10 LOCAL PEOPLE DONATED MUCH 10 WAR SUFFERERS The National Belief Association Con gratulates the Karrisburg Commit tee on Energetic Work—Merchants Give Seeds to Homeless Refugees Recognition of and thanks for the aplendid work of the Home ami War Relief Committee during the winter in tending materials and clothing to the ■war sufferers, is given in a letter re ceived by Miss Mary B. Robinsou, of the Red Cross division, from Miss Ma bel T. Boardman, of the national as sociation. '•You have a most energetic and able committee in Harrisburg, and I con gratulate you on the good work." Is the wording of the letter, which con tinues, "I hope that very soon the port of Archangel will be open so that we can get off a large shipment of these supplies for Pol an i, where I know they are very much needed. Please thank your committee for this continued interest and assistance." Seeds for use by the homeless refu gees now living in districts where they may raise crops, have been donated by local merchants, and about SSO worth will b« shipped abroad this week. Ship ment of thirty boxes have beeu made to date, the countries receiving the sup plies including Germany. France, Bel gium, Hollaml, Austria. Poland, Servia and the British relief. Of the materials sent, all, save the knitted goods and the bandages, was made by local women who were paid from 20 to 25 cents for each garment sewed, or more than J3,- 500 to date. The Ked C'ro*oisons, sun stroke and various others of the sudden ills. They may be bought at headquar ters, 7 South Front street, which are open daily, from 10 to 12 and from 2 until 5, excepting Saturdays, when they close at noon. Visitors are wel come. THE RUSSIAN WM OFFICE GIVES VERSION OF ROUTIN EASTPRUSSIABY GERMANS Petrograd, Fe»b. 22. —Explanation of the Russian retirement from East Prus sia is contained in a communication given out last night by the general staff. Successes ol the German coup is attributed largely to the lack of strategic railways which prevented the Russians from concentrating "with necessary rapidity on our East Prus sian front forces indispensable to ward off this drive of the enemy." The general staff asserts that the massing of German troops in East Prussia was revealed to the Russians on February 4 but that the nlagnitudo of the concentration did not become known until several days later. Because of three conditions, it is stated, with drawal of the Tenth Russian army from East Prussia towards the frontier was decide! upon. This was followed later by a further retirement towards the Niemeu and the Bobr rivers. The com munication follows: "The Germans, after a series of ex ceptionally obstinate and tenacious at tacks which cost them innumerable vic tims, became persuaded of the impos sibility of dislodging us from the left bank of the Vistula and proceeded at the end of January to put a new plan into o>peration. "Having finished the formation in the interior of their country of several new corps anU deciding to continue the transportation of troops from their west front in order to make a supreme effort; against us, proliting by their net work of railroads, the Germans were enalbied to launch an overwhelming force asaiust our Tenth Army, whicn oecu- 1 pied strongly organized positions along the Angerapp river and the Mazuriau lakes. "To assure' the success of this coup the Germans transported also part of their contiugents from the fronts on the Rawka, the Bzura and the right T>ank of the Vistula. This gathering of Germans in East Prussia was re-j vealed to us on February 4. but the j magnitude of the concentrations was aot determined until several days later, i '' Not being able, through lack of, railroad facilities, to concentrate on ! our East Prussian front with the neces sary rapitiit.v forces indispensable to I ■ward off this drive of the enemy, our chiefs decided to withdraw the above mentioned army from East Prussia to wards the frontier and further retire- j meut towards the Niemen and the Bobr j has followed. "In these movements the right wing of the Tenth army, pressed by great numbers of the eneniv aitd threatened with being surrounded on the right flank, was compelled to make a very swift turning movement in the direc tion of Kovno. "This maneuver exposed the llanic of the corps following which, owing to this fact found itself in an extremely dangerous position and only broken and disorganized positions succeeded in escaping from this district. "Other corps of the Tenth army, fighting continuously and stubbornly, slowly retreated in the direction mark ed out for them by their commanders. On taking up these positions the Rus fian troops bravely repulsed the at tacking enemy, indicting upon him sev eral losses and overcoming incredible difficulties caused by the deep snow which covered all the roads. The roals Wing impassable automobiles were not able to run and trains were delayed, frequently not reaching their destina tions. " Ketreating slowly step by step one corps forming the left wing of the Tenth army held the enemy for nine days on lines which ordinarily are traversed in four days. "Oh February 19 these corps fell back through Augustow, retired from the battle at Sphoc and assumed the fortified positions indicated for them. "At the present moment actions on the German front continue before Os sowet*, upon the roads from Lomza to Edv&bno and north to Kadizidiy on the road between Plotsk and Plonsk. In some .places the fighting is very stub born. "On the right of the Vistula, on the Toads from Plotsk, Austrian detach-' ments have been replied by German troops." I YOUNG FOR CHANGES URGED DY ECONOMY COMMISSION State Treasurer Endorses Particularly the Plan for Sinking Fund Sufficient to Permit the Commonwealth to Carry Its Own Insurance State Treasurer Young has been nuking a study of the report of the Economy and Efficiency Commission, prepared by Harry S. McDevitt, which w»s the forerunner of a number ot recommendations made by other State Commissions, and pays it a high com pliment, saying there is much to com mend in its recommendations. To begin with he favors the recommendation that Governors be inducted into office in the year in which no legislative ses sion is held, so that he will have had a year's experience when the Legisla ture meets. The present plan, Mr. Young thinks, is neither fair to the Governor nor to the Legislature. Re garding other recommendations in the report Mr. Young says: "The Commission "e commentaries on | the absurdity of imposing duties upon | the Board of Public Grounds and Build- I ings that they are now discharging | should have the prompt attention of the Legislature. •' The recommendation with refer ' once to the adoption of a law I ing civil service for the State go vera- I inent, taken in connection with a plan j for service pensions, is highly com | mendable, as is also the recommenda tion with reference to a Capitol post office. Favors Publicity Bureau "The idea of a Publicity Bureau is to me entirely novel but met with my instant approval, and within certain limitations the establishment of such a bureau is a timely recommendation. Xo State has such a variety of activities; no State has such a variety of natural resources, and it is altogether proper and desirable that the people of this | State as well as of sister States should . know of the immense amount of high ly commendable work which is going on within her borders through the in strumentalities of the State govern ment. "The adoption of the recommenda tion with reference to the assumption by the Superintendent of the Board of Public Grounds and Buildings of all janitors, eharmeu and charwomen em ployed in and about all departments of the State government would fill a long felt want. Urges State Insurance Plan "No recommendation seeans to me more timely than that one relating to the establishment of a Sink Fund suf ficient to enable the State to carry its own insurance, especially in the light of the tact that the loss o£ State propertv jby fire is negligible. The amount of money contributed iu premiums by the I State government to private enterprises in the form of insurance companies con ; ducted for profit is enormous and con stantly increasing. This proposition should certainly have serious considera tion bv everybody concerned in the I subject of economy and efficiency of the I administration of the State's affairs. "1 have called attention to only a tew of the splendid recommendations contained in the report, and those com mented upon do not by any means t»in brace a catalogue of the most import tint. Taken as a whole, the report is surprisingly sane, comprehensive and progressive in tone and is entitled to highest consideration, and if its recom meutations are adopted thev will, in my judgment, without a single excep tion. work an improvement in economv and efficiency, and having said this what more need be said." ORCHARD DEMONSTRATIONS Lessons iu Spraying and Pruning by Division of Zoology Commence in Many Counties Next Week The public demonstrations in the various orchards known as the State Demonstration Orchards, under the di rections of Profeissor H. A. Surface, State Zoologist of the Department of Agriculture, will commence iu many counties of Pennsylvania on Monday, March 2. The demonstrators have been' carefully trained in the most modern features of pest suppression, making and applying spray materials and prun- 1 ing and fertilizing trees to insure their increased vigor and the production of fruit of the highest quality. These j demonstrates are for the purpose of showing the public how such work should be done. They were started eight years ago. but the "call for them con tinues greater than ever as growers in every county of the State realize that they really {ire helping in the best and cheapest methods of producing first! class fruits. An extensive schedule has been ar ranged which calls for the presence of the demonstrator at each orchard dur ing two -i«ys. At 1 o'clock on the aft ernoon of the first day the public meet ing will be called, aud the demonstrator will make and apply spray liquids, do pruning on trees of different ages and kinds, and speak of the modern meth ods of pest suppression and fruit pro duction. If the weather is too bad lor meeting on the day announced, it will be held on the following day, but the demonstrator will be there according to schedule regardless of weather. The schedule for next week includes the following: Berks County—Cyrus T. Fox, dem onstrator; Monday, March 1, F. M. Bowers, Hamburg; Wednesday, March 3, W. H. From, Sinking Spring; Fri day, March 5, John P. Dauth. Mohnton. Lancaster County—E. C. Bowers, demonstrator; Tuesday, March 2, Charles I. Landis, Paradise; Wednes day, March 3, Adam B. Vogel, Lititz, R. No. 3; Friday, March 5, L K. Stubbs, Peach Bottom. Lebanon County—S. W. Kerr, dem onstrator; Monday, March 1, E. S. Ka&e, Letbanon; Wednesday, March 3, John H. Light, Lebanon, R. No. 1; Saturday, March 6, Allen E. Reist, Pal myra, R. No. 1. Perry County—T. C. Foster, dem onstrator; Mon-lav, March 1, George E. Hess & Sellers, Duncannon; Tuesday, March 2, Sharon Fruit Farm, Newport; Thursday, March 4, C. W. Otto, New Germantown. York County—E. F. Peiree, dem onstrator; Monday, March 1, O. C. Hberhart, Dallnstown, R. No. 1; Wed nesday, March 3, H. B. doodling, Glen Rock; Friday, March 5, T. S. Snyder, Brodbeeks. LAWYERS' PAPER BOOKS Printed at this office in best style, at lowest prices and on short notice. HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 22, 1915, SUBURBAN HUMMELSTOWN Fire Company to Hold Ninth Annual Banquet To-morrow Evening Sp eoinl Correaponilence. Hummelstown, Feb. 22.—The ninth annual banquet of the Hummelstown Fire Company will be held at the Key stone hotel on Tuesday evening and will be largely attended. An excellent menu has been arranged by Fred Graupner, proprietor of the hotel. Rob ert T. Fox, Assistant District Attor ney, will be toast master and toasts will be responded to by E. Z. Etter, Rich ard B. Earnest, Leßoy O. Holler, C. P. Haehnlen. Samuel Zerfoss and Dr. J. Irwin Ruff. Short addressee will also be made by members of the eompauy. Te banquet was arranged for by the following committee, Howard Ritts, Thomas Jacks and Leßoy O. Holler. The officers of the company ore: Presi dent, H. R. illummel; vice president, Jeremiah Nitrauer, secretary, Calvin U. Holier; treasurer, U. L. Balsbaugh; chief, .Leßoy O. Holler. The third anniversary of the dedica tion of the United Brethren church will be observed next Sunday. The anniversary sermon will be preached by the Rev. A. K. Wier, of Steelton, at 10.30 o'clock. The evening service will be in charge of the pastor, the Rev. A. S. Lehman, and at the service now members will be received into church fellowship and a baptismal service held. The Rev. Elmer L. Coblentz, jwstor of First Reformed cJMirCh, Carlisle, will preach at the special Lenten serv ice in the Reformed church 011 Wed nesday evening. A moving picture show and band concert will be given in the Star thea tre on Friday evening for the benefit of the Acme band. An excellent pro gram has been arranged for the band concert. The baud hall has been secured for the mop manufacturing industry which will soon be started. Stock subscrip tions are being solicited and the com pany will soon be organized. It is ex pected that the new industry will give employment to about twelve men. In addition to the niops, several kinds of oils will be produced by the plant. The public schools of the borough were closed to-day in observance of Washington's Birthday. The hanks also remained closed and the postofliee open only from 7 to 8 a. m. and from 7 to 8 p. m. Mrs. Orover C. Buser and daughter, Sara Jane, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ebersole at Penbrook. Miss Ruth Kramer, of Harrisburg, was the guest of hei cousin. Miss Lu eretia Wheeler, yesterday. , Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Henschen hav.e returned from a visit to Rending. Samuel R. Spidle, of Steelton. wis in town yesterday calling on friends. Miss Marion Espenshade, of Har risburg, spent yesterday with her par ents. Sir. and Mrs. Andrew Espenshade. There will be no preaching services in the Reformed church next Sunday morning. The pastor, the Rev. Rob ert A. Bausch, will conduct services at I'nion Deposit. Mrs. Lavina Weber left yesterday for Reading to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Ziebach. ELIZABETHTOWN Harry K. Schneitman the Borough's New Postmaster Special Corresnonrtence. Elizabethtown, Feb 22.—Harry R. Schneitman is now the postmaster of this place, hib nomination Having been confirmed b\ the Senate. He is a son of William Schneitman, the implement dealer and local committeeman of the Democratic party for the borough. He is one of the young and active mem bers of the local Democratic reorgan ized forces Schneitman succeeds Hiram H. Nissley, whose commission expired January 20 and who four years ago was appointed to the office after a bitter aud fierce fight by his oppon ents. MIDDLETOWN Knights of Pythias Hear Sermon by the Rev. H. F. Hoover Special Correspondence. Middletown, Feb. 22.—'Mrs. Susan Manning and daughter, Rachel, aud Miss Blanche Ebersolc, of Penbrook, spent Sunday in town as the guests of Mr. aud Mrs. John Wagner, Sr., Ann street. -Mrs. Harry McGuigan and son, of York, spent the past several days in town as the guests of Mr. an(J Mrs. 11. E. Moore, Ann street. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Sehiefer and son, Karl, spent Sunday at Elizabethtown as the guests of relatives. A. M. Rife, of Altoona, was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Mary Lynch, Market stret, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. A. L. Ktter is visiting relatives at Marietta. Howard Lukcns, president of the dis trict league of the C. E. Societies, de livered an address to the members of the league and their friends at the meeting held in the M. E. church last evening. Kignty-flve members of Middletown Lodge No. 267, K. of P., met in the lodge room last evening and from there' marched in a body to the Ohureh of God where the Rev. H. F. Hoover de livered a special sermon to them. The members of the borough Council met on Saturday afternoon and went in a body to view Susquehanna street in regard to grading. They have de cided to fill up the street two feet. Most of the property owners are satisfied to allow Council to go ahead with the work. It will be brought up before the next meeting of Council. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sfaellenberger sj-ent Sunday in town as the guests of .Mr. and Mrs. L. If. Markley, Pine yrtreet. ('. X. Jackson spent Sunday at Phil adelphia. Mrs. John Core and daughter, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday in town as the guests of relatives. ,Lloyd Lindemuth, of Philadelphia, is spending several days in town as the gust of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lindemuth, Pine street. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Oull entertained in honor of the sth birthday anniver sary of their granddaughter, Miss Laura Crnl), Saturday afternoon at their home, Spring street. Games of various kinds were played. Those pres ent were: Dorothy Yost, Ruth Donley, Irene Force, Lois Murray, Charles Don ley and Carl Arnold. Refreshments were served. Harry Rudy, of Lititz, spent Sunday in town as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. -Myers, Pine street, fle was ac ft! I | Choice Fast Color Wash Weaves for Women's and Children's Dresses / K M There are many new materials this season of silk and cotton, / WuR / /j (■ dresses, and there are scores of specially priced weaves that /Vf / / will bring rich savings to thrifty women. f Dresden silk, 36 inches wide; one-half silk; grounds of blue, putty, helio, green, corn and white with floral designs. Silk voile, 34 inches wide, a grenadine half silk weave; white T . \\T 1 C 11? L* and tinted grounds ami floral designs. Yard,... 75< J—v3.Sl VV CCK. OX III© r Printed voile, 44 inches wide; in white grounds; organdie . O 1 printing and border designs. Yard 69< 1 urniture w3.10 8(1 Beersucker ginghams; neat stripes in choice styles. Special, yard, 6'4£ Many pieces have been marked to go at exactly half price dur- diamond dot pongee, 96 inches wide, with self color fig ing this, the last week of the Furniture Sale. It is the desire to ures. Special, yard, 25£ have the floor clean of broken lots and odd pieces and prices are 25c dress gingham; 30 inches wide; neat and fancy checks. made so attractive that a thorough clearaway should be easily Special, yard, 15^ effected. 25c wash suiting; neat, colored stripes on white and colored $14.50 golden oak leather rockers, $7.25 grounds. Special, yard, 15^ $13.50 golden oak leather rockers, $6.75 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. $12.50 golden oak leather rockers, 86.25 $0.50 reed chairs $3.25 $1.50 Crepe de Chine at $22.50 walnut chiffoniers, $11.25 _ $31.50 fumed oak Davenport-s $15.75 OCT $11.75 fumed oak chairs, $5.87 $35.00 leather chairs, $17.50 n , „ , , $35 00 leather rockers sl7 50 repe chine ls on(> ,)f the season s most popular silks, as it set mahogany dining chairs,'!!".!!!.*!!" $26! 12 '' as bee " for I ,atit ; . J his Particular fabric is an extra $35.00 mahoganv china closets, ... $17.50 hne & B,>.00 three-piece leather parlor suites $39.00 ' ' $69.00 three-piece leather parlor suites; $49.00 Dlves> Pomeroy & Stcwart ' street Floor ' Front " $154.00 two-piece walnut bed room suites $95.00 ! $35.00 and $39.00 golden oak buffets, 7 patterns to select from, $29.50 J $95.00 walnut vanity dresser, $59.00 / *-■*' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Third Floor—Throe Elevators. J Special Clearance of Broken Pieces of Fine Millinery Ribbons, r "* 11. Yard, 15c M t'T Fourth Street. Aisle, Street Floor. Specially Priced Towels &, Toweling Offered for These $1.50 Gloves Are To-morrow Down in Price Because of 10c hemmed cotton towels; good size; subject to mill stains. Special, each, 5£ n 1 rjrrj I jlfAQfl r\r 11c red border luick towels; extra good quality, subject to 1 V-/11X 1 Wi mill stains. Special, 4 for 25£ _ , lOe large size red border huck towels; 18x36 inches. Special, |JfY^OOPfi 25c bleached Turkish bath towels in large size."Sperial, each Centemeri's 2-clasp kid gloves in several styles that were Initial bath towels, 22x44 inches, with red initial which stands from the maker's regular $1.50 line on account of a 2% inches high. Special 25* dr ,°PP ed B V* h or , a th J ead ; . Eat ' h pair I has , be f sklU ' 69c Seconds of 500 fancy Turkish bath towels, in pink, blue and fully mended and will be lound in a speci.t s.i e a lavender. Special, each, 33£ 2-clasp tan kid gloves. Pair, 85* , 7c imported cotton toweling with white and colored borders. 2-clasp kid gloves, in colors, while and black, with self and Specnil, >ard, .... ............... s<* contrasting embroidery. Pair * $1.50 10c brown part linen toweling. Special, yard, Heavy qualitv red border linen finish toweling, 17 inches wide 2-clasp J'eal kid gloves, in colors, white and black. Pair, Special,' yard, ' 9< $1.75 to $2.25 tsr Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, Street Floor. <** Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. y/ companies home by his wife and son, who spent the past several weeks in town. Peter J. Clause has announced him self as a candidate for high constable on t'he Republican ticket. The illustrated decture given on Mex ico in the Sunday school room of St. Peter's Lutheran church Saturday even ing by -Mr. Linton was largely attended. The Indian runners are selling tick ets for a special show in the Realty t'heatre this evening. The proceeds will be used to purchase new suits for the •boys. The employes of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company received their pay on Saturday afternoon. Harry Mattis has returned home from a several weeks' visit to relatives at Harrisburg. LINGLESTOWN Surprise Party Held in Honor of Miss j Amelia Conrad Special Correspondence. Linglestown, Feb. 22.—-Revival aerv- j ices will commence in the Church of j God 011 Wednesday evening to continue j some time. Jurors drawn for March criminal court from Lower Paxton are as fol lows: Moses Hess, Frank Seibert, Wil liam Good; jetit jouror, John Look. Mrs. Savilla Shirk is grateful for tlie kindly remembrances and hearty con gratulations received on her 7oth birth day. The School Board of Lower Paxton attended in a body, accompanied by Prof. H. B. King, the institute held at Mershey Friday and Saturday of last week. The sale of farming implements and stock of David Felty will be held on Thursday. Mr. Felty will retire from farming and move to town in the near future, occupying his home reeently re modeled. 'MTS. Mary Noecker was the week-end guest of friends at Oberlin. .yrs. Ellen Mumma and daughter, Ella, were the recent guests of Miss Jessie Len-ker. A literary socipty was organized in the Higih school of town recently. The first meeting was held on Friday and a debate was held on the question, "Re solved, That Environment Has iMore Effect on Mankind Than Heredity." The affirmative speakers were Addison Herehey, Miss Grace Etzwiler and Nor man Books; negative, Louise Hoke, Boss Crum and Ferdinand Beck. The debate was won by the negative side. The Misses Martha and IMeta Gray 'bill were week-end guests of friends at Heading. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hocker and two children, of Penbrook, were the guests of George Shriner and family 011 Sun day. IMr. and Mrs. Miles Bolton and son, Mark, spent Sunday with friends at Mount Joy. William Weills, professor of Allen town schools, was the guest of W. G. Zimmerman and family on Sunday. Ross Look and Fleck Mixell on Sun day visited friends at York Haven. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stroh, of Harris burg, spent Sunday with friends here. Miss Lydia Nichols, of Camp Hill, is spending a few days the guest of the Rev. Dr. Sigler and family. A surprise party was held at the i home of Mr. and Mrs. Aiidrew Conrad on Friday evening in honor of their ; daughter, IMiss Amelia, who is a student ' at Millersville State Normal school. The j ! evening was spent in a social manner, ' after which refreshments were served to the following: LMr. and Mrs. Theodore Carman, Mrs. William Ulrich, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Conrad, Erma Bowers, Jennie Eslinger, Lizzie Eslinger, Bessie Holtzman, Martha Cook, Irene Garman, Lillian Garman, Helen Enders, Mary Conrad, Stella Conrad, M'rs. Waller Con rad, Cora Conrad, Edward Pennybaker, Harvey Eslinger, Gebrge Stensman, Harry Stensman, 'Harper Eslinger, Ches tor, Garman, George Ruukle, William Baker, Edward Conrad, John Conrad, Daniel Con Tad, Lloyd Straver, Guy Bowers, Benjamiu Miller, Ralph Purdy and others. NEW CUMBERLAND Woman's Missionary Meeting in Meth odist Church Wednesday Special Correspondence. New Cumberland, Fe>b. 22.—A woman's meeting will be held in the Methodist church Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koons, Bridge street, announce the birth of a son, Robert Bichinger Koons, born Saturday. Mrs. Koons was formerly Miss Myrtle Eichinger. Mr. and Mrs. George Zimmerman and three children, of Washington, D. C.| are visiting Mr. Zimmerman's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmerman,) ami his brothers, Frank and Milton. Miss Janet Reiff, a student of l>ick-1 inson College, spent several days at her home here. Mr. and Mirs. Elmer Coble, of New Market, announce the birth of a son, John Bphrram, born Thursday, Feb ruary 18. Mrs. John Fehl, of Bellavista, is still ill with the grip. Mrs. Parke S tough, of York county, visited her sister, Mrs. William Fite, I on Saturday. J. G. Davis, who has been ill for some ! time, was taken to the Harrisburg hos pital for treatment, Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Bond and Robert, Bair, of York, spent Sunday here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Beekley visited their son, Samuel, in Harrisburg. Mrs. (J. 11. Hover visited her son, Anthony, in Harri«*burg, Sunday. Bay Fasick, of Carlisle, spent the week-end with friends here. The Woman's Missionary Society of I the M. E. church will meet at the homo !of Mrs. it. W. Linebaugh on Thurs day evening. Mrs. Emma Best visited friends in Steelton on Sunday. WOMAN SUFFRAGE MOVEMENT Review of Progress Made During Past Month Given Out To-day A brief review of the progress worn- j an suffrage has made during the past i month, from New England to the Gulf States, was given out to-day at head quarters of the Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage Association. In New York, New Jersey and Mas sachusetts, the Legislature* have ap proved resolutions calling for a suffrage amendment to their constitutions and the question will go to a referendum vote of the people this fall. Similar ac tion has also been taken in West Vir ginia, although the suffrage amendment will not be voted o-n at the polls therfc until the general election in 1916. The Pennsylvania suffrage resolution has been passed by the House and is now in the Senate where a favorable vote is expected shortly after the Leg islature reconvenes. Pennsylvania will then become a "Campaign State." The people of lowa may also have a chance to vote on suffrage this fall, as the suf- ! frage bill there has been passed by the j Senate and is now in the House. Meanwhile, woman suffrage bills I have passed the committee stage and are now pending in the Legislature of Tennessee, Alabama and Texas. In these three States, however, another Legislature will have to approve the amendment before the people can vote upon it. The Arkansas Legislature has passed a suffrage bill, but it cannot be voted j upon by the people until next year. This is due to the fact that under the Con ' stitution, only three amendments can be submitted at one time, and between the action of the House and Senate on the suffrage bill, a petition for a third amendment was filed with the Secretary of State. Consequently, the suffrage amendment has to wait until 1916. CHURCH MORTGAGE BURNED Trinity U. B. at New Cumberland, Celebrates Eighth Anniversary New Cumberland, Feb. 22.—Trinity United Brethren church celebrated its eighth anniversary here yesterday by burning mortgage and notes amounting to $20,000. Special exercises were held at all services and congregations were among the largest in the history of the church. The Rev. A. R. Ayres, pastor, assist | ed by the trustees burned the old debt ! contracts immediately after the even ing service. The pa.]>ers were burned iu the building. The Rev. W. 11. Wash j superintendent of the Pennsyl vania conference, preached the evening sermon and more than S4OO was taken up in the collection. The church was built in 1906 at a cost of $35,000. Photeplay To-day Vitagraph's clever impersonator, Wally Van, appears to-day in a two act comedy, "The Wrong Girl." "Rop ing a Bride," a Selig Western and the last of Edison Olive series. Olive, the Gypsy in "Olive's Greatest Oppor tunity." "Pere Goriot" from the book by that name, a two-re«l Biograph drama complete the program. Coming Thursday, Francis X. Bushman.— Adv. * IT PAYS TO USE STAB INDEPENDENT WANT ADS.