The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 22, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    lam Man
with a wife and little family
that I see once a week.
Since the inauguration of the
Western Union Day Letter and
Night Lettej service my wife
and I have exchanged Night
Letters regularly. My wife
says these daily notes keep
her from being lonesome. lam
assured daily that everything
is 0. K. at home.
Highspire Delegation to the Meeting
Was Accompanied by the Rev.
Frank Edward Moyer, Who Opened
the Program With Payer.
The large auditorium at St. Johu's
Lutheran Church was filled yesterday
afternoon at the mass meeting tor men.
which was held at 3.30 o'clock. The
Brotherhood of St. Peter's Lutheran
Church, Highspire, accompanied by the
Rev. Frank Edward Moyer, pastor- at
tended the meeting in a i>ody. The
Bev. G. N. Lauffer, pastor of St. John's,
was the principal speaker, and he ably
handled the subjeet, "One Man's Ques
The meeting opened with prayer by
the Rev. Frank EdwarH Moyer, High
spire, and was closed with prayer bv B.
F. McNear, Jr. Arrangements are now
under way to hold a men's mass meet
ing in the First Reformed Church next
Sunday, the address to be delivered by !
the Rev. Charles A. Huyette. pastor.
Mrs. G. N. Lauffer addressed the first'
of a series of Lenten meetings for
women on Saturday afternoon. These,
meetings will continue each Saturdav
afternoon at 3 o'clock until Easter and
each meeting will be addressed bv the'
Kime speaker. Mrs. Levi Both 'sang
"I'll Live For Him,'' at the opening
meeting of the series.
Friends of Ames Lawrence Remember
His Home-Coming
A Washington birthday partv was
held Saturday evening at'the home of f
Mr. anil Mrs. F. A. Lawrence, 262!) 1
South Second street, in honor of their i
son, Ames, a student at Bucknell Uni
versity, who was the week-end guest of '
ihi.s parents. The decoration scheme was '
red, white and blue and the entertain
incut consisted of games and music, I
Which were followed by the serving of
refreshments to the following persons:
Ihe Misses Bena Brehm, Oberlin; I
Florence Finger, Ruth Shaffner, Rutti !
Stoner. Marie Wise, Carrie Lawrence,
Nathaniel Boyd. Harrisburg; Norman i
Finger. Robert Kreuger, Ellis Lawrence, !
Ames Lawrence gud Roy Keller.
Attended Services in a Body
Fifty-five members of illighspire
Camp No. 505. P. 0. S. of A., attended!
in a body the evening services in tho
Highspire United Brethren church
last evening to hear the Rev. H. F.
Rhoad, pastor, deliver a patriotic ser
mon. This turnout made a record for
any one secret order in the history of j
the down-river town.
PROPERTY 301 Bessemer St., Steelton,
consisting of corner lot 68x100 feet,
with 1-story 3-roora house thereon: ex
cellent garden. Inquire 404 N. Third
street, Steel.ton.
FOR RENT—Houses with all inmprove
ments, on S. Fourth St., Steelton. No
318, $12.00; No. 322. $li.OO; Nos. 353 and
255, $9.00 per month. Apply 316 &
Fourth St. Steelton.
Entire Stock and Fixtures,
Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry,
Clocks and Silverware
Will Positively Be Sold to the Highest Bidder
The selling was lively and everybody who bought got a big bargain for the
money. If you appreciate the opportunity to buy good goods at cheap prices
don't miss these sales. '
Sales Daily At 2 P. M. and 7 P. M. Until Entire
Stock Is Disposed of
Fourth and Chestnut Streets
in chirg* of DAVID DRILI, Aietiuur, tf l«w Yark Cily
Joseph Plasie, Enhaut, is Presented'
With Handsome Bouquet on Anni
versary of His Birthday, by His
Niece, Miss Catherine Tittiger j
A birthday party which was attended
by fifty persons was held at the home!
of Joseph Plasie, Enhaut, Saturday
evening, inu honor of his fiftieth birth
day. The invitations for the gathering l
were sent out by Mr. Plasie\s sister,,
Mrs. Christian Tittiger, Oberlin. and j
a feature of the affair consisted of the ■
presentation to hint of a handsome
bouquet of flowers, by his niece. Miss !
i Catherine Tittiger.
The Imperial Band, of Steelton, was'
present anil discoursed excellent music |
during the evening. Mr. Plasie is a!
I popular member of the German societies'
of Enhaut and Steelton and he received j
I many congratulations during the day |
from relatives and friends.
The following persons attended: |
| Carl Plasie, Midland, a brother; Mr. j
land Mrs. Christian Tittiger, Mr. and!
Mrs. Adalbert J. Tittiger and son. Ed- i
! ward, Matthew Tittiger, Frank Tittiger,
l Christian Tittiger. Edward Tittiger, I
| Miss Catherine Tittiger, Miss Julia
Small, Mrs. Catherine Zunna, Mr. and j
Mrs Edmund Zunna and family, Ru-1
| dolph Zunna and family, Mr. and Mrs. I
1 Joseph Karl and family, Mr. and Mrs.
j Steven Mader, Mrs. Anna Ginter, Mr.
and Mrs. Michael Larzhi anU family.
Reception to New C. U. B. Church
Members, March 25
j Six conversions were reported as a
j result of the evangelistic services held i
| in Centenary United Brethren church
; last evening by the Rev. A. K. Wier, j
pastor. The regular prayer service I
I Wednesday will be dispensed with this
week and iu its stead will be held an
evangelistic meeting which will be ad-1
dressed by the Bev. John E. Morrison, j
I of Lebanon Valley College, in place of I
; the Rev. A. K. Wier, pastor, who will |
! leave the borough to-morrow to take i
! a week's vacation which he will spend I
with Lancaster county relatives and 1
Announcement was made this morn- j
ing that a public reception would be
j tendered 126 new members admitted
since the firet of the conference vear
on the evening of March 25. A very
attendance was reported at the regular
session of the Sunday school yesterday.
Peter Grass Died Yesterday Morning at
His Home
Peter Grass, a veteran of«t'he Civil
war and an old resident of the bor-'
ough, died at his home, 607 North
Front street, yesterday morning at 1.30 1
o'clock. Funeral services will be held
Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock in
St. Mark's Lutheran church. The Rev. j
William B. Smith, of the borough, and |
the Bev. A. M. Wolf, of West Fair- 1
view, will officiate and interment will i
'be made at New Cumberland under tihe
ritual of the Grand Army.
Funeral Services Will Be Held To-mor
row Afternoon
Mrs. Maggie E. Brashears, wife of
Georgp R. Brashears, died Saturday
morning at 9.40 o'elot-fc aftor an ill
ness lasting several months. Bhe was
67 years old.
'Mrs. Brashears was an old resident
of the borough and camo here t'hirty
two years njto from Sliarpsfourg, (Mary
land. SSti' is survived by her husband
and the following children: Mrs. Web
ster Kelker. of 'Harrisiburg; Harry iM.,
Mrs. C. Demmy, Robert El., of the bor
ough; (.Charles V., G. Webster, of Har
risbnrg, and Frank and Miss Clara, of
tihe borough.
Funeral services will be held at her
late home, 191 Sout'h Kronf street, to
morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. The
Rev. A. K. Wier, of Centenary U. B.
church, will officiate, and burial will
take place in Baldwin cemetery.
Coroner's Jury Exonerates Slayer of
Miko Plemencic
Stanko Krzmencic, who surrendered
; himself to Squire Gardner last week
after accidentally shooting his friend
I and fellow countryman, Miko Plemen
| cie, was freed by that official after a
I jury impaneled by Coroner Eckiuger
j found a verdict Saturday that death
, was accidental and exonerated Stanko
I from all blame.
Assistant District Attorney Robert
iE. Fox, following the inquest asked
: Squire Gardner to dismiss the charge
lof murder aeainst Stanko and the for-
u. ...... U ci ami mo lur
ciguer was discharged.
The Coroner's jury was composed
of E. W. Suydaai, W. J. liiiler, Boas
I). Saul, David Devlin, H. B. Boyd and
B. E. Swain.
Mrs. A. K. Wier, South Second
street, was called to Lititz Saturday by
the serious illness of her mother, Mrs.
Amos Both.
Mrs. William Seasholtz and Mr. and
MTS. George Arnold, of Sunburv, are
spending several days as guests of Mr.
and Mrs. William A. Shipp.
Miss Clare M. Still, South Second
street, has gone to Philadelphia, to ac
cept a position with a wholesale con
Mrs. Hcckert, North Third street,
will entertain Mrs. Moore's class of St.
John's L/utheran Sunday nchool to
The l?ev. ,T. M. Waggoner, formerly
pastor of the Main Street Church of
God, was the guest of friends here Sat
Class 23 of Centenary United Breth
ren Sunday school will hold a "Penny
Social'' this evening in Bed Men's
hall, Second and Walnut streets.® A
program will be rendered and a good so
cial time is expected.
Luke Butt sang the offertory solo
in Trinity Episcopal church yesterday.
Butt's selection was "Pear Ye Not, O
Israel." and the accompaniment was
played by Miss Azi.lea Wigfleld.
Burgess Addressed Patrol
The Steelton Fire Patrol, numbering
three members from each of the local
fire companies, held a special meeting
in the Baldwin Hose Company jmrlor
yesterday afternoon to hear an address
by Bnngess Wigfteld, who made a num
ber of suggestions for greater efficiency
in the patrol. There was a good attend
ance and the fire patrolmen thanked the
burgess for his timely suggestions.
Miss Marie Wiseman, the visiting
nurse employed by the Steelton Civic
Club, will be in her offices from 8 a. m.
to 9 a. m., from 12.30 p. m. to 1.2U
p. m.
Teachers' Trainiug School Will Give
Entertainment Friday Evening
It is a treat of no ordinary excel
lence which the thirty-nine young ladies
of Miss Anne I'. Wert's Teachers Train
ing School will present on Friday even
ing of this week in the auditorium of
the Technical High school. With a large
and handsome school room not surpass
ed by any in the city, the embryo teach
ers felt that a piano was needed to
complete its furnishings. To obtain the
funds for its purchase the young ladies
have been engaged diligently iu pre
paring a program which they feel cer
tain will please their friends who pur
chase tickets and attend on Friday
It will be in two parts. The first, a
college scene, will introduce recitations,
musical numbers and miscellaneous
matter. The-second j>art will consist of
tableaux which have been prepared
with the greatest care and which un
doubtedly will please the audience.
Additional Personal,
and Social News
Members of CTurtin Heights M. £.
Church Held Pleasant Affair In
Church Parlors
The Sunday school class taught by
IXfrs. A. S. Williams, of Ottrtin Heights
M. E. church hakl a social in the
church parlors, Saturday evening. A.
program of music and addresses was
rendered, after'which refreshments were
served to the following:
Mrs. A. S. Williams, iMrs. May Marsih,
iMrs. E. H. Carson, Mrs. Steine, Mrs.
Hamil, Mrs. William Zone, IMTS. Harry
Geist, Mrs. l>aniel Frerer, Mrs. George *
Jeffries, Mrs. C. Jeffries, Mrs. W. Quens
ler, 'Mrs. Howard Gingrich, Mrs. Victor
Crossou, Mrs. Samuel Frahic'k, Mrs.
Heorge Marshall, Mrs. Frances Elder,
Mrs. Isaiah Nissley, Mrs. Jdhn Kramer,
'Mrs. A. 11. Stover, Mrs. Harry Reese,
Mrs. William Satzler, Mrs. Gertrude
•Swartz, Mrs. Bessie Moore, Mrs. C. A.
Woi'bley, 'Mirs. Calvin C. Miller, Mrs.
George Fettorhoff, Mrs. John 'M. Zeig
lor, Mrs. Harry White, Mrs. John
Jaes, .Mrs. A. Benner, Mrs. C. H. Burg,
| Mrs. W. A. McCahan, Mrs. iH. E. Keller,
jlMlrs. W. B. Gibbons, Mrs. Mary Fraim,
Mrs. Andrew Hawk, Mrs. Frank Taylor,
Mrs. A. L. Knight, Mrs. William Fen
cil, Mrs. Ferrell, Mrs. E. D. Bowman,
Mrs. H. M. Rudv, Mrs. E. Anderson,
Mrs. John Deen, Mrs. W. C. Grow, Mrs.
'H. L. Burns, the Rev. A. S.
John Kramer and Jerry Weibley.
: Entertained Members of the S. 0. G.
Club at Her Home
j Mrs. C. W. Miller entertained the
members of the S. O. G. Club at her
| home, 327 Hamilton street, Saturday
I evening. A short business meeting was
i held, alter which a social
I enjoyed.
Those present were Mrs. Florence
1 Riehter, Misses Vesta Hall, Ruth Rapip,
i Jennie Silyder. Louvina Faruer, Kath
| orine Q.iaid, Vilaria Jackson, Daisy
; Seidle, Margaret Wiener, Ruth Marlier,
Mrs. Nellie Evans and Mrs. C. W. Mil
Misfl Snyder Entertains
Miss Hazel Suyder entertained a num
! her of friends at her home, 1321
Thompson street Saturday nig'ht. Music
and games and a buffet luncheon were
teatures of the evening's entertainment.
Those present were Misses Elsie Stick
ler, Marie Riehter, Helen Bush, Rou
! main Bcbb, Esther Lohr, Hazel Snyder,
Clarence Ri.-hxei, William Foulk, Arthur
Higgins and Paul Spotts.
Attended Mercersburg "Prom"
; Miss Mary Elizabeth Detweiler, 23
I North Front street; Miss Sara Dene-
I hey, 1423 North Front street ;Mrs.
j Robert C. Williams and Miss Arta Wil
liams, 1616 North Second street, have
returned from Meretrsburg, where they
! attended the "prom" and witnessed
the school play, in which Meade D.
I Detweiler, Jr., took a prominent part.
Hot Biscuit Supper
The Sunday school of St. Matthew's
Lutheran eoureh will hold a Martha
I Washington hot biscuit supper in the
! social room of the church to-morrow
evening from 5 to 10. Thursday even
ing the Men's Brotherhood of the
| church will hold a banquet in the social
j room of the church.
Married at Atlantic City
i Marietta, Feb. 22. —Announcement
was made Saturday of the marriage of
Miss Marie J. Callahan, of Taunton,
Mass.. a former resident, and Joseph A.
Kling, of Lancaster, the ceremony be
ing performed in St. Nicholas' church,
Atlantic City, last week. A reception
was given the couple.
Philadelphia Division—ls3 crew to
go first after 4 p. m.: 117, 106, 124,
1103, 102, 134, 120, 113, 109, 104,
j 122, 121, 123, 107, 128.
Engineers for 102, 103, 119, 120,
i 128, 133.
I Firemen for 107, 113, 120, 124,
• 133.
Conductors for 114, 122, 134.
Flagmen for 102, 131, 133, 134.
Brakemen for 102, 104, 107, 123.
Engineers up: Statler, Crisswell,
Smith, Hindman, Albright, Madenfotfd',
! Sparver Seitz, Supplee, Young, Snow,
j Long, Foster, McGuire, Kennedy, C'onk
| lin, Streeper, Speas.
Firemen up: Robinson, Kearney,
; Wagner, Everhart, Kreider, Breiner,
GiUberg, Moffatt, McNeal, Chronister,
Horstick, Rhoads, Balstbaugh, WhicheUo,
I Bleich, Dunlevy, Penwell, Farmer, Mul
Flagman up: Witmyer.
Brakemen up: Bogner, Riley, Knupp,
■ Mumma, Hoopes, Arment, Moore, Gouse,
I Cox, Albright, Malseed, Wiland, Brown,
| Hivner, Coleman, Ferguson, Busser.
Middle Division—237 crew to go
first after 1 P. M.: 238, 246, 223,
I 239. I
Preference: 2, 7 ,3, 4, 9, 5, 10, 6,
: 8, 1.
Laid Off: 17,22,21,16,19,15,23.
Firemen for 4, 10.
Conductors for 2, 7. "
Flagmen for 3, 6.
Brakeman for 10.
Engineers up: Simonton, Uarman,
Mumma, Kugler, Knisley, Moore, Free,
j Hertzler.
Firemen up: Karstetter, Bornman,
Arnold, Ross, Wright, Fletcher, Zeiders,
Kuntz, Seagrist, Liebau, Fritz.
Conductors up: Fralick, Paul, Eberle,
Huber, Keys, Gant.
| Flagmen u>p: Dill, Miller.
Brakemen up: Bolan, Plack, Mc
: Henry, Henderson, Frank, Mathias,
Bell, Wenrick, L«auver, Roller,' Myers,
Fritz, Kohli, Kane, Kipp, Kerwin,
Peters, Kieffer, Kilgor, Baker, Pipp,
Fleck, Schoffstall, Bickert.
Philadelphia Division—2o9 crew to
go first after 3.45 p. m.: 224, 213,
207, 214, 221, 201, 242, 216, 230,
234, 229, 217.
Engineers for 201, 209, 214, 216,
221. 228.
Firemen for 201, 207, 209, 214,
216, 242.
Conductors for 228, 235.
Flagmen for 203, 223.
Here Not Alwe RfraUHe Priori Are l.ow»r. Bat Because Qualities Are
Here Not Alwe Heciune Prlcea Are Loner, Bat Because Qualities Are BetterßH|BHß|
Another of the Economy Events That Have Set New Bargain-1
Records and Won New Friends to This Store
An event in which we double for a single day the wonderful purchasing power |
of 25 cents that has been made possible by this store. I
Come To-morrow —The Sale Is For the One day Only |
80c value Odd I.ot Saucers 25c value Stamped Collar and 60s value l.mlle*' Unbleached M
Tuesday only 13 far —c ( . |||t Sc4b Fleece Unci I'nlon Suit* i H
1 —— i ! Tuesday only 25c ' ■
Tuceidfty only, 2 for 2.> c l_ I B
50c value Odd I.ot Ilecoratwl I j ~
Tueaday only, S for 35c j | ,10c value Stnmperi Combine i xnUu ( Viul^r^nr 1 ** 0 * ll,nert |j
' i Jackets Tueaday only, 2 for 2T»c 9
I Tiiewlay only -3c J ~ I
50c value Odd Lot of Decorated j - ' i . I
iw««i.v „«U. Bowl * . #ftP ' . ! no< ' viiluc Hen'* lllack Work I
1 ucada> c»ul>, * for —«* c < I I Slilrl* f
' 25c >alue Stamped I*l n CiiNhionN Tuesday only 23c I
I Tucnday only 2 for 25c | ' I I
50c value White China Cnndlcatlck I j I
Tii#>mHiv «nl\ N 1 f«»r 25n I value Men'K Colored Hone j E
Tueada> onlj .1 for Z.»c | io«» to 15c value White t'liliin for j Tueaday only, .1 pairs for 23c ' I
- Hand I'uiutlnK: ' I I
Tuemlny only, 3 for 2f»c \ ———— ■
I 50c value Mustard Jar. with cover [ r>o , \eck.vear ! 8
Tueaday only 4 tor 35c , . Ti.exdny only. . 35e I
' 1 250 value Children's Aproni I ! if
i? J Tuesday only, 2 for 25c ! I
! rh,n " r VB i ,e w ««i Mittc»« j \
I ucHduj onl>, 4 for 25i .Tueaday only, 2 for 25e ■
' 25c value Children'* I I jl
r i Tueaday only 3 for 25e * - H
\ Ite value I.ace and Kinhroldery i s<w» vni««.. in ..... -
I <;oraett S ver-..1.e. | r j ! 8p, . 1 .' 1 " , 23 t " 1
.14 and JH I 50c value Rompera. al*e 2 *
Tuenday only 3 for 35c I Tll< . H Hay only 3 for 35c g
| T | , " r val,, e l.acc t'urlnliDH j g
50c value T.adlc*' Cornet*, with | | 3 5c value Children's Bloomer* I B
Barter* attached, *l».e« 8« to 30 1 Tuesday S pair* for 35c
Tueaday only 3 for 35c | | f . I
! 1 IS'/ic figured Curtnlu Scrini
* , | Tueaday o- y S for sr.c j I
50c value l.adlc* - Colored Mercer- i I
lzrd Satin Skirt* I
Tuenday only 35c I
Apron (aliiprlinin (
, Tueaday only, <s yarda for 25« H
P. 50c value Iloudolr Capa ~ —— I
50e value Ludlea' Trimmed TucN<lny €>nly 250
Drattere * * ** ~ , |
Tuesday only 3 for 35c —— 17c value Hemmed Turki*li U
i " I Tuesday only, ...' 3 for 35c i I
. , j SI.OO value Sliver Coin Puraea I I
_ „ I Tuenday only, • 25c
50c value toadies Flannelette Em- | | I I
V broidery Trimmed Sklrtn ( i , E
Tueaday, 25e j I 15e value Fancy Wliltc Gooda I
' | Tiieaday only 3 yarda for 25c Kj
f » 50c value I.adlea* Hand I H
Tuesday only 25c
10c value Children's Drawers, I ~ . D
U sixes 2 to 12 years | 2."»e value Rolie Klaunels
Tueaday only, U for 25c | ruesday only 2 yards for 25c I
I 25c value Shoe Trees I H
| Tuesday only, . .2 for 25c j?
50c value Children's l lannclcUe | 50c value Wool Crc»c Ores*
j Gowns, alxes 2 to 14 • i Goods
Tuesday only, 25c 25c value Ladles* Fancy Garters j Tuesday only, 25c i B
■ I Tuesday only, 2 for 25c i 1 ' H
50c value Beady-made Stamped ' j j \°' H e Novelty Wash Fabrics j I
, Corset Covers with Flo.. j Boc value Hair Switches, In | luewloy only 2 yard* for 35c ?
Tuo » ,lu > »<• j Strands ■
I | Tuesday oaly 880 I H
' 25c value Colored llatitic Cloth ! 9
i I'lirsdny only, :: yards for 25c j |
25c value Stamped Cushion Tops j ■ . ■ I I
Tuesday only, 3 for 35c | 10t , , n i uo mmhrlc Rmhroldery, 5
I l I fl'/|C value 30-in<*h i'nhlcnchcd i B
— Muslin \,t
25c value Drawn Work Squares, r I
asHorted 50c value Fancy Hihbon H
Tuesday only 2 for 25c ] Tuesday only, 35c | —■ ■
| Tuesday only, 3 for 25c j B
25c value Stamped Clothe* pin - c vn i ur . Ladles' Hnndkcrchiefs | | j . 9
r __ , . with colored edaes and em- I _ .. , , .. ... Q
Tuesday only 2 for 25c hroldered corners ! ! value Soiled Library Hooks '
Tuesday only, (I for 25c J j Tocsday oul> 2."» c I B
' 25c stamped Ready-made Laundry j j— , I 7.% c and *I.OO All Over Oriental | I
_ . . **" „ 50c value l.adle*" lllack TiKhts l.acc*
j Tuesday only, 2 for 25c j j Tuesday oaly 25c : | Tuesday only 25c | y
Ic to 25c Dept. Store
[MiLuy RY l&ceMr ft j k
21S Market Street Opp. Court House
Brakemen for 203, 207, 213, 214,
217, 225.
Conductors up: Staufl'er, Forney,
Flickinger, Lingle, Steinouer, Walton,
Flagroen up: Corrigan, Flora, Col
lier, Donolioe, Ford. *
Brakemen up: Steiner, Bricker, My
ers, Vandling, Kugle, Werts,
Dcets, McPhearson, Waltman, Twigg,
I'arku, Mumma, Shuler, Musger, Goudy,
Schaffner, Kone. ,
Middle Division—4s2 crew to go |!
first after 1.45 p. m.: 242, 234, 235.
Twenty-one Altoona crews to come
Laid off: 103, 105, 101, 108, 119,
116, 106, 102.
Yard Crews—Engineers up: Houser,
Meals, Stahd, Swaib, Crist, Harvey,
Saltsman, fjnyder, tShaver, Pelton, Ijan
clis, Hoyler, Beck, Harter, Biever,
Hlosscr. Breneman, Thomas, Rudy.
Firemen up: Kouch, Maey
, er, Sliolter, Bnell, Bartolet, Oetty, Bar
key, Sheets, Bair, Eyde, Myers," Boyle,
Shipley, Crow, Revie, Bostdorf, Schief
P., H. & P.—After 4 p. m.: 8, 3,
Eastbound—After 3.15 p. m.: 68,
57, 59, 71, 65, 67, 60. 62, 52, 51.
Conductors up: Sipes, German,
Hilton, Orris, Gingher.
Engineers up: Sweeley, Fortncy,
I.ape, Sassman. Woland, Middaugh,
Richwine, Martin, Wyre, Wireman,
| Gold Crowns & Sels of i
I Bridge Work Teeth !>
$3, $4, $5 $5 up" |||
| We always make teeth that At. J[ I
j Come In the morning, get your i 1
S teeth same day. Plates repaired j|
# on short notice. j>
| Mack's Painless Dentists ji
J 310 Market St.
J Open Evenings.
| Tipton, Monic, Morrison, Crawford,
! Glass.
Firemen up: Carlin, Fulton, Lex,
Anders, Robbins, Kelly, Zukoswiski,
Becker, Binpaman, Anspach, Kutn
baugh, Longenerker.
Brakemen up: Slentz, Smith, Hol
bert, <'arlin, Warren, Ayres, li
ttler, Fleaglp, Greager, Wynn, Ely,
Hoover, Mumma, Miller, Shearer, Dun
I have made a spe
t:tal study of l>r. Ehr
tlch's great discoveries,
salvarsan and neosal
varsan. I administer
sit hep- safely and prop-
Jrly. It will pay you
to have an experienced
specialist treat you.
Hundreds of treat
ments given without
any bad effects. Men's
Jiseases and weakness,
:atarrli. kidney, blad
ler and skin diseases.
DR. SCHANTZ, SE*- s*- 5 *-
the Uuiy lice HrN(auraii( aH J