The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 26, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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Mi n FaSo^l^l To-morrow §X^^crmivc\yV^ViuHuA
Women's $4.00 Shoes In the Sale at $2.75 ' An Exposition of Silks Which Clearly Indicates ;
Three groups of broken sizes of women's black suede, Cravenetted aQ&WJ? q . q
cloth and patent colt button shoes enter the closing day of the Mill TiiC 1 OiiQGriClOS 101 TllG opring DeaSOn
and Factory Sale at §2.75. These shoes are from our regular $4.00 ;■ rat cons ideration in the selection of silks for your spring wardrobe arc the |
lines and are ill the best selling stvles of the season 1 lovely crepe weaves and the soft luxurious taffetas; and of almost equal importance [
- with Goodyear welted oak leather sole, nod A are _ the ,SB - V , W . IUoW *«*". th f, met *° r We . aVe « the tub silks.
[ Women's $4.50 tan Russia calf low heels." Special To-morrow s showing will be well worth seeiug.
bllttOU and lace shoes, $3.50 >2.50 tfiin metal ealf blucher lace shoes, £> \ TVfcSSi 40-inch crepe meteor in many shades. Purtiy Willow taffeta, in street shades'
• high toes, Goodyear welted soles. Special, &!} If I'l \ . V-\-'V '* "A Yard ,$t.M waterproofed; 42 inches wide. Yard, $2 00
Women's $2.00 patent colt button *«.®3 % I -AuHTI T"~Z\ Crepe de laine, 40 inches wide; in street Shopherd check taffetas, 24 inches wide. \
shoos with blat'k cloth tons Staeciiil $2.00 gun metal calf button shoes, full toe I 1 i'fl J — 1 -J f I*Y "V " !'• i"' \»\»'*7® Yard, . 3
snoes tlaiKUOtn tops, penal. last with heavv stitched soles. Special,
«pl.oo f \J , Jl* +■ patterns, made in H&rrisburg and sold only stripes. Yard, $3.00
Women's $3.00 tan calf, patent colt, gun BOYS' SHOES REDUCED * /// {f mjFjfigSiSr in America's most exacting stores: Floral chiffons, 42 inches wide. Yard,
metal calf and black kidskin shoes with $1.50 tan calf button shoes, high toe last, w, > /L J 36-inch solid weave, yard, $1.50 $1.25 to $2.50 »
welted and stitched soles. Special. ...$1.05 sizes 10 to 13 Vb. Special. $1.15 sV* f ■' Stripe weaves, yd., $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 White crepe meteor. Yard,
CLEARANCE MEN'S SHOES $1.75 Run metal calf button shoes, wide f\V' ' /) Satin stripe weaves, yard *2.00 91.85 to $2.23
$3.00 tan calf and gun metal calf shoes toe last, sizes Ito o Special, ...,91.45 \> /"£// ')• " Dives, Pomeroy & Btewart, Street Floor.
tr Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. J,_ / —'
A Clearance of Desirable Cotton Waists Napkins Now Coming Into This Country
For the Mill &, Factory Sale's Last Day Average a Fourth More Than These
. y We bought liberally long before Europe turned itself upside down, so we are in
Foremost in the special outpouring: ..... a position to offer these fine quality Napkins at a saving of 25 per cent. Every
Lingerie waists of organdie, voile, Persian lawn, batiste, linen ami madras, iu A \ r " •»_ i S~\ • y-> . item in this special occasion comes from Dumfermline, Scotland, the heart of the
a group of styles that cannot be matched elsewhere in Harnsburg. The trimmings A Veritable Upenitlg OalaXV world's napkin industry, and the patterns are all exclusive,
are dainty bits of hand embroidery, lace edges, insertions and tucks. The regular r o * %. *-n- Wn* TV.q« fIW « Yi*,A t„ iro,—.. re
price of these styles is —for the last day of the Mill and Factory Sale, 95C Ol oDrinf? JVllllllierV r • i ■ io 10 • l«an oIX 0I a J\.ina 111 TxlOSe Lots
Other stvles that were $2.50 to $4.50, go into a special clearance at $1.95 u j j f „ _ „ Linen napkins, 18x18 inches square. Square napkins, 24x24 inches. Each,
SI.OO to $1.95 Royal Waists. In the Mill and Factory Sale to-morrow Hundreds OT New Trimmed and Ul I- , C " k " "in' ib' : "h f 25 *
Muslin Gowns, Corset Covers and Long Skirts trimmed Hats Introduced To-morrow Each nen .. nap . mß '.. x inc es 12S square napkins, 27x27 inches. Each,
Gowns in high or V-shape with trimming of tucks and insertion. Special 50c nUAMDT J M If i i Round natterns 20x20 inr-hps fa oh 25* and 39<*
Xainsook gowns, in low neck style and three-quarter sleeves. Special 50c TjKOMPT delivery 01 0111" large purchases ' inenes. r.atn, "r- y
Corset covers of nainsook or cambric, trimmed with lace insertion and lace edge. Spe- X 0 f Snrinp- Hflts ailrl Trimmitirrc atTrl fl-i« « , . Round patterns, 22x22 inches, in
eial 25C , F S . a , Uft , j Square napkins, 22x22 inches. Each, handsome double damask quality. Each,
Twelve styles of long skirts at 50c. Nainsook long skirts trimmed with embroidery in- nurrjUljf into StOCK 01 SUCII goods 25<* rnJ
Sertl °CamVric gowns 'trimmed with'tucks'and embroidery insertion.' Special,' 3S & . S COllld he marked makes this tzr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Cambric gowns with embroidery and lace insertion trimming. Special 91.00 '
a preliminary showing of much importance. I
—" Div.. Pomeroy t
r> _ » o'i t i be seeD « tor our stocks of shapes and trim- ° ,• "
Kogers oilverware In a med hats are practicaiiv ready, and the vJuality
ewi/sri«d°lt W. 50. are ' infl,Uding 26 pieces ' in fhests 0f ° ak 0r imitation mahogan - v - Spe ' ° s BhoW thc new floral trimmings in full Cotton half hose; seamless; black and Egyptian balbriggan shirts and draw-
SPOONS Round bowl soup spoons, half Salad forks, half dozen, 91.49 UOOm. col ° rs > •; *'; ••:• •V. V''.l,"i' ers; shirts long or short sleeves; draw-
Tea spoons, half dozen, ..40c dozen $1.12 SINGLE PIECES A Dre-eminent di«st>lnv rvf Snrinir mil * ast b 'ack Silk lisle half hose; sec- . . „. ,
Dessert spoons, half dozen, »8c i Orange spoons, half doz.. 98c Berrv spoons, 59c i■ , , k ' • P onds of 25c Olialifv SDecial regular or Stout length. Each, 50^
Table spoons, half doz., 91.19 FORKS AND SPREADERS Babv spoons 25c linery. Welcome! T :„Uf on j' „,j;, " 'V. -i ,ennl f1,..«» i; n ohi.t . ,
Coff.'o spoons, half dozen, 50c 0„„, forks. 1,.1f dozen, 08c I Oravy
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Three Elevators. union SUItS, 5)51.OO ers. Each, 50^
— V tr Dives, Pomeroy & Steewart, Street Floor.
Women s Silk Lisle and Silk Boot Hose of Complete Readiness Marks To-morrow's Showing of
Superior Quality Women's and Misses' Spring Suits
rsew arrivals m hosiery for women
4|PL wiH C S D appear tou The stylos are more practical than they have been in many seasons, so that every
>C/«K Tlle quality in resular and extra siz^s is WOmaD interested in an early selection. iMk
exceptional worth. c iijj -ii , , /pffiflHk
Ay Blaok silk lisle hose with seamless feet. Pair, feeveral Hundred new arrivals have come to the store this week, each garment embody
yw \ on v x or 3 P air for 91-00 ing the important essentials of skillful making. f-d'M'
AV 1 Silk boot hose with lisle tops ; fashioned feet; (NT?
\ Of particular interest is the showing of suits at $20.00 to $35.00, embracing: WfcSM
l\\ in plain or ribbed tops, Black and white Shepherd check I Covert cloth suits, in Copenhagen Tuninv Quito o+ ®"l K. Ail ._j / y/y j,
i -i . P"t bl«k S pht sole out me ho» with t..h. suits Ul futcj fuU back modd, wltb nod ll.plr. ».d« «to bnl. J»nlOr Suits at $15.00 and
* A&xa? »* W uu' JV' 1' i;' * belt finished with bUck bucklw; coUar lot button trimming; circular skirt with „ / flf
lJ - L - C hildren 8 fine ribbed fast black lisle hose, and cuffs of rose and black broadcloth. patch pockets, . . . $23 00 J f j av7, Copenhagen and tan suits in /fj / h/.
seamless, sizes bto Wi. Pair 18* conn.. poplin and serge; belted models with /// / fc -"V
* * D&tch Dockets /SI J
. Children'B and Women's Underwear " Poplin suits in Copenhagen and ® la f *?* Wh , l , t * I" 1 ' ?** Btrtpe Shepherd ieck popUn and serge
Children s peeler cotton ribbed union suits; f Women's white cotton ribhpd nninn a in gT#en: P'* bac * st yl« w lth self- sults - 111 P lain taUored or fancy mod- suits in black and white and colored / / / '
fleece lined strap trimming finished with black els with silk braid trimming, $25.00 checks; box back coats; fancy patch £// / . \,
neece unea medium weight, SI.OO moire collar $32.50 pockets; novelty silk coUar and cuffs.- : f-U> •
Women's white cotton ribbed union suits; « omen s white cotton ribbed vests and draw- j Sand> Copenhagen, black and navy oowt doth 111(1 popUn BUltB ln Bl^!L n ~„fM>Mi*
fleece lined; high neck, long sleeve or low neck ers - med,u , m \ e \ ght < ■• • suits, in popUn; box coat style wilh SMld : coat lnade Plated aSd SllncoaTmade
with elbow sleeves ctu J omen s white cotton ribbed vests; low neck velvet seams, finished with r.ilk braid back white crepe de chine collar and with pleated back; bengaUne silk col f *
eioow sieeAes, 69f? and sleeveless 8< i and buttons - fao.ool cuffs and silk trimming $35.00 lar and cuffs. Sizes for juniors $lB 50 H
PlVfi '' P " merPy & StfWart ' Btreet Floor " I «• Dives. Pomeroy 4 Stewart, Second Floor-Three Elevator. ' V
Men's Work Shirts Reduced The Basement Grocery Offers Special Attractions for I A Corset Clearance of Great Im-
M oo wool top skirts in light and dark Bre y and blue with miii.. To-morrow portance—Save a Third at Least
tar\-and flat collars, sizes 14 to 19 Special w . ~ uu ai ucaol
7V hi,,« nnri , . .. . 0 Vlth eaeh ' iloo Purchase of groceries, not including soap, we will sell to-morrow, 10 pounds of A new buyer in our Corset
and gre\ flannel top shirts. Special 64< sugar for 55*. Department brings about a
Dark and light blue chambray shirts with attached collar, corn r s'can ° h '° crusl £l Juicy larße ,emons ' doz * ! picnic hams, aver- , Cove oysters, just arriv- complete clearance of many reg-
Black satine and black and white striped cheviot shirts sizes cor?' d 3 r<l ,hoe p £r j'anoV sa'nt'a ci'a'ra prunes aK |iiled b billed ham,' s»e ' ed; '^'i l thTng- n«w"-' ular lines au( ' savin g s are
14 tn 17 ' »D»l,m»" - California sardines, toasted s0 pronounced that you Can t W'l rJL^M
' peas. 3 cln's. peaches. 2™*/. . |n^e en foods «le dn «tra°U?Ke aff ° rd to miss this Opportunity, igkyl hSLM Wj^M
Men's Cardigan Jackets ,O St T- —«.h. ae„ r ,. n " ?° P a " erh « w you may
° Waldorf pork and beans. Extra fancy Moorpack meat for salads, larse can. mackerel 10 lb. nalis .1 15 be in the Selection of your COr- M W BMfWjKfl »iaiß
$2.75 Cardigan jackets | $2.25 Cardigan lacketa. *1 -o £I V" ""* tricots. W> 2S<- 5 lb. p'alls '...»» c sets S wWB B
*»r» vAiiugAn jacKeLa, . .. .J? I.<># Golden wax beans, 3 cans, «?>*•*] lar«#» oval otLnn 1 ik h-übc orio. w ngvv |H|( H| HINVI
«.—> ardigan jackets, ...,$1.95 95c Cardigan jackets, .... 69c Country cured dried beef, the finest packed, can, 'jsc iso Special fittings can be arrang- g|i mSh 11 IU BJBI
New Shirts for Bovs atlll «1 no , Fancy Klorida i mP oan! ed . Bardl iS ri „^«r b ™ Bay . bo . nele ' 8 ed to suit your convenience.
oniros lor X>oys, 50<? and SI.OO d0 ?torld a " „r a ne.. - % W Ik- S* ." Atl , aa " her- Alte threaded trite 4-i 00 eorspts «2 AO wlI'M Hffl
x - ..... t r lorlda oranges, larfje I-«ebanon bologna, lb., 2,% c : ring, 3 cans 2!ie —packagre fte COrsetS, Bftr? tfißH MIWK //JK
*ew negligee shirts with separate soft collar in plain white madras and * fVi.Vt'' h ? m ' lu' ** * kittle Neck Maine clams, "Bismark" herring, glass $5.00 corsets 33.00 wK/'+wßSk )
striped per.-ale, sizes 12 to 14 50 C \ a "v e w' C Ca'nf Ch "'l**'" '° r hI"? lb " ■ • iHc I '"«■ can.' 0 ' *. <> . U . 1 !" .*"?/.Vai haddie,'riasa'satb, $7.50 & $8.50 corsets, .. .85.00
White and striped madras negligee shirts. French or laundered cuffs, SI.OO ««". >b?.' lOcfsTs 8 : cu" d^s.^r e a d e e C ?0 U, I Po'rtuguot'e Holland herrlf/ 10 0 ° co "ets, ?5.00 & ?7.50 KM
t* Dives, Pomerov & Stewart. Men's Store st, M t pi„„, ** lb Ssc 1 rans SS3c each. 4c, 3 lb. keys,.. .*i.s« $12.00 corsets, $6.00 & 57.50 HHH HHHHI
_J_ w Dives, Pomeroy k Btewart, Basement. $22.50 corsets, $12.50
sflnn th !ifen l 0 01 ° f Mens TheSpringSewingCampaign Attractions for the Mill and
3>IS.UU and $16.50 Suits .. . . will Be Opened by These Wash Factory Sale's Last Day
„, oon A dearance of Winter suits—a determined effort to , Goods Values $1.29 XX heavy tin wash boilers with wood handle; large size.
< lean-up thoroughly the Men s and 1 oung Men's Winter Cloth- drp R « »in»h 9 .n ■ *>n in,.hp« ,>i* •i, • Mlll and Factor y Sale price, to-morrow, 98^
Stocks while there is still in such things. Hence the neat and fancy checks' a real saving of ]oc § a TarcT^Snecia] 1 heavy c & alvanized tubs . with wringer attachment. Mill
WW further reduction of these splendid suits, honStly made of :." 8 . y Sp isi «»d Pact»ry S.le price 8W
<T-honest fabrics for regular merchandisin S , to the season's lowest . l«r ,*«.!«, 96 incho, wide; in white .nd grey^undi.'' price, . " ,h . C ""'.." . ' .
_ fIL MP^ • • cial. yard, ; ; TVzt $1.20 Wear-Ever aluminum preserving kettles. Mill and Fac
v '9 i, tUese popular styles— 2oe madras shirting, for shirts and waists; white grounds and tory Sale price, 83^
•/ Blue Serge Pin Striped Worsted and neat fancy stripes. Special, yard
w \ A Chalk Striped Worsteds and Cassimeres Tartan Checks seerßUC ' <er ginghams. Yard, O 1 Factory Sale price, 98^
1 Fancy Mixtures Plain Orev Worsteds 12V 2 c Bates gingham; in short lengths of 3to 6 yards. Special, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement.
——J 1 LflSt of th© Winter RfllmnrHflnQflt Half Prir> Organdie raye, 38 inches wide; in white grounds and colored ClpflflPP QR
1 r " nce organdie designs of floral patterns with white stripes. Yard, 29* Inl , , , ,
A TO regular $15.00 Balmacaans at $7.50. or Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. ~T h. e new 1916 S P e(,ial Duntley is the last word in low cost com
nlack and white check worsted. _! bination sweepers; equipped with an all metal nozzle, which
BrowTl cheviots. wr > o . I, • cannot break or warp, the brush is self adjusting in order that
M Brown and grey Scotch mixtures. Women S Specially Priced QC
11 ertlble co,lar . yoke lmed, sizes 33 to as. Kid Gloves, in Tan, Pair C/OO tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. ||
I I Jplo.oo and $20.00 Overcoats at Half Price 2-elasp tan kid gloves of a very good quality; in all sizes. 2 - qt. Aluminum Coffee
I ■ (ire\% brown and blue storm cloth overcoats, full or quarter Special, pair, ......... ... ... . 85< Percolators, regularly J&L
I I 33 to ft K; mediUm attd heSVy Wei * htS ' br ° keD SiZCS »d fc' f"* ®P ' •
I |o ffio rt/xn white and black, with self or black embroidery. Pair, . A percolator that comes with- A
I K? SIB.OO Overcoats, $9.00 $20.00 Overcoats. SIO.OO $1.75 to *2.25 m the means of every housewife \\ I
jJ JHy I 2-clasp washable chamoisette gloves, in tan, natural, white, sand and one that is designed as 11 M
QL ! Light weight overcoats in oxford and black, silk-faced lapels, Vene- an ? P on .f e - P" ir - : v ......... to SI.OO Ippfarance" made
tiw hoed M d tall .ilk lined ?15.00, *20.00 .ad *25.00 16-bot«on w«.h.ble glo,«, ,n .11 de„r.ble |
.r M..-. ci., M „ 8 . FW, Rt.r —Thf.. E ,..., 0n1 . . w„ eh.m0i.,,.. g l„,e., Pgj t 5.... rt , fl