The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 22, 1915, Image 1
THE WEATHER CLOUDY TO NIGHT AND TO-MORROW Details# Report. Pact • VOL.'77—NO. 68. U. S. ORDERS PROBE FOR THE EVELYN Secretary Daniels Wants Full Investi gation in Sinking of American Steamer SUNK MINE OFF GERMAN COAST With Cargo of Cotton Bound for Bremen the Steamship Evelyn Met Disaster Off Borkum Island, In the North Sea—Crew si Rescued Washington, Feb. 22.—Secretary Daniels to-day ordered Commander Wal ter R. Gherardi, American naval at tache at Berlin, to investigate and make a full report on the destruction of the American steamer Evelyn. So far official advices merely have reported the sinking of the vessel and her cargo but gave no details. Secretary Daniels explained that his purpose in directing an inquiry after the State Department had called upon the Ambassadors at London and Berlin for a report was to secure technical in formation which, perhaps might not be included in the ambassadors' replies. It was, of course, understood that Com mander Gherordi, as American attache at the American embassy at Berlin, would be guided entirely by Ambassa dor Gerard in making his investiga tion. Difficult to Get Information It was said at the Navv Depart ment that from present indications it will be difficult for the naval officer to secure exact information of what actually destroyed the Evelyn. Vnldbsj O-iiptain Smith or eome of the mqpibersj of the crew of the steamer actually saw the conning tower or perisco-pe of a submarine, officials say it would not be •jiossiWe to deny that the Evelyn was sunk by a mine. The fact that the Evelyn lies at the! ■bottom of the North Soa would mako it 1 difficult to examine her hull. It was| pointed out, however, that German of ficials might disclose to the American naval officer in confidence the map of their mine fields in the vicinity where the Evelyn was sunk. The Minister from The Netherlands! called at the State Department to in quire what reports this government had received about the Evelyn. He said he had no official report of the destruc-! tion of the vessel. After conferring ■with Counsellor Ijiinsing IK- expressed the opinion that the sinking apparently must have been entirely accidental. I Sees No Complications Chairman Stone, of the Senate For eign Relations Committee, said he could see no complications arising from the destruction of the Evelyn. "An American vessel," sail the Penator. "ventured into an area known to be mined and unfortunately struck one. So far it is not known what na tion laid the mine. It is probable that a national claim for damages might be made when all the facts are established, but 1 cannot see how serious complica tions could come from the incident." Crew of Evelyn Vessel Saved Ijondon, Feb. 22. —A dispatch from Berlin last night announced that the American steamship Evelyn, which left !New York on January 29 with a cargo of cotton for Bremen, struck a mine off Borkuni Island, in the North Sea at the mouth of the Ems river, and was tnink. Her captain and the crew of twenty-six men were saved. Borkum Island, the most westerly of the West Frisian Islands, is north of the eastern frontier of Holland and about forty miles west of the mouth of the Ems river, which divides Ger many from Holland. It is believed here that the Evelyn was steaming along the Dutch coast and was going to skirt the German coast on the way to Bremen in order to avoid the mine fields. Irish Coaster Another Victim Another victim of German subma rines was reported last night. The small Irish coaster Downshire was sunk Saturday night off Calf of Man, a little island south of the Isle of Man, in the Irish Sea. The submarine ordered the Down shire to stop off the Isle of Man, but the little steamship tried to get away and did not heave to until three shots had been fired at her. The crew of five men were taken n.board the sub marine and detained for a while, but were subsequently released and landoi in their small boat at Dundrum, on the coast of Ireland. Men from the submarine boarded the Steamer and put explosives amidships. Then they retired, and in a few min utes the explosion sent the vessel to the bottom. The submarine which destroyed the Downshire is one of three that have been sighted recently in the Irisfy Sea. A large force of British destroyers is now combing these waters to rout out the enemy. Their presence is a constant menace to transatlantic steamships Continued am Fourth Pace mm Star- llHfer Snkpctikni LATE WAR NEWS SUMMARY The German War Office announced to-day that the Russian tenth army was "considered as having been de stroyed" as a result of the recent Ger man victory in East Prussia. It is stated that more than 100,000 Rus sians, including seven generals, were captured, and that the pursuit of the retreating forces has now been brought to an ued. The Russian military au thorities, however, acknowledge no such losses. They admit that one army corps was cut to pieces, hut assert that the main force extricated itself. In the Vosges further German vic tories are claimed, including the cap ture of another town. The German War Office also states that losses of the allies in recent lighting in the cam paign were "extraordinarily high." The French War Office announcement says that there have been no new de velopments of importance on the west ern front. The naval attache of the American embassy in Berlin has been instructed to investigate the sinking of the Amer ican steamer Evelyn by a mine in the North sea. It was felt a* Washington, however, that no disturbing complica tions would result from the occurrence. The loss oi almost an entire army corps in the recent retreat from East Prussia is admitted by the Russian general staff in its version of the Ger man victory. Of this corps, it is said, only broken and disorganized portions escaped. The success of the Germans is attributed to the overwhelming number Continued on Fourth Pane TftFT SOUNDHURJI NOTE Former President Says Nation Is Se riously Threatened as to Its Rights as a Neutral R)i Associated Press. Morristown, N. J., Feb. 22.—The United States is threatened with a seri ous invasion of its rights as a neutral by the warring nations of Kurope and in proving its commerce with those na tions is face to face with a crisis, in i the opinion of former President -Wil liam H. Tuft. In the solution of that erii-is, should it arise, no jingo spirit must be allowed to prevail, Mr. Taft advised; neither pride nor momentary passion should influence our judgment. "And when the President shall act," Mr. Taft declared, "we must stand bv him to the end. In this determina tion we may be sure that all will join, no matter what their previous views, no •matter what their Kuropean origin. All will forget tlieiT differences in self sacrificing loyalty to our common flag and our common country." Mr. Taft's reference to the situation confronting the United States was made at the conclusion of an address deliv ered here to-day before the Washington Association of New Jersey. FREIGHT STEAMER CUBA SUNK I.N A NORTH SEA COLLISION London, Feb. 22, 2.45 P. M.—The Norwegian freight steamer Cuba, bound from London to Rotterdajn, was sunk to-day in a collision in the North Sea; So far as is known, no lives were lost. The Cuba carried an oflicial mail hag of the American commission for the re lief of Belgium. GREY REPUDIATES STORY THAT ENGLISH WILL SINK U. S. SHIP Washington, Feb. 2'2.—Sir Edward Grey has sent to the State Department through the British embassy here a statement characterizing a« a falsehood i a recent statement from Berlin attribut ing to the British the intention to de-' stroy an American ship in the naval war zone and change it to a German submarine with the expectation of pre-1 cipifating a crisis between the United i States and Germany. The Berlin statement received in the United States by wireless was cabled j to London bv the British envbassv. BERNHARDT'SLEC NOW OFF Famous Atcress Refuses to Have the Amputation Delayed and It Is Performed To-day By Associated Press, Bordeaux, Feb. 22, Via Paris, 11.55 A. M. —The right leg of Madame Sar ah Bernhardt, the famous tragedienne, was amputated to-day at the St. Au gustine hosptal, at Arcachon. The op eration, made necessary by an affection of the knee, which had caused much suffering for several years, was per formed by Prof. De buce, of the Bor deaux University. Professor Pozzi was to havo con ducted the operation yesterday, but he was called to the colors to serve at the Val-De-Grace hospital, n Paris, and he found it impossible to leave his du ties for several days. Madame Bern hardt refused to submit to a delay of what she courageously called her re lease from bondage and it was decided that Prof. De Luce should perform the operation to-day. A bulletin issued immediately after the amputation of Madame Bernhardt's leg said: "The operation was decided upon at a consultation on February 13 of Pro fessors Pozzi, of Paris, anil Denuce and Arnozan, of Bordeaux. It took place on Monday morning and was endured un der the best conditions. The condition of Mins. Bernhardt after the operation also was as good as possible. "Signed, Denuce." HARRISBURG, £A.. MONDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 22. 1915 10 PAGES. RUSSIAN LOSS 111 pirajoio Awful Sweep Made by Germans in the Mazurian Lake Dis trict Campaign SEVEN GENERALS WERE CAPTURED Upwards of 130 Cannon and Other War Material Among Booty Takeu by the Kaiser's Troops in Clearing Out Russians Berlin, Feb. 22, via London, 3.30 P. •M.—The German official statement is sued to-day announces that the cap tures in the battle of the Mazurian Lake district of Kaat Prussia have been increased to seven generals and more than 100,000 men. The pieces of can non taken uuinhered 150. The text of the statement reads: "In the western theatre: Another hostile trench wis taken by us yester day to the east of Ypres (in Belgium). The enemy \s counter attacks on the captured positions remained unsuccess ful. "In the Champagne district there was comparative quiet yesterday. The number of prisoners taken by usduriug the last battles in this region has beeu increased to fifteen officers and more than 1,000 men. The sanguinary losses of the enemy have been extraordinarily high. " The enemy made an unsuccessful attack on our "positions to the east of Verdun during the night. "In the Vosges the villages of Hochrad and Stosswcicr were taken by lis after a short engagement. Otherwise nothing of importance occurred. Mazurian Campaign Closes "In the eastern theatre: The pur suit after the winter battle in the Mazurian district has come to an end. During the clearing up of operations to the northeast of Grodno and in the battles reported during the last few days in the Hobr and Navew dislrict, one commanding general and four other generals and approximately 40,000 men have been taken prisoner up to the present. Seventv-fivc cannon and some machine guus, the actual number of which lias not yet been ascertained, and mu.'h other war material has been cap tured. The total booty taken in the winter battle in the Mazurian district as a result of these additions has been in creased to date to seven geuerals, more than 100,000 men, upwards of 130 can non and quantities of other material of all descriptions, the amount of which cannon \et be approximately esti mated." Tenth Russian Army Destroyed Cannon of a heavy calibre and am munition captured by the enemy were ;« n k in the lakes near Loetzen "and in the Widimer sea. Eight cannon of heavy calibre were dug up or pulled out ot tihe water yesteniav. The tenth Russiau army, linger Gen eral Baron Sievers, is considered as having been destroyed. "New battles appear to be developed at Grodno and to the north of Seicha wolas. It is reported that the battles to the northwest of Ossowetz as well as those at Przasnysz are taking their regular course. There is no news from Poland to the south of the Vistula river." Swiss Soldiers Bring Down Airship Berne, via Paris, Feb. 22, 4.4 5 A. M. Swiss soldiers opened fire vesterdav on an aeroplane, said to have been Ger man, which flew over Bonfal. The ma chine was struck by nine bullets and the pilot was forced to descend at Fer rette after hovering over the positions at Rechesy. NO ACTION OX LIQIOR LICENSES Ccurt Adjourns at Noon Without Pass ing on Applications The Dauphin county court took 110 action to-day on the 172 liquor license applications which are pending. If, as in the past, al! licenses to which 110 remonstrances have been filed are to be allowed another year, it is believed that an order to that effect will be made by the Judges to-morrow. The procedure in the liquor license court was a trifle differeut this year from that of other y»ars and, it is said, this was due to the belief that the cases could be disposed of more expedi tiously by first hearing those in which remonstrances had been filed. All but one of the cases, 'hat of William H. Bowman, for the St. Lawrence hotel, Berrysburg, which will be ended next Monday, now have been heard. At the suggestion of the members of the bar, the Judges adjourned court for the day at noon, this being Wash ington's Birthday anniversary and a national holiday. STOUGH GETS $4,789.33 Campaign at Altoona closes With To tal of 6,773 Converts Altoona, Feb. 22.—The Stough cam paign closed its seven weeks in this city to-day, with a total of 6,775 con verts. The number does not quite come up to the 7,000 of the Harris burg campaign, the biggest ingathering Dr. Stough has had since he entered the evangelistic Held with his own party. The thank offering for the Stough party taken at the tabernacle services yesterday amounted to $4,789.33, which is not far from the $5,600 of tihe Harrisiburg campaign. The Stough party opens a campaign at Lancaster next month. ' WHAT A PITY YE DINNA HAVE ANDY CARNEGIE T' ADVISE * YE* HAS MESSAGE WASHINGTON SENT TO CONGRESS IN 1798 Mrs. Rebecca Hogan in Possession of Document in Handwriting of First Pre ,ident in Which He Urges Na tion to Be Prepared for War One of the most interesting personal relies of George Washington owned in Harrisburg is in [tossession of Mrs. Re becca Hogan, of No. 215 Peffer street, widow of the late Richard Hogan, long prominent in llarrit»burg affairs. Mrs. Hogan, who was a Miss Hynicka be fore her marriage, is a granddaughter of Melchoir Rahin, her father having been Christopher Hynicka. She was born in the house No. 12 Market Square. Melchoir Rahm was a man of affairs in Dauphin county. From 1803 to 1806 he was Sheriff and from 1806 to 1812 he re-presented Dauphin county in the State Senate, the Legislature then meeting in l*ancaster. When Mr. Rahm died there was found among his effects the manuscript copy of one of Presi dent George Washington's messages to Congress, dated June 8, 1790, the en tire document being in Washington's handwriting and the signature standing out boldly. Mrs. Hogan's mother fell heir to the ; document ami in turn gave it to her ! daughter who has kept it many years, | carefully framed' and wrapped up. It ,is well preserved, the ink having faded Continued on Fourth I'aKC KILLED A> AUTO UPSETS Russel Donley Victim of Accident Near Williamstown In Which Three Others Are Hurt I (Special to the Star-Independent.) Williamstown, Pa., Feb. 22. —Russell Donley, 21 years old, was killed and three other men slightly injured late i yesterday afternoon when an automo -1 bile in which they were riding upset on a mountain road about half a mile j from this place. The occupants of the machine includ i ing Russell Donley, his brother, John ! Donloy, William Shuttelworth, Harper Machamer and Lick Carver, had left aibout noon fc>r Branchdale, where they Visited friends. Returning late in the afternoon, their route led oveT a moun tain road. Before the accident Carver left the party and went to his home. John Donley, who was driving the car, then drove down a steep incline with his three companions. It is be lieved a defective wheel caused the car to upset. Russell Donley was thrown over the wind shield, his head striking on a roc'k. John Donley was held in the machine by the steering wheel, but he received bruises about the body.' Machamer and Shuttelworth received slight scratchm on the arms and legs. Russell Donley was brought to his home here by Dr. H. A. Shaeffer, but died within a few feet of the house. He was well known in this vicinity, being the son of Cyrus Donley. Surviv ing him are his parents, one brother and three tisterf. PK TO HOI GEO. Mil Political Job Holders and the .10,000 School Children Have a Day of Rest FIREMEN WILL DINE TO-NIGHT Washington Hose Company, No. 4, Will Celebrate Holiday With Banquet, at Which City Officials Will Speak —Shorter Hours at Postofflce Federal, State, county and eitv offi cials aud employes, bank workers and the. ten thousand odil school chil dren in this city to-day celebrated the one hundred und eighty-third anniver sary of the birth of Ueorge Washing ton by taking a "Jay off." Mauy wom en 's organization marked the day by holding Martha Washington teas. The men of two churches will meet this evening to hear lectures on the life of the "Father of His Country," ami Washington tHose Company No. 4 will hold it's annual banquet. Much business that could 'be trans acted without the aid of the banks for the day went on as usual, but official life was made domestic life as few of the political ,jo<b-holders work on a legal holiday. Capitol Hill was not over crowded with workers, and most of the offices in the Court House were closed Court was adjourned at noon. The school children who suffered be cause the holiday fell on Sunday last year, doubly celebrated it to-day. The "day off" "started the annual spring game of "hold-uip." The fine weather Continued on fourth Pace. ROTARIANS AT PHILADELPHIA Governor Brumbaugh Will Speak at Banquet To-morrow Night More than a score of members of tfhe Harrisburg Rotary Club will be present at the tenth annual conclave of the eastern division of the International Association of Rotary Clubs at Phila delphia to-morrow when a thousand men will gather for business and social purposes. Secretary 'Howard Fry, of the local elaiib left this afternoon for Phila delphia. President William S. Essick will speak at one of the sessions on the topic, "The Ideas of Rotary." At a banquet to-morrow evening, ad dresses will be ina-de by Governor Brumbaugh, Glenn C. Meade, ex-presi dent of the International Association and others. Among the officers present will be Frank Mulholland, of Toledo, international president, who addressed the local elufr about a month ago. 100 SHO6TINQ FOR STATE LIVE BIRD CHAMPIONSHIP "Chief" Bender Among Those Striv ing To-day to Wrest Title From Fred W. Dinger, of This City—4lOO at the Division Street Grounds Fred AV. Dinger, of Harrisburg, pres ent holder of the State live bird cham pionship, defended his title against a field of experts in the annual State shoot held to-day on the grounds of the Harrisburg Sportsmen's Association, at Fourth and Division streets. The shoot drew spectators .from all parts of the State and more than 600 watched the day's sport. Among the contestants were "Chief" Albert Bender, former Philadelphia Athletic pitcher; "Izzy" -Hoffman, manager of last year's Reading Tri- State baseball team; Lee and Frank W ertz and Edward 11. Adams, of Reading. All are expert shots and for mer State champions. The entry list was near the century mark and it will not be known until late to-day who comes out on top. Shooting began at 10 o'clock this morning. If arrangements can be effected, t'hc Williamsport diamond trophy will be awarded to to-day's winner. This prize has not been placed in competi tion for two years. The events were twenty birds each, for which each entrant paid sl2. DON'T HAVE TOMIOTERS School Board Can Borrow For New Building Without Getting the Con sent of the Electors The Harrisburg School Board will not be compelled to go before the vot ers to legalize a loan to buildinig the proposed twelve-room school house at Fifth and Mahantongo streets, a reso lution providing for which was passed by the board Friday night. An increased assessed valuation to igether with the elimination of former bond issues by the sinking fund in creases the borrowing capacity and makes this possible, accordinig to a statement made by an official of the School Boanl to day. A school board may borrow to within two per cent, of the assessed valuation of the district without being compelled to as'k the con sent of the electors. There is now a matorial- difference between the present indebtedness of the district and the outside limit of its borrowing capacity. A special meeting of the finance committee of the board will be held on Thursday night to which all of the members will be invitod. It is likely that definite decision to issue bonds to cover the cost of the new buildinig will be taken at that meeting. This will bo purely a committee ac tion as the board may not legally is sue bonds under the school code except at the time of making the annual tax levy, which is in April. The exact fig ures the board is working on now will not be made public until after Thurs day's meeting of the finance commit tee. rosTscmn PRICE, ONE CENT. BIC BATTLE WITH Bins Redskins and Whites Both Being Reinforc ed and Another Big Fight is Imminent THREE DEAD IN FIRST ENCOUNTER An Indian Maiden Loses Her Life as She Runs Into the lane of Battle —The Fight Started Early Yester day Morning ■BJ/ Associated Press, Denver, C 0,., IVb . 22.—After a bat tie throughout the night near Bluff, I tan, between a hand of 52 Piute In dains ami a posse of 36 white men, led >.T nited States Marshal Aquilu Neb cker, bunds of citizens from varum, towns in LJ ta.h were preparing to-dav The S lnl°i " U> f sißtance of th <* whites! »_ Indians also have been reinforced, two Indians and one white man i£te I kllled :, ' WO Indil,n » «»d a * '" au wounded and two Indians < aptured. One of those killed was an Indian maiden who was said to have run into the line of battle. The fight s arkd early Sunday morning, when bv « n !r ' t e L , Bever » l days' journey V " n t K °"' «"»vfcd at (.lie camp of Tse arrest nif lU J° In,liu " lt>H,lcr ' wllo »o sought a ° " ge 0 murder was Indians Open Fire First From Grayson, Utah, the following ni[rht f° u ba i ttl . e wa " wceived last M I Marslntl Nebeker: Posse of 20 men. led by'siieriff of Doroles county, Kx-Sheriff Jingles of Montezuma county. Col., and Sheriff | eppcrson of San Juan countv, Utah, elt here last night to surprise mid cap ture the Indians At break of day this morning the posse surrounded the .amp in which the Indians wanted wero located. The Indians seemed to be ex pecting the arrival of the posse and opened fire J. 0. Akin, of Dolores, Col., was killed in the beginning of the fight. An Indian called Jack's Broth er was killed and an Indian girl who ran between the posse and the Indians was killed. Two Indians Captured The powe captured Indians named I Howiin and Jack. Both Indians are choice warriors and it is expected other Indians will try to recapture thorn. A | hand of Indians known as Posey'H [band came to the relief of Polk's band I from the souta Posey's band wound icd Joseph E. Cordova, of Cortez, ono I of our men, who was placed to guard Itlio southern appioach. A posse of 15, all this town could arm, has been sent | from here to assist .lie posse at Bluff. A posse of 29 ; s on the road from . Monticello, Utah, to assist those Bt I Bluff. Communication between here | and Bluff has been broken all day and has just been restored. The fighting coutinues fiercely " An Uncontrollable Tribe Tse-Ne-Gat, who is also known as Everett Hatch, is charged with the mur der last March of Juan Chacon, a sheep herder, in Montezuma county, Col. After his arrest the Indian escaped to Utah, where his father, "Old Polk," jis said to have counseled resistance. | The band of which Tse-Ne-Gat is the ! leader is known as an uncontrollable tribo, which has on many occasions giv en settlers of Southeastern Utah much trouble. MRS. STROCK FOUND DEAD ' Wife of the Clerk to the County Com missioners Is Victim of Heart Attack Mrs. .Sarah E. Strock, wife of J. H. Strock, one of the clerks in the office of the Dauphin County Commissioners, died at her home, 96 North Eighteenth street, at 11 o'clock last night, after a long illness from neuralgia of the heart. Mrs. Strock and her daughter, Catherine, retired about 10 o'clock and two'hours later the daughter discovered that her mother was dead. It was evi dent she had 'been dead for about an hour. -Mrs. Strock was a daughter of the late William ami Catherine Yeager, of Linglestown. mhe was married to Mr. Strock on October, 4, 1870. Since IS9B, the Strocks have lived in Harris i burg. Besides her husband, Mrs. Strock left four children, as follows: Cath erine Savilln, at home; Mrs. Anna L. Hocker Penbrook; Mrs. Margaret I* IBaer, this city, and the Rev. B. Strock, Pittsburgh. Six sisters also are among her sur vivors as follows: Mrs. Mary K>-v Noeckcr, Linglestown; Mrs. Morris Tobias, Mrs. Jacob E. Bei'kheimer and 'Mrs. William Look, all of Oberlin; (Mrs. Edward A. Lingle, Enhant, and 'Mrs. Li I lie Tanner, of Kansas. Private funeral services will 'be 'held at the late 'home on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, to be conducted by the Rev. Dr. Thomas ReitVh, pastor of Christ Lutheran church. Interment will be in East (Har risburg cemetery. MERC HANT DIES IN HOSPITAL Balph Blum Wan a Member of Btata Board of Charities Philadelphia, Feb. 22.—Ralph Blum, a widely known merchant and a mem ber of the State Board of Charities, died in a hospital at Atlantic City last nght. from an attack of heart trouble. Mr. Bluin was the founder of the firm of Blum Brothers, which conducted a large department Btorc. After the firm liquidated he opened a store of his own. He was 53 years old and was widely Known in charitable and political circles.