The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 17, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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Annual Sale of Black" j
Cheviot Suits
For Men and
Through the co-operation of the makers of these famous "Crow Black"
Cheviot Suits, we have secured a fine lot for our annual sale, when standard
$15.00 suits will be sold at $lO 00
The suits are correctly styled, but not "extreme." They are cut from the
same patterns used by this maker in higher-priced clothing styles that are
in vogue for business, dress and semi-dress wear. In general workmanshin
they equal the finest $15.00 suits made
Every standard Crow Black" suit is guaranteed by the
UU ' maker to be pure wool a lustrous, permanent black. To this
Guarantee guarantee we add our personal assurance of satisfying service
—-—- tsr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Clothing, Second Floor, Rear—Three levators,
Priced Lower I han Usual Thursday Sale of Colored
Are These Linens, Spreads and Black Dress Goods
and Towels Remnants
«" Mi " FBC, ° r} ' «*" " nd l>oai ' „ T f «**' faWic brings
this budget of good styles—for the remnants are from the pieces
Pattern table cloths in round and sq „are designs- that sell—the best patterns and most wanted fabrics.
*1 66X85 lllCheS ' $1.95 J* yards Brocade, value $2.00. Thursday oaly. piece <s»c
Bleached linen table damask, 70 inches wide, yard SQf 4 7 yards Serpe, value $1.25. Thursday only, piece . '
*■ vftrdß i repe, vsluc S2.SJ, Thursday n?il\ ic*
MARSEILLES BED SPREADS 2 yards Granite < loth, value 52.00. Thursday onlv,' pieee iiiT
Handsome Marseilles satin bed spreads a»-| qQ 2 yards Striped l'oplin, value $3.00. Thursday onlv, pieee' »«c
«px.«7o yards Serge, value 51.75. Thursday onlv i>iei><.' «, ...
TURKISH TOWELS , 3 yards Granite Cloth, x'lae $1.50. Thursdav onlv piei-e." !! ! !'. !SI K
Fancy Turkish towels, stripe and check patterns, subject to mill ? yards Wool Taffeta, value $3.00, Thursdav onlv. piece $1 «n
Turkish guest towels in pink, blue and lavender 3 for ! >l valu e a Th,.r?Uv'^l y ?^;ee! e ! e '^7®
Union linen huck towels, white and red borders, 16x34 inches, 191/ <4 j i yards Shepherd Cheeks, value $3.00. ' Thursday only, pieee, ' !
bo,seT tUCh ? d • aDd . h . e T! d . hUC . kaboUt . tOWd . B . . iD . WhUe a " d ® yards
tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. 4s . . . BLACK DRESS GOODS
4 « yards black Panama, value $2.53. Thursday onlv, piece *1.50
— J - • van s , b !I, ' k Granite Cloth, value $3.50. Thursday onlv, piece. *2.05
> ar, * s blnek < rer.e, alue $5.00. Thursday onlv, piece, ....
f 1 T 1 . v ?rds black Panama, value $5.79. Thursiav onlv. niece. '*4 lo
Clearance Ol LaC6 and 5 yards black Minstral (W value $3.75. Thursday only, pieee.
yards black Panama, value $3.25. Thursday only, piece, ....#I.OO
t—i i • •> ii ai i?V i ' va ' ue $2.55. Thursday only, piece, $2.05
bmbroidery Remnants \ * S£zs:ja •• • -g-s
r , v , ai Vt b , I'anamn, value * 3 - 13 - Thursday only, piece, ....
Ijace edges and insertions, all-overs and flouncings in desir- ° Sb Poplin, value $6.25. Thursday only, piece *».oo
able lengths. Special Thursday at half price. Wives, Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor.
Embroidery edges and insertions, all-overs and flouncings,
good lengths. Special Thursday at half price. ' 0
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. baV6 Ott SheetS, PIUoW
Clearance of Water Marked Cases and Muslin
"\X7I * O T» 1 Fme gra(,es (,f supplies entered in the Mill and
W hlte oweaters; oalconv Factory Sale at prices that are below regular. It's economy to
' v f save money on such staples as these goods.
O KJ 45c bleached sheets, 72x90 inches. Mill and Factory Sale price yd :»Oc
Clearance at reduced prices of a small lot of white sweaters ' SlX!, ° ' nChe3 - Mi " " nd I * etory Sale ~rioe' ' yd '' 59c
and white night shirts remaining from the stock in the Men's BLEACHED PILLOW CASES
Store that was damaged by water when the rain ran through 15 f„ V lpath(>d P illow eases - 45x36 inches, hemstitched. Mill and Factory
the skylight roof over the Men s Store. . J* ]e r ,nco - • ■ m
12 /4c bleached pillow cases, 42x36 inches. Mill and Factory Sale price
Women's white coat sweaters in Shaker weaves and light i ■„ . , lOc
weights, roll collar and V-neck styles—these sweaters IQO " ' eat P cases ' 45x36 in e!'ps- Mill an,i Factory Sale price,
were formerly $3.98 and $4.98. Clearance price, ."O i»c
Infants'white sweaters, formerly SI.OO. Clearance IN BLEACHED MUSLIN
orice 39c ?n b K l arh u d J m, " ll , n ' 3 «'" ehM - Mil) and Sale priee. vard, . OV, e
J bleached muslin, 36 inches. Mill and Factory Sale price, yard, .8c
Men's muslin night shirts, slight water marks, formerly muslin. 36 inches. Mill and Factory Sale price, yd 5c
50c. Clearance price, ' J ' « 3 - 6 an< i Fao,or j' Salp «Hc
AT • v.* u- i. i' \.J. i » . «... . unbleached muslin, 06 inches. Mill and Factory Sale price, vd 7c
Men 8 night shirts, light weights, cambric and heavy 10c muriin, 39 inches. Mill and Factory Sale price vd «c
twilled goods, V necks only; formerly SI.OO. Clearance 75- OUTLNA CLOTH
price, JOL» e ~ ,
„ „ 8c light outing cloth. Mill and Factory Sale price, vard «ii,
tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store, Btreet Floor tr n.-o p to
oor ' w Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
By virtue of certain writs of flert
facias, levari facias, liberari facias,
venditioni exponas and alias venditioni
exponas, Issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas and Orphans' Court of
Dauphin County, Pa„ and to me direct
ed, I will expose at Public Sale or Out-
c >;y. at the Court House, In the City
of Harrlsburg, Dauphin County. Pa., on
Thursday. March 11, 1915, at 2 o'clock
p. m„ the following real estate, to wit
No. 1. All those five (5) certain lots
or tracts of land, situate In the bor
ough of Millersburg, Dauphin county,
i Pennsylvania, more particularly de
scribed as follows:
m T r? ct Beginning at a post on
North street, thence along said street
north seventy-seven (77) degrees east
slxtj-six ebb) feet to a post to lot of A
JhiS»A n; ,yiv n S c alonß saJd lot south
inT Hf," « } & e £ r / !es east one hundred
and fift>-ft\e (15o) feet to Spring alley;
thence along said alley south seventy
seven (77) degrees west sixty-six (06)
feet to a post; thence by lot now or for-
Peter McOlaln north thirteen
nil one h «n«'red fifty
nve (loj) feet to the place of beginning.
Having thereon erected two two-and
one-half story doubla frame dwelling
houses, one two-and-one-half story sin
gle frame dwelling house, one two
story frame workshop.
. -J°- 2. All that certain one
half lot of ground. Beginning at a poat
. • -• • •■-.•••• - ■ **» ,■ ■ •.. m -m , ' S|l-
on the south side of North street at
the half lot of which this is a part, and
running along said street north seven
<77> degrees east thirty-three
(33) feet to lot No. 97; thence along said
lots south thirteen (13) degrees east
one hundred and fifty-five (155) feet to
Spring alley; thence along said alley
south ®£ ven t>'-Beven (77) degrees west
ee (33) feet to lot of which
thenc ® along said half lot
north thirteen (13) degrees west one
hundred and fifty-five (155) feet to the
place of beginning. Having thereon
erected two two-and-one-half story dou
ble frame dwelling houses.
ev T^c 1 . No - . 3 - Beginning at a post on
Front street and J'orth street; thence
along' North street east to lot No. 114-
thence along same south one hundred
and fifty-four (154) feet to an alley;
thence along said alley west sixty-six
(66) feet to Front street; thence along
said Street one hundred fifty-four (154)
feet to the place of beginning. Being
lot number 131 In plan of said borough.
Having thereon erected three single
and one double two-and-one-half story
'rame dwelling houses.
Vnr^h Ct «f N °^» 4, Beginning at a point on
North street; thence along said street
south seventy-seven (77) degrees west
thenn?"*? 0 teet t0 Water street;
dngg. a '-°"f same aouth thirteen (13)
tenth.? <-7 n ,"* vp "ty-«evc. n and two
'lP,' ' ee ' to lot No. 146; thence
I north seventy-seven (77)
fpJFi i? . ont! hundred and two (102)
feet to Front street, thence along said
street north thirteen (13) west
seven ty-jeven and two-tenths (77 2)
feet to the place of beginning. HavlVig
thereon erected three single and oil
A Good Well Doesn t Soon Run Dry
Neither Does a Good Furniture
Sale Lose Interest in a Short Time
The Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Furniture Sale, now in its third week,
id interesting an ever. Much furniture has gone out since the
Im!s °P euin g »nd much has come in to replenish the stocks and keep the
J mil evcnt attractive for the later comers. Take these Brass Beds for instance—
X, L the P ri(,es are considerably below what you would have to pay if it were
■SSB—J not for the February sale:—
Brass Beds with 2-inch posts, Colonial design, 10 LIBRARY nmm'nTnr
one-inch filling rods in head and foot, An rt\ Hifr u u_ . , JuBNITIJRE
fancy trimmings. Special at s9*so I ' back • ro :^ eeJ $2.50
Brass Beds with 2-inch posts and top rail, Large overstuffed 7-foot Davenport unholstornd
10 two-inch rods in head and foot. Af J in tapestry. A special value
Special at at $75•00
Silk floss mattresses in one or two Jlft r Solitl mahogany living room chairs and rockers up.
parts Oil .JO bolstered in tapestry, CJ7 Cfk
Roll edge folt mattresses, a leader A, Qr $ mai.ogany' 'rm'.kVrs,' beautiful ftllnr
1 Wt.irU natural finish, fine upholstering Ol l.ifb
tT Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor—Three Elevators.
Combination Soap and Grocery Sale
4 bars Ivory soap 15c) r* r\
1 lb. Record coffee 25c V I l/^-
1 large can tomatoes 10c )
Ivory soap is used in every home and the chance to buy 4 bars for 15c is
offered to-morrow in this combination soap and grocery special.
CANNED GOODS Kippered herring, oval cans, » for Lebanon bologna, lb.. 35c
Fancy shoe peg corn, 3 cans, .. ,33c 25c Cream cheese, lb 25c
Choice early June peas, 3 cans, 2»c Morton slat herring, oval cans, 12c Pimento cheese, lb 27c
Walford pork and beans, 3 cans, 23c Tuna fish <or sali,<ls ' etc-, large cans. Imported roquefort, lb 55c
Gold evaporated milk, 3 large cans, Cream macaroni. 3 pkgs 25c Bnii'jfrt'ooffoV/Vb.,*iX
Dried green peas, lb 8c Puritv coffee, lb., 40c
Fancy plump tenderloin mackerel. Blue rose rice, 3 lbs 25c "Our'favorite" tea, lb. ! !45c
10-lb. pails, $1.13 Pearl tapioca, 3 lbs 25c Senate blend tea, lb 63c
8-lb. pails, OHc Pearl barley, lb 7c: 4 lbs. 25c t r.n/rmr« .
Golden West salmon, tall cans, 12c DELICATESSEN GOODS , • . ANOES
Little neck clams, can, ...... l;lc Dried beef, V 4 lb ,„ c '^ y orfnges, 'down *' ' £
Imported Portuguese sardines, in Minced ham, lb 20c Extra fancv Plnri u
olive oil; large cans 2*c Sugar cured bacon, lb., !!! !! !Sc large sTze! doinff.°^
Mr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement.
double two-and-one-half story frame
dwelling houses.
Tract No. 5. Beginning at a post on
Water street and Spring alley; thence
along said alley north seventy-seven
(77) degrt-es oast one hundred and
twenty-two feet to l-'ront street: thence
along the snme north thirteen (13) de
grees west seventy-seven (77) feet to a
I post at lot No. 145; thence by the same
south one hundred and two (102) de
j greea west one hundred and twenty
i two (122 i feet, more or less to Water
I street; thence along the same south
] thirteen (13) degrees east seventy-nine
(79) feet, being numbered in tlie gen
| eral plan of said borough with the num
j ber 14ti, having thereon erected two
I two-and-one-half story double frame
j dwelling houses.
Sold as the property of J. M. Johnson,
j defendant.
No. 2. All that certain tract or piece
> of ground situate in the Sixth ward of
the City of Harrisburg bounded and de
! scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning
I at a point on the southern line of Har
ris street which point is fifty (50.) feet
least of the southeast corner of Harris
I and Penn streets, being the center of a
I brick partition wall between this and
[adjoining house; thence southwardly
j through the center of said brick parti-
I tion wall of this and adjoining house
ninety-two (02) feet mere or less, to
I the northern line of a four-feet-wide
| private alley; thence eastwardlv along
j the northern line of said four feet wide
< private alley twenty-one (21 > feet more
or less, to the western line of a three
feet wide private alley; thence north
wardly a<long the western line of said
three feet wide private alley ninety-two
(92) feet more or less to the southern
line of Harris street; thence westwardly
along the southern line of said Harris
street twenty-one (21) feet to a point,
the place of beginning, having thereon
: erected a three-story brick dwelling
house, numbered 213 said Harris street,
; together with the right to use the four
feet wide private alley in the rear of
i said lot, and the three feet wide prl-
I vate alley on the eastern line of said I
lot In common with the owners and I
j occupiers of other property abutting
! thereon.
Sold as the property of Levi G. Mar
, tin, Annie E. Martin and Clifford
Thompson Martin and Edgar L. Martin,
; terre tenants, defendants.
! No. 3. All that certain tract or piece
j of land, situate in the borough of Mil
. lersburg. Dauphin county, Pennsylva
| Ilia, bounded and described as follows;
j Bounded on the north by the northernly
I bank of Shippen Run; on the east by
' Market street, as laid out by said bor
lough; on the south by a public highway;
, on the west by the traeks of the North
| ern Central Railway Company. Contaln
i ing In front on the said Market street,
i about t'hree hundred (300) feet, more
! or less, and In length or depth, to the
. Northern Central Hallway land, about
one hundred (100) feet, more or less.
I Docally known as a part of the "Dyer
! Mill" property. Together with all and
, singular the appurtenances thereunto
j belonging; a railway siding connected
j with the Northern Central Railway
tracks, and any water rights pertain
ing to or relating to the premises con
nected with the use of Shippen Run by
the Railway Company, and any other
rights or appurtenances thereunto be
longing. Thereon erected a two-story
frame dwelling house, large factory
building and a warehouse.
Sold as the property of the Dykens
valley Construction Company, the de
No. 4. All that certain piece of land
situate In the City of Harrisburg, for
merly In the township of Swatara, In
i the County of Dauphin and State of
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows, viz: Beginning at a point on the
southern line of Rudy street, one hun
dred (100) feet distant In a westerly di
rection from the western line of Twen
tieth street, and running thence in a
southerly direction, parallel with Twen
tieth street, one hundred (100) feet to
Dong alley; thence in a westerly direc
tion along the northern line of Dong
alley, twenty (20) feet to a point; thence
in a northerly direction parallel with
I Twentieth street one hundred (100) feet
to Rudy street; thence In an easterly
direction along the southern line of
Rudy street, twenty (20) feet to place
< i ß J, t i nl ? R \„T he sarne being lot No.
, : , **lock E > as shown on a plan of !
I lots laid out by Josiali A. Dunkle and
Joseph B. Ewing, known as "East End i
Plan No. 2,' which plan is recorded in i
office for the recording of deeds In Dau- .
phin county, In Plan Book "A," page 8!) .
Having thereon erected a two-story i
frame dwelling house. ,
Being the same premises which Amos i
Dunkle. et ux„ by their deed dated Feb- i
ruary 8, 1901, granted and conveyed i
unto Adam Heck, party hereto, which ;
said deed Is recorded in the Recorder's
Dauphin county, In Deed Book i
Ti Vol. 10, page 40, Sold as the prop
erty of Adam Fleok, mortgagor, I P
Bowman, adm'r estate of Adam Fleck'
deceased; Caitharlne Ann Meek, widow <
Margaret Palmer, and Emma J. Fleck
(minor), real owners, defendants*.
No. 5. All that certain lot or piece of
anil situate In the City of Harrlsburg,
Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows, to wit:
Beginning at the northwest corner
of North Third and Maclay street,
thence west w-ardly along the northern,
line of Maclay street one hundred and
nineteen (119) feet to line of land of
John U L* Kuhn; thence northwardly
along said line twenty-six (26) feet to
line of property No. 2102 North Third
treet; thence eastwardly along said line
through the center of the partition wall
between said property and property
herein described one hundred nineteen
(119) feet to North Third street; thence
southwardly along said Third street
twenty-six (26) feet to the place of be
ginning. Thereon erected a three-story
brick dwelling house No. 2100 North
Third street. It being the same prem
ises which John L. I A Kuhn and wife,
by deed dated the 28th day of November,
A. D. 1910, and recorded in the Record
er's Office in and for Dauphin county,
in Deed Book "H," Vol. 14. page 425,
granted and convoyed unto William O.
Miller, his heirs and assigns.
Hold as the property of William O.
Miller, Carrie M. Miller, Executrix of
last will of William O. Miller, deceased.
Carrie M. Miller, widow and life tenant
of William O. Miller, deceased, Karl
Wise Miller, Emory Roy Miller and Wm.
;l\,P ehrett ' guardian for John Russell
Miller, a minor, real owners, being the
executrix, widow and life tenant and
heirs at law of Wm. O. Miller, deceased,
No. 6. All that certain lot or piece of
land, situate in the Eleventh ward of
the ( Itj- of Harrlaburcr. iii the County
of Dauphin, State of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows to
Beginning at the northeast corner of
'font and Delaware streets, and run
ning thence in a northerly direction
, along North Front street one hundred
and five (105) feet to a point at the
line of other lands now or late of How
ard M. Bird; thence In an easterly direc
tion along the line of said last men
tioned lands, one hundred and ninety--
four and two-tenths (1!)4.2) feet to a
twenty (20) feet wide alley; thence in
a southerly direction along the western
line of said twenty (201 feet wide alley
one hundred and five (105) feet to said
Delaware ; thence In a westerly
direction along the northern line of said
Delaware street one hundred and nine
ty-four and two-tenths (11(4.2) feet to
place of beginning.
For title and building restriction see
deed of Henry Schuddemage and wife
to Howard M. Bird recorded in Deed
Book G," vol. 14, page 519, etc.
Sold as the property of Howard M.
Bird, defendant.
No 7. All that certain lot or piece of
ground with the messuage erected
thereon, situated in the City of Harris
burg, County of Dauphin, State of Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as fol
lows, to wit:
Beginning at the corner of Short
street and Cranberry avenue; thence
running along Short street to the prop
erty of Barbara Crouse, fifteen (15)
feet, more or less; thence parallel with
Cranberry avenue sixty-six (66) feet,
to a two (2) feet and six (6) Inch wide
alley used In common with E. Moeslein,
Barbara Crouse and Kate Sherger*
thence parallel with Short street fifteen
(lo) feet, more or less, to Cranberry
avenue; thence along Cranberry ave
nue, sixty-six (66) feet to the' place
of beginning. Being part of the lot No.
280 In the General Plan of the Borough
of Harrlsburg. Having thereon erected
a. three-story brick building known as
114 Short- street.
Sold as the property of Lena G
Cohen, defendant.
No. 8. All that certain lot or piece of
land situate in the City of Harrisburg
County of Dauphin, Pa., bounded and
described as follows, t<} wit:
Beginning at a point on the south
side of South street at the line of land
now or formerly of H. F. Qulckel'
thence westward along the south side
of South street eighteen feet, more or
less, to the center of the party wall be
tween houses numbered 703 and 705
South street; thence southward through
the center of said party wall llfty
seven feet six inches, more or less to
a point; thence eastward fifteen feet
eight Inches, more or less, to said prop
erty of H. I*. Quickel; and thence in a
northern direction along said Quickel
property forty-eight feet, more or less
to South street and the place of begin
ning. it having thereon erected a 3-
" tor y J ,r ' ck dwelling house known as
No. <OS South street.
Sold as the property of Fannie Ep
stein, defendant.
No. 9. All tbat certain tract or par
cel of land situate In the City of Har-
i risburgr, Dauphin county, Fa., bounded
and described as follows:
Heginning at a point on the eastern
line of Green street 17 feet and 6 inches
south of the southeast corner of Green
f and Granite streets; thence eastwardlv
« ft!- u* an &leH with Green street
L n U !fv # . center of a brick partition
wall SS feet, more or less, to a 3-feet
r wide private alley; thence southwardly
' the western line of said alley
\ .1 feet and G inches, more or less, to
I land now or late of Oeorge E. Cooper:
th fn c e westwardly along the line of
said Cooper land at right angles with
> Green street S7 feet, more or less to
1 l*reen street; thence northwardly- along
\ the eastern line of Green street'2l feet
™ C I b lnch <r s , to the place of beginning.
J.V.tifi being a three-story brick
i dwelling house, No. 1709 Green street.
> M,! 2 a . th s Property of William H.
t Myers, defendant.
1 i •,. A " that 06r tain lot or piece
' of the <' S - M atC f I'l th< ; Thirteenth Ward
• ?, , , Clt > of Harrlsburg, County of
, Dauphin, and .State of Pennsylvania
' , k " OWn «
'St 3 "J 1 * 8, Insyl nsy van ' a ' and bound.
, ed and described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the north
ern side of Swatara street thirty (30)
; \lne.e»n l h' ar ? ? m - l ,. he w « s tern iine of
Nineteenth street; thence along Swa
; ff- a wes terly direction fif
teen (I.>) feet, more or less, to the mld
-180" and" l P sni l I" 0 ", Wa " houses
. ISO. and 1804 bwatara street (formerly
' street') 1 184 H and 'SwatarL
, street). Thence by a line running
through the middle of said partition
Ji(ut .northerly direction, one hun
dred (100) feet to L«ong alley: thence
along said alley in an easterly direction
fifteen feet to a point in the middle of
Plan Vooo f . " P " ln Ea «t End
. n No, thence by a line nirnMp-i
A S "i ici 2? cond na, ned line and in a
f»eV t "V,. ration one hundred (100)
fnt tl Place of beginning. Hav
ing thereon erected and now being a
house ° ne ~ half ?t°ry frame dwelling
house, now numbered ISO 4 Swatara
te^Vl. t^.Tffle? > f fe^t? o# -
to S be 2 sol<fby t,,ken lnt ° execut ion and
Sh yfih^ S l9?5 fflce ' Harrla burg, February
Conditions of Sale—The highest anrt
best bidder to be the buyer.
Terms—The purchaser shall be re
° iP ay <50.00 of the amount of
his bid when the proDertv shall hou»
ahnv \ r l oc i £(!( ' *° * :, m under $500.00*
v amount ten per cent on the
purchase money, and the residue
the confirmation of sale by the Court
If the purchaser fails to comply with
'e»nbi r nt S h < K nnlt* th 6 propert y will be
A. C. Young Buys Livingston Farm and
Will Ssll It Off in Lots
A. C. Young, who has laid out and
built up several suburban residential
districts, has purchased the Anson Liv
ingston farm, adjoining Knola, and will
sub-divide and sell it off in lots, plots
and acres.
The Livingston farm has been in
possession of the Livingston family for
several generations and is nicely locat
ed for building purposes.
It is within one block of tie Bnola
loop of the Valley Railway's trolley
line and withlin two blocks of the
Marysville line.
Water mains will be put in and oth
er improvements mado as soon as ar
rangements can be made to have the
work done. Mr. Young will develop the
tract with characteristic energy and no
doubt it will soon be built up and be
come an important part of Enola.
An Important Point
A city girl was taking a course in
an agricultural college. After a lecture (
on 'I How to Increase the Milk
Flow" she rose for a question.
"How long," she blushingly in
quired, "must one beat a cow before
she will give whipped cream?"— Judge.
Strassburg Cathedral's Clock
Tho clock in Strassburg cathedral is
twelve or fifteen feet high and about
nine fee* wide. Its front is adorned
with rather dim decorations and cut
up into various nooks, crannies, pigeon
holes and galleries for , fcne different
automations whose performances have
given the clock its worldwide fame.