i Premier Showing of SpringOnter Apparel and Millinery i JSjDtffiTlCfrflZ J&L Women™ Men's: WiU Continue Until Saturdag ; I Boys: I I /7* *rt i ► Call 1991—Any Phone Founded 1871 \Jk/' \ T> A A Evening < " c M o a aa + o d m Thursday and Friday were days of continual surprises for 4 ► Saturday nours "A.M«to "P. fl/l. I ! Jr III v\ \ Women's $2.50 to $3.60 Shoes at style seekers—they had never seen such a showing in Harris- i I • 11// V\\\ Pan • burg P 6 ' 0 ™ s .° far in advance of the usual for allowing the J y 'r* PI T> JJ • nuT I \ s ' zes ' n ' ot - new fashions. It pleased us also, because we COULD show < ► 1 lie JrrOOl Ol tllC 1 UQQIIIS? w I |\\ 7/f Mens $2.80 and $3.00 Shoes at the new things ferst that is part of our service. < ► O I. • WM / / \ $1.79 —gun metal calf, box calf m * k* • jj JL/yf \/1 and patent colt dress and heavy 10-morrow there will be lots of interesting fashion sights, in tile lL3.tin£ ' wISJLV ! /' working shoes; button and lace; and every woman is invited to pay especially the millinery and ' ► © wS T&S&U ! s,zes " suit departments a visit. ► Tllat is . wbv this February Furniture Sale has been so j V\; | / 9 iZLSSfyariTta* < successful. Pwas a full grown man's job to plan aud perfect j \\ 1 1 If shoes; double soles : high cjut and , < I a Furniture Sale that was different from any ever held in this i \\ | f jl regular heights ; siees up tol6. VISIOHS 01 G 1*6106 cllld BCdlltV ' ► city, but the proof of its success is evidenced by the remarks J /.; Third Floor —- BOWMAN'S. < ► of satisfaction that are heard from folks who have purchased j //■' ~~ —~— — i Are the New Sarin? Suits I y and the hourly comments of delight that come from every part j s A Treat for * " ► °*' ie urn iture floor. I Little Girls If xve could only stretch our imagination to the point of i ► $15.00 Colonial Library Table, SIB.OO Fumed Oak Library 1 ' ADDrCCi&tiOII" Every girlie up to 10 years creating properwords, there might be some possibility of giv- ' ► $12.75 —dull rubbed mahogany; Table, $14.75 —plank top; under ** i of age who brings her mother ing a fair description of these suits. S ► fitted with drawer and under- shelf; solid construction. ' " lto *' le s^or<l to-morrow be- * ► shelf " * $202.25 Ten-piece Jacobean Din- | fore noon time will receive a we xvant . von *° S(J( ' them, for you can secure a better " ► $34.00 Quartered Oak Colonial ing Room Suite, 5169 this is 1 f npc . # at thn ' handsome blanket for dollie ' i(lea of the coming spring styles than auv fashion magazine " ► Buffet, $29.00-three top draw- one of the most popular dining | LOrSCt Sellingat tnC _ free . No indeed, vou will call picture. ' crs. silver tray, roomy cupboards. room suites on our floor. It is ap- PODlllar PriCC Ot I „* u ij ± l * large linen drawer; built of solid ! predated by every one visiting the t inn I not be « to purchase. We'll exnM von tnmnnw oak throughout. I furniture department. SI.OO Main W6 11 expect you to-moilow. Fifth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. \ chic new Royal Worcester , .. _ _ f ————^ 'corset for the average figure. It's " IVi3SS OT (jOluCtl A long skirt, curved waist and roomy Beautv ■< k bust, together with its perfection , * / : Men's Winter Suits and Overcoats Are l."'i / JmT\ \ ► price for this model. to 75< each. I \ * ) Bidding Farewell to This Store Second floor-BOWMAN'S. | Q rey BlaflkctS ! V\ ' J ' ► « / Tpkp AHvan+aap nf Special at $2.25 \f\ ' 1 Some are going to be worn all summer because the weights Auvaiiidgc ui Value wool pt/T f«-1 " ~k' \- -7J < , are right, and others will be laid aside until next fall because Lowered Prices aud P art «otton ; full bed r I < r the styles will be just as good then as now. On Flannelette ' blueboS ** " d - L* t! will purchase I Garments Mniß f, i° or —BOWMAN'S. n IIHO rv .. B < men's and young White Flannelette Gowns 49* Ulir "lilinerV 1)603^1110111 IS KeCDIIIS ' i men's suits of worsteds and value ><9c t0 !tfL25; double • v,)kt, _® H . .... back and front, with and without jff/mMtmwtAHUtmß>7W&3r nr» ll7» it i * andiiaso vere fuu leug.h, snahed with; Time With Fifth Avenue ; SIO.OO-::" i ■>«-. here , w sara( . h t ere ® a * in j es . B j zes 2 years; embroid- j 1 high-class Fifth AA*enue shops are showing. < $20.00 and less. Also White-pink 8 ! that were sls 00 iilfi 50 a „H and blue stripes " „ .. sueh as only designers of note produce and you will agree with ' SIB.OO !d __ | Open Ajr Isn't Everything us that no showing in Hamsburg can compare with this one, J WALL PAPERS 0r a e^res^'n S Sleep— ±or ex clusiveness of style and variety. i - I mt 0 . - ! Untrimmed Shapes—we c nnot sav too m ich about the J $12.50 w '" P urc^'ase liieSC LrOW inese bpccidl assortment. While we feature shapes of rare beauty and fine- 4 * suits of serges, Prices Were liVafliAr ness—the li lest that are made, yet for $1.95 you may secure 4 worsteds, velours aud home- Intended forSirriTiO* CdtllCr c hic styles in good materials that will trim-up splendidlv. < 5,:^ 22 r e * moo ' • Selling g Pillows Will —; ; j Th" r d Fio.r 'Bowman's, ."J • Aid Greatly BLACK SILKS Good Linoleum ; "" """ " Costs No More Than J !: ?% y^ f/e the First Note of , Inferior Grad PS ' L Spring in a Smart New Suit. The initial hers, sitting rooms and halls. Beau- Instead of so.oo Four styles of 36-inch Black Dress Taffeta at i ■UiACIIUI VJIaUCS " U spring showing is here. ; .TSkT.tSStS 58 fe. T K- ?»*.•. «*•. !1 ; 1» . Unoie«-win ; ► Wall Papers, suitable tor kitch- Feather Pillnws SI 45 : !li-incli Black Satin Messaline, o!' n tr' 1 ! 1 '-'i' n.'' I-in I 'u. 1 r.! : Needy Things for the Kitchen : «• ; K iv«t conventional patterns: »eh ! d ' r oc . , . c .. T • , . I xtr » he vy quality; sq. yd., 49£ 4 Plima-*- "Pymt Bon QC mu borders in combination. Regular Made'of all sanitary feathers. «-* iao Black Satin Imperial, at Regular quality; sq. yd ■> ulimax Fry Pan 98c;— Thermos Bottle, 98<?;— I P'iee He. » eeial at roll. ! and covered with attractive art | ?1«69 yard inlaid Linoleums patterns C o 4 ► smOKeiess and odorless —the formerly $1.50; —all nickel Paper hanging a specialty. ticking. A good $2.00 value. 36-inch Black Bengaline at through to the baek; won't wear off and i * I TI f ' 0okil1 ? 'lteil- corrugated; seamless case; I Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. $1.50 yard. ' look gocxl line of patterns to r Mart's^£cZw rTht^ h^t«Si ure Notably Low Are the Prices for Grey ,£>*«'*»»«■«»«> J ; !; aw;- ! r , Hair Goods J ► V alld U - ( \ X - 81zes j »! ade 1 - japan Aed trim- f'Z Jf, ! IK '! !eS !° ng - S ,>C | Ut ' e, J t0 ?2.45 Main Floor-BOWMAN'S. t Fourth Ploor-SOWMAN'S. , of heavy galvanized iron minors; steel nil tre> batches, 20 inches long. Reduced to #3.45 with copper who bail and faucet Ure.v S>v,tehes, 32 iaehe, loag Redu„«l to | 4 .95 l> o. . viko Aluminum Double 'to : fi-g DINNER SETS REDUCFD < :► Crown Pryer, 25c;—in- Boiler, 98<; - former" V We hare them in all wauWd shades, including irinVrey and PM* Vi Vl-,/1 < !> ? ""' c basl;,,t ' $1.69; cover will fit botll : " h 'a'1° ""''v , , , *f6.90, *f 7.50 and *18.90 Engliah | *15.011 American Porcelain Din. < j mcll size. • vessels. I Jnu- I • ? blonde, medium brown and dark brown switches, 24 Porcelain Dinner Sets—decorated; ner Sets; decorated; 100 pieces at i > Basement-BOWMAVS. aud 2b mch * S at 91 * 45 ' 100-piece set, at #11.50 ! #9.50 . Bt,( ' oud Moor—BOWMAN'S. Basement—BOWMAN'S. " ~ " waaaa.! FISH STOLE HIS GASOLINE GIVES PARK TO SAN rßAWrrarn '.. „t.„. ... r. , ,■ ■ ... I . -• m rStm*M>Mm Michigan Boatman Explains a Mysteri-, ous Disappearance Detroit, Mich., Feb. 19.—Leo Kelly. I director general of Portage Uke, has solved one of tihe oldest of mysteries. Kelly operates the motor boat ferrv ! service. A few weeks ago he observed : a tnysterious disappearance of gasoline i from his reserve tank in the boat. Each j night a gallon or more gasoline disap- 1 peffred. Kelly searched for leaks, tested his valves and could not find the cause of the shrinkage in the supply. He began i to suspect that some oue was pilfering during the night. Watching his vessel to learn the j i-nuse of the loss of gasoline he heard i an odd sound under the keel, anil cast- j iug his light down to the surfave of the ! water he saw large pickerel sucking; the gasoline from the escape pipe of ! the water line. ■ x liu* X iVAIM uiauu Mrs. Henry E. Huntington Offers Site Valued at $275,000 San Francisco. Feb. 19. It has been j ! announced that Mrs. Henry K. Hunting-1 i ton, of New York and Los Angeles, has i offered to the city as a park or chil- ! , dren's playground site, protnjrtv valued ! at $275,000. : She stipulated that the grant be i named Huntington Park and that a I ! fountain, or statue, be erected in com memoration of Collis P. Huntington. The property is in the Xob Hill see l tion. At HO War Veteran Goes to Prison Georgetown, Kv„ Feb. 19.—Lazuran Allen, 80 years old, a Civil war vete | ran, has been sentenced to two years j in the penitentiary for having killed Thomas Moodp Smith, 17 vears old. There had been bad feelings between the "hian and the lad, and, meeting on i a road last October, Allen, armed with ] Ifii fr*iih r .■-i.A-j*. hau-ir : M -A-.ifA' i : ,<■ -it- r- —i—i*. - .■»!. •• « . I ..II- ' «■ ■■ • > I.n. U|,II >»■ !■ I'm II I I «•! HARRTSBUHG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 19. 1915. i a shotgun, fire»l. claiming that Smith | had been teasing him. His plea was I j self-defense. HELD AS FOBGER, ENDS LIFE j Young Man Found Dead in Cell When Officers Come for Him Winsted, Conn., Feb. 19.—William! Strattman, 28, who was locked up in I Hartford Wednesday afternoon charged wit/h issuing two forged checks for small amounts in Torrington, was tound dead in h;s cell Wednesday night when Torrington officers arrived there to get him. He had taiken ! strychnine. ' Strattman when arrested was out on bail furnished by his father awaiting trial in April on the charge of forging checks in Winsted an»l New Hart" ford about five weeks ago. H is said to have committed the forgeries in Tor rington after being bailed out bv his father. .jii . £ .Si. . ■ .'A . . GETS LETTER r>B YEARS OLD 1 Written Before the Civil War by In structor to His PuriU , Colorado Springs, Col., &b. 19. • -Nearly fifty-eight years after it was , written and posted to him a letter has j just been delivered here to Prof. James i Hutchison Kerr. j The missive was written by Prof. E. i ! P. 'M. Fachts, Prof. Kerr's former in-! . Hknictor in civil engineering in an Kasvt j em f«;hool at. New London, Pa., March ; 20. 1857, when Prof. Kerr was not! | quite 20. He is now in his 78rf» year. Prof. Kerr believes the missive was sent to one of the colleges he attended | and mislaid until it was forwarded here. Spent 823 to Save io Cents . Akron. Ohio, Fei>. 19.—Amly Scbu man, a Robinson Clay Products Com pany employe, who never carries more than 10 vents for carfare, bought a re volver to protect himself from holdup men., Now he is out just $23.10. The f revolver cost him $6.50. He was fined j $15.10 for discharging the weapon • , within the city limits and he lost his ; day's wages, $2.50. , Home Referendum to Locate Schools Lancaster, Feb. 19. —The Lancaster; 1 Oity School Board has adopted a unique ! j plan to get the sentiment of the voters , i as to the 'location of the new school | I buildings. The 7,000 pupils will take! j baJlots home for their parents to fill | I out with their preference. Quick Relief for Coughs, Colds and Hoarseness. Clear the Voice—Fine for Speakers and Singers. 25c. OOROAB' DRUG STORES 16 N. Third St. Panni. Station I N ! FOUR CAUGHT IN AUTO FIRE | Owner So Seriously Burned He Has to Be Taken to Hospital | Aillentown, Feb. 19.—His clothes; j igniting from bin flaming automobile, j John Meally was seriously burned while I on the »vay home from here to Slating ! ton, that he is in the AUentown hos- j j pital in a critical condition. The mis ! hap was due to ba<*k-firing and the car < | was destroyed; Mrs. Meally and Miss Emma Moyer j and Elmer Gerloek, of Tamaqua, were slightly seorche<l, but were able to go I home by train. REFUSE TO INDICT I» CHIEFS Grand Jury Reject Charges of Neglect Leading to Wreck New York, Feb. 19.—The Grauil Jury investigating the elevated wreck in this city last December, in which two lives were lost, announced vester- 5 I day its refusal to indict any of the of ficials or directors of the Interborougb Rapid Transit Company, who had been I held under $'5,000 bail each by Coroner Riordan on charges of culpable neglect. The Grand Jury stated also that it J would not indict employes of the yoiu ; pany. | SULLIVAN FREE, REARRESTED Banker Paroled From Sing Sing Re taken on New Charges Ossinning, X. V., Feb. 19. —David A. j irullivjn was released yesterday from | Sing Sin'g prison on parole, having ! served two years of a sentence imposed j for misappropriating $20,000 of the ; funds of the Mechanics' and Trader*' bank, of Brooklyn, of which he was : president. As soon as he was'released he wan rearrested by a deputy Sheriff u-n.i taken to Brooklyn to plead there to new indictments returned against hiin by the Kings County Grand Jurv. VI - 11 ;V* Ki. - ' : ' ■ . ' ~,v, Mb
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers