The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 27, 1915, Image 1

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Detail** Report, Pace 4
g^ A r^ ED VOL. 77—NO. 73.
Former Attorney Gen
eral of State Suc
cumbs in Savannah
After Long Illness
Leading Member of Lancaster County
Bar Was Also An Editor and Pub
lisher—Active in Democratic Coun
'ils of State and a fine Orator
■William Uhler Hensel. of Ijancaster,
former Attorney General of the State,
widely known in Pennsylvania jour
nalistic and legal circles and prominent
for years in polities, died in Savannah,
Georgia, last night, after a long illness.
He was 63 years old.
Mr. Hensel was prostrated by illness
several months ago, aiul it was feared
he would die then, but he rallied aud by
careful nursing in his country home
near Lancaster he was in a short time
considered out of danger, although very
Two weeks ago he accepted the in-!
vitation of former Senator J. Donald
Cameron, who for some time has been
residing in Donegal, in Lancaster coun
ty, and who was Mr. Hensel's life-1 ng
friend, to visit him on his houseboat,
the (,'onewago, then in Southern waters,
the object being to restore Mr. Hensel's
health. The sojourn apparently was
beneficial at the start, for a letter re- j
cently received by Thomas Lynch Mont
gomery, State Librarian, from Mr. Hen
sel, who was then on the Cameron
houseboat '' in Florida waters," as he
expressed it, stated that he was much
better but was still very weak. At
the time of his death Mr. Hensel evi
dently had arrived in Savannah where
he suffered a relapse. The body will
be sent to Lancaster.
Mr. Hensel is survived by one
daughter, Mrs. John A. Nauinan, wife
of a member of the Lancaster bar, and
several brothers and sisters, all resid
ing in Lancaster county.
Native of Lancaster County
Mr. Hensel was born in Quarry ville, |
Lancaster county, in 1851, and after I
attending the schools, entered;
Franklin A: Marshall College where he®
was graduated with honors in 1870 1
with the degree of A. B.
In 1873 the degree of A. M. was 1
conferred on him by the college. Sub
sequentlv both Dickinson College and
Washington & Lee University conferred j
on him the degree of LL £)., and in
1912 Franklin & Marshall, his alma
mater, conferred on him the degree of
Litt. D. as an honor for his services as
a member of its Board of Trustees, of
which ho was president. He was ad
mitted to the bar of Lancaster county
in 1873, having while studying law, j
been a reporter on the Lancaster "In-;
Mr. Hensel through nil his life con-1
tinued active in journalism, although
Continued on Third ram,
Two Largest Bakeries of Harrisburg
Are to Be Operated by the Capital
City Baking Company, About to Be
The Harrisburg Baking Company,
with a six-oven plant at Cameron and
Swatara streets, was absorbed lastt
night by a eompiny of Harrisburg cap
italists headed by Bernard Schmidt, j
owner of the Schmidt Bread Bakery, '
at Eighteenth and Holly streets.
The management of the South Cam
eron street plant was placed in tine 1
hands of E ,W .Manbeck. formerly man
ager of that plant and later manager
for Bernard Schmidt at his Eighteenth
street bakery. James A. Andrews, 1
manager for the Andrews Brothers, of
Erie, who operated the Harrisburg!
Baking t ompany, turned over the reins,
of management this morning.
Both the Schmidt aud Harrisburg |
bskenes will be operated by a new j
company, which will be known as the
Capital City Baking Company. Appli
cation for a charter for the new com
pany will be made to the State Depart
ment by Fox Jl G'lver, Harrisburg at
torneys, on March 22.
Neither plant will lose its individual
ity. according to Bernard Schmidt. The
different kinds of bread baked now by j
the two concerns will be continued. Mr. '
Schmidt said there will be no change
in tthe size of the loaves now being sold j
nor in the price, notwithstanding the ;
fact that the price of flour is above |
nonnal. Mr. Schmidt would not make ;
public the price paid for the Harris
' burg bakery.
The plant of the Harrisburg Baking
Company was opened in 1908 with
four ovens, and the business has stead
ily increased until two more ovens
have been added. Mr. Schmidt went ■
into the baking business in a small j
way on Derry street in 1891. His j
Thirteenth street plant was opened in I
1900. That plant was destroyed by j
fire in 1911 and the construction of
the new plant at Eighteenth and iHolly j
streets was then started. This plant !
was opened April 8, 1912. Six ovens i
Hre operated there and the combined i
output of the two bakeries to be op- ,
crated bv the Capital City Baking Com- ,
pany will total 75,000 loaves of bread ,
a day.
Announced To-day That Buildings to
Cost sloo,o<M> Will of Themselves
Occupy Five Acres of the Nine-Acre
Plot Facing On Cumberland Street
It was announced to-day that the
Hiokok Manufacturing Couiijiany's new
plant to be erected :u on g the Pennsyl
vania railroad trucks near Cumberland
street, will occupy nine acree and the
buildings alone will cover live a»res.
This plant will be built because the old
plant iu the Capitol Park • Extension
zone has to be abandoned, having re
cently been sold to the State tor J-10,-
Work ou the new plant is expected
to start within the next month, and the
buildings will be completed early in
the tall. Work will be rushed on every
part of it. Day & Zimmerman, of Phila
delphia, architects and engineers, who
are regarded as experts in this class ot
work, are preparing the plans, which
are almost finished and will have charge
of the work when the contract is let.-
The new buildings will cost about
SIOO,OOO. They will be of concrete,
brick and steel. The front part will be
two stories high and contain the offices.
The rest of the plant will be one-story
in height of "saw-tooth" roof con
struction by which the light will all
come from the roof.
It is the intention of the company to
move into the new building much 01
the present machinery, but a large lot
of new machinery will be purchased aud
put under the new roofs. The entire
plant will be modern and thoroughly
up to date aud with a roof tank for
water for use in the various de[»art
meuts and in case of fire.
The buildings will contain the iron
and brass foundries, the machine shop,
wood shop, paint shop, blacksmith shop
and modern plating department, all or
which will be thoroughly equipped with
modern machinery for the manufacture
of the products of this old-established
As soon as the company has moved
from its present location, which was
first occupied by the founder of fhc
firm more than half a century ago, the
state will sell the old buildings to the
highest bidder. They will be removed
at once and there will be another big
hole in the Eighth ward.
It is possible that all of the build
jnjs will be cleared away within a vear,
including the manufacturing plant
proper and the old shoe factory front
ing on State street near the bridge
across the Pennsylvania railroad.
Three Engineers, an Assistant and an
Inspector Are Let Go Because There
Is No More Work for Them to Do
—Board to Be Abolished July 1
The first cut in the enginering force
of the Board of Public Works, which
is to be abolished on July 1, or im
mediately after the present big city
improvements are completed, was made
to-day, when five engineers, assistants
or inspectors, were dropped because
there is no more work for them to do.
Those retiring are Henry M. Gross,
Lemuel D. Dubois, Joseph Bingatn, en
gineers; Frank S. Keet, assistant, and
William Hal'bert, an inspector. Only
Chief Engineer Joel D. Justin and his
stenographer, Miss Sarah Powell, and
two other engineers, Elbridge Cowden
and Lou Sihoaft, are retained.
The reduction in the force was de
cided upon in 3 conference between the
two members of the Board of Public
Works, E. C. Thompson aud J. William
Bowman, and William H. Lynch, Com
missioner of Highways. Lynch said
this afternoon that alfof the" engineers
will be reinstated if their services are
needed before the Board of Public
Works goes out of existence. He add
ed, however, that Cowden and Shoaff,
too, will havo to go in a couple of
weeks unless more work develops for
them to do.
Those employes who were dropped to
day, Lynch said, had been employed
recently in preparing estimates on "the
improvement jobs which have not yet
been complete*! by the contractors. By
July 1, when the several big public
improvement jobs are complete*!, the
numbers of tihe Public Works Board
and all engineers then in the Board's
employ will be dropped permanently
and the department abolished.
Under plans now being prepared by
the public works engineers, the coal
wharf at Market street and the river
will probably be abolished and the
eighty-foot gap in the river waM closed.
However, the que«tion of whether the
city can legally close the wharf has
arisen and City Solicitor Seitz next
week will be asked to give his opinion
on that subject. Sholud Seitz decide
that the city can close the wharf, then
the Stucker Brothers' Construction
Company, which has the contract to
build the wall, will be authorized to
close the gap.
S2OO Damage to Home of the Rev
Harvey Klear
Fire starting in some rubbish in the
basement of the parsonage of the
Covenant Presbyterian church, at 521
Peffer street, did S2OO worth of dam
age at noon to-day. The Rev. Harvey
Klear, pastor of that churcih, who re-
Bides in the damaged dwelling, is at a
loss to account for the fire other than
that children who were playing in the
basement this morning, accidentally
kindled the blaze.
The fire charred the joists which sup
port the first floor and a good portion
of the basement. The district firemen
were called from Box 213, Fifth arid
Peffer streets, and were in service
twenty miuutes.
A defective flue in the home of
George Walters, 1702 Fulton street,
caused a slight fire lasj evening. An
alarm wis turned in from Fourth and
Hamilton streets, but the firemen were
not needed.
Flood Has Washed Out
Fill and Bared Rocks
Between ,Maclay and
Kelker Streets
of the 15,000 Yards of Dirt to
Be Dumped Under the $4,000 Con
tract Had Already Been Placed on
Elver Bank by Hauling Company
Damage that may run into several
thousand dollars has been tone by the
high water in the Susquehanna river,
to the river front (ill, between Kelker
and Maclay streets, where loose dirt
from the Pennsylvania Railroad im
provements in South Harrisiburg la?
been dumped in thie last few weeks.
, The exact extent of the damage, how
ever, cannot be estimated until the wa
ters recede to a stage below eleven feet
which will bring the top of the con
; erete wall above the surface of water.
, The original contract called for
, dumping 15,000 cubic yards of earrli
pn the bank after placing large st nes
for a foundation. The cost of this to
the City is to be $4,000. Park Com
missioner Taylor sai i this afternoon
that between 13,000 and 14,000 cubic
: yards already have been dumped. He
said he will be unable to estimate tne
flood damage until the w H ater recedes.
Continued on Fourteenth l*«se.
Temporary Organization Effected Last
Night of Concern That Proposes
I Operating Line of 50 Autos in the
Streets of Harrisburg
Temporary organization of the Jitney
Transportation Company, a concern
I which has announced its puroose to op
! erate a fifty-car auto "bus line in tue
city and StJelton, was effected last
1 evening. Augustus Wildman was made
I president; Ross Oenslager, secretary,
I aud Owen M. Oopeliu, treasurer.
[ ' Notice of the new compnny's inten
tion to apply to the Pub.ic" Service
Commission for a charter w.ll be filed
on Monday, and on the following diy
the company will meet again to consid
er plans for the 'busses which p.ans
now are being prepared. A representa
tive of an auto concern, which is fur
nishing the plans, has assumed the pro
moters that if au order is placed at
once with his firm the first installment
of cars will be ready for shipment
within thirty days or immediately ait' o
tlie time the company expects to'get its
The authorized capital stock of the
company is $25,000 of which, a repre
sentative said, more than ten per cent,
already has been subscribed. A perma
nent organization will not be formed, it
was said to-day, until the company is
chartered by the State.
City Treasurer O. M. Copelin and Dis
trict Attorney Stroup, who are inter
ested in the company, to-day received
copies of a San Francisco newspaper
Continued on Fourteenth I'nice.
Washington, Feb. 27.—Minister Van
l>yke at The Hague cabled to-day an.
unoflicial report that eight of the crear
of the American steamer Evelyn sunk
by a mine in the North Sea had been
Yesterday he sent an unoflicial re
port that the missing boat load was
New York, Feb. 27.—Five passenger
liners bound for ports in the war zone
set by Germany around the British Isles
were included in to-day's sailings from
this port. Hundreds of passengers were
The Lusitania, now the largest as
well a* the fastest passenger ship trav
eling the Atlantic, had many cabin pas
sengers booked for Liverpool. Tho
American liner St. Paul for Liverpool,
the Holland-American steamer Rotter
dam for Rotterdam, the Touraine for
Havre and the Kristianifjord for Ber
gen were the other sailings.
Americans flags and the words
"American Line' - in letters four feet
high, were painted on both sides of the
St. Paul's huH. Two more American
flags were painted on her bows. The
Rotterdam was marked for identifica
tion by lettering on her hull giving her
name and destination.
Moulin Bouge Ablaze in Paris
Paris, Feb. 27, 9.50 A. M.—The
Moulin Rouge, well known as a center
of the night life of Paris, caught fija
early this morning. The entire
partment of the center of Paris was
called out in an endeavor to put out the
Wise Auntie, However, Punctured Plot
to Foist Adopted Youngster on
"Dad" When She Remarked Upon
Length of the Little One's Hair
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
New York, Feb. 27.—Since his mar
riage, fourteen months ago, Charles
Kirk s one ambition has been to be the
father of a bouncing boy, and several
months ago his prett. wife of 20 whis
pered something to him when he return
ed one evening to his home, 65 Chest
nut street, Weehawken, X. J., which
pleased him immensely. He kissed her
effusively and told her he was very
Wednesday evening when Kirk came
from the Tietjan & Lang ship yards,
where he is a foreman, his sister-in
law, Miss Dorothy Wrenn, met him at
the door au4 whispered:
"It's a splendid, beautiful boy and
he is going to be Charlie, Jr."
The sister-in-law had attended Mrs.
Kirk, he was informed, after a Pas
saic physician left.
"She is doing ppkndidly," Kirk was
told. "But you can only have a peep
iat the babv now. Don't trv to pick
hint up or wake him. It won't do.
j He's too young." •
So Kirk had to content himself with
l outlnurd on fourteenth I'aice.
Harr sburg Sports Place Heavy Side
i Bets on Bout With Philadelphia
Birds Held Quietly on Neutral
Grounds in Shamokin
Harrisburg s,-orts are talking to-day
of a cock fight held in Shamokin on
Thursday evening in which Harrisburg
and Philadelphia game cocks' partici
pated aiul in which the result was a
For some time there has bceu much
rivalry between the breeders of chick
ens in Harrisburg and Philadelphia re
garding the pugilistic merits of thel>
breeds, and on two occasions—once in
Philadelphia and a second time in Har
risburg—when the two rivals met, the
result was unsatisfactory, each faction
winning in its home town. The third
bout was fought Thursday on neutral
grounds—Shamokin—and about a scor«
or more of I'kUadelphians and Harris
burgers were present.
The terms of the match were that
six lights should constitute the main, ex
cept in case of tie, when a seventh
should be fought. The stakes were SSOO
a side, but the side bets were very
heavy. The tight took place in a garage
Continued on Fourteenth I'M lie.
Ann Street Hostelry, in Middletown,
and the Berrysburg Hotel Will
Have to Stop Sale of Liquor Mon
day Until Court Passes on Them
Three liquor establishments—two ho
tels and one bottling works—that to
day are doing business in Dauphin
county will not open on Monday morn
ing. Tiie hotels will be unable to open
their bars 011 that 'lay, because the
court has not yet decided whether their
licenses will be renewed. The bottling
works of John Mackert, Lenkerville,
will be closed for at least a year by
reason of the proprietor having with
drawn his application for a new license.
The new license year starts on Mon
day. The St. Lawrence hotel, Berrys
burg, will have to close its bar tem
porarily on that day because the con-
Continued on fourteenth I'aec.
District Attorney Withdraws as Coun
sel for Berrysburg Hotel
District Attorney M. E. Stroup, who,
with Horace A. Segelbaum, had been
counsel for Willam H. Bowman, pro
prietor of the St. Lawrence hotel, Ber
rysburg, whose application for a renew
al of his liquor license has been held up
pending the court's inquiry into the
charge that the hotel has been violating
the liquor laws, this morning obtained
permission froui the Dauphin county
court to withdraw from the ease. He
indicated that his withdrawal was not
meant in any way to prejudice his for
mer client's chances of getting a re
newal. Stroup told the court #he
thought it was the most advisable
thing for him to do. He said:
"When I consented to represent Mr.
Bowman there were 110 charges of a
violation of the law preferred against
him. Since that time such charges have
been preferred, and I deem it inadvis
able and inconsistent with my position
as District Attorney—no matter wheth
er these charges are well grounded or
not—to represent him in this matter,
and have si advised Mr. Bowman.
Wifch the permission of the court, I,
therefore, desire to withdraw as attor
ney for the applicant."
Judge Kunkel made this reply:
"We think your action unquestion
ably is propei'. As a public officer and
representative of the Commonwealth,
we cannot very well see how you can
lepresent the Commonwealth in criminal
matters and at the same time represent
one who is charged with a violation of
the law. We will Jlow your applica
-*-,■•■ m
■HU^,;.' ;^:fl^HH
B i -• s VH
-rT-rp". I g«.-i".EaeXK. 3rvt_. ZE3T.
By Associated Press.
Washington, Feb. 27.—An indication
of the British government's attitude to
wards the American government's in
formal proposals to Great Britain and
Germany for the removal of dangers
to neutral shipping, officials here
thought would be forthcoming to-day.
At any rate, an answer is expected in
a few days. The German government's
attitude on the issue is already known
to be favorable to making concessions
and as supplying tihe basis for nego
tiations between the nations involved.
Officials here learned to-day through
unofficial sources that some British
Mysteriously Shot and
Rilled by One of His
Companions During
the Play
No One Lays Claim to tie One Revolver
With a Discharged Cartridge That
Sends Motion Picture Player to
By Associated Press.
" Bos Angeles, Feb. 7. —An investiga
tion was under way to-day of the death
of Clarence Chandler, a motion picture
actor, who was and killed yester
day in the staging of a battle scene in
the San Fernandino Valley near here.
('handler was a member of an at
tacking party instructed to capture sol
diers barricaded in a cabin. Be fort
word was given for them to begin firing
with revolvers, a single shot was heard
and Chandler fell in the midst of his
companions, shot in the forehead.
All threw down their weapons. No
one laid claim to the one revolver with
a discharged cartridge. The pistols had
been loaded with bullets in order to
produce a realistic scene in shooting
down the door of the cabin.
Thirty-five Entries in Contest Over
Panama-Pacific Exposition Four-
Mile Course
Bp .1 ssncintcil Press.
Francisco, Feb. 27.—Thirty-five
drivers turned up their cars to-day for
the sixth Brand Prix automobile race
scheduled to start at 10.30 a. in. on the
Panama-l'acitiic exposition fourmile
course. The cars were started three
abreast at intervals of fifteen seconds.
With ideal weather and a trSK'k
which experts declared was in perfect
condition, it was thought a new record
might be made. Two right angle turns
and other irregularities in the course
offered, however, formidable handicaps
against fast time.
Every precaution had been taken to
guard agai,nst accidents to racers and
spectators. Beside the Grand Prix cup
cash prizes amounting to $7,000 were
the rewards for the successful contest
At the end of the tenth lap D. Re*-
ta, in a Peugeat, led. Time, 35.44.
Ruckstell, in a Mercer, was second, nine
seconds behind. Following were Alley,
Hughes, Be Falina, rtickenhacker. Rec
ta's average was 68 miles an hour.
Earl Ooaper was forced out of the
race on the second lap by a broken con
nection rod.
Cabinet members, including Premier
Asqnith, take the attitude that repris
als will be necessary in retaliation for
Germany's submarine campaign. Eng
land's allies, including France and
Russia, which have been considering
the American proposals, were said to
be in full accord with her as to what
steps she would take.
The Washington government believes
that, even though these proposals are
not adopted, efi'orts will not be wasted,
since it will demonstrate to the bellig
erents the sincerity of the purpose of
the United States and the impartiality
of its position.
Petrograd, Feb. 27, 12.01 P. M.,
Via London, 1.55 P. M. —The German
infantry forces are being thrust back
| iveross the river Nieman in Northern
Poland, and the Russian general staff
| believe.4 that another German plan of
I attack upon Warsaw has been count
, ered successfully.
Relationship is divided between the
j stubborn effort of the Germans to cut
I railroad communication to the north
I from Warsaw and the coincident re
sumption of pronounced activity near
> Borjimow, on the Central Poland front
j west of Warsaw, To quote the opinion
! of a staff officer as deduced from .these
operations by the Germans at widely
separated centers —"evidently the Ger
mans intend to push forward again in
the center. For this purpose they
needed reinforcements of troops on the
Borjimow front. In the Kovno dis
trict, activity is diminishing. Hence
it is evidence that the Germans are
again using their railway system to
draw troops toward Borjimow.
In order that we shall not be able
to do the same thing, namely rush
trocps southward to the Bzura and Haw
ka rivers, the Germans are making des
t perate efforts first with cavalry and
i then with infantry, to cut the railroad
from Warsaw north to Vilna. Thanks
to the watchfulness of our commanders
and to the indomitable energy of our
troops, the efforts of the enemy have
been futile.
This officer added that even though
the German plans had succeeded this
achievement would not have influenced
greatly the Russian position at Borji
mow so long as the other railroad lines
from Warsaw to the front remained in
commission. He said further that the
success which the Russians are report
ed to have gained at Przasnysz had un
covered the German right flank, operat
ing a,t Ossowetz, where the artillery en
jfagements still remained undecided.
London, Feb. 27, 7.17 A. M. —A
dispatch to the "Times" from Petro
grad says that information has been
received in the Russian capital that
several units belonging to the Twen
tieth corps, which was surrounded by
the Germans in the 'etreat from Kast
Prussia, still are fighting stubbornly
and probably will be able to rejoin the
Russian army.
The efforts of the German and Aus
trian armies to crumple both ends of
the long Bussian front are reported to
day to have been checked. Petrograd
states that the German drive at War
saw from the North has been count
ered. The official report from Berlin
says that new Bussian forces have ap
peared In Northern Poland and began
attacks. Near Kolno, the statement an
nounces, 1,100 Bussiang were captured.
In Eastern Galicla, at thtf other end
Continued on Fourteenth Pas*.
1 l 9. I
Reported That Mer
chantman Meets a
Disaster Off Saint
Wreckage Picked Up Near Chrlstianla
Indicates That Submarine U-9, Ger
many's Terror of the Seas, Has Met
Fate She Meted to Others
Hy Associated Press,
Dieppe, France, Fob. 27, via Paris, 5
A. M.—lt is reported here that a Brit
ish merchant shi]> has been torpedoed
in the KogJish Channel oft' Saint Val
ery-tSur-Hmmnie. A French torpedo boat
destroyer has gone out from Dieppe to
the assistance of the British ship.
| Christiania, via London, Feb. 27,
3.50 A. M. —Wreckage picked tip near
Christiansand appears to in.licate a dis
aster to tihe German submarine U-9.
The German submarine U-9 has play
ed an important part in the naval ac
tivities of the war. It sank the British
cruisers Hogue, Aboukir and Cressy in
the North Sea on September 23, and
eluded pursuit. On October 25 it sank
the British eruiser Hawk.
A Dutch steam trawler reported No
vember 1 that it had met the U-9 in a
disabled' condition off llaaks lightship
near Helder on the north coast of Hol
land. Its trouble had been caused by
becoming entangled in fishing nets.
There have been no reiports regarding
I the U-9 since that date.
Athens, Feb. 27, via London, 5.12
15.I 5 . M.—An allied fleet aggregating
i forty warships to-day penetrated the
Dardanelles straits .is far as Hortari
and within range of Fort Intppe on the
Asiatic side, according to rcliabe infor
! mation reaching here to-dny.
Fort Intepe was destroyed. Various
Turkish engagements also were bom
barded. The ships are now within range
I of Fort Dardanos.
A French squadron is cruising under
the forts at the entram-e to the straits,
| which are now entirely dismantled.
Paris, Feb. 27, 11.15 A. M.—The
Athens correspondent of the "Matin"
has forwarded the following:
"After the complete destruction of
the forts at the entrance to the Dard
anelles, the allied fleet penetrated the
straits and shelled the interior forts.
It proceeded down the Dardanelles 14
miles from the entrance."
London, Feb. 27, 4.49 A. M. —The
allied Meet has bombarded interior
forts in the straits of the Dardanelles,
according to an Athens dispatch to
Keuter's Telegram Company. The fire
directed upon Fort Dardanos is said to
have been particularly severe and the
Turkish reply feeble. *
The Sedd-Kl-Bahr lighthouse, at the
entrance to the Dardanelles, is in
flames. The fort of Dardanos is the
first to be passed after those which
guard the entrance to the straits.
Kennes, France, Feb. 27, Via Pari#,
5.05 A. M. —A German soldier named
Carl Vogelgesang, of the Twenty-sixth
Haxon infantry, a native of Eisletoon,
has been sentenced here by a French
court martial to military degradation
and death, having been found guilty of
pillaging while under arms, of arson
anil of dispatching French wounded.
The principal evidence against this
German soldier were the entries in his
own diary which was found on his per
son when he was searched after having
been made prisoner by the French, the
fifteen of last September. Vogele
sang denied before the court that he
had killed wounded men. He admitted
tlhe ether charges, however, but de
clared that he was acting under su
perior orders.