The StarJndependent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you find out. If you /4 feet front by 76 deep. Pos session April 1, possibly sooner. Apply M. SC HON DORK, 12 S. Fourth St. FARMS FOR SALE TWO enroll farms for sale; size 26 and 39 acres; one near Hershey and the other 2H miles from New Cunrberland. Possession at once. BELL REALTY CO.. Bergner Building. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Three modern new apart ments; 7 rooms, bath, electric lights, steam heat, telephone, gas range, laun dry trays; hard wood floors; No. £39 S. Thirteenth St. Can be seen 10 a. in. to 4 p. m. Apply on premises or call Bell 2283 L FOR REN*—Apartments at southeast corner Fourth and Peffer streets. All conveniences at reasonable rent. Out side porch. Apply B. F. UMBERGEK, 108 N. Second St., or 427 Peffer St. BOOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Rooms for rent; also boarding; two very nicely furnished rooms with all conveniences; rent rea sonabie. Call 1217 Market St. FOR RENT—Three rooms on second floor for light housekeeping. Apply 35 N. Sixteenth street. DESIRABLE ROOMS—Single and en suite—all outside rooms—running water—elevator service—city steam heat—in the Franklin Building, 212 Lo cust St. MILLER BROTHERS & CO., Locust and Court Sts. HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 18, 19lS. Sate and Exchange . ' I /■ FOR SALE C. W. H. ItANUI.KTZ, I,umber—We are overstocked with all kinds ana grades of lumber and we can offer you big bargains. It will pay you to sea us. Office Cameron and Mulberry Sts. OWNER will sacrifice 5-passenger tour ing car in good shape fbr $350 cash. Call Bell phone 100. FOR SALE—Cigar, tobacco and confec tionary store doing a good cash bus iness and also an Ice cream manufac turing plant; will sell at a reasonable figure, Apply L. A. Smith, Fourth and Kelker streets. RESTAURANT at 25 S Second St. Har rlsburg; good trade, In good order; for particulars Inquire on premises. FOR SALE —At GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second St; Red Tip, Ring Point, Blla zard, Rowe Junior, Can't Slip, Giant Grip and Always Sharp Calks. FOR SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second St., 5,000 sets new Sash, Bxlo xl 2 L. prbned and glazed, at $1.15 per set. Also other alsea Wants j HELP WANTED —MALE WANTED—Paperhanger, at once. Call No. 400 N. Second. WANTED—A first class barber for steady work. Address No. 3466, care Star-Independent. ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED; Ablebodied unmarried men between age of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, 3d & Market sts., Harrisburg, 48 N. Queen St., Lancaster, 363 Pine 8t„ Williamsport, S7 W. Mar ket St., York, ur 113 Independence St., shamokln. Pa. WANTED—Several salesmen to demon strate and sell newly patented article that is needed in every house, school room, store and business office in this country. Experience unnecessary. For particulars, write or call on MR. LEM LKY, third floor, front, 202 Locust St. Office hours, 12 to 2 p. m. AUTO transportation school wants men to become practical chauffeurs and earn $75 to SIOO per month. We give i thorough course in crude and practical work for $35.00, No. 5 N. Cameron; Bell phone 1710. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED—Man wants work In a (flore or as janitor, or work in private fam ily. Apply 70 South Cameron St. WANTED —work of any kind; experi enced chauffeur; understands automb biles; address or call 209 N. Second St., Steelton, Pa. YOUNG married man would like posi tion as chauffeur; eig'ht years' experi ence; can do own repairing. Address or call 124 Strawberry Ave. TWO carpenters want work at once; first class finishers. Address JACOB SANDERS, Swatara Station, Pa, WANTED—Position as collector, solici tor or driving team; experienced; would be pleased to have interview with any person needing my services. Ad dress 1302 N. Third St., City, or Bell phone 1685 R. Ask for W. E. M. YOUNG married man, experienced in grading work of all kinds, under stands the handling of men; would con sider any offer. Address or call 412 North St., Harrisburg, Pa. BOOKKEEPER, cashier (28), desires position; ten years' experience; sin gle and double entry; excellent pen man; A 1 references; capable of taking full charge. Address B. ENGEL, 304 Chestnut St. WHITE BOY, 16 years of age, would like to learn barber trade. Apply 1114 N. Cameron St., Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED—By a young colored man, work of any kind. Apply 209 N. Sec ond St., Steelton, Pa. WANTED—Married man wishes posi tion as clerk in factory or store, or In shipping or receiving department; can give good reference and bond. Address J. 1825 Brlggs street. Bell phone 2955W, City. COLORED MAN would like home with a family In the country or suburbs; honest and a good worker. Write or call at 903 Sarah avenue. J. WARN. YOUNG MAN, 29 years of age, desires employment. Is familiar with elec trical work and auto mechanical work. Best of reference. Apply H. H. FROMM, 1411 S. Twelfth St. WANTED—Position as cook, private or commercial; can furnish references. Upply 638 Briggs street. PAINTED woodwork and windows cleaned; automobiles washed. Call Bell phone 1766 J. WANTED—A young married man would like to have a position as stationary engineer; has had eight years experi ence; can do most of his own repairs; or will accept a Job tiring boilers If Job is steady year around. Call R. M., United phone 773Y, City. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED—Experienced stenographer; salary $lO per week. Bring letter, in own handwriting, in person, stating former experience, and apply between 12 and 2 o'clock, Friday.' WINTER PIANO CO., 23 N. Fourth gt. LADlES—lmmediately. Filling and la beling boxes; home work; evenings; steady; no experience; sl2 weekly; no canvassing; excellent opportunity; en close stamp. ERINA Specialty Co., To ronto, Ont. WANTED—A reputable white girl to as sist with housework. 158 S. Second St., Steelton. WANTED Good woman for housework. Must un derstand cooking and gen eral housework. Address 3495, care Star-Independent. WANTED Experienced help. Apply Silk Mill, corner Secotyti and North streets. Wants SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. PLAIN SEWING wanted, to do at home. Apply 12E3M; N. Slxth St.. City. GERMAN woman wants general house work. Apply 493 Molin street, or P. O. box 146, Steelton, Pa. A YOUNG LADY wants general house work or will keep house for widower! Address 811 James Ave. WANTED—A middle-aged lady desires a position as maternity nurse. 1443 Vernon St. WANTED—MiddIe-aged lady wishes day's work of any kind. Cull or ad dress 2005 N. Seventh St. EXPERIENCED dining room girl wants work. Call 418 Market street. WANTED—Position of any kind, or housekeeping in a widower's family, by middle-aged lady with 10-year-old girl. Address MRS. E. BRANDT, West Falrvlew, Pa. WHITE GIRL wants work of any kind; sleep at home; would like Saturday and Sunday afternoons off. Call or ad dress MISS REED. 1527 Wallace St. WANTED—By a colored lady, day's work, dish washing or child's nurse. Call 517 Shaffer avenue. WANTED—By young colored girl, dish washing In hotel. Apply 519 Shaffer Ave. RELIABLE and experienced worker wants ironing or cleaning by the day. Address MISS S. L., 610 N. Second St. EXPERIENCED LADY would like to have a situation for upstairs work or plain cooking; not out of city limits. Address 123 N. Front St., Columbia, Pa. YOUNG colored lady wants work as sec ond girl, child's nurse or assist with housework. Call 2S > Llnden St. WANTED—General housework or dish washing, by a young colored girl. Call or address 1324 M James St. WASHING and Ironing to do at home. Call at 1529-Logan Ave. WANTED—Position aa housekeeper, in respectable family. City preferred. 1 Address 2210 Atlas Ave. ; WANTED—A young married woman wishes work to do at home during | spare time; factory work preferred. Call at 56i Forrest St., Harrisburg. ! WANTED—Washing and ironing" to do i at home, or office cieanin.g Call at I No. 625 Mahantongo St. WANTED—Young lady wishes position as bookkeeper or clerical work; can furnish references. Apply 530 Maclay | street. AGENTS WANTED WANTED Reliable men and women agents, who can hustle for an up-to-date LIVE PROPO SITION. Apply Ruom 27, Spooner J Building, Harrisburg, Pa., 10 a. 111. ] to 5 p. m. BILLY SUNDAY'S MESSAGE—LiberaI terms to live men or women. Apply i Wholesale Depot. 25 North Third, top ) door. iff % Legal I 11 AUDITOR'S NOTICE In the Court of Common Pleas of Dau phin County, Pa. —No. 393, June Term, A. D. 1914—The first and final account of Clair T. Romberger, assignee in trust for the benefit of the creditors of Andrew J. Spannuth, of Jackson Township, Dauphin County, Pa. Notice is hereby given that on Feb ruary 15, 1915, the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County appointed Wm. H. Earnest, auditor In the above mat ter, to distribute the balance in the hands of Glair T. Romberger, assignee as aforesaid, among those entitled to the same, and that the said auditor will sit for the purpose of his appoint ment at the law library, Court House, Harris'burg, Penna.. on Tuesday, March 9th, 1915, at 10 o'clock a. m., when and where all persons Interested may at tend if they see proper so to do. WM. H. EARNEST. Auditor. VAM'AIII.K Hemic KUR SALE The undersigned will sell at public sale, at the Court House, Harrisburg, Pa., on Wednesday, March 17, 1915, at one-thirty p. m„ the following real es tate; No. 1. The tAyo-and-a-half story frame dwelling house. No. 745 S. Twenty-one and-a-hulf street, Harrisburg, Pa., with lot fnwnting twenty feet on Twenty-on and-a-half street, and extending in depth, the same width, one hundred and fifteen feet. This property is in good repair and very desirable. No. i. A lot adjoining the above, fronting twenty feet on Twenty-one and-a-half street, and extending in depth the same width one hundred and fifteen feet. For title to said properties, see Deed Book "B," Vol. 15, page 34. Will be sold clear of incumbrances. GEORGE W. PALMER. FREDERICK M. OTT, Attorney, 222 Market St., Harrisburg. NOTlCE—Letters administration tes tamentary on the estate of Leah Giede, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin county. Pa,, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in Harrisburg, Pa., all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. GEORGE W. GIEDE, Administrator, 1612 Green St. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Letters testa mentary upon the estate of Elmlna Darby, late of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, testate, having been granted unto the under signed by the Register of Wills of said County, all persons Indebted thereto are requested to make prompt payment and those having claims against th 6 same to present them without delay to W. F. DARBY, Steelton, Pa. NOTlCE—Letters of administration testamentary on the estate of Alex ander McAlicher, late of Harrisburg. Dauphin county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, re siding In Harrisburg, ail persons in debted to said estate arc requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. C. E. M'ALICHER 2124 Penn St., SHERMAN G. M'ALICHER. 633 Dauphin St., Executors. ACTRESS WHO IS INS Theatrical circles are still discussing the secret marriage of Collin Kemper, prominent In the stage world as a member of the producing firm of Wagenhals & Kemper, and Miss Hope Latham, who disappeared from the footllght dis trict three years ago while in the heydey of her popularity. The two were wedded In Hoboken on January 5 and are now on a honeymoon In the South. In the application for a wedding license and on the records in Hoboken Mr. Kemper's name Is given as James Hadlock. His home town is Oswego, N. Y. That Collin Kemper and James Hadlock are one and the same man will be a surprise to hundreds of his friends, who knew him only as Mr. Kemper. Miss Latham also had taken a name for professional purposes. She was Louise Brega, under which name sire was married to Mr. Coykendall. Mr. Kemper has not been married before. APARTMENTS ... Suites of 2 Rooms and Bath IN THE Reynard, 208 N. Third Street Large, light, airy, and comfortable rooms. Steam heat and constant hot and cold water sup plied. Hardwood floors; electric light; wired for tele phone service. TILED BATHROOMS. APPLY TO Commonwealth Trust Company, 222 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa. — J Lost and Found FOUND. FOUND—A pair of nose glasses, in case of R. D. Pratt, 807 N. Third St. Found in Keystone Cycle Co., 814 N. Third St. Owner may have same by identifying property and paying for this ad. FOUND—On Market Square, Monday p. m„ a gold ring set with live blue stones. Owner may have ring by iden tifying same and paying for this ad. Uall at Star-Independent office. FOUND—The way to end your cleaning and dyeing worries by calling either phone for Kggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 12.46 Market LOST. LOST—During recent Ice flood a flat broke loose at Northumberland and went adrift, had machinery on belong ing to a coal digger. Any person lo cating same pleaße notify J. W. Snyder, Shamokin Dam, Pa., or Chas. Miles, 515 Muelich St., llarriftburg, Pa. FOR SALE A knitting factory; all Improve ments; electric power; frame; steam heat, well lighted; equipped with the latest knitting and sewing machinery. Possession given at once. We will rent If party would be Interested In the manu facturing of ladles' garment*. Information Wanted—Call Bell phone 74, Steelton. Pa., or M. R. ALLEMAN 145 91. FRUNT STHKIi'r STEELTON. PA. i At Victoria "The Hoosier Schoolmaster," will be shown at the Victoria. A picture in five parts that we feel sure our patrons will greatly en,joy along with "Th« Smug gled Diamond" in two reels as a-spe cial to-day. Saturday, February 20, "The Exploits of Elaine," story now in Philadelphia "Inquire." Also don't forget Monday "Runaway June," in fourth period.—Adv.* I For Rent Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. Apply Union Trust Co. ■> FOR SALE The four-story brick dwelling house No. 109 8. Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa., fronting twenty-six feet °n Secopd Street, and extending in depth niijcty-five feet to an alloy; first floor now occupied a» a whole sale liqnor store. Title perfect. FREDERICK M. OTT, Executor of Mary E. Winters, De ceased, 222 Market Street, Har risburg, Pa. [FOR SALE !>ook here! Do yon want to buy a new home? Go to fiiG to 630 Geary St. I am JUBt finishing four three story brick, mansard roof houses, with wide front and l»ack porches und balcony. Bay windows, grano lithic pavement and steps; cemented cellar, hot and cold waiter In cellar. Parlor and dining room, large kltch on, five bed rooms and bath, six large rlosets, vestibule and open stairways. Gas and electric lights. Parlor and dining room finished doors. So houses In the city for the price ask ed. Buy now and you can select paper to suit. Go to see them at once, before too late. The price will sui prise you. F. H. Hantzman < office mm ilrißK* si. ' 13 FINANCE MUCH INTEREST IN MARKET THaOUCH TENSION ABROAD In the First Hour Beading, U. S. Steel and Amalgamated Copper Fall Frac tionally Under Yesterday's Lowest Quotations New York, Fdb. 18. —Wall Street.— Mare than ordinary interest attached to Fhc opening of to-day's stock mar ket because of the increased tension abroad. London, however, showed some firmness in tine American list and initial prices here, while somewhat ir regular, indicated a degree of support, leadling issues advancing a fraction over yesterday's close. The feature of the special group -was Mexican Petrole um which was heavily traded in a. further decline. The stock's feverish movement suggested precipitate liqui dation. Texas Company, another oil property, also was weak. Standard shares, including the Pa cifies, Heading, IT. S. Hteel and Amal gamated Copper fell fractionally under yesterday's lowest quotations in tha first, hour. Suchi upward tendencies as the list might have shown were checked by obvious manipulations in certain, specialties and the further concern evinced over the foreign situation. Eu ropean offerings caused recurrent de pression in investment bonds. Philadelphia Produce Market Philadelphia, Feb. IS. —Wheat lower; No. 2 red sl>oi, export, 158®163; No. 1 northern, Duluth export, 160® 171, Corn weak; No. 2 yellow, local, 83 @ 83 Va- Oats lower; No. 2 white, 64@641a. Bran steady; winter, pur ton, 31.00; spring, (28.00@28.50. Kelined sugars firm; powdered, 6.85; fine granulated, 5.75; Confectioners' A, 5.05. Butter steady; western creamery, ex tra, 31; nearby prints, fancy, 34. Eggs higher; nearby firsts, free case, $8.10; current receipts, free case, $7.95; western extra firsts, free case, 8,10; firsts, free case, 7.95. Live poultry weaker; fowls, ■ 14 15%; old roosters, 11@11".: chickens, 134)/16; turkeys, 15(0)17; geese, 12@16. Dressed poultry easier; fowls, 1814® 19%; average, 16V2@18i4; small, li&i 16; old roosters, 14; broiling chickens, nearby, 18®23; western, 14<£{/22; roast ing chickens, 17@20; turkeys, fancy, 22; tair to good, iß@2o; ducks, 12®18; jeese, 10® 14. Potatoes weaker; Pennsylvania, per bushel, 60@63; Maine, 45®50; New York, 40®45; Jersey, per basket, 30@35. l'lour nominal; winter straight, 7.25 ®7.50; spring straight, 7.0U@7.25; do., patent, 7.35@8.50. Hay firm; No. 1 large bales, 18.50® 19.00; No. 1 medium bales, 18.50® 19.00; No. 2 do., 17.00® 18.00; No. 3 do., 14.50® 15.50. Clover mixed, light. 17.50@18.0u; No. 1 do., 16.50 @17.00; No. 2, 15.00® 16.00. Chicago Live Stock Market Chicago, Feb. 18.—Hogs—Receipts, 38,000; slow. Bulk, 6.45@6..i5; light, 6.3(> @6.55; mixed, 6.35@6.60; heavy, 6,20® 6.55; rough, 6.20@6.30; pigs, 5.26@6.40. Cattle—'Receipts, 5,000; firm. Native steers, 5.20@8.40; western, 4.65@7.20; • cows and heifers, 3.30@7.80; calves, 6.5ti @10.20. Sheep—Receipts, 10,000; dull. Sheep, 6.40@7.25; yearlings, 7.25@7.90; lambs, 7.25@8.70. LIVE STOCK PRICES Philadelphia, Feb. 18.—Conditions fop three days, ending Wednesday evening, February 17: Beef Cattle—There was very little doing and values showed no material change; the stock, arriving for imme diate slaughtering was of Ohio and Kentucky brands. Cows and calves were neglected. The temporary quarantine will be removed on Friday. Quotations; Steers —-Extra higher; average best, $8.0u@8.10; choice, $7.80@7.90; good, $7.60@7.70; medium, $7.40®7.50; com mon, $7.00@7.25; bulls, $5.00®6.25; fat cows, $4.50@5.75; thin cows, $2.75® 4.50; milch cows, common to choice, $45 @7O; extra, SBO. Veal calves, excep tional lots, $11.00@11.50; good to choice, $ 10.00@ 10.50; medium, $5.00@9.00; com mon, sU.oti® 7.00; southerns and barn yards, $5.00@7.00. Sheep and Lambs —The market was very dull and inactive at the prices. Quotations; Sheep— Wethers, extra $6.75@7.00 Choice $6.25® 6.50 Medium $5,00 @ 5.50 Common, $3.50@4.00 Bwes, heavy fat $5.50@6.00 Lambs— Extra $9.25@9.r,0 Good to choice, $8.50@9.00 Medium, $8,00@8.25 Common $6.00@f1.50 Hogs—An unsettled situation prevail ed and reliable prices were unobtain able. City Dressed Stock—Trade was of very moderate proportions, with air choice and prime meats steadily held. (Quotations: Steers, 10V4@15c; heifers, 10®13ftc; cows, B@l2c; veal calves, 15@16c; ex tra calves, 17c; southerns and barn eurds, lo@12c; country dressed, 13® 14c; extra, 16c; sheep, 10