8 "THE QUALITY STORE"- ECONOMY SPECIALS > FOR FRIDAY'S SELLING ONLY EXTRA SPECIAL Oar an tire Japanese Nainsook, 40 inches stock of Ladios*, Misses' and Chil- wide, vary soft and light weight drcn's Coats is now selling at ex- made of the finest combed yarns— actly ONE-HALF PRICE. suitable for fine underwear and 'chil « dren's use lO-yard pieces sells < i One Black Pony Skin Coat—full regularly at 25c per yard. Special length and of superior quality—was for Friday at, per piece, a -f qq I originally SK.V Special for Friday «p a. .oc» •* $45 280 Gingham Aprons made of splendid, serviceable gingham— color Ladies' Serge Skirts—a small lot guaranteed fast —in blue only In Navy Blue and Black—smaU — lar K® Special for Friday at, 1 sites—were SW.HB to *B.OO values. each Special for Friday at $1.95 ' Baldwin or double service House Dresses made of Blr-ck and White f® 606, ® pecl *? Checks and Striped Percales—regu- y ' per yard lady »1.9K and *2.13. Special for Friday at a»-| -|Q I<V DUCKING FLEECE in a "P l ' 1" beautiful style and color range—all _ , . „,, new patterns. Special for Friday at. Colored Voile and Near-silk per yard -g -t i Waists—all sizes—low necks and llf either long or short sleeves—very ~ .. i~T ' beautiful waists—worth Sl.2T—to T ° ur e 5 t U ** Btock of f"nous close out special for Friday at, each. Lu ? ern ® Underwear for men, women V A . «nd Children at Greatly Bednced OUC Prices. We are closing out this line. Men's Auto or Rain Coats—sizes Ladies' Longcloth Night Gowns, S4 to 46—the kinds regularly sold l* oß afl d embroidery trimmed—low at 9A.00. Special for Friday at neck and short sleeves—were SI.OO. EXCEPTIONAL Curtain Lace „ Men '» and st.so Stiff in white and ecru—the latest spring Bosom Percale Shirts—special for designs—excellent qualities—worth a £, 35c and 20c. Special for Friday at, grade at 75<k per **"* * i M> B rade at si.oo 27x54 high gTi.de Wilton Bugs— Men's heavy weight cotton Un beautiful patterns worth #4.50 ion Suits—stout and regular sizes— and 95.00. Special for Friday at, special for Friday each $3.50 * IOO tods at 79^ $1.50 kinds at OS-I 1Q 8.&X10.6 Tapestry Brussels Rugs «pJ.*X€F I —unique desigm and rich colorings All-linen Torchon Laces and In- ' eg l llarly 861110115 l « inch - inches wide, f 13.50. Special for Friday at Special for Friday at, per yard, ipo*t/0 - - f m2SJS? i. I ™ h » zrr, -.» v Genuine "OBEOON CITY" Wool ' :V * C t0 <M>C values at < Per yarcC Indian Blankets, made of high-grade 19c I wool yams—only a left. Special for Friday Hand Mirrors—good size with 159.00 quality at ffH TX long hcn<Ue and heavy glass, very JpO. 4 O special for Friday at . . ')t 910.00 quality at __ _ "3C " lndividual Folding Drinking Cups ■ Turkish Bath Towels, large size. made of aluminum with good leather heavy weight—hemmed ready for case—special for Friday use—full bleached—2sc quality. „ Special for Friday at. each. loU grades at 20^ 1 50c grades at 35^ Shirt Waist Linen, fine, light : ' weight— 3o inches wide—soc value. Small lot of 25c Breast Pins and Special for Friday at. per yd.. Brooches special j[ or Friday at EXTRA SPECIAL Longclcth. Enameled Bar and Beauty Pins in our own brand—made of fine, clean sets —"><»c qualities. Special for Fri yarns soft chamois finish — ;{« da y at Oct „ inches wide and put up in 10-yard ' P ie f e^~:' rorth 12l *c per yard. Spe- FaulUess Hooks and Eyes 2 dal Fnday at, per piece 9Sc* dozen on a card—white only, worth —— sc. Special for Friday at, per card, 72x90 Bleached Sheets—medium "| g% weight, with 3-inch hems—regularly 38c. Special for Friday at, each. Palm Olive Soap special for Fri 31c day at. per cake I ' I L. W. COOK ■Br — • ■ . JOINT TEACHERS MEETING H Cross Eiver Towns Combine for Edu cational Discussions Teachers of Lemoyne. New Cumber land ami Lower Allen township will bold a joint meeting in the Xew Cum . berland High School Friiav at'teruoon at 2 o clock. The following papers will be read [ • n«i discussed: "The Honorary System Of Promotion—Advantages and Dis | snJvantages. John E. Fenton; "Hand work in the Lower Grades.'' Miss Hel-; ♦*n Fogelsonger; "Parent-Teachers' ; Association—Advantages and Disad • vantages," Miss Edith Mum ma; "Whv ■ Has the Responsibility of the School, Increase During rhe Past Thirty ' 1 ears ?'' Percy Eichelberger. , Hot Water Scalded Girl ' R Sara Parker, aged 6 years, was ad | nutted to the Harrisburg hospital last I night suffering from burns she received when a pan of boiling water fell over her body. Her injuries consisted of a badly scalded left leg and hip. A Possible Reason "Bermuda raises onions and lilies."' "Seems a queer arrangement. I won- why they picket out that particit iiar combinationf" t "Maybe the smell of the one offsets -that of the other."—Ljuisville Courier iJourna!. , f is positive. All evil is so much \d<wtfh\ or nonentitv.—Emerson. 1 } HARRISBURG CARPET CO., 1 1 32 NORTH SECOND STREET I is showing a large line of new Spring patterns in Rugs ■ at reduced prices: I 9x12 fi \ e-franle Body Brussels Rugs reduced from ■ft $27.50 to $25.00 »xl 2 Axminster Rugs reduced from $25.00 to §22.50 M\l2 Axminster Rugs reduced from $22.50.t0 SIB.OO ■xl- Tapestry Bugs reduced from .$16.00 to $13.00 Wool Fiber Rugs reduced from $*9.00 to SB.OO Hxl2 Wool Fibre Rues reduced from SB.OO to 56.50 ■ ALL CARPETS REDUCED V We are showing a new Hug suitable for offices and •public plaees. the KlearfLax Linen Rug, % inch thick, | I Vacuum Cleaners with brush, $5.00 I HARRISBURG I 32 North Second Street HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 18, 1915. AIHSHIP DRIFTS OUT TO SEA ! I . Parseval Dirigible. Badly Damaged and Helpless. Passes Over Antwerp < Amsterdam, Feb. IS.—-A big airship j 1 [ of the Parseval type, apparently dam aged by gunfire, flew over Amsterdam yesterday morniug at ( a height of about 600 feet, and its crew was unable to 1 keep the vessel horizontal. ] Assuming a vertical position, the air ' i .raft drifted in the direction of the J Zuvden Zee. an arm of the North sea, ■ : carrying with it telegraph wires, with j which a dangling rope had become en- - tangled. The air vessel later was j i sighted minus its gondola. The correspondent of the Copen- ( liageu "Politiken" reports that n' Zeppelin dirigible exploded yesterday ; over rhe Danish island of Fanoe, off • the west coast of Jutland. KAISER MAY EXILE THE RICH Said to Plan to Bend 3,000.000 Away to Bave Food Supplies y Copenhagen. Feb. 18.—The report is in circulation here that, owing to the 1 necessity to restrict food consumption, the Otrnn government intends order- , jug 5.000.000 Germans who possess independent incomes, and are ineligible for military service, to leave Germany j ] for neutral countries and remain there, until the war is over. It is planned, according to the re port. That 3,000,000 of these persons ! shall go to the Scandinavian countries. 1.000.00u to Holland and 1.000.000 |to Switzerland. WDDIjETOWN Moulding Department of Stove Work* to Reaume Next Week -Special correspondence. M>d<Uetowu, Feb. 18.—Mrs, J. C. two sons, who hid been visiting Eer sister, Mr* «arrv Jless, Emaus street, left yesterday for King man, Arizona, Mr. Raymond having se cured a position there . . E. Raymond, of Port Arthur, I : Ontario, Canada, arrived in town 011 1 1 Tuesday and will spend some time with ' his mother, Mrs. Seymour Raymond,' : North .Union street. Ralph Sellers moved his IftusehoM I 'goods from Steelton to High street. I r Klla Beaverson has gone to 1 New Cumberland, where she nil! visit 1 her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Sweeney. : for some time. A. S. and family attende.l 1 the funeral of the former's brother at ! York yesterday. Mrs. O. O. Sehaeft'er left 011 Tues | day for Thiladelpliia. where she will j . visit relatives. David Obenstein moved from the Steinmetz property on Water street to ; Rovaltou. | Miss Elaie Seltzer left Wednesday , morlring' for Pliiladel, hia. where she 1 wi!> spend several days, j Mrs. Fannie Fach is ill at her home ' on Witherspoon avenue. Mrs. diaries Overdeer left on Wed nesday morning for Philadelphia, where j she will undergo an operation at the Medieo-Chi hoa)<itaU Mrs. Logermati and Mrs. Zinn, of \ ork, are visiting their father. John | Irelv. Market street Several members *of Middletown , l.odge No. 265, Knights ot' Pythias, I ! will attend a banquet at llarrisburg this evening given by one of the Har- 1 | risburg lodges. K. C. liar man left t'rtV Reading on | Tuesday and may cause a vaeaney in | the School Board. Mr. Garman was , elected by the Board about a year ago 1 'in place of H C. Lindemutii. The moulding drpartmcut of the 1 Wmcfoft stove works will resume work , i next week, making two days a week, } Monday and Friday. Dr. W. 1. Evans is spending several j days at Newark, N. .1. The Middletown High school ba-ket : hall team will play the York Collegiate' I team in the M. A. C. rooms to-morrow evening aud the scrubs will play the I Oberliu team. Mrs. George Seymohr and daughter and Mrs. Seymour, Sr.. ij ent Wednes- 1 day in town as the guests of the frr- . mer's mother, Mrs. Myra Shuitz, Sus- I qiiehanna street. "Mrs. Roy Markley spent Wednesday at Harrisbnrg. MifS Mildred Ktter'is visiting rela tives at Millersburg for several days. Philip Snyder has purchased a ; Dodge (ive-seate i touring car. Quite a number of skaters from ' l-aneaster will take part in the mas querade party at the Luna rink this evening Regent With the closing of to-day's film-1 pkivs another week's series of the Pa-amount exhibitions of PlMt'-p'ft. g will have been exhibited at this the atre and if the passing conmeits o." please 1 pn'ron-* mean any.hinj. those who these screen exhibit! us are more ple-sel than eve- with our films, all ot " hicfi oflfers great one ;u-■ agemcnt to the management in its ef fort to exSthit only t>ie brs* film!. To-day's feature." "His Last Dol lar," is absorbing f;ani sra-: tD fini-h appealing as it does to all the emo tions of the human being to whi.'h the mind is s.'b.ieet. The reprc'l'.iction of the race track scene, in which all the: excitement connected therewith, must be seen to be appreciated.—Adv. * W. U. Hetissl Loaves for South Lancaster, Pa.. Feb. IS.—Kx-Attor-1 nev iieneral \\. t . Hensel. accompa- ; nie.l by his daughter, Mrs. John A. 1 Xauman; Miss Dorothy Fliun an<l Dr. ' T. B. AppeJ, his physician, have starteil for Jacksonville. Pi a. They wiil be the guests for several weeks "of ex-United 1 States Senator James Donald Cameron ' on a housevwat trip on the Srt. John : ' river. ; ' W. C. T. U. Meeting ( The Harrisbnrg Cuion of the Worn- , an s Christiin Temperance Union will'* 1 hold a Francis Willard memorial serv- 11 ice in the Harris Street United Evan- t gel' 'ai church, this evening. ( AMUSEMENTS I Free Moving Pictures every evening 7 to 11 p. m., Palace Confectionery, 225 Market street. ► rz Few persons.live to day, but are pre paring to lo so to-morrow.—Diderot. SINKING OF BRITISH STEAMSHIP BY A GERMA ! |:Js SI NKI NIG OF THE 6|TOH H^X^p ER IKARA OFF HAVRE. I' sinking of the BrUUhYteai^to^kaltH^Thß'ibA o^ 1 ° f * tarTin,r OUI England bv °P«"itine am Inst the ships of the Allies is made evident by the picture shown above, which shows the can Irt to Havre e™ ,1 !i,h ht ,7 ""1°" l **™ d " ° ther Brlt ' Sh SblpS WOFe Sb * »nd » «*«> $1,000,000 and was en route from a South Amor sei iu Te bow and a eel la the bo and a terrific explosion occurred, ship immediately began to sink nnd the crew took to the boats. A French tugboat happened to be near the acene and she made fast to th# •inking ship and attempted to beach her in safe Waters She was not successful, and the Ikaria sank" at the entrance to the harbor. - ~ 1 v i i 4 HOW TO GET HID OF DTSPEPSM ' Don't R«ly on Medicine; Don't Go on Fr»ak Diet; Common Sense and an Antacid Usually All That Are Needed i "If you have dyspepsia. Indigestion, sour stomach, belching, distress after j eating, heartburn or any other stomach I I trouble due to hyperacidity (the usual I cause of stomach troubles), you should take no medicine to act upon the stom ach itself. That Is not the way to cure the trouble. Again, you should not half starve yourself by RO liik without the nutritious food that you ileed to rebuild waste tissues. Some foods aTe not good for people even wlien in perfect healtlf— very rich, sweet, highly seasoned dishes. Avoid these, hut eat fairly substantial meals of plain foods, Eal slowly. Even If j you drink nothing but water, you sho.dd not drink with meals. Drink before and after .eating. Do not take pepsin or other artificial digestants. If you follow the foregoing simple In structions it Is probable that you will nut need any medicine at all except. If you want to call it medicine, a little antacid after meals. The best antacid , Is ordinary bisurated magnesia, which ; ciyi be purchased at any drug store, rhis is not to act upon the stomach hut on the contents of tile stomach. : The antacid, as you can learn by con- I'sulting your dictionary or eneyclope -1 dia, is merely to neutralize or counter t act the exccs3 acid so the stomach can • digest the food normally. Take a tea spoonful of bisurated magnesia In a lit ! tie cold or hot water after each nffal. You should get immediate relief, even lif your case Is severe. Careful, mod ; erate eating and the use of bisurated j magnesia should put your stomach in ; normal condition in a short time: if you 1 have not allowed dysjiepsia |o advance 1 to the extreme stage of developing 1 stomach ulcers.—Adv. mrsTcarmody, mi HERE ON "TWILIGHTSLEEP" ~ JMShmSBS -Mrs. Francis X. Carmody/ the wife [ of Professor Carmody of the Brooklyn j law school. is an ex-regent of the i daughters o(' the Revolution and the nienrber of many social and c-baritable organizations, besides being the mother j of thrpe children, the youngest of which ' ( harlemagne Carinody was born last j August at Freibarg, Germany. Mrs. .Mary Suiuner Bovd is also the mother of a ••Twilight" 'baby, ftoth of. these ladies donate the earnings of their lectures to the association fori the purpose of endowing hospitals and t training schools where American moth-1 _£f«-C"n re eive ''Twilight Sleep' * treat-1 AMUSEMENTS | VtCIWA To-morrow The Exploits of Elaine % m >n«s i-omia hobertso> Special Feature FIHST episode: J Tanhaus3r Spsdai the H OOSier Keystone Comedy r T 011 Featuring Sc/jOO/maSfef In Two Parts F,brUlr » 20 I „l -J to continue fvfrj Saturday £.3? 3dy See thin Itrrx drama' To-morrovr Path NeWS Kcnd th«- Story In the Star-Independent 8 MEN KILLED IN EXPLOSION! Six Others Are Seriously Injured in Miiie at Wllkes-Barre Wilkes-Barre, P*., Feib. 18.—Eight mine workers were killed and siix others seriously injured here yeeterdav by an explosion of gas in the Prospect Col liery of the Lehigh Valley Coal Com pany. Two V»f the injured probably will die.' The accident occurred in the Red Ash vein, nearly two miles from thei I shaft. A heavy pocket of feeder gas! (forced out a wall of coal and was ig nited by the uakenl lights <ff the min ers. The blast swept into the gangway,' where miners and were at lunch., It was here t hat most'oif the killed and j Injured were found. By dark all- the! victims had been brought out of the; mine. A fire started by the explosion was soon put out. • MRS. FULTON GETS DIVORCE Daughter of William L Connell, Scran-1 ton, Given Absolute Decree Scrainton, Pa., Feb. 18. —ttaaed on ; her testimony before Judge Jaines J., O'Neill ten days ago, that financial troubles involving her husband, Charles W. Fulton, now of Kansas City, hail led to his deserting her, Mrs. Fulton was yesterday granted an absolute divorce. Mrs. Fulton, who was Annie C. Con nell, daughter of William L. Council, testified that in 1909 her husband em bezzled funds belonging to an insurance company of wlijch he was agent, and 1 when she refused to come to his finan- i eiul assistance he left her and took up I residence in the western city. Fulton j did not contest the divorce proceed-! '"gs. ! ment without le-avinf; their native land I and where doctors can be taught the i correct application of the drug i I'' acopolamin'' which produces the ef j §eet now universally known as "Twi light Sleep.'' While these lectures are intended primarily for women.no prac : tiving physician, personally known to the management will be refuses! admit tance. At the conclusion of their dis j course, Mrs. Carm#dv and 'Mrs. Boyd will gladly answer all questions which j | the audience may care to ask of them. IXo woman should miss the opfortunity ! to familiarize herself with this ab- j sorbing topic. Adv.* I AMUSEMENTS Y. M. e. A. MEN'S MEETING The Rev. Edwin E~burtta Will Make Address Sunday Afternoon , The Rev. Edwin E. Curtis, pastor of Westminster Presbyterian 'eAureh, will be the speaker at the men's gospel meeting to be held Sunday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. Mr. Curtis is a popular speaker to men, and he will be greeted bv a large audi ence. His address will he evangelistic, aud that will be the character of the meeting. An interesting song and praise serv ice will precede the address under the direction of the chorister W. H. Kautz. Doors will open at 3 o'clock and there} will be ample opportunity for strangers in the city to be cordially welcomed by the men who attend these gatherings ' prior and after the meeting in the as-1 sofiation lobby. All are invited. Barley Water Barley water is a safe and pooling drink and is nutrittious as well. Put! into a pitcher one larrje tablespoonfnl 1 of well washed pearl barley, pour over it two quarts of boiling water, cover and let stand until cold. Drain off the liquid, add one-half cupful of sugar and a little nutmeg. Tf liked, the iuico of_a_leuionjs a pleasant addition.' AMUSEMENTS I MAJESTICKrI CHAI. K. CHAMPUN TO-XIGHT The Heart of Maryland TO-MORROW 2!"* Maater „f the House E "'' Thr Heart of Maryland SATURDAY Mat.. He Fell 111 I.ove With Ilia Wlfr The UhoMt Breaker I'RICKSI Main., 10c and i!Oei Nlthls Mr, 20c, :iOe. ."Wo s Sat. Mat , I Or, :«)<. anil 30c. —■——^ J \ MAJESTIC—Monday, Feb. 22, 2.15 P. M, TWILIGHT SLEEP TALKS BY TWILIGHT SLEEP MOTHERS t MtKR THK U SPU RS OP THK TWILIGHT SI.EEP ASSOCIATION EXCLUSIVELY FOR LADIES NOTE—tlr«. K. X. t nrmml) and Sir*. Mary Suinnrr Boyd villi ansnrr nil guotloni which mny be a«kr<l nt the conclnalon of their lecture*. PRICESt 2.V, r»Oe. "So and 9 MM). SAI.E OPENS TO-MORROW I MAJESTIC- TUESDAY, onf bZ? ht FEB. 23 SEAT SALE OPENS SATURDAY, » A. M. PRICES: Mirrr Floor. »2.M, »I.S*i balcony, »1.50, SI.OO, 75ct Gallery, IVOc. A ME^T9VR / INSJ2^RR.^I COMPANY ° F IO °I ©L createst.p AysjHfiyn special J jpfß comedian llf% I mllllll l ORCHESTRA | F flj HiTCHCQCKiI IN THI ORKAT 810 MOTITAt COMKDT IIICKSH, M "THE BEAUTY SHOP" II By Cbanntef Pollock. lUanold Wolf and Chat 1. Gjtbrat. Direct MM from a half you- at tk* AH« Theater.- N. Y, with lh« Battro Bnadaay MM. Caat aad Production. JfUm y Greatest Staging,Dancing,Looking' Chorus oa Earth, & ORPHIUM COLOmT MARX BROTHERS LOOK THESE OVER and a company of Ifi. In the Musical Empire Comedy Trio I Comedy Hit, ■ HOME AGAIN MARIE KING SCOTT Van and Schenck THREE BARTOS Monarch* of Sons; big SUPPORTING bii.l Every one of 'era a hum dinger. D m' a ? will relieve your indigestion. Manv* people in this town have used them and we have yet to hear of a case where they have failed. We know the formula. Sold only by us—2s« a box. Georoe A. l»orQ>». i AMUSEMENTS REGENT 1". Mimaro. Dnnrr and Mnnftiirr Hours. 12 \'oim to II P. M. TO-DAY'S PAR AMOI NT PROGRAM His Last Dollar A Powerful Dramatic RfflM Shown at the folltmliiK hour*: 1.00, 2.4,%, 4.30, 41.18, K.4N), !>.4,"i p. m.. to- Ket her with the folloulnit lilirli urade eomeoleN in betneem THR WONDKHS »p MAtiKKTISM— OXE KISS—A WKHUITI MAT* TKK FOR A DETKCTIVK TO-MORHOW TIIK IIKKI* PI'RI'I.K—A flue dra matic feature; featuring Clara Kiuihall Vounv, NU|»|iorteil hy Mil tun SIIU and a Company of Starw. Photoplay To-day "NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER" WITH THE PRRFEfT WOMAN ANNETTK KKI.I.UHM A X A Wild, Weird, Spectacular Production From l» a. m. to <1 p. m„ apeeial ad mlaslon on ailultK. lIH-i children, ,V. From « p. 11l to 11 p. m., adllltM, 20ei clilldrV-n, I Oe. V — mf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers