10 H 50c fancy Turkish Batb Towels, in II t -\\ 35c mercerized bleached Table Dam- l^^^nXß|V r 25c specials advertised 4 Yards Domet, 25* 2 Yards Venetian Cloth, Hat Pin Holders Boys' Hats Ruffled Flouncing Black Dress Goods for Wednesday will not 8e bleached Domet. Spe- 25* 25c fancy hat pin holders, nr. 27-inch Swiss ruffled floun- 50c black Panama, 36-inch, be sold by telephone, cia ednrsdaj only, 4 yards 20 0 Vacation Cloth for "imined with ribbon. Spe- <wOC cing and all over Swiss em- Special Wednesday ortly, 0. 0. D., nor by mail. ro Wash Suits. Special Wednes- cial f° r Wednesday only, 2 broidery; 18 to 22 inches yard 25* ______________________ tyDives, Pomeroy & Stewart day only, 2 yards for.. .25* for 25<* ___ _ wide; also 45-inch voile floun- 50e hi k h 1 7fi Street Floor, Rear. tarDiv*,, Pomeroy ft Stewart ** Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart ff 9 t« cing and embroidery gal- ; ncheg Special Wednesday 2 Pair Hose, 25* ~ Tnmmed Hats Women's 18c black cotton « T><n,v«„ £?% C **" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, "Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart and lisle hose, fashioned feet. PlllOW Cases, Js* f - ———— ——________ fj Street Floor. Street Floor, Front. Special Wednesday only, 2 10c bleached Pillow Cases, 6 Yards Challis, 25* Hand Bags ' P air }or Jesdav'onfv 8 fo? eelal 2?* 5c ehallis in Persian tie- Women's hand bags in sev- "Rovs' Rah Rah Wat* ———— ts-Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart ' •onj, 3 tor 25* signs for comfortable cover- eral styles. Special for Wed- isoys Kan Kan HatS, _ . _ . Lininff Snecials Street Floor. ""Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart j„g S Special Wednesday nesdav only, 25* 25* BOOK Bargains . Z=Z====: atrPrt F '"° r ' R ° ar ' only, 6 for 25* Pomeroy ft Stewart Fancy plaid Rah Rah Hats Miniature series of Writers gpecial Wednesday 6^ on^tJo "Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart Street Floor. in odd sizeg) 69c> 98c an(J and Painters. Special Wed- £ rdg f •' „ 5 . 35c and 50c Hose, ________ Street Floor. _________ $1.23 values. Special Wednes- nesday only, 3 for -5* • Women's 35c and 50c Knit Caps, 25* - inches^Special Wed" seamless silk hose, tan only. Women's 50c knit hoods Silk Dress Shields Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, ues to t>Oc. Special Wednes- nesday only yard 25t Special Wednesday only, and caps; navy, brown and 3 Yards GinffhamS 2SH 1 m , ~ . , Millinery, Second Floor. day only, 3 for 25* ' 25* grey. Special Wednesday 10c washable mercerized Three Elevators. The Guide scries • formerly 3oc floral satme, 36 inches. on]v 2"»#* 12!/>c and loc Dress Ging- silk dress shields; three sizes. ______________ , ne-li special Wednesday only, yd., .«■ Dives Pomeroy & Stewart, only ... 25* ham s in stripes and solid Special for Wednesday only, _=ZHZIZIZZ: ooc * Wednesday only, 25* IVe u.!r a °i! Bt6Wart ' shades. Special Wednesday t for 25* Great Masters in Painting tr Dives. Pomerov ft Stewart. only, 3 for 25* "Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart owlll S OOap and Sculpture; formerly sl. street Floor. . ZZZZ=Z==- "Divos, Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor. 10c toilet soap. Special for Special Wednesday only, 5 Pair Men's Hose, 25* street Floor Wednesday only, 4 cakes for 25* ___________________ Men's 7c cotton hose, seam- Infants' Sweaters, 25<» n . 25 f " Dives Pomeroy & stewart, < stamDedWaistPatterns less; black and colors. Spe- Infants' SI.OO sweaters; Darninir Silt "Dues, Pomeroy 4 Stewart Street Floor. Stamped WaiSt .Patterns cial Wednesday onlv 5 pair re(l ancl wiiite, 2to 4 years. T , „ . . __ , ' ... , . . 8 ,7 , Street Floor - 11 "Oo stamped white flaxon f or 2W Special Wednesday only, Jewelry Specials, Black darning silk of sta- ________ waist patterns with floss for a-Divee, Pomeroy ft Stewart "Dives Pomeroy & Stewart $1.25 German silver party Street Floor. Men's Store. boxes. Special AVednesday . Lace Veils .. ' , , . nesaaj onij _______________ only, "Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart 50c scrap books, bound in (CrDives, Pomeroy & Stewart -V, „ ~ Street Floor. * atterns in white and rep- eollege colors with college Third Floor—Three Elevator. —^———— ,»yc tierman silver coin resenting values up to $1.50. lett.prs nn eover Moenial 3 Pair Men's Hose, 25* Women's Rubbers, pirses. Special Wednesdayl __________________ Special for Wednesday only, I Wednesday only, 25*1 Men's 12Voc lisle hose Women's 50c storm cut ' 25* Shamnon f?nar> 25* ts"Dives. Ppmeroy & Stewart PneViin«o ot qua black with white feet Spe- rubbers. Special Wednesday 'f' l - 00 cial Wednesday onlv 3 irtir 01lI y, 25* different shades. Special „ 2»c shampoo wash. Street Floor. 50c filled cushions, green cm weanesaay onij, d parr , V Wednesday onlv Special for Wednesday only, and lavender. Special Wed tor Women's <oe low cut rub- 2 for 25* - nesdav onlv 2^ ts-Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart bers. Special Wednesday "" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, fcrnives Pnmmv *• - Colored DrPSS OonHs ' Street Floor. 0n1y...... 25* Street Floor, Front. " Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Handkerchiefs UOlOreCl DreSS ttOOdS Pomeroy & Stewart Dives. Pomeroy * Stewart —All Wn, B tit,Wd "iJi ™ rd E,eVftt ° rß ' street Floor, Bear. . kerchiefs; ng.br 5c v.lne. Sv v.rd'lw == 4 Vests for 25<£ LaVallieres, PnliliDy. Special for Wednesday only, ' " _ . . w 7 o u ■ J ' Rubber Gloves 6 v for . 25* 50c Panama, 36-inch; sev- Sample Curtain Strips •ki < \ men ® c . e ( '?, T J n Tnfinfs' eimao oKi oc and $1.25 La Vallieres, Regular 39c red rubber *- stpwnrt eral shades. Special Wednes- Atrents' «Hmnlp nnrt-iin ribbed vests. Special Wed- Infants Shoes, 25* set with cameos and different gloves. Special for Wednes- TfL day onlv, yard 25c s triifs white 3 WI I nesday only, 4 for ... .25* Infauts ' ,50c soft sole lace colored stones. Special Wed- day only, * 25* Str ° et 39c 50e ehallis ,g sSelal W«ln^ *»Dives Pomeroy & Stewart shoes in pink white blue nesday only, 2o* «Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart inches. Special Wednesday day only,' 2 for 25* iloor. an( | black kidskin. Special ""Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor . nnlv v«rd 2 s ;** n c =, Wednesday onlv Street Floor Front. ° ' Initial Handkerchiefs only, yard, _» Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart ——— _ v 59c Roman stripes, 36 to 54 Third Hoor—Three Elevators. ~ ~ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, , Colored initial hemstitched ;n„hn« w»Hn»uHav ______________ 19c Vests, 2 for 25* street Floor—Kear. All-Over Laces handkerchiefs; six in a pack- only, hS^VVK 1 ' Coin Purses, 25<S 18-inch all over bcis in Sp e "nl '" r WeJn 500 eorded batiste, 42-inch; Chinaware Specials cial Wednesday only, Men's and women's 39c Special Wednesday 59,, Special for Wednesday ISc Shepherd cheek,. fDives, » st,.„f S el IpS "wednel" ''' p "J" dozco for ".. .25* jW Wednesday o„ly, ? 2 y.L m „ at p|a|( ,,. Street Floor. only Wednesday or Dine, Pomeroy 4 Stomrt, W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, u Dive,, Pomeroy i ae~ut tor 25* „dd patterns, formerly I,lurk ' ' >ree oor, iront. Street Floor. • » Street Floor. fc£"Dives, Pomeroy & Stowart ed lip to $2.25. Special Wed —» Dives, Pomeroy * Stewart. Street Floor. nesday only, ... 25? Street Floor, Rear. 39c Fleeced Vests, 25* Snorf _ •_ . 50c dlina chocolate pots, )i , ________________ bcarl runs Lace Flouncings Ribbons decorated. Special Wednes- I ribbeTvestsf fleeced! Men's $1 Rubbers, 25* (I ' re s^ n ?f~ ( , i , ' e f ar f" . 12-inch shadow lace floun- Roman stripe, warp prints, Grocery Specials day oiil.\', ... .. .25* less or elbow sleeves Snecial *f » nn L L • , P* « six different set- eing, m good patterns ot moire and satin taffeta rib- With each SI.OO purcha.se oOc cracker jars, decorated. Wednesday only, ..'....25* and T IT' B P ecial Wednesday white. Special for Wednes- bons ; 4to 6 inches wide; val- we will tell to-morrow only, Special Wednesday only Dives Pomerov & Stewart U Zii wl.lv ' ,t° day °^ l - V ' 25 <* ues to 4S>c. Special for Wed- 5 pounds granulated sugar] . 250 St tFI ' ' P Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, ts Dives. Pomerov & Stewart nesday only, yard, 25* 25£ ' oc Porcelain tea and cof "" Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart. _____ street can)J f .25* De « da - V 0,11 - V ' 25^ Street Floor*" - -Rc&r. , ,)()c Hppfipflfprl ntnl r«i,ii -xt — 4-n __ . _ Ohio crushed corn. 3 cans. . umidren s Vests Notions Lace Edges 25* ZywTy 25^ , T a Childrpn's Trf>croHiia« 590 fanc y silk and satin 5 - inch shadow lace edges Taffeta Ribbons Solid cold packed toma- ToTdecorated tea notH Sne ton ribbSVlilfaS Children's 75 white ; values to 17c Spe- white and black taffeta t06 _ 8 ' 3 ca " 8 ' • * cial Wednesday only, . '.25* ion riooea vesis ana pants. Children s 75c and SI.OO ribbons. Special tor Wednes- cial for Wednesday only, 2 . o 43/ ; nn i,~ B wirif. Fancy Florida oranges, the m . , , , Special Wednesday only, leggings. Special Wednes- day only, 25* yards for ,2&* £ fL wednesdav ok large size, 10 for .... .25* s l - , >9 decorated wash l.ovv s each 25* dav onlv 2"its . Special tor Wednesday only, » > v an j pitchers. Special Wed-, D , et / y ** Divee, Pomeroy ft Stewart, tar Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. 2 yards for 25* Juicy grape fruit, b for nesday only each . .25** tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, t»"Dives, Poneroy & Stewart Street Floor. Street Floor „tv t, naa 25* ' ' ' ' " Street Floor. stroot m nn , Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, v tS'Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart 'oo . Kear - Street Floor. . Large llessina lemons, very Basement. Kid Gloves, Women's two-clasp kid 26c Nub Suiting, 36 inches; ValllPS Wp WflVf* gloves in black and colors, blue, helio and tan. Special ' dIUCb VV V 1 IdVC V_/ITGrGQ 111 Collars, jabots and fischus New Muir peaches, 2 lbs., Jardinieres, some slightly broken sizes. Special Wed- Wednesday only, 2 yards for \ K _ \M j_t r\ O 1 in values up to $1.50 bpe- damaged, formerly marked nesday only, 25* 25* ManV MOllthS GO Oil Sale cial for Wednesday California prunes, 3 lbs., up to $3.50. Special Wednet tr Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, /WDives, Pomerov ft Stewart rr\ 2s* day only, J V st ""To-morrow: Second Floor """"iTT m ""' »>«■»,2 mmm ~~~ i—A change in the buyership in our Corset Department brings Ilershey's breakfast cocoa, 3 Yards Muslin, 25* 3 Yds. Eden Cloth about the most unusual corset values we have offered in many ___ ... _ 3 regular 10c cans 25* N 10c bleached muslin 36 16c Eden cloth wool fin lnontha > * lO ar( : in buying a high grade corset at Writing Papers Runkel's breakfast cocoa, 4 Toilet Paper inches wide, only 12 yards to ish neat strines' u nw ; n i mer ? f /" ac . tlon o1 '* s fo ™ er P nt 'e we would suggest that you One pound of linen paper regular 10c cans 25* Four 10c rolls white Jap a customer Special Wednes WednpsHnv rmlv •* v? r insp ec t the items that we have grouped for immediate clearance. and two packages of enve- Cream macaroni lonir nnese toilet paper. Special day only 3 yaSor 25* ° D,y ' 3 yard^ r arC oreCian tPeco ' SUede ' silk b ™ ade ' coutil a » d Special Wednesday pac^ for !'...25* Wednesday only, 25* t* Dives, Pomeroy & Stowart, trDives, Pomeroy & Stewart a * i n . • • , Pearl tapioca, 3 lbs., 25* ""Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor, Rear. Street SpCClaI W,U 1,6 by 80 eX P e ™™ed fitter. »"Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart New he * d 3 , l)S<> 25 * Basement. - Btreot F,oor - Rosedale baking chocolate. —————i——— _____changed. 2 one-quarter jiound cakes, 4 Yards Muslin, 25* Crosses and Pendants s3 ' oo oorsefcs Eeduced t0 9,2 00 *lO 00 corsets Reduced to T" Aluminum Pans ,8c unbleached muslin, 36 59c dull black and jet S df*«2-<>o Corsets Reduced tT* s " s ° a y in g ai "dS lA JV® grape juice, 3 regular I I 45c W f earever lipped alum- I j inches wide. Special Wed- crosses and pendants. Soe- * 7,30 *® -50 oorsetß Reduced #fl 00 >n(l <7-5C 26c playing cards. Special 10c bottles, 25* inum stew pans, iy 2 quarts. nesday only, 4 yards for 25* cial Wednesday only,'. .25* 40 * s, °° $22,5 ° Reduced t0 » 12 - 50 for Wednesday only, 2 pack-I I Qoid evaporated milk, 3 1 I Special Wednesday only, i *T Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, M Dives. Pomerov & St«w,rt. " DiVM ' P ° mer ° y & SeC ° Dd Floor ~ Elevators. ' i . . .25* tall tins 25* 25* Street Floor—Rear. Street Floor Front ' *®"Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart ur Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, tiTDivos, Pomeroy & Stewart [ l - Ba9ement - ' - ' \ HABHTSBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, TUESDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 23, 1915.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers