The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 27, 1915, Page 9, Image 10

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Eases Quickly When You Apply a
Little Musterole
And MUBTEKOLK won't blister like
•■tho old-fashioned mustard-plaster. Just
* spread it on with your fingers. It pene
trates to the sore spot with a gentle
tingle, loosens the congestion and draws
out all soreness and pain.
MUSTKROLE is a dean, white oint
ment made with oil of mustard. There's
nothing Tike it for quick relief for Sore
""lirnat, Bronchitis, Tonsilitis, Croup,
Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia, Head
ache, Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism,
Lumbago, I'ains and Aches of the Back
f>r Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles,
Bruises, Chilblains, Frosted Feet, Colds
on the Chest (it often prevents Pneu
monia). Nothing like MUSTEROLE
for croupy children.
At your druggist's, in 25c and fiOc
iars, and a special large hospital size
for $2.50.
Be sure you get the genuine MI TS
TEROLE. Refuse imitations—get what
you ask for. The Musterole Company,
Cleveland, Ohio.
: C. V.
West Fairview Family Seeks Revenge
From Persons Who Ejected Thein
From Their House
Carlisle, Feb. 27. —Alleging that the
proceedings by which he was ousted
from his home were defective and not
I legal, Ross Frank, of West Fairview,
j has brought suit to recover damages in
the sum of $2,000 from Frank C. Hoke
and Amson Livingston through his at
torneys G. Wilson Swartz aud Merril
F. Hummel.
v Frank and his family figured in a
ease in the September criminal court
after thev were arrested on a charge ot'
resisting an officer who came to eject
them for non-payment of rent.
A sheriff's deputy was shot in the
fracas. Frank and his son were found
guilty and received jail sentences.
Start Work on Battlefield
i Gettysburg, Feb. 27.—0n Monday
Hg| hbhbm^
•;. -X> W s I
Jf jfe
.•:>••• ;;i j^|P|)Mßfsßß^t^^
Imi ill
■WBiB ,jM—Ki
i ———■
Present It at the Majestic Theatre Box Office, With
25 Cents, for Any Seat—Thurston, the Famous Ma
gician, Is the Attraction With a Company of Tweny
six People
/ <»
fThis Coupon and 25 Cents pre
.sented at the Majestic Theatre en
titles the holder to their choice of
any seat in the theatre, Cse as
- many coupons as you desire seats.
Humanity loves the mysterious, and seeks that which it cannot understand,
and for this reason Thurston is playing to capacity audiences everywhere, his
performance reveals a new magic world which savors of the uncanny and pro
duces the thrill which mere mortals love.
One can return again and again to witness the program of sensational
mysteries presented by Thurston, and still leave the theatre with the reason why
unsolved. There is no reason why with Thurston. It just is. He will bring
with him a company of 26 people and more than one hundred mvsteries.
It is a strange field in which this brilliant young man has devoted his life,
one that has been occupied by very few really illustrious artists. With his
dexterous fingers, his ready wit, and his genuine personality, he is not only a
wizard to excite wonder, he is a companion to enjoy. His interesting program
appeals to the children for the little ones stare in open, mouthed astonishment
at the marvelous acts of Thurston and for weeks they talk about his wonders, as
their parents did of their first visit to the performance of Herrmann and the
great Kellar.
moining the full force of men will be
put to work on the battlefield and
twenty-six hands will be employed from
that on until the late fall.
A large amount of work is await
ing the opening of operations. Many
of the glitters at the sides of the ave
nues have been washed out and will
have to be repaired. Numerous loose
stones are on the avenues ami will be
picked oil'. The two large steam roll
ers will at once be put to work am\
the roadways put in the very best of
condition for the early spring tourists
and other visitors. The sod had under
gone the usual effects of freezing and
thawing and will be given its annual
pounding down.
Seeking Park Land
Hagerstown, Feb. 27.—The Park
committee, which recently arranged for
the mass meeting at the Court House
in the interest of a park for the city,
and which later presented the desires
of that meeting to the Mayor and Coun
cil, is endeavoring to have the West
End Improvement Company agree to
accept $40,000 as a price for Arm
strong 's woods, desired for a park, and
to have the Mnyor and Council agree
to allow the proposition to purchase the
park at this figure to be placed upon
the ballot at the election to be held on
March 22. This would necessitate the
withdrawal of the condemnation pro
ceedings, which the city has instituted
looking to the fixing of a price for the
park property.
Native of South Dies
Carlisle, Feb. 27. —Mrs. George Gib
son died yesterday morning at 10.45
o'clock at the home of her brother, the
late Colonel George Gibson Hunt, South
College street. She was 82 years old.
She was a relative of the l.ees, the
Kiugolds and other prominent families
of Virginia and the District of Colum
Her father, Dr. Hunt, was tho lead
ing physician in Washington in Jack
son 's time and was offered the sur
geon generalship by Jaiokson, which ho
Engineer Is Dead
Waynesboro, Feb. 27.—Johnson Mc-
Bride, assistant engineer at the Knep
per pumping station of the Southern
Pipe Line Company, died at his resi
dence at Knepper at 9 o 'clock Thurs
day night, aged 49 years, 9 months and
2' lays.
Mr. Mcßride's death was due to per
nicious anaemia. He went to Johns Hop
kins hospital, Baltimore, for treatment
aibout six months ago and returned ap
parently recovered. He at once re
sumed his duties and was, a week ago,
taken ill. From that time on he failed
See Coupon
for Thurston
on Page 9
Mrs. Jacob Swltzer Dies Suddenly From
Effects of a Stroke '
Special Correspondence
New Cumberland, Feb. 27. —The
sudden death o/ Mrs. Eliza Switzer,
wife of Jacob Switzer, Third street,
has east a gloom over the community.
She was in good health until about 11
o'clock yesterday, when she complained
of feeling ill. When her daughter came
down stairs she found her lying on the
floor. I>r. J. F. Good was summoned,
who pronounced it a stroke. Her hus
band, who is employed at the Steelton
planing mill, was summoned, but she
was dead before he arrived. Mrs.
Switzer wan 4 7 years old and was a
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Washington Keister. She spent her en
tire life in New Cumberland and vi
cinity. She was a member of Trinity
United Brethren church. She is sur
vived by her husband, two daughters,
Grace and Mary; three sisters, Mrs. S.
M. Whisler and Mrs. Curtin Myers, of
New Cumberland, and Mrs. Wentzel, of
Morrisburg, and one brother, Halde
man Keister, who made his home with
George Cook, Sr., Fourth street, fell
in the yard yesterday and sprained his
Samuel Urich is ill with the grip at
his ihome on Reno street.
Mrs. Lydia Wilt, of Steelton, called
on Mrs. C. L. Hale on Wednesday.
Mrs. Waggoner, of Chamhersburg, is
visiting Curtin Mvers' family.
Mrs. Mary Baker, of Harrisburg,
was a gueet of Mr. and Mrs. Lingle,
Eighth street, yesterday.
Elmer Urich", of Highspire, visited
Samuel Urich's family on Thursday.
Mrs. Marianna Sponsler, Mrs.
rict Wickersham and Miss Tillie Wick
ersham, of New Market, entertained
the Rev. ,T. V. Adams and family at
dinner Thursdav.
Baughman Memorial M. E. church.
Sunday school at 9.20. dloly Commun
ion and reception of members at 10.30.
Junior League at 2. Senior League at
6.30. Sermon and reception of mem
bers at 7.30.
Trinity U. B. church. Sunday
school at 9.30. Preaching Dy the Rev.
A. R. Ayres and reception of members
at 10.30. Junior C. E. at 2. Senior
C. E. at 6. Preaching, reception of
inemibers and evangelistic services at 7.
Church of God. Sunday school at
9.30. Preaching by the Rev. S. N.
Good at 10.30. Junior C. E. at 2. Sen
ior C. E. at 6. Preaching at 7.
St. Paul's Lutheran church. Sunday
school at 9.30 Junior C. E. at 2. Sen
ior ('. E. a tG. Preaching by the Rev.
A. G. Wolf at 7.'
Otterbein Guild to Have Charge of
Church Services
Special Correspondence.
Higbspire, Feb. 27. —The Otterbein
Guild will render the following pro
gram in the local United Brethren
church to-morrow evening at 7.30
o'clock: Gloria Patri, invocation, the
Rev. H. F. Rhoad; song, chorus, scrip
ture lesson, Miss Verna Grunden; pray
er, song, Otterbein Guild; piano solo,
Hetty Hati'tin'ga; reading, Mrs. H. C.
Mathias; song, puild boys; piano solo,
Miss Martha Frutiger; sorag, congrega
tion; address, Miss Mary Daugheity, a
student at Lebanon Valley College;
vocal duet, Miss Margaret Moyer and
Mrs. W. Sides; song, Guild girls.
Walter Dift'enderfer, who this week
purchased the Highspire news agency
from Yeager Brothers, will assume
charge of that business on Monday.
Edward Heberlig. of Mumma and
Charles streets, lost the little toe of hi*
left foot Monday, when a frog fell
across part of his feet while working
in the T. and S. department of the
Pennsylvania Steel Company.
Richard Alberts, aged 8 years, was
operated on at the llariisburj; hospital,
Thursday morning for an abscess of the
Mrs. Isaac Diffenderfer, of Steelton,
visited Mrs. Mary Diffenderfer, Second
John K. Fisher, Xetw Market, visited
relatives in the borough Thursday.
The Misses Helen and Kathrvn
Putt, with live schoolmates from Mid
dletovvn, were cutertained Monday aft
ernoon by her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Augustus Putt, Second street.
Mr. and Mr*. Augustus Putt, Second
street, have returned from a short visit
to Dr. M. O. Putt, Oberlin.
Bible students will meet at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John Wise, Penn j
street, for Bible study to-morrow aft
ernoon at 3 o'clock.
United Brethren—The Rev. H. F.
Rhoad, pastor. Morning service at
10.13. Sunday school al 1.30. Evening!
service at 7.30. This service will be in!
charge of the Otterbein Guild with ad- j
dress by Miss Mary Daugherty, a Leb-1
anon Valley College student.
Dr. S. R. Nissley Celebrates 7;td Birth-;
day Anniversary
Special Corresoontlence.
Elizabethtown, Feb. 27.—Dr. S. R.
Nissley celebrated his 73d birthday an- i
niversary on Thursday. He is a native I
of Hummolstown and served as surigeon j
in a cavalry regiment during the Civil
war. He organized John MtJGood Poet
No. 50'2, G. A. R., thirty years ago and
has been its commander for twenty
eight years. The membership of the
Post at one time had reached sixty-six |
comrades, while to-day it has but, few.
The principal cause of the losis of com- j
rades was occasioned by death.
Mrs. J. Paul Nissley, Miss Mary j
Fox and Mrs. Fegley, of Hummelstown, j
were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. S. B. I
Nissley, on South Market street, on
Thursday. Lhrring their stay here they
were driven to the Masonic Home by
J. Harvey Bu<-h, where the}' were chap
eroned by one of the affable guides of
the institution through the main build
ing and every department of the home !
was shown to the visitors, who were j
delighted with their visit.
M. E. Church Junior League to Hold
Rally To-morrow Morning
Speciul Correspondchce.
Middletown, Feb. 27.—The Junior
League of the M. E. church will bold
a rally to-morrow morning at 10.30. A
demonstration of work done by the chil
dren and an address by the pastor, the
Rev. W. R. Ridington, will be features.
Next Thursday evening the members of
the league will entertain their parents
and officials of tho church from 7.30
to 8.30. Sunday morning, March 7, at
10.30 Mrs E. E. Hillis will give an
Spanking does not rare children or bed
wetting. t There is a constitutional cause
for this trouble. Mrs. U. Summers, Box
W, South Bend, Ind., will send free to
any mother her successful home treat-
ment, with full instructions. Send no
money, but write her today If your chil
dren trouble you in this way. Don't
blame toe child —the chances are it can't
help it.* This treatment also cures adults
and aged people troubled with urira diffi
culties by day or night.
address on "The Christian's Prepara
tory Time."
Mrs. John Stipe and sister. Miss
Virginia Kavanaugh. have returned
home from a several days' visit to
friends at Lancaster.
An entertainment will be held at
Coble's school house, beyond the Emaus
Orphan Home this evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Demmy
are spending a few days at Columbia as
the guests of relatives.
Samuel Beckey. Jr., is ill at the home
of his parents on Market street.
Mrs. William Lviicih, who has been
at the Harrisburg hospital for the past
several weeks, was discharged from
that institution yesterday and will
spend some time with her sister, Mrs.
William Xitrauer, at Highspire.
Miss Emma Nitrauer attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. Ambrose Nit
rauer, which was held at Dcodate this
Miss Bessie Horst will Spend Sunday
at Palmyra.
In the Middletown markets this
moining eggs sold for 25 and 28 cents
per dozen; butter, 35 and 38 per
pound; lard, 15 and It) per pound;
chickens, $1 and $1.25 per pair;
dressed chickens, 50 cents to $1
apiece; potatoes, 75 cents and $1 per
bushel; cabbage, 3 and 10 per head;
onions 5 cents per box.
A meeting for girls will be held at
the Girls' CKib room in the Kramer
building tomorrow afternoon at 4
o'clock. A speeal program is being
Lester Lerch, of town, and Clarence
Wallower, of Steelton, have purchased
the West End vulcanizing works at
. The Middletown ami Highspire
shcot has been postponed from to-day
until Saturday, March 6.
The name of H. 0. Lindemuth was
unintentionally omitted from the list of
officers at tho meeting of the Knights
of Malta held on Thursday evening.
51r. Lindemuth was elected as represent
ative of the local bodv.
Mrs. Annie Stutts, H:>, Dies From Re
sult of a Fall
Special Correspondence.
Millerstowu, Feb. 27. —R. M.
Thompson wa; in Harrisburg on Wed
! nesday evening and attended the mid
j winter ceremonial session of Zembo
Temple. Mystic Shrine.
Mrs. Jcseph Beskin, ot' Newport
News, Va., is visiting her sister, Mrs.
S. B. Rubin
Joseph Martin is visiting his daugh
ter. Mrs. S. 1 Zeiders, at I'eubrook.
Mrs. Sarah RaffenSberger, of New
Bloomfield, spent several days this week
| with Miss Uane Shaffer.
Mrs. Annie Stutls died at the home
i of her daughter. Mrs. Jerome Bassler,
I on Thursday night at the age of 83
I years. Mrs. Stutts fell several weeks
, ago and fractured her hip. front which
; she never recovered. Funeral services
will be held on Monday. Interment
j will be at Salem.
Dr. Scott CoyJe Rea and Miss Mary Der
rick Wedded Thursday Evening
j Special CorrespSndenc**
Ncwville. Feb. -7. —A beautiful wed
ding was solemnized at the home of Mr.
■and Mrs. T. A. Derrick, Broad' street,
lou Thursday evening when their
daughter, Miss Mary, was united in
marriage to Or. Scott Coyle ReJ, of
jShaniokin. The ceremony was per
j formed bv the Rev. C. W. Nicely, of
Hanover. Margaret (late?, of Shippens
burg, presided at the piano. The groom
j was attended by Dr. Lawrence Wolf, of
| Philadelphia, as best man. The bride's
attendants were Mrs. Carter Hollar, of
Shtppensburg, matron of honor, and
Miss Margaret Kerr, of Alterton, maid
of honor. Mrs. Hollar and Miss Kerr
wore gowns of pink chiffon over pink.
The little flower girls. Loma Kathcrino
Eby and Helen Marge-sou, carrying
j baskets of white flowers, were followed
by the bride and her father, who gave
her away. The bride was prettily at
j tired in white crepe meteor and car
ried a prayer book. Dr. and Mrs. Rea
I left the same evening on a wedding
i trip and will take up housekeeping in
Shamokin where the groom is a dirug
j gisf. Roth young people are popular
!in this place. Dr. Rea is a son of Mr.
; and Mrs. Arthur Rea, of Big Spring.
The Sewing Circle, of which Mrs. Ed.
I Manning is a member, and a number of
invited guests gathered at the home of
' Mrs. Frank Bower, Big Spring avenue,
on Thursday evening and tendered
; Mrs. Manning a "kitchen shower." De-
I licious refreshments were served.
Mrs. Annie Shires, of Mansfield,
' Ohio, was the guest of Mrs. G. W. Lan
dis Wednesday and Thursday.
interment of the infant son of Mr.
i and Mrs. Nelson Hefelbower, Buchanan
street, was made on Wednesday mortt
i ing in the Nowville cemetery.
Miss Gertrude Borst, of Washington.
D. C., is spending a few days at her
homo here.
Mrs. J. G. Morrow, of Landisiburg, is
visiting in this place.
Miss Rachel HaJ's returned this week
from a trip to Huntington, W. Va.
Former Pastor Assisting at Church of
God Revival Services
Special Correspondence.
Liiuglestown, Fed). 27. —Services will
bo held in the Lutheran church to-mor-
Tow morning by the pastor, the Rev.
Mr. Bitnijr.
Services will be held in the U. B.
church to-morrow morning by the pas
tor, the Rev. Clyde Lynch.
The Rev. James W. Waggoner, a
pastor of the ehureh here twenty years
ago, is assisting the Rev. George Sigler
in his revival services w'hichi are to
continue for some time.
A number of people attended the fu
neral of Mrs. J. H. Strock at Harris
burg on Thursday afternoon.
The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Reiter,
of Ilainton, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Sheipler on Thursday.
Mrs. David Brightlbill, of Harrisburg;
Mrs. William Bowman and Miss Carrie
Hain, of Hainton, sjfent Thursday aft
ernoon with the family of William E.
Mrs. Annie Smith and Mrs. Cath
arine Hassler attended the funeral of
Mrs. McClellan Atkinson, of New
Bloomfield, who was buried in the Bald-!
win cemetery on Thursday morning.
David Nissley made a business trip
to Harrisburg on Thursday.
Miss Ruth Hain spent Thursday
evening with her mother in Harrisburg.
Mis-s Bess Early, of Hainton, was a
visitor in this place Friday.
Mrs. Weidman, of Steelton, and Mrs.
Lizzie Reichard, of Harros/burg, were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Reitli on Wednesday.
Miss Jane Care spent Friday after
noon in Harristourg.
Mrs. Jacob Hetric'h and daughter,
Marion, spent Friday in Harrisburg.
Visiting Firemen From Mechanicsburg
Enliven Hose Company Bazar
Special Correspondence.
Dillsbcig, Fob. 27.—The body of Al
bert White, aged 30 years, was brought
from Rochester, Pa., to Dilleburg Wed
nesday morning and taken to the home
of Mrs. William Anderson, who is the
mother of Mrs. White. Tho funeral was
held Wednesday afternoon from the
home of Mrs. Anderson. Interment in
CTTTsburg cemetery. He is survived by
a wife and four children. Mrs. Whit®
was formerly Miss Willow Andersoji,
and ie well knoiwn in this section.
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Shriner announc
ed the birth of a daughter, Thursday
J. D. GUchcnour was in York on busi
ness Thursday.
Miss Myra Thumma, of Carlisle, vis
ited friends in town Thursday even
The bazar conducted by the Citi
zen's Hose Company, continues to inter
est the townsfolk. A late car to Me
chanicsburg on Wednesday evening and
on Thursday evening, 'hauled visiting
companies from that place who had
helped to swell the crowd at the bazar.
On Thursday evening the men's chorus
from this place furnished several songs
to help entertain the visitors.
On account of the revival at Arnolds
church, there will be no preaching serv
ice in the U. B. church in this place to
The Kev. .T. W. Long, who recently
visited Philadelphia,' aud heard Billy
Sunday, will preach a sermon to-mor
row evening in the M. E. church on
"My Impressions of Billy Sunday and
His Philadelphia Campaign."
There will be communion services in
the Presbyterian church tomorrow
morniug at 10.30.
Mrs. Mary Mullen, of Mechanics
burg, was the guest of J. H. Hess and
family yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Fishel visit
ed friends near Craigheads, Thursday.
The Rev. Mr. Burkett is still serious
ly ill at his home on South Baltimore
W. 0. Weaver was in Harrisburg on
business yesterday.
Several Gangs of Mcu Repairing Roads
Damaged by Recent Rains
Special Correspondence.
Duncanuou, Feb. 27.—N0 damage
was done here in the flood in the Sus
quehanna river, only the low lauds be
ing inundated.
Several gangs of men are employed
on some of the country roads that have
been put in bad condition by the re
cent rains.
Owing to poor health David Boyd
| lias tendered his resignation as tax col
Maurice Sanderson, of Sunimerdale,
spent yesterday with relatives here.
Harry A uchmoutz has returned to his
home at Shamokin after a pleasant visit
to relatives.
The Athletic Association of the pub
lic schools has organized and elected the
following officers. President and man
ager, Prof. McCune; vice president,
Prof. L. li. Bucke; captain, Floyd Lep
perd; coach, George Young; treasurer,
Rex Zeigler.
j High School Junior Class Guests of
Honor of the Seniors
j Special Correspondence.
Mechanicsburg, Feb. 27. —Last even
; ing the Senior class of the High school
| entertained, the Junior class of the
j school being the guests of honor. The
[1915 class decorated the Bobb resi
dence on East Main street with the
\ 1 1115 orange and black, some of the
I 1914 blue and white being inter
, mingled. Besides the Junior class and
a guest accompanying each, members of
the school board and of the faculty
were also guests of the Seniors. The
evening was one of the most delight
ful iti the history of our high school
j social affairs. A sumptuous banquet was
served, to which full justice was done.
Mr. Wilbur Wertz. president of the
class, acted as toastmaster, and called
upon a number of persons for speeches.
This caused a considerable amount of
merriment. The banquet was followed
by a program of music and readings,
and tiie evening's pleasure was con-
Says Excess of Hydrochloric Acid Is
Cause of Indigestion
A well-known authority states that
stomach trouble and indigestion is
nearly always due to acidity—acid
stomach —and not, as most folks be
lieve, from a lack of digestive juices.
He states that an excess of hydrochloric
acid in the stomach retards digestion
and starts food fermentation, then our
meals sour like garbage in a can, form
ing acrid fluids and gases which inflate
the stomach like a toy balloon. We
then get that heavy, lumpy feeling in
the chest, we eructate sour food, belch
gas, or have heartburn, flatulence,
waterbrash, or nausea.
Ho tells us to lay aside all digestive
aids and instead, get from any phar
macy four ounces of Jad Salts and take
a tablespoouful in a glass of water be
fore breakfast while it is effervescing,
and furthermore, to continue this for
one week. While relief follows the first
dose, it iB important to neutralize the
acidity, remove the gas-making mass,
start the liver, stimulate the kidneys
and thus promote a free flow of pure
digestive juices.
Jad Salts is inexpensive and is made
from the acid of grapes and lemon
juice, combined with litl>ia and sodium
phosphate. This harmless salts is used
by thousands of people for stomach
trouble with excellent results.—Adv.
Save the money you'd pay to a
water and take grease spots
and stains out of carpets, rugs,
curtains and clothes, easily and
4 Fall k Co., PhlUdelph£a.
eluded with a contest, Miss Xenia Mil
ler receiving a beautiful copy of "Snow
bound" for having answered correctly
"what may be found on a dime." The
guests departed to their homes fully
appreciating the hospitality of the
class of 1915.
The Woman's Relief Corps of this
place held a very interesting Washing
ton's Birthday celebration in the G. A.
R. post room. A very fine program was
given, after which refreshments were
Last in going, but not least in im
portance is the Rescue Hook and Lad
der Company of town, which was the
last of our three fire companies to go
to the fair of the Citizens' Fire Com
pany, of Dillsburg. The Rescue went
to the fair last evening and took with
them a generous remembrance.
A very impressive service was held
last evening in the Bethel of the
Church of God when a number of con
verts were buried in baptism by the
Rev. C. Raach, pastor of the church.
Several of our churches will have
special services to-morrow, when many
new members will be added to their
church rolls as a result of the recent
evangelistic campaign.
On Thursday and Friday, March 11
and 12, the semi-annual county Sunday
school convention will be held in this
place. On Thursday evening a -parade
of all the men's organized Bible classes
in the county will be given.
Miss Mary C lend en in has returned
from a visit to relatives in Willamette,
Mrs. George Bender, Mrs. Shaffner
ami Mrs. C'orbett, of Harrisburg, vis
ited friends here yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Rice attended
the funeral of Mrs. Rice's father, Jesse
Stahl, at Carlisle, to-day.
The stoves which were loaned by the
Cumberland Valley Railroad for use in
the tabernacle here have been sent to
Shippensburg and placed in the taber
nacle there, in which services will be
uiu to-night.
15. C. Snyder and family have moved
from York to this place and are lo
cated in the Keefer building, West
Main street. Mr. Snyder is the succes
sor to Dr. J. S. D. Eisenhower in the
drug store in the Keefer building.
On Wednesday as Miss Marianna
Mumper was crossing Main street she
was struck by a bicyclist and knocked
down. She was slightly bruised and
felt the shock considerably, but was not
seriously injured.
Mrs. H. B. Markley spent yesterday
with relatives in Harrisburg.
Krauth Oritchley, who has for the
past several weeks been a patient in
a sanitarium at Hamburg, Pa., was yes
terday brought to his home, on East
Keller street, by his father. The young
man's condition is serious.
Miss Barbara Hertzler, of Carlisle
is visiting her cousin, Miss .lanet Eck
'ls, East Main street.
M. E. Epworth League to Bonder Pro
gram To-morrow Evening
Special Correspondence.
Halifax, Feb. 27.—A very interest
ing program will be rendered by the
Epworth League of the M. E. church
to-morrow evening at 6.30 o'clock. The
subject for discussion \yill be "How Can
the Church Help Solve the Immigrant
Problem?" The speakers will be Miss
Oertrude Bottomstone, W. Leroy
Brooke and .1. Irwin Hoffman. Miss
Helen Wert will also sing a solo.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Stewart Potter, son
Leo and daughter Kae, are spending the
week-end in Matamoras.
Word has reached here that Mrs.
Harvey S. Bogar, of this place, who was
taken to the Medico-Chi hospital, Phila
delphia, this week, has been successfully
operated upon.
Mother's meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. B. A. Shumaker next
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Mrs. Eliza Loomis spent the past
week with her son, Edward Smith and
wife, at Harrisburg.
Sing Sing Inmates, Slayers of Women,
Admonished by Becker
Oesinimg, N. Y., Feb. 27.—Three men
olectroeutod in thirty minutes at
Sing Sing yesterday. had slain a
woman he once had loved. They main
tained a quiet never before known in
an execution at the prison.
Charles Becker, the ex-police lieuten
ant of New York, had nerved and en
couraged them in the last three days.
Vincenzo went to the c<hair
without assistance.
",Keep 3'our couraige, boys, and re
member what Father Cashin and Mr.
Lo«wrie have told you," Becker aiiii.ou
ished. "There is a Crod and a hereaft
er, and if you have really repented you
■will be saved."
Robert Kane was the first to die. Ho
had shot the sweetheart for whom he
abandoned his wife. Oscar Vogt had
stabbed a dressmaker with whom he
was infatuated. Camipainelli had killed
his wife.
The surest way to stop a cold is to
liven the liver and cleanse the bowels,
and the nicest cathartic to do this is a
10-cent box of Caßcarets. Take one or
two Cascarets to-night and your cold
may be gone by morning.—Adv.
Why They Are Eclipses and Cannot
Btcomt Perfect Circlet.
Every ellipse has two foci. Kepler's
second law Is, "The orbits of all of the
planets are ellipses, the suu being in.
one common focus of them all." All'
of the other foci are empty space. The
eccentricities of orbits of all planets
vary on account of the attraction of all
the other planets making variations.
Some are decreasing while others are
Increasing, but none can ever become
exact circles since there are eight mu
tually disturbing planet*.
That of the earth's orbit is now de
' creasing and, according to the French
astronomer Leverrier, who took time
to make elaborate mathematical re
searches in this part of astronomy, will'
continue to decrease during about
24,000 years, but will not vaaish, mak
ing the earth's orbit an exact circle,
and then will begin to increase.
The orbit of Venus now has the least
eccentricity and is therefore nearer a
true circle than any other orbit, but it
cannot become a circle, one reason
being the disturbance caused by the
huge mass of the earth. One earth re
volving around one sun. both trillions
of miles away from any other disturb
ing. could traverse a true circle.—Edgar
Luclen Larkin in New York American.
It Growa In Hawaii and Is the Rarest
Plant In the World.
The rarest plant in the world grows
in Hawaii, a fact which is unknown
to all but very few of the thousands
of tourists annually visiting the para
dise of the Pacific. It is the silver
Its very name is odd and unusual,
at once arousing the curiosity and the
luterest of the stranger who chances
to hear It. It Is a cactus-like growth,
the long, silky, gray leaves of which
give It Its peculiar name. The rea
son for Its rarity is that It Is found
only on the most inaccessible slopes of
the volcanoes of this group of islands.
From the earliest times it has been
appreciated and greatly admired by
the native Hawailans. who called it
"ahinahina" (gray headed), because
they had never before the coming of
the white man seen silver and there
fore could not apply to the plant the
cognomen which so well describes it.
All who have found it prize It more
Jealously than do Alpine climbers
treasure the edelweiss. It is a far more
beautiful thing and more difficult to
obtain than the famous flower of Swit
zerland.—San Francisco Chronicle.
Gun Power at Waterloo.
As to gun power at the time of Wa
terloo, two facts of guidance: The
British drill sergeants of the day
taught recruits to hold their fire "until
they could see the whites of the eyes
of the enemy." That would make the
best musketry range. 1 should 'say,
about twenty-five yards. "Brown Bess"
was not of much use beyond sixty
yards, judging by all the evidence. As
to big pieces, then, as now, naval guns
were superior to field artillery, and
Nelson loved to get in his broadsides
at sixty yards! 1 that 600
yards was counted the limit of effec
tive naval gun fire then. Field artil
lery range would be less, probably
much less. The enormous increase In
the effective range of guns since 1»
due, first to explosives with greater
power and more controllable power
second, the invention of rifled barrel*
and breechloading, aud, third, stronger
alloys of metals.—Frank Fox in Lon
don Nation.
Public Elopements.
The Bulgarian is perhaps the most
simple minded and industrious peas
ant in Europe, and. paradoxical as it
may appear, his standard of morality
is extremely high, although elopements
are more numerous than In any other
country. But these are generally in
nocent affairs, being simply the device
of young couples to get married with
out the expense a regular Bulgarian
wedding entails. In most cases not
only Is the consent of both parents ob
tained, but all friends are Informed
and assemble outside the bride's bouse
to witness the elopement.
Right In Style.
Small Stella had always worn high
shoes, but she had long desired a pair
of slippers'like those her older sister
wore. queried one day,
"when my shoes are worn out can't I
have a pair of low necked shoes like
lister's?"— Cincinnati Times-Star.
"Talk about a London fog," said a
Yankee just returning from England.
"Why. I found that they evep had fog
horns In the elevators at my hotel I"
When jealousy strikes a woman, lore
»nC bate embrace.—Smart Set ,