HEADACHE. COLD OR SOUR STOMACH. REGULATE YOUR BOWELS—IO CENTS Siok headaches! Always trace them to : ening headache. Cascarets will remove la/v liver; delaved, fermenting food iu cause by stimulating the liver, mak k«... i • i \ i) » ins the bile and constipation poison the bowels or a sick stomal. Potion- . . , ~*, „_„i * move on and out of the bowels. One OPS, constipated matter, gases and bile uko)l to ni(! ht straightens you out by generated in the bowels, instead of be- morning—a 10-cent box will keep your ing carried out of the system, is reab- j head clear, stomach sweet, liver and sorbed into the blood. When this poi- I bowels regular, and make you feel son reaches the delicate brain tissue jit I bright and cheerful for months. Chil lauses congestion and that dull, sick- idreu need t'ascarets, too. CANDY CATHARTIC^ 10 CENT BOXES-ANY DRUG STORE • I\ewslsF W PROF. DIONISIO IM RESIGNS POSITION AT WORKS The Popular Bandmaster Announced This Morning That He Contemplated Leaving the Borough in Near Fu ture—Has Several Good Offers The resignation of his position at the Pennsylvania steel works by Prof. Dionisio Zala and his announcement, made this morning, that he contem plated leaving the borough in the near m BANDMASTER DIONISIO ZALA fut o to accept one of several more :;tive offers which he has recently received, has caused quite a commotion ; among the bandmen of the borough, : with whom Bandmaster Zala is quite a favorite. Prof. Zala was born in Sipain, in the I Province of Navarra, bordering on ( France, and began the study of music ! when but 6 years of age. He fcevame a •professional at an early age and served in several Spanish regimental bands 1 prior to the Spanish-American war. He came to the borough about sixteen veafs I ago and jointed the Steelton band, then [ called the Citizens' band. About eight J years ago he was offered the position of director of the local band and has been unanimously re-elected each year ' since that time. He is also director I of the Imperial band, which was organ ized a short time ago by consolidating j the Liberty and East End bands, whose j membership is composed entirely of for-1 eigners. Through his efforts the Steel- ' ton band had reached a high pinnacle j in concert music and has secured some | lucrative engagements. PERSONAL Mildren. a young daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Jacob Stehman. is convalesc ing from an attack of illness at the I home of her parents, 10S South Front 1 street. C. X. Mumma, who has been suf- ; fering with an attack of pneumonia, ' is now considerably improved and his ' recovery is looked "for. . Lawrence M. Burkett has gone to his home near Carlisle, where he is con fined with an attack of pneirmonia. ! Mrs. C. Hess, of Steelton, and Mr*. Martin /oil. of Oberiin, visited friends i in Hummelstown, yesterdav. ! s ENGINE FRACTURES RIBS While crossing a track near No. 5I < Scales at the local plant of the Pennsvl vania Steel Company last evening about 6 o'clock, Jundio Removic, aged 1 -9 years, was struck by a wide gauge engine and thrown heavily to the 1 ground. He was removed to the Har- < risburg hospital where it was discov- ' ered he suffered body bruises and the 1 fracture of the fifth and sixth ribs, left, : side. His condition is not serious. Ambition of the Baron ; Miss Beverly Bavne performs two j I daring feats in the Essanay photo- i i drama. "The Ambition of the Baron," ! ( which few would dsfre attempt and none ' : could successfully accomplish without ' ' Miss BaVne's nerve and physical ) strength, born of continuous devotion ) to outdoor sports. She leaps from a . second-story window, where she is sup posed to be imprisoned, into the arms j of T ram-is X. B.ishman, her rescuer, ' c without a slip. Oth.*r thrilling leaps < by Miss Bayne are splendidly port raved ! i in motion pictures at the Standard i: Theatre to-night.—Adv.* The Best Show of the Week at the Standard Theatre To-night A Modern Mephisto. A sensational j drama ih six parts. Francis X. Bushman with Miss Beverly Bayne in the "Ambition of the Baron." Two reels. SEAL ESTATE FOR RENT.. FOR RENT —Houses with all inmprove- ' ments. on S. Fourth St.. Steelton. Xo I "318. J12.00; No. 322. $11.00; Nos. 353 and I i 355, J9.00 per month. Apply 316 S. 1 Fourth SU Steelton. SUNDAY MASSMEBIIXG FOR MEN Second of Series of Me«tings Will Be Held in St. John's Church A mass meetiug for men will be lied| in St. John's Lutheran church Sunday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock and as a num-' ber of other churches in the town are j co-operating in the movement, a record | attendance is looked for. The Rev. (!.' X. lnuffer will address the uien Ju the subject, "One Man's t^uewtion.'' The| Rev. Mr. Lmffcr witl also preside at the | pipe organ in the siuging of the gospel : hymns, and a male quartet composed of Xi. R. Allenian, A. V. MeCaulev, Har i old Wells and H. R. Rupp will render some special selections. Saturday afternoou at 2.30 o'clock,! Mrs. G. X. Lauffer will conkhict the tirs I jei afternoon meetings for women at ' ; the St. John's Lutheran church. These , meetings will be a special feature from ! I now on until Easter, and besides the I | address by Mr<. Liuffer, a very attrac-j i live program is being arranged. Mrs. 1 lxuiffer will speak on "Regeneration." STEELTON NOTES The choir of 'the First Reformed church will hold ts weekly rehearsal j this evening at S a'clock. Benjamin F. Xead. an attorney of I Harrisburg. will deliver an address be- I tore the Men's League of the First Presbyterian church next Tuesdav j night. His subject will be "Civil Law in Pennsylvania." HELLF.R YOTTEY WEDDING Miss Vera Yottey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Yottey, of Oberiin. and 1 John G. Heller, of Hemdon, were quiet - , ly married on Saturday bv the Rev. J. j A. Lyter at the United l*rethren (uir souage, Derrv street. Harris>burg. After a short wedding trip they will make I their home with the bride's parents at Oberiin. FUNERAL OF MEKO PLEMENCIC T aneral services *for Meko Plemencic who was accidentally sh<* late Wednes day by stanko Krzin*nie was held this morning at 9 o'clock at St. Marv's | Catholic church. The Rev. Father rZuvctt officiated and interment was! made iu Mt. Calvary cemetery. Central Grammar School Program The Central grammar sc-hool rendered ! a program tnis afternoon featuring i i l>eorge Washington's birthday. Pa- \ trioti.- songs were rendered. sketches of tn* lives of Lincoln and Washington were read and a debate was held on, Kesoh ed. That Washington perform ed a greater service for his countrv than Lincoln did." Death of Migs Mary Ann St rock Miss Marv A,nn Strock died at the! home of her sistef. Mrs. Mowerv Pine ' street last evening. Funeral services i will be held Mon.lav afternoon at 2 i o clock from the home of Samuel R I Zearfoss. 626 Muench street. Harris-i burg. Interment will be made iu Bald- ! win cemetery. Miss Marie Wiseman, the visiting nurse employed by the Steelton Civic, Club, will be in her offices from Bam to 9 a. m., from 12.30 p. m. to 1.30 I p. m. Big Bill of Features at the Victoria Theatre To-day The Victoria theatre. 223 Market street, to-day presents its patrons with a big bill of features of exceptional merit. The headiiner is "The Hoosier Schoolmaster," in five reels, featuring Max Figman, supported bv Miss Lolita Robertson. Full of thrillinglv amusing 1 scenes and events, this great photo- i drama is well worth seeing and the i Victoria management extends a cordial i invitation to its patrons to take advan- I tage of the production here to-dav. Another extraordinary offering at the '< X ictoria to-day is a s*pecial two-reel I Keystone comedy This piece of film ( is brimming with humor and is one con* tinuous laugh Don't fail to see it to- I day. The program will be concluded j with the Pathe Daily Xews, showing ; latest pictorial news' events at home 1 and abroad. To-morrow's special will be the first ' episode of "The Exploits of Elaine." an extraordinary serial of love, mys tery and adventure, which will continue 1 every week. The management consid ers itself fortunate in securing this big 1 attraction, which promises to outrival 1 "The Million Dollar Mystery." which j pleased so many of its patrons. Don't forget the fourth episode of "Runaway j June" Monday. Adv.* ' | i The Harrisburg Hospital is open daily except Sunday, between 1 and 2 o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical advice and prescriptions to those un able to pay for them. 914 FOR BLOOD DISEASES 606^ «I have made a spe cial study of Dr. Ehr llch's great discoveries, • aivarsan and neosal varsan. I administer ;ither safely and prop »rly. It will pay you i to have an experienced specialist treat you. Hundreds of treat ments given without L any bad effecta Men's I diseases and weakness, catarrh, kidney, blad ler and skin diseases. DR. SGHANTZ. «•£."?»"' ■" 0 X. FOURTH STREET «■ the Busy Be* ~..i | *- • % HARRISBCTRG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 19, 1915. RAILROADS CREW JfIARD - HARRISBURG SIDE PhU»delphi» Division-— lll crew to go first after 3.30 p m.: 132. 112, 133, 117, 106, 134.' 103, 120, 113, ! 122, 104, 119. 124, 109. Engineers for 111, 131, 133. Firemen for 106, 130, 133. , Extra conductors, for 120, 121, 122, 123, 133. A Flagmen fci 120, 131, 133. Engineers up: Downs, 1 Supplee, Foster, McGuire, Speas, Davis, Conk liu, Streeper, Reisiuger, Wolfe, Grass, Everetts, ?melt«cr, Leaynian, Smith, Earhart. Firemen up: Kreider, Wagner, Mof fatt, Gilberg, Chronister, McNoal, j Whichello. Bleich, Farmer, Bglsbaugh, ; Myers, Mulholm, Packer, Shaffer, Rhoads, iHuston. Harts, Arnsbergcr, Martin, Dunlevy, Spring, Barton. Mil ler. Coaductor up: Ford. Flagman up: First. Brakemen up Hivuer, .Munuuavv, Knupp, Busser, Gouse, Cox, Coleman, Kochcnouer, Wilnnd, Muuimaw, C. Payne. Middle Division—24 9 crew to go first after 12,45 p. in.: 232. Laid off: 18. , Preference; 3, 2, 7. Conductors for 2, 7. Flagman for 3. , Engineers up: Wissler, Havens, | Smith, Beunett, Sinionton, Irarman, Xlumnta, Kugler, Knislev, Moore. Firemen up; Fletcher, Potteiger, j Fritz, Drewett. Sheeslev" Stouffor, 1 Karstetter, Wright. v Bornman, Schref ■l der. j Conductors up: Gant. Patrick. Bas kins, Fralick, Paul. Eberle. Brakemen up: Schoffstall, Bickert, Kipp, Heck, Sjvahr, Stahl, Reese, Putt, Bolan, McHenry, Henderson, Frank. Mathias. Bell, Weuriek, j ver. Roller. Myers. Frit/, ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division—2lS crew to Igo first after 3.45 p. m.: 209, 235, (228. 225. Kngineens for 209. 225. Conductors for -'OS, 209, 228. Flagmen for £OS, 223. Conductors up: Miller. Logan,! Stauffer, Shirk. Flagmen up: Harris, Camp, Reitzel, j Douoliue, Snyder. Corrigan. Brakemen up; Felker. Munima.j j Twigg, Keller, Shuler, Goudy, Shaffner. | I Kone, Kinies, Hoopes, Lutz, Taylor. I j Musser, Jacobs, Wolfe, Fair, Albright, j long. Sunimy.vßiee. Malseed, Cr«»bv. ; Middle Division—lo2 crew to go I first at'tei' 2.45 p. in.: 218.'230. 227, | i 251. / Laid off: 111, 104, 113. 110. Yard Crews—Engineers up; Stahl, | s Swab, Crist, Salt-man, Ktihn, Snyder. ; Pelton, Shaver, Landis, Hovler, Beck. ! j Harter, Biever. Firemen up: Crow, Revie. Bostdorf. j 1 Schieffer, Rauci, Lackey. Maeyer, Sliol- ' ter, Snell, Bartolet. Getty, Barkey, | Sheetsf. Eyile. Engineers for 306. 2260. 130, j 1270. * Fireuieu tor 2260. 130. 14.,1820. THE READING P„ H. «: Pj —After 4 p. m.: 4. 16. 2. Eastbound—After 9.45 a. m.: 69, 54. 64, 57, 62, 56. 58. 60. 71, 59. 63. Con iwctors up: Giugiier, Hilton, Or-j j ris, German, Philabnum. Engineers up: Uichwine. Ssssmaii. ! Tipton, Wireman, Woland, Cr;:wfcrd, i Martin, Wyre. Morne, Glass. ! Massimore. Barnhart, Wood, Fetrow. j ; Pletz. , Firemen up: Chronister, Bover, j Beecher, Nye. Lex. l arf. Anders, Ful ton, King. Rumbaugh. Brakemen up: Fleagle. Machamer. Keller, Yoder. Miller. Hinkle. Page, I ! Wvnn, Ely, Holbert, Mumma, Taylor, j I Rittle. thincan, llartz. Kohl, shearer, | Kapp. Warren. BIC MUSICAL EVENT Maud Powell and Evan Williams to Be Here in April—Will Appear at Chestnut Street Hall Maud Bowell, one of the greatest , among living violinists, and Evan Wii- j I liarns, the renowned Welsh tenor, will j t appear in p joint recital at the Chest-! ! nut street auditorium in this city j Thursday evening,, April S, of Easter week. This announcement was made last j night and will be received, doubtlesi. with much interest by the musical de votees this immediate section. Special Saturday Only A beautiful white enamel mirror and ! ! one pound of baking powder for 50 I cents. A mirror that's suitable for any i j r®om. A limited amount. Grand Union i Tea Co., 208 North Second street. Adv. THEIR OWN WARES KILL 35 j Mexico Solomon Makes Punishment Fit the Crime Austin, Tex.. Feb. 19.—A Mexico City dispatch says: The death of several Constitutional j ist soldiers, caused by eating poisoned j j ice cream, led to the arrest of eighty- I ! four ice cream venders in the city. All j were made to eat their own waresj with I : the result that thirty-five of them died i I of poisoning. Banker Sells Out Implement Business Marietta. Feb. 19. —Henry H. Engle, I' lof Rowenna, has sold out his entire i | business to Harry K. Melinger, of West j I Willow, who will assume full charge | on April 1. Mr. Engle has beeu in i business for 23 years, handling farm- ' ing implements, machinery, etc. He is ! the president of the Maytown National , bank, and may remove to Maytown to i reside. I - j» Gold Crowns & Sets of \ Bridge Work Teeth | I; $3, $4, $5 $5 S 1 We always make t«eth (hat lit. J Come In the morning, get your # ]| teeth same day. Plates repaired J i' on short notice. £ |j: Maek's Painless Dentists \ j! SIO Market St. \ i Open Kveallfa. <• I; TO-MORROW \- The Last Day JaL Qf Our .MARKvMjP DOWN- I|i SALE Iff 1' Of Our Entire Stock f j J|f I Suits, Overcoats, Great Coats, I J| Raincoats,Trousers,Furnishings I Etc., at Extreme Price Reductions .«5L I 7 THE HOUSE or KUPFENHEIME* ® It's common enough to find odds and ends, manu- I 1 facturers' mistakes and unsalable left-overs, of all kinds at reduced jj prices, but at this Live Store the entire stock of high-grade, desir- 1 *"■ able merchandise —all new this season and much of it less than a If month old —is to be sold in accordance with the DOUTRICH pol- U 1 icy of carrying no goods over to another season. "You may take i 1 your unrestricted choice to-morrow of anything in this great store 1 £ at the following mark-down prices. Blacks and blue suits included. 9 I You'll See Plenty of Prices as Low as These But Not on an Equal Grade of Merchandise Your Choice of $15.00 A Suits and Overcoats . . "•/ O Your Choice of $20.00 djl A *7C Suits and Overcoats . . * O Your Choice of $25.00 O *7C Suits and Overcoats . . wJ-O* » O ||| All Kuppenheimer Clothes Included in This Sale Complete Satisfaction Guaranteed Whatever Price You Pay Trousers Boys' Clothing $2.00 Trousers • ■ $1.59 $3.50 Suits and Overcoats $2.69 $3.00 Trousers ■ • $2.29 $5.00 Suits and Overcoats $3.69 I $5.00 Trousers ■ $3.69 $7.50 Suits and Overcoats $5.75 $1.50 SHIRTS Thousands of New Patterns $1.19 I 50c Neckwear 39c - I Q __ -—| 304 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa. I 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers