The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 17, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    Co many people suffer from I
O weak, inactive sluggish kidneys,
and don't know whet tils them. All tired out and
miserable—run down and nervous—sleep poorly and
no appetite—pain in back and sides —swollen ankles an<)
joints—bladder weaknesses —that'a kidney trouble. Yon
need the medicine that atops the cause of your trouble. £■[. <■ TO
That's exactly what FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS
They are tonic and strengthening, build up your kidney s, yf HfllP
reduce swellings, make you feel fit, active and energetic f\
again. They are a wonder ta those using them. Try j 9U!vtu -
them yourself. Contain no habit forming drugs, „
Geo. A. Gorgas, 16 North Third Street and P. R. R. Station,
Annual Banquet Will Hereafter Be
Held On Washington's Birthday—
Borough Council and Band Will Be
Guests of riremen
The annual banquet of the Citizen's
Fire Company, of Highspire, which has
heretofore been held on the evening of
r the anniversary of its organization, will
hereafter be held on the evening of
February 22, in honor of Geoige Wash
ington, aoeordiug to a resolution passed
by the company at its last regular meet
ing. The banquet this year will be
held next Monday evening and will con
sist of a sauerkraut supper with proper
side dishes.
Music for the occasion will be fur
nished by the Highspire band and the
members of the borough council will be
guests of the fire laddies. The commit
tee of arrangements is endeavoring to
secure one or more good after-dinner
speakers among those invited.
Melvin Hoeker Fractures Left Arm
Last Evening In Accident
Special Correspondence.
Oberlin, Feb. 17.—Melvin Hoeker,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Hoeker,
while going from the United Brethren
church last evening at the close of tihe
evangelistic services, slipped on the
icy_ sidewalk and in falling struck his
left arm against the curb with such
force as to result in a fracture near
the elbow.
Great interest is being manifested
in the evangelistic services in Neidig
Memorial United Brethren church,
which have been conducted for several
weeks 'bv the Kev. C. E. Boughter.
Thirty-five conversions have been re
ported with a numiber of seekers last
evening. The services will be continued
each evening this week. Special music
by the choir at each service are fea
The King's Daughters of the Unit
ed Brethren Sunday school celebrated
the fifth anniversary of its organiza
tion Sunday with a program which was
rendered in the church at 2.30 o'clock
in the afternoon. Music was furnished
•by a male quartet and the Sunday
school orchestra played three selections.
'Jlie Kev. P. H. Balsbaugh, of Harris
burg, delivered an interesting address.
The trolley car which left Oberlin
this morning at 8.30 o'clock was de
railed while descending tie step grade
between Erftiaut and Chambers street,
Steelton. Crew and passengers were
shaken, but all escaped injury as the
tnotorman had the car well under con
The choir of Salem Lutheran church
will hoi (I its weekly rehearsal Friday
evening at 7.3(1 o'clock in the church.
The congregation and Sunday school
of Salem Lutheran cihurc'h yill combine
in holding a missionary service, en
titled "Thy Kingdom Come,'' in the
church at 10.30 o'clock Sunday morn
Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Tobias have re
turned from Lebanon cpunty where
they attended the funeral of 'the for
mer s brother, Amos, Sunday after
Miss Stella Kostenbader, 'Rutherford,
was entertained by Oberlin friends on
The Rev. J. B. Rupley, of the Gettys
burg Theological Seminary, spent Sun
day witih his -parents, the Rev. and Mrs.
D. B. Rupley.
Mrs. 'Milton Balsbaugh, Pleasant ave
nue, was removed to t>be Harrisburg
hospital yesterday for an operation.
Miss Anna Balsbaugh is seriously ill
with pneumonia at the home of her
parents, En'haut.
.John Peck is seriously ill at his home,
Harrisburg street.
Mrs. William Horner is convalescing
from a nervous breakdown at her home
'Main street.
Mrs. Kate Horner is visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Barbara Hershev, at^Hershev.
A Show of Great Merit at the
Standard Theatre To-night
Perils of Pauline—Sevent episode.
Two reels.
The Deserted House. Two reels.
The Home Coming of Henry. One reel.
Flee, You Are Discovered. One reel.
A Clash of Virtues. One reel.
FOR RENT—'Nicely furnished second
story front or back room, suitabl&for
man »nd wife or two gentlemen. L»iglit,
heat and bath. Apply 36 S. HarrisburK
St., Steelton, Pa.
FOR RENT—Houses with all Inniprove
ments, on 3. Fourth St., Steelton. No
318, 112.00; No. 322, $11.00; Nos. 353 and
355, $9.00 per month. Apply 316 &
Fourth St., Steelton.
Germans and Magyars Excel in Size
and Diversity of Fasnacht Celebra
tion—Mrs. Ludes and Mrs. Gaffney
Hostesses to St. James' Guild
Various social functions, greater than
i in any previous voir, marked the elos
| ing of the pre-Lenton season in the
j borough. The following arc some of the
! most prominent affairs held within the
j last two days: Mrs. Mary Gaffney, eu-
I tertained about fifty membcrrs anil
| friends of the St. James' Altar Guild,
Lat her home, 114 North Second street,
1 last evening at five hundred. Mrs.
Mathias Ludes entertained the re
fraining members "Of the same Guild at
her home, 559 North Secoud street, at
the same hours.
The Magyars of the borough and
vicinity celebrated the event with a
dance in Miller's hall, Good street, last
| evening, which was attended by litin
! dreds during the course of the evening.
I The Germans closed their celebration or
Fasnacht in the hall of the German
j Quartet Club last evening after holding
I festivities since Monday. Kriners and
j Croatian* held rival celebrations in
their respective halls, South Second
Willis Miller has installed a shoe
shining department to his tonsorial
shop. North Front street.
X new bulletin board, 30 by 45
I inches has been placed on the St. John '9
Lutheran church, facing the corner of
Second and Pine streets, on which will
be stenciled the hours of regular meet
ings and the name of the pastor.
The Ladies' Aid of Mt. Zion Metho
dist church, East End, will hold a box
■social Friday evening at the home of
j Hoyt Nissley, 2637 South Second
The regular mid-week prayer services
will be held this evening at 7.45 o'clock
in Grace Methodist Evangelical church.
Classes 8 and 19. of the First M. E.
Sunday sidiool, will hold a sale of home
made bread, pies, cakes and ice cream
in the social room of the church, Fourth
and Pine streets, to-morrow, eommenc
intg at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
The Rev. Charles A. Huvette open
ed a series of monthly lectures last
j niight to the Men's Bible class in the
First Reformed church. The Rev. Mr.
j Huvette talked on "Turkey" and used
a number of high classed lantern elides.
Refreshments were served.
Simon J. Auman, South Second
street, was arrested yesterdav on
charges of desertion and non-support
and assault and battery made by his
wife. He was committed to jail in
default of bail for a hearing before
Squire Gardner.
F. A. Lawrence, 2629 South Second !
street, left Monday afternoon for Wau- ]
htgan, 111., on business for the Semet-
Solway colte plant.
Mrs. George R. Baehears. 193 South
Front street, who has been ill for some
time, was last night reported in a se
rious condition.
Standard Theatre's Offerings
The Perils of Pauline," which are
ncaring a close, will be continued in
thrilling intensity in two reels this
evening, while those who are fond o£
ghosts will be wonderfully interested in
two reels of "A Deserted House."
Drama and comedy are strangely mixed
in this excellent program.Adv.*
Quarantine Township Farm
A case of hoof and mouth disease
was found on a farm in Swatara town
ship yesterday and the* State veterinary
department placed two experienced men !
on the farm to-day to inspect all the ;
cattle and place a quarantine.
Death of Mrs. Daniel Sample
Mrs. Daniel Sample died at 6 o'clock '
last evenin/g at her home, South Front i
street, of complications after an illnSas 1
lasting nearly two years. Funeral aT
rangeinents were not concluded this
Miss Marie Wiseman, the visiting
nurse employed by the Steelton Civic
Club, will be in her offices from 8 a. m.
to 9 a. m., from 12.30 p. ni. to 1.30
p. m.
A Bright Scholar
One of the earlier French princes
being too indolent or too stupid tn> ac
quire his alphabet by the ordinary proc
ess, a squad of servants were placed
in attendance upon him, ea.flh with a
huge letter painted upon hdis breast. As
he knew not their names he was oblig
ed to cal them by thair letter when
lie wanted their services, which in due
time gace him the requisite degree of
literaturo for the exercise otf tihe royal
Artistic Printing at Star-Independent.
CMtlnard Prom First Pit*
in Northumberland, Danville, Bloolns
burg and Berwick, the party going
from Berwick to Wilkes-Barre for the
night. The headquarters of the Har
risburg party will be the Sterling ho
tel, where dinner will be served this
Advantages of the Trip
This second annual trade extension
tour of the Chamber of Commerce be
gan with all those participating having
full understanding of exactly what? it
means to the individual business man
and to the city in general, bast year's
trip, which included York and Lebanon
and the important towns along the rail
roads between those places, proved of
lasting benefit, actual returns in cash
turning up as a direct result, during
the interval of the year.
This trip, as last year's, is crowded
with snrall' stops that do not permit
visits to all of the retailers who handle
Harrisbun,j goods, but most of the busi
ness men of these towns are members
of organizations which have under
taken the entertainment of the Harris
burg tourists. Old business acquaint
ances are being renewed, new ones
formed even in the brief time allotted.
This pilgrimage is for the purpose of
putting Harrisburg-made products on
the market and compelling purchasers
in a wide district, which can readily
be reached by daily freight out of Har
risburg, to recognize in Harrisburg a
buying center of no mean proportions.
These trips are destined to become as
much an institution in the Harrisburg
Chamber of Commerce as the bureau
which makes solicitors explain their
projects to the Chamber before getting
funds from its members.
The increased freight facilities grant
ed by the Pennsylvania railroad from
Harrisburg to Sunbury, make the visit
1 to the latter city especially important.
The Capital City merchants have tho
I chance to send perishable freight with
j the assurance that it will be off the
car by 10 o'clock the following morn
ing. The trip to Sun bury was therefore
I an imjMirtant one in the wake of that
j announcement by the Pennsv.
The officers of the Chamber worked
j hard to get as large a number as pos-
I sible of business men to take the trip,
| and the list shows representatives of
| large Harrisburg wholesalers and job
bers, whose selling territory is bound
j to be increased as a result of the tour.
Among Those in the Party
On the special train leaving Harris
burg this morning were:
Henderson Gilbert, president Har-
I risburg Chamber of Commerce, partner
jin Henry Gilbert & Son, wholesale
| hardware.
Charles W. Burtnett, chairman trade
j extension committee, Evans-Burtnett
Company, grocers.
I E. L. McColgin. secretary Harris
i burg Chamber of Commerce.
| J. G. Greishaber, disbursing officer,
j teiler, Dauphin Deposit Trust Company,
j J. 11. Nixon, agent, Pennsylvania
railroad, chairman amusement company.
Carl W. Davis, of J. Horace McFar
land Printing Company, chairman ad
vertising committee.
Stanley Jean, chairman concessions
committee, Hasten Brothers Company.
A. D. Bacon, president D. Bacon
Company, manufacturing confectioners.
George W. Bogar, proprietor, sport
ing goods store.
Harvey B. Bair, cigar manufacturer.
J. William Bowman, of Bowman &
Company, department store.
Henry Claster, jeweler.
Joseph Claster, wholesale clothing.
William H. Benethum, Jr., and J. H.
Hillegas, of Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
department store.
Dr. E. L. Denniston.
P. G. Dioner, jeweler.
George T. Eldridge, Harrisburg Gas
P. G. Farquharson, insurance.
< Howard Pry, secretary Rotary Club
and b rv Coal Company.
E. H. Suhell and M. W. Fager, of
Henry GiPoert & Son, wholesale hard
J. A. Andrews, Harrisburg Bakin*
Company. °
J. H. Rice, hotel.
Charles Hartzell, State House.
John Heathcote, Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company.
Charles M McNaughton, John C.
Herman & Co., cigar manufacturers
Brook Tront and Harry Keffer, of
| Johnston Paper Company, wholesale
C. E. Kalf wasser and Robert W. Hoy,
Harrisburg Light and Power Company.
H. L. Morrisey, Keystone Printing
Charles R. Knoll, Hanover Shoe!
| Albert Hirschler and Edgar Marks.'
jot Samuel Kulin, wholesale clothing. i
James H Lutz, plumber.
R. L. BecUley, Harrisburg Electric i
Supply Company.
John S. Musser, proprietor Dauphin i
Electric Supply Company.
Richard M. H. Wharton, general
manager, tihe "Patriot,"
C. E. Bechtel, reporter, the "Pa
Gus M. Steinmetz, managing editor,
the "Telegraph," and J. P. McCul
lough, of the Telegraph Printing Com
Robert R. Free, city editor, Star-
J. F. Sweeney, Mechanics' Trust
William P. Miller, Miller Brothers &
Co., real estate, etc.
Frederick R. Smith, manufacturer.
A. C. Starnm, attorney, agent Olm
sted estate. .
S. S. Eberts, district manager, ami
j SB. Watts, local manager, Bell Tele-
I phone Company of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Croll Keller, druggist.
Flavel L. Wright, general agent,
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
E. P. Ebv, Harrisburg Bag and Box
E. D. Jennings, Jennings Manufac
turing Company. '
D. L. M. Raker, proprietor School of
Dr. S. Z. Shope.
Jacob Miller and S. Kades, of Miller
& Kades, furniture.
Amos Lebo, Commercial Bank.
Harry Lowengard, Courier Jot)
Herman Tausig, o>f J. Tausig's Sons,
A. E. Buchanan, division passenger
agent, Pennsylvania Railroad.
J. P. "Keller, Joseph Poorman, J. H.
.feck Kelley, shoe dealer.
Fred L. Morgenthaler, of Montgom
ery & Co., storage and Peipher Line.
William Strouse, late of the Globe
Clothing House.
Harry Bruaw, of the firm o<f Gohl &
Bruaw, painter contractor*.
1 Robert A. Enders, president Sixth
tNext Saturday our Great Mid-
Winter Sale ends. No extensions of
time, no last minute reprieves. We must empty
every rack of these present season clothes for
men, young men and boys within the next three
And everyone in Harrisburg and vicin
ity—every man, every young man, every man
who buys for men folks or boys—has, as a con
sequence, the greatest clothes-buying opportuni
ty of the last twelve months.
Here are the final week prices—prices
which touch the lowest downward mark of the
season—prices which do their own talking and
THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMOt do not need us to plead in their behalf.
The variety of styles, fabrics and sizes are re
markably complete. All the latest, most authentic styles ; all
the new fabrics —
All $15.00 1 All $20.00 All $25.00
Suits and Suits and Suits and
■ Overcoats, Overcoats Overcoats
$10.75 $14.75 518.7S
v * v -» ' v
All $5.00 SUITS, .. . $3.69 c . S £ k ' goucettines. Crepes, Madras.
All ca CITTTTC qm boisettes, i£.tc., all marked down. Hsvc
r\.il ipo.DU oUllis, . . . you seen our popular
AH $7.50 SUITS,. .. $5.75 SI.OO SHIRTS at. .. 79 cts.
All $8.50 SUITS, ... $6.75 $1.50 SHIRTS at... $1.19
Market St. I PIMM.
Street National Bank.
John Lappley, shoe dealer.
A. D. Mac:Millan, credit rating bu
reau, Harrisburg Chamber of Com
Philadelphia Division—l 22 crew to
go first after 1.20 p. m.: 113, 120,
119, 104, 124, 109, 114, 101,
121, 107, 10S.
for 102, 109, 123, 128.
Firemen for 10S, 114.
Conductors for 116, 122, 126, 128.
f a Day
If this ii your desire, treat jronr
layers right. Don't force them with
. all triads af tonics; help then with
a pare, ■■tritioas Milk Substitute.
1 "FilMhe J
B does aat force; ft helps. A
Write ut for pamphlet
Helaies Seed Company
106-108 S.uth 2mA Street
Flagmen for 102, 133.—-
Brakemen for 102 (2), 104, 107,
• 109, 123, Edg No. 1.
Engineers up: First, Sober, New
comer, Buck, GUllums, Bissinger, Mc-
Cauley, Gibbons, Sellers, Long, Ever
etts, Brubaker, Mauley, Stattler, Den
nison, Welsh, Geesey, Crisswell, Hiud
i man, Albright, Madenford, Kautz,
Sparver, Young, Seitz, Kennedy, Snow,
Firemen up: Everhart, Copeland,
Lantz, Cover, Penwell, Duvall, H. E.
Wagner, Manning, Yentzer, Grove, Gel
singer, Herman Behman, Li'bhart,
Kelcgman, Shive, Collier, McCurdy,
3 Robinson, Brenner, Madenford, Hors
' tick, Kearney, Kreider, I. L. Wagner,
• Moffitt, Gilberg, Ohronister. McNeal,
Whichello, Bleich, Farmer, Balsbaugh.
Conductor up: Ford.
Flagmen up: Mellinger, Witmyer,
' First. . I
- iJrakemen up: Collins, C. M. Mum
i maw, Payne, Allen, Garrett, AlcNaugih
: ton, Desch, Baltoser, Brownwell, File,
Bhultzajberger, Dengler, Brown, Hiv
ner, Mum maw,
Middle Division —l 8 crew to go first
after 1.30 p. m.: 225.
Preference: 3.
Laid off: 20, 26.
Engineer for 18.
I Flagman for 3.
j Engineers up: Knisley, Moore, Free,
Webster, Wissler, Havens, Smith.
Firemen up: Davis, Wright, Ross,
Reeder) Zeiders, Kuntz, Liebau, Sea
grist, Simmons. Fletcher, Potteiger,
Fritz, Drewett, Cox.
Conductors up: Paulj Bberle, Hu
ber, Keys, Gant.
Brake-men up: Fritz, Kohli, Kane,
Kieffer, Peters, Kilgor, Baker, Kerwin,
tPipp, Fleck, Schoffstall, Bickert, Kipp,
Heck, Spahr, Stahl, Reese, Bolan.
Philadelphia Division—2ll crew to
go first after 2.15 p. m.: 239, 218,
209, 235, 228, 225, 226, 201, 213,
216, 224, 221, 214, 230.
Engineers for 209, 211, 213, 216.
Fireman for 211.
Conductor for 216.
Flagmen for 213, 216, 223, 224.
Brakemen for 213, 214, 216, 235.
Conductors up: Shirk, Stouffer, Lo
gan, Flickinger.
Flagmen up: Snyder, Doutrich,
Brakemen up: Mura, Campbell, Man
ley, Knight, Wertz, Arment, Deeps,
McPherson, Walkinsow, Melvhoir, Mum
maw, Twigg, Keller, Shuler, Goudy,
\V'e[st, Shaffner, Cohn.
Middle Division— ll3 crew to go
first after 3.45 p. m.: 120.
Laid off: 117, 110, 112.
12 laid off at Altoona,
Brakeman for 113.
P., H. & P. —After : 20, 4, 2,
16, 17, 19, 7, 11, 23, 10, 5, 6.
East bound —After 2.15 p. m.: 57,
51, 59, 65, 63, 68.
Conductors up: Gingher, Phiiabaum, j
!; Gold Crowns & Sets of 5
!• Bridge Work Teeth il
| $3, $4, $5 | $5 r |
We always make teeth thnt lit. |[J
Come In the morning, get vour !'
], teeth same day. Plates repaired '!
i > on short notice. J,
j: Mack's Painless Dentists jj
SIO Market St.
< * Open UvenißK*.
I .
Hilton, Orris.
Engineers up: Wyre, Morne, Morri
son, Cletz, Crawford, Massimore, Wood, i
Fotrow, Fortney, Middaugh, Bouaiwitz,
Firemen u,p: Nye, Bingaman, Rum
baugh, Dobbins, Chronister, Carl, Ful
ton, Kelly, King.
Brakemen u>p: Shearer, Painter, Kohl,
Holbert, Kapp, Ely, Stephens, Ware,
Hoover, Wynn, Mhader, Grimes.
Yard Crews— Engineers up: Thom
as, Rudy, Houser, Stahl, Swab, Crist,
Saltsman, Kuhn, Snyder, I'eiton, Shav
er, Landis, Beck, Harter, Biever,
Blosser, Breneman.
Firemen up: Bartolet, Getty, Bark
ey, Sheets, air, Eyd, Ney, Myers,
Boyle, Shipley, Crow, Rcvie, Bostdorf,
Schiefer, Rauch,. Weigle, Lackey,
Cookerly, Maeyer, Sholter, Snell.
Engineers for 2660, 14.
Firemen for 2660, 14, 1820.
An Exception
"Pop, is it right to hear both sides
"Of course, my son."
"How about both sides of a bass
j drum, po-p?"—St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
I have made a spe
'■ rial study of Dr. lOhr-
MA ' llch's great discoveries,
HK ■ \ jalvarsan and neosal-
WZfiahlH varsan. I administer
»lther safely and prop-
VKttlj ;rlv. It will pay you
to have an experienced
jUP/ specialist treat you.
I Hundreds of treat
ments given without
any bad effects. Men's
Jlseases and weakness,
;atarrh, kidney, biad
jer and skin diseases.
I DR. mm. ®
.Over the Hui) Bee Rfitauranl^J