The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 23, 1915, Page 2, Image 2
2 5 OCIAL and PERSONAL DR. H. B. WALTER'S CLASS HELD PLEASANT SOCIAL Met at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Good Last Night, Where They Spent a Merry Evening— Guests Wore Colonial Costumes The Sunday school class of West minster Presbyterian church taught by Dr H. B. Walter held an enjoyable so ial at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. J. H. Good, 1925 Penn street, last night. The guests wore beautiful colonial cos tumes in keeping with the Washing ton's Birthday anniversary and the decorations and refreshments were car ried out along the same Hues. Those present were the Rev. E. E. Curtis, Mrs. H. J. Curtis, Dr. F. B. Walter, Mrs. Sara A. Walter, Mrs. J. G Martin, Mrs. W. J. Mowerv, Mrs. H O. Hubler, Mrs. W. F. Kaysor, Mrs. James Bates, Mrs. J. Earl Hoerner, Mrs. P. K. Harris, Mrs. Mary Henry, Mrs. Charles Hasson, Mrs. J. K. Dun can. Mrs. Eugene Davis, Mrs. Jacob Seff. Mrs. David McCahan, Mrs. Charles Gardner, Mrs. James Jinn, Mrs. W. H. Arndt, Mrs. William Stark, Mrs. Randell, Miss Bertie Sprinkle, Miss Mildred Gorman, Miss Mary Eliz abeth Curtis, Miss Pearl Baker, Miss Viola Gardner, Miss Attie Mowerv, iMiss Mayme Sellers. Pupils in Recital Pupils of Prof. E. A. Kepner held a recital in the studio, 310 Market street, last evening, assisted by Miss tMarv Worley. The following program was rendered: "American Medley. Elenor Baker: "Melody of Love," Xaoma Grand; "In Rank and File," Mrs. Floyd Co der; " Humoresque," Florence * Weir; duet, Mrs. William Fry and Ed. King; "Shepherd's Dream." Dorothy Paul; "Rose Fay," Alineda Phillips: "Valse." Marie Baum; "Morning Prayer," Mrs. William Fry; duet, "II Trovatore," Mary and Anna Green; "Con Amour," Kathleen Worlev: "The Rose," Mildred Staufjer; vocal solo, selected, Mary Worley; "Wild Roses Waltz," Mildred Reed; duet. "Jolly Blacksmiths," Francis and Ma bel Shaffer: vocal solo, selected, Hilda Famous: "The Butterflies," Aletha Wilson; trio, "Valse.'' Almeda Phil lips. iMary and Anna Green; vocal duet, selected. Hilda Famous and Liila Spencer; duet, "The Jolly Copper smith," Hilda Famous and -Lila Spen cer; "April Smiles," Rebecca Miclilo vitz and Mary Levin. W&g Every Sip OF INSTANT POSTUM Is Satisfaction and suggests the aroma and flavour of mild high grade Java. That's because the roasted "berry" of wheat, from which Postum is made, has a snappy flavour remarkably like that of the roasted coffee berry. The real taste is a delightful savor dis tinctively Postum —rich and nourishing. Lnlike coffee, Postum never imposes upon its users a tribute of headache, nervousness, bilious ness, sleeplessness, heart flutter and other ills, be cause Postum contains not a particle of the coffee drug, caffeine, or any other harmful ingredient. INSTANT POSTUM is the concentrated form of this pure cereal food drink. No boiling required—made in the cup with hot water — instantly! A\ onderfullv convenient for the home, for travel, for the picnic—handv anv where. Delicious! 30c and 50c.tins: If coffee is interfering with your comfort and success, as it does for most users, suppose you shift to POSTUM. "There's a Reason" Postum may also be had in the original form— which must be well boiled—lsc aud 25c packages. Both forms of Postum are equally wholesome and delicious, and cost per cup about the same. —sold by Grocers everywhere. i SURPRISE FOR PASTOR The Rev. Thomas Reisch and Wife Honored by ladies of Bible Glass William iHetrick, teacher of the la dies' Bible class of Christ Lutheran church, and the members of the class gave the pastor anil his wife, the Rev. Thomas Reisch and Mrs. Reisch, a de lightful surprise party at the parson age, 1311 berry street, last evening. A splendid program of voeal and in strumental selections and addresses was given, after which refreshments were served. Those present were the Rev. and Mrs. Reisch, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Thorpe, Mrs. Booth, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Slentz, Mrs. C. M. Shaffer, Mrs. Robert Gardner, Mrs. J. B. Fast, Miss F. A. Graeff, Mrs. Charles Emerick, Mrs. Kauffman. Mrs. Schuyler, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Repp. Mrs. C. B. Strickler, Mrs. Margaret Kutz, Mrs. W. B. Sliader, Mrs. J. "W. Lentz. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Shader, iMr. and Mrs. M. H. Ba ker. Mr. and Mrs. Strffv, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lyons, Miss Sadie Urioh, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Bvler, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Sowers, Mrs. il. Y. Charters, Mrs. Barreek. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hallen, Miss Hilda Snyder, Mrs. J. Woodrow. Miss Elizabeth Breidigan, Miss Jennie Gruver. Mrs. ,1. F. Krohn, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hoffman, Miss Katherine A. I Shrum, Mrs. I. D. Hoffman, Mr. and j Mrs. F. K. Gottshall, Miss Margaret I Gottshall. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. t'hronis | ter. Miss Emma G. Donninger, Mr. and i Mrs. M. H. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. D. 1 Barricks, Mr. and Mrs. Steffey, Mr. I aud Mrs. J. E. Wheeler, Mrs. Lochnian, Mrs. Howard Mengel. Mr. and Mrs. | C. W. Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Killian, Mrs. i J. A. Tugend. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Se crist, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Ober, Mrs. Ella Troy, Miss Mary Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. John Whistler, Mrs. H. R. Hcover, Mrs. Robert H. Mathias. Mrs. Ralph Laverty, Mrs.- Bertha Eckert, Mrs. Sara Mahood and Mrs. S. G. Yahu. MR. AND MRS. JORDAN HOSTS Entertained at Dinner at Their Home Last Evening Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry C. Jonlau on tertained at dinner at their home. 223 Maclay street, last night, in compliment 1 to Mrs. Anna Steever, mother of Mrs. Jordan, and William Stimer. both of whom celebrated their birthday anni versary- yesterday. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Stimer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Jordan, j Mrs. Anna Steever, Miss Emma Knight, Prof. F. de Echemendia, Miss Anna i Elizabeth Jordan and Steever Jordan. HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 23, 1915. NOW DESTROY YOUR SUPERFLUOUS HAIR I WHI StMl R<m to AH Rndtrs Stent I) Which I Dtstroytd My Own firovrfli J VntlgMty Naif A* . . - W I say that you need no longer pay out your money for worthies* depila tories but that I can rid you of your superfluous hair with u simple home treatment, without electricity, twees ors, or other Ineffective and painful devices of the beauty doctor. Don't shut your eyes and say "Im possible," but nut me to the test. You have tried everything you ever heurd of. and b-jve speht your cood money right and left Just as others have. I auy well and good: let me prove my claims to you beyond ques tion. me send you without charge the complete Instructions which result ed In my own cure after many things had failed. I am willing to put niv tiihe against yours and to prove that I speak the truth. So send me your name and address, stating whether Mrs. or Miss, and 1 will send you at once sealed in plain envelope, full particulars of the secret by which I destroyed my own growth »<> thai it never returned. The num ber of readers of this paper to whom 1 can tell the secret is limited. So make your application quickly and take advantage of this ofTer before it is 100 lflte. Remember this offer costs you nothing except a two-cent stamp for return postage. Pin the coupon be low to your letter and address Mrs. Kathryn Jenkins. Office 15! R. W. 'Went worth Building, Boston, Mass. FREE COUPON This certificate I entitles any read er of the Harrisburg Star-lndepond- | ent to Mrs. Jenkins Free Contiden tial Instructions for the banishment ; of Superlluous Hair, if sent with 2c stamp for postage. ("Jooti for im mediate use only. Address Mrs. | Kathryn Jenkins. Office 15:.', B. W. Wentworth Building, Boston, Mass. | SPECIAL NOTICE—We earnestly ad vise every lady who wishes to be rid of the distlgurement of superfluous hair to accept above offer at once. Tills remarkable offer is sincere and gen uine, the standing of donor being un questioned. ENTERTAINED BIBLE CLASS Members Were Guests of Mrs. H. F. Pennypacker Yesterday Mrs. H. Pennypacker entertained (he ladies of the Olivet Presbyterian church, members of the Bible class taught by Mrs. oroff. at her homo. 239 North Fifteenth street, last night. Those present were: .Mrs. Abram K Groff, Mrs. (Harriet Armstrong, Miss Mame Smith, Miss Esther Heagy, Mrs. Karl Struwsner, Miss Bertha Bright-bill, Miss Tillie Keister, Miss Mr.ude >lOlO, Miss Net tie White. Miss Sara White, Mrs. Charles Himes, Mrs. Charles Kapp, Mrs. 'Edward Nicodemus, Mrs. Ray Stover, Miss Cora Oullmerry, Mrs. Harry shoe maker, Miss Amanda M. Hoover, Mrs. Harry Rough, Miss Mary Huber,' Mrs. W. O. Yates, Miss Anna s?ihoe maker, Miss Margaret Urban, Miss Elizabeth Wooly, Mrs. B. D. Cletnm, Miss Mar garet Herman, Miss Gertrude Huber, Miss Katfherine Clemm. CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY Family Gathering in Honor of James Hendnckson Grove I<ast evening at the home of .lames H. Grove, 550 Curtin street, a family gathering was held in .honor of the hirthday anniversary of 1-year-old James Ilendricksoii Grove, son" of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Grove. The main fea ture of the evening was the merry frol ic of the three 1-year-old cousins pres ent. The decorations were in hurmony with Washington's Birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. James H. Grove, Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Grove and son, Jack; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Grove and son, James; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Grove and daughters, La- Vene and Caroliue; Mr. and Mrs. Al vin Grove and son. Alvin LaVene Grove. MRS. S. (i. YOHN HOSTESS Gave a Martha Washington Tea at Her Home Yesterday Afternoon Mrs. S. G. Yahn entertained at a : Martha Washington tea at her home, i 504 South Thirteenth street, yesterday afternoon. Charles A. lloverter poured tea and Mrs. Chester Shelley presided over the c-hocolate urn. Those j present were: Mrs. W. N. Yates. Mrs. C. M. Sigler, 'Mrs. J. W. Thompson, Mrs. T. <M. Mauk, Mrs. Charles T. Stouffer, Mrs. C. S. ■Meek, Mrs. F. B. Kann, 'M rs. Fannie iLav ertv, Mrs. Mart'ha Higler, Mrs. John F. Feeser, Mrs. Samuel Gardner, Mrs. William Uetfelfinger, Mr*. H. W. Stew* art, Mrs. Charles A. Booser, Mrs. Ross l>ugan. Musical and Literary Program A musical and literary entertainment will be given in the Fourth Street Church of God on Thursday evening under the auspices of the C. E. mission ary committee for the benefit of the missionaries in India. A silver offering will be lifted for this purpose. Some of the l>est talent in the city and from the church will take part in the pro gram. The public is cordially invited to attend. Bal Masque of Bed Men More tihan 300 guests attended the masquerade dance held in the Armory last night by Warrior Eagle Trrbe No. 340, Improved Order of Red Men. Miss Mary Armstrong and Howard Reidel led the grand mareh, followed toy eighteen couples of "Warrior Eagle Trrbe, dressed in ludian costume. Attending Conclave In Philadelphia Dr. and Mrs. Bamnel Z. Shope, 610 'North Third street, are storing at the iNew Adetphia hotol, Philadelphia, wiiere they are attending the conclave of t'he Eastern Division of the Inter national Association of Rotary Cltrt>s in celebration of the decennial of the founding of tfhe first rotary club. Geltmacher-Alb right Wedding Kin.lerhook, Feb. 23.—The home of 'Mra. Sarah Albright was tie scene of a very pretty wedding yesterday when her granddaughter, Miss Minnie Rigel, and Amos N. Geltmacther, of Newtown, were married. The ceremony was per formed by the Rev. Norman L. laower, pastor of the United Evangelical c'hurch. A reception followed. i News of Person's Who Gome tnd Go Auratou Kreidler and Herman Kreidler, 8M Capital street, are home from Baltimore. Mias Cora Sway*e, 328 booth Four teenth street, has returned from a visit with friwtda in WiUiaawport. John Sherry, of Norristowa, spent the week-end with A. McCalley, 1530 North Second street. Mrs. Marlin E. Olmsted, 106 North FVont street, will return from Concord, New 'Hampshire, to-morrow night, where sfoe visited her eon, who is a student at St. Paul's school. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Shearer, of Front and Schuylkill streets, arc spend ing several weeks at Palm Beach, Florida. Miss Mary Unn, of 'Bellefonte, is vigitiing Mrs. Richard J. tHaldeman, 219 South Front street. Mr. *IKI Mirs. Henderson Gilbert, Second and Harris streets, and Mrs. t 'harles N. Hickok, of Cleveland, 0., •re guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. Lie Motte Uehlin, Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. R. Nangle and daugih ter, Ruth, of Longsdorf Station, who were guests of Mrs. Holly, 1624 Berry hill street, for several days, have re turned home. Wank Kiudler, 230 North street, is visiting in Philadelphia. Miss Jennie 'Fisher, 617 Briggs street, has returned after an extended visit to Now York as t'he guest of her niece, 'Mrs. Fred Moore. Charles Loomis, of Valley ■College, was a week-end guest of friends in this city. Robert (.<. Warren, 1440 Berryhill street, is spending several Hays in Phil adelphia. Miss Anne'Heagy, 1533 Derry street, is visiting in Philadelphia. Mrs. Boyer and daughter, Ethel, of Carlisle, are visitiug M'rs. Dunkerberg, 'J4 2 Crescent street. Miss Alice Khea Eaton, of the Har rinburg public library, is spending a fow days in Philadelphia. Mrs. 'Charles Bowman, 341 Hummel street, 'has returned from Philadelphia. Mrs. Charles Ising. of Shi remans town, is flhe guest of her daughter, Mrs. John Whistler, 322 South Thirteenth street. , Miss Ruth Barnhart, 1613 Swatara street, has returned from a visit wit'h friends in Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. C. Landis Rudy, who has beeu spending the winter with Mrs. S, IM. Oilman, 141 North Thirteenth street, IIRS returned to their home iu West Philadelphia. M:iss Marie Miller, 2053 Pcnn street, is the guest of relatives at Richmond Hill, Long Island. Mrs. Howard Hertzler, 1401 North Sixth street, spent yesterday in Phila delphia. lieorge W. Hamer, 121 Cumberland street, has returned from Johnstown, where he attended the Y. M. C. A. convention. j Miss Marth.ii Hartman, 232 Maclny | street, lias returno.l from Gettysburg. Mrs. Jennie Miller, 1529 North i Fourth stre?t, and her daughter, Mrs. ; M. C. Zinn, of Carlisle, are visiting in i New York. Miss Mildred Thomas, a student at j West Chester Normal school, spent a i few days with her parents. KMT Wal i uut street. | Mrs. Sterling Saryent, of New York, i is the guest of Mrs. Leah M-eQuate, j 55 Balm street, her mother. Warren Reed, of Dudley, speut the ! wee*-end with his sister, * Mrs. £. H. | Hanaiwalt, 612 Curtin street. MiSs Anna M. Berry, 421 Peffcr 1 street, has returned from a visit to j York. Horace Helem, 2142 Pcnn street, has j returned from a visit to Philadelphia. Mies Helen Yoeum, 1721 Green j street, has returned from a two weeks' i visit to Philadelphia and Washing ) ton, D. C. Mrs. M. V. Wareham, 1620 North Third street, returned to-day from a j two weeks' visit with her daughter, Miss Mabel Wareham, in Washing i ton, D. C. Miss Susan Kurzenknabe, 128 Ver j be-ke street, has returned from Phila j delphia. Mr. and Mr*. William Scireffler, of Lebanon, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. U. Grant Bright, 227 Hummel street. Mrs. S. Hamburger, of Baltimore, ! has returned after a visit with her sis | ter, Mrs. Alfred Seligman, 2003 North I Second street. | Miss Man- Miller, 1425 North Front ! street, has returned after spending the week-end in Philadelphia. John Sweeney, 33 North Seventeenth ' street, has returned from Baltimore. Mise Marian Strouee has resumed her studies at Irving College, after spending the week-end with "hor par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Strouse, I 1632 North Second street. Mrs. .lonas Fuld, of Baltimore, has returned after a pleasant visit with DOCTORS USING AMOLOX WITH CREAI SUCCESS Endorsed by Leading Druggist Amolox, the new remedy for eczema and all diseases of the skin, is curing thousands of eczema sufferers that have been unable to find relief after trying everything else. A well-known physi cian, who had a patient with a bail case of eezema of the scalp,—head al most entirely covered with scaly sores —rapidly becoming bald, reported after one week's treatment that the kair stopped falling out, scalp was rapidly healing and a new growth of healthy hair just starting. Quoting the exact words of the doctor, "That Amo lox is great stuff." Amolox when applied to the skin stops all itch twd burning instantly. Will cure eczema and all skin troubles and will fclear up a muddy complexion, or pimples on face in 24 hours. All sufferers from eczema, salt rheum, tetter, acne, barber's itch and pimples on the face should go to their druggists at once and get a bottle of Amolox and box of ointment. If you are not satis fied, it will not cost you a cent. Geo. A. Gorgas and H. C. Kennedy will re turn your money if not satisfactory. Trial size 50c.—Adv. Suffer From Piles no matter how long or how bad—go to your druggist to-day and got a 50- cent box of Pyramid Pile Remedy. It will give quick relief, and a single box often cures. A trial package mailed free in plain wrapper if you send us coupon below. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY, 518 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Kindly send me a Free sample of Pyramid Pile Ronndy, in plain wrapper. Name Street City State —Adv. her sister, Mrs. Otto Buxbauin, 1613 North Second street. Mrs. Jacob Shumaker, 23 North Fif teenth stroet, has returned from Mil lers-burg. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Strouse, 163 2 North Second street, are spending sev eral days in New Y'ork. Thomas Collin's, 14 20 Walnut street, is the guest of friends in New York. Jack Waidliek and Karl Waidliek, 1329 Kittatinny street, are home from Mercereburg, where they were guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Waid liek. Mr. and Mrs. H. Barnhart, of Y'ork, arc guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Barnhart, 1613 Swatara street. c.v~ I\EWS WOMAN ON TRIAL FOR MURDER Jury's Verdict Cannot Fix Positively Death as the Penalty Haigerstown, Feb. 23.—The court room was crowded yesterday morning at the opening of the trial of Mre. Min nie Leggett, charged with the murder of her husband, Clifton Taylor Legigett, at their home, West Church street, fol loiwing a quarrel, early on the morning of January 12 last. There is only one count in the indictment, that of mur der in the first degree. Mrs. Leggett when arraigned pleaded not guilty. The first proceeding was the selec tion of the jury before whom Mrs. Leg gett is to be tried. Judge Keedy ex plained to the jury that a verdict of guilty would not necessarily mean nteath, as that matter rested with him. Wanted to Burn Buildings Waynesboro, Feb. 23.—Jaeofo Har mony, a Oreencastle blacksmith, who is feeble-minded, was taken to the Chambersburg jail, yesterday afternoon by Assistant Fire Marshal Joseph Don nelly, to remain there until it can be decided what to do with him. Harmony was arrested Saturday night, on the charge of threatening to burn the Flinclvbaugh shops, the stable of Jacob Shank, a director of the com pany, and the property of some other men connected with the factory. Argue Murder Case Carlisle, Feb. 23. —Final a<-tioii in the cuse of Max Morgenthau, under sen tence of death for the murder of John M. Rirpp at his home near Mechanics burg, in May, last, is exipeeted soon with the argument yesterday in the case before the Supreme Court at Phil adelphia. Horse Injured in Crash Oettysbung, Feb. 23.—1n a collision with a speeding automobile near Ab botts town, Sunday night, the horse driven by Gruver llmig, a Thomaaville farmer boy, suffered a fractured hind leg and the buggy was badly damaged. The driver of the auto did not stop his machine and the occupants of the car are not known. ■However, it is said that the auto carried license tag No. 11,396. That license is held by Daniel H. Wingert, 42'6 Centre street, Ohajmberaburg. The' horse is a young and very valuable animal and an effort will be made to save its life. Bankers In Session Chambersburg, Feb. 23.—With 200 members present, Group No. 5, of the Penmsylvania Bankers' Association, met here yesterday, bankers -from Dau phin, York, Lancaster, Adams, Fulton, Franklin, Perry, Lebanon, Juniata and Mifflin counties attending. In his ad dress of welcome, Judge W. Rush Uil lan told his hearers that $7,130,000 was deposited in the 18 banks of Franklin county, with population of 60,000, or $118.53 per capita. Dr. An na J. McK<eaig, president of Wilson Col lege, greeted the bankers in behalf ot the college. "The Property Owner and His Fire Insurance Rates," was the subject ot an address by Jesse E. B. Cunningham. W. S. Rvans, of the American Institute, Philadelphia, gave an address on "Banking." Bow at Card Game Carlisle, Feb. 23.—Following an argument which it is alleged occurred when objection was made to young white men and girls playing cards and drinking in a residence, a fight occurred Sunday evening in East Liberty alley, when John Mc&innis, an Indian, was knocked unconscious and the entire neighborhood aroused. Several suits have been filed by the persons alleged to be implicated and it is expected that some startling disclosures relative to moral conditions may come out at the hearing. Where the Appeal Comas Mrs. Muggins—'Does your husband appeal to you as a vocalist Mrs. Buggins—Not exactly. In fact, it's the other way. When he begins to sing I appeal to him.—Philadelphia Becord. MISS MILLER HOSTESS Entertained the Members of the I. A. H. Club at Her Home Last Evening Miss Carrie Miller entertained the members of tike I. A. iH. Club of the Ridge Avenue M. E. church at her home, 2117 Penn street, last night. The rooms were prettily decorated with small silk flags, miniature cherry trees and the music, games and refreshments were carried out in the same manner. Those present were Misses Clara Webster, 101 nm Eckert, Mildred Koch, Alice 'Boyles, Grace Stone, Helen Kudy, Elizabeth Hinkle, Kleatior DeSilvey, Kleaaor Knjghter, Aililiue Cockiin, Jennie Wordings, , Mildred Harvey, Maude Harvey, Ida Hoffman. Marietta Br any an, Messrs. Samuel Meade, Wil liam t\»her, William Watßiin, Paul 'Bratten, Chester 'Brntten, Paul Nace, Howard Watkins, Ivan Daugherty, Don ald duster, Charles Folk, Donald Har vey, Craut Wrenu, K/.ra Parks aud Mr. and Mrs. Albert Marks. Shoff-M&sse Wedding Mount Nebo, Feb. 23.—Miss Virginia -Masse, of this place, and J. Chester sShoff. of near ljaiii'astcr, were married yesterday at t'hc parsonage of St. Paul's United 'Brethren church by the pastor, i the Rev. Joseph 1«. Gensemer. They wore unattended. Knights of Pythias Social On Thursday evening, February 25, the social committee of Bayard Lodge No. 150, Knights of Pythias, will en tertain tho members, their wives and friends in their 'Castle hall at 5.30 o'clock. '.Mladic, speeches and refresh ments will be indulged in. Miss Getter to Wed Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles C. Getter, 1921 'Market street, announce t'he engage ment of their daughter, Marie, to Carl Omega Oil For Sprains and Bruises The first thing to do for a sprain or a bruise is to cover the hurt with a wece of flannel soaked with Omega Oil. Quick relief usually follows thil simple treatment. Trial bottle inc. HOW DO YOU CLEAN HOUSE? LET US DEMONSTRATE THE ARISTOCRAT OF ELEC Guaranteed 5 years. CALL BELL 072 or at 480 NORTH THIRD STREET V ————■-————t——————■—■> George . Was Famous A "To he prepared for irar In one of the most effectual means of preserving; peace" carries with It a strong; lesson for our everyday life. It Is In times of prosperity, of youth, when we arc earning a steady Income, that we should prepare for old age, Illness or adversity by opening a Savings Account and depositing regu larly a fixed port Icm of our earnings. We cordially Invite your aavlngs account, whether large or small. I I Vfl ■ V t | [ AV| 11 jI Mi v|f|l J I |TI T— «■ -11. -01 - ■ -l- ■ ... T-—THTT—II Are You Burning Coal With Drafts On? If you are then you are not getting the full benefit from your furnace. Coal should burn up and give out plenty of heat without the drafts turned on—unless you have just filled the furnace. There are two things at fault if you must force your fire—either the coal is too large or it is inferior quality. If Egg size doesn't burn freely try Stove and if Stove size is too large use Nut size or Pea size. Let us have our expert call and advise you. United Ice & Coal Co. Foroter and Cowden Third and Boas Fifteenth and Chestnut Hummel and Mulberry Also STEELTON, PA. QUIT HI WHIN KIDNEYS BOTHER Take a Glass of Salts Before Breakfast If Your Back Hurts or Bladder Is Troubling You No man or woman who eats meat reg ulurly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well known authority. Meat forms uric aoid which excites the kidneys, they become overworked from the strain, get slug gish and fail to filter the wuste and poisons from the blood, then we get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, dizxiness, sleeplessness and urinary disorders come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in tho kidneys or your back hurts or if tho urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sedi ment, irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding, stop eating meat and get about four ounces of .Tad Baits from any pharmacy; take a table spoonful in a glass ot' water before breakfast and in a few days your kid neys will act fin© This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with litliiu, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate the kidneys, also to neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer causes irritation, thus endiug Madder weak ness. Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot injure; inaltes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep* the kidneys clean and active and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications.—Adv. Porter Rapp, of this city. The wedding will be an event of early June. Announce Engagement of Daughter Mr. Hud Mrs. H. Wells, 2292 North Hixth street, announce tihe en ' gagement of their daughter, Olive B. Wells, to ARwt 1. McLaughlin, 320 Chestnut street. Meeting of Board of Managers The annual meeting of the board of managers of t'he Children's Industrial 'Home will be toeld at the Y. M. C. A. I Friday morning at 10 o'clock. "Walter, has my firieud Miller been | heref" "Miller—Miller! Oh, yes, the gentle man has just paid his'bifl and gono J out.'' "Paid his bill! Then it wasn't he." —'Man liiu'ht. BT Kilgore's Band and Morgan's Or i cheetra, Tuesday and Saturday even ings. ' Adv.