; furnlturv, pianos, freight, in
i the city and suburbs. Prices reason
able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or
. evening. WM. H. DARE. 1453 Vernon
I St. Bell phone 3517 J.
Lost and Found
FOUND—A decided Improvement In my
appearance since having my clothing
cleaned and pressed at Parisian Dye
! Works. 1409 N. Third. Branch, Hoftman
! Kerns, 337 Chestnut. Bell phone. Cali-
I ing and delivering.
FOUND—The way to end your cleaning
and dyeing worries by calling either
phone "for Eggert's Steam Dyeing and
French Cleaning Works. 1245 Market
St. We call and deliver.
LOST—On the 24th inst., official papers
of the Postoffice Department. Return
to postoffice. Reward.
Notice is hereby given that an appli
j cation will be made to the Governor of
Pennsylvania on March 22nd, 1915,- under
the Act of Assembly entitled "An Act
to provide for the incorporation and
regulation of certain corporations," ap
proved April 29th, 1574, and the sup
plements thereto, for the charter of an
Intended corporation to be called the
Capita) City Baking Company, the char
acter and object of which is the manu
facture of bread, rolls, cakes, pies and
all other baked products, and for these
purposes to have, posses* and enjoy all
the rights, benefits and privileges of
said act of Assembly and the supple
ments thereto.
Amalgamated Copper the Only Specula
tive Leader to Manifest Marked
Strength—Pacifies and Grangers
Barely Steady—Closing Firm
New York, Felb. 27. —(Wall Street)
—The.stock market moved within very
narrow limits during to-day's short
session, o|>ening with pains in most of
the better known issues, but sonn fall
ing back on moderate offerings. Trailem
seemed loath to iu;>k« now commitments
over the week-end in view of the for
eign situation. liopper
was the only sipeeul&tive leader to
manifest marked strength, advancing a
]>oint. The Paciliv and Grangers were
barely steady, while trun>k line shares
sold off fractionally. Sitocialties ftiT
nished their quota of the sessions small
output, Petroleums showing weakness,
while Motor stocks were relatively
strong. The closing was firm. Bonds
were irregular.
Furnished by H. W. Snavely, Broker.
. Arcade Building, Walnut and Court
New York, Feb. 2", 1915.
Open Close
Alaska Gold Mines 28 28
Amalgamated Copper. ... S3U f,:iU
American Beet Sugar. ... 38Vi 119%
American Can 26' i 26\4
American C. and F. C 0.,.. 1040 H
American Cotton Oil. ...|. 4f>V» 45%
American Ice Securities... 2r.-\ 25%
American Smelting 61 61 i 3
American Sugar 1(12 lO^ii
Amer. Tel. and Tel 110 11!)
Anaconda 25% 26
Atchison 94?£ 9-I^4
Haltimore and Ohio 65 " 6441
Bethlehem Stoel, i>4 , ,4 54'4
Brooklyn R. T ~. 87 867 i
California* Petroleum 18 17%
Canadian Pacific, ........ 157 Vj 157
Central Leather 34 U 34%
Chesapeake and Ohio 40 40
Chi., Mil. and St. Paul 84% 85
Col. Fuel and Iron 23% 23%
Distilling Securities, .... 10'j, 10', s
Erie 20% 20%
Erie, first preferred 311 3.1%
General Electric Co 139 139
Goodrich B. F. 31 31%
Gt. Northern preferred,.. 113% 113%
Gt. Northern Ore, subs 31 30%
Interboro-Met 55% 55%
do. preferred 12 12
Lehigh Valley 132 132
Mexican Petroleum 68 66%
Missouri Pacific 11% 12%
National Lead, 40% 40%
New York Central 52% 82
N. Y., N. H. and H 45% 45%
Northern Pacific, 100% 1«0%
Pennsylvania Railroad, ..104% 104%
Pittsburgh Coal, 20 20
Press Steel Car 27% 27%
Ray Con. Copper 16% 16%
Reading 142% 112%
Southern Pacific, 82% 82
Southern Railway, 13% 13%
Texas Company 127 127
Union Pacific, 119% 119%
U. S. Rubber 54% 54%
do., flr»t preferred 74% 74%
r. S. Steel 4 2'i 42%
Utah Copper, 51% 51%
Western Union Tel 62% 62%
Westlnghouse Mfg 65% 65%
Philadelphia Produce Market
Philadelphia, Feb. 27. —-Wheat linn;
No. 2 red spot, export, 150 flu 155; No. 1
northern. Duluth export, 1584/ 163.
Corn firm; No. 2 yellow, local, 77@78.
Oats lower; No. i. white,
Hran weaker; spring, per ton, $26.00
(a 26.50.
lietiued sugars firm; powdered, 5.85;
i line granulated, 5.75; Confectioners' A.
1 5.65.
1 Butter firm; western creamery, ex
tra. 31; nearby prints, fattcy, 35.
Eggs lower; nearby firsts, free case,
I 7.35; current receipts, free case, 7,20;
: western extra firsts, free case, 7.35; do.,
, firsts, free case, 7.20.
i Live poultry steady; fowls. 14%®15%;
old roosters. 11®11%; chickens, 13@16;
turkeys, 15@ 17; ducks, 16©17; geese.
12® 16.
Dressed poultry weaker; fowls, heavy,
17%(f< 18%; average, 15%(& 17; small, 14;
old roosters, 14; broiling chickens, near
by, 18®23; western, 14@22; roasting
chickens, 17 -0; turkeys, fancy, 22;
fair to good, 18®>20; ducks, 12@18;
geese, 10@14.
Potatoes weaker; Pennsylvania, per
bushel. 53#55; New York, 40#4S.
Flour weaker; winter straight, 6.75®
7.00; spring straight, 6.75@7.00; do., pat
ents, 7.00© 7.85.
Hay weak; No. 1 large bales. 18.00®
18.50; medium bales, 1 S.OO <Jt< 18.50; No.
2, do., 16.00® 17.00; rNo. 3, 14.00®15.00.
Clover mixed, light mixed, 17.00® 17.50;
No. 1 do., 16.00® 16.30; No. 2, 14.50®
j 15.00.
Philadelphia Closing Quotations
Philadelphia, Fe'b. 27.—Stocks closed
Cambria Steel. 42%
General Asphalt, asked 29
do. preferred, asked 63
Lake Superior, asked 9
Lehigh Navigation 74
Lehigh Valley 65%
P. R. R 52%
Philadelphia Electric, 23%
Philadelphia Company, asked,.,. 32
do. preferred, asked 32
Philadelphia Rapid Transit, .. 9'4
Reading 71%
Storage Battery, 48%
Union Traction, asked 36
U. G. 1 82
U.'S. Steel 42%
Chicago Live Stock Market
Chicago, Feb. 27.—Hogs—Receipts,
19,000; weak. Bulk, 6. light,
6.45®6.70; mixed, 6.35®6.67%: heavy,
6.10®£.60; rough, 6.10®6.25;■ pigs, 5.75®
Cattle—Receipts. 200; steady. Native
steers, 5.50®9.00; western, 5.10@7.60;
cows and heifers, 3.60® 7.75; calves, 7.00
® 10.50.
Sheep—Receipts. 1000; steady. Sheep,
6.75©7.65; yearlings, 7.504J8.40; lambs,
Lackawanna Steel Issuing Gold Notes
The Lackawanna Steel Company is
issuing $6,000,000 6 per cent, two
year gold notes to retire |9,994,000
debenture bonds maturing March 1, the
company having provided for the pay
ment of $4,000,000 debenture bonds
out of current funds. Kean, Taylor k
Co., Blair & Co. and Robert WiDthrop
& Co., of N'ew York, are making a pub
lic offering of the notes at 98 and
Bradstreet's Figures for Last Week ill
Harrlsburg and Other Cities
Bank clearings in the United States
for the week ending February 25, as
Exempt from
Federal Incomt Tax
Albany County, N.Y. •»!><<
(Y) Rej. 4Bonds. Due 1926.4.15%
New York City
(Y) 4}4% Bonds, Due 1964. ~. .475%
Baltimore, Maryland
Reg. 4% Bonds. Due 1962. 4.25%
Nashville, Tennessee
5% Bonds, Due 1921-1935. .4.45%
Berkeley, California
(C) 5% Bonds, Due 1925-1949'.. .4.60%
(T) Legal for Savings Banks In N. Y.
(C) I>*gal for Saving* Hank® in Conn.
Full particulars on request
for list No. 0-42.
N. W. Halsey & Co.
1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia
Nfw York Chicago San Franrtsco
Boston Baltimore St. Tx>uls
For Rent
Desirable offices in the
Union Trust Building.
Union Trust Co.
Valuable Rial Eatata
All proj>erti<« owned by the Provi
dent Building and Ixmn Association
will be sold at the Court House, Har
risburg, Pa., March 6th, 1915, at 2
p. in. Th« following are the proper
ties: Nos. 1736, 1738, 1710, 2317.
2321. 2327 N. Sixth St.: corner lot,
Sixth and Kelker Sts.; Nos. SIR, 517,
519, 521 arid 523 Kelker St.; house
No. 1849 Kulton St.. and 2021 Swa
tara St. l«Vir information inquire of
ii* iw- ■* ■■»! i I
The profit making possibilities
presented by the issues in our
latest bulletin should com
mand your immediate attention
Ask for Letter 25
4R llrnailnay. %PIV York
A knitting factory; all improve
ments; electric power; two-story
frame: steam heat, well lighted;
equipped with the latest knitting
and sewing machinery. Possession
given at once. We will rent if party
would be Interested In the manu
facturing of ladies garments.
Information Wanted—Call Bell
phone 74, Steelton, Pa., or
Look here! Do yon want to buy a
new home? Go to H£6 to 630 Geary
St. I ain just finishing four three
story brick, mansard roof houses,
with wide front and back porches
and balcony. Bay windows, grano
lithic pavement and steps; cemented
cellar, hot and cold water in cellar.
Parlor and dining room, large kitch
en, five bed rooms and bath, six large
ilosets, vestibule anil open stairways.
Gas and electric lights. Parlor and
dining room linished floors. No
houses In the city for the price ask
ed. Buy now and you can select
paper to suit. Go to see them at
once, before too late. The price will
surprise you.
F. H. Hantzman
reported to Bradstreet's Journal, New
York, aggregate $2,50!),4(16,000,
against $2,977,251,000 last week and
$2,724,222,000 in this week last year.
Canadian clearings aggregate $114,-
934,000, as against $122,302,000 last
week and $142,081,000 in this week
last year. Following are the returns'for
this week, with percentages of change
from this week last year:
New York $1,341,789,000 D 10.8
Chicago 263,327,000 L) H. 4
Philadelphia 126,979,000 U 22.9
Boston 119,927,000 I) I.S
St. LiOUls 63,(01,000 D 4.5
Kansas City 64,120,000 I 47.0
Pittsburg 39,673,000 13 6.5
San Francisco, 37,107.000 1) 1.7
Baltimore 27.984.000 D .4
Scranton 2,539,000 I) 4.8
Heading '. .. 1,353,000 IJ 4.7
Wilkes-Barre 1,211,000 I) 9.0
Lancaster, .. . ... 1,218.000 1 4.1
Marrlsburg 1.298.000 I 16.4
Krie 738,000 1J 15.1
York 766,000 I 13.8
Chester, 45U.000 L> lfi.g