The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 18, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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There's a Sound Note of Economy In To-day's List of Friday Bargains
No Friday. Specials Colored Dress Goods Boys' Trousers Boys' Furnishings Friday Specials at Basement Specials Women's Neckwear
Sent C. 0. D., or Mail or Specials Our entire stock of boys' Boys' 50c negligee shirts the Drug Counter 60c colonial table tumblers. Clearance group of odd
'Phone Orders Filled . Sheph„d check* 36 Friday at special with attached collar. Special 25c Ama m a talcum powder. SP»i»' Friday only, style, won,™'a neckwear,
inches wide. Special Friday ' trnnnern r '• -it Special Friday only, ... 15* values to ;>oc. Special Fri
—>——————— only, yard, 15* qtl.® trousers, . ..,..»5* Boys white hemstitched „ ~ ... , 60c thin blown tumblers, i t 191/ ,
- hmL/ vth E hi? enameled star decoration. ; • , .......... .12/ 2 *
Alarm Clocks inches wide. Special Friday 75c trousers 59* day only, 5 for 10* w^lVwiv S P6< ' Fnday only ' doze :i; Lace co,lars 1,1 whlte and
Alarm WOCKS onlV) vard 2 5* COc trousers, 39* Boys' 10c elastic lisle web 45 < et ' r "' values to 50c. Special
7oc guaranteed alarm _ ~.,R npr, ,i„r „ Sr.i>pinl Fri dav hat brushes. Special 15c amber chandelier gas Friday onlv 25«^
clocks, nickeled. Special Fn- o9c panama, oO inches wide. Boys' Raincoats suspenders. Special Fnday globes. Special Friday only, ' *
dav onlv . 59* Special Friday only, yard, J onl y & * _ J r B 1 Umhrpllas
_ _ " 34* Boys' $1.50 rubberized rain _ . 25c black bristle cloth mureiias
25c silver coin purses. Spe- coats; tan and grey, sizes 4 Men S waiters brushes. Special Friday only, 98c safety razor stroppers. American taffeta umbrel
cial Friday only, 10* cWFridaV only yard 65* to 10 years. Special Friday Men's 10c pad elastic gar- 10* Special Friday only, . .25* las, for men and. women. Spe
-25c white, gold and silver » 85c navy serge, 50 'inches °" ly ' 89 * ters. Special Friday only, 5* 25c white bristle hat Sntlil , cial on 'y
picture frames. Special Fn- wide. Special Friday only, Dive,. Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Moleskin and brushes. Special Friday only, Special Friday on y, 69* Valenciennes Laces
day only, 15* 69* Men's Clothing, 2nd Floor, Bear. ITien S ITlOlcSKin allu 15* pocket levels. Special
srDives Pomeroy & Stewart SI .Q O granite cloth, 54 ——————— Corduroy Coats 25c hair brushes. Special i tiolf 1 vfTnchel
n 2 , i a S , " ,;V ' :ii*'' t Specials ?0 rduroy vests sheep pelt lin- Mustard plasters, 3x4 5 and 6-foot'step'laddert ""Dive,, Pomeroy & Stewart
"7~" sl.oo French twill serge 54 SI.OO mercerized pattern mg. Special Friday only inches. Special Friday only, with pail shelf 89c and <)Bc Street Floor.
Slipper Buckles inches Wide. Special Friday table cloths. Special Friday ?l-»5 2 for 5* values Special Friday only,
39c oxydize silver slipper .V T * * Men sso 00 corduroy coats H and H Carpet goap) 59* and 69*
buckles. Special PViday only, -jo' , c^ e Pf>4o inches 50c mercerized table dam- sheep pelt lining, large fur only 2to a customer. Spe- $1.19 folding ironing boards i
19* Special Friday only, ask , 64 ine hes. Special Fri- collar - Special Friday only, cial Friday only, cake, 12* with adjustable sUnd. Spt Women's and Children's
50c lavallieres in gold and $1 .' 7 5 sn ' k ' popl ' in ' ' in ' navy onty, 2 ®f Men's $4.95 corduroy coats 500 cold cial Friday only ... 75* Handkerchiefs
silver. Special Friday only, 45 inches wide. Special Fri-, Pomeroy ft Stewart _ s heep pelt lining with large cream. Special Friday only, 98c galvanized ash cans Children's hemstitched cot
-25< day only, ..$1.45 Street Floor, Bear. fur collar. Special Friday 25 * with covers. Special Frnlay ton handkerchiefs. Special
25c gold filled cuff links. tar Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, °nly, $3.98 Best witch hazel, bring bot- ° l \ y ' i'i' , Fnday only, (j for 7*
Special Friday only, ...19* Street Floor. _ w .., - tle - Special Friday only, 10c and 15c scrub brushes. Women's initial hemstitch
tarDives, Pomeroy & Stewart Towels and Toweling Wool Toques quart 23* Special Friday only 5* ed hand k er cJS gpe-
Street Floor. 10c union linen toweling,! I 3oys and girls' 50e wool I I 75c toilet water. Special I I Di es " mprov & Stewart, I I ci&l Friday only, 6 for . .25* I
red border 1(5 inches Sne- toques. Special Friday only, Friday onlv 39«* Basemen*. > , ... , .
Bed Snrpartq rea noraer, 10 incnes. ope v •> * nutty ouiy, _______________ Women s hemstitched cross
uea bpreaas Cial Friday only, yard, 61/4* ,
Men's Underwear 6oc crochet bedspreads, Turkish towels, guest size. Hoys and girls SI.W wool Special Friday only, ... 19* ———————— Special Friday only, 3 for
single gjze gpecial FrjdaV Special Friday only, 4 for knit hockey hats. Special ' ,' v Seersucker Romner«? 10*
Natural wool union suits. only, 39* 25* Friday only, 29* . 39c red mbber gloves. Spe- TBUCKer itompers *
Special Friday only, $1.50 "Vj'"'''"/,, p Turkish I towels »" Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart. cial Friday only, 29* Blue striped seersucker Embroidery Specials
u r k A '7 jpx.oif ■ TT . • * iji 0 . . 9uges, &to 5 inches wide. St)e-
tarDives, Pomeroy & Stewart ** Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart FvSavTnW Muslin Drawers cial Friday only, yard, 10*
tar Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart sti-oof Plnnr Roar Street Floor, Rear. rTlday Onlj 89* ~ , .
Street Floor. ' a Friday Specials in Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Mufl'in drawers, cambric , Cambric corset cover em-
—_— Whitp 0-nnH<i Street Floor,' Front. ruffle finished with hemstitch- broidery and flouncing, 17
oi.ii -m WIIIW3 wooub ed hem. Special Friday only, inches wide. Special Friday
——— Mii«lin anrl QViootitirr Shetland FIOSS Remnants of fine white 15* Ollly, yard, 10*
Women's Ribbed Vests musiin ana »neeung A small lot of floss
lot I I crepe, 28 inches wide Spe- ■Rl flP t p 0 +tJ« nQ+O "'Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
38c white cotton ribbed W , C
vests; sleeveless and elbow mus in. pecia layon y, only, hank, 5* 19c white ratine, 28 inches Samole strins of Nottine- Black satin petticoats with _____^
sleeves. Special Friday only, 28c unbleached 2%-yard 25c to SI.OO odd buttons wide slight imperfections. ham lace curtains, iy 4 yards day only "* 6 ' 50* ,
iheetinir Snpeial Fridftv nnlv for dressmakers' uses. Spe- Special Friday only, yard, long, in ecru and white. Spe- Mon'e "Poio»«
«r Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. ihwtu *- bpetial cial, card 8* ial Friday only li>* Muslin Gowns S Pa J amaS
street Floor. * - j- _ ntto _ o mJ 10c white crepe and fancy , $1.50 white madras paia
-1 , ia TSrSy «•« tr," white Muslin Curtains ma r
Women's Union Suits Street Floor. Special Friday only 7* \ T ;'' * Wlth bunch tucks ,ind ruffle(l only, 29* « K mas >" solid tan.
_ . 15c plisse crepe, 30 inches. edge; 2% yards long. Special * Special iriday only, , t .so*
\\hite cotton ribbed union 5c hair nets, Special Fri- Special Friday only, yard, 9* Friday only, pair, 39* Corset Covers «■ Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart.
Say only 59* day only, 4 for 5* 23c English nainsook, 36 p , High neck, tight-fitting cor- Men's store, Street Floor.
' ®® en s Rubbers and Mending silk, black only. inches wide. Special Friday Panel Curtains set coVerSi 2to a customer -
*»Di v Stewart Shoes Special Friday only, doz.. . only, yard, IS I /-* $3.00 to $3.50 ecru panel Special Friday only, ... 10*
sl.lO wool lined mbbers; _ A white Victoria lawn, curtains, one and two of a rr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Shirts
sizes 7 V" to 11. Special Fri- w-yard spool silk; black 40 inches wide. Special Fri- kind, 2V 3 yards long. Spe- Second Floor—Three Elevators. 4, nn :i . t.-_a
——————- TRa and colors. Special, doz., dav onlv. vard 10#* cial Fndav onlv 08* . W.UO counter-soiled shirts,
iur»v.>*. tt n r .; '' j.i i r i .i ' m sizes for men. Special Fri-
Men S Hosiery $2.50 gun metal calf shoes; n . ~ $1.20 English Longloth, 10 Cprim Piir+cii«o -——— _ day only 50<*
121/oc black cotton seam- blucher lace style on full toe e », J omeroy & Stewart ynrds to piece, 36 inches Scrim Curtains F~ ~ Eatrle'shirts of siVlra thnt
less hose. Special Friday las ts, with Goodyear soles. roe ' 00r ' wide. Special Friday only, $3.50 cream .scrim curtains Dress Linens, Ratines are seconds nf <M AS .
only, pair, 7*, 4 for.. .25* Special Friday only, $1.95 ' ple , c . e ' •••.••;•. Fre " l : h applique edge or and Wash Suitings ' sizes 15 to 17. ' Special Fri
-25e grey mixed cotton Pomeroy & Stewart 3.> c plain Avlute organdie, border, 2i/o yards long. Spe- , (iav on]v oer^
seamless hose. Special Friday Street Floor. Black. Dress Goods 38 inches wide. Special Fri- cial Friday only; pair, $1.98 crepe, in good '_. n . p '
__i.. r ,io„ .......i shades: 30 inches wide. Sne- «=»uncs, l omeroy & Stewart
0111 - V ' —_ SI.OO black granite cloth; - v •' • Pomeroy & Stewart c j a ] p r jd av on l v e n 'B Btore > stroet '
fcTDives, Pomeroy & Stewart ——————__________ a ]| woo ) Special Friday W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third-Floor—^Three Elevators. _ *
Street Floor. Wnmpri'Q TTnoiorir onlv yard 59<? Street Floor—Bear. __________________ 15c Eden cloth and fleece
women S Hosiery " ' , .' 'down. Special Friday only,
Cotton lisle fashioned hose; $1.2.> black serge, .>4 inches _ 7'A* Stationery Specials
-r s m nnn seconds of the 25c grade. wule. Special 1 rulav oiily, _____________ . Crepe Gingham 89c dress linen 45 inches r<i , r* r
Boys' Shoes Sn P ,.inl Fridnv onlv 12V* yard 98«> Drpctc Tiuinfycs . . / incnes Clean-up of stationery in
WW ton PIL- b- Q , j p a- w 1 • U uress Linings 2oc imported crepe ging- w 'de. Special Fnday only, soiled boxes, few initials in
shSfiiJT lf t AT «Dives Pomeroy 4 Stewart Boc black serge, oO inches 35c b , ack Mti 36 jncheß , lam> in plaids and stripes . 19* th(! lot . y pecial t>iday onlv
shoes with elk standard fas- Street Floor. wide. Special Friday only. wide Special Friday only, Special Friday only, yard, sl.ooratine, 42 inches wide. 10*
Speciaf Friday "nly, pair,' ' "-I','V -t yard, .
cj gK olHck 1 anania, oO 40c American Beauty silk prints in short lengths. 15<; wash suiting, 30 inches Special Friday only, box,
_ ... , , Pillow Cases inches widc - Special Friday j n black. Special Friday Special Friday only, yard, wide. Special Friday only, 25*
12 bleached pillow cases, V " ' Vanl ~-* 4 * «*• ■ 3s «' . ** W ffic playing card,. Special
from'regular stock. Special 42x36 inches. Special Friday . $2.00 black broadcloth .>4 20c satine, li/a to 4 yard o9c cotton and silk crepe Remnants of ratine, in Ito Friday only, 17*
Fridav onlv nnk . inches wide. Special Friday lengths. Special tnday only, de chine. Special Friday 2i/ 2 -yard lengths. Special 10c and 19c scrap books.
"7 ° bs< ° Dlj only, yard yard, only, yard 19* Friday only, yard, 15* Special Friday only, ...9*
ne3 'stree n t C Floor WrD ' VeS ' s f r ° e ™ e pf St6Wart Pomeroy & Stewart wr Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Diveß> Pome roy & Stewart, <ar Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart,
Stfeet Fl °° r - Street iloor. Street Floor. Street Floor. Street Floor.\ Street Floor. Rear.
'' The Heart of Maryland''
Mr. Oil am pi In will present to-night
I>avij great war drama, "The
Heart of Maryland." There are so
many attractive qualities to this bill
that it has been for the past ten years
one of the most expensive offerings
known to the American stage, and had
been played more times than any other
military play in stage history. Its first
production was the step of Mr. Belasco
into independent theatrical manage
ment. With this first production was
one of the greatest stage favorites, Mrs.
Leslie Carter. The action of the |.lay
is set in Boonesboro, "Greenwulled by
the hills of Maryland," and the time
covers a period of two days during the
second year of the great war between
the North and South. The >plot is too
intricate to describe at short notice and
the play is too well-known to need a
description. Mr. Champlin by special
arrangement has duplicate scenery of
the original production and the presen
tation will be letter perfect. A most
beautiful play is this ami one that ev
ery man, woman and child should see.
A play that is educational and of which
each read or have read about in his
tory. Adv.*
Raymond Hitchcock
Raymond Hitchcock will be wibh us
next Tuesday evening at the Majestic.
In his latest success Mr. Hitchcock will
portray the role of Doctor Arbutus
Budd, an impecunious beauty specialist,
operating an elaborate complexion em
porium on Fifth avenue, New York,
when not otherwise engaged in stand
ing off an arrogant army of insistent
creditors. If one will but imagine Ray
mond Hitchcock in "The Beauty Shop,"
agers, have cthosen for the new vehicle,
little remains to be said. The droll
artistry of this unique comedian will
be made manifest in a particularly fit
ting environment. Just imagine
"Hitwhie" in a beauty shop, and you
will need no urging to attend the fes
tivities. So many secrets will be di
vulged that the ladies will probably find
"The Beauty Shop" equally as enjoy
able as the gentlemen undoubtedly will
consider it to be. The company comes
here direct from several mont'hs of
crowded houses at the Astor theatre,
' New Yo*k, one hundred nights in Chi
cago and two months at the Tremont
theatre, Boston, where the play scored
"the supreme success of the season,"
to quote the generally accepted verdict
of the dramatic reviewers. Adv.*
• Twilight Sleep"
Mrs. Francis X. Carmody, who on
Monday afternoon at 2.15 o'clock at
the Majestic theatre, will deliver a
lecture on "Twilight *Slee>p," has many
more distinctions besides being the
mother of little Charlemagne Carmody,
the little American "Twilight Sleep" '
baby who was born at Freiburg, Ger- •
many, last August. Mrs. Carmody is
the wife of Francis X. Carmody, for
merly professor of Columbia University
and at present professdr at the Brook- 1
lyn law school. .She is an ex-regent of
the Daughters of the Revolution; a
mem'ber of the N. J". Housewives'
League, a member of the lowa Society
and of numerous other social and
charitable organizations. Recently she
became one of the charter members of
the "Twilight Sleep Association," to
gether with Mrs. Orme Wilson, Mrs.
John Jacob Astor, Mrs. Alida Chanler
Emmet t and other well-known and pub
lic spirited women. Adv.*
At the, Orphcum
Unusual sized audiences are on hand
at the Orphcum this week to enjoy one
of the best variety bills that has been
presented there not only this season,
but in fact any other season. And the
beauty of the array of talent that holds
forth there this week is the fact that
it is t'he particular type of entertain
ment that makes a special appeal to
Harrisburg audiences. This is not only
so because Van and Schenck, bhe pop
ular trillers are there, but the head
liner is a big, novel and exceedingly
clever affair, and there are at
three or four other acts that are par
ticularly clever and entertaining. Words
of praise cannot be overdone in speak
ing of the headliner, the Four Marx
Brothers in "Home Again." Here are
four comedians of musical comedy fame,
who certainly keep t'hiygs on the move
during their forty minute playlet. And
their company of talented artists has
never been excelled in any big act
vaudeville has seen. Excellent singing,
comedy of the highest order, pretty
girls and pretentious and picturesque
staging make "Home Again" an ir
resistible vaudeville act. Mr. and Mrs.
'Fran'k Gilmore, who are presenting a
•comedy called "Such Extravagance,"
it might be interesting to note, were
important members at The New the
atre, New York City. They have also
both supported Mrs. Fiske, !Mr. Gilmore
having appeared as her leading man fot
tw seasons. "Such Extravagance" is
a lever vaudeville sketch that is great
ly enhanced by the capable acting of
the company. Adv.* '
At the Colonial
Frank Madden and company in a
rip-roariug comedy farce, called "The
Top Floor Front" and the Empire
Comedy Trio, harmony singers and
•comedians, will likely give each other
an interesting chase for honors on the
new vaudeville show that will be in
augurated at the Colonial to-day. One
! . |
! of the-iii is an excellent comedy capably
| played, and the other is a trio of com- '
hhly trillers, tuneful as they are funny.!
j The Three Barton will add their turn of j
| comedy and thrills, and Marie King i
j Scott, the Hoosicr girl, will have a |
brigiht line of gags and songs. New !
j and timely motion picture features are
'also slated to ap' ear during the last j
I half of the week. Adv.*
Winter Doubles Work
i In summer the work of eliminating
poisons and acids from the blood is
helped bv perspiration. In cold weather, |
with little out door work or exercise to]
cause sweating, the kidneys have to do
double work. Foley Kidney Pills help \
overworked, weak and diseased kidneys 1
to filter and cast out of the blood the
waste matter that causes pains in sides
or back, rheumatism, lumbago, stiffness 1
of joints, sore muscles and other ills re
sulting from improper elimination.—'
George A. Gorgas, 16 North Third j
Street, P. R. R. Station.—Adv.
Finds Body of Brother
Allontown, Pa., Feb. 18.—After get
ting his pay on Saturday evening, Mich
ael Koch, a slate worker of Slatedale,
left for Slatington to shop. When he
had not returned by Monday an alarm
was sent out and a search was made
for him. La»t evening his 'brother An
drew was [Mussing the Cambridge quarry
and saw the boMy in the foot of the
pit. Every penny of his pay was still
in his clothes.
Throwfc Himself Before Train
Shenandoah, Pa., Feb. 18.—An un
identified man, about 25 years old, well
dressed, deliberately threw -himself in
front of a Lehigh Vallev freight train
about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon
at Yatesville, a suburb. He was in
stantly killed.
This afternoon the Cham pi in Stock j
Co. will present "The Master of
the House."
To-night, Mrs. Leslie ■Carter's great
success, "The Heart of Mary
land. ''
To-morrow afternoon, "The Heart
of Maryland."
To-morrow night, "The Stranger."
Saturday afternoon, "He Fell in i
Love with His Wife."
Saturday night, "The Ghost Break- \
Monday afternoon, February 22, at
2.15, Twilight Sleep Lecture to
Women Only.
Tuesduy evening, February 23, Ray
mond Hitchcock, in "The Beauty
Shop." I
Every afternoon und evening, high
class vaudeville.
Every afternoon and evening, vaude
ville and pictures.
Motion Pictures.
Motion Pictures.
Motion Pictures
* ■
Police Seek Manager For the Niece of
Father Mathew
Wil'kes-Barre, Feib. 18. —Josoph P.
I Collins, who posed as a former secre
| tary to John Redmond, the Irish leader,
1 and who managed a lecture tonr I'or
j Miss Kathleen Mathew, niece of Father
I Mathew, the great Irish temperance ad
j vocate, is being sought by the police of
j this city because he is alleged to have
1 decamped with the proceeds of a lecture
| given here by Miss Mathew in the in*
] terest of the Lady of Victory House.
Miss Mathew lectured here in Klinge
| ton and Archibald to well-filled houses,
the receipts bein>£ $640.
' Suit Against Congressman Brodbeck
Not to Be Pressed
York, Feb. 18.—Announcement was
made yesterday that the prosecution in
stituted against Congressman Brodbeck
for an alleged violation of the criminal
code of the United States by giving
William House, a federal employe, a
sum of money to promote his candidacy
has been withdrawn.
The action was expected to follow!
the discontinuance of the contest by
Mr. Brodbeck against the seating of C.
William Beales, Republican, from the
York-A-dAms district.
Water Pressure Inadequate at $7,500
Blaze in Sunbury
Sunbury, Feb. 18.—A $7,500 blaze
yesterday made three families homeless
here, and because of poor water pres
sure threatened to wipe out the busi
ness i\istriet. Business men are indig
nant and declare that in four recent
■■ A
fires the Sunbury Water Company has
failed to furnish enough wateir pressure
to fight a fire.
The streams of water did not reach
the top of a two-story house. The homes
of William Mohen, William Bingaman.
and Ernest Auckers wero damaged.
Artistic Printing at Htnr-Independont.
To Prove ths
Quality of Coal
You must burn it, and after it's
in the cellar it's annoying to dis
cover that it doesn't burn satis
You avoid such risks when you
j order
The Kelley Coal business is one
of the oldest in the city, and for
many years its fuel has been pre
ferred because of its uniformly
good burning finalities.
Any size or kind for any heating
1 N. Third Street
Tenth and State Streets