10 SGL HOUSEHOLD M TALKS Henrietta D. Grauel Lactic Buttermilk When sweet milk or cream is left standing long enough to sour many lises are found for it in cooking and baking and when once one has baked with sour milk they long to do it often. With use of lactic tablets one can convert sweet milk into delicious but termilk, sour milk and similar articles iu a few moments. The best point of this is that acid milk obtained under this method is pure and wholesome. More pure than if it had turned sour after standing, for it has had no time to become contaminated. Add one lactic acid tablet or junket tablet to fttch quart of milk or cream and set it aside until it is curdled. To make cottage cheese, separate the whey from the curd by putting the whole into a cheese-cloth bag and letting it drain. And by the way, this whey that drains from the curd is an excellent drink containing wholesome acids and it is frequently recommended by doc tors. Work any excess water from the curd, just as one works butter. Add a little cream and salt to season. Buttermilk tablets are used for mak ing buttermilk, one tablet to each quart of sweet milk. The beverage so obtained is very good though not so fine as the real article. If you have milk or milk and cream that has turned only slightly sour you can produce a buttermilk that is de licious by merely whipping the liquid with a Dover egg-beater until it shows a quantity of foam. This method was KfEP URIC ACID 01)1 f JOINTS Tells Rheumatism Sufferers to Eat Less. Meat and Take Salts Rheumatism is easier to avoid than to cure, states a well-known authority. We are advised to dress warmly; keep the feet dry; avoid exposure; eat less meat, but drink plenty of good water. Rheumatism is a direct result of eat ing too much meat and other rich foods that produce uric acid which is absorbed into the blood. It is the function of the kidneys to filter this acid from the blood and cast it out in the urine; the pores of the skin are also a means of freeing the blood of this impurity. In damp and chilly cold weather the skin pores are closed thus forcing the kid neys to do double work, they become weak and sluggish and fail to eliminate the uric acid which keeps accumulating and circulating through the system, eventually settling in the joints and muscles causing stiffness, soreness and pain called rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheumatism get from any pharmacy about four ounces of .Tad Salts; put a tablespoon fill in a glass of water and drink before breakfast each morning for a week. This is said to eliminate uric acid by stimulating the kidneys to normal ac tion, thus ridding the blood of these impurities. .Tad Salts is inexpensive, harmless and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia and is used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are subject to rheumatism. Here vou have a pleasant, effervescent lithia-water drink which helps overcome uric acid and is bene ficial to your ki'dnevs as well.—Adv. What Have Y Why not convert into cash articles for which you have no use. You may have just the thing that someone else is seeking and anxious to purchase. You ask, "HOW CAN I DO THIS?" The ques tion is easily answered. Place a "For Sale or Ex change" ad in the classified columns of THE STAR INDEPENDENT—Then watch the RESULTS. Again and again we are told that ads in our classi fied columns are effective. TRY THEM Bell Phone 3280 Independent 245 or 246 It's Cheaper to Smoke Moja 10c Cigars ed with the delay in handling the Union Station project by several of the Aldermen. couldn't get a fair considera tion of an ordinance that would make dollars out of 50-cent pieces for the city, ' commented Alderman Geiger. "There's too much politics being play ed. '' SHOT PROVES FATAL TO BOY Bullet Lodging in Lung Causes Hemor-! rhage Twelve Hours Later M-arysville, Feb. 17.—A hemorrhage resulting from a bullet wound in the lung, which he received Monday, proved fatal to Clarence Fahnestock, 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Oharles FaSinestock, at his home here at 3 o 'clock this morning. The accident occurred when Clar ence and his younger brother found a 32-calibre revolver. When the revol ver was discharged the bullet entered Clarence's breast, cutting the skin of the heart and penetrating his left lung, lodging in the skin close to the back bone. BOY DEAD FROM SHOT Harry Heller, Aged 14. of Clinton. Vic tim of Accident Flemington, N. J., Feb. 17. Harry Hc'iler, 14 years old, of 'Clinton, was found along the South branch of the river on the outskirts of Clinton, aibout. 8.30 o'clock Monday night, with a bul let in his head and a revolver clutcihed in his hand. He was hurried to the office of Dr. A. H. Coleman, where he died a few minutes later without re gaining consciousness. During the afternoon Heller went for a walk along the river and was shooting at a mark with the revolver. He was probably examining the weapon when it went off. Actress Tells Secret A Well-Known Actress Tells How She Darkened Her Gray Hair and Promoted Its Growth With a Simple Home Made Mixture Miss Blanche Rose, a well-known ! actress, who darkened her gray hair with a simple preparation which she ! mixed at home, in a recent interview at Chicago, 111., made the following statement: "Any lady or gentleman can durken their gray hair and make it soft and glossy with this simple recipe, which they can mix at home. To a half pint of water add 1 oz. of bay rum, a small box of Barbo Com pound, and }/i oz. glycerine. These ingredients can be bought at any drug store at very little coat. Apply to the hair twice a week until it becomes the required shade. This will make a gray haired person look 20 years younger. It is also fine to promote the growth j of hair, relieves itching and scalp hu- j mors and is excellent for dandruff and I falling hair." —Adv. Cumberland Valley Railroad In Effect May 2«. 1914. Trains l.eave llarrlaburs— For Winchester and Martlnsburc, at 5.03, *7.50 a. m„ *3.40 p. m. For Hagerstown, Chanibersburg and iuteimeiilate stations, at *5.03, *7.50 • J 1.6 aa. in.. *3.40. 6.32, *7.40. 11.oj p. m. Additional trains for Carlisle and Uechanlcsburg at 9.48 a. m.. 2.18, 3.27. ti. 30. a. -40 D. m. For Dillsburg at 5.03, *7.50 and *ll.fi| a. m„ 2.18. '3.40, 5.32, 6.30 m. •Dally. All other trains dally oxcen' Sunday. J H. TONOK. H. A. IUDDL.K. G. P. A. a apt. <£• »j> •>»;«»;«<« ►> •> »;« «j« •> ►;« »> •> »> **♦> $ »>«s• »>»;«<• »> ♦> »i« ♦> »>•>»> «9 DOEHNE BEER | A Brewery construction which admits of perfect * | cleanliness of floors, walls and ceilings. Perfect ven- | | tilation and equipment. Best and purest Malt, Hops * t and Ingredients. $ * Skilled Brewmaster—Proper Management | T 1 High-grade products * | ULuULI | BEER ALE * DOEhNE ! i Bell 826 Order It Independent 318 * ) CAN'T FIND DANDRUFF "* j Every bit of dandruff disappears after one or two applications of Danderine rubbed well into the scalp with the fin der tips. Get a 25-cent bottle of Dan derine at. any drug store and save vonr hair. After a few applications vou can't find a particle of dandruff or anv falling hair, and the scalp will never itch.— Adv. I Liquor Election Every Four Years Jefferson City, Mo., Feib. 17,_\ bill providing for an election 011 State wide prohibition every four years was ! introduced in the lower house of the Missouri Legislature yesterday. COITIT OF COMMON PI.HAS NO. • COUNTY Of PHILADELPHIA. December Term. 1010. 4799, t SAMUKI. ItEA. Trustee. PENNSYLVANIA CA.NAL OOMPANT et «1. NOTICE. tbustke's foreclosure salb OF ALL THE ESTATE. lIKAL AND I'BR.SOM AL. RIIiHTS AND I'ItIVIUOUKS WHATSO EVER OF THE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL COMPANY. PiimujH to decree of the Court of Common rie.is So. o, for Philadelphia Uouoty, ma le in im.« J i-aw November 15, 1013. n aaunded October 10, 1914. Samuel Hen, Suh»titut £{ i lß?' f* tHSr« er J h 1 mortgage given and exeeut fo uirJ' 10,I 0, b 4 y l>ll,, *>' v an]a Canal Company Lom,)a e r » as original tiuaiec. t<» lts bontla to the XSn55 ?f/W'WtyOOO, of the dcnoinluatitin of sl.- arn'.imt nf « j i nil./Uirl ' bowls to tll« finnaiH ,-I L !? ~re outstanding due and fi?i? AS? YJ 1 « ? c ? au,t Wi,, » m,lJe when they !f 'S i M i ial S ~r9t d »> of July. 1910. Will sell at i uhllo Auction, at 12 o'clock nOi»n. at l. r »2I Anrfi ?* B tl r i e r et ' » >h,,ado,DhlH - 00 Wedneada •. Si. kL »: the properties. right* and i>riTi lef» n hereinafter briefly deacritied, reference boinz " l(l for a full deserlpilon. on the conditions and term* of sale hereinafter aet forth. I'ROI*KRTIKS TO BK SOLD. 1.&.V portion, being about d 71-100 miles la length, of the Wjomln* Division of the Canal e*- wn,.. 8 i. fr '" n Northampton stieet. in the Cltjr of WUkej-Itaw. to the eastern boundary of that por tion of the Canal which was conveyed by the Canal o?* , l Qn.. lT l jr i E ' 1 au#er |,y d <* (b.) Such right as the Canal Co. may hate to reconstruct and maintain the lam acrota th? neat Branch of the Susquehanna River n-ar Montgomery, in the County of Lv.om'ng, ..n| known as the Muncy Dam. and the portion of the »eat Branch Division of the canal, about on* mile In length, contlgtiouM to the tdte of the said dam. extending from a point 400 feet Bastwardly measured along the South property line <-f said Canal from the Intersection of said prck Bouse lot at Lock No. 10. in the l\.wn*hip or Montgomery. County of together dam r 'Sbt to flood certain landa above said k % Qt . , PBrt « f the Portion of the Wert Branch Division of the Canal in Snyder County extending from SeUnsgrove railroad bridge to the former site of Fenn's Creek Aqueduct, a dis tance of about 3 3-10 miles, which was regerveil to the Canal Company in its deed to the Northern Central Connecting Railroad Company, dated Oc tober 24. 1903- and recorded in Snyder Co.. In Miscellaneous Bonk No. 6. page 378 a td.) That portion baring a length of about 50 feet of the Juniata Division of the Canal at Jiiinata Junction. Dauphin County, encoding frons the hastwnrd boundary of the Canal as conve>e