WHEN SPRING and WINTER OVERLAP: JSxxvmarii Aluminum I Carpet or Hall | 4 |NI«« .■ « Call 1991—Any Phone Founded 1871 Demonstration j Runner Are Ullterent™And Saturd Hours p ,4. M . fo pp. To-morrow win improve Home Handsomer Than Ever To-morrow Is the Last jßOrtaaas awatrss JSP fudge without stirring or burning: sels, velvet, Crex, wool and fibre lean taste. Day of the Great S?SSSf h "' f —' -* des SSTS 1 r*\ i Special During' f rd - /\ XV NSED Parisian information—the principal de- February Furniture Sale Demonstration > aMAw «V> J~ "kir-tf 1 , J Set of three "Wear-Ever" lip- ! Wool and fibre, 39* and 45* VVb.UA I,V /? • V *•! J i And to-morrow will brine r H > , ' t )etl sauce pans, holding l. n/. i yard. >Jn n\ of the simpler tailored models. '>V/Tv uml 21/2 q,s - ,v K»'ar price, $1.60, Crex, 29<, 39<, 40< and 45? /U / • \A\ will also be noticed that waist, lilies to an end the most successful // I 1 will be special at 79? set. 1 yard. /p \\ are slightly raised and this feature will Sale in Furniture Historv. As v a +f V'-i Y i,ll }f or 1 ool "»g 1 Brussels, 50?, 59?, 75?, 85? / | Y be carried out generally this spring in „ . Kettle, with bail handle and cover, and 98? yard. S-v suits dresses ind a fitting close, we offer at very r °K u,ar P rue s Pfcial at Velvet. 69?, 75?, 79?, 81.00 J SKIIIS. low nrices a number of odd _ aud S l - 35 y*«*d. J /I \ New arrivals have swelled the as pnces, a mimbeiot odd -BOWMAN'S. I M pieces that were omitted Trom jBiy.CM j - // / l\ it mtel-estinc to view the different suites and other individual 7QC /I Q. - ». • DI .. , \ \ models. pieces. You will also find just I FteCeS btickert EdglflgS / / l\ _ as full and complete assort- /#/1 Ofi 00/e 10-mOTTOI' \\ J « ments of suites and individual yLgfJ&fi t Because we purchased such a large quantity, we were able to ! —\ 14/ L D f • pieces for the final dav, as the dCtm 7#l Ev-/ I f tu . re " u * liti « ,haf . are wor,h f ™» V* to. 35 ® for pieces of six V Wear DV r^UrCfldSmg •' yards each. These edges are used for trimming children s dresses, ft, ® opening day display. house dresses, underwear. Come in white and colors. All go on sale I IH\ J . AT Following are for to-mor- ySSsBZ • |JR COOU> *-• Mil in V 100r —BOW MANS. I io\\ only: •* T The season for spring coats reallv SIB.OO mahogany chiffonier, 89.00 o - fr\» • ■ i , ril v ._ _ . . . begins in February when there arc days *IB.OO mahogany dresser. 59.00 SDMI*? TlHie IS I A VIHA lat the ueed ot spring coats are felt. Then when the warm $21.00 golden oak dresser 535.98 * 11/ A O days come lor discarding coats, you've had a full season's $21.00 golden oak chiffonier 815.98 T weal*. $25.98 mahogany dresser, -Llllol€llin I WIQ W ew S nr i n I 58.90. This mattress is sq - ydl ! cr( ' asetl bust-height. JUiLLlrl LK I 4(90 oo* 't innii . u u 4 Ji""d with Xo. 1 folt. covered with Fourth Hoor—BOWMAN'S. l-'« njj- materials and exquisite O 823 75 " BSS i art l i( ki,, P- finished with | fimmings make the new La Vida Extremely fascinating are the jf so> bring thpm to Qur Hair $35.00 P-olet finished Brass lied. an ,m P« j nal edge. : models aristocrats of the Corset chic hats of all black in the new Goods Shop to-morrow and have 827.00. cseTrt" l 0" et mattress, ! n tir 1 • , sailor, turban and Shepherdess them made up into a Switch or ftlet finished Urais Bed. ; ~ ftM U> «UMM. i sh „ res that W be fouml ia the H 815.75. sb-W all cotton mattress, 84.95 Z- W. B. Corsets, made bv La Vida i , i • v v . i experts. Usuall> the cost of $16.95 Continuous post Brass ! W-PO cotton top mattress, 82.50 ~<€MS , manufacturers, are 81.00 to Bal most exclusive Ne V v York shops- these made up is from $2.00 up- Bed. BH>95. « j now on show in our Millinery De- ) va 'jo-morrow our price will iiAiiii Jpo.ou Special Woven Wire Bed- IB&Br Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. * be 81.25. Bed 89.75°. 18 spring, 84.95 —This is our special I partment, where the women folk All over silk Hair Nets. Spe *lo "iO strain'hi i> i "^ l ' n bed spring fitted with 1 I mav find an extensive variety such cial at 6 for 25<^. »!!!: ! ! MmMk* Sample Lot Of - v—U™ Mrs I s^" 0 " » ,ri " bl, r °' ! t?w i i risl ""'" _ Fifth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Wty I JC/IlVelOpe : See, in the windoW, the rough, Horse Blankets and Clearing Out Certain Chemise, : (M WtS Lap Robes at Furs To-morrow ;. ila TVr™^ A „.. - , TTalf Rather than hold them over for wHOWiilg XICW £ OUi.- at /C moderately priced. Iff fm Xlall "rice : another .season, ill-HaildS lor Meil Made of fine nainsook, and if j j,'? J Jr n, r.! 0 ; 1 T r ° l "T ir * e kx , S , 9.Lo. t ' arM,H ' 0 ' Twonew patterns have just been j S3S IW slsib £v JUST OPENED / -ksm'o CeS rang l !° m II t0 1 ,llat ' k ( '"" e y Sete. »«.00. opened up, and are now on display different styles, trimmed with lace. —the loveliest assortment of flow in t i H if"'f'ti <1 " ( " XOU I> ' , " V Soar"^^]Tl' ' n window. Note the smart fisr- . insertion, beading, medallions and ers for trimmings, but they're just halt of these prices on any I >ear seal (oat, *5.00. . ® embroiderv Si/es 36 to 44 . ~ , onp ' Russian Pony Skin t oat with ures and daring stripes. All priced ' ... . "too numerous to mention. Ask __ I collar, •S«,.io. *" at Corset Covers, — deep f f i, „ I Maiit .lam FIoor—BOWMAN'S. ! Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Main Floor BOWMAN'S. ! . voke S, embroidery insertion, wide ° M '° e " 1 fICSC lICW ———_ __«_beading, run with wide ribbon; _ ___ " others with wide laee, insertion ap- To-Morrow Is the Last Day of the Final T 28 ,_e, u .„ r Lovers of Art Military Boots Clearinfr-Oiit QaU *4 —and Students Will Complete the WdlC Ui boil run beading. It's an unusual event that of- EffCCtiVCnCSS Of Ti/f 9 T AT* , O • r\ Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. fers famous Old Master oil sub- YoUT Ne\V SoritlP' Men s Wtnter butts & Overcoats w —, »»• t?zrt;'lzr;Lz sun f-p, . • W Q.flt@cl White originals. Women's genuine French Bronze snflPpT Sl A °Xf rcoat . iu winter stoek must be sold, for Priced at ea. In bronze Military Laced Boots—the very ilnn iS w ,i Spring assortments that will be coming A* ririTlf*Q frame complete at $1.25 and latest, dressiest, handsomest New • A 0111(1 impress you however that many of the $1.50, or gilt frame complete York made shoes, at $6.00. i Q f k :° a ?i W( ? rn all summer, and all will be good for next fall. Some Snecinllv at *2.40. Shown here first. •nirlVAl 10 S P nn £ . yOU ( ' all make use of a Balmacaail or overcoat, n . Fourth FIoor— BOWMAN-s. Women's New Tail Russia Calf Ck th" sale g Pnce I ' eductions ' y«« "">»'<« dto over- Meed )ltli , arv top,! *. . Mercerized Batiste—+•"> inches 1 diamond tips, -New York City SIO.OO and $12.50 Suits OfT r/) , ' The "Punch" »' ¥5 -°°- A "»■- and Overcoats at . . CtJC/#CxL/ waists; if bought in small quanti- Wool ca-ssimerp •* J- * ties would sell for 50c yard. About "n A l 4 ELL 1/TA«\ Women's tinest patent colt.and mixtures'. ' e 10t suits of grey, tan, brown and blue; stripes and for Saturday selling, at, JrOilSJl JXLOp dull ebony calf laced and buttoned ~,d brm ™ DM $1.2.50, $13.50 and $15.00 o*7 C/ 1 f«ii« wid. i T !" Pun f "! * 3-50 and * 4 .°°. Pit Uke * Suits and Overcoats at . 0/ »C)(/ wide; used espec ally for under- new aiK l won- | Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Suits of worsteds, unfinished worsteds, cassimeres and velours in Tartan fu s P^ rfeCt pi^ Ceß; re K''l«r- derful improve- ; checks, stripes and mixtures. English and conservative models. ly 19c * Yard ' ?* nt !? A mo P^ Balmacaans, short overcoats and lone overcoats of chineliilln pnsmimprp Ma,n FIoor—BOWMAN'B. jm ... . A °^" An " wOaP OpeCldlS homespuns and shaggv cheviots ' " gle handle. * * 1 _ . „ . _ 10 cakes Swift s Pride soap. $16.50, SIB.OO and $20.00 OCk l?f\ ~ reaches the meanest, out-of- 29^ Suits and Overcoats at. Qa.ui) Saturday ' - Specials Pons., MOP,, taelua^ slims and shorts. ' 10 rolu cr toilet pa p e r 25<* oh ° f,Uart ° f Punch Lustre OiK rO D 861 - ° B ? Bement _ BOWMAN . 8t Basement—BOWMAN'S. Basement —BOWMAN'S. _ HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT. FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 1915. 5